#like i wanna rewatch all the barbie movies honestly..
millandwike · 1 year
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lamonnaie · 6 months
Get to Know Me Tag :)
Thanks for the tag @cornflowershade and @qt-qtoey !! <33
do you make your bed? very rarely lol, i can't be bothered most days 🫡
what's your favourite number? 7
what is your job? i do private tutoring + work at a tutoring place
if you could go back to school, would you? uhh i mean i'm still in uni, med school's rough so idk if i'd wanna ever come back 😭 Although i took a linguistics unit once and it was rlly interesting, maybe i'd like to go back at some point (in the very distant future) to do more of that for fun :))
can you parallel park? nope, still on my learners and i haven't gotten around to learning lol
a job you had that would surprise people? hmm honestly haven't had any particularly surprising jobs? just the regular minimum wage retail stuff <//3
ooh but if we go with something adjacent that people would find surprising, i think irls would be very shocked to know that i write fanfic 😂
do you think aliens are real? Potentially? I feel like there's surely something somewhere out there, idk in what capacity though
can you drive a manual car? nope
what's your guilty pleasure? nothing's a guilty pleasure if you're shameless enough about your interests 😌
tattoos? i like the idea of them but i don't think i'll ever get one :)
favorite color? purple!! hence all the question colours hehehe
favorite type of music? osts of whichever show/movie i'm watching at the moment, that's pretty much the only music i've been listening for the last 2-ish years 😭 i guess most of that will count under pop music!
do you like puzzles? yesss!!! i love any and all types of puzzles <33
any phobias? idk if it's a phobia but i'm definitely NOT a fan of bugs/creepy crawlies, pls stay away from me 🙏🙏
favorite childhood sport? ahahaha i hated sports class with a passion all throughout school 😪 but i liked watching swimming and tennis a lot, i still keep up with tennis sometimes !!
do you talk to yourself? mostly just in my head, i'm surrounded by people most of the time so i wouldn't wanna talk out loud lol
what movies do you adore? i'm not rlly a big movie person, but some movies i've rewatched many times: Tenet, Tell Me How I Die (it's this horror movie with Ryan Higa of nigahiga fame that i was obsessed with when it first came out because i was going through a nigahiga phase 😩), Barbie and the Diamond Castle (the og barbie movies stay superior 💯💯), We Are Champions (only watched this recently, it's a taiwanese movie with my fav fandy fan in it <3 it's a very solid sports movie :))
coffee or tea? Coffee !!! although i like tea too. iced coffee and iced tea ftw
first thing you wanted to be growing up? i don't rlly remember? probably author or teacher :)
tagging @dramalets @xinhua-jun @kess-in-the-perthchimzone @quodekash @buckystilinski @gaiaxygang @moeblobmegane @telomeke @dropthedemiurge + anyone else who sees this, no pressure !! :D
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andvys · 6 months
5. favorite form of potato? 12. brand of haircare/bodycare/skincare you trust 100%? 20. favorite disney princess movie? 29. preferred pasta noodle?
I love any form of potato, it's literally my favorite food ever, you can do so much with it -- I do love baked potatoes and fries especially though
honestly I don't have a favorite for that, I keep trying out different ones especially for haircare, and I just can't find the one brand. for bodycare/skincare I do love Nivea and La Roche Posay though, they're amazing
I hate to say that I don't have a favorite Disney princess movie, I never liked them, I loved the animal movies and I was always more of a Barbie girl, I loved all the Barbie movies (now I kinda wanna rewatch them lmao)
Penne noodles are always my fave hehe
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kalikoris · 1 year
Movie Meme 🍿
Rules: post 7 comfort movies and tag 7 people 
Thank you to @notyouraveragesofia and @gaygingersnaps for tagging me! <3
Spirited Away (2001): This movie feels like home <3 Out of all the Ghibli films this one has always been my favorite. Whenever I rewatch, I always find something new to appreciate.
Lord of the Rings Trilogy: Alright I'm kinda cheating but I really can't just pick one. If I'm watching lotr then I'm gonna marathon the whole thing. Taking a whole day, snuggled up with some blankets, and immersing yourself in the world is peak comfort.
Rogue One (2016): Okay, hear me out. This movie makes me sad but I know it like the back of my hand at this point. The comfort of knowing exactly what you're going to get with no loose ends(sorta). And also this movie has affected my life in a way because it's led me to a community where I've met a lot of cool people!! It's wonderful, honestly.
Spy Kids 3-D: Game Over (2003): This movie is the reason I own 3D glasses. "Somebody ring The Dinkster?" is an inside joke with me and my friends and it always makes me laugh. I really miss this era of movies sometimes.
Scooby-Doo (2002): Really made me wanna eat hot dogs
Barbie as the Princess & the Pauper (2004): I had the dvd and probably watched this movie a thousand times. All the songs are solid, the animation is not bad, still makes me laugh to this day. This is the perfect example of a comfort movie for me.
The Cat in the Hat (2003): I really enjoyed this movie as a kid. And then I watched it as an adult and realized just how BIZARRE it is. This movie is legit a fever dream but in the best way.
(some honorable mentions: The Princess Bride, Whisper of the Heart, Zathura, Coraline, Silent Hill)  
tagging (no pressure!!): @quarantineddreamer, @eatsleepandsing, @luciechat, @lilting-aurora, @coffee-and-uhg, @frostbitepandaaaaa, @youhavereachedtheendofpie
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blue-slxt · 1 year
blue 🩵 my love ✨ for the 123 questions i would love to know:
11) Hogwarts house
31) What's your favorite type of cake?
36) Would you rather live near the mountains or near the beach?
47) Do you believe in astrology
55) Are you scared of space?
60) Is the ocean or space scarier?
66) What was the last film you watched at a cinema?
67) What's your favorite Christmas film?
77) What color do you want your hair to be?
88) Your opinion on pineapple on pizza?
97) What TV show would you recommend to everyone?
Whew! *cracks knuckles* alright, let's get into this!
11) Hogwarts house
Last time I took the test, it said Gryffindor, but that was also years ago and I was a totally different person lol. I think I've grown into more of a Slytherin honestly.
31) What's your favorite type of cake?
Marble cake. It's just that perfect balance of yellow and chocolate and it's top tier.
36) Would you rather live near the mountains or near the beach?
The beach, hands down. Mountains are fine, but I much prefer the sound of the waves, the smell of the water, the horizon view, all of that.
47) Do you believe in astrology
I'd say like maybe halfway lol. I don't think it's this like all powerful driving force that completely dictates everything, but I do think that there's something to how the alignment of the planets and things effects us down here.
55) Are you scared of space?
Not really, I find it more fascinating than anything.
60) Is the ocean or space scarier?
Definitely the ocean. Maybe it's just because I'm afraid of water, but something about how vast and deep the ocean is and how there's just so much unknown about it and the things living in it. It freaks me the hell out lol. And you could say the same thing about space, but it just doesn't give me the same anxiety as the ocean.
66) What was the last film you watched at a cinema?
Barbie lol and I'd go see it again if I got the chance.
67) What's your favorite Christmas film?
Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer. It's super nostalgic for me and I think it still holds up as a good movie even now. I watch it at least once every Christmas.
77) What color do you want your hair to be?
Ooooh I've been thinking about this one a lot! I've had my split dye for a while and I love it, but I think I wanna spice it up by dying just my roots like a purple or a pink or a blue. Something kind of like how Billie Eillish used to dye her hair but on locs.
88) Your opinion on pineapple on pizza?
Jail lmaoooo but I'm weird about pizza in general, but absolutely no on the pineapples though. I love pineapples, just not on my pizza.
97) What TV show would you recommend to everyone?
I think The Haunting of Hill House. I just feel like it's sooo damn near perfect. It's like a master class in character writing and the acting is phenomenal and the story is beautiful and haunting. Plus, the rewatch value is really high once you catch on to all the hidden ghosts in the background. I highly recommend it. Fair warning though: there are jumpscares so if that's not your thing, maybe don't watch.
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raphexim · 9 months
Literally the only Gosling film I'd ever seen before Barbie was Remember the Titans like 25 years ago.
Jesus that makes me feel old. I am. Christ.
(it's only 23 years? That's... not better)
Working my way through belatedly so imma just use this post to keep track of thoughts and feelings
The Gray Man: fucking loved it so much??? Murder weapon turned unwilling father figure??? Sad grumpy dads are my one trope to rule them all, particularly when bound with found family. I'd wanna play checkers with Six. Like the characters were super compelling to me, the way they showed development and how everything felt character driven to me? And there were such good unspoken implications that also expanded on these characters without burdening the storytelling. AND the lack of gore!!!! This was a super violent movie and it only got a PG-13 because you literally don't need to show that shit on a screen. Bless
The Nice Guys: I expected to be aced out by the whole porno thing, but it was more nudity with implications than *the do* and I guess that didn't cross the line for me. And honestly pretty mild at that. The plot has holes. So many holes. Russell Crowe's accent was distracting. And crazily, I didn't really care about any of that, because the characters and their dynamics and chemistry were just chef's kiss. I love Holland? And I love that he is a disaster. I would not like him in person. There is a little gore at the end, but if you consider physics, it's not realistic at all (crazy how you can convey a visual without having to emotionally scar your audience, who knew???). This is the only one I have re-watched so far, and now have the book so that I can consume my comfort in multiple forms.
La La Land: idk. The music was good. Ryan walks some kind of way. I was VERY impressed with his piano skills. (I was raised by a pianist, so I have to notice that stuff, which makes me sound pretentious I'm so sorry). Idk what happened. I have no idea what the message was, or if there even was one. It seemed like it was trying to have one?? But like "you can either fall in love, follow your dreams, or be successful, but only two out of three. And if you get rid of one, you're guaranteed to get the others." Idk. Very meh, probably won't watch again except for specifically the piano playing.
Lars and the Real Girl: tbh my only context for this movie was an episode of Pushing Daisies where a delusional guy used his doll to murder someone, so. I did not have high expectations. Also had no idea RG had anything to do with it. *And* my tolerance level for secondhand embarrassment is on the fucking floor so I expected to have to turn it off. I didn't. Fuck. This movie was so wholesome???? The treatment of a mental illness was so supportive and positive??? (Except for the touch thing, that was... Let people not want to be touched!)
The Notebook: hi, I hated the Notebook. I don't get the hype, I don't know why people treat it like the ultimate romance. Man coerces a girl into a date by threatening to kill himself, she retaliates by publicly humiliating him. They scream at each other a lot. Poor communication. Obsessive behavior?? Literally so creepy??? Anyway they're terrible for each other and it's an unhealthy relationship. Ryan with brown eyes. Only rewatching if it's to roast and drink.
Half Nelson: made me uncomfy, but that was the point, right? It's a white savior movie but it's about being a white savior movie. The racial subtext of a white guy stepping in inappropriately and what the fallout of that is; stack on the nuance of addiction, male entitlement. How powerful of a moment for Drey to ask "will I end up like my brother" and Dan being the one to make her so. (Also the performance by Shareeka Epps? Spellbinding.) The writer who became a teacher and then never got around to writing? Real. So was the fact that nothing happened professionally after he did what he did to his coworker. Very pre-Me Too. Anthony Mackey was both the most charismatic and, somehow, most responsible character in the entire thing. My only actual beef is the camera work. This last bit is petty - they finally gave me a RG character with a cat, and the cat dies (but, very single white bachelor to name him Dave omg.)
Crazy, Stupid Love: uhhhhh the children involved in this were... this wasn't good. There could have been good lessons for them (the son with consent maybe??) (*not* depicting a teenage girl giving suggestive photos to a child???) but there weren't. There were good aspects in the story, don't get me wrong: exploring relationships, trying to find your identity outside of just 'who you're married to'. I get it. Everything that wasn't actively trying to teach a lesson was funny. The parts that were meant to be heartfelt, did not age well and also probably weren't great to begin with. Maybe that's the male gaze idk. I wanted more of Jacob and Cal's actual relationship, because what was being suggested between the lines was way more interesting to me than the actual plot. Jacob with the family/bonding with Cal's kids completely off-screen, are you kidding me? Cal being a really weird, awkward stand-in for Jacob's father? Jacob accidentally being written demi-romantic and having a crisis about it? I'd love someone to remake this movie. Preferably women-directed. [But I am obsessed with the second Jacob heard David's name and had zero hesitation, just ring off 'we doin this'. He's a real one.]
Can you tell I have feelings about overuse of sex and gore? Esp how it's been the last few years? Ugh. Like I want to watch Drive bc it sounds like it's supposed to be an ✨iconic✨ role for him but I get squicked out by chunks/organs and stuff and I have no idea how graphic it is. Can we go back to shit being implied, off screen, or at least artistic again???
I'm not tagging this, it's for me lmao
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hollywoodnobody · 1 year
Tag people you’d like to get to know better! I was tagged by @sleepy-insomnia-bear :)
(Oh dear…I have to talk about myself? 😅)
Favorite color: currently like mossy and forest greens…very natural colors. I do enjoy blues as well, though!
Currently reading: I haven’t read much recently, regrettably. Mostly AO3 and my textbooks for school…I suppose if you are looking to get into writing poetry, Ordinary Genius by Kim Addonizio is a good starting point!
Last song (I assumed listened to?): Ruin by The Amazing Devil
Last series: if you could not tell by its sudden invasion of my blog page…Good Omens :) I also watch a lot of YT/Twitch: Critical Role, Smosh, and ChilledChaos mostly.
Last movie: hmmmm…what was the last movie I watched? I don’t watch a lot of movies…honestly, it might be when I rewatched Encanto back in April. I have a list of movies I wanna see: Barbie, the D&D movie, etc.
Sweet/savory/spicy: I like them all! Mostly a spice lover, though I have a terrible spice tolerance. I’ll do this! Sweet: chocolate frosted donuts. Savory: steak. Spicy: jalapeños!
Currently working on: I write poetry…you can follow my poetry page on Instagram @theonecalledgoose, though I may make a blog page for it here. 🤔 I can post a couple poems…
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Anyway! Tagging: @3hobbitsinatrenchcoat @tangodyketek @ravenqueensspecialboi
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girlbossdean · 2 years
tag time <3
hii besties i was tagged by rain @queerstudiesnatural and rye @believerinsamwinchester
rules: answer these questions and tag some blogs you are contractually obligated to get to know better.
name: alexa
star sign: scorpio babyyy (also gemini rising and sagittarius moon)
height: 5'3 / 1.63 m
time: 19:30
birthday: Nov 11th put it in your calendar besties i expect attention <3
favourite bands/artists: i am horrible at choosing favorites but taylor swift, abba, lil nas x, maisie peters, dua lipa, marina, halsey, megan thee stallion, madeline juno, olivia rodrigo, and conan gray to name a few
last movie: the hannah montana movie, my friend was feeling nostalgic and it was very fun
last show: watched heartstopper again last night for embarrassing reasons and it still slaps on the second rewatch
when did i create this blog: late summer 2015 so like a year after creating my main
what i post: i’m a tagger and cheerleader first but a shitposter and sometimes poet second
last thing i googled: “stacey’s mom” because i wanted to know when it came out since i couldn’t believe my mom didn’t know it
other blogs: my main is @eyeslikelaserpointers, my taylor swift blog is @illicit-gay-affairs and other blogs i may or may not have will remain a mystery
do i get asks?: sometimes and they’re mostly little love notes from my wife or iconic images from tali and i’m very grateful for both <3 i’m generally always happy to be talked to by anyone
following: i follow 550 blogs
average hours of sleep: it used to be between 7 and 8 but now it’s closer to 6 and it shows tbh
instruments: i used to play the recorder as a kid if that counts
what im wearing: grey sweatpants and a tshirt from high school with my name on it, also cute pink socks
dream job: i’ve always kind of wanted to be a secretary or someone’s assistant but i’m more likely to end up a lawyer or judge in which case i’d like to do employment law and help protect workers’ rights
dream trip: not much of a traveller tbh cause it’s very stressful but i definitely wanna go back to London for closure (and generally go to England to visit my wife <3) and i want to travel to the US and Canada again to see my family and some friends
nationality: uptight bread enthusiast who’s always on time you do the math
favourite songs: yeah no i physically can’t do that, best i can do is current most listened to on spotify: family line by conan gray, veuve by paula hartmann, paracetamol by gregor hägele and buzzkill by baby queen
last book i’ve read: i recently finished the girls i’ve been by tess sharpe and now i’m reading lolita but if we’re talking fanfic i just reread according to all known laws of life by sobsicles which is always a delight
top 3 fictional universes i’d like to live in: every fictional universe would probaby stress me out but maybe like one of the barbie fairytail movies or the good place........honestly tho take me to supernatural world i can deal with anything if i get to hug cas and tell him he’s loved
tagging my wife and some other beloved mutuals, sorry if you’re already been tagged, and of course there’s no pressure to do this <3 god knows i almost never do tag games i’m being tagged in and i immediately forget who i’ve tagged
@mrcowboydeanwinchester  @goatiel @emeraldcas @faithdeans @seffersonjtarship @destielgaysex @knifelesbianjo @roublardise @migraineurdean @justafictionlover @castiellesbian @eileenguy @mishasfingers
love you all <333
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marathoning-barbie · 3 years
Barbie of Swan Lake (2003)
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So, extra announcement at the top because this is a hellsite. I wanted to tag this post with a warning for discussions of antis*mitism, but I don’t want this post to get blocked because Apple sucks. This is also why I’ll censor a bunch of these terms even though everyone knows what I’m talking about. I’m sorry if you usually have the antis*mitism tw blocked.
My feelings on this movie are very complicated, and this review is going to be very different from the others.
Swan Lake was my second favorite as a child. To this day, I have an obsession with the ballet Swan Lake because of this movie, and in a way with ballet dancing in general.
There are a lot of unnecessary scenes in hindsight, mostly thanks to its source material (I wanna say it’s the most accurate adaptation of the first three movies, but then I remember Erasmus), and the forest animals are horrible, apart from Lila, who I actually kinda like this time around. The dancing is once again gorgeous, and I just can’t thank this movie enough for introducing me to the soundtrack of Swan Lake, and how it contributes to my interests to this day.
So let’s talk about Rothbart.
Rothbart is the main villain of this movie. Honestly, I wouldn’t mind him much usually. I actually love how weirdly supportive he is of his daughter Odille. Guy does everything in this movie just to please her. So what’s the problem? Well, let’s look at their designs:
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Now, before I go on: I do not want to accuse anyone of anything. I also don’t want to insinuate that everyone who doesn’t see this the same way, who never noticed the connection or who still enjoys the movie is a bad person. I genuinely think that what I am going to bring up now was an accident — a very unfortunate combination of events. I mean, Rothbart was just his name in the ballet, and he’s often already portrayed as an owl-man in that, so why not give him a bird-based design?
Well, because you’re going to get a man with a Jewish name who looks like he jumped straight out of N*zi propaganda. He really is only a step below the Happy Merchant on sheer offensiveness level, hanging out and cracking open a cold one with the Harry Potter goblins (specifically the movie version, when they decided to film the Gringotts scene in a location that had the Star of David on a floor mural). The fact Barbie usually looks like she should be on some neon*zi meme with the 14 words does not help.
Once again, I fully believe this was an accident. His name was taken from the source material, and the nose is clearly supposed to resemble his beak when he’s in his bird-form. Unfortunately, Jewish people have historically been connected with birds by antis*mites (and there’s a good argument that the original ballet already includes some antis*mitism), so… make of that what you will.
The simple fact is that some associations cannot be removed, and it simply makes me too uncomfortable. This problem with him has been brought up online quite a bit when I looked into it, though I haven’t seen it specifically in fandom discussions on tumblr yet. However, I noticed it by myself without any influence on my first watch, so I’m shocked not a single person working on the movie ever went “Hey guys, isn’t this a little… weird?” Barbie’s creator Ruth Handler was a Jewish woman, and they really could’ve honored her memory a little better — especially considering she only died a year earlier.
I am not going to review the movie further at this point. I'm sorry this is such a short post in comparison to the other reviews, and I'll probably upload the PatP review in a few hours already to make up for it.
If you check the ranking, you’ll see that I have noted this movie in particular down as “Unrankable”. I can’t ignore either my rampant nostalgia, or how uncomfortable Rothbart makes me. If it wasn’t for all this, it’d end up fairly middling, still in the good section, but below Nutcracker. If you want to rewatch some Barbie movies, feel free to include this one, it’s a classic, after all. But if these unfortunate circumstances make it so you don’t want to anymore, I can’t blame you.
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realcube · 4 years
karasuno boys spending christmas with you 🎄
;tw// christmas (?), santa ig, extreme fluff, shoplifting, underage drinking, violence, ennoshita, kinoshita and narita exclusion 😞
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(a/n): ik the gif isn’t hq but look how cute it is (○` 3′○). also i’m aware that i wrote a rather western-washed version of Christmas (despite the characters in question not being western) but as someone of an asian ethnicity, imo western traditions surrounding Christmas are a lot more..festive (?) which i hope that isn’t offensive considering that Christmas was popularised by the west. so, in short, sorry the traditions aren’t those that are celebrated in japan (or asia) but i just found it i had a lot more inspiration to write it this way. :) perhaps i’ll make a part 2 with aoba johsai or nekoma celebrating Christmas with japanese traditions
Shōyō Hinata
you spend christmas at his house bc he wants to be with his sister on the day
and any sibling that you live with, he insists that they stay over too 
but if you don’t have any younger siblings then y’all just spend the whole day spoiling natsu
hinata absolutely adores how well you get on with his sister, it just makes him so happy seeing his two favourite people having fun together 
although, it did make him a bitter when he asked natsu if she likes the doll he bought her and she said,
“Yeah, thank you. But look at the Furby (L/N) got me! It’s pink and so fluffy, feel it! And it talks, it’s eyes move and-” Then she continues to rave on about how amazing your gift was.
honestly, y’all spend the whole day pampering natsu; making sure she has the best christmas possible
y’all made gingerbread cookies with her, helped her built a snowman (or rather, a snowwoman because she insisted that it was a lady), snowangels, opening presents, christmas crackers, watching movies - the whole shabang.
probably the only time in the day were she was sad was at 10PM when hinata insisted that she goes to bed
natsu looked at you to back her up in her argument that she should be allowed to stay up late on christmas but you kinda just stood there like 🧍‍♀️/🧍‍♂️
not wanting to get involved in their family drama (unproblematic liege 😍😩)
eventually though, natsu did go to bed and as soon as she was sound asleep, you and hinata spent the night cuddling while watching more christmas movies as you were both too tired to do anything else
you ended up falling asleep in his arms and it was a christmas miracle that his arm didn’t get pins and needles like it usually did while cuddling for a long period of time
Tobio Kageyama 
i’m a firm believer that he doesn’t celebrate christmas
not that he doesn’t like the concept, it’s just doesn’t understand the hype
plus - other than going to nationals - there isn’t much he wants and from what he knows, santa can’t make that happen
but as soon as you come over to his house on christmas day with a tub filled with cookies shaped and decorated like volleyballs, suddenly christmas is his favourite holiday
he invites you inside to eat the cookies with him and you notice that he’s watching a volleyball match on the TV
you giggle at how passionate he is about about the sport and offer to cast a Christmas movie from your phone onto the TV
he says yes since this is probably the 10th time he’s rewatched the same match 
you scroll through the list of christmas movies available on Netflix, “Wanna watch Arthur Christmas?”
“How about the Grinch?”
“Eh, no.”
“Ooh! What about the Nativity? I love that movie-”
“No thanks.”
So you ended up watching Frozen and Frozen 2 (on a different streaming site) because Kageyama didn’t like any of the Christmas movies available on Netflix
You figured that Frozen kinda counted as a Christmas movie because..there was snow :) 
anyway, you already knew Kageyama tolerated Disney Movies so Frozen was your best bet
and as it turns out, he was oddly engaged by the movie which gave you an opening to slip into his arms, stifling an evil snicker the whole time
as we all know, when Kageyama is into something he is into it.
so whenever the climax of the movie comes up (or any part with high suspense) you feel him squeeze you slightly and tense up 
so yeah your christmas with him is not overly Praise The Lord but it very fun and cute since it mostly consists of Disney movies
(also Barbie: A Christmas Carol because it gave you both overwhelming nostalgia since he has a big sister who i now headcanon to be a barbie movie addict ✋)
Kei Tsukishima 
the biggest grinch™
mostly bc every year he drops hints to both his mum and brother that he wants new headphones but every year he still gets a snowglobe from his mum and something dinosaur related from his brother
even though his brother is aware that he is ‘too old for that shit’ now 
but Akiteru just loves seeing his brother’s pissed off face whenever he opens his gift (which is a similar size to a headphones box) to find something like a Jurassic Park Lego set
anyway, backstory over - in short, Tsukishima very much dislikes Christmas
So when you appear at his door with a gift, he slams the door closed
“Tsukishima!” You roar as that was quite rude - even for Tsukishima - since it was snowing and you were clearly freezing, “Let me in! I’m freezing my tits off out here!”
Eventually, he did let you in and gave you a hot chocolate as an apology but as soon as you tried to hand him the give, he refused to take it
“Why not?” You whined, clearly upset that he wouldn’t take the gift you went through so much effort to get your hands on.
“Because I didn’t get you anything.”
You rolled your eyes, “You got me this hot chocolate - now, take it. It’s seriously not much.”
Upon eyeing the wrapped box in your hand, he realised it was about 9x9″ - the same size as the tub you usually deliver food in, meaning that the gift was probably some sweet treats
“Alright.” He sighed, accepting he gift as he figured that he could easily pay you back by making Christmas cookies with you or something
He hummed, delicately unwrapping the gift and his heart skipped a beat as he noticed the present inside was in a black box rather than a clear tub which you normally gave homemade treats in
nevertheless, he persevered in unwrapping the box 
when he finally finished, his heart dropped yet he couldn’t help but feel overwhelmed with joy
“Wireless headphones.” He muttered to himself, doing everything in his power to resist the smile tugging on the corner of his lips but it was challenging, to say the least
“Yeah!” You chirped, “Don’t worry about the price though, I got them on a Black Friday sale.” You lied, aware that it was usually considered rude to talk about the price of a gift you’ve given but knowing if you didn’t say anything, Tsukishima would assume you paid full price (which you did smh) and immediately empty his bank account in order to pay you back
You could almost envision the situation already; “Would you like it in cash or cheque?”
“Neither, Kei!” 
“You seriously got me branded headphones?” Non-imaginary Tsukishima asked, unable to pry his eyes off the long-awaited gift in his hands
“Y-Yeah.” You stuttered at his unusually sinister voice. “I wanted to buy you noise-cancelling headphones and Google said these were the best ones available that weren’t selling for millions of y--”
“I love you.”
You did a double-take, “Huh?”
“I love you.”
You did a..triple-take.. “I-I don’t think I heard you correctly.”
“I’m not saying it again, dumbass.”
now, tsukishima wasn’t a very affectionate person but considering you paid full price for headphones (yes, he knows. you’re not a very good liar 😐) for him, the least you deserved was forehead kisses 
plus, he was determined to make you as happy as you made him that day
so can get all the kisses you want, all the hugs, all the cuddles, all the smiles, all the cookies-  everything!
but that’s not to say that he’s not going to get you anything in return as subtly through the day he was gathering info on what to get you 
by the end of it, he had a whole list but unfortunately - after looking at his bank account - he realised that the only thing he could afford was an easy-bake oven (┬┬﹏┬┬)
Tadashi Yamaguchi
y’all spent Christmas at your house because Yamaguchi was absolutely entranced by your massive Christmas tree
he also slept over because you both wanted experience the Christmas morning buzz together 
also because your parents were working on Christmas day and Yamaguchi didn’t want you to be alone 🥺
(he didn’t tell you that though as he didn’t want you to think that he felt bad for you or anything)
after you both completed you morning routines, you raced downstairs (quite literally raced; you won.) to open the presents
the milk and cookies you both hand left out for ‘Santa’ was gone because your parents chugged the milk and scarfed the cookies before they left for work
“Open the presents I got you first!” You urged Yamaguchi, pointing to the two presents wrapped in Sanrio wrapping paper
 Yamaguchi did so; sitting on the floor cross-legged to open the larger, box-shaped gift first
“Candy!” He chirped with a smile, gently shifting through the selection of sweets you got him, his grin stretching as he did so and once he was finished, it was beaming ear-to-ear. “You know me so well, thank you so much, (L/N).” 
You giggled, a light blush crossing your features at the praise - then motioning to the second, smaller, thinner gift.
Yamaguchi accidently tore the wrapping paper off to reveal basic, charcoal face masks.
You quickly interjected to explain, “You said that you were embarrassed about how the animal-themed face masks your mum bought you were too childish and that they just made your skin more oily so bought you those; less embarrassing and supposedly good for oily skin.”
Yamaguchi’s heart fluttered upon hearing how much attention you paid during his random rants, “Thank you, babe!” He enthused, hugging the mask to his chest.
After that, you opened the gift he bought you and were over the moon when you realised that it was a box full of adorable stationary 
“I noticed how you kept complaining about your pens running out of ink during class and..yeah..I hope you like it..”
You obviously loved it and expressed that by giving him a big bear hug and many kisses (づ ̄ 3 ̄)づ (*≧︶≦))
By then, it was around Midday so you had time to play in the snow for a bit before Yamaguchi had to go home to spend the rest of Christmas with his family
but of course he came back on Boxing Day to binge watch movies and cuddle with you 🥰
Daichi Sawamura
okay; I am going to say this and you aren’t going to argue with me bc I know that I’m right:
if you have any younger siblings or cousins staying in your house for Christmas (and I mean younger like 5 or less) and the kid isn’t a little shit
daichi (with your assistance) will dress up as Santa and you will dress up as an elf to surprise the child with a visit 
daichi would be like ‘ho ho ho!’ and you’d be like ‘shut up, santa, you fatass.’ 
and the kid would be like ✪ ω ✪
y’all would take pictures and shit before santa dips 🚶‍♂️🛷
after that, you both would head back to his place to celebrate a kid-free christmas 
you don’t open gifts because you both mutually agreed not to get anything for each other this year since you had ‘grown out of presents’ (tsk).
but you did get a RingFit Adventure from one for your relatives for Christmas so you and Daichi spend an hour or two playing that 
it’s surprisingly taxing though so you’re both puffed afterwards
so you decided to make spaghetti for yourself and Daichi and a Christmas miracle occurred..he got off of his ass to help you cook 🤩
usually he’d hide his fear off fucking up under toxic masculinity but today he actually let you teach him how to make food and he was a natural chef tbh
however, his habit of grabbing your ass or holding your lower back wasn’t especially helpful while he had tomato sauce all over his hands
you changed into a different pair of bottoms as the spaghetti cooled down
then, a second Christmas miracle occurred
Daichi gave you both permission to eat in the living room, on the couch, so y’all could watch a movie or something as you ate
every other day of the year, daichi would have to be killed before he let anybody eat in the living room - forget on his new couch 
but today was a special so he let it slide
originally, the plan was to watch a Christmas movie but then you noticed that a new episode of y’alls favourite show was out - House Hunters - so you just watched that instead 
hey, it made you both happy so why not?
especially with daichi’s running commentary which you outwardly expressed annoyance to but internally loved
“Andromeda will never be Suzanne, rest easy.”
“That house is so ugly, next.”
“Why’s their budget so low? May as well just buy a caravan.”
“They are so fucking picky.”
“Her face annoys me.”
anyway, merry christmas to the daichi stans and that is from me, not daichi - he actually forgot it was Christmas at noon
Kōshi Sugawara
y’all bake christmas cookies together, exchanges small gifts, bake carrot cake, watch The Polar Express, bake pudding, kiss under the mistletoe, bake-- yeah, there was a lot of baking
get ready to work out twice as much and start dieting if you don’t want to develop an illness due to the amount of sugar you consumed
to be honest, Suga was kinda lost for things to do on the actual day of Christmas bc y’all were so hyped preparing for it so he had no idea how to top that
I mean, you both went on romantic, late night car drives to buy a tree
cute couple trips to the store to purchase decorations 
planning out and putting the decorations around the house (and with both of your keen eyes for design, the house ends up looking gorgeous ofc)
you ornamented the tree in his living room but it was so tall that he couldn’t reach the very tip to put the final decoration on top
so you hopped onto his shoulders and stuck the star on top with a smile
but he wasn’t done with you yet, he rushed around the house with you on his shoulders while you clung onto his hair as if your life depended on it 
he did most of the festivities with you before Christmas but he saved one special one for the day
“(Y/N), let’s bake something.” 
You sighed, shooting him a weary smile, “Suga, we’ve been baking all day.”
“Just one last thing! It’s not even baking actually, more like assembling.”
You quirked an eyebrow at his statement, “Hm? What is it?”
“Let’s make our dream houses with gingerbread!”
Of course you agreed. Not just because he is the cutest thing you’ve ever laid your eyes on but also since it sounded rather fun
“What are those?” You pointed to the weird rectangular designs on the roof of his house
“Solar panels.” He hummed, elegantly icing the sides of his house, “I want my future house run on that energy.”
“Anyway, what’ve you got on your house?” Finishing off the final swirl on his door, he turned to look at your gingerbread home and deadpanned 
A sheepish grin formed on your lips as you noticed his blank expression towards your ‘dream home’ which has walls garnished with golden, edible glitter and sugar paper sanrio characters on the roof along with many other extremely unconventional things 
“Hey,” you shrugged, “Let me have my dreams.”
“Of course,” Suga agreed, his usual sweet smile returning, “Although, in an ideal world, I thought we’d end up living together and starting a family. However, I don’t think we can do that if you planning on putting a horse head on our front door.”
Asahi Azumane 
you both spent christmas day in your respective households, promising each other that you’d spend boxing day together 
until around 7PM when you had to come over to his house bc he called you, extremely puzzled at the fact that random mutuals from school (and the whole volleyball team) were on his instagram page, facebook, snapchat and any/every other social media platform wishing him a happy birthday
“I don’t get it.” He spoke through the phone, confusion and anxiety apparent in his voice, “My birthday isn’t for another six days. Why do they think it is today? Is this a joke?” 
“Uh, can I come over? I’d love to see you.” 
“Um, sure.” He replied, even more confused that you didn’t answer his question and instead asking one yourself
you spent the rest of the day with him, trying your very best to distract him from social media by doing various activities 
you both baked, watched movies, played board games (he’s a beast at battleships) then you moved on to other games like charades - basically every bs excuse you could come up with to get him to stay away from his phone
but that’s not to say you didn’t enjoy every second of it bc you did
he is so cute like whenever you are doing an action which he can’t interpret, his automatic guess is ‘are my beautiful gf (Y/N) (L/N) who i love very much? (= ❛ ᴗ ❛=)’
and then you are just like, ‘yes, i am, baby. but i am also optimum prime. your turn.’
anyway, by the end of the day there was no way you were able to prevent him from finding out about the joke now
so you just decided to tell him - figuring that it’d be better for him to hear it from you rather than someone else
“See.. y’know how jesus was allegedly born on christmas day? well, the joke is that..you kinda look like what people assume jesus would’ve looked like..”
Asahi had to do a double-take at what you just said, “Th-they..think I look like jesus?”
Ryūnosuke Tanaka
you’re both broke af so you spend Christmas day pretending you are a rich couple
you slept over at his house too so you could start early in the morning and by that I mean 10:30AM
firstly, you and tanaka flick through an Argos catalogue (which you found on the ground, so there were a few mud stains on it 😶) to select the gift(s) you were going to buy for your ‘children’
but really it was just you and him going through it and circling all the toys y’all wanted as kids but couldn’t afford/didn’t get
“I super badly wanted one of those kiddie monster trucks that you could control with a remote as a child so my son is going to need one of those.” Tanaka said, circling the monster truck with a marker
“Yes, of course. And I asked for Monster High dolls every year as a kid but my parents said they were everything god hates so let’s buy that because we stan satan in this house, apparently .”
“Of course, of course.” He said in his best ‘rich person’ voice which was actually just an english accent
After resenting your parents for around an hour, you both moved onto the next activity of your rich person Christmas which included reading your horoscope in an english accent
that only lasted a few minutes though because both of you couldn’t be bothered to read
you also planned to look at the stock market (just like all rich people do on christmas day, obvs) but it was so boring
you took a glance then just went ‘okay, bye.’
next, you had caviar - just like rich people eat for every meal of the day, i think.
except it was actually black pop rocks  
“ah, yes. scrumptious.” “the flavour is immaculate.” 
then, as dawn drew close, you and tanaka preformed your final rich person activity 
no, it wasn’t being rude to minimum wage workers
no, it wasn’t being ungrateful
no, it wasn’t exploiting the working class under capitalism
no, it wasn’t being generally stuck-up and cocky
instead, it was going to the grocery shop and buying everything rather than shoplifting :)
“what should we get, babe?” you asked tanaka, in awe at how many different brands of toilet paper were on the shelves. “Have you ever noticed how spoiled we are for choice when it comes to toilet paper?”
“uh, no.” he replied in reference to the toilet paper question, “Hm, how about some gingerbread men or something?”
his suggestion was just met by a blank stare and silence
“Hell yeah!” 
luckily, because tanaka looked a lot older than 17 and also since the cashier was too tired to check his ID, you both managed to buy the drinks without getting caught
“Merry Christmas, Ryū.” You hummed, fidgeting with his hand which was interlocked with yours as you walked through a rather prestigious neighbourhood and admired all the extravagant christmas lights
“Merry Christmas, (Y/N). Love you.”
Yū Nishinoya 
you and noya spent the whole day in his backyard and since it was a white christmas, you were able to spend the 90% playing in the snow
at first, you both went outside with the intention of making snowangels and taking cute couple photos in the snow 
but the weather was just so inviting that you had to stay for a little longer even when you did finish taking pictures; so you made the ‘ultimate’ snowman  
by that, it was just the biggest snowman y’all could make without it falling apart with stones for eyes, spiking out twigs for hair and an empty Monster Energy can for a nose 
once you had completed the snowman and basked in it’s glory for a moment, you went to head inside - but then you felt something hit your back
you turned around to see noya snickering, a mischievous grin on his face which you couldn’t stand
so what started out as him playfully throwing a snowball at your back, eventually turned into a full-on snowball battle to the death
there were snow forts, piles of snow ammunition, mini snow-warriors guarding the edges of your fort, a snow-princess which you were trying to steal from each other’s fort to win (basically like capture the flag but colder..) and a few brunch bars in the middle of the battle field for snack breaks 
it was all going smoothly until Noya ran up to your base, obviously with the intention to steal your princess 
“stay away from her, you fiend!” You yelled, jumping into an offensive stance - your neighbours must hate you bc of all the noise you and Noya made.
Noya screaming his battle cry as he rushed towards your fort, batista bombing you to the ground before you had a chance to attack him with a snowball
now that you were out of the equation, he scurried over to your princess which was perches on a little snow podium you made for her
he grabbed it, lifting it above his head like a trophy and letting out a loud victory cry “I win!”
he then turned to you and laughed upon noticing that you had your face buried into the snow in shame, “You have been defeated, (L/N)! And the great Rolling Thunder prospers!” 
“That’s a stupid nickname.” You groaned, outstretching your arms to allow him to pick you up, “Now take me inside, I’m tired.”
“Alright, babe.” He spoke softly, seemingly coming down from his adrenaline high. 
He strolled towards you, scooping you up into his arms - off the snow - and carrying you inside
unbeknownst to him, you had fallen asleep as he held you and once he put you down on the couch and noticed- i- my man almost died of happiness
“Oh my god, (Y/N)! You’re so fucking cute! (❤´艸`❤)” he hollered, peppering your face in kisses
“Shhh..” you hushed Noya, sticking your bottom lip out to form a pout 
Noya nodded understandingly before hopping onto the couch beside you and snuggling up 
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gaybarbiegirl · 3 years
00s Barbie rewatch - Fairytopia (2005)
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The intro of this movie is so magical
This is the most whimsical Barbie movie
Setting up that Elina has good aim early on, we love good foreshadowing
I love that the way Elina learned about the main conflict wasn't through a call to action or a magical prediction, but through hearsay
Like, she isn't thrown into the plot, she hears some gossip about it and then decides to participate
I've always wondered how exactly people started getting the idea that Laverna didn't exist. Like, they don't just think she's dead or missing, they think she full on isn't real. How does this happen to a person?
This is honestly the best villain intro in the BCU and one of the best scenes of the entire movie
The shadow, beautiful
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The hyper sweet way Laverna talks to people in this movie makes her so much better and scarier than the villains who just treat everyone with disdain all the time
She's almost flirting with Topaz here, and you can tell she wants her to like her so bad
Poor Dandelion 😔
Funny how Ruby, the only male character who properly interacts with Laverna, is the only one she doesn't flirt with
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I wanna fly around in a little flower parachute...
Fun fact, Azura is actually my favorite character from all of the Barbie movies
We all agree that the rainbow eye thing is a metaphor for being gay, right?
Lesbian aunt Azura realises Elina is a younger lesbian trying to find her purpose and immediately throws her a tea party to tell her how great she is. Best comfort character ever, throw a tea party for me Azura, please
The friends I haven't met yet 🥺❤
Elina is already so enamored with Azura, she's spent the whole time they've known each other just longingly staring at her and taking in her every move
Azura was Elina's gay awakening, change my mind
"For the friends you haven't met!" "And for the ones I have..." I love her so much
Rewatching this movie is just making me realise how much better my life would be if I was small enough to fit inside a flower
"Do you always keep your party guests captive, Laverna?" "As a matter of fact, yes!"
The way they're talking about the "sleeping little fairy girl" makes it sound like Laverna thinks Azura and Elina hooked up and Azura is trying to deny it
I do love how the message of this movie isn't "Elina is just as capable as everyone else despite being different", but instead "Elina's differences are what make her uniquely capable in a way that nobody else is"
And to think that their little swimming date was gonna lead to an entire movie in the future
Elina holding onto Azura's necklace for comfort ❤
I want a little butterfly necklace like that too
Dahlia was such an interesting and cool character, I wish she showed up in the other fairytopia movies
Laverna CANNOT stop flirting with Azura for the life of her
And Azura kinda reciprocates but kinda doesn't, it's weird. Like, she only reciprocates when she wants to mess with her
Also, Topaz went from being scared of Laverna, to having muffins with Laverna, to being into Laverna. Best character development in the movie
I have now decided that Dahlia and Laverna were exes
This whole commentary is just me going "these two are gay" and "god, I wish that were me"
"Let my friends go, Laverna! They don't have anything you want!" "Not true! They have your love." Laverna, say that again slowly
"You have the rainbow in your eyes [...] that makes you a lot like me" Laverna is gay confirmed
Now here's what I find interesting, I think Laverna was being honest here. Like, she was obviously manipulating Elina, but I think she would in fact have given her the wings, and that she actually wanted Elina by her side. If one thing is clear about Laverna throughout this movie is that she's very lonely and is desperate to be loved and admired. I think she did relate to Elina's struggles, and really thought she could have found a powerful ally/friend/girlfriend(?) in her
I'm tempted to post my full Laverna character analysis now
Basking in the gay
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Azura cares about Elina so much 🥺
Why is the enchantress thanking Dandelion? She didn't do anything
Giving Elina wings was the worst writing decision made in this whole movie, and I will die on this hill
Does the scene look pretty? Yes. But it really undermines the theme, which is a shame, because I liked this theme a lot
Final thoughts:
The original Fairytopia is one of my favorite Barbie movies, and I think it deserves more love. It has gorgeous concepts and visuals, lots of fun characters, and a heartwarming magical adventure full of meaningful themes and lessons. I absolutely love most of the characters in this movie (namely Azura and Laverna), and I feel like a lot of them are a little more complex than most children's movies characters, but that could be just me reading too much into things. But I'm still really tempted to post some character analysis about the main characters of this movie now.
The only qualm I have with this movie is the ending. Elina shouldn't have gotten wings, sorry. They go through so much trouble in the movie to make it clear that Elina's differences (i.e., not having wings) are a meaningful part of who she is, and give her unique abilities and perspectives that no other fairies can have, only to erase said differences in the end. Sad.
But still, I overall love this movie a lot, and I had a great time rewatching. I'm not really looking forward to the sequels, though. They're some of my least favorite Barbie movies from this era, and I think they did away with most of the things I love about this first movie. But we'll talk more about that when we get there.
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Mamma Mia and mamma Mia 2 are really fun to watch imo (I recommend watching 2 first because 1 is better and I like saving the best for last). Any nostalgia movies? Recently I’ve been watching Barbie movies with friends. We have also watched High School Musical series again. Other nostalgia classics are teen titans, avatar the last airbender, Batman cartoon, whatever would make you happy really. It could also be nice to watch something you wanted to watch but never got around to when you were a kid- I was getting too old when things like ninjago (Lego ninjas) and winx club were coming out. I’ve also been watching RuPaul’s drag race on Hulu if you like competition shows and contestant drama. Honestly also watching a YouTuber could be nice nostalgia or just a nice find. I like watching dollhouse making, cooking, video game building, and just random explanation videos. My roommate watches womens history and animal Ted talks. Hope you find something that works for you <3
Hi!! Thank you for all the suggestions! I went with something that's been on my list for a while and is just dumb meaningless fun
Next time I'll probably go with the 1hr+ youtube video essays about tv shows I've never watched
I actually rewatched atla recently and I wanna rewatch one of (all?) the Batman cartoons again. I've also being rewatching clips of highschool musical + old barbie movies cause they're all over my recommended on youtube??
I binged Galavant yesterday and I'm in a musicals mood now so I'm probably gonna watch the highschool musical tv show soon😶
I know Mamma Mia 2 is an objectively good movie but I constantly live in denial of its existence
Again thank you <3
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tortilla-of-wisdom · 3 years
Honestly my best friend is just going to wake up to 'HELP I HAVE IDEAS' with no context at all.
Which isn't the weirdest thing we've dropped on each other out of nowhere without context.
Don't ask what the weirdest thing is. That's a minefield I don't wanna walk through.
And yeah, I did watch the Barbie version, so I know that kinda, but it's been a few years. There's another one as well that I watched and loved too though (actually I liked the sequel more for some reason. I think it was because of the subplot with the prince's mom being kidnapped and making her kidnapper's life hell, that was fun), and that version is also very different. The talking animals stayed animals, for one. And so the version I pick will change things up. (Also, I would need to rewatch the version I pick, I don't remember all the details. Not a bad thing though, good excuse for nostalgia. Might just go on a binge and watch as many as I can just because actually, that sounds like fun.)
I could also just make up my own version.
Whatever version I pick though there WILL be a scene where Warriors is face down while briefly human just groaning and hating his life while Legend is Not Helpful in the background and getting told off for it. This scene stuck in my head most firmly when I started thinking about it and so it's staying, I take no criticism on this point.
i ended up falling asleep last night right before you sent this jNENDNKD "help i have ideas" is such a chaotic and ominous message i love it
that. sounds like one hell of a sequel for a swan lake movie but it also sounds really interesting tbh
i can see that scene you described in my head very vividly. Legend would absolutely be no help at all no matter the situation
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jamaiskookie · 4 years
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bangtan headcanon: OT7 IN HIGH SCHOOL 📓✂️
☞ genre; fluff, crack
☞ warnings; excessively stupid
masterlist  u wanna talk to highschool!bangtan?
class clown
always manages to sneak kimbap in class, and stuffs his face despite being in the front row. 
he’s alarmingly good at sneaking food into places. 
cafeteria ladies love jin so much. 
and every christmas he brings in his perfected sugar cookies and never shares them.
(he’s in the cooking club)
((he’s the only one in the cooking club))
will interrupt the teacher to make a bad joke. 
“yes so helium is the fo- oh yes seokjin?“
“i was reading an excellent book about helium, i couldn’t put it down!! ahHAHAHHYUKHYUKAHHAHAHHA“ 
nobody’s?? really sure?? if he’s dating namjoon or not?? it’s the schools biggest mystery, there’s currently a betting pool going on worth about $500
likes to annoy namjoon and yoongi about holding bake sales. 
is surprisingly good at planning parties?? but never hosts them?? hoseok always gets him to plan his parties and he even planned prom!!
he’s particularly proud with the theme he came up with. 
‘zombie meets elegance‘ 
it was actually pretty nicely pulled off (much to the shock of the entire student body) 
student council president 
takes his job very!! seriously!! 
fights with the principal on funding daily. 
doesn’t come to school without coffee and resting bitch face.
even the teachers are afraid of this short little emo boy. 
is the only one who actually wears the school uniform properly with the little tie and jacket because that’s how you show school spirit. 
definitely that closeted gay in high school who thinks nobody knows about his homosexuality when in fact, everyone knows.
(nobody has the guts to bring it up to him though)
“hyung why are you staring at jimin’s as-“
actually enjoys doing morning announcements. 
“make sure to check out jin’s dumb bake sale i think he’s selling brownies for some charitable reason anYWAYS time for min’s advice column!!“ 
min’s advice column is yoongi’s free therapy. namjoon suggested adding an advice column to the school paper so now yoongi just judges his classmates’s decisions gives subpar advice. 
“i personally think you have no chance with this girl, but you’re clearly hell bent on asking her out. it’s a dumb choice. good luck.“ 
throws obnoxious parties at his parent’s huge ass mansion. 
somehow?? is?? the nicest? playboy??? evER??
will respect your girl’s boundaries but also would 300% hit on her when you’re not looking. 
aftercare king wILL cuddle with you and help you clean up or whatever until jimin eventually comes in screaming. 
his school id says “hobi 💦👅” ... noone knows how he managed to do it (taehyung thinks he seduced the secretary) 
surprisingly good at romance even though he deTests dating
“it’s a waste of time, money, and ass.“  “- what?”
gives everyone dating advice whether they want it or nOt- he lives his *shhh very secret* romantic fantasies through his best friends. 
once helped taehyung ask out his girlfriend... they’re still going strong!!
defo has daddy issues that he never talks about,, maybe if a girl finds it sexc™️ in that kind of messed-up-bad-boy-she-could-fix vibe he’ll bring it up
kinda failing science lmao he probably needs a tutor.. but will never admit he needs a tutor for sake of his pride. 
most definitely has had sex in the janitor’s closet a couple times, up until yoongi caught him once, reported him to the school board and got him suspended... for a month. 
(yoongi has no regrets, that was the best month of his life.)
student vice president
honestly would probably be the council president and is the most qualified for it but can’t be bothered.
plus he hates public speaking and the president has to speak at assemblies.  
genuinely enjoys learning!! bUT HATES GROUP PROJECTS
because every single fucking time taehyung and jimin pester him about teaming up and he ends up doing like 75% of the work.
not because anyone forces him to or anything.
it’s because jimin and tae are such dumbasses every time they finish their work namjoon has a sudden uRGE TO REDO ALL OF IT BC THEY GOT IT WRONG.
tries to take all AP subjects.
gives up and drops half of them by the second semester.
great student but also will “no yoongi i don’t want to fucking play basketball i've been awake for thirty hours trying to finish this goddamn essay that’s due tomorrow. wHAT DO YOU MEAN WHY DIDN’T I DO IT EARLIER I WAS BUSY TAKING CARE OF MY BONSAI TREES.“
started the school paper!! it’s called “persona post”
writes about actual relevant things like political events and global problems, but everyone else just writes about school gossip *sigh*
although that one column examining hobi’s sex and dating life was a pretty fun piece of writing to read through. 
he sits in the back of the classroom and never raises his hand even though he knows the answer like 95% of the time.
definitely has a crush on seokjin
the one everyone has a crush on
and when i say everyone i mean everyone, even hoseok has had a crisis over park jimin. 
(jungkook is definitely president of his fan club) ((in case it wasn’t clear, he’s dating jungkook))
school’s golden boy, basically gets away with everything with a bat of an eye... and the most infuriating thing is he doesn’t even realise it. 
“omg jimin!! you’re so cute!! this shirt looks sO good on you, can i touCH?” “omg thank you i didn’t think it fit well because it’s my boyfriends but that’s so sweet!!” “boy... hm?”
mom friend: sweetest bitch alive and is always worrying about his friends but everyone knows he’s secretly really fucking kinky.
(again, jungkook has no comment)
the kind of person who celebrates christmas in june. 
literally- he starts putting decorations in his locker and around the school mid june. by november, he’s wearing reindeer ears to school.
*lowkey kind of a nerd* genuinely enjoys studying with namjoon.
“well, studying with anybody else is just too stressful!! plus, namjoon’s so chill. he doesn’t look like it but he actually is super sweet and nice!!!“
“... please take those reindeer ears off, it’s embarrassing.“ 
half of the school would probably cut off an arm to sleep with him. seriously, he gets offers like everYDAY it’s kinda getting tiRING
is considering starting a youtube channel where he just takes videos of all the dogs and babies he meets throughout the day. 
“idk i think vlogging would be fun“
art hoe
the definition of bisexual mess, WILL trip when he sees hot people.
exclusively wears wired gold glasses and soft neutral sweaters to school. if it’s a good day he’ll wear a beanie. on special occasions he’ll maybe throw in some fUN loafers.
dyes his hair to match ~the vibes~ of that season. the most recent wild hair colour is cool toned teal. 
jungkook said he looks like leprechaun shit, but tae really likes it. 
tried to go vegan countless times, failed each and every one when he passed by a mc donalds. 
carries his sketchbook wherever he goes. he has that thing around 24/7, 100% would not be surprised if he slept with it under his pillow.
really quiet until he has a point to make;; like that time where he launched into a three hour screaming lecture on how phineas and ferb is an animated masterpiece.
drinks tea purely for the aesthetic of it. 
goes to hipster coffee shops to pretend to study... ends up watching barbie movies and critiquing them on the writing blog that he thinks nobody knows about. 
watches anime in class (he recently rewatched all of ATLA for the third time,, failed his econ class but worth it!!1!!1)
preppy jock
once again, everyone is attracted to him, but he’s so whipped for jimin everyone’s crush fades away once they talk to him because-
“oh it’s so cool that you have a dog!! you know, i think jimin kind of looks like a pomeranian sometimes it’s sO CUTE- hm? oh jimin’s my boyfriend.“
... it’s disgustingly adorable. 
plays almost every sport and is somehow always the team captain. not out of obligation or with leadership skills or anything, everyone else just votes for him. 
mess with his friends and he’ll put a stink bomb in your locker. 
his nickname is “golden baby” because he’s good at everything, teachers love him so much. 
grades? sTELLAR. sports? he’s done them ALL. creativity? pAINTED THE SCHOOL MURAL. service? volunteers at a pet shelter whenever he can (the bunnies love him for some reason) 
everyone either is 
a) in love w him, wants to fuck
b) jealous of him but is also secretly gay for him
pretends to not know how talented and cool he is and plays it off super cool
proceeds to fail, the only thing he’s bad at is humble bragging. 
“wow omg lol i got a 100 on my bio test and yesterday i got a hole in one in golf, my first time playing it but it’s chill i guess hahhah day in my life amirite.“
**this headcanon is the start of the bangtan school series, stay tuned**
wanna be tagged in school series or my writing? here or send me an ask
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saibug1022 · 4 years
The Six Dancing Princes
Okay so I literally got three people tell me they wanna hear about it so Ramble Time
This is based on my two favorite adaptations of the Twelve Dancing Princesses: Barbie in the Twelve Dancing Princesses and the book Princess of the Midnight Ball by Jessica Day George. The characters are a little more based on the movie while the “plot” is gonna be a combination of the two but a little more based on the book. One thing to note is each of the girls have a hobby or personality trait in the movie that sets them apart from the others
First off, we have Roman as Genevieve. Genevieve is sort of the leader of the group (this is even explicitly stated by Rowena in the movie). She’s graceful and her thing is that of all her sisters she’s the best dancer which I think Roman could absolutely do. But the thing that drew me to her for Roman is her passion and bravery, all of which shine through on multiple occasions and really remind me of Roman.
Second is Patton as Lacey. Lacey in the movie is the youngest and the smallest of the sisters. She’s usually seen as weak as a result. But she’s also the kindest and honestly the most emotional. She’s clumsy and makes mistakes and always feels bad about them. But her kindness and forward-thinking actually saves the day in the end
Remus is a combination of Hadley and Isla, the twins. In the movie Hadley and Isla are mischievous and rambunctious pranksters. But they’re also clever, constantly finishing each other’s sentences and asking all the right questions. Not to mention creative considering they literally manage to make their own stilts and learn to do it on their own. They trick two guards into literally running off a (low) wall and then giggle about it
Logan is Courtney. I’m gonna admit it get’s a lot less in-depth from here. Courtney’s “thing” is that she reads and prefers books to basically anything to do with people. But she’s smart as hell too, always the first to offer solutions to problems and figures out the way out of the secret land at the end of the movie if I remember correctly. But she’s very awkward and shy and really does not understand people like at all which I think fits Logan to a T
Janus is the oldest, Ashlynn. Her thing is music but what drew me to her was her class. She is easily the most put together and elegant of the girls, she isn’t as chaotic or rambunctious but she’s responsible and hates the class system just as much as everyone. If she had to take down a kingdom she would do it through political sabotage and I think she would be the best queen of the 12, so we’re going with her
Virgil was the hardest because when I tell you none of the girls have his personality I mean none of them. None of them are even writers like Virgil with the poetry. But one of my favorite headcanons is that Virgil is a great artist and the painter of the group is Kathleen. I analyzed her a bit more (yes I rewatched the movie just to focus on her) and she isn’t very good at expressing herself. She’s very protective of the others and tends to get angry easily even though she doesn’t socialize or speak up often. 
So that’s the characters and if you guys asked me questions about this au I would literally be so excited, so send me things if you want! If I talk about the plot it’ll be a separate post because I need to reread the book. 
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emrysalways · 5 years
Barbies Ranked
Wherein I rank the main characters and plots of every movie I've seen in the BCU (Barbie Cinematic Universe)
Clara-Barbie in The Nutcracker (2001)
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The OG. First barbie movie I ever saw. Yes there were barbie movies that came out before this, but this is the only one I care about. The movie that kicked off the ballet phase, so automatic points there. Wierd animation looking back, but really cool when I was a kid. I had a crush on the nutcracker and I thought it was cool that Clara could be kickass and kind and girly all at the same time. Kind of trippy to watch now because it could be a little disjointed but honestly? It still holds up.
10/10 that's a fuckin barbie right there
100/10 cant beat the classics.
Rapunzel- Barbie as Rapunzel (2002)
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Okay I'm not gonna lie, it's been forever since I watched this. But I remember I liked the magic paintbrush and hated the prince. Cool sassy dragon sidekick. Boring otherwise. Not because of barbie, she did what she always does, not her fault she got a bad script.
3/10 for walking so Tangled could run.
7/10 kind of a flat character
Odette- Barbie of Swan Lake (2003)
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THIS SHIT RIGHT HERE. When I say I cried yall dont understand i fucking CRIED bitch the performance was breathtaking i felt like i was LIVING in the story. This movie made me beg my mom to let me take ballet classes, which sucked, but not this movies fault. It inspired me, a shithead six year old delinquent in training, to want to be beautiful and elegant and utterly tragic. Odette has never been played by a finer actress, Barbie just gets the nuance of this character and by god does she perform. My only complaints are odiles voice is fucking annoying and rothbart seemed to be heavily based on Jewish stereotypes which is obviously pretty bad.
9999999/10 I mean even the barbie flourishes were good
1000/10 she snapped
Anneliese and Erika- Barbie as the Princess and the Pauper (2004)
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Wooooo boy was this a dick punch of a movie. First of all, the plot? You need to suspend a hell of a lot of disbelief to watch this without treating it like a comedy. To be fair, it's a really good comedy. I will get it out that I think barbie did great playing two roles at once. Hard to believe that's just her, but recall this is before barbie got her friends in on the acting scene. For what she had, she did great. That said, she isnt the reason I remember this movie. Preminger stole the fucking show. Although upon rewatch , I realized a similar issue with the swan lake thing above so I'm a little worried about the villain pattern here. Will keep looking.
8/10 I liked the songs
100/10 she HAS the range
Annika- Barbie and the Magic of the Pegasus (2005)
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Again, not a lot of memory here. There was a pegasus, like a kingdom of them I think? I'm pretty sure this one had more ballet and ice skating so that's cool. I think I remember Annika being like, kickass for a princess movie. I cant even remember the bad guy so that's all to say there.
4/10 ice skating cool
7/10 everyone has a wierd period.
Genevieve- Barbie in the 12 Dancing Princesses (2006)
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This is hands down my favorite movie. Why? Lots of dancing. Lots of characters. The sisters all have distinct personalities. The villain is super fucking sinister as she attempts to murder their father. The music is so sweet. Theres the usual romance, but it's not the main focus of Genevieve to catch a man. She loves her sisters and her father and just wants to dance to remember her mother. Shes brave and clever and I used to dream of having a magic room of my own where I could run away to dance. Basically? This movie slaps. You should check it out, if you haven't seen.
😭/10 full bias I root for them the entire time
10000/10 honorable mention to actresses for sisters, very decent work all around.
Rosella- Barbie as the Island Princess (2007)
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dude this movie is incredible. The inherent drama of being barbie Tarzan. And the music? Start humming "I want to know" within range of anyone who's seen this movie even ONCE and its like unlocking a deep cover memory. Her dress was great, the animals were fantastic support, the prince was a legitimate himbo. Villain was great too, huge bitch, huge hair, almost won.
67882/10 everyone carried their weight here
9/10 one point taken off because feral island girl had no armpit hair and that always bothered me
Anyway its 8 am now and I did this instead of sleeping so I'm gonna just call it here. I have seen more barbie movies, these are just the ones up to 2008 that I care about. If you guys wanna see more lmk and I'll make this part one.
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