#like idk if in japanese it's ambiguous/it could be either thing but. i choose to believe in the spanish translator hasjkgvok
theophagie-remade · 1 year
I've said this already but bnha's official spanish translation is Everything like "y entonces me gustó Midoriya Izuku" yesss shopping list yesss gustar and not querer yesss me gustó and not me empezó a gustar yesss tense used for past and finished actions swag
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HEARTBREAKING: Despicable Me 4 was mid af
explanation with spoilers below! other than that, have an excellent day <3
no im serious :"( I really thought it was gonna slap brah :"( so sad brah :"(
cause like at first I was like "omg gru and Lucy have a baby just another trope to continue the series lmao"
and then I heard the song and then I was like "WOAH THIS GONNA BE GOOD bro what if there's like gru having to choose between his family and his beloved life of crime? Lie detector time? oh boy, what kind of tense and high stakes plot that covers the importance of choosing what you love and respecting others could this be hinting at? oh boy its gonna be so intense to see if gru has to lie to Lucy to do some crazy money making heist so they can go family vacation. or maybe the baby will be difficult to raise and raising the baby together teaches gru and Lucy about working together. or maybe they learn about splitting the attention between the gorls and the new baby. or literally the so many rich thematic elements that were expressed by the song."
and then I actually watched the movie and... :"(
omg none of it. it was fucking mid. it was bad because it was just so mid. just. </3
ok so Lucy's character was not explored at all, just kinda taking care of the baby on the side until gru goes on the mission with the baby.
and then the gorls didn't age at all even tho the baby seems to be at least a year old. oh and they didn't get character development either. except margo was bullied :"( why did they do that to her :"( yeah no Edith being badass or Agnes being baby either. I mean kinda? Agnes got to see her baby goat again at the end and that was cool. but that was it, unfortunately.
ok what about the villain? ooooh cool design! aaaaaaaand boring plot. ok well I mean it was a funny back story with gru stealing his song at the school talent show, but like. that's the most interesting thing I can remember. like what did he even do... oh it was cool that he communicates to cockroaches n shit. that was cool af. dude I was so fucking hyped for stinky bug villain but no. I got stinky plot.
(im really sad that I cant eat takis that much anymore they're so good but holy fucking shit I have HUGE meltdowns on the days after I eat them fuck red40)
ok what about the baby? yeah no the baby hates gru and loves Lucy haha and the baby likes gru only if he's being a villain. idk man it was cool but I kinda feel like he was overhyped for his role in the movie.
ok what about Gru? well yeah he was gruing around. but not really. I mean kinda...? there was no real crisis for him tho, he didn't have to choose between villainy or his family or even anything really. his goal was kind of ambiguous.
ok what about the minions? I have no strong opinion, they were definitely minions. they weren't even as funny tho. if anything, I realized maybe they represent the working class, the lowly proletariat. its more scary when you think about how "minionese" is just a bunch of languages mashed up (English, Spanish, Chinese, Tagalog, French, Russian, Italian, Japanese, Korean) and there are theories that certain people at the top are mixing all the races to dumb everyone down into a slave. I think that if that's really happening, then the plan is going to backfire, because mixing races makes people stronger and more resilient against a broader spectrum of problems. Anyway it became apparent that the minions represent the working class because they were seen working for the good guys after a life of crime. too much to articulate, not enough care to bother with it.
ok what about the themes of the movie? I really don't know. I have no fucking idea. I thought it was gonna be family or commitment or something but I really have no clue. um I guess uh... ... ... ... ... holding on to a grudge wastes time? I mean yeah cause the cockroach guy was very upset about his song getting stolen, but gru could've chosen to be upset about getting pantsed in school. but he took revenge instead, and the cockroach guy just couldnt stand the taste of his own medicine. so he lives his life alone and miserable (not implying being single by choice is miserable. y'all are lucky and smart) while gru doesn't let that past experience bother him and he lives doing the things he loves with the people he loves. but other than that yeah I have no fucking clue.
maybe I was high but idk, the whole movie just seemed very uh.. hmmm... idk the word for this, but yknow those sketches where you erased and drew over the part over and over again? and then the paper gets worn out and thin and grey because you kept erasing? yeah that. that's what the plot and basically the whole movie felt like.
ok no this was weird... ok so the fucking teenager who was kinda mean to margo and she's the daughter of that neighbor. like she does this villain thing with gru and the baby and I really have no idea what they were trying to do. gru met her up at her treehouse and just. what... I I really hope im just an insane conspiracy theorist but fuck I got p3do vibes from it... idk... and speaking of p3dos and Hollywood, the Deadpool wolverine movie was so good, but I cant shake off the tiny boy penis joke they made when Deadpool was regrowing his body. just... I know Deadpool is adult, but idk with the baby legs. maybe one joke was alright but they dragged that one on. like all the characters were really GAZING at it man. idk I hope im just insane and its not a p3do reference idk. I still don't know how she has anything to do with the plot besides being the gateway for gru to talk to her dad and get the sports club membership...
(I need someone to beat me almost to death so I can experience real pain and I can appreciate my life more)
hey guys this is unrelated to the post but PRO MONEY TIP
see anything like an exclusively decorated soda can or a limited time package? save one or a few of those and save them for thirty years or however long you think. and the longer you wait, the more those bidders from the future are gonna pay for your unopened can of Mountain Dew Freedom Fusion.
ok wait I just talked about it to my bf, I realized even more money is possible if there is a Beloved FranchiseTM on the can for a limited time offer. like Mickey Mouse Coca Cola or something.
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imagominus · 2 years
Too much time to waste, too little time to plan
I have an issue when it comes to spending lots on time on more ambitious stuff, or rather a bunch of them. There are so many things i could do, but ultimately, they don't seem worth it. I can't choose one thing to focus on, and i can't focus on anything at all either, because interruptions can happen literally anytime where i am. Even if i focus on one thing, i feel like i'm wasting the opportunities to learn and achieve other things right then and there. And it raelly doesn't help, that my potential plans are sooooooo many! Here is a list of the current things i can potentially work on / am interested in, along with their complaints:
programming AI - very interesting stuff and highly practical if mastered, but ultimately only really serves as another method of having fun for me, and it would require learning a bunch of other stuff i don't care about.
game mods - i could insert my own stuff into games, but not only would i have to figure out a bunch of stuff about modding in and on itself, but it would also be limited to the games i already have, plus it would put my systems at risk of unintentional broken code
animatics - the most reasonable time investment, since i am a very imaginative and less artistic individual. It would allow me to put my choreographic ideas of scenarios into action without trying hard to make it look good, but it still takes some time, and it wouldn't really look good because, you know.
video games - i have plenty of ideas, but they might be too ambiguous for the likes of me, who would have to learn everything about it, plus 3D modeling plus rigging plus programming plus design plus.... you get the point.
Live2D VTuber modeling - requires both artistic skill AND rigging skills, however, it doesn't seem worth it at all, since i most likely won't connect with others anytime soon
3D animation - i would have to learn 3D modeling, rigging, the process of animation, effects, sound design and so much more to get on a decent level, it is way too much for me to learn, let alone to do well enough for others to be interested in.
learning a language (Japanese?) - very very practical, both personally and socially, however, it is neither creative nor materialistic, nothing you do with your hands (unless you count writing), besides, even if i learn one language, do you know how many there are?
3D modeling - no animation or rigging and the likes required, however, now the focus is shifted on the quality of the model, and i'm bad with details (plus CPU and rendering stuff idk)
Playing and actually finishing games - bad at games, bad at finishing stuff, also Let's-Plays and streams exist, but also, things are kinda different when played by yourself? Also, no produced content unless streamed minimally =/
IRL building projects - suddenly, resources are a problem =(
build a community (streaming, content creation) - bad humor, bad with people, bad at interacting with people, also requires experience with editing and stuff
join a Minecraft SMP - i have ZERO idea about requirements and i'm bad with people and a noob and i'd have to manage time again and much more, also doesn't feel worth it, but then again, maybe some interaction?
writing stories - suddenly, literature becomes my problem because i'm bad with literature, also, no visuals =(
making music - purely sound based, would have to learn all about making music, especially digitally because pricings and resources and stuff.... also no visuals
reading/watching full series i care about - don't care enough to waste time on non-practical stuff X(
fully learning practical programming stuff for jobs - absolutely most practical and beneficial thing i could do, HOWEVER, it is not fulfilling AT ALL! Also, no creativity points, plus don't care enough, plus work, plus....
learn sprite animation - has become very common/popular, seems easy to learn, but no understanding for it, plus takes a looooong time to make, plus other things to learn, plus sprites lack detail (more so than my lack thereof)
practice own voice - i hate my voice, but where the FFFF do i practice when there is no soundproof place anywhere where i am? It would help my confidence and others' perception of me though =/
getting good at (specific) games - potential good reputation from skill(s), but limited to games, plus lacks practical use
developing artistic skills - takes soooooooooooo much practice and idk what to draw most of the time, plus nothing moves there.
make friends - uuuuuuhm.... =´)
take care of home - not fulfilling at all, defies own sense of justice (lazy sibling + overworked mother), barely any content, creativity, practical use
reading interesting stories (e.g. Lovecraft) - no practical use, knowledge barely has any use, no visuals.... yeah, i'm not a bookworm =/
I think you should get it now. Too much to choose from, all of them have disadvantages i don't want to take, and so many other issues i'd rather not deal with.... but then, WHAT THE FFFF DO I DO WITH MY FFFFING LIFE?!?
0 notes
0chazuke · 7 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
About Pokemon: I choose you! The Movie (non-spoilers version) *small edit: 18/Jul*
Salt or not, you should watch it - it is hard to criticize the experience only by reading spoiler notes/plot reviews. Go watch the movie without much expectations, even with some (big?) flaws it is quite an entertaining film. 
If you love Ash and Pikachu’s friendship, I’m pretty sure you will enjoy this - their relationship is indeed the big deal of the movie. Their voice actresses do an incredible job in this movie, it is worth to note how much their talent make a huge difference in the quality of the movie. The animation has some really pretty scenes and cool battles, I loved how expressive Ash and Pikachu were!
M20 is also a good treat for fans of the original series soundtrack, it has some nice rearranges of the old time classics! Plus so many references from previous movies!
Many people cried during many parts of the film, I noticed also some surprised gasps and bursts of laughter around/in front of my seat range too. I missed watching flawed Ash.... And, oh, he does answer what does a "Pokemon Master" mean this time lol.
On the other hand, the plot and the pacing… are a big mess. Too much info, not enough time to develop each thread, then it ends in a very rushed way. No wonder why I ended up with so many mixed feelings about the whole thing, hahaha, I personally wouldn’t rank it as my favorite pokemon movie but… I don’t think it is also as awful as some people have claimed xD
It is indeed a very strange experience, for instance… New characters are not bad, they have some background and personality - I’d say they are fitting and likeable but also kinda of pointless at the same time? Or, another example, emotional scenes are intense but they are also solved so quickly that is barely no time to let the info sink lol. IMO this film was better than the last recent movies, it’s like “well, M20 was really nice, I’m not mad but it had potential to be much better - but still, it was very fun, go watch it”? Please try watching it!
So many people in the movie theater - both kids and adults… also, so many 3ds devices lol (Marshadow is a gift through local wireless network. They included a short announcement at the start/end of the movie by Shokotan-Joy reminding us of that!). I’m happy that I got Marshadow and also a Ga-ole card with Movie!Hat Pikachu - it can be converted to Pokemon USUM in the future…
I’m still unsure which Hat-chu should I redeem with my ticket code. Maybe AG one?
Oh, (long) ramblings and spoilers after this cut:
Spoiler talk:
I don’t think Pikachu’s speaking scene was as bad as some people said… I thought that was very emotional and meaningful? It is very ambiguous scene, I saw that moment as Ash understanding Pikachu’s pokemon words with full clarity, he was so weak (c'mon boy was exhausted lol) and I don’t think Pikachu literally spoke in human language… The atmosphere kinda implies it is something only Ash could understand that instant, like the blurred and muffled sounds.
I really like Ash and Pikachu and I guess anyone who has/had a partner like that might get emotional over that. Ugh, maybe it’s Ootani’s acting… idk, either way that crushed my heart really badly. I surprisingly got much more emotional about it than I thought I would, even after being bombed with pre-screening spoilers.
^few minutes before I was honestly wanting to laugh/cringe at MARSHADOW WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING and the UGH incineroar’s PELVIC BELT FIRE ATTACKS WHY DID YOU REMIND US OF THAT DETAIL FROM THE GAMES DDDD: 
Convoluted plot much? Yamachan is a nice Marshadow! But… Kinda too bad the Pokemon itself in the story is really confusing. Pacing is also weird, felt like the plot is too long and suddenly close to the end they had to wrap it up in a rush? I thought it was nice in a way that you don’t get bored because things go nonstop, however it would definitely work better as a short TV series than a single movie.
They must really like those guest celebrities to create the two new rushed Please!DPPremake!characters. I do think the movie would work better with Ash and Pikachu traveling alone - for example, Bonji could easily sometimes fill the gaps the role of the two companions are meant to be… I mean, Souji and Makoto are nice, but still… Ugh, it does feels a bit like they were forced to be there.
I hope you like Entei better than Suicune and Raikou lol. It’s like… The first one is a badass and the other two are simply… there. Suicune only appears to Makoto and they exchange glances... and that's all.
Team Rocket’s cameos are very short but cute. I liked the best the one at the beginning, at the Pokemon Center, when Joy goes"omg those guys!!!“ and instead of attacking the place, TRio just leave excited like the other kids "yaaaaay Entei!!!” XD
I apparently wasn’t the only one who was confused about Marshadow’s intentions in that movie. Judging by the viewers’ reactions, I noticed a lot of people were confused about it… Even understanding Japanese language didn’t help much tbh.
Going back to Ho-Oh and Marshadow, I didn’t get it at first, but… 
…Well, Ash got one of Ho-Oh’s feather and it kept shining with bright colors because he has a good heart - if the feather gets dark, according to the legend, it is thanks to humans being evil, which results in things going really bad, right?
Marshadow knows that black feather = not good - that’s why when Ash is blinded by frustration and the feather gets darker, he creates that dream world where Ash realizes how important Pikachu was for him and tries to find his partner even though he can’t remember him in that illusion world. It takes a while to Ash realize he was being reckless and stupid, but after he remembers and understand he was being stupid, he quickly wakes up and apologize to Pikachu with real regret, and the feather goes colorful again, right?
The second time the feather goes dark is when Cross snatch it from Ash’s hand and later on, Marshadow takes it and start destroying everything around it. Bonji tells Ash he should get his feather back asap or else Marshadow will never stop unleashing its power, right….
1) so you could say Marshadow is like a guardian that creates a trial for those who bear the rainbow feather, ensuring pokemon are safe from evil people/good people can meet Ho-Oh (does it mean when Ash “dies”, he actually goes under Marshadow’s trial and he quickly returns to the real world due to his bond to Pikachu?)
2) Marshadow actually a sneaky little chaotic pokemon that is very aware that when the feather gets dark, it is its opportunity to snatch it and unleash its power. That explains why dark feather = bad stuff happens and why Marshadow stop hitting the humans and fades away after the dark feather in its hands disappears and reappears as a colored feather in Ash’s hand)
So… Which one is the actual thing, 1 or 2?
I’m not planning to watch it a second time soon, but let’s see if someone else does it and help us figuring out the plot lol. It’s probably easier to understand it after a second view (I mean, I HOPE SO lol).
About specific stuff I was asked on Tumblr, in no particular order:
Oh, the credits with old characters was not a full screen part… Only a small portion of the screen. They all begin as shadowed figures that look at the camera, reveling their full bodies. The background is the same for all characters.
Misty was riding her bike! May tied her bandanna! Clemont’s glasses were shining! Serena kept her old looks, everybody had their original clothes and style… TRACEY! o/
Max appeared together with May and Bonnie appeared together with Clemont.
I was very intrigued that only (cute upside down) Iris and Serena were smiling in their respective scenes… Everybody else looked slightly surprised/confused somewhat? So odd. :/
While Makoto is checking out her “smartphone”, after some pictures of her friends (we can see that Souji is the one who cooks for the trio) and their pokemon we can see her mother’s picture (+Piplup and Empoleon). Yeah, possibly Cynthia - she’s missing the trademark hairclips and the hair color is slightly darker… but that long peculiar hair is quite similar to that character… Plus Makoto herself hints "my hometown (Twinleaf - Sinnoh) has a very famous trainer..."
The teacher inside the classroom of IRL Ash was Agatha, wasn’t it?
Professor Oak has a Squirtbottle.
Souji is seen spotting an Articuno at the end of the movie. Meanwhile, Makoto explains she will go back home to see her mother.
Ah, close to the end I remember seeing the Alolan starters animated - sorry, I don't remember when exactly but it was before the credits, when Ash and Pikachu already said goodbye to Souji and Makoto.
The Lapras is not Ash's, it's Makoto's. She kisses the pokeball before throwing it...
Pikachu's spoken lines: "ずっと一緒にいたいから" (zutto issho ni itai kara): Because I wants to be with you, always.
Oh, Ash does define what does it mean to him to be a pokemon master: to become a friend of all pokemon in the world!
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crossgartered · 4 years
P5R liveblog (8/?)
(Makoto arc end)
Oh, hey, Chihaya.
Idk if I'm remembering the timing right, but it looks like they took out Ryuji's interaction with those two entirely. I told him to wait outside bc of his uniform and he said he'd kill some time somewhere until I was done
It really does seem kind of awful of us to volunteer Mishima for this, especially without him knowing.
Oh, hey, they think he's interested in drag bc of how he was looking into Crossroads. They want to help him out. Still sucks that this supposed to be something funny, and that they're dragging him off without his wanting to, but it is better than it was.
Oh, this translation seems different. A bit more natural, I think. Still really harsh, though. Sae...
Honestly her charm stat is in the pits. It's kind of hilarious since you need high (max? Idr) charm to progress past rank 5 with her.
Huh, if she had social stats... High knowledge, low charm, good guts, not totally sure about proficiency & kindness but I'm leaning towards okay-low proficiency and middling-decent kindness.
Now, the others...
Ryuji would have low knowledge, good guts,
Listen, I'm having trouble with quantifying their kindness. Because, they all have differing levels of what I consider personal-kindness and general-kindness
Wait. Do I really want to get on this tangent right now? ...Not really. Hold that thought. Back to the game.
GOD this was so dangerous I am honestly amazed that she got out of this okay.
Honestly I'm kind of surprised Kaneshiro doesn't have a doorman or anything.
Jeez, Kaneshiro's face looks off compared to everyone else. Like, on its own, it's a decent face, but it looks like it doesn't belong with the rest.
Huh, I wonder how many of them actually have mommies and daddies to beg money from. Let's see... Makoto is being raised by her prosecutor sister. Parents dead. Ryuji is being raised by a single mom. Dad left a long time ago. Canonically poor. Yusuke was being raised by Madarame. Mom dead. Dad out of the picture, idr how. Canonically poor, with poor money sense. Ann has parents. Successful fashion designers that she doesn't see half the year. And the protag has an ambiguous family situation. Of course, I have my headcanons, but that's nothing. Anyway, if we were going about this the way Kaneshiro wanted us to, Ann would probably be able to provide the most, followed by Makoto. (Again, leaving Ren out of this).
Guh, thinking about it like that feels shitty.
...can you even imagine an ATM with Ann's pigtails though? I mean I know the other ATMs don't have any distinguishing features but still
Godddd, I really love when people are given reaction shots when something another character is saying is resonating or otherwise meaningful to them
Makoto: "A lot happened after we lost her father three years ago, so it's just us living together... But I'm still a child, so all I am is a burden to her..."
Yusuke: *cut-in* "......"
Me: *chef's kiss*
...it happens at other times in this game (and other stuff), too, but I just wanted to point it out. Especially bc you kind of have to infer a lot of the time when it comes to Yusuke.
Both Makoto and Ann called him specifically a monster cat. I wonder if the Japanese calls him a cat ayakashi or something.
What property damage did any of us cause?
Why is Shadow Kaneshiro purple anyway?
I love Makoto's awakening ngl
But honestly, is there a /bad/ awakening in the bunch? They really killed it with the game aesthetics, you know?
"No weaknesses. Our only chance is to make them confused" or whatever she just said about confusing them. Idk if I just tune her out or if that's a new thing
Didn't Makoto have Flash Bomb or whatever that multi-phys + chance of Dizzy skill was called? Maybe she gets that at a higher level
*heavy sigh* Okay, Makoto
"I will crush him like a fly" I see what you did there
It really is nice that they're bringing up the advisor thing instead of just her doing it herself. I still feel like there should have been a little more talk about it amongst the 5 of them instead of just the 3 human-shaped guys but w/e
The references to English songs and memes is a little jarring, ngl
Man, Sae's gonna flip her shit when she hears what Makoto did to get here.
Awww Ann & Makoto are bonding
*sigh* listen, I like Makoto, I even dated her in my first playthrough of vanilla p5, but I really dislike how they just keep shilling her around this time. It's a little off-putting. I think it's a thing Atlus likes to do.
Hmm? Is the man getting joint pain on rainy days going to affect his Mementos fight?? Interesting.
Ughhhhhh Queen choosing her name and then the """strategy""" thing is exactly the same. Like her being there even changes anything about how we go about things. And we do think about what we're doing, actually! Well, mostly Morgana bc Phantom thievery is his whole schtick. But like, outside our usual plans, we successfully pulled off the heist in the Madarame Palace, for example. We also opened the locked door and dealt with that. We go about the palaces with intent! Blugh.
"it's my role to be the brain of this team and give out orders" BLUGH
And then Ryuji & Mona are into it... -_-+
I hate this part. It's awkward and dumb. There are better ways to make her their advisor, Atlus
Also someone mention that I am field leader pls. I know you did in vanilla p5 do it now as well
I wonder if they've changed her s.link abilities? They at least have to have given her 1 more thing due to the baton pass thing
GUH I love Makoto's Queen outfit.
Oh, whoops, I forgot about that conversation. Maybe I should have put Morgana in my party.
But heck yeah, let's do a finisher! I wonder how to get these for people.
RYUJI WANTS TO DO A SHOWTIME WITH FOX "We could call it Art Run or something" I LOVE HIM
Ugh, it's really frustrating that they're trying to get me to showtime w Ann & Morgana when all the enemies here are weak to Zio & Bufu (with a little bit of Psi & Gun thrown in for good measure).
Okay, have reorganized my party so I don't have to use an Agi-weak persona to go after enemy weaknesses. That was so embarrassing.
Oh, neat! My sleuthing instinct kicked in! ... Makoto's abilities have to have changed.
Maybe even both, idk. Morgana seemed like the best choice to heal/lucky punch so he's in my party rn but maybe when he gets swapped out later I'll find the answer to that
...this is being surprisingly easy. But I don't think I'm overleveled... Jeez, I haven't bought weapons since Kamoshida's Palace. And they give you so many clothes in this game... And accessories! Really!
But yeah, I finished that security guy in 3 moves. Morgana - Garu (absorbed), Yusuke - Bufu (inflicting Freeze), Ryuji - Headbutt (Technical) -> All-Out Attack. I remember it being a lot harder in the original. Idk.
Okay, the next one was slightly harder. It took two All-out-attacks to beat it. But hmm.
Maybe I am overleveled, though. Apparently that miniboss (??) Was only level 21, and I am 23.
Oh, I'm getting Sigma feelings. Ann's counting down for opening the vault-like door.
I don't think I've ever noticed before how neat Kaneshiro's palace music is. Well, at least the Laundering Office, anyway. What is this, exactly? It's some version of Price - that's the same melody line, but the instrumentation is all different. That's not to say that Price isn't good; it's just that I'm weak for strings & orchestra instruments in non- orchestral songs. It sounds darker and more intense. I love it
Oho? That gold vault door seems new.
Or maybe I just don't remember it.
Anyway. I really do appreciate that Morgana mentions Shadow personalities in negotiations. Like, I read the tutorial on it, but it's nice to have him like "what's this one so happy about? Well, guess we'll play long for now" or whatever he says for an upbeat shadow. It's pretty neat.
"I wonder what it'd be like if we had Palaces instead of Personas." SAME, RYUJI, SAME 👀👀👀👀👀
Hmm, I know Joker Palace has some fics, and I think I remember seeing a Crow Palace fic, but I wonder about the others...? Hmm 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀
I don't want to accidentally spoil myself, though. I'll go through the archive after I finish this.
"Your Palace would definitely be a beef bowl shop." ANN OMG
"Why'd you gotta give a straight answer right off the bat? I can't argue with that!" Ryuji pls ;u;
Why do Will Seeds all look like that? I know there are those death things with the hollow eyes like that, but is that what it is? It just seems so out of place in this technical setting. I'm kind of surprised they don't change appearances to suit their Palace. Tbh, it doesn't really look like anything that comes from Mementos, either. But I suppose it must...
WHOA, why did the Velvet Room door turn red? "I have an uneasy feeling" Same, protag, same
Is this because I still have Jack Frost with me? But come onnnn I already had most of this palace's inhabitants alreadyyyy
By /fusing/ them
Could this have come at any time? Or was this scripted for now? Oh, wait, I overreacted, this says that my Personas will be stronger if I do it during a fusion alarm. Kind of incentivizes him to slack off, though, doesn't it? Lol
Oh, interesting. Look at all those accident possibilities. Nvm.
Orpheus... ;-;
Huh, I didn't realize the Picaro versions also were not just dlc
"You would like me to become your mask? Well then, let us search for the answers of life together."
*lie down* *try not to cry* *cry a lot*
I need to go to Mementos and find an Eligor. Gotta get that Flauros.
Aww, the newspaper club girl is rooting for the phantom thieves. She's so angry at akechi rn
Oh, speaking of! Hello, Akechi!
Oh man it's bc of the motorcycle ISNT IT, RYUJI : DDDDDD
The voice acting there was. Wonderful. Omfg
Actually, now that I think about it, it makes a lot of sense that Ryuji's tried to suggest team ups twice now, ever as soon as he learned they were a thing. He was on the track team, and the team aspect of that was very important to him. He likes cheering others on and being cheered on by others. Specifically by training and sweating and testing limits together - by fighting together. Of course ryuji is interested. Of course he is.
Man, I wish I had better context for the "you filthy fly on dirty money" line - I mean, obviously he's Beelzebub, who is apparently in charge of gluttony, but like, is that a phrase? Is this just a Beelzebub reference or is there more to it bc it feels like there's more to it and I don't understand bc cultural reasons
Blegh I don't want to give up my expensive items...guess I'll do this the tedious way.
Ah, here we go. Let's see how these hired guns are. Hopefully I can see the Makoto & Ryuji showtime? :3 ?
Wait, Bael? Not Beelzebub? Really? Huh?
I wonder why that briefcase was related to his distorted desires. We really know so little about Kaneshiro, relatively
Yusuke's kinda on the ball today.
Wow, damn, Akechi was potentially onto us since the Kaneshiro calling card? He gave a list of potential candidates, maybe we were on it...
Makoto, really, it was unfair of everyone to put the burden of resolving the Kaneshiro issue on you. You really can't be blamed. you know that, right?
Oh, hey look, it's 'Gaudy Student' there in the background
Hhhhhhhhhhh there are so many choices I have 5 potential social links to do tonight. I could start Kawakami, Ohya, Chihaya, or Hifumi, or I could level up Yoshida since it's Sunday
BWAHAHAHAHA justice rank 3 is. Amazing.
"I've seen everything. A vision of you groveling on the ground..." IS THIS THE THING IN DECEMBER SHES TALKING ABOUT
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