#like i get why people hc him that way but yall hc EVERY autistic character that way
tadpoledancer · 2 years
as an autistic I'm really tired of people headcanoning every autistic character as aro or ace because it just comes off infantilizing as fuck
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yippieitsarvensart · 1 year
OH OH OH CAN I TALK ABOUT AUTISTIC HEADCANONS?? Okay okay- so I'll go in house order ajshdoakdhdjfkfj I'm so exicted!!!
Riddle is RIDDLED with autism and you can't change my mind. Like yeah his mom definitely has a big part on why he's Like That, but the need for routine?? The fucking MELTDOWN when things don't go as planned? When he feels he isn't being listened to/understood and it fills his blood with rage???? When he has trouble understanding tone (the most obvious one being sarcasm, but he's struggled with trying to discern if people are upset with him or not as well, same with patronizing/being teased!!) LIKE?????? He's just like me fr!!!!!
Cater is another that seems so obvious to me, like it's canon he has a way lower social battery than he let's on and he's masking like 24/7! And every autistic person I know is way more popular online than they are irl askgsksshvxkx, it's harder to be perceived as "off" through social media and I think he figured that out awhile ago
Jack's never ending energy when it comes to the things he loves, such as running or gardening? His strict moral code? His discomfort with expressing emotions? His sensitive/heightened senses? (That's probably just a beastman thing but shhhhh)
Literally the whole octatrio. Azul finds comfort in small enclosed spaces and compression, has canon comfort/security items and spaces, has safe foods and not safe foods, more prone to meltdowns than he'd ever let you believe.
You know how Azul needs compression? Yeah the twins HATE that shit, they don't like being restricted but you know what they DO like? Being the compressor! All 3 of them find comfort in giving a good squeeze, only Azul likes to receive the squeeze.
Floyd is SENSORY SEEK9NG ALL THE WAY, he needs loud music he needs to be THROWN he needs to eat rocks and do cartwheels and touch all the weird land textures!!! He HAS to or he's gonna EXPLODE!!!!!
Jade's special interest is mushrooms, that much is obvious, but i also would like to mention that he's kind of the middle ground between Floyd and Azul. He gets so bored and understimulated when everything is smooth sailing, nothing new, no chaos, BUT he needs controlled chaos. He needs chaos that isn't gonna throw him into a sensory overload ya feel? He needs some fun but a specific kind of (cough sadistic cough cough) fun that he controls like puppet master.
I'm gonna stop here so I don't go on forever but!! If you want I can continue!!! I have SO MANY THOUGHTS about these characters and their mental states :D
I LOVE THAT YALL ARE JUST RAMBLING TO ME NOWWW YEAHAHAHA yes yes please continue oh mymy god. I love autism hcs I LOVE HCS SO BAD Literally anyone out there. Come tell me about twst hcs. I'll go absolutely bonkers insane over them <333
Okay I get you so bad rn they're so real. Riddle autism was already so real to me and I love it when people can like actually properly explain how the hc WORKS like this like you make it WORK now I never did think of Jack as autistic, that... GUYS AUTISM TWISTED WONDERLAND REAL??? SO REAL>/????
I'M SO GLAD!!! YOU GET ME !!! WITH FLOYD!!!!!!! I've been fucking saying he needs that loud music and that action but. SLAMS FIST ON TABLE. NO ONE GETS ME. Like I just recently convinced someone that he'd be big on rock/metal music (like me) (I was projecting) because of how dancey it is because of how UPBEAT and CRAZY it can be sometimes!!!!!!!!!!!
Though I personally think that Floyd would be big on compression as well, he's always squeezing ppl but I think he'd also like it if someone squeezed him back. It never happens to him like ever but when it does he just melts. (mecore)
He and Azul wrap their tail/tentacles around each other and SQUEEEEEEZE!!!!!! And sometimes they fall asleep tangled around each other. Side note for that: /p btw I noticed I don't rlly ship the octatrio unless it's yuri jeiazu LOLL Jade being the only one who doesn't enjoy a lot of physical contact IS real to me though. (I love making the twins so #opposites but also #samezies)
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seerofmike · 2 years
1, 4, 9, and 13 from the Salty Ask List
im assuming this is for apex
1.) What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?
ok so there's a lot of ships i hate for an active reason but as for a ship i simply do not get. revenant x ash. like they're both simulacrums i guess. is that it?
i guess i just don't get the specific way REDDIT likes revenant x ash. they seem to think that ash would be all tsundere for him like im sorry are we talking about the same character
4.) Do you have a NoTP in your fandom? Are they a popular OTP?
i hate several ships but i'll just list the 3 i hate the most. life//tane, crypt//age and crypt//son. the straightie ships are like moderately popular for straightie ships ig but crypt//age is everywhere and its like. they're like that one post about straight women's first gay ship LMAO
9.) Most disliked character(s)? Why?
rev and caustic r obvious answers so i'll name 3 others. Fuse because he's boring and obnoxious and kinda contributes nothing except being BH's love interest and the reason Maggie joins. like i feel like you could cut Fuse out of apex entirely and with minimal rewrites everything still functions the same. He just feels really irrelevent. tbh i didn't hate him until the past few seaons when Fuse/hound started really ramping up and I couldn't escape seeing him which just made me more annoyed every time I saw him. overexposure ig
hate mirage cuz he hogs so much screentime and has like 3 character traits the writers bring up over and over without doing anything new so people can go AUGGH MIRAGE SADDEST CHARACTER EVER 🥺🥺🥺 and yall somehow fall for it when its the same piece of info literally every time. like how many times do they need to remind you evelyn has dementia. give him a storyline already. "Mirage sad because mom forget" is not a character arc yall have been doing this for like 12 seasons now come up with something new
then finally. Wattson. i have written several posts about her so im gonna be short but she's SOOO terribly written and such a shit person which like, i LOVE me some terrible petty bitches like loba. but loba being a terrible petty bitch feels like its on purpose and wattson being a terrible petty bitch is on accident and the writers bend over backwards to make her the cute uwu do no wrong girl all the time and it's SO exhausting like let her have character flaws and maybe have someone acknowledge she's made mistakes???? 😭
edit: crypto!! 13.) unpopular opinion about he.
i have two: 1. he is kind of jacked under that jacket. he is not a twink. he has muscles. not like fuse or gibraltar, and he doesn't have shredded abs like seer and octane, but he's built after years of working out and when he wears a tight t-shirt, you can See. Percieve Them. and 2. he has ADHD (and a paranoia disorder).
i know the more popular hc for him is autistic which is VALID but i personally read him more as ADHD who developed a paranoia disorder due to his circumstances and both of those things combined are why he's so fidgety and messes around with his jacket and puzzle cube a lot
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ven-finn · 4 years
May I have the Hiccup is autistic info dump please? As a treat?
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OK OK LETS GO!!! I’m going to put this under the cut because it’s really long, and I’m not gonna apologize for that, since yall asked.
First off it’s like: everyone on the spectrum is different so I understand that another autistic person might have a completely different take here or not see what I see in how I relate to Hiccup. But that’s exactly why I think he’s neurodivergent !!! For the most part a lot of my headcanon comes down the the base text in the trilogy. 
 We’ve got the in canon, outright shit that is:
-He starts off as an outcast for explicitly being ‘different.’ All the other vikings are constantly talking about his different way of thinking and a different way of interacting to the world around him and their inability to understand them socially isolates Hiccup. He’s been noticeably the odd one out from day one, even if no one can name why!!! God!! Felt that little man!!!!!
-And Hiccup spends nearly every day focused on dragons, and consumes the handbook for it all in one sitting researching the night fury. Then when he’s not working on understanding the dragons and taking note of what Toothless reacts to, he’s engineering different mechanisms to fly with Toothless.  
-He fidgets constantly, and seems to have a hard time looking at people when he’s talking. I love the gifsets where people are showcasing all of his hand flailing and talk about how endearing it is in the tags. It makes me feel better about my own stimming. There’s also like... the entire opening conversation w Astrid from 2 that’s like “I don’t move like that” “you just did!” and I love it so much. A lot of the mannerisms I know were probably thrown in as animation dramatics but they are *my* mannerisms on screen so autism be upon ye, Hiccup.
-and when he’s talking he’s mouthy and often doesn’t realize he’s said the wrong thing until it’s too late! one of my favorite parts of httyd2 is when Hiccup is going on a tangent to Valka about ‘hey everythings gonna be great you can come back home and drago’s a nonissue and and and!’ and its a bit overbearing and Stoick literally has to say “slow down” so Hiccup can give Valka some breathing room. It’s like oh hey I’ve done exactly that before. (and I also hc Astrid as having ASD bc to me it makes their initial conflict all that more interesting and funny to me. Astrid’s like ‘hey wait don’t go against the social rules I memorized i worked very hard to be this socially competent’ and Hiccup stomps on that and is like “what?” It’s why their bond throughout the trilogy gets me so hard like we love to see two trans autistic vikings in love and winning.) 
-On the topic of his social skills, it’s the way he explains things to other people too that reads as autistic to me. He doesn’t go out of his way to verbalize most of his affection for dragons or why he thinks other people should understand. He just taps Toothless’ head and is like ‘I can show you’ through the act of riding itself. It’s either that or he goes on longwinded rants that he himself struggles to follow, so he relies on the former more frequently. 
 And guess what his pattern-tapping and his unique abilities end up setting him apart from others but it’s also what brings dragons and vikings together!! It is a good thing!!! No one else can think like he does and maybe they don’t have to but the world is better for him existing in it!! What a wonderful story!!! A story that becomes stronger for me when I put in the lense of “not only does this autistic character not have to grow out of his own skin to be accepted, his neurodivergent traits are what make him brilliant, what make him so in tune with dragons!” and not in the like. gross autistic savant or hollywood autism trope u see in shit like Hannibal or Sherlock. Hiccup is just some guy, but he’s just some autistic guy, who can do great things! don’t get why autistic cis men will tell u our only icons are like. Rorschach and Rick Sanchez when Hiccup is literally right there/hj. 
This is more sub textual than the rest of my points but there’s the aspect of Hiccup’s focus on *specifically* animals. It’s a common early special interest for plenty of autistics. Fun fact is the creator of pokemon, Satoshi Tajiri, was autistic and had a special interest on bugs-his love for them is partly why Pokemon exists! And My own animal special interests were elephants, pandas, and cats. It was such a big thing for me that still, every year for my birthday people still get me plushies of them. I was 6 when Httyd1 came out, but I watched it like. Religiously. And less so for any of the characters or story but because I adored Toothless, who I knew was based off of a cat without having to be told. So Hiccup being so quickly dedicated to this dragon... :) yeah. He understands dragons so much more than he understands people and Toothless and the rest seem to comfort him because being with the dragons forgoes stressful human conversation for just being content to be!! what a story!! what a grand thing!! 
tldr: hiccup stims a lot, has clear moments of hyper-focus and special interest, and his social skills are parallel to my own. To me, his most base story reads as an autistic story. 
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