#like the photo doesnt do it justice the sun was actually really big
smudgedeyeshadow · 1 year
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the sunset looking across the Delaware Bay today
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escaronarts · 7 years
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ETSY STORE  II FACEBOOK II INSTAGRAM I realized I never showed this guy on here although hes been finished since february. I blame my busy schedule and the fact that its way easier to be on instagram and FB so thats where I lurk and upload everything nowadays. Hehe ^^; But let me introduce you to Eroth the shaman. A extremely wise, caring, magic wielding being. Creator of dreams, protector of nature and life. And yes I WILL upload pics of his whole self later, when Ive got time.... ehehehe. XD But for now you can at least lay your eyes on his face when he gazes into the setting sun. He do LOVE to do that. For hours and hours.... I tell him he will go blind but he doest care. Eroth was suppose to be for sale but... something happened along the way and he grew more and more attached to me, sitting in my sofa drinking tea while I work, following me around, even if he can dematerialize, yes he is a spirit being. And tho this artdoll form of him is small his real self is over 2,5 meters (over 8 feet). He became my guide of sorts and so I simply cant depart with him. And his artdoll is be best Ive ever made, maybe I only think that cause Im so attached to him, or maybe something magical actually is going on. Sometime it feels like I havnt created him at all, that someone else must have done it cause I cant make something like him. But I have, havnt I? :D Doesnt matter really, all that matters is that he is here to stay. <3 Speaking of me not showing him to you in all these months. I also know that one big thing that keep me from it is because no photos do him justice, he cant be captured, Ive tried over and over and over and it simply is a fail every time. Sure as a traditional artist of 3D sculptures Ive learnt that no pic will ever show my works fairly, thats just it, doing what I do I have to live with that frustration BUT if all my other works give me frustration, Eroth give me frustration x 1000! I want you to SEE him, cause he deserves to be seen, we are talking about an artdoll that everytime I pick him up I get the biggest urge to put my nose agains his (dont ask me why, Im totally baffled myself, I never behave like this with my creations in any other case). Dont get me wrong, I dont try to brag about how well Ive made a doll, not at all, Im speaking of the fact that this dude, his soul, whatever it is, pull me in completely. Theres something EXTREMELY special with this guy, not my doll of him, but he himself, I cant tell you what it is, but its something.... magical and very strong. And I wanna show you that, at least a small part of it, but it wont work, so I guess I simply have to let it go and upload the pics Ive got anyway. Or... at least maybe around 4-8 of the over 1000 pics Ive snaped to try capture him.  XD Anyway, he is all handmade by me (I think? XP), fully posable, face, hands, feet and horns sculpted. Painted with acrylics. Fur is the softest of fauxfur that Ive trimmed. His earrings and headpiece are made of peacock feathers and are removable. Hes got a belt that is also handmade and removable. And a staff all handmade and removable, along with other jewelry - all handmade. But these things you will see when I upload a fullbody photo. So stay tuned for that! :la: Art © 2017 Linda @Escaron Lundqvist all rights reserved
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nuhler-f-blog · 6 years
Day 2: Bangkok… The Centre Eludes But The Skyline Trains Will Take You To Places.. Most Places – Just It seemed not the centre.
  The question that remained to be answered – so how do you get from where we are, to where other stuff is? the more central set of sights that might come with the actual centre of a city such as this. It was a question that was also actively being asked, though i wasn’t sure why. Not the question, it was a question that occupied my thoughts also, the asking though. I’d not been here before and knew as much as anyone else about the city and area in our group of two. I had not settled on an answer, it wasn’t clear that there was a clear answer.  We were on the green train line, it was not going anywhere helpful, it intersected with a dark green line which went the wrong way (heading off unnecessarily south from a centre of town locating perspective) .. it also intersected with a light blue line that seemed to adopt a slightly more on point trajectory but ended at a place that seemed to come without onward connections.
It looked – unclear – a situation that seemed in itself an oddity – the main form of mass transport avoiding any thought of moving toward the centre.
Anyway the start of the day ought to mean the first visit to the favoured spot to see the morning in – that rather delightful if not overly large rood top pool.
Something had happened – the photo doesnt do justice to what had happened – the white parts failed to conceal in any way a number of messages.   First – that they were at one time part of the short which had been white.. Second – that they (and by drawing attention their neighbouring blue parts) were no longer the tones and colours the manufacturer had intended .. The third and arguably more fundamental part – this change was not an act of sun or washing machine but some organic act of browning.  Browning of the shorts is probably the most problematic of all the discolourations – especially when it has such an earthy and organic hue to it.  A frenzied cleaning effort with shower gel and the shower could only salvage so much of the shorts dignity – still on the plus side if whatever it was wouldn’t come out under such duress  and effort filled scrubbing it probably wouldn’t just sift away like an errant tea bag when adorned in the pool.  All that remained was to hope that no audience existed to see and to form errant conclusions.
Away from the pool and back on efforts to escape the Hotel:
Trains that avoid the centre (art) – and they’re planning to stop providing paint with windows..!!
The trains had a dispersion pattern, as near as i was guessing the central part, the part with the characteristics of a big cities centre, was located somewhere within the red circle bit – i doodled it above because i had the time and inclination to do so some significant time after the fact.  The train when to the green circles …
[Green Circle Number 1 – quite far to the south]
[Green Circle number 2 – not really connected to anywhere much] &
[Green Circle number 3 – so far north as to escapes being drawn on the map, by being too far out to make it onto the map]
Attempting Something With The Vaguely Familiar Trains :
We headed out, not really to discover the centre, more simply to get out and discover whatever it was that might reveal itself through the act of not being inside the hotel.
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Having wondered through some streets and not found food, we ended up at a Canal.  There was what looked like a hair dressers or possibly a pedicure type place, only the workers were outside and on passing made manual interception efforts to gain custom.
This rendered it less clear for me that this was a hair dressers – not that this impacted overly, i had no interest in my dishevelled but already short hair being cut, no intention of having my nails moderated.. so all service offerings were equal and polite continuing on our way was achieved.
On the canal boats roared and splashed past, not small boats, reasonable sized boats clearly designed for passengers and travelling at times at fair old pace.  Not as much pace as the noise and splashing might suggest but attention drawing none the less.
    Photographs dont really do justice but there was a reason why the last of these was taken in a dull large roads underpass / beneath a sizeable bridge.. Shade.  We were warm, hungry and despite leaving the hotel with very limited intentions we’d definitely walked a fair bit further than them.  Heat and fatigue had set in, they were not unrelated.  We were basically back around the corner of our hotel by the time we finally found food and it came with something more glorious even than the prospect of eating, it came with Aircon.
This thing above – its a lie .. the good thing about it, you know its a lie.  We have been taught such thing well by any ready meal from any shop .. if it were to be shared by the people it suggested then aggressive untoward times would break out.
Pretty Welcome –  Evidently Not Suitable For Sharing
Green line seems probable – further travel along the red line.. not clear (big reveal – turns out not)
Then there was the river, which clearly led the right way, assuming a correct interpretation of the pink bit (Rattanakosin)  as being the centre.  The trouble with these was no familiarity, how to find their stations, where did they actually go to, how do you pay for them … all things that were comfortable knowns with the BTS Skytrain..
For all the looking it appeared with the trains i had a problem, there was no one else about to help, so if i could find them, work out how to catch one and pay for the ride, maybe i could travel by canal boat ..
what did it say about this thought about where the central parts of town were, that this was also the one patch of city studiously avoided by the skyline train.. surely that raised some justifiable doubt about that base premise that sat behind these travel non-plans for the day.. maybe the centre was elsewhere, somewhere where the trains went.. A conclusion was needed or the day would evaporate in the midst of confounded map re-gazing and befuddled guide flicking.
It looked like there was some sort of stop near Ratchathewi station (one station along from where we were and where we had gone out for dinner the previous night) and that it should then go at least get me to a stop called Panfa Leelard, perhaps even further, it looked like the canal flowed on to the main river.. maybe the ferry would go all that way, i wasn’t clear.
Perhaps there was an advantage to reading up thoroughly on places in advance.  We had those guidebooks we had been gifted and were always in tow, but even with the context of being in places, conclusions were not forthcoming… Advanced reading up on things, it seems like something that ought to work but doesnt seem too, though not convinced ive ever actually tried it.
With that uncertainty and lack of complete plan readied i opted simply to head out, with altered expectations about heat and distance.. i would put my head down that bit more and just go that bit further and then hopefully that bit further still, until such time as i arrived at somewhere.  The good thing about being so close to a skyline train station was a taxi or a tuk tuk would always be able to return me to my point of origin, if other more exploratory efforts failed – safety net.
Maps of Bangkok
Wiki Bangkok maps
Some guided clips from the ferry canal boat – the narrator/host for this trip may well be a German man.
Bangkok – Sky Trains and attempting excursions Day 2: Bangkok... The Centre Eludes But The Skyline Trains Will Take You To Places.. Most Places - Just It seemed not the centre.
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