#like i am sure he's a totally normal nice dude or whatever
seawitchkaraoke · 2 years
very quietly whispering: i am glad dream is quitting mcc
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himbosandhardwear · 8 months
Slowly, like the way most things occur to Steve, he realizes that the way he and a lot of guys, probably most guys, talk about women is kinda gross. Kinda impersonal and objectable...no wait....objectifying. He loves that he can talk to Robin about chicks but as soon as he starts to say what he loves about them he realizes, though Robin likes girls, she is also a girl, and probably doesn't want to hear locker room talk. Which is when he starts to wonder if what he considers normal guy banter is actually gross douchebag banter.
"They're so warm," he says, which seems like a nice thing to say, neutral.
"I guess?" She frowns. "Guys are warm too though."
"Yeah, I mean, women don't have a monopoly on body heat."
"Right," he agrees. Except what he was really thinking was the heat on the inside. Again, gross. That thought then leads to another thought. A weird, why-am-I-thinking-about-this thought. That guys are probably warm on the inside too. Definitely. Definitely warm on the inside. Shit. That's weird.
He doesn't have anyone to talk this over with anymore. Dustin is too young. Jonathan is currently getting warm with Nancy, so that doesn't seem appropriate. Wait! He can talk to Eddie!
"Is it fucked up to talk about sex stuff with Robin?" He asks Eddie the next time they're alone.
"What?" He responds.
"Like, she feels like a bro, but she's not actually a bro, cause she's a girl. Normally I'd talk about hookups with a bro but she probably doesn't want to hear about that kinda stuff."
"I guess," Eddie agrees.
"I almost said some pretty gross shit to her the other day but I stopped myself, thank god."
"How gross?"
"Just that I like how warm girls are, but, you know, on the inside. Which would be totally fine to say to another dude but she probably doesnt want to hear that from me. And then I started freaking out because it's probably just gross in general to talk about girls like that? Do you and the band talk about shit like that or was it just my asshole friends from school and I'm only just now realizing how fucked up it is?"
"Me? No, I've never talked about girls like that."
"Ah fuck, I knew it."
"But I'm pretty sure they're all virgins, so..."
"Oh. Do you ever talk about girls with anyone?"
"I guess that means I'm an asshole."
"You're not an asshole, Steve. Talking about girls seems like a normal thing to talk about with your friends. Maybe not Robin, she might beat your ass."
"We could talk about that kinda stuff though, right?"
"Never mind. It's stupid."
"No, it's just- I mean. You could tell me whatever. I'm cool."
"Oh, okay."
They stare at their feet.
"Is this weird? It feels weird."
"I'm gay, Steve."
Steve blinks. "Oh! Okay, that's cool." His eyes light up. "Wait! You'd know, are guys as warm inside as I thought?"
Eddie has a small stroke. He has to let his face say the words his mouth can't.
"Shit, it's still weird huh? Damn."
"No. Uh. It's just...why were you thinking about that?"
"Robin said girls don't have a monopoly on being warm and I just thought yeah she's right, so it makes sense that guys are just as warm as girls. It probably feels the same I mean. You don't have to tell me, you know, if it's weird to ask."
"Not weird to ask. It's just...I have no idea."
"Oohhh," Steve says. "You're a virgin too?"
Steve frowns in confusion.
Eddie wants to bury himself under a slab of concrete but makes himself explain. "You see, when guys fuck, one of thems gotta be the...warm one...as it were."
The line between his eyes doesn't lessen.
"I'm a bottom."
Still, somehow, he doesn't get it.
"Oh my god Steve, I'm the girl!"
His mouth makes a little 'O'.
"Yeah. That's not exactly how I like to describe it but you looked like you weren't visualizing. So."
Steve is having some truly deep thoughts. He's never thought about being the girl before. Like, obviously girls like being the girl. He hopes so anyway. But he's wondering what's the draw of being the girl if you're a guy.
"And you like it?" He blurts out.
Eddie, who's been a deep shade of pink already, turns violently red.
"Huh. Guess it makes sense. Never thought about it before though."
"Well, yeah, why would you?"
"Hey, I'm pretty open minded!"
"Sure. But straight guys don't tend to think about taking it up the ass. You know, as a rule." (A/N Eddie doesn't know wtf he's talking about)
Steve takes this in and realizes a few things, faster than he's ever realized anything before. He's thinking about it. And he's curious. And he wants to ask Eddie what it feels like and why he likes it. And he wants to ask if it hurts and if the pain is part of why he likes it. Because he thinks he might like that.
Okay. He can be normal about this. Eddie said Steve could talk to him about sex. It's normal and fine.
"We should fuck."
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memory-and-sky · 1 year
I saw that you wanted requests and decided to jump in on that 💗
How about Hobie x reader where they are on patrol and reader just drops the most philosophical sentence just out of the blue and Hobie is like
Wtf how are you the most interesting and smart person ever?
Would that be nice? If not feel free to ignore dude
(PS: drink water and take care of yourself 💗 love ya)
this is such an awesome request, thank you for this! i took a few creative liberties, but i hope you enjoy nonetheless :3 !!
word count: ~700
containing: swearing, mentions of death/dying (nothing too in-depth), not quite dating but a little more than friends, hobie x gn!reader, just talking about stuff on a roof together
the rest of the fic is under the cut!
philosophical shit. hobie x gn!reader
(aka what i think about past 9pm)
You and your work partner, Hobie, had just gotten done containing another malicious anomaly in some random universe.
The sun was just beginning to set, though, and you thought you'd stay until it fully settled, until the stars came out. Then you’d clock out and go home.
It was a gorgeous, clear evening. You felt the cool wind blow through your hair as you sat on the top of a decently tall building, glad to be mostly done with your work for the day.
Suddenly, you heard an all too familiar voice from behind you. "Mind if I join ya, mate?"
It was Hobie, of course.
"Sure. Thought you were heading back now, though.." You craned your neck, and leaned back to look at Hobie as he walked over to sit next to you.
"Soundin' like ya don' wan' me around, love." He chuckled to himself, sitting down cross-legged, and gazing out into the colourful sky with you.
It was beautiful. Your universe was never really this pretty.
"Wasn't half bad back there, eh?"
"You or me? I think I did most of the work there." You offered a small smile.
Hobie laughed. "Fuck off, ya wanker. Seemed equal 'cause I had to save your sorry arse. Shoulda given me so much as a plain 'thanks, 'obie' 'n I'd be chuffed."
You sighed, looking down as you fidgeted with your hands. Looking back up at the changing sky, you couldn't help but think of what could've happened, had Hobie not been there to save you.
I mean, you could've probably handled it, but what if you didn't?
"You know, I always have felt sort of unhappy with myself. My life, and whatever. Whenever something like that happens, it always scares the shit out of me and makes me think about dying a lot more vividly and realistically."
You shift to lay down on your back, arms supporting your head. "Fuck, for all I know that could be my canon event... dying. It really fuckin' puts stuff into perspective. The whole canon events thing, I mean. How am I supposed to live life freely, and even just normally, when I know there's a goddamn model that a computer came up with that already dictates my entire life, birth to death? How am I important at all?"
Hobie stared at you, eyes a little wide, a little slack-jawed at your intelligent, observant remarks.
"Christ, ya good, mate?" He chuckled, regaining his usual smirk that seemed to be permanently plastered onto his stupidly attractive face. "Gettin' a bit serious there, yeah? Thought I lost ya for a sec. But, love, I do see what ya mean. 'S quite hard to feel like 'ur in control when 'ur entire bloody life seems planned out. Y'know, canon ain't always right, though. I didn't go through tha' whole stereotypical 'officer savin' a li'l kid' event, so 's able to be changed somewhat."
He shrugged, messing with a loose thread on his pants absentmindedly.
You nodded, resting your hands on your stomach. "Yeah… I know. I just feel like I'm stuck in a cage and I can't do anything about it until I'm dead."
"Mm, don' we all, love.." Hobie shifted over to grin down at you. He seriously tried to play it cool, but he was freaking out, and totally all nerves on the inside. You sounded so smart and educated, this whole interaction totally came out of left field.
Which was more than welcome, fuck, Hobie would be the first to admit that he loved discussing things like this with you. You were so confident in your words, and more importantly, how you said them, and it made you even more beautiful in his eyes. If that was even possible.
He adored every part of you.
Your dorky smile, all your imperfections… Hobie loved that you didn’t hide them and didn’t let people tell you shit, and just your whole personality... it'd take him forever and a day to list everything that he loved about you.
Especially now, you looked artistically beautiful. Like a painting, with all the warm colours swirling around you, illuminating your skin and basking you in the fleeting sunlight.
"Oh, Hobie,"
"Hm?" He snapped out of scanning every aspect and detail of you for a moment.
You leaned into him after sitting straight up, closer and closer, and then pecked his cheek. "Thanks."
All Hobie's blood rushed up straight to his cheeks, and he offered nothing but a blank stare, an awkward laugh, and a light touch to where you kissed.
"Y-yeah, mate... f'course,"
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dangermousie · 9 days
As I was telling @aysekira, one ep in, I am enjoying Encounter but it is very very much a middle-aged lady wish fulfillment the way all those Bond movies with a dude who can kill people with a pinkie and have five hot girls at once are a middle aged man wish fulfillment.
Song Hye Kyo is a stunning woman but she's 11 years older than Park Bo Gum and the drama chooses (the actually brave and neat) choice of emphasizing the age difference instead of trying to pretend there is barely any. I don't remember what the actual ages in the drama are supposed to be but the age gap is supposed to be significant - he's straight out of college and she's a divorced woman in her 30s. And they show it! Her clothes are nicely tailored but they are frankly aging as fuck in the first ep - the dresses/suits she wears is not something anyone under 50 should wear, like something out of a Chico's ad. And he's all hippie flower child who does look straight out of college.
And the thing is, I am enjoying and swooning as intended (the chemistry and the acting are very much there) but in the back of my head, a little thought keeps running: I don't care if a woman is as stunning as SHK, in RL, no boy straight out of college will fall deeply in love and want to settle down forever with a woman that much older. Not unless he has issues that the well-adjusted ML simply does not have.* (And I don't think she would want him permanently either.) A vacation fling? Sure. A one night stand? Hell yeah. Even a short lived little relationship where she gets someone young and enthusiastic and not yet tainted by all complexities of long term dwelling in the adult world and he gets someone who knows her mind and is not insecure and can teach him the ropes and takes care of herself is possible. But not this. Not a true love forever immediately between 22 year old and a 32 year old (or whatever it is.)
*it's not that it's always not possible - I totally believed in the couple in Secret Love Affair and she was 20 years older than him and married to boot. But they were both truly wounded people and both were also so obsessed with piano that that mutual obsession overrode any age issues or really anything else. Here he's just too normal.
But you know what? I like fantasy dramas. Is it realistic to have this? Nah, not really. But it's not realistic to have a nine tailed fox run around looking for the reincarnation of his dead lover or an immortal goblin pal with a grim ripper in Seoul or whatever either. As long as the narrative is internally consistent, I can put away my real life take.
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rejectedanimexp · 5 months
New part to Phantom thieves au
Edit: this is part 5 by the way
Lil’ P’s Obsession?; Luigi is an “angel”
Peasley hummed ‘Daisy Daisy’ as he gathered powerups in the darklands for his next heist. Sure, he could gather them in the Mushroom Kingdom, but that would lead to Mario wanting to know why he was gathering them in the first place. Besides, there were tons of rare and unique powerups here!
So trespassing on King Boo’s lands it is. Maybe he’d run into one of Luigi’s villains. That would be fun.
Peasley has just another powerup into the basket on his cloud that was already overfilled when a voice pipes up from above in a nearby tree.
“Why are you humming that creepy tune?”
Peasley abruptly stops humming and looks up to see a wannabe jester on a tree branch.
“Its a nursery rhyme and its catchy. It's not my fault movies like A Space Odyssey made it creepier. Now, London Bridges is a creepy tune to hum.” Peasley sassed back.
Dimentio raised an eyebrow behind his mask. He was pretty sure this was one of Luigi’s friends yet the guy didnt even seem concerned that he was near him.
“You… you do know who I am, right?” Dimentio asked just to double check that this was the green guy that hung around Luigi.
“Yeah, you're the demented jester dude that Red Mustache Man still whines about. Nice job getting under his skin by the way. His ‘holier than you’ attitude really grates my nerves.” Peasley laughed.
“Red.. mustashe man? You mean Mario?” Dimentio chuckled.
“Marco, Marice. Whatever his name is. I only learn the names of people who matter. Red Luigi is not worth the effort of learning a name.” Peasley dismissed with a wave of his hand.
Dimentio floats down closer to him. “What brings a hero wannabe like you to a villain’s territory?”
“Eh, Collecting powerups without Red Luigi poking his nose into my business. That guy is such a party pooper and wouldn’t mind his own business if I did this back in the Mushroom kingdom. And if I did it back in the Bean kingdom, my Mother would ground me or something. So, collecting them where Red dude wouldn't check is my best bet.” Peasley frowned. “Besides, I’m not letting Luigi upstage me in annoying his brother, so I need powerups to annoy Red Man while I break as many laws as possible. Maybe I’ll crash one of his hero parties. I don’t know. I just like annoying him. It's fun and it cures my boredom. And who said anything about being a hero? You save your kingdom one time and everyone thinks you want to be some superhero. Please. No thanks.”
“The hero wants to rebel, how cute.” Dimentio pulls out a dagger only for Peasley to roll his eyes and pull out two of his own.
“Did you know, you should always have 22 knives on you at all times? You never know when you need them. And at least half of them need to be poison-tipped. I wanted to have more on my but Luigi and Daisy limited my spending on them because it was starting to raise suspicion on me.” Peasley piped up cheerfully.
“Slow or fast-moving poison?” Dimentio asked, slightly intrigued.
“Both.” Peasley beamed. “Depends on the situation. Do I need to silence someone or do I need them to suffer?”
“You’re awfully violent for someone hailed as a heroic Prince.” Dimentio snorted.
“Well, maybe I’m tired of being labeled as some idiotic hero wannabe by everyone. Nobody sees me for anything but the try-hard hero wannabe and it's annoying.” Peasley clenched his fists. “So when Luigi snapped and decided to take advantage of people underestimating him, I decided to follow suit. Figured I might as well take advantage of it as well.”
“This isnt some game for little boys to play you know. Villianly is a serious profession and-”
Dimentio is cut off by a pouting Peasley who throws his dagger art him.
“Fiesty, huh?” Dimentio mused as he looked at the ornate dagger that embedded the tree next to his head.
Peasley just smiled that innocent smile he had perfected. “I have no idea what you mean, good sir. I’m just a normal upright citizen. I totally don’t plan to be an inconvenience and menace to society.”
“You are a gremlin,” Dimentio concludes.
Peasley’s eyes light up. “You really think so? I tried to perfect my perfect innocent child smile to throw people off. Luigi likes to joke that im a demon spawn.”
Dimentio felt slightly uncomfortable by the look Peasley was giving him. He felt like Peasley was staring at him like a new shiny toy and it was unnerving. “Yeah… sure. You seem really annoying.”
Peasley claps his hands together as he smiles widely. “I like you. You’re so cool. What kind of dagger was that that you pulled out earlier? Is it true that you can easily defeat Red Man? How many knives do you have on you? What's your favorite knife or dagger? Why do you wear that mask all the time?”
Dimentio sweatdropped. He definitely felt uncomfortable now. He should have stayed in King Boo’s Mansion.
“You’re the coolest villain ever, Dimentio-senpai.” Peasley gushed which made Dimentio regret ever getting up today.
Later that Day with Luigi
Luigi sighed as he let the loud casino noises around him blur into white noise. Ever since Waluigi disappeared (aka died), Luigi had to take over some of his shifts at Waluigi’s casino.
Strangely, it is still running even after its owner has gone missing. Just Luigi’s luck he supposed.
Luigi mainly ruins the bar and deals cards. Let it be known Luigi takes his job very seriously. That being said, he also takes his rivalry with the 3 purple nuisances seriously. 
So you can imagine his reaction to overhearing Wario of all people making fun of the three villains about how pathetic they are to lose to a weakling like Luigi. 
He rightfully got passive-aggressive of course.
Luigi hummed as he shook the drink and tossed the shaker into the air. As much as he was clumsy at times, he was rather skilled at making any kind of drink no matter how complicated it got when shaking the drink shaker.
Luigi poured the drink over ice and handed it to the random customer before sighing as he whipped the shaker clean.
His attention was soon drawn to what seemed to be King Boo, Dimentio, and Antasma. They seemed to be arguing with Wario. Luigi told his coworker to cover for him before he silently made his way over to them.
Luigi caught the tell end of Wario’s teasing. 
“You guys call yourselves villains? Don't make me laugh. You guys cant even defeat Luigi and he’s the most pathetic person on the planet. He guy is afraid of his own shadow… yet you guys lose to him? You’re jokes.”
Luigi felt something rather dark bubble up inside of him as he clenched his fists. 
How dare he. HOW DARE HE! His fights with them were not something to laugh at. 
Green lightning cracks around Luigi’s fists as thunder is heard outside despite it not raining.
Dimentio, who knew about the Thunderhand powers due to Mr. L, noticed Luigi first. Dimentio knew something was about to go down.
Luigi cleared his throat as he held a tight smile that screamed murder. Wario turns around to see Luigi with an unusual look on his face.
“I heard you were talking shit about me?” Luigi hissed.
Just then more green lightning strikes outside, hitting Wario’s car. Wario looks over to see through the windows to check for storms only to see his car was on fire.
“Oh, talk about bad luck. I hope that strange lightning doesn't hit your house.” Luigi said sweetly as faint green lightning cackled around his hand.
“You little shit-” Wario goes to attack Luigi, only for Luigi to swiftly sidestep him.
“Dear me, you sir must of had a little too much to drink. You don't think I had anything to do with the unnatural weather do you?” Luigi spoke loudly in a fake innocent tone.
People all around look over to see the angry guy in yellow trying to attack the innocent and wimpy younger brother of Mario. They all saw how Wario tried to blame Luigi for the lightning. No one believed him and a group of people were mad that he would attack defenseless Luigi when he wasn't doing anything.
Within a matter of seconds, customers were trying to drag the irate Wario away from Luigi who had fake tears and an amazing act of fear going on.
“By Wario! I hope you get well from your anger issues soon.” Luigi called out with fake innocence just to sell the point that he was the victim.
Meanwhile with Mario
Mario sighed as he scouted the library for any clues that the two villains might have left behind. He knows Peach’s guards found nothing but it couldn't hurt to double-check just to be sure.
Lil’ P and Lady D seemed to have stolen a magic book and crystal according to Princess Peach. What they needed with those ancient items was anyone’s guess. But Mario knew that villains make mistakes. He just needed to find it.
He will bring down Mr. L and his two sidekicks if it's the last thing he does. 
To Be continued…
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*pokes head out of the great expanse of information that is the internet* DID I HEAR YOU SAY KAEYA ZHONGLI BESTIES AGENDA do elaborate because I am. I am. in need.
AHAHAAHAHAHAHAH YES YOU DID HEAR CORRECTLY. Look They have so much inherent angst based on Kaeya's origins and Zhongli's orgins. And I'm definitely going to get into some fanon/headcanon territory here. But like- I headcanon that whatever part Zhongli played in destroying Khaenri'ah he feels horrible about it. Meeting Kaeya would be a grenade of emotions for him. Like on one hand: Hey! This guy is a living Khaenri'ahn, maybe i can do small things to pay him for what I've done Not that I could ever total repay it ON the other: OH SHOOT I MESSED UP SO BAD BY HIM I SHOULD JUST NEVER SPEAK TO HIM EVER AND IF HE WANTS ME TO PAY FOR MY CRIMES I WILL. Initially Zhongli would probably just be a good ole formal acquaintance. Being pretty normal about everything (he's good at compartmentalizing and burying pain) except in weird instances where he'd get really intensely invested in Helping Kaeya. Kaeya is like "Okay this dude is strange. Nice! But strange." Eventually the truth would come to light and that would be a mess, not exactly sure how it would go down? I usually play with the idea of Kaeya being pretty angry with Zhongli and softening when he realizes how much Zhongli regrets and how human he is. The start of their actual friendship would be climbing over the hurdle of Zhongli.... well being overly gracious essentially?
Kaeya would have to slap him being like "Dude you need to not bend to my every request for star's sake." Like, kaeya can understand given how much he feels like he messed up, but at this point he genuinely wants to be friends with Zhongli, not have Zhongli be his dutiful archon butler. It'd take a bit for Zhongli to shake the behavior because the guilt complex runs DEEP. Also Kaeya would have to open a lot. Zhongli is old as dirt (ha) So he can probably see through Kaeya waaaay more than he's comfortable with. Zhongli is thankfully not horribly heavy handed? But I can see him being somewhat petty or poking at Kaeya before he's ready.
Kaeya would have the bonus of Zhongli already knowing his Origins! But he would still have to contest with worrying about him flipping out over the spy thing (not to mention Zhongli was the Contracts lord.) Zhongli would also not be super cool with kaeya's more reckless and under-explained stunts. Its probably already somewhat nervewracking for him that most of his friends are mortal. Them making ill-advised decisions would not sit well with him. but with time I think they'd have a beautiful friendship! They're both protectors and have Older Family member vibes (grandpa and older brother) Zhongli would be invested in seeing Kaeya grow past his trauma and the horrible things that happened to him and his people. And Kaeya would be invested in seeing Zhongli live a happy unburdened life (he understands too well holding what feels like the weight of the world.)
And just in general I think the way they can play off of each other is really fun? Just personality wise. They're both really smart but also feel like they'd have a great time discussing stuff over tea, Really random or inane stuff. I imagine they're both kinda fed up with the Anime Plot they're born into xD
I feel like they're both little things people. LIke zhongli going on and on about the flowers being beautiful this morning and Kaeya would just be sitting there like "yeah :]" They realize how much that stuff matters.
Somebody save Zhongli if Hu Tao and Kaeya are in the same room tho. SFDLSDIHGDFIGLDHFGLASIDGHDFG Also they'd both be doing "Woe, therapy be upon ye" at each other SADLFIHSDGLIDFHGDFGHFG
Also both of them adore kids. ;;v;; The capacity they have for understanding each other's pain. Just being the "stop being strong, I know, you can't hide it from me." and "i'm sorry you have this burden, you should've never had it." and "i'm so afraid of what I am harming the people I love." THere could be so much solidarity and comfort and understanding. And conflict and frustration too! I can see them easily being very hypocritical with each other without intending too xD
So yeah! Just their whole deal can be so fascinating and fun, both of them would have so much baggage to work through with each other. And I can see every step of that journey being delightfully fun to dig into and play out in different ways!
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shes-a-badkid · 1 year
Thoughts while reading The Trials of Apollo - “The Dark Prophecy” with my nephew-
1. I still cannot get over the name Lester for Apollo
2. Even after being humbled a bit, he is still the cockiest bastardized out there
3. I love the idea of Leo just having a good time with his girlfriend and his dragon and helping a God out and then there is Calypso and Apollo just snarking at each other the whole time
4. I love Calypso so much- just straight punches someone, breaks her hand, and almost immediately says fuck it and kicks someone and breaks her foot. I just really identify with this
5. Poor Leo- had to leave Festus again. WHEN WILL MY SON GET A BREAK, RICK?!
6. Oh poor Emmie and Josephine! If this book doesn’t end with them getting their daughter back I will be seeking financial compensation
7. I’m obsessed with Emmie and Josephine, every new thing I learn about them just adds to my love
8. Apollo and Calypso on a quest with no Leo to buffer… I’m so here for this- the sass with be *chefs kiss* impeccable
9. I really like that Apollo’s memory is iffy right now because I truly don’t know who most of these people are and him remembering doesn’t feel like a generic info dump
10. Hell yeah, Meg!!! Run away from those assholes! (But please don’t make me sad again)
11. Apollo- how are you so thirsty? Like we haven’t focused on the gods in as much detail as you, but you seem like a thirty bitch. Now I know you can’t possibly be as thirsty as Zeus, but you might come close
12. So far on this quest we have Calypso doing like 85% of the work- picking locks, grifting the two searching for them into believing she was cursing them- what a queen. And you know, Apollo is also there, like good job with that train buddy, you helped!
13. Hell yeah, Meg! Take his ass out! (I think ‘hell yeah, Meg’ might become my catchphrase thought this series)
14. Okay Apollo- nice work letting all the animals loose, that was clutch
15. Sure, Apollo, you totally didn’t cry when Meg hugged you. We all totally believe you 😑
16. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it a million more time- I am obsessed with Josephine
17. “I was, after all, selfless, caring, and all around nice guy.” And just when I was feeling a bad for you my dude
18. Oh poor, Georgina, your mind is just mashed bananas right now
19. Look at you Apollo being all smart and melting that door- I would say I’m proud but the ego doesn’t need the compliment
20. PEACHES!!! NOOOOO! My sweet, little maniac
21. Festus! My favorite boy 🐉
22. Thalia about to kick some ass like the boss bitch she is
23. I love that Lityerses immediately went from down to kill for Commodus to I’m gonna kill Commodus for thinking of killing me and joining the side of good
24. Apollo may have fully won me over for staying back just to save Livia the elephant- also what a sight to see Thalia being a badass while escaping on a elephant
25. Leo and Calypso staying at the waystation makes so much sense and I’ll miss them so much, but also I would totally ready a book about Leo and Calypso at the waystation with Josephine and Emmie
26. Apollo hating his arrow is the best. I love a god having beef with an inanimate object
27. Oh Meg, my dear, I just want to hug you!
28. Apollo may be a self centered douche like 90% of the time but my man has a lot of feelings. Like- he cares for Meg so much, he just wanted to save Livia the elephant, he is passionate in his hatred of slavery, and he is so worried for his friends at the waystation
29. What is this red lightning, Jamie?!? I am intrigued
30. Sssssarah is delightful and I would love for her to just randomly pop up
31. Can we leave Festus alone, please
33. The delight I feel at just the mention of Coach Hedge is entirely normal! Stop judging me!
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thinehitmanagency · 3 months
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THA S/O HCs (Polyam w/Reader)
*Dreadelle is not included because she’s aroace, and while I am aware aroace people can be in relationships, I don’t think she ever would be/want to be.
*DLL is also not included because he’s Silver’s brother and that’s a little weird.
*Bonnibelle uses she/her pronouns in this, but he’s a dude. Just call him whatever you want man.
☆ All freaks, all weirdos. Never a moment of peace. If it’s not Cadmium constantly waking you up to tell you about a rat he ate today or show you another scar on his body (because he thinks it’ll impress you), then it’s Blaster climbing through your window in the middle of the day and getting stuck or & calling you to tell you about how she almost crashed her van into a ditch.
☆ Unknwn is immediately attached to you. He knows everything about you already, since he’s a hacker, but you’re so much better in person. So unfortunately you’ll have to deal with his greasy ass all the time, but it’s all in the name of love.
☆ Briar works vigorously in his garden to grow flowers specifically dedicated to you: alstroemerias and red chrysanthemums aplenty. He will spend hours outside, telling you it’s literally nothing and it’s not that important, even though he cares about taking care of your flowers more than anything in the world.
☆ Blaster doesn’t have any money to buy you gifts or take you to any expensive places, but he will give you his broken belts. Belts that were made from scratch and not very reliable. He makes you a few necklaces out of string and the teeth of a dead animal, since it’s a craft he’s been practicing for a while and he knows he’s good at it. On the common occasion he can’t fit some of his clothes anymore, he just hands them over to you and says “put them to good use; they’d look better on you than they ever did on me.”
☆ D011in7 likes to live in your phone and talk to you about random shit. He sends you little reminders about eating dinner, showering, taking a walk, etc. He’s only that nice to you and even then the bar is in hell.
☆ Silver just gives you a bunch of money. He doesn’t know how to convey that he loves you any better than that. His parents did that for him and he thought it was pretty efficient, so why would he not do it for a person he loves? He makes sure you always have the best, even if it’s the small things.
☆ Some will always have more unorthodox ways of showing their affection for you— G.L., Bonnibelle and Zinc especially. Bonnie always wants to show you something new that she made or tamper with your things or go on a rant about the ethics of creating a death ray… which you just nod and listen to her about because you have no idea what she’s talking about.
☆ Zinc likes to watch you sleep. He wishes he could sleep just like you. It’s nice to sleep, isn’t it? Do you have dreams? He wants to dream one day.
☆ Anyways it’s super weird and sometimes you wish he wouldn’t do that. But Zinc doesn’t know what’s socially acceptable or not, and it might break his heart to hear that he’s not being as human like and normal as he wants to be.
☆ G.L. often reads stories to you and then proceeds to almost fall asleep in the middle of it, because he hasn’t slept in a week. He studies you like one of his test subjects, which is pretty creepy, but he swears it’s for good reasons. He totally doesn’t have all of your medical records in his lab. That would be preposterous.
☆ Jamie is just happy you’ve acknowledged his presence. He’s a starving man, he’ll do anything for just a little bit of affection. He’s a sad, broken man. People barely acknowledge him. It might look weird that an invisible guy is holding your hand, and people probably won’t believe he’s a real person, but it’s better than nothing.
☆ & likes to take you on road trips. See the sights. Kiss. Make out. Take pictures. She’ll spend all her hard earned money on you, spoiling you and buying whatever your heart desires. Then she’ll be completely broke by the end of it, and she’ll run out of gas, and you’ll both have to push her van all the way back home.
☆ Cadmium will try his best to not… be himself. You can watch movies together! He’ll resist the urge to bite into you like a piece of raw meat. Or you can teach him how to read! Or you can tell him about the solar system! Or you can tell him what the word Cadmium means! He can even teach you a few things too… like how to eat wood!
☆ Silver hates when people look at his face, so he’s not very confident in it. Unlike Unknwn, he doesn’t wear a mask or freak out when others even happen to gaze upon him, but he’s never had much confidence in the way he looks. So he’s shy when you see his face and probably even more flustered if you think he’s handsome.
☆ Blaster still gets pissed the fuck off when he sees certain people around you. He doesn’t care. He hates G.L. He hates D011in7. He hates Unknwn. He can tolerate &, but finds her very annoying. He doesn’t even want to see Briar anywhere around him, otherwise I fear he may do unforgivable things. He will likely be the man around you the most, since he’s very paranoid about anything and everything bad happening to you.
☆ D011in7 will never leave you the fuck alone. He is SO annoying. You’ll have to kill him to get a moment of peace—though unfortunately, he cannot die. You could destroy your computer, but he’ll jump into your TV and start making fun of you and “your puny inhumane treatment of him.” He is so overdramatic. Can you give his screen a kiss so he’ll shut up?
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crispywinnergirl · 4 months
Kayla,Eliza and Ammy are three inseparable friends who met at middle school and have been together ever since. They did everything together at school and told each other everything, they had trust on each other and that made their friendship stonger.
During highschool they went to the school's summer night dance together. When one was approached she would first ask the other two what they think about the boy or girl who approached her. Sometimes they even missed class together, and would be punished together.
But......everyone has a weakness at some point that made them fight at some extent and they also had some insecurities.
For Kayla who was the first born in a family of seven kids she had alot on her shoulders and had to do everything so as not to disappoint her parents and all those back at home and that is what she was most insecure about, unlike her two friends she had a nice figured body; round breasts with nice tits, a big booty and a flat tummy ofcourse but not so beautiful face but you know most men are all about nice bodies and so she had most men on her tail.
For Eliza she had the most beautiful face and a perfect smile,but no booty or perfect round tits so she was just normal and she was mostly insecure about her body and same for Ammy who had fish shaped eyes.
Their story becomes interesting at university where they all managed to get into the same university and had the same major which was Electronics and Telecommunications engineering. At the first year of their studies they stayed in dft rooms in their hostels.
Eliza: Guys, I wanna cry right now.....how can they take us away from each other?!!
Ammy: I know right!!! Are they planning something against us?!! I am so scared!!!
Kayla: Maybe we should give some money to the dean and she may let us share a room.
Ammy:Is that possible? We should do it!
Eliza: Maybe we should just stay in our rooms and when we meet in class we should gossip about our roommates, how about that?
Ammy: That is not a good thing to do, I like it!!! So we go to class and gossip about our loser roommates, okay?
Kayla: Okay, I thought you guys would not stand us being away for long but if it's what you want then it's okay, I'm in!
So they stayed in different rooms and during day in class they would just gossip about their roommates.
During practical training, Kayla was approached by a cute boy, his name was Gem and yes he was a total gem. Nice body, nice looks, good clothes taste and shoes ofcourse 😋. She fell and she fell harder. He was the captain of their course's football team and also had cute friends.
Eliza: You hit the jackpot bestie!! Gem is a total gem if I must say. He is nothing compared to all the losers you met in highschool except for your crush that you kept a secret.
Kayla: Dude!!!! Not a word to anyone about my cute crush,plzzzz!!
Eliza: Okay, I'll zip it but....
Kayla: What do you want??😒😒
Eliza: Money, duh!
Kayla: How much?!
Eliza: Enough for making my nails.
Kayla: Here, take it!! (hands over money angrily)
Eliza: I love youuuu!(kisses Kayla allover her face)
Kayla: Get off me!!!
Ammy: You should stop being manipulated by her or else she'll take all your allowance money from you.
They walked away to the cafeteria to have lunch. Sometimes they would even eat same foods.
At the end of the practical training, Kayla stepped away from the group for a while, she seemed distant and her friends did not like it.
Eliza: What is wrong with Kayla nowadays?😕
Ammy: I don't know it's like we look like losers to her since she got a boyfriend and we don't.
Eliza: Naaah, I don't think she would look down upon us just 'cause we are single.
Ammy: That's just what I was thinking but I bet not.
Eliza: Do you think we should talk to her instead of talking behind her back? She would be upset if she found out.
Ammy: Sure, whatever 🙄.
Ammy had no interest to talk to her. It seemed like Eliza was both Kayla's and Ammy's fav. It was like the friendship btn Ammy and Kalya was brought by Eliza.
At night in Eliza's room they met to talk.
Kayla: What is this about you guys? It looks you wanna interrogate me. Did I do something wrong ?!
Eliza: No, we just missed you coz you have been a little distant from us these days.
Kayla: Have I? I am so sorry guys, it's just that Gem is an amazing boyfriend. I think that's why......
Ammy: I told you it's b'coz of her boyfriend! I am not doing this!!!(leaving the room).
Kayla: Did I do something wrong?! Why is she angry?
Eliza: She thinks that you see us as losers now coz you got a boyfriend but I think that's not it. Right?
Kayla: No way!! You guys are my best friends and I don't think that you are losers. It's just that I need to spend alot of time with Gem coz I love him.
Eliza: I get it. I'll talk to Ammy, I think she's on her period ( making signs that she is confused).
Kayla: Yeah, I get it do that please.
Kayla remained in Eliza's room to take a nap, Gem called.
Kayla: Hey?
Gem:Hi. Why do you sound so down did something happen with your girls?
Kayla:No, it's all good. I am just sad ,Ammy had some issues and I was not there to help her.
Gem: Do you want to stay with them tonight? I can cancel our date if you want.
Kayla: No baby, it's the last day of practical training I can't let you have the bed all to your self. I'll sort things with my friends and I'll be there by 8.
Gem:'kay babe. I'll wait for you.
Kayla: okay hun.
Gem hanged up and Kayla took a nap. Ammy was angry at Kayla 'cause she seemed not to care about them anymore.
Ammy: She doesn't give a fuck about us!!
Eliza: Don't say that outloud she might hear you and feel bad.
Ammy: Why do you care if she feels bad? We also feel bad!
Eliza: I care 'cause she is my friend and I love her and I also love you that's why I want you to ease your anger.
Ammy: Why did you even have to let her be our friend at first while it was only the two of us??! Huh?!!
Eliza: Are you for real?!! Come on, you don't mean that.
Ammy: Oh hell yeah I mean whatever the fuck I am saying!! She came btn us and made you choose her over me!! Admit it!!
Eliza: What the fuck is wrong with you?!! You don't mean that!!
Ammy: Eliza, I know you like her more than me, just say it!!
Eliza: You know what, FUCK YOU AMMY!!!
Eliza walked away angrily and left Ammy lamenting to herself.
That night Gem took Kayla to a date,it was perfect; they had alot of fun and even did alot of things.
They ate a late night ice cream and a drive in movie. That night they decided to sleep off campus. They booked a room in a guest house to sleep for the night.
Kayla: You must be sleepy...
Gem: Not really, I was worried about you thinking you might wanna sleep.
Kayla: I took a nap in the afternoon, I am fine.
Gem: Then should we drive to campus? (approaching Kayla's lips and lifting up her chin)
Kayla: You are so naughty( giggling)
They started making out and reached at the stage of having sex.
Gem: Are you sure??
Kayla: Get on with it, I'm sure.
Gem wore a condom and got into business.
They slept at almost dawn very tired 😫 .
At noon they were ready to leave and head back to university. Kayla was very shy the whole way, she barely looked at Gem in the eyes. Gem just smirked and held her hand and kissed it.
Back in her room, Kayla found Eliza sleeping.
Kayla:Girl! Why are you sleeping right now?
Eliza:Oh,hi! Where have you been all night? I waited for you!
Kayla:ooh, I'm so so sorry! I was out with Gem and had no idea that you'd be waiting for me.
Eliza: I hope you guys had a lot of fun.
Kayla: We had so much fun!! We even had......
Eliza: No!! I don't wanna hear it! You guys had sex?!!
Kayla: You know it! ( blushing)
Eliza: You gave that guy your v-jay?!
Kayla: Yeah, and it was perfect.
Eliza: Do you realize thet you gave that guy your virginity?!!
Kayla: Yeah, should I have given it to you? 😁Is that why you waited for me the whole night, tou also wanted my virginity?🤣🤣
Eliza:You think it's funny? I am worried sick about you since Gem started dating you and you're laughing?!!
Kayla: I am sorry but there's nothing to be worried about. He is perfect and he would never hurt me.
Eliza: How can you be so sure about that? These guys are all DICK HEADS!!
Kayla: Girl, not my man. I am telling you he would never hurt me.( smiling).
Eliza: Don't be so sure though, they change once they got the v-jay. I am telling you, don't come to me crying. ( leaving the room).
Kayla: I'll be fine.( sings happily 😊)
The next day practical training ended and everyone left to their homes. Kayla saw that Eliza and Emmy were leaving separately.
Kayla: Ammy?( holding her hand) why are you guys not leaving together?
Ammy: Let go of me!!( walked off angrily)
Kayla: What did I do this time?!
Eliza: Don't worry, it's her attitude . You did nothing. Gosh, I can't stand her!!
Kayla: Lemme go and bid goodbye to Gem then I'll come and we'll go together to the bus station.
Eliza: 'kay.
Kayla went to Gem.
Kayla: Hey you...
Gem: Hey gorgeous!
Kayla: Stooooop! ( blushing)
Gem: What? You are delicious 😋.
Kayla:oh God! I just came to tell you goodbye and see you next semester.
Gem: Okay delicious 😋, see you next sem.( kissed her neck)
Kayla:Byeee! ( walked away shyly).
Kayla and Eliza headed together to the bus station and each took different buses home.
On reaching home, Eliza and Emmy didi not speak to each other for the rest of the holiday while Gem and Kayla called each other everday and sexted sometimes, their relationship was so ON FIREEE🔥.
The holidays were longer then expected and either Eliza or Ammy spoke to each other and so the three friends became distant because even Kayla and Eliza barely talked and for Ammy she wanted nothing to do with both of them.
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mlobsters · 11 months
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supernatural s11e17 red meat (w. robert berens, andrew dabb)
have a vague idea this episode is gonna be difficult to watch, didn't have the emotional fortitude to watch it last night
well, sam getting shot in the cold open sure would do it.
DEAN All right, well, we make a call and we put somebody on it. SAM Yeah, but... [He sighs, closes his laptop and looks at Dean]. We'll get him back. DEAN How? SAM I... I don't know. But we'll figure it out.
i feel like an asshole but i'm like, are we talking about cas? dunno what other dude he'd be distraught over. maybe it's my total lack of emotional connection with the character but i'm just very ???? literally whatever i'm expecting they're feeling about him, i'm always wrong. broken record on that.
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s11e17 / s8e23
reminded of that little smile dean gave sam when he was wrapping his hand in the church. and it reminds me of being with my mom when she was dying in the hospital. we're gonna smile and be so positive and softer than we normally would, but also try to keep it light. (i'm not sure i have the emotional fortitude for this tonight either)
not quite sure i'll ever have it to watch sam die like this. this is awful. trying to talk myself into just finishing so i don't end up crying for an extended period of time today and another day.
BILLIE It's cute, though. You pretending you're trying to save Sam for the greater good, when we both know you're doing it for you. You can't lose him.
just saw this line in an edit recently and thought it was attributed to Death, no wonder i didn't remember it.
DEAN I'm asking you... I'm begging you, please. Bring him back. Bring him back and take me instead. BILLIE I'm not here to bargain with you, kid. I'm here to reap you. And the kicker is... Sam's not dead.
here's where i'm never happy with anything. despite the unhinged love and commitment of it all, this all is really veering into emotional torture porn for me. how can we make it the worst. and then a little worse on top of that. except instead of making me irritated, i'm just more sad and want it to be over. maybe this is one i won't be able to appreciate until i have some distance.
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DEAN Michelle, this is gonna be very hard. But you will be okay. And, eventually... eventually you'll get back to normal. MICHELLE No, I won't. They said I could leave an hour ago. But... where am I even supposed to go? After everything we survived together... I watched the man I love die. There's no normal after that.
not sure what this pointed zoom into dean making the sad puppy face is about. we know he can't be normal when sam dies, he knows it too?? does he remember that year with lisa and ben? and now he has the threat of not only losing sam, that sam won't be waiting for him in heaven or anywhere else if he does die.
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well, fortunately we have the production draft of the script linked in the wiki for this one so actually can get answer
so i mean.. ok. both watched their husbands die is what we're saying
DEAN So, that's it, huh? Two quarts O-neg, and you're good to go.
i thought we were treating abdominal gunshot wounds like the serious emergency they are but i guess not
SAM Hey, so, what did you do? When you thought I was dead? What did you do? DEAN Thought about redecorating your room [Sam chuckles], you know, putting in a Jacuzzi, a nice disco ball... really class up the joint. SAM Right, seriously. DEAN What, I, uh... I knew you weren't dead. SAM Right. DEAN I knew.
so i mean. sam not buying that, clearly. wonder if dean ever tells him
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should remember to check for a script next time i have wonderings about what they're trying to convey with their faces (went to check if they had 11x11 because i was curious about that whole pining line, but wiki doesn't have one linked)
tonal shift after the like.. heavy focus on sam (mostly) dying very... graphic in swimming around in the pain and slow death and almost-murder of it all and then we're having dean kill himself (briefly) to try to take sam's place with no consideration of repercussions, to hey dude we saved (and tried to kill sam) is a werewolf and he changed and he's gonna punch through this cop's chest cavity in a pretty silly manner. so no moral quandary killing him either, look at that. weird. anyway, the woman who played michelle was really good in those emotional scenes
i'm wiped out.
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kakashihasibs · 1 year
the character everyone gets wrong
sweaty soggy noodle man kakashi is who this is all going to be about so. I don't think everyone gets him wrong. a lot of people do but it's usually bc they're too horny to care lol
2. a compelling argument for why your fave would never top or bottom
have you seen him? have you felt his vibes? he is lazy by nature and recoils away from most physical contact that isn't necessary to do his job (and even he doesn't seem to enjoy it). there are like 7 total people he even lets see his face (while knowing it is his face) and most of them are dead by the time he is 13. hang out? sure. do nice domestic couple things? sounds lovely. get naked and fuck? so an enemy can kill him or a loved one while he's distracted? no. he probably has tried scheduling his shits and showers with gai so he's never actually vulnerable. he's also so ace.
Aubu kakashi: "Tenzō I need you to stand outside the bathroom while I shit." baby tenzō: on it boss (thinks this is completely normal bc he is also in anbu)
3. screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
uhhh that kakashi would not only have sex but would want you to call him daddy. that nearly 50 year kakashi who has never worn sunscreen in his life shouldn't actually look old/older. that a young looking kakashi is a health looking kakashi.
4. what was the last straw that made you finally block that annoying person?
lol that insinuation that looking young is healthy
5. worst discord server and why
i have never been in a discord server longer than a few days. idk.
6. which ship fans are the most annoying?
facebook dude bro fans whoops i misread this. i thought it just said fans. but shipping fans? idk kakairu is a notp for me but the fans aren't overly annoying? maybe the painfully ooc readerx shippers. I haven't seen many in a while tho so
7. what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
Iruka lol but only when shipped with kakashi. annoying loud-mouth chunin. whatever dude.
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
kakashi fucks and gai doesn't
9. worst part of canon
it's naruto man. everything after the land of waves arc lol
10. worst part of fanon
the bumbling husband and nagging wife characterizations from the kakairu fanon.
11. number of fandom-related words you've filtered
bruh lots idk lol
12. the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
tenzō T-T
13. worst blorboficiation
i'm pro blorbo. i am rotating these fictional men in my mind at all times.
14. that one thing you see in fics all the time
i don't know.
15. that one thing you see in fanart all the time
fangs v-v and scars.
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
people who love kakashi but don't give a shit about gai. those two are like a packaged deal in my mind. can't have one without the other. they are eternal rivals after all.
17. there should be more of this type of fic/art
sometimes i just really need a deep dive into kakashi's head. i love the character study type stuff.
18. it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on...
younger gai and tenzō bumping into each other bc they're both watching kakashi stand at the memorial stone bc they're both worried.
19. you're mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like...
there is nothing i am mad/ashamed/horrified about but if you're wondering yes i do enjoy the fanarts of kakashi in bondage. lol
20. part of canon you found tedious or boring
the flashbacks are out of control. my memory isn't great but it's not that fucking bad holy shit girl
21. part of canon you think is overhyped
idk i feel like the parts of fandom i interact with are pretty realistic about how good something in Naruto is
22. your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
Yaknow how Obito's dream that naruto sees is Obito is back in konoha and becoming hokage but Rin is still dead? like what does obito wish had changed? I think it's if Minato had recognized him. I think Obito was actually praying and hoping for Minato to realize who he was fighting. Obito had a seal on his heart. Minato could have saved him if Minato pulled his head out of his ass for more that 5 mins at a time.
23. ship you've unwillingly come around to
none. my kakashi stubbornness knows no bounds
24. topic that brings up the most rancid discourse
idk kakashi discourse is easy for me to ignore.
25. common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
none. i love hatefulness drama and kakashi.
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callsign-bunnie · 2 years
*pokes you* I have notifs on for you, and I speedran that Gaz whump you just posted. I am here to ask nicely for the recovery process bc you can’t have angst without the happy ending. Also, curious question, should we assume that Gaz is trans in your writing unless specified? (Because I totally agree with trans and autistic Gaz)
Teams pros, baby!
So, in my writing, just read it as whatever. I do my best to stay neutral. Sometimes I have Trans Gaz in mind, sometimes I'm not thinking about it, sometimes he's cis. This is how it is with every element of every character, tbh. Unless I specify one way for the writing, just read it however you want. I am once again pushing the Gazalex agenda. This is the awful LGBT Liberal agenda they warned you about
His captors had gotten what they wanted. Gaz was broken. So much for an impressive RTI score. All it took was a clock and some assholes approximately 6 weeks to break him.
It was almost embarrassing. It would have been but Gaz just couldn't bring himself to care. If it weren't for the fact they were actively enemies of 3 states, he would have worried about being discharged but... that really wasn't an issue here.
"Gaz, you need to talk to me. Or... someone." Gaz looked to Alex, frowning. Why? "Please?" Alex had been there. Dutifully. For the past 2 weeks. He should say something.
Gaz sighed and turned back to where he'd been watching two birds fight over something on the ground. He would have talked, but he had nothing to say. Nonverbal. Exhausted. Broken.
Pick a reason, one of them probably fit.
Farah had been by, plenty. Somehow, she'd managed to make it so she could stay, even though Gaz knew she'd have to return to Urzikstan eventually. Though she repeatedly reassured him that she'd stay as long as he needed.
He was a fucking soldier, for fuck's sake. He shouldn't need all of this fucking coddling. Shouldn't and Do are different words, though. Antonyms.
Even Ghost had winced at hearing what had been done. Something had to be fucked up for the big dude in the skull mask who's history was so fucked up you had to have clearance to find out what it was to wince.
Somehow, that had been more humiliating than anything else. They'd laid it all out. Pictures, videos. Right in front of him. He'd wanted to scream. To shred it all, and then scream louder. But he didn't. He'd just looked at it and then went back to sleep.
Farah had told Alex that it was scary. At first glance, Gaz looked normal. But you spent 5 minutes with him and it became very obvious something was wrong.
"You have not spoken a word in 2 weeks. That... come on, Gaz." Alex pleaded, moving closer.
Gaz wanted to say "word" just to be funny. Maybe he could laugh about it. But, the word just didn't come out. Gaz wanted to speak. But his throat was empty. It wasn't making new words at this moment.
Alex seemed to give up and sighed, but didn't leave.
No one had said anything, but Gaz could feel it. He was being pathetic. Many soldiers had gone through worse, he was sure. But Gaz was broken. How disturbingly pathetic.
Poetically pathetic.
Disgustingly pathetic.
Price was confident he'd get back on his feet again. Just needed time. Time. The thing that had broken him in the first place.
Fuck. He reached up and tore at his hair, frustrated again. Alex took his wrists, stopping him. Gaz almost fought against that but he didn't have the energy to do that, either.
When Alex released his arms, he got up, and went to bed.
Another nightmare. He never woke up screaming. He couldn't do that, either. He would have liked to be able to scream. Maybe then the trauma would feel justified.
Instead he would wake up to the feeling of being unable to breathe again. Only able to take in enough air to survive, but not enough to live.
"Fuck!" he was almost surprised at it. It seemed he had a word to make now. "Fuck! I'm so fucking pathetic!" He cried, slamming his fist into his thigh. He'd done it since he was a kid when he was overwhelmed.
Alex was there in a moment. A flash. "Gaz, stop!" He grabbed his wrists, firmly. "Stop!"
Gaz fought against his hands. He could feel it bubble up his chest and then the scream was pouring out. He wanted it to stop but it just wouldn't. 6 fucking weeks. They had kept him for 6 weeks. That was it. But it'd felt like so much more.
Alex grabbed him, hugging him tightly and almost crushing Gaz's face in his shoulder. Gaz didn't care. He kept screaming. He needed to scream.
But he wanted to stop.
It felt like hours, but Gaz knew better, now, than to trust that. At that point, everyone who was nearby had ran in to find out what was going on. Price, Alejandro, Soap, and Ghost.
Gaz had just ignored them all. He didn't want further humiliation. More audience to him failing. Because that's what he'd done. The point of the RTI training was to make sure they were never broken. Gaz was broken. He had failed.
When he could finally stop, he slammed back into the bed, glaring at the ceiling and praying everyone would leave. Please. He couldn't handle anyone witnessing his shattered pieces.
Thankfully, Alejandro and Soap left. He could handle Price and Ghost. They didn't say anything, either. Maybe they couldn't make words. Gaz certainly couldn't, again.
He fell asleep again.
He was tired of being in bed. He needed to do something. Alex was asleep on the chair so he was quiet. Not a problem. He pulled his gear on, not bothering to question why it was in the room.
He blinked at his watch on the table. It'd been under his gear. No. No. No. He grabbed it and threw it on the floor. No. He wasn't being tricked again. He stomped on it, hurting his thigh from the force of it, but he wasn't allowing it to trick him, again.
He turned back around to see Alex staring at him. "You put your gear on."
Gaz straightened and nodded. He took a deep breath and left the room. He recognized the part of the base he was in, and made his way to where he assumed everyone was. He could hear Alex's footsteps behind him but he ignored them.
They'd be in the meeting room, that was where they usually were, before at least. He paused at the door, glancing at Alex. Alex seemed to hesitate before nodding. Gaz went in the door, stopping and almost backing out of the idea when almost everyone turned to stare at him.
Stop that.
No, no, stop that.
Screams bubbled their way up his chest but he forced them back down, this time. He couldn't handle being humiliated again. He went and stood by Price, where he normally did, and hoped if he just pretended, they'd keep going like normal.
Stop staring.
Since Farah was a guest, she was sitting in the distance, in eye sight of Gaz. Gaz relaxed when she smiled at him and nodded. Gaz nodded back and relaxed more.
Finally, everything returned to normal and Gaz listened. Unsurprisingly, he was left out of whatever they were doing. He didn't mind. He'd fail that, too.
So, when everyone left, he went and sat by Farah, Alex joining them as well. "How are you?" Farah asked, gently.
"Fine." Gaz answered, shrugging.
Farah shook her head. "That's not true."
Yeah, but it should be. Gaz was exhausted again. But he didn't want to go back to that bed. So, he curled up in the chair. Another thing he did as a child. He leaned to his right, landing on Alex, who didn't seem to mind. "I failed." He admitted, finally.
"Failed what?" Farah frowned.
"RTI. They broke me."
"You passed your RTI. And... So what?" Farah shrugged.
Gaz sighed. She didn't get it. He hesitated. "Were you two the ones yelling at everyone else?"
"Yeah, it was a little frantic." Farah seemed sheepish. "We... were worried it was too late. They didn't call until they got desperate."
Gaz frowned. He was starting to allow himself to acknowledge that they had looked. "It felt like so long..."
"I know." Alex murmured, touching his side.
Gaz relaxed and fell silent again. "They tricked me." He finally said, after a moment.
"They did." Farah agreed. "But, they're all dead." She shrugged. "Every single one."
"Good." Gaz relaxed. He relaxed as Alex moved his hand, rubbing his thumb into Gaz's skin. It was a constant motion. Soothing. "Who killed them?"
"A mix of everyone." Farah admitted. "It was kind of hectic."
Gaz nodded a little. Farah touched his arm and he relaxed completely. "Everyone fails, Gaz. This fail only harms you. Don't feel guilty for those. Don't feel ashamed. Feel ashamed when they hurt people." Farah murmured. "And for the record? I don't think you failed. There's not many people here who could survive half of what you did. Think of it as... the high score."
Gaz had to admit that was funny. "Only you, Farah." He mumbled, chuckling a little.
Farah grinned, glancing up at Alex. "He tripped twice on the way in." She told him, after a moment.
"I did not! Farah, you fucking liar!" Alex exclaimed, immediately.
Gaz laughed, softly. "Twice?"
"It was a scary situation!" Alex groaned, running a hand down his face. "I didn't know if you were alive or dead and so... I wasn't exactly focusing on my foot placement."
Gaz laughed again and shook his head, leaning more into Alex. Maybe Farah was right. He still failed. But... it only hurt him. So... maybe he could ignore this fail.
But, he wouldn't fail again. Not next time.
Hey, do you want to earn arbitrary points that mean fuck all? When you leave me an ask, add one of the following teams: Team Red (Valeria, Farah, Alex, and Graves), Team Bugs (Rodolfo, Soap, Roach, and Gaz), or Team pros (Price, Laswell, Ghost, and Alejandro) and your chosen team gets five points.
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In loving memory
Chapter 4/?
(This a story about the events of Clay's death from Aaron's perspective)
"Clay, it's good to have you back"
It looks like Merlock's spell worked and Clay is normal again, still stone but at least he's not trying to kill us anymore
I have no idea what happened here but according to Lance Clay lost his memory and started calling himself "Calamity Clay" which is the funniest name I've ever heard I might start calling him that
The atmosphere finally feels lighter and even the people of Nothing Hill are happy, they're throwing a big celebration!
Oops I mean Stinkin' Rich And Happy Hill that's what they call it now, that's why there's a celebration! they're finally rich enough to buy their hill back
I know we went to the king's party not too long ago but I can't say no to parties, especially after all the crying we did last night
Besides we didn't have much fun at that party anyways, we can stay and enjoy the celebration a little
I don't even remember what I was worried about for the last few days, probably something stupid and not important
Everyone is smiling and laughing and eating uh whatever that thing is
I can even see Clay standing over there all happy, I should go talk to him haven't had the chance to in a while
"Yo wassup dude!"
"Aaron, hello!"
"How's my buddy 'Calamity Clay' doing"
"Oh gods Lance already told you didn't he"
"Yep and I'm never calling you anything else ever again"
"Great a new pet name"
"You got it Calamity dear"
I point finger guns at Clay and he giggles
I really missed his smile, I'm glad he's back
"So how were you doing when I was um you know dead? How did you manage leading the team?"
Oh right, that's what I was worried about
"Um, I was uh fine! Totally nailed it it was so easy"
"Oh great I struggled sometimes with leading the team and I was worried that it'd be the same for you"
"Pfft- you? Struggle? Yeah sure nice one Calamity"
"It's not a joke I'm serious being a leader is hard sometimes"
"Wait you're really serious? Like really actually for real?"
"Um yeah?"
I never knew Clay was capable of struggling at something
He always knew what to do I never even considered that he might feel like this
And he still did all of that while literally dying? man this guy's hardcore
But he should be able to take a break now that I'm leader right?
Or will he be leader again since he's back?
Should I ask him? But it'd look like I'm trying to dump my responsibility onto him I don't want Clay to think I can't handle leadership
Well, I can't but he doesn't need to know that!
Should I just assume that I'm still leader until he says otherwise?
Wait what if he decided to be leader again when he sees how much of an incompetent leader I am? That'd be even worse
Aaaaaa what do I say
"Hello? Aaron you still there??"
"You zoned out are you ok? Is Something on your mind?"
"No, I'm fine don't worry"
I better change the subject before I start overthinking it
"Actually we ran into Jestro nearby I don't know what he's doing but he must be planning something"
"Jestro? We must stop him now-"
"Hey hey calm down dude these guys haven't had a chance to relax in a while we can stop Jestro after the celebration he can wait"
"...Alright we can stay a little longer but we have to stop Jestro as soon as possible"
Clay's being way more responsible than me right now what am I doing still being in charge
Damn it, I'm still overthinking it
Back at the fortress everyone is smiling and telling Clay how good it is to have him back
I missed this the sound of laughter the others' liveliness and everyone finally not being miserable for once
But I don't know how long it'll last Jestro is still out there with his mysterious evil plan
What if we lose someone again there certainly won't be any laughter after that
Man, why can't I just enjoy the moment? Do I have to make everything depressing?
"Hey, Aaron we're going to take Clay on a joyride wanna join?"
"Huh? Oh, no thanks I'm feeling a little tired"
Oh no why is Clay making that expression
"Aaron, are you ok? You seem a little down?"
"Yeah totally I'm o-"
"He's probably sad he's gonna have to sleep in his own bed again"
How does he know that?
"Wait what?"
"Yeah every night he sleeps in your bed"
"Hugging one of your shirts"
"Your room is basically his at that point"
How do they all know about this??
"Come on Aaron he's your boyfriend what are you getting embarrassed for"
I can feel my face going red
"Well you can still sleep in my bed if you want it's not like I'll be using it anyways"
I walk away Before anyone says another word
How do they even know that stuff? I made sure to always sleep after everyone and get up before them do they get up in the middle of the night just to watch me sleep? What else do they know? I can't have privacy here anymore
I hope their joyride makes them forget this we finally got Clay back and then they embarrass me in front of him?
I thought we were friends! Not cool!
"Hey, Aaron!"
Oh no not Clay
"Aaron wait I wanna talk"
I take a deep breath trying to stop my face from being so red
"Oh yeah? Great I love talking my favourite activity which I like to do often yup nothing better than talking"
Now I'M embarrassing myself
"I'm sorry about the others they didn't mean to embarrass you I promise"
"I know I know I might be overreacting"
"Also I'm serious you can sleep in my bed if yo-"
"Get out of my face Calamity don't you have a joyride to get to??"
"Oh yeah well aren't you going?"
"Nah I told you I'm tired, break some stuff on my behalf won't ya?"
"I'll do my best"
"Come on dude you can't fuck up breaking stuff especially when you're made of stone"
"Alright Alright I'll break ONE thing for you"
I turn around and head to my room
Welp gotta make a stop
"I love you"
"Love you too Calamity"
Each of us goes on their way
I'd love to go joyriding too but my head is too busy overthinking stuff
I'm starting to get a headache I won't be having any fun like that
I feel like this is going to be a long day
I stand in the kitchen as chef Éclair watches me in horror
I don't know why he's so scared for I just put the coffee powder in my mug filled it with water from the sink and put it in the microwave I haven't burned anything
As soon as the microwave dings Éclair hands me the mug and pushes me out of the kitchen
Ok dude chill what did I even do? Can't a man get some coffee?
After some more scolding from the chef I head to the main room where I find Ava typing at her keyboard like always
Does she ever get up from that chair? She basically lives there
"Hey Ay whatcha doing"
"Trying to track down Jestro until the others are back, speaking of which why aren't you with them?"
"Oh you know though I might sit this one out"
"And what's that?"
She says pointing at my cup
"Did you put some vodka shots in it or something?"
"What? No? It's just regular coffee"
"Wow who even are you?"
"What do mean??"
"The Aaron I know would rather have an energy drink instead of boring ol' coffee"
Well, maybe I'm not in an energy drink move? Maybe we ran out of energy drinks have you thought about that? Maybe I wanna try new stuff, Ava!
"You know what? I'm not gonna try to argue with you"
"Suit yourself, fake Aaron"
I go sit on the floor resting my back on Merlock's stand I'm sure he doesn't mind
Ava goes back to her keyboard I know she's doing a lot of work we couldn't have gotten that far without her but it all looks so boring
I can see Ava's point now, me? Watching her do work instead of going on a joyride with the others? Maybe she's right maybe I am a fake Aaron
Ava and Merlock keep talking about stuff with the castle's system and his digital memory or whatever I can't be bothered to pay attention
Luckily Robin comes back from who knows where he was
Finally! these guys are boring
"Hey, Aaron! I thought you went with the others?"
"Nah I'm still here"
"Aaron's been sitting around doing nothing and he's even drinking plain coffee"
"Woah! Who even are you?"
"That's what I said tell us where the real Aaron is you faker!"
"Yeah, he's gonna kick your butt once we find him!"
"Haha real funny you guys"
Robin sits on the ground next to me
"But seriously what's gotten into you? You're strange"
"Yeah yeah even I can't believe it but I guess being a leader changes you"
"If being leader did that to you then what about Caly what was he like before he became leader"
"Actually he was always like that it's kinda a him thing rather than a leader thing"
Robin thinks a little while I take a sip of coffee
"Wait so if I become a leader someday I'm gonna start acting like Clay too?"
"What do you mean 'too'? I'm not acting like Clay"
"Clay drinks coffee"
"Will you stop it with the coffee thing!"
I can't take it I get up
"I'm going to my room and I don't wanna talk with anyone until tomorrow"
"Sorry if I made you mad!"
"You're fine Robin don't worry about it"
I thought coffee was supposed to give me energy not make me even more tired
At least my head isn't hurting anymore
Drinking that coffee was a bad idea
I can't sleep now but I'm still too tired to get up and do something
If I don't find anything to do soon I might start thinking and I hate it when I do that!
It's not helping that the bed feels weird
Lance was right I am sad about not sleeping in Clay's bed maybe if I pretend it is his I might get some shut-eye
I hear knocking on the door who's annoying me in the middle of the night??
"I don't wanna talk to anyone right now!"
The door opens
"Wow even me? That's cold Aaron"
"Oh it's you done with your 2 hours of sleep"
"As a matter of fact yes! but that's not the point I just wanted to check in on you"
"You got out of bed to make sure I'm fine? Awww Calamity babe you didn't have to"
He sits next to me, I'd sit up too but I don't think I have the energy too
"What did you do while we were out?"
"Oh nothing much just sat around"
He looks at the empty mug on the table
"What were you drinking I didn't know you liked... mug drinks?"
"I'd rather not talk about it... anyways what did you break?"
"I broke a house window"
"Woah cool! What did the owner say? Did they chase after you?"
"Well no it was an abandoned house"
"Hey you only asked me to break stuff you didn't specify what kind of stuff"
"Yeah fair"
We're both silent as Clay runs his fingers through my hair
"Can't sleep?"
"Yeah it may or may not have to do with that mysterious 'mug drink' I had"
"Well I'm done sleeping for the night so you can sleep in my be-"
"Oh my gods Calamity stop talking about that!"
"Come on do you want me to tuck you in and sing you a lullaby?"
"Woooow I can't believe you'd do such a wonderful thing for me I'm reaaaally flattered yes Calamity tuck me in, sing me a lullaby and give me a kiss on the forehead please"
"Wait really?"
"Sarcasm, Calamity. Sarcasm"
Clay leans in and kisses my forehand
"Well even if that was sarcasm I'd still kiss you anyways"
"Oh my gods I love you so much"
"Love you too"
Caly lays down next to me
"Well, would it make you feel better if I sleep with you?"
"And ruin your only 2 hours of sleep a day schedule? How could I!"
"Maybe I can make an exception for you"
"Yeah I'd really love that"
"Is that sarcasm?"
Clay pulls me in for a hug
Hugging him feels so different now I mean yeah he's literally a rock but he moves around like normal I expected him to at least be a little warmer cause man I didn't know rocks were that cold
"Hey Clay?"
"Clay? Who's that I thought I was Calamity Caly now"
"Dude I'm trying to be serious right now"
"Heh ok ok what were you gonna say?"
"Maybe I wasn't so fine while you were gone"
"You don't say"
"Look I didn't wanna disappoint you so I said I was ok"
"Why would you ever disappoint me?"
"Clay I'm a horrible leader I couldn't even save a little town"
"Come on Aaron Macy told me about what happened in the castle you saved way more than that"
"But then I failed to save a single tiny town!"
I hide my face in his shoulder
"Clay I'm not the fearless knight you think I am"
"Aaron I didn't ask you to do this because you're fearless I asked you because you knew how to face those fears I know you have fears too in fact I know what's your biggest fear"
"Wait what? Really?:
"You're afraid of doing nothing"
"Am I?"
"Remember that time Jestro used our fears against us?"
"After that Ava told us to stay still while she reboots the system and you ran off screaming"
"Oh must've blocked it out of my memory"
"I know you were a good leader Aaron the others told me all about it"
Maybe I should ask him now
"Now that you're back are you gonna be leader again?"
Clay is quiet was it a bad idea to ask?
"I don't think I can Jestro still thinks I'm on his side if I lead the team he'll know I'm not"
"Oh yeah makes sense"
"I'm gonna ask you to push through a little longer maybe until Jestro catches onto us"
"So what're you gonna do? Just keep hiding? He's probably looking for you right now"
"You know I think I might have a plan"
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Friendly Faces Everywhere
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Codename Dovahkiin Part 2
Now that the Stick of Truth RPG is over it's time for N.K. to face the normal everyday life of South Park.
She should have known nothing in South Park is ever normal!
Day to day the craziness of this supposed quiet little mountain town she has to combat now.
Thank god, she has Tammy, Wendy, her boys, and her Social Media/Magical Girl Powers on her side.
This gonna be a wild ride!
Main Pairing: New Kid/Kenny McCormick/Kyle Broflovski
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Chapter 2: Don’t take away my Pizza and Pasta!
After our win against Photoshop, we had a nice, normal week. Wendy introduced us to her friends and we hung out with the fourth-grade girls.
I see a lot of potential in them.
They aren’t as infused with the patriarchy as I thought or more let’s say they reacted to my feminist speeches with interest and asked questions.
Bebe, Wendy’s best friend, and cute Heidi are especially promising.
I caught both of them looking at me in a…questioning way. Even Tammy got some of these looks.
These are looks I know from girls who told me before they were straight and then made out with me behind the school bleachers.
So my little hicktown isn’t totally straight.
But I will give these girls time.
First, get rid of the patriarchy brainwashing, then we can jump into questioning their sexuality or even gender identity
At this time Leo and I made also peace again with each other and he said sorry to me and Wendy that he was so stupid about this whole Kim Kardashian thing.
I’m glad I got my little bro back.
Nonetheless, it even didn’t take a day and he left with Stan, Cartman, Kyle, and Kenny the school to start their own Start-Up-Company, since they didn’t want to go to school anymore.
Leo even set fire to the school gymnasium, so sure was he that he wouldn’t return back here.
The boys, besides of course fatass, asked me to join them, but I like school.
I know shocking.
I mean I think Math is useless, but I like to learn new things and I’m a huge history nerd.
I have mostly fun at school.
Also, I didn’t believe that this Start-Up shit would actually work.
So while Stan’a Gang, that’s their official name I learned, chased that dream, I and the girls comforted Wendy because Stan broke up with her.
All the boys are on a fucking high horse, I swerve!
In the end, I was right since next Monday they are back in school.
How do I know that?
Because Kenny comes up walking toward me.
“Hi N.K.!”, he greets me.
“Hello, Kenneth.”, I answer over politely and close my locker. Can Tammy hurry and come from her locker? “I see you are back.”
“Erm, yeah, so how are you?”
I turn to him, crossing my arms and cocking a hip out.
“Oh, suddenly you want to know, how I am. If you haven’t ignored my messages all the time since your little Start-Up-Adventure.”
The boy in the parker has at least the sense to wince at this, rubbing his neck.
“I’m sorry.”
I just roll my eyes, as I see who is coming also.
“And there is the other one who ignored my calls, hello Kyle.”
Whatever the redhead wanted to say, he doesn’t and looks ashamed.
“Erm, I-“
“I don’t care Kyle. You both thought so high and mighty about yourself that you even couldn’t spare answering a friend’s message.”
“You are more than a friend to me.”, they both say at the same time.
Angry they look at each other.
“What the fuck, dude?!”
“No, what the fuck you dude!”
“I have known her before!”
“And yet she also has fallen for me.”
“SHE right now wants to kick both of your asses.”, I growl at them. “What I am? A toy you can decide when to play with it? A toy you can put on a shelf and forget about it totally because you have a new one? And then when the new one is broken, you play with the old again? Fuck you two! I’m no one’s toy!”
With that, I flick my hair and sash away from them.
I meet an equally angry Wendy on my way to Tammy’s locker.
“Kyle and Kenny?”
We both nod in understanding for each other and continue on our way.
Really, maybe I should just hit up Bebe and/or Heidi. They at least wouldn’t pull such shit on me.
More than a "No" they can’t say.
Meh, for now, I will drap myself over Tammy and tell her my woe.
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Amazons of the Southern Lands
Nichole: Did you guys hear it? Stan and his gang are throwing a big party on Saturday!
Red: Yeah and apparently Lorde will be there!
Annie: Oh my god, Lorde I love her!
Heidi: Same! It’s like she totally gets me!
Bebe: Is there a dress code? What should we wear to it?
You all are aware that the guys just want to butter up us.
Wendy: I agree with N.K. Stan and his friends just want to be in our good graces again, helping spread awareness of diabetes my ass.
Bebe: Who gives a fuck? It’s Lorde! LORDE! Oh and pizza.
Red: But Lorde is more important.
You are selling your soul for Lorde?
Tammy: Now you are a bit dramatic sis! It’s not like you and Wendy have to talk to the boys. We girls will just go as a group, to eat the pizza and hear Lorde and you can ignore these idiots.
Wendy: If you put it that way….
I do like Pizza. And Lorde is fantastic. Okay fuck it, let fucking gooooooooooooo!
Bebe: That’s the spirit. Should we pick a theme for our clothes? How about flowers?
I can’t even answer this as my parents storm into our house. Surprised I jump from the couch I was sitting on.
“Mamma, Papà where is the fire?!”
My parents don’t even look at me as they run into the kitchen. They open drawers and our fridge, throwing a lot of our food in big garbage bags.
I stare at them with my chin on the floor.
“Mamma?!”, I shout.
Finally, she hears me, while Papà still throws food away, she kneels down and hugs me tight.
“My little princess, don’t worry! Mamma and Papà will do anything that the evil gluten doesn’t get you.”
I’m more confused than before.
“Kelly, I think this is all!”
“Are you sure, Chris?”
Papà joins Mamma kneeling on the floor taking carefully my face in his hands.
“Princess, do you have any snacks in your room?”
“Erm, no, not right now?”
He nods and both my parents grab the full garbage bags and are out of the house again. I look after them. I see how all our neighbors are burning food on stakes.
What the fuck is going on?
My smartphone rings. I pick it up.
“Tammy, what’s up?”
“Did your parents also storm your house and are burning the food?”
“How do you know that?”
“Mine did this!”
“Oh dear lord what is going on now?”
I get my answer a while later, after Tammy and I theorized what the adults have now for problems.
My parents sit me down and explain to me that apparently, gluten is bad. It needs to get destroyed or my dick will fly off if I eat it.
Once again I’m a girl with girl parts, so that wouldn’t happen to me, but my parents are terrified.
Whatever they expired at the community center shocked them.
Now, how in the ever-loving fuck should I live without most of the food I love, because of course things like Pizza and Pasta are full of gluten.
This sucks ass!
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The next days are crazy with this whole gluten pandemic going on. No one knows what to eat anymore and I swerve I lost probably three kilos already.
Stan and his gang cancel the party, only telling us after a few hours it’s back up.
Apparently, Cartman of all people found the solution to our food crisis.
I’m just…South Park is so fucked up in many ways.
I can’t okay?
But well, a party is still a party and our whole girl group is going. We took Bebe theme, flowers and are dressed in this way.
I formally battle to have cherry blossoms and wear a pretty pink dress with cherry blossoms on it. A hairpin decored with a cherry blossom and pink heels.
I have to admit the party of the boys is sweet. After all this panic we need this moment to relax and unwind.
I’m sitting at one of the tables, eating a steak with a lot of butter, enjoying Lorde singing.
Strange, I could have sworn she looked better on the magazine covers. Was it also Photoshop with her?
The other girls are dancing, talking to the others, or like Tammy gone to the restroom.
“Erm…Hello N.K.”, shy calls a know voice my name.
I turn to the person.
The red-haired boy has a cute blush on his face, playing with his fingers.
“It’s awesome that you could come.”, he tells me.
“I came here with my friends to hear Lorde.”, I state simply. “I’m still angry at you guys.”
He winces.
“You have the right to be. I really was a dick to you.”
“Yes, you were.”
I cut a bit of my steak and eat it.
“N.K. I’m really, really sorry. I was a stupid boy so fixed on earning money and never again go to school that I forget anything. Which was wrong, I know.”, he apologizes.
I sign.
“Well, you ARE still only ten, I shouldn’t be so angry. We all make mistakes.”
A cute smile forms on his face and I get to urge to kiss Kyle’s whole sweet face.
“Are we good again, N.K.?”
“Yeah, all right. I may still be a bit resentful, but we can be friends again.”
His smile gets just bigger.
“Would you…would maybe if you want…erm dance with me.”, he wonders, rubbing his neck.
Okay didn’t expect that.
Can’t help but blush too.
“Yeah, let’s dance Kyle.”
I take his hand and we start to dance. It’s more of a swaging around, but Kyle looking at me like I am a kind of goddess, is pleasing me greatly.
“Your dress is so pretty.”, he compliments me. “It fits you so much.”
Kyle being all shy and cute gives me an enormous ego boost. Normally I’m a bit shy with redheads or incredibly horny.
But with Kyle…it’s so simple and nice.
I lean down and plant a soft kiss on his cheek. I feel how warm his cheek gets under my lips. A cute squeaking sound left him.
“You are adorable.”
He blushes more.
Smiling at each other with twinkling eyes we sway while Lorde sings.
It’s really, really romantic.
I don’t know for how long we dance, at least three songs, as I see how Kenny comes towards us.
“Hey guys.”, he greets us, sending Kyle a sharp look, which the redhead counters. “Mind if I step in?”
“Actually, yes.”, hisses Kyle.
Not even a second after he said it I let go of him.
Kyle looks surprised.
“Oh no, you two aren’t starting a competition for my hand or something. I’m not I prize to be won.”, I make myself clear. “I like you both and I know that’s unfair, but I can’t decide, so please let us all be just friends. I don’t need more drama in my life.”
Guilty the boys nod.
“Can I still dance with you? I want also to say sorry for what a dick I was to you.”, ask me Kenny with big puppy dog eyes.
“I will get some ice cream.”, let Kyle us be, even if I can see that it breaks his heart.
Why can’t I just decide?
Polyamory, it’s simple as that!
Brain, not now!
So I and Kenny dance and he says sorry too. Like with Kyle, I accept it.
With Kenny, I really dance. I’m quite surprised by what moves he can do.
I can’t help but laugh happily as he twirls me around and then even tango-dips me.
Me! Who is a head taller than him!
I would lie if I didn’t say that this turns me on.
For that, I give him also a kiss on the cheek.
He grins wide and brightly, which makes my heart race.
After I few songs I tell Kenny that this is enough, I don’t want to play favorites with him and Kyle.
He accepts it, albeit sad, and lets me go.
With a last smile to him, I walk to Tammy and ask her for a dance.
At least with my super best friend, there aren’t any problems.
We both take turns leading and I get Tammy to blush like a tomato as I tango-dip her.
For the rest of the party, I stay with the girls.
I even get to dance with Wendy, Bebe, and Heidi.
I twirled Wendy so much around that she asked laughing for a break.
Bebe and I just started to twerk for fun at one point.
And Heidi was so cute!
She blushed the whole time.
Mmh, maybe I should really ask her out….
Whatever this party was amazing!
Can’t wait for the next one.
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what's your stance on separation of the art from the artist / creator when it comes to the artist / creator being of a questionable person?
Ohhh dear nuanced topics. Ok. Oof. Umm.
on a pure technical level: always possible and SHOULD always be done actually
if the creator isn’t riding off their art/their questionable things aren’t linked to the art: maybe stop giving it money but otherwise it’s cool.
If they ARE riding off their art: stop giving it money and publicly TALKING about it. Just vibe for yourself and maybe some friends, but otherwise keeping them relevant is giving them a platform, which enables them to hurt others
Also engaging with art without knowing an asshole made it doesn’t suddenly make you evil and I am not sure why people seem to think so or if that is actually a real thing and not just some myth people think happens
Regarding just the quality of a piece of art, on a pure technical level: always separate them. A person who does nice things can bake a cake that tastes like crap, but a piece of shit can also bake the most delicious food you’ve ever eaten. (That also goes for whenever someone tries to say they’re a nice person for donating to charities. Two actions can exist separately.)
It’s kinda weird how people always go "oh their stuff wasn’t as good as we thought anyways“ like. Bro. The stuff in question literally hasn’t changed stop pretending like some supernatural force travelled back in time to alter your memories.
Then situation 1: it’s made by a pos but their shitty actions/opinions aren’t reflected in their creation. The cake is perfectly normal and even tastes good, but the hand that made it happens to belong to ass.
In that case: grab your pirate hat and library cards, we’re going sailing and taking the treasure with us. Aka: Separate the art from the artist and the artist from the money. Just buy it second-hand or pirate it. Since the opinions/actions of the person aren’t connected to the art itself, the relevancy of the art doesn’t uphold their opinions on their platform.
Like. Watching a fnaf stream doesn’t somehow help in spreading right-wing hatespeak, because there’s nothing connected to fnaf that reflects the political opinions of the dude who made it. Liking fnaf won’t lead to you reading braindead rants on Twitter.
On the other hand you’ve got minecraft (or every broken-up band ever) where the dude stopped having any connections to it like a decade ago so heck yeah let’s go enjoy it, because the art has LITERALLY been separated from the artist
Situation 2: the piece of shit is actively using the platform they gained through their art to hurt others.
Aka pulling a Kanye Rowling. As long as their platform exists in any way, they WILL continue hurting people. That is simply the truth of the matter. No buts. It sucks, but that’s how it is.
It is not separate anymore, because they have inserted themselves into the art, and using it - directly or indirectly - as a mouthpiece.
Do not give money, and do not engage online. If you engage online, you’re giving a platform. Doesn’t mean you have to burn every cd or book or whatever you own. Just vibe for yourself. Not everything needs to be a fandom ffs.
"I like Kanye‘s music“: totally cool, if you like the sound, you like the sound. There’s nothing more to it.
"I like his music and listen to the tracks I already bought/pirated it/listened to a cover/etc“: also cool, you’re just vibin by yourself. It’s not doing anything.
"I‘m paying for new tracks/watching his videos/telling others to check him out/etc“: unfortunately you’re keeping him relevant that way, giving others a reason to bring them to his platform where he can then go spout literal Nazi propaganda, because the dude IS one. Straight up. I know US-ians like to call everyone they mildly disagree with that but in this case it’s actually true. What are people doing actively supporting the dude.
That‘s my stance anyways. Prone to change if confronted with logical arguments, as any opinion or stance should, really, but I like to believe this is a decently thought-out and realistic stance to take as it is rn lol
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Owen what kind of response is that xD
I am not okay
Y'all why is this episode so hilarious xD
LOL shuffleboard
XDD I love this guy I hope he's okay
Ope guessing by the music we're not out of the woods yet o.o
Ohh noo uhhhh ohhhh
Wait she's gonna give it isn't she :D
Or one of them is, maybe one of the paragon people?
:O Is Pierce a universal donor or smth?
Ah no okay we're doing it the safer way XD
You should not have to promise he's theirs to save this guy's life 🙄
But hey whatever hopefully it'll let this guy live :))
But still yayy :DD
Dudes chill xd
YAYYYY he's okay :D
Pierce 🙄🙄🙄😤
Owen you're not good at being subtle xD
Let's just be real
I mean I guess xD like the invite thing
Hmm idk if that proves anything Owen lol
YESS Mateo's right, then why are you so afraid to ask? I mena I would be but I'd just have to blurt it out bc it was killing me so much xd
Oop 👀
Nah idk I still think she actually likes you Owen, people don't share their favorites with random people most of the time
Ope xd weird setup for burgers
Owennnn careful xD
Remember Catherine? Yeah, remember her? ALL I'M SAYING IS WATCH YOSELF MY GUY XD
Owen XD calm down
Your just gonna insult herrr
Shoulda just slipped it in subtlyyy
Ahh yeah shoulda known you wouldn't xD
But nah you're gonna connect it
Yepp there it is xD
Ahh okay it's the segue to that XD
I think you're reading in to things Owen
I mean it's totally possible but idk xD
Customer xdd Owen chill
:OOOO return of Buttercup :DDDDD
Aww my baby :)) (buttercup that is)
Aight okay whatever lol
Not in front of Buttercup 😭 my boy doesn't deserve that /hj xD
Aight go off Owen xD
I'm tryna be nice here but I would care more about anyone's sex life more than Owen's
Not like the storyline but the literal thing XD I try tho lol
The storylines are amazing bc they're hilarious lol
I mean Owen seems pretty chill!
Hmm I bet there will be money somewhere xD but it's like for smth else or just bc she's generous and doesn't understand wealth
Also forgot to mention earlier but himbo XDD
I mean eh whatever Owen ┐⁠(⁠ ⁠∵⁠ ⁠)⁠┌
Not sure I believe it now that he does though xD
Lol sorry Mateo xD
40k O.O
I can't lol
Lol Owen xd
Aww Owen and Judd friendship lol :)) love them ❤️❤️
AHHH (awh not aah) I bet it's because of Buttercup lol
A new smoker XDD
I mean yeah give it to charity don't just throw it away lol
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