#like it was just yesterday
pyaasa · 3 months
Omg. Just Stop Oil just broke into the private airfield where Taylor Swift’s private jet was parked and spray painted it orange
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stuckinapril · 11 days
It’s actually disgusting me that people are choosing to forget about Palestine not even a full year into this ongoing genocide. Nothing is better. Nothing has slowed down. It’s just underreported. It’s just that western media outlets aren’t pretending to care. The iof is still targeting aid distribution centers, it’s still killing hundreds of Palestinians a day, it’s still preventing medical aid from entering North Gaza. So many diseases are robbing families of their loved ones. It is worse than it has ever been. Less people are talking about it now because they no longer want to be bothered to care
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lokorum · 2 months
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jon needs a door and i need a fucking break from this weather uhhh
music from the..floor?? ♪┏(・o・)┛♪
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followthebluebell · 2 years
i’m spending today thinking about how saber toothed cats ALSO probably had a potato form.  how they also had a stage where they were fat little babies with very triangle tails and tiny squeaky voices.  how they also probably play wrestled and failed badly at calculating jumps.
i’m going to fistfight god for killing them off before i could personally see fat potato saber kittens
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museaway · 6 months
✍️ more fic writer asks!
reblog & your followers can send asks with the questions they’d like you to answer!
the last sentence you wrote
a character whose POV you’re currently exploring
how you feel about your current WIP
a story idea you haven’t written yet
first sentence of the fifth paragraph of an unpublished WIP
the word that appears the most in your current draft (wordcounter.net can tell you)
your preferred writing fonts
if you had to write a sequel to a fic, you’d write one for…
start to finish, how long did it take you to write the last fic you posted?
what is the longest amount of time you’ve let a draft rest before you finished it?
a WIP you’d like to finish someday
a trope you’re really into right now
a fandom you’re thinking about writing for
where do you get your inspiration?
favorite weather for writing
favorite place to write
talk about your writing and editing process
if you keep them, share a deleted sentence or paragraph from a published fic
the most interesting topic you’ve researched for a fic
in what year did you publish your first fic?
when did you publish your most recent fic?
do you ever worry about public reaction to what you’re writing? how do you get past that?
pick three keywords that describe your writing
how do you recharge when you’re not feeling creative?
besides writing, what are your other hobbies?
are you able to write with other people around?
your favorite part of the writing process
your least favorite part of the writing process
how easy is it for you to come up with titles?
share a fic you’re especially proud of
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valeovalairs · 2 months
So I’ve read the entire manga, and then watched like thirteen episodes all in one night (manga reading was not done all in one night). Safe to say that her girlish whimsy and lesbianism has captivated me
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pangur-and-grim · 1 year
Is Pangur looking...fluffier? Lately?
you're not imagining things!
this happens to Oriental Longhairs when they get older, they become fluffier. like here she is at 5 months, relatively short-furred:
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and then at 4 years, you can definitely see her fur filling out:
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and at six years, she's getting shaggy enough that her body is losing definition:
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and now at ten years, she's.........yeah.
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why-the-heck-not · 5 months
understanding academic concepts got me blushing swinging my legs giggling
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yuzuuu4 · 6 months
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(post 2.1 quest) unexpected
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starfilledsea · 6 months
trying to describe black sails to people is my personal sisyphean task. “it’s a pirate show” bad. “it’s functionally a prequel to treasure island but also it’s not at all” bad again, and also confusing. “it’s about pirates trying to destroy western civilization” mostly only true of the second half of the show and also doesn’t fully capture what i love about it. “it’s a pirate show about the power of stories, how civilization uses shame to keep people in line and turns them into monsters, and the power of queer rage. it’s got some of the best acting, writing, everything of any show i’ve ever seen.” the most accurate, but way too long and makes me sound pretentious and insane. send help i just want to talk about my favorite show.
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souldagger · 20 days
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messy Tiger Tiger drawing bc they live in my mind rent free now 😵‍💫
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hazycorvus · 2 months
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Thousand spears long Dragonsong war...
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christadeguchi · 9 months
j… jesus oppa ;____;
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blueskittlesart · 2 months
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robot yuri (i finished persona 3)
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sharks3ye · 5 days
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Oughaagahghaagga ramen so yummy hehehsgaaauyahgaa
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