#like im asking for attention. which i shouldn't be for some reason. smth smth not a good christain gal.
sapphic-woes · 8 months
It's been a while since I felt somewhat nice, but this yr I'm rlly trying to commit to doing what I actually want and like, not what I'm hoping will get me validation from my fam. (At least , my therapist claims that's all I do lolol) One thing I've always wanted is a colored wig. Like platinum blonde, or purple or blue, or ginger! Just something different.
My ma always discouraged it, and I naturally go along with her opinion over my own. But I'm trying to listen to myself more and all, so I bought a ginger wig. I wore it out on a friend's bday, and tbh I felt... a little ridiculous wearing it. I felt like I was attracting too much attention, like it looked dumb on me, like black would have been acceptable and normal....etc etc.
But ultimately, I had fun! Like, no one gave me bad looks, not really. I think my brain was playing tricks on me and somewhat making me think so, but not really. I had a blast and someone said my skirt was pretty, which was another booster cuz my body dysmorphia has been a real bitch lately.
Anyways. I guess I'm just...happy I did something. I don't really know how to exist outside the confines of my family's "acceptable" parameters. But this yr I want to, and yk, I think I needa learn to be me if I ever wanna even dream of having a gf lmao. Anyways pic below :)
This was immediately after changing into PJs and then being like "o I never go out I should take a pic to remember" and then proceeding to play mass effect till 3am
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asmogorna · 7 months
Sorry to send another ask so soon (and idk if someones asked this already) but if you have any headcanons for Jon I'd love to hear them!
OK SO im really sorry it took me THIS long to get to this i quite literally.. forgot i had smth in my inbox woopsies. the reason i remembered is cause mootie posted some Spine hcs and i was like "woah"
alsooo im not good at putting my thoughts onto "paper" especially in english so you will have to excuse me
anywho my jon headcanons some sad some random /ref
First of all i think that his relationship with Peter Walter I would be far from close. he would be seen as the type of child who's both "too much mess to take care of" and "strong enough to take care of himself" if that makes sense. Peter did love him as his creation but would openly admit that he's not his proudest one, meanwhile Jon wouldn't feel much connection at all. he sympathized with his creator but only in a way he would with any other human being, there was more gratitude than love
Jon struggles with constant malfunctions and his mechanisms are a mess (partially because he gets himself in trouble all the time), so at one point Peter would get tired of fixing him so frequently, and tell him that he can just "walk some things off". That thought stuck to the bot and he would think of all of his malfunctions as slight inconveniences, i mean, he can still perform so why pay attention to the constant neck pain or powering up struggles ? it just became a habit and he kind of forgot that things like that shouldn't be ignored
After a long while when Peter Walter VI grew up enough to start learning more about how automatons work, Jon would be used as a "lab rat" (not really but its just what he himself called it) for young VI to practice fixing mechanisms. thats pretty much when he heard "Wait this cant be right" about his messed up physical state for the first time in a long while. little Peter didnt get to fix all of the things that were wrong with Jon's body, but he did manage to take care of some of them, which almost surprised Jon with how nice it felt to not hear pieces of broken gears rattle in his head every time he moved (who wouldve thunk)
ok now to more lighthearted stuff !!
Jon actually has a very strong bond with Sam ! He loves watching the mustached man work and sometimes follows him around, just enjoying his company. At first Sam thought that the tone-gold automaton was creepy and uncanny, but grew attached to him and his stupidity (/lh). i also think that Sam would be one of the few Walter workers who dont baby the Jon and actually treat him like they would treat any other robot :3
Also Jon just loves his robot family endlessly. shocker !! im not sure how explain it but i think hes the only one to look at other Walter automatons and go "bro i love them so much" at all times. in his head at least. obviously he teases them and argues with them but he wont think twice before accepting a hug from his siblings (except for Upgrade theyre rivals /j)
Speaking of Upgrade !! They feel the most sibling-ish to me (aside from Rabbit & The Spine) because they constantly poke fun at each other yet they still are willing to give each other help and comfort when needed. She once had to carry him all the way back to the Walter manor because they forgot to take some extra cans of crystal pepsi
Also Upgrade got in an accident once which caused her to have a fractured face for a couple of days, and Jon was there the entire time to comfort her and constantly tell her that shes still very pretty
Unlike with other robots, the food that Jon eats doesnt just fall through his uncovered jaw/run into his boiler or anything like this, instead it just. disappears. once he closes his mouth the food just vanishes into the unknown, yet Jon claims that he enjoys the process of "eating" (nobody knows how it works)
LITTLE GIRLS THAT GO TO SPG SHOWS LOVE HIM !! once the band finishes performing, he constantly gets pulled away by a small giggling pink-ish blob to join their tea party or hula hooping contest. thats why he has quite a knowledge on "girly" themes and educates other automatons on the matter
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saltymongoose · 2 years
I love children (sarcastic)
Hi i have a funny yet embarrassing story that happened to me today!!
But honestly, i was at starbucks earlier bc yknow, i want some coffee every once in a while! And i was standing in line getting ready to order when this kid was tugging on my skirt. I was like “hey are you lost? Wheres your parent” and they pointed, i ask the person behind me to hold my spot and return the kid, saying “you should keep an eye on them just incase”
It was like, a middle aged woman, and she just stared at me and like, rolled her eyes and the kid sat down.
Ok, bitch. I go back in line and the person behind me had stepped up but i wasnt too worried cause it was just them in line. So i go behind them and it takes like, a minute later this kid is back and runs UNDER MY SKIRT (i was a long skirt).
I start screaming, and had lifted my leg up to try and step over them and accidentally kick the kid in the face, which they immediately start crying and the mother runs over PISSED. Shes screaming about how i would hurt her kid and so on so fourth. Im sitting here, trying not to cry bc im, very very socially anxious. The lady ends up turning her attention to the workers there for some reason, and i just like, left bc i was about to start sobbing.
Summary of the story, entitled parents raise entitled kids, i didnt get my coffee, and i cried in my car for like 10 minutes.
My friend went and bought me some after they got back from work XD so i actually did get my coffee
- Pop Anon
Oh my god, that sounds absolutely awful. :( Parents like that mother really annoy me; do some people just not realize that reigning your kid in and teaching them how to behave in public is part of being a parent? Literally all they would've had to do is like sit the kid beside them and hold their hand or smth. I feel kinda bad for the kid too, cause obviously they shouldn't be going underneath people's clothes (wtf?) but I can bet they weren't really "parented" properly to know to keep to themselves. (What happens if the kid cozies up to some stranger with bad intentions? Then what? How can the mother not think of this when their child runs off? 🤨)
I can't imagine how bad that was to experience, especially with social anxiety. At least you did end up getting coffee in the end thanks to your friend, but Jesus H. Christ, what is wrong with people?
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