#like looking back i rememberd telling my sister exactly this words
persephoneflouwers · 1 year
I can’t believe i cried over the whole “I’ll see you when the time is right” thing cuz I thought we won’t be seeing him for a long time the way everyone was being so dramatic at the last show tbh I should’ve know jdkgdfh
You’ve just been azoffed/robstringered HARRIED!
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littlemisssquiggles · 5 years
Whit-ty Headcanons: Whitley and Penny
yellow-eyed-green-crocodile asked :
Beta Testers/Broken Machines headcanon: Jacque goes to a bussiness meeting to the Atlas Military to discuss how they'll buy more Dust from him for thus new project, and he brings Whitley with him. There, they are shown Penny, who is put back together, but is deactivated, and then they are shown lines of new milotary robots being produced, all based on Penny, but "improved". Then, the guide activates Penny, in order to show them a short example of how the new robots will behave and fight.
Jacque isn't as interested in roboth fighting as he is interested making money, but Whitley, from the moment he first set eyes on Penny, he couldn't take them away from her. He felt like he was seeing a part of himself in her, even if it was just a broken machine. Or maybe this is just what he was himself. When she was brought back to life in front of them, she said her catchphrases "Salutations!" and "I'm combat ready!", but in a tone full of hopelessness. Whitley could barely take it.
(I feel like I'm writing a full-on fanfic at this point) He wanted to go up to her and give her consolation. It was the first time that he ever felt that way in years. The last time he rememberd feeling empathy was when he saw Weiss crying after a show that she performed, back when they were just toddlers. Whitley refrained himself from showing any emotion in front of his father. They were on a bussiness trip, after all. But, ever since then, he continued to visit the facility,
Under the pretense that he was interested in learning things for the sake of the future of the SDC , but he actually just went to look at Penny some more. Maybe he liked seeing someone in a situation just like his or maybe he truly fell in love with a robot. The thought amused him. This is how he would spend his weekends, when he had free time between his lessons. What do you think? I think I'll make this into a fanfic and post the link on my blog. I'll tag you, if you want.
miki-13 asked:
Please don't let one bad apple ruin the experience of Broken Machines/Beta Testers, squiggles! It's thanks to your art that I've jumped on the ship train as well; your idea that Whitley has a Little Prince experience like Oscar is golden, just thinking about he and Penny interacting gives me warm fuzzies and it's also a clever way to bring Whitley into the fold of Weiss' friends since they can bond over their friendship with the original Penny.
Also I couldn't add this on earlier because of the character limit, but I noticed that Penny has both reddish hair (like Ruby) and freckles (like Oscar) and is both a sweet bean while having self esteem issues and an identity crisis... so it's like Whitley is getting the best of both worlds (that being Ruby and Oscar) in Penny!
I just had a thought: so say that Whitley managed to get a genuine friendship from Penny 1.0 and Jacques noticed. Thinking that his son was more fascinated by the machine rather than finally having a friend that wasn't trying to use him for his name, once the Penny 2.0 series came out... Jacques got one for Whitley. Thrown off by the girl he cared for being made into things for anyone to use really screwed with Whitley and actually made him begin to resent Jacques, and pull away from his father.
Squiggles Answers: 
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@miki-13 @yellow-eyed-green-crocodile Hey guys! I decided to rope both of your answers together because ironically enough, you two  expressed almost the same kind of headcanon but in different ways.
I’ll start with you Yellow: if you make your idea into a fanfic then I’d love to read it. Most definitely. I can actually combine both of yours and Miki’s headcanons. Both of them together with my original small headcanon forms the premise for a really sweet Broken Machines/ Beta Testers story.
I love the idea of Whitley being introduced the original Penny through General Ironwood prior to the main canon plot; initially believe her to be a real person at first; not knowing that she was a robot and the two hitting it off as friends despite only meeting that one time before Penny left for Vale. Then after the broadcast of the Vytal Festival, Whitley learns the truth.
Do you know what could be interesting? Remember Whitley’s comment to Weiss in V4 about his opinion of the huntsmen being ‘barbaric’. 
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Imagine an alternate universe where Whitley’s reasoning behind that term is because he, like many people of Atlas tuned in for the broadcast of the Vytal Festival where he observed Penny’s progress in the tournament up until the point she was revealed to be a machine and torn to shreds before the public eye.
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Imagine a universe where Whitley was traumatized by Penny’s decapitation and that’s why he finds the huntsmen lifestyle to be beneath him apart from his justification about him and his father. I still wish to stand by my Whit-ty headcanon where I think Whitley has powers just like his sisters.
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I absolutely refuse to let go of this Whitley theory. I’m sticking to my guns on Whitley being as much of a Schnee as Weiss and Winter and thus will unlock his family semblance in time. Bonus if Whitley unlocks his family power to actually save or protect one of his sisters (Weiss) or someone he grew to consider a close friend worth protecting (like Oscar). 
An experience after which, Weiss will agree to train Whitley on how to control his newfound abilities the same way Winter taught her; bringing their relationship almost full circle.
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I’m pulling for this theory just as much as my headcanon about Whitley attending Atlas Academy as a means of understanding his sisters’ pursuit of the huntsmen lifestyle. I love the idea of Whitley reuniting with Weiss while she’s continuing her training at Atlas Academy.
The ideaI had in mind is that after Jacques learnt of Weiss’ return to the kingdom and her attendance of Atlas Academy, he personally had Whitley enrolled in the school as a means of using him to woo his sister back to their side or sabotaging it.
By my headcanons, Whitley is the huntsman in Weiss’ Snow White story. In the original fairy-tale, the Evil Queen used the huntsman to kill Snow White but the huntsman spared Snow White after she pleaded for her life.
I think the role of the Whitley being Weiss’ huntsman is very fitting because it plays on Whitley’s caring and sympathetic nature towards his older sister while tying into his loyalty and obedience of their father. I love the idea of Whitley being sent to Atlas to spy on his sister for Jacques but the reality is that Whitley also had his own agenda for going to Atlas. One was because he wanted to learn for himself what the big deal about being a huntsman was all about out of his own curiosity and secondly he wanted to use the opportunity to possibly develop the kind of close relationship and trust he’s always desired with his sisters. Particularly Weiss.
I am an advocate for Whitley being the Nebula to Weiss’ Gamora. My impression is that Whit has always wanted to have that closeness with his sister but due to their father and Weiss’ misunderstandings of her brother’s intentions, Weiss and Whit had a strained relationship from the start. 
My theory is that as a child, Whit would always try to get close to Weiss since he admired her dearly and desired to share a close friendship with her as Weiss had with Winter. However, Whit’s actions toward his sisters usually resulted in more trouble than good leading to huge misunderstandings. Because of this, Weiss was left with the impression that Whitley’s advancements and extensions of kindness were meant as a sign of him manipulating her when in reality, he just wanted to be close with his sister.
Similar to Gamora and Nebula, Weiss is the one who always believed that Whitley just wanted to manipulate and control her like their father when all Whitley wanted---what he truly wanted was a sister. 
Whitley: I don’t need you always seeing my actions as trying to manipulate you!
Weiss: Oh really? I’m not the one who once said being a huntsman is beneath him yet magically shows up at the same huntsman Academy I just happen to be at. Your little playing huntsman charade might be fooling my friends but you’re not fooling me. Not again! You’re just here because father put you up to it. He sent you to toy with me.
Whitley: Stop acting like everything I do is for father.
Weiss: But isn’t that what you once said? It’s foolish to not do what father wants. Weren’t those your exact words?
Whitley: Yes but that was before ---
Weiss: Before WHAT? You miraculously had a change of heart? Save it! You know you were always father’s favourite. His perfect little puppet. 
Whitley: No I’m NOT! Do not tell me what my intentions are. You don’t know me at all!
Weiss: I know exactly the kind of person you are, Whitley. You’re just as sneaky and manipulative and controlling as father. You’re just like him!
Whitley: WRONG!  That’s how YOU see me! But that’s NOT WHO I AM! You’re the one who’s always seen me as being father’s pawn. You’re the one who thinks I’m just like him.  You’re the one who thinks I want to manipulate you like father but do you actually know what I want! What I really want? I JUST WANT MY SISTER!  
All Whitley desires is to have a close bond with his sisters and if that ain’t his endgame then this squiggle meister will be incredibly disappointed.
I want to talk so much more about Whitley being a student of Atlas and his desire to develop an actual relationship with Weiss but this isn’t the headcanon  post for this. Regarding Broken Machines/ Beta Testers, this ties into Miki’s theory now about Jacques noticing Whitley interest in the Penny series sold to the public and thus he buys him  his own personal model.
But in reality, Whit can’t stop thinking about the original Penny he met. The one he saw as his one and only. The true Penny he had befriended, even though it was brief. The Penny he saw for being just a girl and not a machine.
This makes me even think about…what if…Whitley buys original Penny? Or tries to. I once shared a Pinehead headcanon post about the Atlas Council ordering the Military to mass produce Penny’s design before discarding her original model to the trash dumps down in Mantle.
I love your idea Yellow of Whitley spending his weekends visiting the facility where Penny is being housed to be used into mass production of the PNNY series.
Oh! Oh! What if…after the heroes befriend Whitley, he’s the one that helps Ruby and Oscar find the original Penny? What if it’s some kind of secret adventure with the trio where Whitley informs Ruby where original Penny is being housed and Whitley helps her and Oscar get into the base where they were housing Penny only to learn that they had already discarded her to Mantle.
Then again with Whitley’s help, Ruby and Oscar travel down to Mantle to retrieve Penny’s original model from the scrap junkyards below in Mantle---the same scrap heap home to my Grimm Monstro headcanon. I am still in love with the idea of there being a giant monstrous land whale type Grimm swimming through piles of junk to prey on unsuspecting visitors and scrap who happen to fall into its domain. Imagine Whitley going out of his way to help Ruby and Oscar rescue Penny and he even assists is her reconstruction.
I’m still holding onto my Pinehead headcanon of Oscar revealing that he has a hidden talent for engineering that he inherited from all the way back to his days on the farm which inspires him to become an inventing student under Dr. Polendina who doubles as a professor at Atlas Academy. I am still holding onto my theory about Oscar being the primary person to aid Ruby in repairing and restoring original Penny. And now for the Beta Testers, I’ll add Whitley to this theory too with our Schnee boy taking a personal investment in this venture because he wants to reunite with Penny again.
I mean, just imagine if Penny was someone Whitley considered his first true friend. The one person to meet him who didn’t know who he was or didn’t care that he was a Schnee. Imagine Penny and Whitley meeting that one time but still leaving that one lasting impression on each other. And when Penny is restored, to Whitley’s surprise, she remembers him. 
Even after all that she’s been through, original Penny still remembered Whitley after all she promised him that she’d meet again when she returns to Atlas which puts a genuine smile on Whitley’s face. Maybe even makes him cry a little or shed on gangster tear he tries to hide.
How’s that for an idea ey?
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LittleMissSquiggles (2019)
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