#like he used to call critias beautiful all the time like every day
kebriones · 2 years
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The execution of Theramenes.
(this one's for you @whatifwekilledgodandwebothgirls because you were right about the theramenes exclusion. I hope you will accept this token of my remorse)
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- The Avatar has revealed to me that some diseases can be cured with the help of color, - told Andrey, - mentally wrap up your patient (or yourself, if treatment is necessary for you) in a certain color. You can also ask for color to surround the patient's body. This is what the avatar told Andres:
• purple light cures cancer and destroys viruses; • white light heals wounds on the body and order modalert in the aura; • light blue light has the same cleaning properties as water; • Golden Bird opens the third eye and helps the body to loosen up and unfold (after purple, white and light blue light cleared it).
About myself, I noticed that all this is the color of angels. Purple light is associated with the archangel Michael, who relieves our body and mind from fear. White is the essence of all angels. The sky-blue color is the color of Archangel Raguel, bringing harmony and faith into our lives. And the golden one correlates with the energy of Christ and the Holy Spirit. Andres's words about the golden color opening the third eye reminded me of the very first, unedited version of the book "Course in Miracles" ("Course of Miracles") *.
* Zlen Shukman, professor of medical psychology at Columbia University, began to hear an inner voice, which at a rapid pace was dedicated to her in the subtleties of some teaching. She decided to take the shorthanded note. So there was the "Course of Miracles" - a book that spawned hundreds of groups of students and followers around the world. See, for example, the publication: A Course in Miracles: Combined Volume (1: Text, II: Workbook for Students, III: Manual for Teachers) by Foundation of Inner Peace. - Note. Ed. ** In the original, the phrase "spiritual sight" was often used; In the printed edition this expression was replaced by the "Holy Spirit". Hence, in this book, too, the Holy Spirit - and hence the golden light - is correlated with spiritual vision, or clairvoyance.
"There is nothing strange in the fact that you can be cured with the help of visualization of light alone," says Andree. "After all, is enlightenment not immersion in the light?" "Light plus love is healing," I added firmly. "Light plus love is equal to healing," I repeated, remembering my daydream and feeling that I was experiencing deja-vu's state. It was scary: Chronis almost literally repeated what the angels told me in a dream. The rest of the evening we talked about life in general; That night, Stephen and I slept perfectly.
Getting to know the island
When we woke up, our eyes opened a magnificent sight: dawn was blazing over the bay-caldera. We decided to go to a small shop in the neighborhood, selling fresh bread, tomatoes ripening right in the store, and paste from olives; kalamata. The morning running up and down the endless steps made us sweat and get hungry. - Cali measure! - Rita, the owner of the store, greeted us. We already knew that in Greek it means "good morning". The Greeks greeted pils so until the sun went down, so this phrase could well be a "good day." At sunset it was necessary to say "Kali spera" - as you guessed it, "good evening". "Thank you" in Greek will be "eucharist". It sounds very similar to the English "a fairy store", and when I told the Greeks about it, they laughed very nicely. Rita was somehow very cozy, at home beautiful. Her graying hair is neatly curled and laid in a high hairstyle, multi-layered garments perfectly fit a magnificent figure. A smile would melt the ice - so much sincere warmth in it. We with great pleasure ate sandwiches from the live - only from the oven - bread, olive paste and sliced ​​tomatoes. With these sandwiches, we had a feast on Santorini every day, and they did not have time to bother us - the food here is delicious. For dinner, I ordered baked mushrooms - the so-called "plevyrotsy." Like other mushrooms, they were fried in a small amount of balsamic vinegar and butter, and before they were removed from the fire, they were seasoned with spices. In all restaurants this dish had the same taste and consistency and looked more like baked meat. Needless to say, our diet contained, perhaps, a bit too much olive oil, but the ubiquitous order modafinil  ladder did not leave any hassle about excess weight. It's no wonder that here we finally believed that Mediterranean food - vegetables, fruits and olive oil - contributes to longevity. In 1994, the British medical pathology "Lancet" published the results of studies in patients who underwent myocardial infarction, the state of coronary vessels was improved by seventy-three percent thanks to the Mediterranean diet! In June 2003, a report on the survey of more than twenty-two thousand people appeared in the New England Journal of Medicine. It turned out that those who consumed traditional Mediterranean products lived the longest. Scientists who conducted the research concluded: "A marked reduction in the mortality rate is due to the long-term observance of the Mediterranean IN THE TEMPLE OF HEALING
The sun and walking exhausted us, and we with great pleasure went to sleep. I slept soundly, but it did not stop me from realizing the presence of angels. Now they talked about the healing properties of golden sunlight. "Put your hands under the sun's rays and soak up the light," said the angels. "Then press your hands to your heart to strengthen and awaken the energy of the heart chakra." When I woke up, I went out onto the terrace and put a handful on the sun. I imagined the golden rays flowing into them, and my hands immediately began to tremble-a new life was pouring into me. Then I pressed my warm palms to my heart and felt the gigantic wave overwhelm my soul: my heart opened wide to meet the blessed love. That evening, just before sunset, we went to Scaros - a low mountain, performing in the sea. From Santorina to Skaros leads a narrow path. We thought that from the mountains, the setting sun will be visible as in the palm of your hand. On the path we met American tourists. Flushed and sweaty, they could hardly breathe and warned! us, that the ascent to Skaros is not an easy test. Stephen and I exchanged glances and after a moment's hesitation resolutely continued on their way. In the end, daily two-kilometer runs should in fact somehow justify the efforts expended on them. In addition, the mountain looked incredibly beautiful and tempting: the grassy slopes were entirely covered with flowers, here and there cozy cozy stones were seen. We just had to get up there! Coming closer, we saw that Scaros - it's not just a hill; hillock towering ancient fortress, covered with earth and overgrown with moss! Stephen wanted to get close to her. Capricorn, born in the year of the Goat, he famously jumped from one rocky ledge to another, approaching the entrance to the fortress. I watched him, settling on a smooth flat stone. Then I leaned back ... From the sun-warmed stone, the heat came out, nicely contrasted with the evening cool. The sun is about to touch the sea. Pink, orange, yellow rays lit up the castle and the surrounding mountains. In such a moment it is very easy to believe that this magical land was once called Atlantis. The first mention of Atlantis is found in Plato's dialogues Critias (370 BC) and Timaeus (360 BC). About Atlantis, Plato learned from Critia the Younger, the grandson of the Greek ruler Solon. Critias also heard of her when he was in Egypt (590 BC). Here is what Plato writes in Timaeus: "On this island, called Atlantis, there was a surprisingly large and powerful kingdom, whose power extended to the whole island, to many other islands and to part of the mainland. Moreover, it seized Libya up to Egypt and Europe, up to Tirrenia. And all this cohesive power was thrown at the fact that in one blow to plunge into slavery, and your and our lands, and all countries on this side of the strait. It was then, Solon, your state and showed the whole world a brilliant proof of your valor and strength: all surpassing the firmness of spirit and experience in military affairs, it first to lead the Hellenes, but because of the betrayal of the Allies was left to oneself, alone met the extreme danger and yet overcame the conquerors and erected victorious trophies. Those who were not yet enslaved, it saved from the threat of slavery; all the rest - no matter how much we lived on this side of the Pillars of Hercules - it generously gave freedom. But later, when the time of unprecedented earthquakes and floods came, for one terrible day, all your military power was absorbed by the ground that opened up, and also Atlantis disappeared, plunged into the abyss. After that, the sea in those places became up to this day unpalatable and inaccessible due to the shallowing caused by the huge amount of mud that left the settled island behind. " Here are the lines from Critia: "It is reported that at the head of the latter led the war, bringing it to the very end, our state, and at the head of the first - the kings of the island of Atlantis; as we have already mentioned, it was once an island that exceeded the size of Libya and Asia, now it has failed because of earthquakes (italics mine - D.V.) and turned into an impenetrable mud blocking the way for seafarers who would try to swim away from us into the open sea. " Describing the geographical position of Atlantis, Plato mentions Athens and Libya - that is, the Mediterranean and the Middle East. I imagined lands that included Greece, Turkey, Italy, as well as Egypt and North Africa. Can it not be that Santorini, Crete and other Greek islands - and there is nothing else than Atlantis of Plato? The question of the location of Atlantis is ambiguous. Professors and clergymen, who admit the probability that Atlantis really existed, were divided in opinions. Some consider Atlantis Santorini, others - Indonesia, the Bahamas. Bermuda Triangle, British Isles or Mexico. If the words of Plato (or modern mystics, such as Edgar Cayce, Ruth Montgomery and Dolores Cannon) are carefully analyzed.
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