#like saying you’re vegan and anti-feminist…. shut the fuck up
vegautistic · 4 months
I feel like the ideas of veganism intersect so readily with other forms of activism, that it becomes a special kind of hypocrisy to advocate against them.
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I find this stupid
I find it stupid that America is more willing to ban a gun emoji than actual guns. 
I find it stupid that we all pay so much money for nuclear weapons that with all that money we could pretty much end world hunger.  I find it stupid that we don’t have any problem with keeping cigarettes legal but marijuana is the devil’s lettuce and should be banned forever in the eyes of the government. 
I find it stupid that while on the topic of cigarettes, why are they still legal? We probably pay a lot of money for them that could go to cancer research
I find it stupid that everyone sees prison rape as a norm, you can go to prison for a fuckton of dumb reasons and even if you harmed someone, rape is always horrible and should be seen as such. 
I find it stupid that everyone understands what is happening in the middle east is wrong, but no one does any fucking thing about it.  I find it stupid that people only do charity things to put on a CV or University applications instead of actually trying to help them.  I find it stupid that on a similar note: people donate to charities that they know nothing about just to give themselves a pat on the back cause they’re a “good person” that did a “good deed”
I find it stupid that people use insults like “gay” or “autistic”. Those are fucking adjectives be a little creative, you liquorice flavoured seaweed. Especially when you say autistic as a synonym for stupid like listen up, drips of slime on a toad, Einstein was autistic. Albert fucking Einstein, the guy who discovered the theory of relativity as well as tons of other stuff BECAUSE he was autistic. As for gay meaning weak, a lot of gay guys try to be more muscular because they are attracted to men and not wimpy couch potatoes like those that use it as an insult. I bet those same people jerk off to Sheldon Cooper, a gay autistic character, on The Big Bang Theory to make themselves feel smarter. 
I find it stupid that people won’t shut up about their religion. 
I find it stupid that people won’t shut up about being an atheist. 
I find it stupid that people won’t shut up about being a feminist. 
I find it stupid that people won’t shut up about being anti-feminist. 
I find it stupid that people care so much about other people’s lives. If someone feels better as a certain gender identity, regardless of chromosomes, then WHO THE FUCK CARES? I’m cis and I don’t give a shit, all I care about is if you’re nice to me. If someone wants to be vegan ,and I mean when they don’t tell you until it’s relevant, then why give a shit? If someone wants to eat meat, why give a shit?
I find it stupid that people bully others to feel better about themselves, why does that even work? Surely then you feel like crap cause you were mean to someone. So why not just go to therapy?  I find it stupid that America bases 99.9% of its laws on their constitution which was written by a bunch of old dudes that owned slaves.  I find it stupid that racism is still a thing. 
I find it stupid that we say anything is racist when it’s not. 
I find it stupid that a bunch of lgbt people have become anti-straight people and a bunch of black people have become anti-white people. EQUALITY. EQUALS. Nothing but equal. EQUAL EQUAL EQUAL.  I find it stupid that there will probably be a part 2 of this cause I'm tired and idiots are everywhere. GOODNIGHT BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE. 
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