#like she has a certain kind of sexiness that is usually reserved for male characters
eatingcandlesticks · 3 years
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Literally you cannot imagine my euphoria when I first watched hellsing (2001) and integra was introduced and obviously looks and sounds very androgynous and I was like „damn I wish we had female characters like that but I guess I‘ll keep dreaming“ bc these particular types of characters are usually exclusively male and I was ready to be disappointed but then it was revealed she was ACTUALLY A WOMAN! I wanted to scream what a blessing
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a-dope-fiend · 2 years
Integra has a certain kind of sexiness that is usually reserved for male characters if you get what i mean? Her character design screams a certain era of long haired bishie boy and then she talks and you’re like omg. girl. girl who looks like a boy who looks like a girl.
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