#like listen to their songs?? i still haven't finished? what is wrong with me
copia · 9 days
after some major procrastination i'm finally making a start on the vessel coat for november (plus halloween club nights) and by 'making a start' i mean ordering the fabric. i've only got 9 days of a sewing machine left. i've planned to do this since february. black cotton will be fine right
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marshallsgirl · 1 year
Don't leave part 2
Pairing: Eminem x Fem¡Reader
Recommended song: The One - Kodaline
Author's note: I'm working on my graduation final project, that's why I haven't been so active lately. I wrote this and I don't know how I feel about it.  I may delete it later or idk. Hope you all enjoy it. I love you guys so much! Sending all of you a warm hug🫂🤍
January 14th, 2006
It's pretty late at night. I'm watching the news when once again I have to run to the bathroom. I'm throwing up again. I'm feeling sick. I can't even explain why I felt like doing this but...I'm taking a pregnancy test. I bought one earlier this morning but I couldn't do it. I was too scared. But I'm doing it now. I can't be pregnant. I mean...it would be nice to be...No, I am not pregnant. That thing is going to be negative!
The news reporter started to talk. Maybe it got my attention cause they played a song in the background. An Eminem's song.
"Today January 14th at 5pm Eminem and Kim got married for the second time around their fifteen anniversary. Kim said to People Magazine: 'Marshall wanted to do it because it was our fifteenth year together from our original day we started going out'. They repeated their vows from their first marriage..."
As the reporter is talking I'm looking down at my pregnancy test and I found the word "pregnant". And I started to cry. I've been waiting a long time for this moment but it isn't how I imagined it. I just found out that I'm pregnant and that my baby's daddy is married again. Even knowing this I feel the need to call Marshall. But I can't do that. He's probably on his honeymoon right now. He is probably spending such a great time being a family again. I know he did all of this for Hailie's happiness. I know he is trying hard to put his family back together. I can't call him.
So I called Proof.
"Oh, you saw the news, didn't you?"
"No...I mean yes, but I'm not calling about that" I said trying to control my tears.
"Are u okay? What happen?" I could tell he was concerned.
"Well...I kinda need an advice, man"
"Why? What did you do?"
"Nothing...I just..."
"Hey, y/n you can talk to me. We're good friends, aren't we? I don't care what happened between you and Marshall. You and I, girl. We can still be friends"
That made me lost control of my tears.
" Yo, y/n what happen?"
"Man, I'm pregnant" I confess. "Proof, I don't know what to do. I just found out that I am and I saw the fuckin' news..."
"Wait what that...you pregnant? Is it..." he didn't finish the question
"Yes, of course it's Marshall's"
"Shit...you got to tell him, y/n"
I knew he would say that, but I was hoping to be wrong.
"No, I can't do that to him"
"You know him, y/n. If you don't tell him he is gonna hate you"
"I know he deserves to know but he just got married and I know he wants to be happy with his family"
"So? I mean, he can be happy with them and at the same time he can take care of your baby, his baby. I know he'll want to be a responsable dad. You have to tell him"
"Proof, please I just can't...I'm too scared"
"Y/n, I want you to hang off the phone and call Marshall right now"
I needed time. Maybe tomorrow I'll be more brave. But saying this to Proof won't work.
"Listen, I'm going to do a blood test tomorrow just to be extra sure. Okay? If it is positive I'll call him right away"
"If you don't call him by tomorrow afternoon, I'll do it"
"Please, don't. I promise you, I'll call him".
The blood test confirmed that I'm pregnant. But when I tried to contact Marshall he didn't answered his phone. So, I called Proof and he planned a reunion for us at Marshall's studio.
"Y/n?" he said when he saw me. "Are u looking for Proof? He'll be here soon, actually I'm waiting for him" he added.
"He's not coming. It's me who you are waiting for. I called you but you didn't answerd so..."
"I'm married" he said rapidly
"I know, Marshall. I just need to tell you something important"
"Go on then. I need to go back to my family, you know" it was something weird in the way he said that, like it was something he had to say it to believe it. I can explain it, I just know him too much. But I didn't ask him about it. So, I extended my hand to him. Letting him know that he needed to grab the paper (the blood pregnancy test) that was on my hand. He read it and then looked at me shocked.
"Is this some kinda joke?" he asked. "Why are u doin' this?"
"I am pregnant, Marshall. And listen I just thought you deserved to know. Even Proof told me that I should tell you 'cause if I didn't you'll hate me forever". I started to say. "I know you think I'm doin' this 'cause I want us to be back together but I promise you I'm not. I would never do something like this to make you leave your family".
"You really are pregnant...How long? How are you feeling?"
Now I could tell he was concerned.
" I don't know how many weeks I am. I just found out that I am pregnant, so I have no idea. And I've been feeling sick"
"Let's take you to the doctors then"
So we made a prenatal appointment.
"The baby is 7 week and 1 day!" said the doctor.
I looked at Marshall's face. It looked like he was counting.
"So, you got pregnant on november 2005..." said Marshall as we both realized that my pregnancy started on the day he left me.
"Which means the due date is September 1st" the doctor told us.
"Oh, a virgo baby!" I said.
"Is it just one or there is more than one?" Marshall asked. I could tell he was really curious.
"I can answer that next week. The next appointment will be an ultrasound appointment, okay?"
I saw Marshall's face lighting up.
"Oh my! Our first ultrasound appointment?" I couldn't wait for that. That's exciting! I'll get to see my baby for the first time.
In the car on the way back to y/n's home.
"Did you tell Kim about me? I mean, about me being pregnant" I asked. I was really curious to know if she got a certain reaction. But "no" was the only answerd Marshall gave me.  "So, are u going to hide this from her?"
"I don't want to talk about it right now. Let's get you something to eat" he said.
Time went by and Marshall finally told me that things were not good between Kim and him. He assure me that it had nothing to do with me or my pregnancy. Then he mentioned the word "divorce", but made it very clear that he wasn't doing it because of me.
"I'm really happy you are pregnant, y/n. But now it's not the time for me to be in a relationship" he said.
"Are you going to tell me what happened? It must had been something really serious. I mean, you got re-married and now just three month later you want a divorce"
"I trust you, but I really don't wanna talk about it. Can we talk about the baby?"
"What exactly you want to talk about?" I wonder
"Do you feel it's a boy or a girl?"
I really didn't know how to answer that. I've done all the things to predict the sex of the baby and it's pretty even. I mean, I got 50% girl and 50% boy. So, I have no idea.
"They'll call me soon to tell me my results on the last exams I did and they could tell me the sex you know"
"Are you going to surprise me?" he asked and then leave a kiss on my belly. We're both laying in bed. I was to tired to do the normal things I do like cook and clean. And Marshall volunteer to help me. I couldn't say no. For real, even if I say no he would probably throw me to bed and lock me in my room.
"Yeah, I'm going to surprise you. I don't know how yet but I'll do it".
"Okay, then I'mma go buy you something to eat. Any cravings?"
"Can you get me some donuts?"
"Yeah, I'll be back soon" he says and before he leaves he press his lips on my belly once again. "Love you" he added.
"The baby loves you too" I said.
"I love you, too y/n" he says letting me know that  he said it for both of us, the baby and me. He is driving me crazy. I don't understand him. And people say women are the complicated ones. He doesn't want to be in a relationship and that's why he is getting divorce. So, I think he comes to see me and do shit for me just because the baby but then he is telling me he love me?
"Hey! I said I love you, y/n" he was already by the bedroom door. I know he won't leave unless I say it back.
"Stop it! You are going to get me all horny and shit"
"You’re horny preggers, aren’t you?" he says walking towards the bed.
"I’m fat and horny. It’s disgusting."
" Nah, you could be 300 pounds I’d still do you".
Maybe it's because I'm hormonal but I'm touched and I start crying.
"You're so fuckin' romantic" I say
He sitting by the edge of the bed now. He is touching my belly. His touch is soft. I want to say that I love him. But, honestly I'm just to scared to do that.
"I feel it's a boy. And I can't wait to see the way you're with him. You're gonna be incredible"  he says "I love you, y/n" he assures me.
"I'm nervous..." I manage to say
"I'm nervous too"
"No, you are not!" I replied
"Y/n, I'm not divorce yet... The truth is I'm just waiting for that to be done so I can...so that we can try to do this right. You're my home and I'm sorry it took me a lot of shit to finally understand that. You've always been there for me. I've always came back to you, every fuckin' time. I was so stupid. I'm truly sorry. I promise you I'll never ever hurt you again. I won't leave you. I promise for as long as we're together, to never, ever put you through anything like that again."
"Wait, I know it's going to be difficult almost impossible for you to forgive me, but please try. Please, y/n. 'Cause I miss you a lot and I love you even more. You don't have to say it back, though. You don't have to say nothing at all right now. I completly get it". when he finished he got up and left the room really quick. He didn't give me time to express myself.
"I love you, Marshall" I said to the nothingness.
A moment later my phone starts to ring. It's my doctor. She started to tell me about my result and how everything was normal and that I need more vitamin C and then she said:
" This also tell us the sex of the baby. Would you like to know?"
"Would you like me to tell you over the phone or..."
"Over the phone it's okay" I didn't even let her finish her question. I was to excited!
"Over the phone it's okay?"
"Okay, let me open it up...Alright it looks like you are having a baby boy!"
Omfg! I'm crying, now. Marshall was right! Oh, man I'm having a boy!
"Omg, thank you!" I manage to say
"Congratulations!" said my doctor before ending the phone call.
I couldn't wait to tell Marshall. I needed to surprise him. So, I figurate out a way to do so. I grab a white mug, his favorite mug actually (and it's not his but mine). But okay, it's his favorite. And I wrote inside at the buttom of it: "it's a boy". Then I prepared him a mixed berry smoothie.
He came back just in time.
"Here, try this" I said giving him the mug.
"What are you doing out of bed? Why are you holding my mug? What is this?"
"Marshall, just drink it! It's a mixed berry smoothie and...it has the sex of our baby!"
And just as I finished to say that he started to drink it. He finished in seconds! And as soon as he read what was inside, he ran to put the mug on the table and then ran back to hug me and lift me in his arms.
"Marshall, we're having a boy!" I got my arms around his neck. Enjoying that moment. I was crying but all happy tears.
"Yes! Oh my God, what the fuck! Life is crazy!" He kept saying this words. He was really happy too.
"God is so beautiful!"
"I told you! I knew it was a boy! I fuckin' told you!" He said as he put me down.
"Holy shit, I know that's crazy!"
He knelt in front of me and kissed my belly and then said:
"I knew you were in there the whole time. I love you, son"
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andorskenobi · 2 years
...What Are We? | J. Seresin
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Pairing: Jake 'Hangman' Seresin x F!Reader
Summary: After four months of being in a whatever the hell it was between you and Jake you finally grow tired of the lack of commitment and give Jake one last chance before he loses you for good.
Warnings: angst, no use of y/n
A/N: I should be working on my research paper but this is more important to me rn. This is based around the song ...What Are We? by Lizzy McAlpine, if you haven't heard it I recommend listening to it (maybe even while reading this but I won't care if you do or not) I was listening to it driving home today and got the idea for this so, enjoy.
You aren't sure when your feelings towards Jake changed, but you knew they had. In the beginning it was okay, the whole no labels thing. You were the one who asked for no labels to start with, but now four months down the line you knew that you were serious about this.
However, Jake didn't appear to be in the same mindset you were. To you it seemed like he was just fine with what you had. It drove you insane, but you would never force him into anything he didn't want. Which is why you would understand, given the circumstances, if he ever wanted to walk away from this.
What made this all even worse was the fact that, despite your better judgement, when you thought of the future and what it held for you Jake was always in it. Deep down you knew this wasn't the case for Jake, you knew that for him this was only a temporary thing and soon he'd get bored of you and be done. It's what everyone before him had done, so why would it be different now?
But for now you would just stuff these feelings deep inside you until they went away and pretend that everything is okay between you and Jake. For now you would suck it up, go to his house, and be just what he needs you to be for the night.
It had become an everyday ritual at this point, Jake would finish what he was doing for the day and call you to ask if you were free, which you always were for him, and the two of you would meet up for dinner and go back to one of your houses for the night.
"You seem distracted today, what's worrying that pretty head of yours?" Jake's voice pulls you from the precipice of your thoughts. You shake your head and smile a small smile.
"'s nothing, really, just tired. Work was rough today."
Jake wasn't completely satisfied with your answer and you knew that. It was blatant by the face he made as soon as the words left your lips.
"We will talk about it later, I don't want to talk about it here," He still didn't look pleased with your answer so you added a small please to the end, begging him to drop it.
"Wanna head back to your place or mine tonight?" You released a sigh of relief at the slight change in subject before answering his place.
You liked his place more, it made you feel closer to him, and plus it smelled like him. His smell was intoxicating, almost knocking you over anytime he hovered around you. It was the first thing you noticed when you met him that night at the Hard Deck four months ago.
Now it was all you could pay attention to as he helped you into his truck. You sat quietly hoping he wouldn't start up conversation about what was on your mind again and just let the two of you sit in a comfortable silence. However, your hope was useless because you knew Jake too well.
"We're alone now so start talking, what's wrong with you tonight?" You sighed, looking out the window to avoid looking at him.
"Do you think we're wasting time?" Your voice was small when you asked it, Jake took notice and glanced over to where you sat.
"What do you mean by that?"
"I mean do you think we are wasting time, with this. Is this wasting time? Are we just borrowing time we don't have? Shit Jake I don't know," You were getting overwhelmed by your emotions at this point but you kept going before Jake had a chance to respond. "I feel like we're just buying time before the storm hits and this inevitably falls apart and I end up alone again."
You wipe a stray tear from your cheek, turning to look at Jake.
"Don't look at me like that."
"Like what?"
"Like the way you're looking at me Jake, because if you look at me like that then I'm not going to be able to say what I need to say. Besides you should be looking at the road not me." Jake laughs a little before turning his attention back to the road.
"What is it you need to say?"
"Does this mean anything to you, us I mean, like is this actually something or is it just a sorry excuse for love?"
"That's a little harsh, I mean yeah it means something to me. Of course it does, why else would we be here if it didn't."
"I don't know, for fun?"
Jake stopped the truck in his driveway, putting it in park and turning to face you. You found yourself itching to be out of the truck as soon as possible under his gaze.
"Why do you think this doesn't mean anything to me? Do you think that little of me that I would just use you fun?" Jake's expression left you with a pang in your chest.
"I mean it's never stopped anyone."
Jake slowly placed his hand under your chin making you look over at him, "This is more than just something to pass the time until someone new comes around. You are more than that to me."
"You mean it, you aren't just saying that because you think it's what you have to say to shut me up?"
"I mean it." You knew he was telling the truth because of the way his eyes softened when he said it, so you allowed him to pull you in for a kiss. The kiss said everything that Jake couldn't say to you just yet, at least that's what you told yourself.
"I can feel you thinking, its hurting my head." Jake resting his forehead against yours looking into your eyes. "I want strings, I want all the strings if you'll give them to me, I just know that I can't keep going on with this the way it is if it's hurting you."
You smiled to yourself, moving your hand to your jacket pocket and pulling out a string that you'd pulled off your shirt earlier while waiting for your food, placing it in Jake's hand.
He laughed before placing the string in his own pocket, "C'mon lets go inside."
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lily-fics-11 · 3 months
Je Vous Aime (Robin Buckley, Stranger Things)
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Je Vous Aime//Robin Buckley, Stranger Things
I haven't written about my pookie Robin in so long so I had to fix that
You say goodbye to Robin after school and put on your headphones. You walk out to the bike rack together every day. Before you play the music on your Walkman you hear Robin whisper “Je vous aime.”
“What does that mean?” you question, wondering why she was speaking to you in what you think is French. She knows you don’t speak it, that you have always taken Spanish. 
Robin’s freckled cheeks flush instantaneously. “I thought you were listening to music.”
“Not yet. Was that French? What does ‘je voo em’ mean?” You interrogate her, trying to get to the bottom of this strange interaction.
She breaks eye contact to stare down at her converse. “It means… see you later. So uh, see you later, I gotta go.” She doesn't even look back at you before leaving on her bike, she just takes off.
Robin always looks at you, her stone blue eyes staring deeply into yours. The only time she doesn’t is when she lies. “I can stay late, my parents won’t mind. I finished that essay too, so I can hang out tonight. Steve is probably running late, I can stay for another few minutes.”
Back home you pour over your homework without making much progress. 
Why would Robin say something to you that she knew you couldn’t understand?
When she didn’t think you could hear her? 
Why the hell would she lie about it? 
Did you upset her? 
Is she sad? Mad? 
Clearly you had done something wrong. Robin is far from confrontational and avoids problems until they go away. Even though conflict between you two is rare, you are tired of her dealing with it this way. She isn’t going to just let things go this time, it’s not fair to either of you. 
You check the time and the library closes in a half hour. If you ride your bike fast enough you will have enough time to get there and find a French dictionary to borrow. 
Upon arriving at the library you are tired, sweating, and red in the face from racing there against the clock. You ask the librarian where to find what you need, quickly locate, and check it out.
You can’t wait until you get home to figure this out, so you sit in the grass outside the library and start searching through the book.
The first word was definitely “je”. Flipping through the dictionary you find out that it means “I”. I what? I want you to leave me alone?
“Voo” came after “je”. Unfortunately, you discover that “voo” itself is not, in fact, a word. It isn’t spelled the way it sounds, so you move on to words that have “vo” at the beginning. The word that sticks out is “vous”, for which the English translation is “you”. 
There is the ABBA song called Voulez-Vous, which is “do you want”, if you aren’t mistaken. You must be on the right track then. “I” and “you”. I hate you?
Turns out that “to hate” is “détester”, and not the word she said. That’s a relief, but you are still desperate for an answer. But “em” isn’t even a word and neither is “im”. 
You don’t actually know how vowels are pronounced in French. How they are pronounced in English is different from Spanish, so French is probably the same way. Pronunciation basics is naturally the next section you look at. You discover that different vowel combinations were definitely the right direction to go in. “Ai” could kind of sound like the “e” in “em”. So “aim” or “aime” is probably the right word.
You can’t believe your eyes when you read the translation of “aime”. 
I love you? Your friendship with Robin could certainly be categorized as very close, but not in an “I love you” way. 
You would never say it to her, that’s for sure. 
Not because you don’t love her, but because you don’t love her like a friend. 
You are in love with Robin. 
You would without a doubt say it back if she were to say it directly to you, even if you meant it in a different way. 
Why wouldn’t she just say it? Is she worried you don’t feel the same way? Now that you are actually thinking about it you do have a tendency to distance yourself at times, and avoid physical affection when it comes to Robin. In your defense you only do it to avoid letting yourself live an impossible fantasy. 
Robin Buckley is a girl. 
Robin Buckley doesn’t love you the way that you love her. 
However, to anyone with a single notion of your same sex attraction, your feelings for Robin would be crystal clear, like her pretty blue eyes. Your eyes can find her in the most crowded room and from just about any distance. And once you spot her? You can’t bear to look away. Why would you pass up an opportunity to admire such a physically and mentally appealing girl?
You would drop just about anything for Robin. If she calls, you are there. Family dinner, studying, the best book or movie, doesn’t matter. Robin is always a top priority. As long as you are in a good place to give her your best you will absolutely give it to her. 
You wear her favorite color whenever you can, you seek it out when you go shopping. If she mentions a book or movie you completely engross yourself in it until you can discuss it with her at great length. You even spend extra time studying Spanish so that you can carry conversations with her. Robin is extraordinary, she speaks English, French, Spanish, and Italian. 
There is no obvious reason why she would do this, and you have no intention of waiting for an answer to this unshakeable question. 
You shove the book into the woven basket on your bike and take off at a steady pace in the direction of Robin’s house. You don’t want to look like a mess when you get there. You can feel frustration building up inside you. Why does she have to be so avoidant, why can’t she just say what she is feeling? 
You knock on the door and Robin is the one to answer it. She looks excited to see you until she realizes how upset you are. 
“Is everything ok? Is something wrong? Did I do something?” Robin panics and then groans “fuck, I did do something, didn’t I,” when your expression doesn’t soften. 
“Well yeah, you kind of did,” you sigh with a twinge of guilt, realizing how much you are stressing her out.
Robin starts fidgeting with the chunky silver rings on her fingers. “I’m not always the best at, you know, the social cues, so I’m so sorry to ask this because it makes me feel like a jerk, but what did I do?”
Robin Buckley really can’t read a room, can she. Remembering this only creates more remorse for acting on your emotions instead of taking your time to find the best approach. 
“What you said after school today,” you explain. “‘Je vous aime’.”
“I hate to ask another stupid question,” Robin says while making deep eye contact before looking away and asking "but what’s wrong with ‘see you later’?”
“Robin, have you forgotten how well I know you? I can tell when you are lying. I went to the library and found a French dictionary, so I know what you actually said. ‘I love you’? Why wouldn’t you just say it? We are friends, aren’t we? Have I made you uncomfortable or upset? I’m sorry if I have made you feel that way. But if I did, why wouldn’t you come to me about it? You deserve to feel heard.”
“We are friends.” Robin mumbles. 
You run a hand through your hair in exasperation. “Then what the hell is going on?”
“I just didn’t want to make things weird.” She bites her chapped lips. 
“Rob, we are friends, I want you to feel safe to talk to me. I would never judge you.” 
Robin sits down on the ground like she is trying to get away from you, without actually going anywhere. “That’s the thing. You wouldn’t judge a friend who says I love you. But you might not feel the same way when someone means it as more than friendly. Especially when you are both girls. It’s not fair of me to lie to you and I really should be honest so you can just kick me out of your life for being the weird girl that’s in love with her friend. So je vous aime, I love you. Like in love with you. And you never have to speak to me again if you don’t….”
You had sat down next to Robin while she was talking and now you cut her off. “You are so oblivious, and to be quite honest, I'm offended.”
“Fuck!” Robin groans before covering her face with her hands. “I know you probably think it’s gross, and you hate me, and…”
You pull her hands away from her face. They had been covering her sad puppy dog expression. “Shhhhhh Robin,” you try to soothe her before putting an arm around her shoulders. “It’s not gross. It’s the opposite of gross. You are like gold, you know. Precious, but dense. I’ve always been in love with you. I try not to make it obvious but I still feel like it is.”
“Y-you?” She stutters, her voice sounding afraid, though her eyes are starry and filled with wonder. “In love with me?”
“Je vous aime, Robin.”
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Goodbye, Summer (Christian Pulisic x Reader)
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Song Inspo: Summer Love - One Direction (listening to the song while reading is highly recommended!)
WC: 2.7K
Warnings: cursing, angst
A/N: after a few months i finally finished this fic!!! this is my first christian angst it felt kinda strange to write one for him lol and just so y'all know i haven't been able to write angst with a happy ending so, be aware. and the start of the ‘summer love’ is a lot different than usual hopefully not too weird for your liking tho. also this wasn't proofread, sorry if this turns out to be shit. anw hope you guys enjoy and i’d love to hear your thoughts thru ask/reply/reblog 💗 apologies for any grammatical errors! feedbacks are highly appreciated 🤍
“Cause you were mine for the summer
Now we know it's nearly over
Feels like snow in September
But I always will remember”
Summer has come to an end. Well, technically summer hasn’t ended yet – but Christian had to move to Italy and this move wasn’t exactly planned but quite expected – so yeah, to me, summer is about to end. And the moment Christian hops on the plane, there goes my summer of love. It was fun while it lasted – though I wish it would never end.
Christian told me he was leaving just a few days prior. He had been back to the States two days after the end of the Premier League season and ever since we had been spending the summer together. I knew this was coming as we agreed we would only be together for the summer but I didn’t think it would be this hard.
I met him through a mutual friend last year when he was briefly in Florida to visit his family and friends for Christmas. I still had a boyfriend at the time – even though my relationship ended the very next day, it was already broken to begin with – so we became strictly friends and I had no intentions on dating him. Jokes on me, because I had caught feelings for him but I was so wounded by the heartbreak I wasn’t even aware of it. He did catch feelings too, though he thought I needed time to process the breakup so confessing his feelings wouldn’t be appropriate.
I didn’t want a serious relationship for a while – or so I thought – therefore I didn’t even think of dating since my last one. Christian and I would sometimes text each other, but it wasn’t a constant thing. We hadn’t really seen each other in person since because of the distance, but I watched every match he played and usually texted him to give my support before the match.
One night within the second week of May, he told me by text that he was going back to Florida for summer break and looking forward to spending the rest of the summer with me. I thought to myself: why would he spend his short break with me? I responded to him by asking why just me and not his friends and family, hoping he would say something funny and odd like he always does and instead he said something I didn’t see coming.
“Because I like you and I want to be with you.”
My heart stopped the second I saw that text. Christian… Likes me? My goodness, what an oblivious idiot I had been. I was deeply wounded by my past I didn’t see what was going on in front of me the whole time. I didn’t know what else to say and I accidentally left his text on read that night.
“Y/N? Are you okay?”
“Did I say something wrong?”
“I’ve freaked you out haven’t I? Fuck I’m sorry!!!” 
Oh shit. I woke up to those unread messages from Christian – I just remembered I hadn’t texted him back last night. I immediately tried to reply but as my thumbs touched the screen to type, no words came to mind. I honestly didn’t know how to react, if I tell him I’m not looking for a relationship would it hurt him?
“If you want a relationship, I don’t know if I’m the right person for you…”
I locked my phone screen right after I sent those messages. I hoped I wasn’t being too harsh to him, but being put in this position was so overwhelming and I didn’t know what else to say. I just… I wasn’t ready. And I couldn’t tell when I would be. Not to mention he lives thousands of miles away from me and I didn’t think I could handle the distance.
An hour later, I finally heard back from Christian.
“I get it and I respect that.”
“What if we just… Be together for the summer?”
“We don’t have to think about what’s gonna happen after. Just be in the moment… You and me.”
I gave that idea of his a thought – a not-so-long thought because I was assuming I didn’t have enough time. I’d admit, while I found it interesting, I couldn’t help but wonder: would it be worth it? Would someone get hurt at the end?
Before the day ended, I finally made up my mind.
“Okay. I’m in…”
“But just for the summer.”
“And only if nobody is gonna get hurt.”
When he arrived, I was the one who picked him up at the airport. We absolutely spent our summer together everyday – there wasn’t a day that went by without him by my side and vice versa. He invited me to spend some time with his family and friends on their boats, and I had him spending time with mine on either the beach or my family’s home.
We were well aware we only had each other for the summer, thus we made sure every moment counts no matter how little or big it might be. We knew once this summer ends it also marks the end of our time together and go back to live our own separate lives. I didn’t want to think about what will happen next – I just want to live in the moment.
The more I spend my time with him, the stronger my feelings grow. It’s been messing up my mind, but I couldn’t let it ruin my summer. This was the best summer I’ve ever had in a long time, and I would not take it for granted. The memories we were creating throughout will forever live on in my head.
In the middle of our “summer of love”, Christian came to an agreement with AC Milan, and by that his time in Chelsea had come to an end and he had to relocate to Italy. And the club wanted him to join them for preseason, meaning his summer break had to be cut off sooner than he planned.
When he broke the news, I was stunned – not that I wasn’t happy about his move to Milan, I just needed time to process it. I also wasn’t ready for our summer to be over, but the circumstances forced us to cut our time short. It was pretty saddening for us that we unfortunately had to burst our little bubble.
“So… That’s it for us then?” I carefully asked.
“Let’s just not talk about it.” He refused.
I didn’t want to cause a fight at the time, so I agreed to let it go.
The entire time, I felt like I had to walk on eggshells around him. But eventually I couldn’t do that forever. You can't escape the reality no matter how much you want to.
Christian was packing his bags as he had a flight to catch the next morning. Yes, I couldn’t emphasize enough that we know our whatever-you-called-ship is coming to an end. In every hello there is a goodbye, right? But why does this feel so hard?
We have tried really hard not to mention anything about the fact that our summer love will be over soon but it is an inevitable topic. There is no way we can escape the conversation, especially on our very last day together. And I have to be the one to bring this up because Christian clearly didn’t want to – he might be the one who suggested the idea, but he is the one who is more in denial.
“Chris, you know we both have to say something, don’t you?” I tried to start the conversation.
“Can we not? Please.” He whimpered.
“We have to.” I insisted.
He kept packing in silence, not wanting to talk about the painful reality. I was sitting on the corner of his bed while he was standing across from me, avoiding eye contact since I started talking. He was looking down all the time – organizing his belongings – and not once he took even a little glance at me. I looked closely at his face, paying attention to every little detail I could. His face was red, eyes were puffy and watery, lips were tight – it was obvious to me he was trying so hard not to cry.
“So are you just going to freeze me out the entire time or?” Still no answer from him. 
I went and sat a lot closer to him and he tried to look away.
“Stop it, please! At least just look at my fucking eyes if you don’t want to fucking speak!”
And suddenly I saw tears running down on his face. He couldn’t hold them back anymore – his heart was completely shattered and it was obvious he was nowhere near ready to face the harsh reality.
“Chris… Listen…”
“Why can’t you change your mind?”
He asked a question that got me startled.
“What is it about me and the time that we had that made you certain you still don’t want a relationship?” His voice was trembling.
It took me a while to even say one fucking word to him. I felt like the worst person on earth for breaking the sweetest man’s heart. And to be honest, I broke my own heart too – and I was really trying my hardest to conceal it from him.
“Chris, you were the one who said, and I quote, “just be together for the summer”! I was being so clear I didn’t want a relationship yet you still offered me that. There’s nothing wrong with you, it’s just… I’m not ready. And I don’t know when I will be again.” I desperately tried to explain myself to him but I seemed to upset him even more.
“Yeah, right.” He shook his head and smacked his lips. “Whatever you say.”
I sighed.
“Chris… Please, why won’t you believe me?” I asked him quietly.
“I don’t buy your bullshit anymore.” He replied coldly, while wiping his tears.
Now done packing, he grabbed the car keys and put most of his belongings in the trunk.
I still wanted to have more conversation – about us, specifically – but after he was done with his stuff, he refused.
“I’m tired and I have an early flight to catch tomorrow. I think I should just go to sleep right now.” He said as he walked into his room.
“Yeah, of course...” I responded.
I tried to softly grab his hand but he swung his arm further away from me.
“See you tomorrow, Chris. Goo-”
He slammed the door on my face before I got to tell him goodnight. At the moment, I thought to myself: oh no, he really hates me.
The next morning I drove Christian to the airport. He was going to Milan with his dad and he was meeting him at the airport. On the way there, we didn’t really talk much. There was so much silence – and somehow it made everything even more painful.
I couldn’t handle the tension any longer, so I tried to break the ice.
“Hey, thank you for spending the summer with me. It was the best I’ve ever had.”
He only nodded.
“Umm, I’m sorry this only lasted for a short while...”
He looked down, he sniffed and rubbed his nose and sighed. 
“Well, have fun in Milan! You needed a fresh start and you’re about to get one… Christian, I am proud of you.”
I tried to be supportive and not say anything that could be perceived as “something wrong” because I knew he was in a fragile state at the moment, though it seemed like he wasn’t going to respond the way I hoped he would. I was genuinely proud of him by the way – always have and always will.
He looked up but still avoiding eye contact, let out a slight smile and chuckled a little bit.
“Yeah, thanks.”
“And uh… Maybe you’d forget about me with all the girls you’re going to meet there...”
I immediately regretted what I just said. Shit. What the fuck did I just say?
He finally looked directly into my eyes – a look full of disbelief and disappointment. There was a moment of silence between us. This time, I was the one who couldn’t see him in the eyes.
“Chris, I’m so, so sorry I didn’t m-”
“How could you say that, Y/N?” He cut me off before I finished talking, by the tone of his voice I could tell he was mad at me.
I froze for a minute. I knew I had fucked up but I never thought it would be so much worse – at the moment I was really, really fucking shit up.
“Do you think my feelings for you aren't real enough so other girls can easily make it go away? Do you really think I can forget you just like that? Are you implying that what we had all summer will not stick in your memories?”
“Wha- no, Chris, that’s not what I mean!”
What a mess I had made... And before I knew it, tears started to fill my eyes.
“Well to me it sounded like that. I’m appalled to know you don’t see whatever we were as something real and meaningful. Maybe it was a mistake to even ask you to give us a chance in the first place.” He sounded like he was truly aching and filled with regrets.
I glanced at him for a bit and I saw him biting his lip and his face was already all red. I never wanted our goodbye to be this heartbreaking but well… In this situation it’s bound to happen, isn’t it? Because I didn’t want to escalate our situation any further, I decided to shut my mouth and stop talking altogether. I was aware that whatever I said might hurt him deeper. Fuck, why can’t things be easier?
After what felt like a very long ride, we finally got to the airport. We met Christian’s dad, Mark, at the front gate as I helped Christian with his belongings. Mark greeted me and gave me a hug.
“Hey, Y/N! Thanks for dropping Christian off, if only you could come with us to Italy!” Mark excitedly thanked me, not knowing what happened between Christian and I.
I shook my head and slightly laughed to cover my discomfort. Then I saw Christian looking at his watch, and whispered to his dad: “let’s go.”
I took it as my cue to leave, so I said my farewell to both of them.
“Well, have a safe flight, Mr. Pulisic.” I smiled and nodded at Mark. 
Then I turned to Christian. He was still visibly upset – I didn’t have the heart to say anything, really. I had caused him a lot of pain, and I was afraid to open my mouth. But at the moment I knew I had to, since I didn’t know if we would ever see each other again.
“You too, Chris. Good luck over there.” I softly tapped his arm.
I waved at them and was ready to walk away when I felt a hand touch my shoulder. I turned around and it was Christian. He pulled me in for a hug – a very, very tight hug, like he wouldn’t let me go. He rested his head on my shoulder and I rubbed his back the whole time. It was a long hug – probably the longest ever for both of us – and we could no longer keep our overflowing emotions inside anymore.
“I’m sorry…” I whimpered.
“I know.” He whispered.
He stroked my head and kissed me in the forehead. His lips stayed there for a while.
“Y/N, I have to go...”
It was the hardest thing to do but I pulled away from the hug. Before he went inside, he took my hands and looked me in the eyes.
“Y/N, you will always be my greatest summer love… I will never forget you.” He said under his breath.
And the moment he walked through the gate, that was the last time I saw him in person. What we had might be short, but I will forever be thankful Christian made my summer unforgettable.
“You were my summer love
You always will be my summer love”
taglist: @pulisicsgirl @neverinadream @swimmingismywholelife @chilwellspulisic @bracedes @lovelynikol16 @thoseboysinblue @lizzypotter14 @masonsrem @landoslover
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mandy-asimp · 7 months
Shut up and Dance!
Aaron Hotchner x fem! Reader.
No warnings (shocker I feel)
Just something slight
Hailey and Jack don't exsist for this
Heavily influenced by this songs
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"Nah, listen. I want me a man who's going to give me everything. I want to be worshipped. I want to be adored. I want to be his every waking thought. Like I want him to think of cheating and then knowing how dumb that would be," Y/n sat at the dinner table.
"So you want a fictional man?" Emily came to the table, sitting on the same side as Y/n. The two blondes across sharing a look.
"Listen, finding the right man takes time. I didn't meet will till our late twenties. You still have time. Plus me and Will aren't even married." The blonde sighed. "I mean honestly, I get it's about finding the time, but I don't know if he's planning to propose ever."
"Kevin hasn't even asked me to be his girlfriend." Penelope huffed. "It's so obvious I want to be dating, but every time we go out and there's an opening, he misses it."
Emily took a sip of her drink with a smile, "told you, you're looking for a fictional man."
Y/n gave a head shake and let her head hang in defeat. "One day, there will be a man. But until then I'll be your single gal."
"Cheers to that!" Emily raised her glass. Listening as the others laughed and met her glass. Everyone downing the small fruity drinks. "And hey think about it, if you don't find someone, I'm sure Hotch would humor you!"
The joke made a small smile appear, "that's just wrong." Was all Y/n said. Thankful for when their phones dinged with a case. "So much for a break. This is what, the fifth case with no real break?"
"Serial killers never respect our time." Penelope frowned.
Each three down a twenty and got into their cars. Driving back to the bureau in a line, following Emily.
Once they got there, they started the debrief. "Sorry to call you all back. I know we haven't gotten a chance to breathe yet but let's keep focus." Hotch had walked in, the folders in hand before passing them around and taking his seat next to Y/n.
"Right so, this is Delilah Pence. She and three other woman were found with several stab wounds to their torsos. They have bruises from being physically abused." He began covering what he had memorized.
Reid furrowed his brows, "what makes this were we need to cover it?"
That's when the photos were revealed. "Oh...is that..." JJ and Emily were closely examining the pictures together.
Y/n looked over to Hotch, personally finding the M.O to be a bit obvious. "I'd say it's a woman or an insecure man."
"Either or, wheels up in thirty." He dismissed, hoping that would give everyone time to get their go-bags together.
The case was over within a week, but it was still tiring. Everyone was helping pack up the files and papers.
"I don't know about you guys, but I could use a night out. Really just release all of the work that's been building up." Y/n put the box on the table, watching as Penelope scribbled a name onto the cardboard.
The sheriff had walked in, "There's a good club in town. They're usually packed on Friday nights but I'm sure I could make some arrangements. A thank you. They're know for dancing though." She offered, taking it as a yes as everyone's face lit up. She nodded and left, making her phone call.
"Let's run back to the hotel rooms and change before, get a fresh feeling." Derek smirked while grabbing his coat and leading everyone out.
By ten, the team was at a nice table and on their fifth round.
"Oh this is such a good song!" Penelope geeked before dragging everyone to the floor. Hotch and Rossi somehow managing to stay behind.
Hotch hadn't really drank much, knowing she only would drink half of her drinks, he finished the rest. "So when are you gonna propose to her?" Rossi peaked interest in the two's relationship.
"We've been busy for a few weeks. We also always wanted to make sure we were stable before making any big commitments." He explained, his eyes never leaving her.
Rossi smiled slightly, "and now? What's the excuse? You're both stable financially, you're both still young. What if she wants kids? You're at the perfect age you two."
"Maybe soon. I have a ring, she sketched it in high school. It's crazy to think we went to same high school but met in college." He began to think of how Y/n and him met.
Rossi bobbed his head, "yes I've heard very lightly of this story. From both perspectives."
Hotch cracked a smile. "She loves telling it. She tells it better as well. She'd be a great mother with how she can tell a story." He felt a tug at his heart at the thought.
Y/n, the mother of his kids. A little family. He knew she wanted kids, she talked about it for years. Her eyes always sparkling with how she planned her future.
"She's good for you Aaron." Rossi finalized before going to order a few shots of whiskey. Not taking more than ten minutes to get back.
He had ordered a few for whoever came back to the table. Not being surprised when it was Y/n and Reid who came back.
"Genius, you're definitely taking a shot. It'll help warm up your body." Y/n giggled in her tipsy state. "I'll take one with you."
Reid was going to pass the deal, but he figured...one can't hurt right? "Fine."
And they both shot back the dark liquor and both made a face. Earning laughs from the other four as they came back to the table as well.
"Tired already?" Hotch joked as they all took their seats again.
The song had switched over, and Y/n concealed her excitement. Wanting to wait for the perfect moment before whisking Aaron away to the dance floor. Pleased when he hadn't noticed the song.
"No, we just saw a party of shots and wanted to get in on it." Emily pointed to the shots that were empty.
"Plus when someone couldn't keep up with us on the floor," Derek pointed towards Y/n. Making fun of how she was the first one to walk off.
Aaron smiled a bit more, "you're holding back?" He glanced over to Y/n who was already looking at him. Mischief in her eyes as she grabbed his arm and rushed him to the floor.
"Shut up and dance with me," she laughed as they easily fell into the song. Dancing like they did when they were young.
Meanwhile the team was abso-fucking-lutely baffled. "For how long?" Penelope almost screamed to Rossi. Growing a bit more upset when the man just took a sip of his drink.
And for the song they watched as the two danced around as if they weren't being watched. Watching as their boss laughed once the song ended.
"When they come back, you ask no questions. Let them just be open tonight on their terms." Rossi pointed to the children. "Especially you," he looked to Garcia.
"Oh, come on Rossi! They kept a little secret and we wanna know more, what's the harm?" Derek tried to reason, only getting a disapproving head shake in return. "Well drop it for now! But they better know they have a long list of questions, she's never even posted anything to give us a hint. And she post a lot."
"Maybe it's new?" Reid shrugged the idea out. The conversation dropped as they watched you both leave hand in hand. "Maybe it's not. Where do you think they're going?"
"I bet we'll find out in the morning." Emily wiggled her eyebrows and shimmied her shoulders. "I can't believe it still. Just before the case she was taking about being single!"
JJ stared at the table as she thought. Realizing there was only one glass between the two the entire night and nobody noticed. "They shared drinks all night..." she pointed out. Making everyone count the drinks.
"So we know they're sneaky, that means this could've been happening." Penelope frowned, desperate for more information.
Derek suddenly thought. "Do they live together?"
"Are you serious?!" Penelope shot her head over to Rossi, praying he'd let this one detail up.
He shook his head again, "if I buy the another round will you all drop it?"
They agreed and their night went on. While Aaron and Y/n walked through the city and took in the light.
She held on his arm, stealing his warmth as they moved. Her mind thinking of how this is what she waited for. To be walking with the love of her life at night. The violin player in the park leading them to an even beautifuler sight.
Aaron couldn't help how she made him feel. It was almost instinct to spin her around and slowly dance around.
Y/n let out a few laughs at the actions. "Let me record so I can show our kids one day." She had smiled through the sentence. Propping the phone up against her bag and hitting record.
And they continued to dance. Aaron could tell she wanted to kiss him right there, but she was fighting against it. She had to pick between kissing him or enjoying the dance a little longer. "You're holding back." Would bring her back to the reality of it all.
Her smile would grow instantly at him. "Shut up and dance with me," she would respond and they would dance. Moving together with each note and laughing.
Once the player ended, Y/n moved to get cash for them. Dropping a ten into the case and turning back to...Aaron?
He was on one knee and fidgeting with a black box. "I love you beyond words." He started.
"Yes." Y/n choked out. Feeling to euphoric to even let him get everything out. Listening as he let out that carefree laugh. The one that speaks nothing bad could happen.
"I want you to be the mother of our kids, my forever. Since the dance in college. You grabbed my arm and I could only think about you being my destiny. I didn't let you go from there on out. Marry me?" He grinned as she bobbed her head. Accepting the ring and pulling him into a long, tearful, kiss.
She sniffled, "does this mean I get my big wedding? And we can also tell the team? And we can have the dream nursery?" She looked up at him. Feeling so love and happy.
Aaron nodded, "all our dreams are in our hands now. And I think they're waiting for a post of where we went." He reminded her of the bar, watching as her eyes went wide.
"I love you," she sighed. Feeling so content with life.
"I love you too," he leaned down to place a peck to her lips. "Penelope is going to be furious."
She chuckled, then thought about it, then full belly laughed. Even while grabbing her purse and phone, she was laughing. "I'll send her the video before posting it," she planned. "Let's just enjoy what time we have."
Awhile had passed, and the two had sent out their invitations to family, but wanted to give the team their invites in creative ways. Especially with the wedding only a week away.
The two had managed to plan everything else out and still keep their relationship quiet. Had played it like they were only a month dating when the team found out.
They first started with Rossi. Y/n had went into his office first. "Hey you know how to tell if jewelry's real or not right? I mean I can I just want a second opinion." She held out her hand to Rossi. Showing the ring off and he just laughed.
"It was the night at the bar wasn't it?" He sat up to really take in the ring. Just then Aaron came in. "You did well; so when's the wedding?" The invite got slid over, both smiling. "I think I can get something together by then. Does Strauss know?"
"We got the entire day covered. If any case appears, it's redirected for a short time." Aaron informed. "You just have to show up."
"Wouldn't miss it for the world, congrats." He stood up. Exchanging kisses to both their cheeks.
Their next person was Reid. Who was with JJ at the time. They figured giving them both theirs wouldn't hurt.
Only Y/n did this one. "Someone looks happy." JJ felt her own smile form. That looks was familiar, and before y/n could even get it out, JJ already knew. She began to geek before the invitation was placed down.
"Wait, but didn't you two just start dating like six months ago?" Reid read over the paper. Enjoying how well put together it was.
Y/n bit her lip. "Listen. We met in college, and by my second year and his graduating year, we started dating." She confessed, trying to not laugh at how the jaws hit the floor. "Shhh! We haven't told Derek, Penelope, or Emily yet. But just know the day is already covered for us."
And they agreed to be there, talking about it even after she left them to continue the spread the invite.
It wasn't until the late lunch she went out with the two. Sitting across from them in the booth she could only smile. The entire time, she just had this smile they couldn't decipher.
"Alright listen, you've been smiling all lunch. So what is it? You and boss man finally said 'I love you'?" He made kissy noises. Gaining a laugh from Emily.
Y/n said nothing, instead she slid two even lips over with a straight face. It was hard as the two became mildly confused. They asked a few times what this was but once realizing they had to open it, they were shocked.
"But..." Emily looked up, eyes widening at the sight of the engend ring. "Holy shit! Boss man must really love you!"
Y/n was back to smiling again, "since college" was all she whispered. Her eyes shinning while looking at the ring. She couldn't help the scream of excitement, "I'm getting married!" She cried out. The restaurant laughing at her excitement.
Derek furrowed his brows while looking at the ring. "So you've been keeping him a secret?" He scoffed, really not knowing how they pulled it off. "How were you that sneaky?"
She winked and went back to eating. "We already have the day converted for everyone. It's gonna be good, promise."
The three talked a little more about the topic before heading back. Being greeted by an unhappy tech analysis.
"I would've liked an invite!" She stomped off. Feeling left out from the fun. She mumbled things to herself as Y/n followed. Letting it all out once the door closed. "I mean honestly! You guys are on cases together and I only get so much time with you all-"
"Penelope, I have something for you." Y/n cut her off. The pink envelop in hand now. "It's just something slight, nothing too extreme."
The blonde turned, almost glaring at the envelop. "It better be good. Not inviting me to lunch..." she shook her head as she opened it. There was a silence as she read over the car. "What?"
"Surprise!" Y/n shook her hands. The ring catching the attention. Her hand was yanked, "and another thing since we're laying out everything, it hasn't been six months. It's been seven years."
"Are you serious?" Penelope felt her mouth just hang open. "This is less than a week away, what about taking time off? What am I supposed to wear? Who's your bridesmaid?!"
"All of that is covered. We talked to Strauss awhile back when we had a date planned. And as for you, I was hoping as my best friend, you would be my bridesmaid? I have a dress picked and it's been tailored, but all you have to do-"
"Yes!" She screamed. Giving a home crushing hug. "But I swear to it if you get pregnant and don't tell me, we will be having issues." Her threat was serious and you knew it. But she pulled back and looked you in the eyes. "You're getting married."
"I'm getting married." Y/n repeated, a wide grin on her face as they jumped up and down.
Y/n stood behind the door. This was it. She couldn't help but beam. Glowing with severe happiness and an overwhelming sense of joy.
The music began and the doors opened. And she let one foot lead one after the other. She could hear gasps as she came down but she only saw one man. Her Aaron. Tears pricked at the corner of her eyes before she even made it down.
"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today..." the wedding officiants voice faded out as she and Aaron held a silent conversation.
Both coming back once it was time for the vows. "Aaron?" He handed over the floor.
She watched the tall man unfold his paper. "I knew from the first day we met you were going to be the one. You had saw me sitting there at the dance and a song had come on. It was fairly new at the time, but I could tell you knew that it would never get old. You ran over, grabbed my arms and pulled me to the dance floor and just started dancing around me. I was confused at first, shocked a bit more. How could someone be so care free in this world? You then stopped dancing and I made the joke you were holding back, and your response was something I never would forget." His voice wavered a bit as he looked up into her eyes. Knowing this was right. "You had said, shut up and dance with me. I swore in that moment that I would do anything to make you happy. I'm lucky it was you who kissed me first otherwise I would've dodged around it forever."
She laughed at this, "you missed every opportunity," her laugh was soggy. Tears snuck down her face the entire time.
Aaron shook his head with a smile, "even if I did, we got to where we wanted to be. I stand here today, with you, my best friend, the love of my life, the mother to my children one day, and mostly, my wife."
"Now Y/n," the mic was handed over.
She unfolded the paper, "The day I pictured finding my forever actually happened in the workplace. Where I would've found someone whose schedule lines with mine. And we would have all the time together. But then I met you in college. And I remember when you had said I was holding back, and I couldn't contain the adrenaline and just hopped you wouldn't think I was weird. Also because I was watching you for the entire night praying no girl would walk up to you before I could get the courage. After that night, we had seen each other almost everywhere. We got to talking and I thought, man. This man. You weren't like anyone I ever met."
"It was the beginning of college," he reminded. Laughing a little at the scoff and mumble.
"Yeah, but still. My freshman year I went quiet to focus on the basics, but by the second year I found you. My motivation, the one that kept pushing through to be a lawyer. We build each other up in the best ways. We kept each other going when we needed it the most and by the time we made it to the FBI , our life was set together for the best. Then it took you longer to still propose, but besides all that. You did. My love. My heart. My man. My husband. The father of my kids, I love you beyond what I can write. Also because I ran out of space, quite literally squeezing this, but I'm overwhelmed with love for you." She finished, wiping away tears carefully. Mumbling a thank you once Aaron handed her his handkerchief.
"Do you Aaron Hotchner, take Y/n L/n, in sickness and in health, to be you lawfully wedded wife?"
"I do."
"And do you, Y/n L/n, take Aaron Hotchner, in sickness and in health, to be your lawfully wedded husband?"
"I do."
"Them by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."
Cheers erupted as he did so. The two officially becoming Mr. and Mrs. Hotchner.
Everyone was on the dance floor now. Enjoying the company of each other and celebrating the newly weds. That's when the song came on again.
Aaron was over with his family as Y/n was talking with the team. But she was quick to leave them and run to find her husband.
Spotting him from the crowd already looking for her. Her toothy smile showed as she ran and grabbed his arm. Suddenly the room was just them.
They danced around each other as the music played. Getting closer once it slowed a bit more. "You're holding back," he looked lovingly down to her.
Her eyes twinkled with the same love. Tears came to her eyes, "shut up and dance with me," she whispered to him.
They shared one more kiss before the room came back to join them in dancing. Laughter filled the room almost instantly.
It was everything the couple had hoped for.
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surfinminho · 1 year
Kinktober day 17- Mirror sex w/ Hyunjin+ chan
⤷ warnings: oral(m), unprotected sex, some angst, crying, fem!reader dom!hyunjin dom!Chan,
⤷ word count:1.3k
Taglist — @greysweaters-blog @hannie-bees @ashydoinwhat @chansbabygirlsstuff @hiddlestandom @stanskzsstuff @mal-lunar-28 @leeracha @linos-kitten @bonateukna @ihrtlix @conwunder @jazzyluuv
⤷ permanent taglist: @iadorethemskz @iluvseungie
*please dm me if you want to be added or removed from the taglist.*
You don't know why you feel this way, like you were almost worthless. Spending most of your free time in bed, avoiding any reflective surface. Every time you saw yourself you felt like you could vomit.
You had the day off, thank god. With your two boyfriends at work and your nature to always think you're bothering someone you choose to ignore the feeling, bundling up in your bed with some music blasting through your ears.
You had your playlist on shuffle, though you didn't know how long you've been listening to music. You come across a sad song and instantly start crying. Like all your emotions came down on you.
What you didn't know is that hyunjin and chan came home. When they stepped into the room and heard your cries their hearts broke.
They slowly walked over to you, sitting on the bed. The sudden dip in the bed jerks your body up looking at why the bed moved. Looking up to see your boyfriends looking you in your eye.
"What's wrong princess?" Chan speaks up first, rubbing your arm.
"Nothing, just tired" you were foolish if you thought you could fool them.
"You know you can tell us anything right? Please just tell us." You hear hyunjin whisper. Encasing his hand with yours.
You ponder for a second, wondering if you should actually tell them. Tears started to well up in your eyes. Eyes slowing turning bloodshot red once more.
"I-" you barely manage to get a word out before you dip your head back into the mattress crying again.
Chan and hyunjin share a look, peering back down at you. Hyunjin lifts you up slightly from the bed into his lap while chan goes to get some water.
"Hey baby, talk to me" hyunjin taps your thighs. Once, twice to ground you, or try to.
"Let's wait for channie to come back hm?" He presses a kiss to your forehead, bringing your head into his chest patiently waiting for chan to come back.
As he comes back he turns your face to his,
"Drink." He holds the glass to your mouth. Tilting some of the cold liquid into your mouth. The crying stopped, though you can't help sniffle every once in a while.
"Can you tell us what happened now?" Chan brings tissue, gently wiping your face from any stray tears.
"Just don't feel pretty enough."
"Why didn't you tell us? You know we are always here for you right baby?" he noticed the stutter in your voice, frown becoming more apparent.
He didn't even let you finish your sentence he cuts you off.
"How about this, go take a shower and come back okay?"
"Okay" you get up and go straight into the bathroom. Maybe you really needed the shower. The warmness of the water taking a whole bunch of stress off your shoulders.
When you were about to get you, you realized you forgot a towel. Not wanting to walk out naked even though it's nothing they haven't seen.
"Hyune?" You shout down the hall, asking him to bring a towel for you. What you didn't expect was to be pressed against the counter, the only thing separating you guys is the cloth.
"You're so pretty you know that?" He leans further into you causing you to arch your back over the sink.
"Am I?"
"Prettiest" he leans in to give you a soft kiss before tossing you a pink set.
"We have a surprise for you darling, why don't you put this on hm? He whispers before shutting the door.
You look at the fabric he gave you; a lingerie set. You're favorite because of all the straps, with the heart in the middle of the brallete. You put it on, still wrapping the towel around your body as you walk out the room.
You open your bedroom door, seeing hyunjin and chan peer their heads over to you.
"Sit." Chan says patting the empty space on the bed in-between them.
You tried walking the the towel still on but getting a stern look from Chan instead. You slowly take it off, sitting on the bed covering your chest.
"Let us play with you hm? You've been so good." Hyunjin removed your hands, lightly pushing you back.
Their apartments bedroom had a mirror installed on their ceiling, they didn't mind it. They had to real reason to use it. Not until they met you.
When you joined them, they thought the mirror was perfect. Using it to make you shy anytime you guys were intimate.
When you look up, you can see your reflection. You can tell hyunjin wants to touch by the way he's caressing your exposed skin.
He leans in to pepper kisses on your neck. You feel the bed dip once more, looking up to see chan at your side.
'keep your eyes up and open 'kay?" He presses his lips against yours, tilting your head up for better access.
You felt hyunjin sneak his hands into your panties, running his fingers up and down your folds slowly. Spending little time at your clit before plunging two fingers into you.
"Eyes open or we will stop." With each enunciation of his words, he curls his fingers up causing you to close your eyes but opening them quickly again.
"Good girl, doing such a good job already" chan praises, leaving more marks. Ones left earlier fading.
Hyunjin goes at a steady pace, rubbing his thumb on your clit. You try and close you thighs, pleasure becoming too much for you.
"Nuh uh," hyunjin lowers his hand to lightly slap your thighs bringing them to open again.
"M' sorry, gonna cum." You clench down on his fingers, cumming as he curls his fingers up once more.
"She's been so good right chan?" Hyunjin says as he turned you over on all fours.
"Think we should give her a reward hm?" Chan mumbles, repositioning himself. Crotch infront of your face.
You stare at him then back at his crotch,
"Hyung I think she wants to suck you off, such a dirty girl hm?" Hyunjin takes off his pants and underwear. Jerking his cock before placing it at your hole.
"Gonna take it like a good slut right?"
"y-yes" the feeling of his tip against your folds tantalizing.
"Good" hyunjin whispers as he pushes in, hands finding your waist.
As hyunjin moves his hips you see chan pull down his shorts, just above where he needs to pull his cock out.
He taps the tip, leaking with his precum against your lips. "Open up baby" easing into your mouth. His hands gravitating towards your neck. Simply resting it there.
"Look at her, taking cock in two holes. Must be desperate tonight clenching on my cock like that" hyunjin moans, speeding up his thrusts.
"Take us so good s-shit" you feel chans tip reach the back of your throat, gagging around his cock. Throat closing in over his cock. You could feel every twitch of his cock, both of theirs even.
"Gonna make me cum baby" hyunjin grabs your breast, needing the plush flesh in between his hands.
You had no warning when chan came, the feeling of warm salty liquid filling your mouth. He pulls out plugging your mouth with his thumb.
"Swallow." Some split out, but you managed to swallow majority of it. Sticking out your tongue after.
His fingers go down towards your clit, rubbing figure 8's on it.
"Cumming!" You feel liquid pool down your thighs, dripping down ever so slowly. Not telling who's copious amount of fluids is who's.
"Making me cum like a good girl fuck" hyunjins movements falter, becoming erratic trying to ride out his own high. He pulls out soon after chan, lying down next to you.
"Prettiest girl in the world."
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arokel · 2 months
Obviously I’m here for more coxstroke and perhaps a situation where one takes advantage of his height for whatever (nefarious?) reason?
here you go! this is almost entirely based on @roborain 's beautiful art so it only gets a teeny bit nefarious at the end, but I hope you like it anyway :)
Title: Leading, Resolution
Pairing: Don Hume/Bobby Moch
Rating: G
Tags: Piano, Fluff, First Kiss
Read on ao3
Notes: The chord progressions here are based on a typical ragtime chord progression, which is a bit before the boys' time but made its way into folk music throughout the 20th century.
Playing an instrument is a great way to brood without anyone noticing. Don's fingers roll into familiar tune after familiar tune as his mind churns, gaze straight ahead. He knows these songs well enough to play them in the dark, and so he can focus his mind's eye on the carousel of memories that won't leave him alone even now, when he should be able to lose himself in music as he's always done.
His thoughts have been in unrest ever since the moment three days ago when Bobby had said, "you know, I think we're the same" and refused to elaborate.
Roger is clapping along. Joe hums under his breath and Gordy bobs his head in time. And Bobby watches.
"The same how?"
"You know, the way you look at me - I look at you like that too. You just haven't noticed."
"I don't look at you any way."
"Well, I do. You don't have to do anything about it; I just wanted you to know.”
There's no way Bobby could have meant it the way it sounded, but every second since Don has been searching for those looks, for some sign he might not have heard wrong. There's been nothing.
"Eyes up, Donny! Come on, you're shy to look at me now? Listen, I'm sorry I said anything. You can forget it if you want."
"Easier said than done."
"Well, I - my offer still stands. If you want to do something else. Feather, Adam; is today your first time in a shell? Because it sure as hell seems like it."
Don wants so badly to do something, anything, but he can't trust his own ears. He needs to see it.
The latest song trails into silence and Don's hands drop to his lap, played out. His head is too full of questions now to keep going even through the muscle memory. There is a smattering of applause and a few whoops from Chuck, and Don finally turns to face out towards his teammates, focusing his eyes for what feels like the first time in hours. That's when he sees it.
Bobby has drifted closer to listen, and now he is pressed against the lip of the shallow stage, elbows braced on the boards and chin propped in his hands. And his eyes -
They're a pale, piercing blue like always, and yet, watching Don, they're softer. Robin's egg rather than ice. And the look in them, so unlike Bobby's usual sharp gaze, can only be described as smitten - the way Joe looks at Joyce, the way Don knows he looks at Bobby even if he denies it, the way Bobby said he looked at Don.
Don can't look away.
He pushes back the bench and steps away from the piano to affect a slight bow, ears burning less at the applause and more at the heat of Bobby's unwavering gaze as he straightens.
Looking at the room properly now, he can see that the boys have finished their cleaning while he played and, now that he's finished, most of them are already drifting towards the door. Only Bobby remains, spine straightening and flushing under Don's scrutiny. The adoration is gone, to be replaced with a nervous, questioning look, but Don has seen enough. It was there, and Bobby does look at Don like Don looks at him, and Don wants to see it again.
It is now only the two of them. Don gathers his courage and lets himself smile down at Bobby.
"Come up here?"
"Thought you'd never ask. Hoped you would, though," Bobby says, with a grin of his own, and pushes himself up onto the stage.
Before he can straighten to his full height, Don bends to meet him, hands on Bobby's shoulders keeping him on his knees, bearing him down to the floor to kiss him. When they part, Bobby's eyes are hazy and bright and sweet.
Then he ruins it, as usual, with his mouth.
"So you like me looking up at you like that, huh? I know a couple other things I could do from this position."
Don's fingers twitch in surprise, grip tightening briefly on Bobby's shoulders like the opening chord of another piece.
E7. Dominant, leading, leading, leading -
Don will follow it where it goes.
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roseshewrites · 2 months
Yet another Sunday gone by with not a single word written in Neon 🥺 I will finish this story. By the grace of the gods lmao!
Meanwhile, since I,haven't updated on this blog in two weeks, have another random snippet of Alastor and his mother from The Devil's Forked Path:
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In the early hours right before sunrise Alastor's mother woke him and ushered him outdoors. There was the tire swing. There was the mound nearby where Alastor's father had buried the bird, that clearing of earth free from grass where Alastor had spent countless hours scuffing his feet; grass was growing back. 
"Mama," he said. "What are we doing?" 
That early morning sweetness clung to everything; that humidity that didn't suffocate yet, that aura of blue previous to dawn that whispered with bugs in trees and the scuffing of nearby wildlife. 
They knelt in the dirt near that tire swing and she beckoned him close. Near to her again, he was able to see how her eyes gleamed with unfallen tears as she reached to a pack at her side and took out some items. 
"A lesson for you this morning," she whispered. "A lesson about Gede. About Mother Mary, and Gedeon in tandem, because they watch over us both at once. Take this," she handed Alastor a stick. 
"Draw in the dirt. A crossroads." 
Still sleepy, Alastor sat with his bare feet digging into the earth beneath him and did as she asked. When the crossroads was complete, she placed a little white candle in the center and lit it reverently, giving Alastor a cigarillo to offer to the god, and placed her own offering there next to the candle of a small glass which contained rum. 
An invisible guardian, an enigma of chaotic energy who smiles with unhinged grace and protects with the same zeal. A figure, his mother once told him, who appears physically as a well dressed man in a suit and a top hat, carrying a scythe. 
"Greet him with respect," his mother reminded him gently. 
"Bonjou, Gede," he murmured. 
"Bonjou," he mother echoed, laughing a little. 
He cast her a look of nervousness and she said, "Oh Al, our Gedeon has a sense of humor. There are no wrong prayers with him. You should ask him for protection." 
If Alastor shut his eyes he could nearly vividly imagine it, this spirit with a boisterous laugh and and a wildness who would scoop you in long arms or cut you down with his scythe just as eagerly any way; that perhaps Gede's laughter fell onto the wind and cut like a weapon and made the candle flicker oh so slightly in the humid air while Alastor's mother was muttering her own prayer in her native language. 
Alastor's prayer was silent. It was in his heart, in his mind; it filled his blood with a simmering of longing that he could not comprehend. He longed for that wildness for himself. He longed for that ease of laughter, and imagined that if the god would speak with him, it would be with a suave carefree grace, that Gede's heart and soul was like a drum beat of dance and song and language. 
Perhaps Gedeon liked jazz music.
Alastor thought that might be so. 
"Mwen Cheri. Listen to me. Listen to the songs in mass today. And if they get too much, listen for the protection of our Gedeon. Remember to hail Mary with respect today. Please? Honor your father today. Do as you're told. Endure it with grace. Because mother Mary watches just as Gede."
Don't stumble, Alastor, he thought, don't fall to your stuttering and forget the ritual of it. 
But he'd much prefer, instead of keeping a straight back, feeling restrained in this church mass full of incense and guilt, to dig his toes into the earth and run his hands over the rough bark in the trees and forget the whisperings of Mary, the Saints, and Christ. He'd not enjoy that tang of sour wine which represented blood. 
The body of Christ. 
The laughter of Gede. 
The protection of Mary, full of grace. 
"I understand mama. Don't cry." 
By the time he had gone back to bed, and morning sun had lit the tops of the trees outside with a magical orange light, his lesson about Gede had seemed like a strange dream. 
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milk-tea-sakura · 2 months
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𝓒𝔀: 2𝓷𝓭 𝓹𝓮𝓻𝓼𝓸𝓷 𝓹𝓸𝓿, 𝓾𝓼𝓮 𝓸𝓯 𝓨/𝓷, 𝓯𝓮𝓶! 𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓻, 𝓯𝓵𝓾𝓯𝓯, 𝓢𝓮𝓾𝓷𝓰𝓶𝓲𝓷 𝓹𝓵𝓪𝔂𝓼 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓰𝓾𝓲𝓽𝓪𝓻
𝓦𝓸𝓻𝓭 𝓒𝓸𝓾𝓷𝓽: 1099
𝓔𝓼𝓽𝓲𝓶𝓪𝓽𝓮𝓭 𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓽𝓲𝓶𝓮: 4 𝓶𝓲𝓷 18 𝓼𝓮𝓬
Seungmin had always been a quiet and reserved person. He preferred spending time with his close friends and working on his music rather than indulging in relationships. But then he met Y/n, who turned his world upside down.
It wasn't like he had been looking for love. He had been perfectly content with his life as it was. But something about Y/n had drawn him in. Maybe it was her easy-going nature, or the playful glint in her eyes when she teased him. Whatever it was, Seungmin found himself falling hard and fast.
At first, he tried to resist the feelings. He told himself that he was too busy for a relationship and that he didn't have time to accommodate someone else in his life. But Y/n wasn't someone who gave up easily. She saw right through his tough exterior and knew that beneath his cool persona, there was a passionate and sensitive soul.
Every time they hung out together, Seungmin found himself opening up to her more and more. He realized that he enjoyed her company, that he looked forward to their conversations, and the way she made him laugh. And before he knew it, he was falling head over heels for her.
When Seungmin finally confessed his feelings, Y/n was overjoyed. She had been waiting for weeks for him to admit the truth, and it brought her immense happiness to know that he felt the same way. From that moment on, they became inseparable.
Seungmin and Y/n were sitting on a park bench, enjoying the warm summer breeze. Seungmin was strumming a melody on his guitar, a soft smile on his face.
Y/n looked over at him, a cheeky smile on her lips. "You know, you're talented with that guitar," she said, nudging his shoulder. "Maybe you could write a love song about me sometime."
Seungmin chuckled, his fingers stilling on the strings as he looked at her. "A love song about you, huh?" he repeated, a hint of amusement in his voice. "That might be a bit too sappy, don't you think?"
Y/n pouted playfully, resting her head on his shoulder. "Hey, there's nothing wrong with a little sappiness," she protested. "Besides, I think it would be sweet. Imagine me swooning to a song about how much you adore me."
Seungmin couldn't help but smile wider at her words. He loved her playful side, the way she could make even the most serious situations lighthearted. "You know I already tell you how much I adore you all the time," he pointed out, resuming his strumming.
Y/n sighed dramatically, feigning disappointment. "Yeah, but a song would be more memorable, you know? Something I could listen to whenever I missed your voice."
Seungmin raised an eyebrow, a teasing glint in his eyes. "Are you trying to guilt-trip me into writing you a love song?" he asked, though there was a hint of affection in his tone.
Y/n fluttered her eyelashes innocently. "Me? Guilt-trip you? Never," she said, her voice dripping with mock innocence. "I just think you owe it to me to immortalize your love for me in song form. You know, for sentimental reasons."
Seungmin chuckled, shaking his head in amusement. "You're impossible, you know that?" he said, but there was no malice in his voice. "What if I already have a love song written for you and just haven't told you yet?"
Y/n's eyes widened in surprise. "You do?!" she exclaimed, sitting up straight. "Are you serious? Why haven't you shown me yet?"
Seungmin smirked, enjoying the excited look on her face. "Because it's still a work in progress," he explained. "I want it to be perfect before I let you hear it."
Y/n pouted, a mixture of impatience and affection in her expression. "But I want to hear it now," she protested. "I bet it's already amazing, even if it's not finished yet."
Seungmin chuckled again, ruffling her hair affectionately. "I promise you'll hear it when it's ready," he assured her. "And don't you dare try to sneak a peek either, got it?"
Y/n feigned disappointment again, though she was amused. "Aw, you're no fun," she teased. "But fine, I won't try to cheat and listen to the song early. I'll just have to wait anxiously until you're ready to share it with me."
Seungmin put down his guitar, wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling her closer. "Don't worry, it'll be worth the wait," he reassured her. "And in the meantime, I'll just have to find other ways to keep you entertained and distracted."
Y/n's disappointment melted away instantly, replaced by a smile. "Oh, yeah?" she said, her tone laced with curiosity. "And how do you plan on doing that?"
Seungmin smirked a hint of mischief in his eyes. "Let's just say I have a few tricks up my sleeve," he teased, deliberately keeping it vague. "You'll just have to wait and see."
Y/n's curiosity only grew at his words, but she knew better than to press him for details. "You're such a tease," she pouted playfully, swatting his arm lightly.
Seungmin chuckled, tightening his grip on her waist. "You love it," he said, his tone affectionate. He leaned in closer to her, lowering his voice to a whisper. "And I love teasing you, especially when you get all pouty like this."
Y/n huffed dramatically, trying to feign annoyance, but she couldn't help the corners of her lips twitching into a smile. "You're insufferable," she grumbled, though there was no real irritation in her voice.
Seungmin smirked, clearly enjoying her reaction. "You love me anyway," he pointed out, poking her side playfully. "Pouty and all."
Y/n rolled her eyes, but couldn't deny his words. "Unfortunately, yes," she said, a hint of mock resignation in her tone. "I seem to have a soft spot for insufferable, guitar-playing men."
Seungmin chuckled, his ego inflated at her words. "And I happen to have a soft spot for cute, pouty women who can't resist my charm," he replied with a cocky grin.
Y/n playfully stuck her tongue out at Seungmin, pretending to be irritated. "Your charm is too irresistible, it's not fair," she grumbled, though her tone was light.
Seungmin laughed, leaning in to plant a quick kiss on her forehead. "But you love it," he reminded her, wrapping his arm more firmly around her waist.
Y/n pretended to be annoyed for a moment longer before breaking into a smile. "Yeah, I guess I do."
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deejadabbles · 1 year
Hey wonderful! Popping in with that quote for you!
“may my heart
be the softest place you fall,
may this love
be the wildest place you run”
Feel the clone boy vibes! Who is he? Why? So excited to read what you write! 💖
This quote had me absolutely star struck and giddy! What a beautiful sentiment, it had me thinking of so many of our boys, I had to think long a hard on who I wanted to write for, but in the end, I decided on Tup since I haven't written for him in so long! Plus, I love our soft, sweet boy! I hope this does the prompt justice my friend!
Pairing: Tup x Reader Rating: G Word count: 1,007 Recommended song for listening: Innocence by Avril Lavigne
You heard before you felt, a gentle call of your name, said in the softest tone you’d heard a hundred times, but ever got tired of. He said it again as you started to stir, and that’s when you felt gentle hands, running up and down your sides, over your hip. His hands and words were like a dream, but the memory of the planet you and the 501st were camped on came flooding back in a rush.
“Tup?” your eyes fluttered open, trying to focus in the dark as you took in a startled breath, “What’s wrong, wha-”
Soft lips pressed to yours, swallowing your panic and making an ease wash over you, “Shh, it’s okay, mesh’la, nothing’s wrong, I promise,” another tender press of his mouth, “I’ve got a surprise for you, come on, lets try not to wake anyone.”
Tup tucked his hand under you and sat you upright in the bed, gave you a moment to finish blinking awake, then pulled you to your feet. He let you put your armor on, which was no easy feat in the dark, surrounded by snoring clones who would snap awake at the first sign of danger. The moment you were in order, he took your hand and pulled you out of the camp’s barracks.
He had obviously just gotten done with his patrol, but was still somehow buzzing with energy as he grinned over his shoulder at you, “You’re going to love this, cyare.”
You didn’t bother checking the time on your wrist unit, it was obviously the dead of night with the dark sky overhead. What he was up to, you couldn’t even begin to guess, despite being fully awake and alert now.
Jesse and some shinnies were on watch duty, they definitely totally spotted Tup pulling you past the camp perimeter and into the wilderness, but none of them said a single word.
“Tup,” you couldn’t help the giggle as he pulled you down a lightly trodden path through the forest, “where are you taking me?”
“Just wait for it,” was all he whispered back.
The planet’s nocturnal life buzzed all around as you went, and when the forest started to thin out and become less treacherous, Tup picked up the pace, causing you to laugh again. You didn’t even track how long you two ran, laughing, hands held tight, and cool night breeze brushing your faces.
You started to see the edge of the trees, but just as you did, Tup slowed his pace, pulling you to him. His fingers brushed your cheeks as you caught your breath and he held you a little tighter to his chest when you gave him your flushed smile.
“Close your eyes,” he whispered, hovering his lips just barely apart from yours.
Because this was Tup, because it was the man you trusted more than any one, you did as asked, fluttering your eyes shut. This time, he took both of your hands and the sound of leaves crunched under his armored boots as he started walking backward.
“Keep them closed, beautiful, I want this to be a surprise.”
You clicked your tongue but screwed them shut even tighter so he wouldn’t think you were cheating. With caution and care he guided you, and you felt the air around you become less dense, the sky opening up as you stepped into what you assumed was a field. This was even easier to navigate while essentially blind, but Tup still led you for quite a ways before he stopped.
“Okay, now, lay down,” he said next, and you felt him start to push you back gently.
You hummed in mock suspicion, even as you complied, “Tup, if you wanted to fool around without disturbing your brothers, you could have just said so.”
“Oh,” he chuckled warmly, “that’s for later, sweetheart, but first, I have to show you your surprise.”
The grass and ground were soft under you, and once you were properly sprawled on your back, you felt Tup lay down right next to you.
He gave your hand a gentle squeeze as he whispered, “Okay, you can open them now,” into your ear.
Your eyelids fluttered open, and you gasped almost instantly. Above you was possibly one of the most beautiful night skies you had ever seen.
And in your travels, you’d seen quite a lot. 
Behind the twinkling blanket of stars was a rich, cosmic canvas of every blue, purple, and pink you could imagine. The colors faded in and out of each other in a stunning ombre effect, like paints blending together on a pallet, or tinted smoke coalescing in the night air. The stars winked here and there, and you could have sworn you saw one shoot across the multicolored sky just to top off the scene's perfection.
“Oh, maker,” you gasped that too, completely at a loss for any other words.
“Beautiful, isn’t it?” Tup said beside you, and he wasn’t looking at the sky. Laying beside you, hands still clasped, he kissed your cheek, “I know you’ve had a rough couple of weeks, so when I saw this on patrol, I thought it might cheer you up.”
Your mind was still scrambling for a proper response, so you turned your head to look at him, mouth agape, eyes wide. He just smiled that soft, charming, utterly stunning smile at you.
“It’s perfect, Tup,” you managed, finally, and pressed your forehead to his, “You’re perfect.”
He didn’t miss a beat before capturing your lips again, humming against the contact as if it was the only thanks he ever needed. When your lips parted again, he brushed his nose against yours, “I want to share every wild, beautiful thing with you, cyare.”
This time you cupped his cheek as you pulled him in again. Stolen moments of wild beauty where all you two could have for now, so you shared your love and devotion to each other under the stunning night sky, together.
And, because it was Tup, your Tup, it was more than enough.
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Tag List: @blueink-bluesoul @anxiouspineapple99 @starrylothcat @sinfulsalutations @commander-sunshine @dystopicjumpsuit @wolffegirlsunite @sunshinesdaydream @arcsimper5 @littlemissmanga @wings-and-beskar @clonemedickix @freesia-writes @idontgetanysleep @523rdrebel @moonlightwarriorqueen @briefartnaturewolf @kimiheartblade
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amethystina · 11 months
I was tagged by @a-very-fond-farewell! Thank you so much darling 💜
1. Last song: Shishen Take On the Challenge from The Yin-Yang Master: Dream of Eternity soundtrack (which I paid a small fortune to get my hands on so you bet I've been listening to it almost non-stop ever since. The music is SO FUCKING GOOD OKAY)
2. Favorite color: Purple — which I feel should come as a surprise to no one xD
3. Currently watching: The Killing Vote, because I apparently need more dramas where the Korean public is allowed to vote on whether or not to execute people. Quite enjoying it so far! The characters are a hoot xD And I'm curious to see what they do with the Kwon Seok Joo dude.
I also just started The Guest because I want to watch it before they remove it from Netflix but BOI. That's not one I'll be able to binge, that's for sure. Horror is great but also, well, terrifying x'D
Though, I must say, I might have to take a detour and rewatch the Along With the Gods movies. I've been meaning to do so for ages and seeing Kim Dong Wook in The Guest makes the urge even stronger. Because, let me tell you, I'm SO EAGER to rewatch the movies and observe the characters now that I've seen the twist at the end of the second movie. A twist I figured out before I actually reached the reveal, sure, but I don't think that's a bad thing? Like, for real, guys. The AUDIBLE GASP I let out when I realised what the twist was going to be and then got to sit there and see it slowly dawn on the other characters? BEAUTIFUL. And it CHANGES SO MUCH. Like, I need to rewatch them because so much of what I thought I knew is now a lie! Circumstances have changed! My initial analysis might be wrong! Characters I thought I knew are now completely different! I need to do more research! I NEED TO KNOW.
(This is what happens when your brain works like mine. And one day I might tell you all about why Kang Yo Han is such a fascinating character to me, because, let me tell you, I've rarely seen a character remain so solid in his characterisation even through the kind of reveals we're given in the drama. It's fucking SPECTACULAR)
4. Currently reading: Faust by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (I do it in bursts because it's not the kind of book I can just binge, okay? x'D), We Have Always Lived In the Castle by Shirley Jackson (I would have finished this LONG ago if it didn't give me so much anxiety (but in a good way?)) and Eld by Mats Strandberg and Sara Bergman Elfgren (though I should probably start over on this one since I was very distracted when I read the first chapter)
5. Last movie: No Regret, because why not dabble in older Korean LGBTQ+ content? It was a ride, that's for sure xD And the next movie will be The World to Come (also one I want to watch before it's removed from Netflix)
6. Sweet/spicy/savory: Either sweet or savoury — it depends on my mood, really.
7. Relationship status: Married! :D
8. Current obsession: I'm not sure if I have one right now? Though I am hoping to get back on track with that diorama thing soon. I've almost collected all the materials I need! I just need fake foliage (preferably red) and I'm going to try and buy that either tomorrow or on Saturday.
9. Last thing you googled? Why my phone kept taking only green photos. And everyone kept telling me I shouldn't have unlocked the bootloader (which I don't think can be done by accident and I sure as hell haven't done it intentionally) so in the end I just restarted it and now it works just fine xD
10. Selfie: I don't really take selfies but here's a cropped version of a drawing WIP of mine.
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If you know, you know ;)
(... LOOK, the suspender-pulling had to happen eventually, okay?)
11. Currently working on: Chapter 5 of A New Dawn (Begins With Us) and, after that, it'll be either chapter 37 of Who Holds the Devil or maybe the sequel to Gravitational Pull which I'm STILL struggling to find the time to work on. I'm also working on, like, six different drawings simultaneously. Because why make things easy for myself?
Tagging: Whoever wants to do it! Tell me about yourself! :D
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maarriiii · 2 years
Simp (Part 9) | Wilbur Soot
A/N: More of a filler than anything else. Nothing really happens here since I don't know what to write honestly
Summary: You and Wilbur catch up after a couple of days
Pairing(s): CC!Wilbur Soot x gender neutral!reader, CC!Wilbur Soot x actor!reader
Warning(s): None.
my masterlist :))
Call Me What You Like was out and Wilbur couldn't be more proud of himself and the band. It was a long journey trying to finish this one, almost getting scrapped and tucked away with other unfinished songs that would probably never see the light of the day. Wilbur was glad he stuck with it cause by the looks of things, everyone seemed have positive responses to it. Everyone was enthusiastic about Lovejoy's newest single. His friends, his fans, his family. But, secretly, he wanted to know about what you think of it.
Wilbur hadn't heard from you since almost two days ago—when you made a surprise appearance in his chat. He knew you were busy, promoting your film that he hope would be able to watch soon. So, he had been trying to distract himself with everything he could possibly do—preparing for tour, hanging out with his friends, etcetera. He didn't think of himself as a clingy person, someone in need of constant attention, but with the amount of times he checked his phone for any notification from you only to put it away when he found none would say otherwise.
Wilbur leaned his head back, pinching the bridge of his nose. "They'll talk to you if they have the time. Stop being clingy, man."
"Who's being clingy?"
Wilbur raised his head, seeing Tommy in the doorway. "It's nothing, Tommy."
"You sure?" Tommy asked, amusement in his voice. "Seems like it is something. A certain famous person, perhaps?"
He walked and sat next to Wilbur.
"Shut up, you little gremlin."
Tommy cackled, while Wilbur sat there unamused at his situation. "You're so bad at lying, Wil. I could see it in your face. What's wrong? Is y/n ignoring you?"
The blonde boy continued teasing him, making voices and all. Wilbur sat, taking in at all in, face flat until finally he headlock him.
"Ah! Phil!" Tommy cried out.
You arrived in New York with a newfound spirit—albeit being tired and jet lagged. You haven't told Wilbur about the news due to you immediately passing out when the soft cushiony bed of your hotel suite touched you and the interviews that happened later that day. The first day of the press junket in New York was busy and packed, and with meeting the rest of the cast again, some of you wanted to catch up in the city. A lot of drinking, eating, and laughing occurred and you thought it was the best way to end the night.
When you finally arrived at the hotel, longing for the feel of your silky pajamas and cloud like king size bed, you tried very hard to fought off the sleep that came. You wanted to talk to wilbur even for just a little bit and also listen to his new song that just came out. You searched for the headphone you always bring everywhere, made yourself comfortable on the bed again, and searched the song on YouTube.
The sight of Wilbur on the screen brought a smile to your lips and you couldn't helped but nodding along to the beat of the song. You thought it was great—though maybe you're just bias—and grew even more excited at the thought of seeing him in one of his shows.
Late in the night, Wilbur's phone buzzed on his desk and at the sight of your name, his face lit up. He didn't wait for a second longer to unlocked his phone and reply to you.
Hey wil Are u still up
hey there yes I am
Oh good I don't want to interrupt your sleep or anything Sooo I just heard the new song
He exhaled, slowly getting nervous.
what do you think?
I LOVE IT IT IS SO GOOD I'm going to annoy everyone with the amount of times I will play this.
Wilbur chuckled, his nerves eased. He never would've thought this crush towards you—one that exist only because he thought you were good looking and talented—would grow into something more, something genuine that pulled at his heartstring and made his heart just beat a tiny bit faster at the mention of you. It had been awhile since he felt like this about someone and there's a part of him that was scared because it was you, someone he could've never thought because it was just downright mental.
thanks y/n i'm glad that you like it
Also i have something to tell you too
okay shoot
It's about the shows
Unfortunately I didn't get any tickets Cause i was in the middle of the interview when the tickets went on sales
Wilbur immediately lost his spirit. He knew it was too good to be true. He wanted so badly for you to come to at least one of them. He wanted to see you; your eyes, your lips, your smile. He wanted to hear you; your laugh and your voice.
oh that's okay y/n you're busy and all
but? but what?
You didn't reply immediately and it killed him seeing that three little dots disappearing and appearing.
come on y/n you're keeping me on edge here
Wilbur stood up from his bed ridiculously fast, eyes wide and very awake than he was before. He wanted to cheer like a school boy who just got accepted by a girl that he liked, but hold himself back for two reason; one, he didn't want to have a noise complaint from his neighbor and two, he was a 25-year-old man--though he was very much screaming and cheering internally.
y/n that's great!! i can't fucking wait to see you
Wilbur spent the late night talking to you until you had to go, but it prove to be hard to close his eyes and sleep when all he could think about was you coming to see him doing what he loves with a smile on his face, and unknown to him, you were doing just the same.
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stacywaters · 4 months
Coffee and Violets (SUGA) CH10 - Golden
The light flickers on, my head staying focused on my notebook in front of me.
"Are you still writing? You've been in here since 6:00 am" Hoseok gawks.
"What can I say," I laugh, "I've just found something interesting to write about"
"More like someone.." he teases. My smile just widens as he gasps, "you're not even going to hiss at me for teasing you? You must be down bad"
"Ugh, I don't know, Hoseok" I cover my face with the lyric book, "what if she doesn't feel the same way? And I'm just wasting my time?"
"Loving someone is never a waste of time, Yoongi"
I lift my head, "but what if I just end up hurt?"
"You might. And if you do, you know I'll be here to help you pick up the pieces. But you might not, you might take a chance on something great and find yourself better than you've ever been. You have to love her enough to take the risk," he rests his hand on my back, "and you have to love yourself enough to know you deserve it"
I sit up, "you're right. Thanks Hobi, I needed that"
He pulls me into a hug. I groan.
"I said I needed the advice, not a hug"
"You looked like you needed a hug," he laughs, "now go finish your love song"
I chuckle and continue writing. It all comes to me so easily, stanzas pouring from my pen like waterfalls as my feelings spill from my heart onto the page.
I'd say I lost track of time, but time must've lost track of me. I found myself wandering into a whole other world while dreaming about her. Just the image of her in my mind was enough to make me completely lose my mind.
Golden hour drew shadows of monstera on the wall as I breathed in the fading light. I close my eyes, imagining the warmth of her hand in mine. Trying to picture us together, my heart pounding at the thought. As I sat there, my eyes began to flutter closed.
A warm hand shook my shoulder, "Yoongi, it's me, Y/N,"
I bolted upright, immediately taking notice of the lyrics sprawled out in front of me and stealing my notebook from the desk.
"Hey, just brought you some coffee"
I gasp for breath. She's standing way closer than she ever has before, and her hand is still rested on my shoulder.
"What's in the notebook?" She asked.
"Um, nothing" I sank into my seat.
She giggled, "okay. You don't have to tell me, but now I'm very curious"
"It's, it's uh," I stuttered, "my joke drafts"
She burst out laughing, "joke drafts?"
I grinned, "yeah. I like to write them down first to see if they're funny or not"
"Can I hear one?"
"I kinda feel like I am one right now," I replied.
The afternoon together faded with the golden light, and soon it was just the two of us and a sky of stars. It was dark, but neither of us reached to turn on the too-bright fluorescent lights. Words stretch into the depths of the night. I take a sip of my americano, the cold of the ice now a faint memory. Driven by our caffeine delusions, the night marched on. Time has forgotten us in this patch of the universe.
"I have a lot of ideas, but I haven't pieced any of them together yet" she says.
"Ideas... like?"
"Well, um," she pauses, "I've always dreamed of having a character that, like- has become so focused on the routine of work that they kinda.. forget what inspired them in their work? But then as they find themselves meeting new and different people, they find who they themselves are, like- as an individual," she looks to me, then exhales, "there's also a romance in the book, but... but I don't know if that's too weird, or too basic, or, or maybe I just don't have the skills or the time to write something like that"
"Of course you do" I say before my mind second guesses.
She giggles, "well how would you know?"
I scoff, "because just listening to you, I know that you're brilliant enough to write whatever you want. Plus, it's not like you could write it wrong, not if no one's written it before"
"Yeah..." she plays with the lid of her drink. It's been empty for a while now, "maybe I'm just not good at trusting myself, at being patient with myself. I can never find the time to write anymore"
"If you can't believe in yourself, then let my belief in you be enough," my hand absentmindedly finds hers. I think back to Hoseok's words earlier, "love yourself enough to know you deserve to make time for things that are important to you"
She looks at me. Like, turns to face me fully while holding onto my hand with both of hers. I never noticed before, the way her eyes seem to sparkle in this glimmering way. Even in the darkness of this room. Her eyes shine like fresh snow, reflecting light into my life. I see it all around me.
"Yoongi, there's something I need to-"
"Yoongi! It's time to close the shop!" Hoseok calls from outside.
Instantly she pulls away, dropping my hand. Damn it, Hoseok!
"What did you want to say?" I pried.
She mumbled, "I uh, it's nothing. I've been here a while, I should go"
"Wait, at least let me walk you home!"
Hoseok yelled again from the storefront, "Yoongi! I need your help closing!"
I sigh. Y/N just smiles, "see you again tomorrow?"
"Yeah," I pause, "wait, you don't have work tomorrow though?"
"I know! Would you be up to maybe hanging out?"
I beam, "yes! What time?"
"Meet me at my store, around 8:00?"
"I'll be there" I grin.
After I saw Y/N off, I stormed over to where Hoseok was sweeping.
"What the hell, Hoseok?" I fumed.
Hoseok stopped sweeping, "I should be saying the same thing! I was working all day and you couldn't bother to even help clean up?"
"Y/N was about to tell me something that could've been really important!"
"Oh my gosh," He choked, "I completely forgot you were talking to her. How did it go? Did everything go okay?"
"It was going great! We talked for hours, I got to know so many things about her, and then she said she needed to tell me something-"
"Well I WOULDN'T KNOW because SOMEONE interrupted..." I attacked.
"Oh Yoongs, I'm so sorry,"
"It's alright" I mutter, "I just really wish I could've heard what she was going to say"
"Well, you'll know soon enough."
"Huh?" I ask.
"With your song! Once you tell her how you feel, you'll be able to find out pretty quickly whether or not she feels the same way" he smiles, "did you finish writing it?"
"Pretty much, just gotta put it to music"
He smirks, "when are you going to play it for her?"
"I don't know... I mean what am I going to do? 'Hey Y/N, I wrote a song about you, so we need to find a piano so I can play it for you, and if you hate it it'll be a really quiet drive when I drop you off'? ...It'd be awkward"
"What if you recorded it and played it for her?"
"And just sit there while she listens to it?" I question.
"Or, or what if you said 'Hey, I made some new tunes for your cafe' and then sneak it in the mix?"
"Yeah, and what if she's like 'no, I hate this one! Why would you even make me listen to this'" I burst out laughing.
He chuckled, "I really don't think she is going to do that"
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nogenderbee · 2 years
Hi I really love your works you write everything so well so I thought I should try requesting:D
So could you write An ,Mizuki and a character of your choice :) saying to their S/O they are proud of them and than reader gets emotional and starts crying BCS they haven't heard someone say it to them for so long and you continue what happens from here :)
You are free to ignore this too have a nice day/night and don't forget to eat something and stay hydrated and also get some sleep :D
Hi hi, thank you so much! So I decided to add Kanade since she just suits here so well! And I really enjoyed writing it so I hope you enjoy it just as much <3
An, Kanade, Mizuki telling reader they're proud of them but reader strats crying
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You and An wanted to have your classic date at her dad's cafe but there have been a lot of people on that say so you decided to help her take care of all the orders.
Some customer ordered coffee with art on it and your girlfriend said that you can do it yourself since she showed you how it's done and she knows your abilities are extremely good. But you weren't so convinced about it but still done it to make your girlfriends job easier.
"Hey, An, is that good enough?"
"It's perfect! Omg you did so good! I'm so proud to have lover like you!"
She was what...? It really touched you and you maybe even didn't knew why it did, and so you didn't even noticed water spilling from your eyes.
"YN?! What's wrong?! Did I said something I shouldn't?!"
"N-No it's not that, don't worry! I just... didn't heard it for a really long time..."
"How about we take a little break? We finished most of orders so I'm sure my dad can carry on from here for a while."
After that she went to ask her dad for a break which you both got. So she lead you to some quieter place where she decided to just cuddle with you and spend some time.
"I have always been proud of you... I'm sorry if I haven't told you this enough but I promise that from now on, I'll tell you this every day so you know how much I appreciate you!"
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You had classic lazy date with Kanade on which you usually just eat some noodles, snuggled together and either watched or listened to something, or took care of your own things.
Today she was texting some Nightcord members when you come to her house so she just wanted to say goodbye to them so she can spend some quality time with you.
"What did you talked about with your friends? Is another song coming up?"
"Oh no, I was actually talking about you. Do you remember that limited matching bracelets for us? I was telling them how proud I am of you."
"You're proud of me...?"
"Of course I am. I'm proud of everything that has anything to do with you."
In that moment you kinda let it all out but it wasn't bothering you that much, after all her room is like your safe place where you can just be yourself. And once she saw that you let out couple of tears, she immediately started to rub your back.
"Hey, it's alright. Did I said or done something that made you feel so bad?"
"Don't worry, you didn't. I just... haven't heard it for a while and well... they're happy tears..."
"I'm glad those are happy tears but I promise I'll make sure to tell you I'm proud of you every day. Because I really am. Whatever you do, I'll always be proud of you, especially if you worked hard for it. Results don't really matter"
You spend your date cuddled into each other while she was rubbing your back and told you comforting words, constantly reminding you that she's proud of you.
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Mizuki had a shop date with you and now you ended in her room trying every outfit they made you buy and judging every outfit they bought for themselves.
"Oh, try this one out! I remember you saying that you like it but I didn't saw you in it!"
Your lover said it handing you one of the outfits you picked for yourself but in fact, yes, you didn't show them since you wanted it to be a surprise. So you took clothes from them and went to change really quick.
"I'm done! What do you think?"
"You look so good! Next time you simply have to pick something for me as well! Everyone is gonna be so jealous I have partner like you!"
"Why jealous?"
"Because you're simply amazing! I'm so proud of you, my dear!"
They're... proud of you? You really didn't expected them to say it in that very moment so you couldn't help but let a couple of tears out which of course they noticed quickly.
"Hey! Why are you crying? You look amazing so what's wrong?"
"It's just... are you really proud of me?"
"Of course I am! I'm so proud of you that I don't know if it's possible to be proud even more!"
They quickly catched on why you feel this way, after all they know a lot about not feeling good enough. So they decide to ignore this little fashion show of yours and spend your date cuddled into each other on comfy bed.
"I promise you're enough. I love you for who you are so of course I'll be as proud from you as I can."
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ivalice-tifalucis · 1 year
Blue World
Guys, since TT3 is coming back and we're packing up our hype for the next album, I think let's make another post about Barlliams/Creamcakes aka my favorite ship in Take That crumbs.
I don't know why any of you haven't talked about this yet. Maybe you have but I didn't see it or know but haven't talked about this yet or maybe I've seen you talked about it but I forget for some reason.
In 2018, in one of his now deleted youtube live streaming which I actually watched when it was live (which is rare because I can count on one hand how many times I watch any live stream that he did), he showed this unreleased Take That song likely from Progress era based on the tune that sounds like Eight Letters, the beat that is Progress-like, and even "in requiem" words which become a whole song by Gary in his solo album. If you listen closely, this is clearly a duet between Rob and Gaz.
Edit: Can I just say I was internally screaming in 2018 when I first hear Blue World. We are so parched of CC crumbs that this got me gasping like OMG THAT'S GARY'S VOICE!!!!! (starts from 1:56)
Another time where he played this song again in Coronaoke series on instagram live back in 2020 during early pandemic. In this year, he said the title to this song is "Blue World" and played the song from start to finish. Trying to make this blog entry make me realize he actually played a different version of the song in 2018 and in 2020. I think they are reworking this song, hmmm interesting isn't it?
I tried to write the lyrics based on what I heard and try to tell which part is Robbie and which is Gary. It is hard and I might be wrong because Robbie's higher register and Gary's higher/middle register actually sounds similar which is something that I realized when Gary fill in Robbie's part in Everything Changes (Odyssey Version) in the last part of the song "thinking thinking about you". It took me like couple of listening to finally realize wait a minute, that's Gary's voice not young Robbie's. The only difference is that Gary has that soft edges on his voice while Robbie doesn't have that.
Plus, Robbie was karaoke-ing over this song and being Robbie he doesn't even know the right words of his own songs and sing the wrong words and sometimes just mumbles so I have to pay close attention to the song in the background. There are small parts that I still can't catch what the lyric is. I hope they released this song at some point. Have been waiting since 2018 and still wait patiently.
Edit 2: thanks @beautyofred for the notice. It is “You know how young we were” 😭, "You might be living but we're holding hands", "Can't stand the frequency here". After this, it makes even more sense this song is about them. So in the 2018 version, Blue World is basically like this:
(Gary) Blue world, your fate is calling Blue world, at last control A new world of final curtain calls Look how we've come together Just when we've reached the end In requiem
(Robbie) You know how young we were And feel how much it hurts We might be loving but we're holding hands We might be leaving but we're making plans Below our bleeding sky watching our mother's die It seems forever wasn't long enough Why must we always lose the ones we love?
(Gary) Will moment share it musters? But this fragile blue world With the cruel sunlight burning in our eyes ... And in 2020 it is like this:
(Robbie) Blue world, your fate is calling Blue world, at last control A new world of final curtain calls (Gary) Look how we've come together Just when we've reached the end In requiem
(Both) You know how young you were And feel how much it hurts You might be leaving but we're holding hands We might be dying but we're making plans Below our bleeding sky watching our mother's cry It seems forever wasn't long enough Why must we always lose the ones we love? (Robbie) Will moment share it musters? But this fragile blue world With the cruel sunlight burning in our eyes (Gary) You said, I don't know if I could love you for the rest of your life But I’ll love you for the rest of mine That we're led around your silent heart (Robbie) A blue balloon on a barbwire The weather on the ground is catching fire now And when you hear that sound (Both) You know how young we were And feel how much it hurts You might be leaving but we're holding hands We might be dying but we're making plans Below our bleeding sky watching our mother's die It seems forever wasn't long enough Why must we always lose the ones we love? (I'm sure this part changes at this 3rd reff but I can't catch what it is)
(Both) Because can't stand the frequency here Call my name and I'll appear I'm traveling at the speed of light When nothing matters but the life that seep your eyes (Gary) Hold us together Hold us together Hold us together Hold us together I know a secret about you
(Both) You know how young we were And feel how much it hurts You might be leaving but we're holding hands We might be dying but we're making plans Below our bleeding sky watching our mother's cry You know forever wasn't long enough Why must we always lose the ones we love?
You know how young we were (Hold us together) And feel how much it hurts (Hold us together) You might be leaving but we're holding hands (Hold us together) ....
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