#like ​i should not have access to this trailer anymore
Okay, just so we’re clear, practically every post from me is late today because of this gangly motherfucker and my obsession with them.
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starryinkart · 10 months
Hey so a bit of a possible crack theory:
So in the show, we’ve gotten three solver colors already, Red, which stands for Doll, Purple which stands for Uzi/Nori, Yellow which stands for the solver/CYN. But here’s something ALOT of people seemed to miss. After you rewatch the Season 1 trailer, you realize:
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There’s a blue solver, most likely a blue solver holder. Hidden right before the infamous yellow of the solver we’ve come to know in the show.
If you watch the trailer, you also notice something else. Right before this symbol quickly shows up, we have a dialogue from N, running away from Uzi from the scene at the end of episode 2 and then him sitting in front of V being sad. But if you listen to that dialogue:
He says “We can’t be around the workers anymore V, we’re too dangerous…”
He eventually begins to hang around them again, but to me this line with the imagery is super important. We know from the most recent episode 7/8 teaser that N is the actual leader of the squad, most likely the strongest and most likely protected by CYN with her admin right before she was completely lost by the solver.
Through out the show, we see him confused at his own power at points, like in episode 4 when he shoots the arrow through another and catches them on fire, cracking the arrow board, proceeding to say:
“Did I do that?” All confused.
N obviously doesn’t know how powerful he is at all, but what if and hear me out, it’s not ONLY because he’s a Disassembly Drone?
We know that CYN blocked the solver from having access to him, V and J to most likely protect them from the fate the solver has for drones who are infected. She didn’t want the same thing happening to N, her brother, who she loved and his friends which he cared about and most likely she cared about before she was taken over completely.
But now, Uzi has unblocked them from being protected from the CYNs admin, which was presumably protecting the squad from the affects of possibly getting the solver, (under the assumption CYN was bad in general) by becoming their administrator. If Uzi is their admin, and she gets taken over by the solver in general, that means that her admin code basically becomes useless to protecting N and the others from being infected too. And remember Tessa found them in the dump and repaired them as well, like CYN so they have a high chance of contracting the solver since they were also disposed of incorrectly.
So here comes the point of this picture that was released as a teaser yesterday:
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It’s N, looking down, whether at something or just on the verge of having a breakdown and losing it we are uncertain, but from the posture, the balled fists, he does NOT look okay at all.
The first thing yours eyes are drawn to are the building split in half in front of him, the exoplanets in the sky and N. But, on a more closer look, you see two things:
1. The snow flakes on the bottom left have a ominous blue tint to them, which should only happen if blue light is reflecting off of them…
2. If you didn’t notice on the first look, N has the same blue light, coming from right in front of him. Perhaps maybe the same color as this blue solver symbol we have yet to see with some weird lines and curves jutting out from the sides…
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At first, I thought Khan would be the blue solver holder at the beginning of the series, being a surprise twist for him to have activated in him he was so afraid of due to him possibly seeing it with his wife Nori. Honestly while that would’ve been cool, episode 5 debunked this possibility, since Khan was flung out of the room by Doll when she was attempting to get the cyber bug from Uzi. Solver owners can’t effect other solver holders as proven from the series, it can only use items around them to throw or hurt them.
We haven’t seen N be affect by the solver once in the present time or in the flashback of episode 5.
Now I do know the merch video came out today, but it was stated in the video that
1. “It was totally not canonical to the series what so ever” which I HIGHLY doubt. Most of the merch and videos we have seen have been canon and it seems as though the characters have been pulled aside between episodes to “film” these fourth wall breaks.
2. The fact that the title of the video “N’s Final Form” and the thumbnail are most likely not just a joke. Notice his acrylic stand teaser from V’s acrylic stand released recently:
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When I first saw this, it looked SUPER weird. Me and my significant other said it looked like N and we thought the two things in the foreground of his body were his wings, meaning he was looking away from the viewer of the stand.
But then we looked closer and I started looking at my King Solver N design you can find in the murder drones link in my FAQ and we drew a more accurate picture of what we were seeing. N was not looking away from the viewer, all the characters are looking at us, and it would be weird to have N be different. So this is what we came up with:
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W stands for his wings, T stands for where his tail is, L stands for his legs, F stands for his face and H stands for his hands.
His hands look a-little weird don’t they?
Remember this:
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It was mentioned some where on Tumblr that this looks similar to the cocoon that Uzi broke out of in Episode 4 when she transformed into her solver form only N is being dragged in. This is obviously a biomechanical phenomenon of the solver. But why is he being dragged in?
To have his “final transformation” , a “final form” you may say?
The only thing is, after Uzis transformation, is when the solver really started to gain power over her, taking control of her as seen in Episode 4 and recently in Episode 6. As soon as she became biomechanical, the solver gained more control over her.
(Edit: sO this cocoon theory was wrong, but his emotions can still spill over and cause this!!! So its not fully wrong yet!)
Now think of the scene above and what happened to Uzi in Episode 4, but with N. N gets dragged into this cocoon, fighting but not able to escape, while Uzi is fighting inside her mind with the real solver, posing as CYN in the mansion as Uzi is trying not to lose her mind. While she’s stuck, N has his transformation, now not able to be protected by CYNs administration since Uzi is now the administrator of him and V, so he undergoes the transition, the solver not having much to fight against converting him to a biomechanical creature like Uzi. This gives it more power over N, and gives it a chance to take advantage of the situation to bury itself into N’s code, making his solver string: true. Now N has the same thing inside him that has possibly taken everything from him.
After this, he either gets possessed fully and goes on a rampage or the possession is slow, painful after he manages to escape the cocoon and get to the surface. Either by this point Uzi is still fighting in her head and N thinks she’s fully gone or dead OR she has successfully fought the solver and is looking for N. All his repressed emotions, everything that has happened, everything he’s lost…it’s all become too much. He snaps, lashing out on whatever is in front of him, this being the building we see in half in the teaser from yesterday. Before he can stop himself, he angrily swings toward the building, but instead of a sword, his gun or his claws coming out, there is this fleshy, gross growth that emerges, a blue solver symbol appearing in front of him and shooting towards the building, snapping it in half like a toothpick.
There is a moment of either him stopping in pure panic due to this OR his panic, sadness and fear turns into full on anger, him not able to repress anything anymore, taking a turn into a full on uncontrollable breakdown. The reason he had to repress his emotions for all this time, for fear of lashing out and hurting the ones he cares for. But now, as far as he knows, no one is left to care for. After all in the merch teaser today Uzi said really sarcastically:
“You’re meant to be better than us! Don’t become swallowed by the darkness/animal based merchandise (murders) like I have!”
(which can be very much true)
This could end in either him being used by the solver as a host or Uzi coming back to help him and in turn as he said in the teaser:
“Okay I’m back! I’m better and it’s even deeper down now….haha! “ (basically his repressed emotions being repressed further for an even worst breakdown in a season 2)
That’s one turn it could take, but another could he that when he stops from pure panic due to what he’s become, similar to Uzi, and in the merch trailer today, and realizes he can use his newfound powers to save the ones he loves that are either left alive or find another way to fix what has happened.
(Someone mentioned on here that N’s solver powers could be similar to Time-travel to places he’s been to in the past, (like Dolls in teleportation to only places she has seen and Uzi doesn’t really have one yet, she’s not that far along in development of her solver) to go back and correct what mistakes he has made, fixing the timeline and THAT would be super cool if he does think he has lost everything or really has. If it ever find it on here again, I will tag it.)
Sorry this was SO LONG, but basically, N will have the blue solver due to the final two episodes and he will get a transformation like Uzis, having him grasp the thing that has basically ruined his life several times over being apart of him now, having to use it to save his loved ones. All the while not having a mental breakdown or angry blowup and losing control of his powers. So basically affecting the story and his choices greatly.
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bleucaesura · 6 months
Blitzø kicked back from the edge of the desk, sending the chair screeching back across the floor and into the shelves behind it. The chair hit with a satisfying thud. Followed by the thuds of a handful of books that’d been dislodged from their homes as they hit the floor.
Blitzø hopped off the chair, smoothed down his coat, straightened his cuffs and set his face like stone. He set to leave, hesitating for a moment at the doorway thinking maybe he should tidy up first, but instead settled on apologizing to the little butler about the “little accident in the study” as he passed him in the hall. He felt guilty leaving work for the imp. But, f*ck, he just needed to get the f*ck out of there.
Blitzø prayed to Satan that he didn’t run into Stolas as he snuck his way to the front doors. He didn’t have it in him to handle dealing with Stolas now. Not after…
He shook his head hard trying to shake the thoughts free and abandoned his attempt at stealth, making a break for it as fast as he could without being caught.
Blitzø only let himself breathe again after he was in his van, speeding down the Hellway with a good ten minutes between him and Stolas.
“What in the actual F*CK?!”
Blitzø white-knuckled the steering wheel as he careened through traffic not caring where he was going.
F*cking Stolas thinks he can just f*cking throw me away! Well he can keep his f*cking crystal AND his f*cking book!
You need access to the human world for your job you f*ck-wit.
Who the f*ck needs a job anyway?
But you love your work.
Who the f*ck cares anymore?
And Moxxie & Millie?
M&M are better without me. They’re better at the damn job than I am. They’ll land on their feet working somewhere else.
And Loona?
Loona… Loona deserves so much better than me. She’s always said she’s old enough and didn’t need to be adopted. She’s so strong and independent. She’s never needed me. She’d be better off without me.
So that’s it then. The blue-blooded bird-brain doesn’t want you so you’re calling it quits?
Blitzø cringed, tears stung his eyes and blurred his vision. He swerved, tilting the van and screeched to a halt at the Hellway shoulder after almost plowing headfirst into an oncoming semi-truck trailer full of horses.
His heart was beating out of his chest. His ears rang so loud he couldn’t hear anything else. It was all he could do to pry his fingers from the steering wheel. He gathered his knees to his chest, lay on his side and curled up in a gasping, crying ball of anguish on the van’s front seat.
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thenadnerb02 · 3 months
Inside Out Theory Concluded / Thoughts on Inside Out 2 [MAJOR SPOILERS]
Well, here we are folks. Four and a half months after I came up with my Inside Out theory based on the first movie and the sequel’s teaser, and two months after I continued on from that with the proper trailer, Inside Out 2 is here! 
So now that the movie’s come out, how well does my theory hold up? Well, let's discuss.
(Also, I had the great honor to see the first 35 minutes a week early at an event attended by Pete Docter at the Museum of the Moving Image, and a couple of the things he said in the post-screening interview will be referenced here.)
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Again, major spoilers for Pixar’s latest movie. If you don't want to be spoiled, then come back.
Okay, quick recap: I theorized that the 4 new emotions are directly influenced by the actions, thoughts, etc. of the main 5. They’re the embodiments of combinations of emotions and they can physically manifest now that Riley has matured. I figured that this would be the big twist of Inside Out 2. Well, was it?
No. No it wasn’t…
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While I don’t think the theory is completely invalidated, it doesn’t mesh well with the second half of the movie.
When I first developed this theory, I had in mind that the new emotions would be fully aware of their connection to the old ones, but it’s clear this isn't the case. Anxiety initially has no idea what's going on when Joy and co. start envisioning positive outcomes of the hockey game, Embarrassment is surprised when he notices Sadness sneaked back into Headquarters, Ennui is shocked to discover Sadness stole her phone, etc.
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Plus, the theory hinged upon the fact that Riley has demonstrably felt the new emotions before, but Inside Out 2 provides us a new plausible explanation for how that could be.
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This room right here! While never explicitly referred to as such in the film, Docter called this a waiting area for emotions before it's their time to appear in Headquarters. And if Nostalgia is there 10+ years ahead of schedule, then there’s no reason why Anxiety, Envy, Embarrassment, and Ennui wouldn’t have been there during the first film. Their presence meant Riley could still feel those emotions even if they didn’t have access to the console yet.
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And as cool as it would’ve been for my theory to be correct, after seeing Inside Out 2 I'm kind of glad it wasn't. The movie’s overall message is to embrace every part of yourself, and thinking that some of those emotions aren’t fully-formed beings of their own doesn’t sit right with me anymore.
Oh well.
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Now, onto the second half of this post. As someone who deals with anxiety on a regular basis, I must commend Pixar on how accurate the emotion is depicted here. One thing I didn’t think of before I saw the movie (but in retrospect I feel like I should have) is how in addition to the worrying we often associate with the emotion, Anxiety also works hard to push Riley forward.
Sometimes my anxiety leads to endless worrying about the future, but it also pushes me to be productive and try new things. Funny how it can be both a motivator and a de-motivator at the exact same time.
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For starters: catastrophizing about every possible bad outcome to a situation.
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This is definitely something I experience during stressful situations. Sometimes I try to rationalize this under the belief that assuming the worst will make good things feel better, but ultimately (just like Anxiety), I get so focused on the worst that could happen that I disregard the possible good outcomes. But just like we see in the movie, it’s unhealthy to simply hyperfocus on the bad possibilities.
Another experience I have with anxiety is fretting over things in the far future when there’s much more pertinent things that could be focused on instead. For example, I won’t begin my grad school animation program for another two months, but sometimes I worry about it as if I’m already neck-deep in my M.F.A. I don’t have to stress over that right now, but sometimes I can’t help but do it anyway.
We see this at the end of the movie, where Anxiety spirals about Riley’s distant future, but eventually Joy calms her down by reminding her she doesn’t have to worry about that right now. (And she gets her Anxie-Tea!)
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The belief threads and sense of self are cool additions to the canon of Inside Out. (A sense of self definitely feels like something a person would have before age 12, but let’s not think about that too much right now.) And the thing in this movie I found relatable most of all is what happens to the sense of self once Anxiety takes the reins of Riley’s life: it goes from “I’m a good person” to “I’m not good enough.” And I can say with 100% certainty that this kind of distressing self-talk is what happens when anxiety shapes one’s sense of self.
Anxiety literally forcing other emotions out of HQ is an excellent metaphor for what it feels like when anxiety gets extreme. We make no room for other emotions as anxiety builds up, and as we do our mental health state only grows worse.
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(Although from my personal experience at least, this “I’m not good enough” mentality actually involves envy as well as anxiety, since what you’re really thinking is “I’m not good enough in comparison to others.”)
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At the end of the day, Anxiety wanted what was best for Riley. She really, really did. It’s painful to watch her panic so much that Riley seemed to be close to a heart attack. And yeah, that’s what anxiety attacks are like — we get too caught up in worrying for the future that we forget to have joy.
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And while we shouldn't let our sense of self be shaped solely by anxiety, we can't just repress the parts of ourselves we don't like Joy was initially doing with certain memories.
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It's by finding that perfect balance and loving every part of ourselves that we can avoid complete breakdowns.
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And it can be hard. It really can. As the film so poignantly notes, we tend to feel less joy as we get older. We can’t just have fun all the time like when we were little kids, but at the same time all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
We have a complete rainbow of emotions inside our heads, and even when things get hard and overwhelming, we must embrace all of our emotions because they all have an important role to play.
Or as Disgust puts it:
“You must make your curse your gift.”
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avanatural · 2 years
Mind Games
Part 4
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Series summary: Set in 1984. It’s that time of the year – the supes are having the time of their lives at the Herogasm festival. Soldier Boy seems to have taken a special interest in Y/N, a fellow superhero.
Pairing: Soldier Boy x female Reader
Category: Angst, humor
Word count: 3.3k
Chapter warnings: Cursing, mentions of alcohol and smoking, Soldier Boy being Soldier Boy
A/N: Welcome to part 4! I hope you enjoy the new chapter! Poor Y/N’s patience is being tested in this one. Wanna be added to my Soldier Boy tag list? Send me an ask ❤️
Part 3 | Series Masterlist | Soldier Boy Masterlist | Part 5
Main Masterlist
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“I see you’ve changed into your intended outfit.”
His deep voice made me want to cut off my ears. No one had told me that this movie required me to wear a dress that would suffocate me with how tight it was.
“I’m not sure it even fits me,” I mumbled as I stroked the fabric around my midriff. It was a white leather dress with a corset, similar to my actual supe outfit, but it was restricting my goddamn access to air. It was short enough that I couldn’t sit or bend or fight without people seeing… Well, all of me.
Soldier Boy pushed himself off of the wall he was leaning against. He’d put his helmet back on. It was like a mask. That open, vulnerable side of him that I’d gotten a tiny glimpse of was long gone. Hidden. Nowhere to be found.
“Oh, but you do look beautiful in it,” he flirted, pointing his finger at my scarcely clad body. His head bobbed from side to side as he stalked towards me. He was back to oozing confidence. The anger and resentment in his eyes had faded.
What was he up to? Did Soldier Boy himself even know what he wanted? 
“I take it you don’t wanna rip my head off anymore?”, I asked. My voice sounded a lot weaker than intended. At this point, I just wanted to go home. This movie was a shit show.
“What can I say? You’re lucky I’m into the assertive type.” He smiled an alluring smile. Combined with a charming tilt of his head, he deepened the creases around his eyes. 
The scariest thing about his change in demeanor was how my body responded to it. His charm was surely working its magic. My stomach was filled with swoony sensations that were begging me to shake them off.
“Lucky me. If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you’re sweet-talking me.” I tried sounding sarcastic, to the best of my ability. The problem was, his sweet-talking was working. My insides were practically yelling at me to finish what we’d started in that trailer. So, I tightened my vice-like grip on my heart as best as I could. I wasn’t gonna let him steal it.
Soldier Boy tempted me with his mossy green bedroom eyes and those plump pink lips. “Well, is it working?”
“No,” I lied, hoping that he couldn’t see through me. But then again, he probably wouldn’t believe any woman who told him his charm wasn’t working. He was self-centered like that. I had to remind myself that I was not a toy. That he couldn’t treat me as he pleased. Too bad male attention was my kryptonite.
Soldier Boy scoffed. I could see that he was losing what little patience he had. “Keep tellin’ yourself that, princess. Girls like to play hard-to-get. I know how it goes.”
“You know what?” I puffed out my chest in a rush of impulsion. “If you want different responses, maybe you should work on your technique. You need to win over a woman’s heart. Not just her body.” 
Soldier Boy narrowed his darkening eyes at me. He was like a loaded gun, ready to spit bullets in your face as soon as you got even remotely close to hurting his ego. “With manners like yours, you’re never gonna find a man. I don’t need to work on anything, how about you work on your fucking attitude?”, he snapped.
“Okay, everyone on their marks, please!”, the director called out.
Everyone hurried to their designated spots – the crew, the extras, the supes. Everyone except for us. Soldier Boy and I stood chest to chest, glaring at each other. The tension could easily have been cut with a rusty butterknife.
Gunpowder scurried past us, headed for his mark. I could feel the young man’s curious gaze on me as he tried to sneak past the two of us undetected.
Soldier Boy’s cold emerald gaze attached itself to the young supe. “Careful,” he spoke through gritted teeth, sending a warning Gunpowder’s way.
Gundpowder quickly averted his gaze and mumbled an incoherent apology. I didn’t even get a chance to catch his eye or say anything to him as he made a beeline for his mark, tail between his legs.
“Alright, doll face, let’s get this shit show over with,” Soldier Boy huffed. He took a step back, finally giving me some space to breathe. His hand reached out to me, his palm facing upward.
My eyes fixated on his hand. I hesitated. My muscles were frozen by ice-cold skepticism. When I looked up and met his eyes, warm pools of green and gold stared back at me. I tried not to let them melt away my distrust. This man was going to be the death of me. He was so unpredictable.
After a few seconds of hesitation, I placed my hand in his. As I felt his hand close around mine, a tiny, irritated smile attacked my face, forcing its way onto my lips.
“There you go,” Soldier Boy praised me with a nod of approval. He tugged me towards him and put his hand on my lower back. Seemingly deciding that he was in charge, he steered me to our marks.
We were about to shoot the final battle scene of the movie. Vought's strongest heroes vs. some no-name-greedy-for-power supervillains. And, who would have guessed, Soldier Boy was gonna save everyone’s day! Including mine. Damsel in distress number who-the-fuck-knew.
“Where- Oh! What the fuck?”, I exclaimed as Soldier Boy suddenly scooped me up in his arms, bridal style.
“Relax, princess. I’m supposed to catch you, you know that,” he had the audacity to scold me.
“How exactly is this scene gonna play out, huh?” I knew I was gonna fall from the sky like a stupid fucking apple from a tree, but this scenario rubbed me the wrong way.
“I’ll toss you into the air and catch you, piece of cake,” he sighed, obviously annoyed with my sheepish attitude.
“You’re gonna toss me?” I found myself locking my arms around his neck – a weak attempt to make him keep me in his arms. I was a supe, sure, but my body wasn’t immune to every possible danger. I wasn’t immortal. I could feel pain. My bones could break.
“Oh, have some fucking faith, will you?” Soldier Boy leaned in, so close that I could smell the whiskey we’d shared on his breath. “I’m not gonna let you hit the ground.” His insanely green eyes, framed by his new helmet, penetrated mine. “Unless you piss me off.”
“Ready, everyone?”, the director yelled.
“You better catch me,” I hissed in Soldier Boy’s ear.
He scoffed, radiating hubris. “Wanna fucking bet?”
“Sure. If you let me fall, you can kiss my ass,” I mumbled under my breath. Sue me, I was a nervous talker.
“And if I catch you, I’ll get to gag you, how about that?”, he retorted.
“You’re so-”
“And 3… 2… 1!”
Before I could say another word, Soldier Boy bent his knees, pushed himself back up, and used the force to throw me straight up into the air.
I cried out as I flew towards the sky. Right in that moment, I questioned my own sanity. A few profanities left my lips as I reached the highest point and felt myself fall back down. My stomach turned as I pictured myself flat as a goddamn pancake, spread out across the floor with blood for sirup.
Then suddenly, I felt some harsh pushback, and a loud gasp was forced out of my lungs. I had abruptly stopped falling. My eyes were shut tightly, waiting for the pain to arrive. Or the shock. But nothing really happened.
“You’re okay,” a warm, breathy voice hit my ears.
When I opened my eyes, I was met with Soldier Boy’s handsome face. He was the pushback. His arms were wrapped around me, holding onto my legs and my back. He was carrying me bridal style, just like he had a few moments ago. That son of a bitch had actually done it.
“You caught me,” I mumbled, faintly remembering the lines I was supposed to say. My heart was still throwing a tantrum in my chest.
“I sure did.” He put on the kindest smile I’d ever seen. The asshole could act, who would’ve guessed? “You alright?”
“Yes.” I had to bite my tongue before I was able to say my next line. “Thank you for saving me.”
“Anytime, my dear.” Gently, he placed me back on the ground. His hand stayed on my lower back, sending a surge of warmth through my body. “You look familiar. Do I know you?”, he asked. 
I batted my eyelashes at him as hard as I could and placed my hand on my chest. “I’m Trouble.”
“You’re part of the cavalry,” he said, pretending to be surprised by widening his eyes. “Payback appreciates your help. Just be more careful from now on, alright?” He inched closer, cooking up his very own line before delivering it straight to my face. “Though I gotta say… It’s not every day that pretty women like yourself fall from the sky.”
The corners of my mouth quivered slightly, threatening to break out in a smile. His gaze held me down, taunting me, asking me to break. I didn’t want to give him that satisfaction. “Careful, my dear,” I responded, repeating his pet name for me. I lifted my chin to meet his eyes. “You don’t wanna get in trouble, do you?” When he paused, not saying anything, I continued, “Say hi to Countess for me.”
With a wink, I turned around and walked away from him, out of the camera’s sight. I felt his heated gaze on my back and didn’t dare turn back.
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I let out the biggest grunt as soon as the door to my apartment fell shut behind me. Home, at last. Without a care, I dropped my bag on the floor. My hands found my hair and tugged on the strands before brushing them back.
“You sound tired,” a small voice rang out from the living room.  
With enlarged eyes, I pushed myself away from the door and stomped into the living area. “Lily??”
And sure enough, my sister was sitting on the couch, watching tv like she’d done nothing else all day.
“What the hell are you doing here?”, I demanded, “You’re supposed to be with aunt Gemma!”
Lily shrugged her shoulders at me, wearing a tiny frown on her face. “She had an emergency.”
“Yeah, I bet with that Greg guy.” I ground my teeth. The muscles in my jaw already hurt from all the tension I’d lived through that day. I leaned against the couch, my hands landing on the backrest. “How long have you been here by yourself?”
“Just a couple hours.”
“A couple hours,” I repeated. “That’s it. I’m gonna kill her.”
“Y/N, I’m fine,” Lily objected, looking up at me with those innocent eyes, trying to be convincing.
“Did you eat?”
“Not yet.”
“Okay,” I sighed, trying my best not to seem annoyed with her. Lily wasn’t the problem. Everyone else was. Including me. I tried pushing my anger down and locking it away. “I’ll heat up some leftovers.”
My sister nodded and followed me into the kitchen, trailing after me like a puppy. “How did it go today?”, she asked.
Well, that was a loaded question. “Let’s just say you’re gonna get those sneakers you asked for.”
“Yes!” Lily fist-bumped the air. “Thank you, Y/N!” She hurried around the counter and wrapped her arms around my waist.
Despite my sour mood, I smiled and hugged her back. “You’re welcome.” I squeezed her small body and paused for a second to enjoy the moment. The smile on her face, the joy in her eyes – that was the reason why I’d accepted Vought’s offer. It was worth the crappy day I had.
“So, how was working with Soldier Boy?”, Lily asked, wriggling out of my embrace, looking at me with wide, curious eyes.
“It was… Good,” I lied through my teeth and looked away, busying myself with preparing dinner. I couldn’t look at Lily’s face and tell a lie. I’d never been able to.
“What’s he like? Will you see him again? How tall is he?”
Oh boy, it was gonna be a long night.
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A few weeks later
“Touble! Trouble, just one shot, please!”
“Trouble, over here!”
I pulled down my cap, hoping to somehow disappear in it. Too bad I didn’t have teleportation powers. Ever since pictures from the movie set of Payback Rising had been sold to the press, the general public had taken an interest in little old, mediocre me.
A picture of Soldier Boy and I had made it into the newspapers. A photograph of him carrying me. Of us staring into each other’s eyes. Now people were making up stories left and right. The press liked to make these things bigger than they were.
The good news was, I was getting offers. They wanted me for talk shows, interviews, and photoshoots.
The bad news was, these offers all included Soldier Boy. It was either both of us or nothing. On my own, I still wasn’t interesting enough. Still not worthy. So, what I had gained aside from the money was to be a target for the paparazzi.
“Let me through. Thanks,” I snapped, annoyed, knowing that I once again had to take a detour before going home. I didn’t need these sleazebags in front of my building. It took me a bit longer to get home that way, but I was willing to make the effort.
When I came home to a ringing telephone, I instantly rolled my eyes. I couldn’t seem to catch a break these days.
As I stood in front of the telephone, I contemplated whether I should answer or not. All I truly wanted was to sit down, have a glass of wine, and forget about everything that had to do with Vought and Soldier Boy.
“Fuck,” I mumbled under my breath and picked up against my better judgment. “Hello?”
I recognized that voice. But I couldn’t quite put my finger on it. With narrowed eyes, I leaned against the ugly wall in the hallway. “Who’s this?”
“Vought’s VP of hero management. We met briefly on the set of Vought’s new movie.”
That certainly rang a bell. “The Legend,” I sighed and made a fist around the telephone cord, “What is it?”
“I heard that you’ve been declining a whole lotta offers. Interviews, photoshoots, that kind of thing.” He lowered his voice, making me guess that his call was anything but official.
“Well, they don’t really want me for those appearances,” I said, “They want-“
“You and Soldier Boy, I know. Excuse my foul language, but I think you’re being a fucking dimwit.”
“You’re calling me just to tell me that?”, I demanded, clenching the muscles in my jaw.
“I’m calling you to help you out,” he retorted, “I know talent when I see it, Y/N.”
“You told me not to take anyone’s shit. And now you expect me to take yours?”
“I told you to play to your goddamn strengths. Right now, the greatest superhero in the world is interested in you. And the biggest fucking talk show just sent in an offer. Forget all the other jobs, this is the one you’ll wanna take. This is your fucking way into the business, Y/N. You can be huge. Don’t be dumb, girl.”
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“Lily? Lily!”, I called out, walking out of hair and make-up. Yes, I had taken the offer. I was attending the damn talk show to speak about my experience on Payback Rising. Of course, I couldn’t say anything remotely close to the truth.
I’d told my sister to wait for me while they dressed me, and now she was nowhere to be found. 
She had begged me to take her with me to meet Soldier Boy. And when I say she begged, I mean she fucking begged me. Dozens of puppy eyes later, I had agreed to let her say hi to him. Just say hi. In my presence. I only hoped he wasn’t going to disappoint her. Because if he did, I was going to put him in the ground, no matter who the hell he was.
I stopped dead in my tracks when I found my sister standing in front of a table with snacks. I recognized him instantly. He was wearing his signature suit, minus the mask. Lily was being accompanied by none other than Soldier Boy himself. Her small hands were clasped together nervously as she admired him from below. She was staring up at that tower of a man with little hearts in her eyes.
As soon as Soldier Boy spotted me walking towards them, he smugly lifted his chin. A cunning grin appeared on his lips. “Ah, Y/N! There you are! We were wondering when you’d join us.”
My hands found my hips as I ignored him and addressed my sister instead. “Lily, I told you to wait.” I was anything but amused.
“I’m sorry.” Lily pouted at me. Underneath that pouty face, though, she was hiding tons upon tons of excitement. Her eyes held a spark.
“It’s my fault, really,” Soldier Boy spoke up, pulling my attention back to him, “She looked a little lost back there, all by herself, so I took her under my wing.” His gloved hand squeezed my sister’s shoulder to highlight his point.
I stared back at him with a blank expression. I knew exactly what he was doing, and I didn’t like it. He was painting me in a bad light. I left my sister by herself, so of course, he had to go and play her savior.
“How incredibly kind of you,” I praised him through gritted teeth.
“Nah, it’s no big deal.” He shrugged his massive shoulders, delivering a little show of humbleness. “Lily and I were having a grand old time, weren’t we?” He looked down at my younger sister with so much kindness that it didn’t surprise me how enamored she was.
“The best!”
“I may be the strongest man alive...” Soldier Boy placed a hand on his chest and inched closer to me. “But you, Y/N.” He pointed his finger at me and clicked his tongue. “You’re the real hero. Working two jobs at once, no husband to support you. This might be your breakthrough. I truly want it for you.”
Yeah, because you know this ‘breakthrough’ isn’t happening without you. “Thank you.” I put on a friendly fake smile. The one I’d practiced in front of the mirror because I’d known he was gonna annoy me one way or another. “It means a lot, coming from you. But I think we’re about to start rolling, so…”
“Yeah, let’s go.” He turned to my sister and ruffled her hair, which made her fucking laugh. Usually, she all but freaked out when someone touched her precious hair. “You stay good for your sister, okay?”
“I will. It was a pleasure meeting you, Soldier Boy,” Lily spoke, using the same polite words I’d spent years trying to teach her.
“Oh, the pleasure was all mine, sweetheart.” Soldier Boy bent down, hands on his knees as he looked her in the eye. He lowered his voice, whispering to her like he was telling her a big secret. “And call me Ben.” With a charming wink, he straightened his back again.
“Okay, Ben.” The smile on Lily’s face became so wide that I could have sworn it was about to break her cheeks. “Thank you.”
I, on the other hand, wasn’t half as bewitched as my sister. The corners of my mouth sagged, a scowl masking my face. “Let’s go… Ben.”
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Part 5
Tag list: @akshi8278 @leigh70 @impalaslytherin @mimzy1994​ @asgardiandeadpoetsociety @panhufflestugf @spnwoman @themerc-with-a-mouth @waynes-multiverse @tzillas @josephslittlemetalballs @deliriouslybi​ @ryethebrokengae​ @epiphany-of-a-madwoman​ @rach5ive​ @mrsjenniferwinchester​ @may85​ @jassackles @mimaria420
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bronson4444the2nd · 8 months
So... I started playing palworld.
Bad start I know.
I've sunk an good amount of time into it,collected an good amount of pals, not far enough into it for the firearms or mass production stuff but whatever. But I've played enough of it that I think I can say my stance on it.
This game is thriving,because pokemon refuse to inovate or improve.
It designs (wether they are plagerized,inspiered, or other) are not important to me,the more mature "parody" elements are not important to me, the graphic's are not important to me. What IS important to me is the fact that this early access, open world survival game is infinitely more fun then any other attempt to "inovate" on the creature collector genra of video game.
Because it's actually trying to be something different.
Temtem, cassette beasts, nexomon, hell even shin migame tense(Wich was the literal protigener of it) have tried and failed to gain a foothold in the monster collector genra due to the absolute monopoly Pokemon has had on it sense the 1990's, mostly because the earlyer games mentioned have all stuck to the slow, repetitive turnbaised combat that pokemon has dominated and continues to dominate. Palworld is just ARK with pokeballs slapped in,and it is infinitely better then what others have tried to be, because they are so afraid to actually change anything major about it.
You know Legends Arceus? One of the most popular modern pokemon games? How people were super exited for the trailers cause it showed the player ducking & weaving around pokemon's attacking,but then they showed that it was just the normal pokemon combat system of them just standing in place & waiting for each other to attack? Palworld feels like what Legends Arceus should have been.
That would definitely explain why it is the 2nd highest played game on steam & outsold legends Arceus within the first week.
I may love pokemon,but I can't fucking STAND how stale it's become,they refuse to make good games anymore because they both don't have the time to. and know that everyting they release will earn them millions, cause regardless of quality,we will all buy them anyway.
I'm so fucking tired, and Palworld gave me a breath of fresh air that I desperately needed.
So tldr: the pokemon company sucks and these are my favorite designs in palworld
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writingsofwesteros · 3 months
As the posh girl got up, she tries getting her wits about her. Did she really sleep with this guy just for revenge…. Ugh, she should be smarter than this! And the asshole finished inside. Didn’t wear a condom or ask about birth control or nothing
It’s fine, she can always get the pill, but she’s gotta get out before he wakes. Slowly standing and walking towards the door. She can make it. He wont notice so….
“Leaving so soon?”
He’s awake. Sitting up and grinning at her.
“I know I wasn’t that bad the way you squealed.”
Her clothes! She needs to get her clothes. But when she goes to reach for them he grabs her and pulls her back close to him. Damn it! Doesn’t he know who she is! He can’t just be pawing at her like this.
She tells him to let her go. She has places to be. He nips at her neck and cups her ass, pressing her closer. She can feel his cock… it’s fully hard.
“C’mon…. What’s a few more minutes? You filmed a whole video with me last night….. one more go won’t make a difference…”
And then she feels his cock slowly pushing into her. Just part of it. Slowly moving as if to tease her.
She tries not to whimper, and scowls at him instead. “You… wouldn’t understand but… some of us have reputations. I… have school. Not skipping for some nasty trailer park dick”
The second the words are out of her mouth, she knows she fucked up. Suddenly she’s pressed against the wall. And he isn’t taking it slow anymore. He pulls his cock out before completely shoving it back in. Hard. She gasps at the almost painful thrust.
She feels his hand holding her throat as he keeps her pressed there, no time to close her legs as his cock batters her insides like he’s trying to teach her a lesson. And he is.
“Stuck up little cunt… acting like you’re too good for any of us here all cuz your family thinks they’re hot shit.” He pinches her nipple and makes her cry out. “But I heard you moaning last night. You didn’t moan like that for your cheating man, did you?”
He thrusts hard again, and flips her onto the bed. Her legs hanging off, allowing him full access to her deepest parts from behind. Which he takes full advantage of. Smacking her arse hard and pulling her hair as he pushes further in, now completely balls deep.
“Nasty trailer park dick huh? That’s what you think? Cuz you sure are clenching around it like it’s the best you’ve had.”
The girl can hardly think now. She’s more than made a mistake. She can only claw at the sheets.
“Say it whore… if this is just nasty trailer park dick, then you’ve got a sloppy easy cunt that loves it raw and rough. Don’t you, stuck up whore”
He makes her say it. Makes her say she loves his cock. Writes things on her body. To remind her. Including his name. More specifically “property of Benjicoot Blackwood” right on her arse.
By the time he lets her go it’s late afternoon. She can only stumble out, pulling on her clothes as new cum leaks out of her. This is the last time… she’s not letting him do that again
He smirks as he watches her stumble away. This is far from the last time
The next time he sees her, he’s offering her a ride. It doesn’t take long for him to have her beneath him again. First in the car. Then taking her out and having her suck his cock behind it. He takes pictures and she tries to cover her face.
And then she ends up right back where she started. Squealing and begging as Ben fucks her raw in his room again.
She was going to lecture him about wearing a condom, or not finishing inside as much. But she’s too tired by the end. And eventually gives up and allows herself to spend the night.
Ben meanwhile updates Aegon, messaging him some of the pics and videos. Aegon congratulates him on the success. And tells him he just had a friend field test some new drugs recently. Really heightens the senses during sex. Jokes about giving him the “employee discount”
Ben might just take him up on that. Before, he was just a little horny. But now he wants to wreck this proud girl’s life and keep her for himself. And doing drugs while taking it raw from a guy in a trailer…. Now that’s a start
(anyone else want to move in there ;)
Ben really has revenge on his mind now; oh she is not going to be able to escape this.
She tries to be sorry as well, apologising but he only smirks. Oh she will be sorry, he thought to himself .
She cuddles into his bare chest now as his phone pings. Her exhaustion clear to see and it only has her more clingy
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demadogs · 2 years
hello loveliest person ever. would you consider no byler to be queerbait ?
hey bestie
if byler didnt happen i would genuinely believe that their intention was to go through with it but they dropped it or were told to drop it. because if its queerbait theyre literally doing it all wrong? the ultimate goal of baiting is to gain an audience from a selected community, in this case the queer community, by promoting the media as potential representation and yet they have done everything in their power to AVOID this with byler.
for starters the majority of queerbait is usually achieved in the marketing side of things. and yet there was ZERO joint press with noah and finn, where they could have promoted byler the most. almost all of their scenes are together but they deliberately separated them so there wasnt even a chance for spoilers about byler. that is not how you queerbait.
queerbaiting is supposed to be obvious. it shouldnt require elaborate theories, it should be thrown in our faces. this article shows a clip of a trailer from riverdale that includes a gay kiss. i think the kiss was just to distract the character, it wasnt intended to be romantic at all and yet they put it in the trailer? that was obviously for the goal of getting queer audiences more excited and more likely to watch this (absolutely fucking horrendous) show.
on the flip side!! theres also straight bait and again, aaaaalll in the marketing.
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i cant even believe these are real lmao.
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they did this for s3 too. theres a flash of this in the s3 trailer, which had lots of mlvn shippers thinking this was the season of nothing but love for them and yet el broke up with him in the second episode. we also get audio of mike saying “we’re not kids anymore” but no visuals that showed he was talking to will and definitely not the “its not my fault you dont like girls” line, which would have been such a clear opportunity to queerbait.
and s4 was very gay and they could have so easily grabbed a LOT of peoples attention and curiosity by adding some byler scenes in the trailer but there was nothing.
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could you imagine if they showed one of these in the trailer?? they had such a clear opportunity to queerbait and they didnt.
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the only thing they did include was this and i didnt even notice will the first time i watched it.
the only things we’ve seen in the marketing that relate to byler are from netflix accounts in other countries that loosely imply that they ship byler but thats literally it. and these accounts dont actually have any access to the writers room. theyre not implying or confirming anything theyre just trying to be relatable and a lot of people would relate to the post if they mention byler.
aside from them just avoiding the topic in the promotion for the show, theres also the fact that byler has inspired loads of in depth theories and analyses based on how they portray them in the show. the point of queerbaiting is to throw it in your face. “look a gay kiss! watch our show to see gay people!” the fact that we’re reading into shit like lighting, colors, music, framing, all this stuff that the ga doesnt read into is a big sign that their goal isnt queerbait. one time i got an anon that summed it up perfectly, “why would they queerbait only to gay film nerds?” and its so true.
queerbaiting should not have people thinking too hard. like the kiss in riverdale, its supposed to be shoved in our faces in order to actually achieve what theyre trying to do. not everybody has time or cares enough to read entire analyses on specific film choices, and because of that, they would be completely failing to bait people. the goal is to gain their audience and no one has been baited for this because it doesnt seem obvious that its actually going to happen.
because of all this if byler didnt happen i dont think queerbait would be the right word. itd be a whole different thing entirely and i would genuinely believe they were forced to not go through with it if it didnt happen. but i highly highly doubt that would ever happen. its netflix’s biggest show and they trust the duffers and its the last season so even if people dont like it its not like theyd lose money because people would stop watching. by then theyd already finished the whole show.
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busyfish · 1 year
i'm just journaling here so i'm going to just talk a lot under the cut
i cleaned the bird area and the cages and stuff tonight.
it's legitimately interesting to me to see like the areas of the cages where the birds are the most.
i know that ori's old cage is now the social area. they can all fit on the same perch in there. so like allll the poop is there. and the food area has some poop and obvi the food the falls to the floor.
the second cage is truly like the food area though. it seems to have near zero poops on the right side and only really a little poop near the food bowls. it is nearly just food that fell to the ground.
it's neat to be able to see the social habits of my birds just by cleaning after them.
it's a weird time for me.
it's 9 degrees right now and it's noticable that days are less bright too.
i feel like it's some-what better for me and i feel just a little lighter today even though i was so low energy i mostly just did bed all day.
i have been strongly and consistently depressed since June.
and when Ori died it made things so much worse.
and just July being July and me feeling like that was a time when my eyes got opened to something so hurtful, it just seems to like be "oh yeah it's time for that".
and of course being in the hospital recently.
right now i feel like i should be happier but i'm not.
the madoka movie trailer sort of got me off track of my like cycle i guess?
it's really like not something i want anymore.
it's not exactly just that i don't want to get over them or whatever.
i just feel like i can't.
i feel like i don't have much else to focus on when i feel lonely or i feel like i need some comfort and love and kind words or just someone telling me i'm cute and look pretty.
and it's not that i need the words. the words themselves are meaningless.
it's just having so much in common and feeling like we were kind of just meant for each and to be friends and on top of that having the words.
it's hard to replace that but also it's just hard knowing no one even really wants to replace that.
i'm not upset at anyone or anything like that but like no one really has time for me. we're at this point in life where everyone has their friends already, they have their busy lives, people work, most people function correctly.
i'm too much work and a hassle anyway.
i've really gotten into Kelly Moran lately.
she did a split with Prurient and i knew of her but didn't actually like look her up and like immerse myself into her works until very recently.
her regular piano stuff is cool but i wasn't aware she's a huge prepared paino composer.
which is juts amazing to me.
John Cage has always been a huge influence on me and when i heard that aphex twin album with all the prepared pieces on it i was like just in love in love.
it's something i've always wanted to do but never have had a lot of access to.
i've played prepared intrustments a bit but pianos are just so expensive and it takes a lot of work to prepare one properly.
one of these days maybe?
i have felt a lot of creativity inside of me lately.
there are things i want to express and perform and just geto ut of me.
but this depression i've been going through has juyst sucked the soul out of me and i find it hatrd.
i also just have gotten so fare rom like i guess, everything? i'm losing track of so many things now.
i forget to eat (because i don't get hungry) and i just don't take care as muic h as i should.
lately too my dyslexia has goten a lot worse nad also like dyspraxia has been hard to deal with,
there's also ust me having issues with words and stuff
there's just a huge like uh
i give up a lot of "necessary" congitive function to just pure survival but also i guess my mind sees and hears a lot of things that are expressive and creative instead.
and also just focusing on the liek special interest stuff.
so i feel like i am losing hte ability to keep myself like tangible to most people and it feels hard to me feral but also be like "please i need someone in my life"
i really do.
if only for a little bit.
just someone who can be there for me most days for just a little while.
keeup up with me and help me remember i am not lost.
i want to feel warmth and interest from someone.
i want to feel like i am a priorty and i matter al ot to them.
i don't know. it's asking a lot i guess.
people are either married or in romantic relationshops for that.
i'm never going to be married or have a romantic partner.
so i guess it's just not for me. i don't deserve those things.
but maybe once i get out of this depression i'll finish writing this thing i like a lot.
maybe i can draw it well enough too.
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softgrungeprophet · 1 year
i had these in the tags on the trailer for the new game but i'm putting them in a post instead it's just less obnoxious that way + some extra thoughts at the end
HELLO? SIR?? HELLO??? MR KRAVINOFF, oh he's so tall, this makes up for the twunky movie casting and the fact that i can't stand the gameplay for the tasm2 game where he's 9 feet tall (i want to play it but i just... can't do it... the menace system is not good...)
wait are they gonna let us go to queens?? or just cutscenes, i guess it could be like the raft stuff in the first game where you can't actually go there...
OH PETER GROSS I LOVE IT, I'M READY SIGN ME UP, oh the jaw… that's such a cool way to do symbiote spider-man actually though…. sleek but meaty
WAIT YOU GET TO PLAY AS MILES AND PETER BOTH AS SPIDEY???? not just the civilian stealth stuff anymore... i mean that makes sense but i never thought about it really.... ough...
oh that slingshot animation is chef kiss mwah beautiful
HE CAN FLY?! (*glide)
sidenote still love how slender miles is compared to peter it's a good detail, gangly teen vs grown man—i know literally everything with miles in it does this but it's just. good.
ooh webline trapeze… seeing lots of very good mechanics here…. ohh spooky… oh thank god it's the lizard i thought it was gonna be a dinosaur and was like, no... but it's not.
miles has some realllllly nice animations very slick
i'm sorry i cannot help laughing at peter's hoarse voice. is that supposed to be evil venom influence??? lmao? it sounds goofy. just let him talk and put him through a vocoder or whatever it is they use for that stuff. voice modulation. like a turian. or glados. i guess the buzzing speech for turians is less #badass than Mr. I'm Trying Really Hard To Sound Gravely But I Mostly Sound Like I Have a Cold (which, it IS a parasite...) but I will say that my headcanon voice sound for Agent Venom IS literally just Garrus LMAO
Peter here sounds like what i'd expect from swine flu grim hunt peter 😂
oh this lizard section is giving me flashbacks to the arkham asylum sewer section… 😩 that shit was so tedious but this looks much faster and less drawn out esp if 2 includes the accessibility features from the previous game(s)
that "he's got sharp teeth" > *dark voice* ''so do i…'' LMAO I'M SORRY i like dark peter and I like symbiote spider-man in theory but it's just so.......... i cannot take it seriously..... it's the fake gravelly voice.... the knowledge that i just KNOW they're working from the "symbiote makes you bad" angle even though peter is just like that....
''he's never like that'' BULLSHIT HE ISN'T this is propaganda ugh but it's whatever, this is what i expected anyway, every media tries to push that peter is innately good anyway, even the comics that are actually in-character, so it really could go either way as far as peter's levels of goody-two-shoes-ness...
i'm excited regardless of the fact that it's probably going to be very par for the course as far as venom is concerned, even though the most the symbiote ever really did with peter was like... make him stay up all night... like... c'mon it doesn't change your entire personality, it mostly just makes your emotions less stable... the rage has to be there in the first place to be emphasized... granted i guess miles would not know peter's angry dark side ideally since peter should generally be a good teacher who is purposefully gentle but it IS still a lie to say that peter isn't like that tbh... like as corny as "so do I..." is it's like. Peter WOULD just say that even without a symbiote. like. he would. it just wouldn't have a long lingering dramatic camera shot—i think that's part of what's making it funny for me. it feels like parts of the gameplay trailer are slightly too protracted, where if they were just a little bit snappier, a little bit briefer and more to the point, with less waiting for quips/jokes, it would feel much tighter and a little bit less funny (though his gravelly voice is still just kind of inherently amusing to me)
hopefully the venom plot doesn't suck ass, i AM excited to use peter's nasty symbiote tentacles, that shit looks extremely fun and i love the weird organic look on the suit... appreciate that it's still glossy and slick, and very straightforwardly patterned in black and white while also being fleshy, cause the texture was kind of my least favorite aspect of movie venom personally, so i like this look... it's not as sleek as some designs (which i personally tend to favor) but i really do like the way the jawline appears to be worked into the "mask" and the way it kind of melds musculature and "clothing" together.
the real question is 1) will they force me to look at the "remastered" face for Peter and 2) if so will this game come out on PC, when, because I would rather not look at that face.
(also because I don't have a ps5 and will not be able to acquire one any time soon unless i suddenly come into a helluva lot of money)
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modern-inheritance · 2 years
Vivid dreams about the future Eragon tv show
I had extremely vivid long dreams last night but the thing is it was me having vivid dreams, waking up in them, writing a tumblr post about what the dream was, realizing the dream was a vivid dream, then going back to sleep in the dream to dream more of the vivid dream I had dreamed within the dream and I…I don’t know what’s real anymore.
The dream inside the dream was that a trailer for the Disney+ Eragon show came out and it was bad. And then woke up to take my dog out but made sure I was holding her collar because I felt like my roommate’s cats had escaped and one of them had, so I scooped him up (it was Jack, which should have tipped me off because Jack HATES being picked up) and put him in a dog crate and put Gabe in a dog crate too because they kept getting out.
I guess I sat down in front of a tv at a combination of Nancy’s house (much older friend. I only say her house because her husband/partner was there) and Mama Cathy’s house and the new Eragon show was on the tv.
And oh man it was BAD. Like it was weird as all hell and BAD. Half the time elves didn’t have pointed ears, which I later griped to Mama about because I said it was something we hated in the movie. Eragon looked like a brown haired but less strong jawed Ed Spellers or however his name was, Islanzadi was bald for some reason? Like got her head reshaved in the dream? Durza had some dope tattoos on his face Ngl. 
Speaking of faces that was some pandemic in the elves where the first born male of the houses got sick and would die and for some reason we learned this by an elf in a crowd protesting another elf’s imprisonment at Gil’ead got shot in the chest with an arrow and  Arya and Faolin and/or Glenwing saw a message on the arrow that they had killed him twice now, which caused some confusion but when they peeled his hood away from the side of his face there were like...teeth and an extra lipless mouth in his cheek that he apparently had not been aware of and freaked out about. Which was apparently some part of the disease? It was all very Doomsday (2008 movie) and had elements of the tv show version of The Last Ship I think.
Anyway, I think there was some plot with like...a serial killer? Eragon didn’t find Saphira’s egg, he found a...large duck plushie? sorta thing? maybe? And oh there were these murders and wait, American Dad! made its way into this one so I won’t go into it. There was a snackbar subplot here too, but it was I think when I was ‘awake’ in the dream. I wanted to buy some Sour Patch Kids, Spree and something else, but the person didn’t understand me and tried to charge me for 73 margaritas that someone else had ordered. I flipped out, the other person paid for their stuff, but then they were packing up the snackbar and I forced them to let me buy the candy. Three packs of candy that totaled $15, which honestly would not have tipped me off to vivid dreaming because that’s like...marching band competition/movie theatre prices and I thought I was at some sort of band competition. 
ANYWAY, back to the Eragon stuff. I kept thinking that the new show was out, so I wrote a long tumblr post about it complaining about everything, pointing out how at the stuff that they gave us for the show made the movie look good in comparison because it actually followed some semblance of the book’s plot. 
Then I realized that I must have been vivid dreaming, so, I added that at the end of the post so that people wouldn’t think I got early access or something, and went about my business. Still saw parts of the show and kept reminding myself that I was vivid dreaming it, but would still add to the post. 
Well I eventually fully woke up and realized ALL of that was a vivid dream. I had a vivid dream about vivid dreaming within my vivid dream. Multiple iterations. Which somehow combined everything I had interacted with or talked about the previous day: I talked to both Nancy and Cathy via text, I’m currently catsitting for my roommate and terrified they’re gonna get out because they know how to open the inner door, I watched American Dad! yesterday, I listened to a few serial killer vids from Lazy Masquerade last night, I saw sour candies in the cupboard but refrained from eating them, I read the wikipedia plot summary for The Last Ship, Islanzadi’s shaved head was probably referencing all the commercials for the new Black Panther movie, etc. And the whole Eragon thing tying it together is probably because I spent yesterday collecting all my copies of the Eragon games. 
So yeah. 
The problem now though is that I think I got up in real life and took my morning meds when my alarm first went off, and then went back to sleep. But uh...I have no idea what the hell to trust. Fun times.
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Exciting Developments In Paldea!
The air quality this week was completely UNBEARABLE. I don’t think anyone could have survived it without going through some pain. (Either physically or mentally.) And because the air was unbreathable, I was stuck playing Pokémon Violet Version.
Thankfully, I managed to have a lot of fun in the game world!
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I’ve finally got my mojo back!
I know I said that I wouldn’t take on Ranked Battles anymore. But this seemed like the easiest way to get into battles without having to deal with players who don’t want to play by the new rules.
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And it’s not like it’s a bad thing. The more I battle, the more League Points I get to spend on items that can improve my Pokémon!
After I got my LP, I went back to the academy to hand my report to Geeta.
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If only I had the time to read everything here...
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And it only took you until NOW to think that?
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In all honesty, I barely sleep here. There’s already a few Pokémon Centers across town I have more access to. (Not to mention, I’ve been slacking off on my classes...)
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I guess this could be useful.
Once she left, I was forced to go to sleep. After a full week (or a good night’s sleep), the day of the Academy Ace Tournament finally arrived.
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It’s been a while since I’ve done anything big. This tournament isn’t a Battle Tower, but it’ll have to do.
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Good. That’s too bad...
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That’s it? I was hoping for something more strict like, “No two Pokémon can be of the same species or hold the same items.” Or “Special Pokémon are banned from entry.”
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After all this time, the Academy Ace Tournament has finally arrived! You can see all of the matches on the Web Stadium.
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You’ll get used to parenthood eventually.
Also, I guess this counts as the mandatory “Battle with the country’s researchers.”
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Trust me, if I were a teacher, art and character design would be my profession.
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Hopefully, he doesn’t get fired.
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How is she supposed to be a special guest? Standing around in the academy’s main hall must’ve given her SOME attention.
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Was there ever any doubt?
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That’s probably because I had more powerful Pokémon on me this time.
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How thoughtful! A hat that I’ll never wear.
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At least we managed to win another more notable prize. (I love how the trailers for the Galar and Paldea Champion Ribbons are colored after the versions they appear in.)
Even with the new fighting experience and prizes, not all went well that night...
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So it only took until after that tournament for them to start appearing in my cartridge?
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That’s why you should ALWAYS use the buddy system and go into these raids with a team that can ACTUALLY stand a chance.
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cutman87 · 2 years
Like a switch had been flipped, the set roared with activity. Mechaniloids swept up broken glass, cigarettes were placed into expectant fingers, and the stunt double's holographic projection shut off, revealing his physical form.
A reploid built for copying the look of others and taking a beating, Ryda had a streamlined, simple design. He looked more like a racecar than anything else, blue with white stripes and pointed "ears" with a handle-like spoiler connecting the two.
Ryda put on his shades, a gaudy pair with designer logos on either side. His entry pass and ID both hung on a lanyard around his neck, which he slapped onto an access pad on the side of a trailer.
God, that was a drag of a shoot, he thought to himself as he walked in. Two other reploids were inside, one recharging, one idly browsing through scripts on a projected screen.
"Ryot, are you done shooting for the day?"
He turned towards the copywriter. "What do you think, Philos? I just put on my sunglasses to rake a quick E-Tank break?" He grabbed an E-Tank off of the table to punctuate. "Everyone out there is smoking just for fun? Yeah, sure, the tobacco smoke looks great on screen, man." He took a swig. "As I said before, it's Ryda. Ryot's a formality."
Philos frowned, tapping a button. The screen flicked off, and he stood up. "Ryda," he drawled, "you need to fix your attitude, or they'll call the Hunters on your ass."
This earned a guffaw out of the blue reploid. "As if." He sat down. "I'm an actor. I'm necessary. Not to mention -" he took a long sip from the Tank. "-I'm not a Maverick. I may be a dick, but I'm not a Maverick."
The trailer grew tense, silent aside from the low hum of the recharge pod, and Philos huffed as he turned back around to his work.
Laughter bubbled through the night air as Ryda walked alongside the line of trailers. He liked taking these walks during the more humid, hot nights, as the moisture helped his armor shine.
"...and, and, isn't there - isn't there more in our reserves?"
His attention turned to one of the only active trailers, the silhouette of two men blocking out a warm yellow light.
Ah, they're drinking.
Ryda slowly walked closer, listening in on the conversation. While one man talked, another was loudly laughing, so the reploid had to listen hard.
"That scene with - with the stunt double, did you see the way that rogue Mechaniloid threw him like a doll? Hilarious!"
He frowned. Hilarious? Ryda thought he looked heroic.
The other man replied, "Seriously! If it weren't for your screenplay, I'd have sworn this was a comedy." They burst into laughter. Ryda quickly realized the two men were the director and the screenwriter. He sneered.
"Roll up the window, Dave, the table's getting cluttered." The window slid open, and several bottles of alcohol were tossed out, shattering on the gravel near Ryda's feet. His fists clenched at their arrogance.
Not only that, but he was jealous.
So, so jealous. He could sense the booze in the air, his fuel inhibitors buzzing slightly at the sheer density of ethanol.
Forget it.
He tore at the lanyard on his neck, dropping it in the pile of glass as he stormed out of the filmset. He didn't care anymore. He wasn't going to be treated like a setpiece anymore. He'd he his own damned reploid, whether it cost him his dignity or not.
Rainbow lights speckled the black market workshop as Thessie worked. Her beak clicked as she surveyed the set of modchips in her inventory, checking the count for the third time. Hundreds of illegal modchips were spread across the table, organized by form, feature, and function.
The amount of potential Zenny on the table was unfathomable.
"This should be good for a nice, long, while," the Peacock reploid remarked, a smile spreading on her face. "Enough to pay for rent, legal fees, angel funds, and a few hundred thousand to spare." She sat down, kicking up her boots as she prepared to remove her gloves. "Maybe I'll invest in that new development project in--"
She squawked in surprise. "What?!"
In stormed Ryda, sweeping aside the beaded curtain to bother Thessian Peacock.
"Get rid of my holo chip, Thessian," Ryda said, bluntly. Thessie went lax, interlocking her gloved fingers. "No, Ryda. You're being impulsive, dear. You've asked me to do this four times, now."
He quivered. "I'm full up on energy, Thess. I'm well. I'm here. Get rid of it." The peacock reploid thumbed her beak. "I mean, don't you still have your job? How would you be a stunt double reploid without your ability to double, dearie?"
"I quit."
She blinked. "Hmm? Come again?"
Ryda stepped forward, tapping his side gem, the blue circle glowing as he pulled from his storage. "I. Quit. The studio. Get rid. Of. My chip."
Staggeringly large bills of Zenny were placed on the table. "Love, this is..." She counted quickly. "I'm not complaining, but you do know, this is over double the-"
"I also want a chip. Alcohol receptor."
This made Thessian hiss. "Absolutely not. Especially you, Ryda. You're impulsive, you're obsessive, not to mention the chips going around right now are prototypes. I won't-"
Even more Zenny were placed onto the table, and Thessian Peacock assessed her options, a morality protocol checklist running in the background.
Is he at risk for Mavericism? Not really, from her knowledge, and even if he were, he's got no combat abilities.
"Fine. Lie down and open your primary access panel. You'll be awake tomorrow morning if that's alright."
Ryda laid down, popped open his access panel, and before he knew it, the sleep trigger was poked, the blue reploid falling into a deep sleep.
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thedaredevilsgirl · 3 years
This Costume
Announcements: Smut (oral - fem! receiving)
Word count: 840
A/N: I know that technically we don't really have anything confirmed about him being in No Way Home yet, and that I usually post for Holland & Co, but my crush on Andrew Garfield came back strongly after I watched "Tick Tick...Boom!" And I simply had to write about him. I hope you all enjoy it even though it's something different than usual. (I wrote this in a hurry during a boring math class so it may not be very good and contain some mistakes)
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The trailer door opens and your attention is quickly turned to your boyfriend dressed as Spider-Man, he takes off his mask and smiles at you.
"How was the recording today?" You ask getting up from where you were sitting and moving toward him to leave a kiss on his lips.
"Complicated, but fun" he says in a confused way that makes you laugh "We are having to wear a black overcoat and hoodie when we are not recording so no one will know we are on set, hiding seems like the worst part, but when everyone watches the movie it will be worth it" he explains quickly.
"I'm sure it will" he smiles at my answer before pulling me in for a real kiss.
"I've missed you all day" he whispers against my lips.
"Me too, it's boring here without you."
He releases me for a brief moment and walks over to the mirror in his trailer, Andrew looks at me through the reflection with a smile and confused look on his face.
"What is it?" he asks noticing the way I was looking at him
"Can I admit a secret to you?" He nods and even a little shy you start to explain yourself "I kinda had a crush on you as Spiderman" you try not to blush at that statement but it was impossible.
"What?" he turns around and faces you while laughing a little "Really?"
"Yes, very serious" you admit "I mean, you looked so gorgeous and hot in that costume, it was hard not to be a little bit in love" you move closer to Andrew touching his shoulder and letting fingers make light circular motions in that area.
"Why didn't you ever tell me this?"
"When we met you didn't play him anymore so I thought this would be kind of weird, but..." you let your eyes admire him from head to toe and sigh at how that outfit managed to make him even more beautiful "but seeing you like this is awakening old desires that I didn't even remember I had."
You laugh to yourself but Andrew stands with his arms crossed in front of his body and staring at you in a serious way.
"I'm sorry, I knew I shouldn't have said that" you try to explain yourself "I knew it would be weird..." He interrupts you as he pulls you closer to him and kisses your lips with strength and desire.
"So you mean my beautiful girlfriend" he leaves a kiss on your cheek "You like to see me dressed as Spiderman" he gives a longer kiss on your neck leaving a light bite before pulling away "And you have old desires with me?" He asks looking into her eyes.
"That's exactly right" she replies sighing as she feels his touch.
He makes her sit on the make up counter and fits between her legs while his hands still covered by the costume enter her skirt.
"You should have told me this before, we would have had a lot of fun"
"Well, I just told you, so...why don't we have fun now?"
"That's my plan honey" he smiles mischievously before leaning in to kiss her again.
His hands were still inside her skirt, he moves them slowly up her thighs, his fingers caressing her skin and giving her goosebumps anywhere he touched her.
Andrew finally reaches your panties and removes them from your body quickly before kneeling before you.
"You're going to have to be very still honey, we don't want the whole Sept to find out how desperate you are for me" That's all he says before his mouth touches you.
You sigh as you feel the first touch of his tongue on your intimacy, only superficially the first few times before he places your clit between his lips.
He places one of your legs over his shoulder to get more access to you and deepen his touches even more.
"Andrew please" You plead pulling your hair and making it messier than it always was "I need more".
At some point he had taken the gloves off his suit and now he was touching you without any pesky fabric getting in his way.
"You want more baby?" He asks wryly before he penetrates two of his fingers inside you, your back arches with pleasure and you feel like you're falling apart "Is that good enough for you?" you can only answer him with a groan.
His mouth soon goes back to work along with his hand, his tongue teasing your clit slowly with circular motions and his fingers striking your g-spot several times in a row without any pause.
"An...Andrew, I'm close" you sigh.
"Come for me" he whispers before hitting your point one more time.
You feel your body relax and you think you might pass out from ecstasy at any second, Andrew holds your body keeping you safe and keeping you from falling.
"Let's go home honey" he gives you a small kiss "Iwill fulfill all your wishes tonight".
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eddiemunsonboyf · 2 years
eddie x top m reader ? pls im obsessed with him
Eddie munson x top!male reader 18+
Warnings: SMUT-top!reader-bottom!eddie-cursing-hair pulling-dirty talk-slight dacryphilia-no prep-anal-no protection-praises-overstimulation-reader calls Eddie pretty-needy Eddie-I think that’s all
A/N: This is my first full on smut that I have written so hopefully it’s good.
A/N : this supposed to be posted a while ago but I forgot it was it my drafts just waiting. I apologize for that
Before continuing everything I write is full consensual
Heavy rain poured onto the metal top of the trailer. Continuous thunder rolled and lightning lit up the room. To be fully honest the bad storm was the last thing on your mind. The main thing on your mind was your whimpering boyfriend sitting on your lap. Your hands were planted on his waist controlling how fast and hard he grind onto you. His hair tickled your neck and bare shoulders as he buried his head there. You knew the night would end like this from the moment you walked through his door. He was fully at your hip following you around like a lost puppy. Everything was followed by the biggest puppy dog eyes. You couldn’t resist them and he knew it too
“Please” He said breathless as he raised his head off of your shoulder. You couldn’t but to grinned. You hands stopped his hips from moving. “Please” He repeated a bit louder wondering if you didn’t hear him due to the storm”
“What are you begging for?What you want” Your hands moved from his waist to the belt loops of his jeans. You twisted and played with them. “Fuck me”He said grabbing your hands and holding them. You pressed your lips to his but it wasn’t long before you pulled away “Get undressed and get on the bed”
He immediately gotten off of you and gotten rid of his jeans and boxers. You did the same thing as he laid on the bed. You climbed onto of him. Sweet smiles were shared between you two before you leaned down meeting his lips. Your lips moved down to his neck. You kept switching between soft kisses and biting down on his neck. One of your hands reached down to touch his cock. He let out a gasp at the contact
“You really did almost came your pants” You joked as you reached for the lube. He clicked his teeth at your remark “You should look at yourself” He gave you his signature smirk. You shot him a bird making him smile“Do you want prepping?” He shook his head quickly. “I just want to feel you already” You nodded as took you his thighs and positioned his thighs to give you access to him. You quickly grabbed the lube squirting some on your cock and on a finger to circle his hole with.
“Wait” Eddie stopped you before you enter him. “Can I ride you”
“Fuck yes , you didn’t even have to ask” You quickly moved to where your back was against the headboard. Your hands instinctively found his body as he positioned himself on top of you. He didn’t waste anytime grabbing your cock and positioning it at his entrance. He slowly winked onto you letting out a grunt in the process “Don’t rush baby. You can take it slow”. He went down halfway before stopping. You sat your body up more to press your lips to his. Your tongue danced with his for a moment before he pulled away placing his head against yours.
He sinked down the rest of the way. You were completely inside of him. He didn’t let anymore seconds go by before he started moving moving up and down on your cock. The room quickly was filled with lewd noises. “Fuck” Eddie gasped. “You always fill me up s- oh fuck“ Your hand grabbed his cock stroking it in rhythm of him bouncing. The feeling of you hand along with your cock completely interrupted his thoughts
“You close baby? You going to cum already? I just gotten inside you.” He just nodded his head unable to think properly. His loud moans getting louder as he bounced on you faster. He was chasing his release. You inside him and jerking him off made him want it even more“You feel so good around me pretty boy. It makes me just want to flip you over and fuck you into the mattress. You wouldn’t like that would you.” You felt his thighs start quiver at you words. His cock was twitching in you hand signaling he was about to let you. Your hands grabbed his hips stopping his movements. He looked looked at you pleadingly and completely breathless You could edged him till he cries or you could fuck him till he cries. You decided the second one. You started to buck your hips upwards. His and yours hips meeting half way with each other’s. “Come on let go. Cum for me.” Your words were like a lighter to him. All it took was your words to set him off. His mouth fell into a “o” shape. His deep brown eyes rolled to the back of his head as thick white ropes of cum covered your stomach and some on his as well. You fucked him through his high.
When he started to come down from his high, you moved his body so he was faced down and ass up on the bed. Your hands gripped his waist tightly as you fucked yourself into him. You could hear his muffled moans as you fucked him. His face buried into the mattress. His hands gripping onto whatever he can reach. Your high was sneaking onto you. You needed to hear him. You leaned over his body. You gripped his hair back pulling him up so his back was against your chest. He whimpered at your harshness. He loved it. He loves how sweet you can be one second and be completely different the next.
“I want to hear you.” You commanded into his ear. Your hips went faster trying to finally reach your high. His crying and whimpering were music to your eyes. “Fuck you’re so tight.”
“Cum in me. I wanna feel it.” You smiled and pressed a kiss onto his back. It was only a few more thrust before you coil started to snap.
“Are you close again baby?I want you to cum again” He mumbled something incoherent as he nodded his head. You reached and wrapped you hand around his cock. Stroking him again. Your legs begin to shake “ Fuck I’m cumming.” The feeling of your cum coating his walls and you riding out your high triggered his second orgasm.
You leaned against him for a bit. Y’all both getting air into y’all’s lungs. Eddie wiggled from you laying down on his back. You smiled at his fucked out look. His face red and his hair sticking to him due to the sweat. You crawled over him pressing kisses all over him. “I hope you aren’t tired. We aren’t done. I wanna make you cry of pleasure.”
He gave you his famous grin “Do your worst baby. I’ll never get tired of you.” You bit the based of his neck before shimmied down his body. It will be a long stormy night ahead
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spnczr · 2 years
𝐂𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐀𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 || Eddie Munson
pairing: Eddie Munson x gn!reader
sypnosis: Y/n is doing Eddie's eyeliner before his Hellfire Meeting. He couldn't help but stare.
warning(s): it gets a tiny bit steamy ig??
new writing blog: @mukbee
shoutout to @1tsedi for proofreading!!
Eddie Munson did not expect to have his best friend sitting in his lap a half-hour before he had to leave. He had another Hellfire Club meeting that night and he was stoked, but the feeling of Y/n’s hand holding his head in place while the other carefully lined his eye in eyeliner was taking up all his attention at the moment.
Their eyes were focused on his face and he was focused on theirs, taking in every little detail about it he could. He lined the curves of their face with his eyes, tracing every crevice and fold. The way their eyelashes hit their face when they blinked and how the lights of his trailer made their eyes glisten. He couldn’t get enough.
“You’re starting,” Y/n calmly pointed out as they pulled away the eyeliner pencil, looking over their work.
Eddie smirked slightly, “I mean, you are sitting in my lap doing my eyeliner. Isn’t much else to look at.”
Y/n gave him a half-smile as they delicately placed their hand on his face once again, turning it to the side so they could get better access. At this point, Y/n's fingers felt hot against his skin. Eddie knew he shouldn't feel the way he should. He shouldn't be attracted to his best friend who is sitting in his lap and holding his face mere inches away from theirs.
The thought came with so many risks; he didn't want to destroy their 11 years of friendship over a stupidly small crush. At least, he wanted it to be small.
He wasn't so sure anymore with how many times his lips lowered to theirs, taking in the way they slightly chewed on them while focusing.
He wondered how they would feel against his lips, the two merging perfectly like pieces of a puzzle. He had been so lost in thought he hadn't even noticed they had stopped.
"Eddie you're staring again," They whispered to him. It hadn't taken long for them to notice where he had been staring and the thought made their face feel hot, their breath hitching in their throat when he responded.
"Can't help myself," His voice was low as his eyes trailed up to meet theirs, taking notice of the slight flutter of their lashes. "I could look at you forever."
Y/n chuckled breathlessly at his comment.
Their hands moved from their spot on his neck to his shoulders. They felt their body heat up when his hands that were previously sitting on the couch moved to their hips.
Subconsciously the two moved closer, and now they could feel each other's heated breaths. Their lips were so close Eddie swore he could feel them just gently brushing against his, and his breathing picked up the pace. "Y/n please," He whined, a single hand of his moving to the side of their face. "Kiss me."
"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Y/n asked as they softly trailed their hands up to the sides of Eddie's face, their cold metal rings making him shiver.
Eddie shook his head with a chuckle, "We'll never know unless we try."
Y/n kissed him then, finally closing the extremely tiny gap between them. It was a gentle kiss. There was no roughness, just passion.
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