#like !!! can you imagine 🔥🔥🔥
natasha-in-space · 4 months
Hello Mia! I would really like to read a headcanon with suit saeran where he gets very jealous to see how he would react, please!!
"...I don't like them all ogling you."
Saeran's voice was a strange combination of a growl and a grumble, not nearly as loud and boisterous as you would usually anticipate from him. If you had not been standing just inches away from him, you would have been unable to hear him at all. Not with all the muffled chatter and music flowing throughout the vast ballroom and sneaking its way into your every sense. When you looked over at him, his face was turned away from you, his bangs framing his delicate facial features in a way that highly limited your vision from your current spot. However, the way he crossed his arms tightly over his chest was a clear indicator of his sour mood.
Which was... rather ironic, considering your circumstances.
A ball was not what you would expect to see in this place. Nevertheless, that's the closest term you could come up with to describe the odd event you were obligated to attend. Soft classical music was filling the large space you were all cooped up in. Shiny marble floors so clean you could see your own reflection in them staring back at you with all the confusion and unease that's been plaguing you for the entire duration of this odd get-together. Fancy suits and dresses twirling around the spacious room in an elegant, practiced fashion that looked almost fake to the eye. As if those were just dolls gliding about, under the mere pretense of being fellow human beings. All of it was as beautiful as it was uncomfortable, in a very subtle, anxiety-inducing way. You couldn't quite understand the importance or meaning of it all, but you weren't in the position to ask any questions in the first place.
You definitely wouldn't expect to see a ball, of all things, unfolding in this place. Nevertheless, that's the closest term you could come up with to describe the peculiar event you were obligated to attend. Soft classical music was filling the large space you were all cooped up in. Shiny marble floors so clean, you could see your own reflection in them staring back at you with all the confusion and unease that's been plaguing you for the entire duration of this odd get-together. The fanciest of suits and dresses twirled around the spacious room with elegance and ease that looked almost fake to the eye. As if those were just winded up dolls gliding around, only pretending to be alive human beings. All of it was as beautiful as it was also uncomfortable, in a very subtle, anxiety-inducing way. You couldn't quite understand the importance or meaning of it all, but you weren't in the position to ask any questions in the first place.
Saeran suddenly entered your room a few hours earlier without any warning - not that he would ever give you any - threw some clothing on your face, and demanded that you get dressed right away. He only left you alone for your privacy once you directly expressed the need for it. And you were pretty sure you could see a hint of red flush across his face as he stomped back out into the corridor, grumbling under his breath something about you having some nerve to order him around like that.
This man was a mystery that you still had to solve, it's certain.
It wasn't a surprise that the outfit he gave you was black. Despite this, it was still a noticeable contrast to Ray's undeniable preference for soft, pastel tones that would always complement the pinks and whites scattered all throughout your room. Saeran's choice, on the other hand, was a bold one. Standing out so sharply among the softer shades of your environment, instantly bringing your attention to its deep black hue, pulling you in. Nevertheless, it possessed both a stylish and formal appearance to it. The fabric was both thick and smooth to the touch, and the color gave it a sense of poise and elegance when you slipped into it. It was rather pretty once you did put it on and looked at yourself in the mirror. The outfit fit snuggly around your hips, hugging you in all the right places and exaggerating your figure in a way that left very little to imagination, but still maintained a subtle sense of humility to it nonetheless. Ray's tastes were quite different from this, with soft fabrics flowing freely all around you, almost drowning you in the light frills and lace. Saeran chose the opposite, whether it was intentional on his part or not.
Though, what was rather surprising to you is... the cut. Specifically, in the chest area. It wasn't anything straight out vulgar, but... well, denying that the neckline was of the lower variety would be rather stupid of you. Despite everything, you were very fond of how it looked on you. It fit you perfectly, and you certainly felt quite attractive as you looked over your own reflection thoughtfully. But it still made you think and ponder. The plunging neckline exposed a lot of skin, especially around your collarbones and teasing just the slightest of glances at your chest.
You contemplated whether it was intentional on Saeran's part or not. However, this would be a rather strange outfit for any normal believer. But you doubted you would get any earnest answers from him. And if he did choose this outfit specifically for you, he would never admit that, anyways. Over his own dead body, maybe. Still, the thought made you laugh to yourself.
Either way, Saeran's reaction once he did see you was... rather stilted, surprisingly. So far, he hasn't said anything to you much all throughout the night. It would have been less polarizing for you if he didn't talk your ears off whenever he entered your room to fill his boredom. Saeran was many things, but quiet wasn't one of them. Actually, he barely even looked at you. Besides the initial wide-eyed look he gave you when you first left your room, that is. For the past few hours you have been here, his face has been stubbornly turned away from you. Yet, he refused to let you wander off on your own either, always barking at you to stick close and grabbing at your arm to drag you after him whenever he needed to get somewhere.
It goes without saying that his gruff comment left you feeling rather bewildered. You looked around the ballroom again, trying to determine who specifically was 'ogling' you, as he seemed to say with such certainty. And aside from the occasional glances in your general direction, you didn't catch on to much. And, anyways, isn't it natural for people to look your way sometimes when you're at a party? Then again, Saeran seemed to lack any experience in parties.
"I... don't think anyone is paying much attention to me, Saeran," you acknowledged, peering over at him with a slightly raised brow, attempting to gauge his response. He puffed out his cheeks and tightened his arms around his chest, indicating that he did not really like your answer.
What was his deal today?
"Uh-huh. Sure," Now he sounded downright sarcastic and even a bit angry. This man's mood swings were incredible, that's for sure. He gave you a quick glance that seemed almost offended. Thus, only confusing you further, "I'm sure you are just ecstatic to finally get out of your room and have everyone staring you down like the prince/ss you are. Makes you feel all high and mighty to get all the attention, doesn't it? So much better than dealing with me, is it not?"
Well, now he has completely lost you. He was annoyed, that was clear, but why or what exactly did you have to do with it was way beyond your understanding. It's not like you even came here on your own volition. He was the one who dragged you out here without as much as asking you or informing you of anything beforehand. And now he's being all petty and even insulting you for that?
"With all due respect, Saeran, I have no idea what you are talking about. No one is staring at me, and it's not like I even had a choice on whether or not I should attend... whatever this is," you gesture around the ballroom briefly, your eyes squinting slightly because of the bright lights coming down from the shiny chandeliers above. Frankly, if you had a choice, you would rather stay in your room. Being around this many people you didn't know made you far too nervous for your liking. So him acting so accusatory with you for nothing did get on your nerves a bit.
After all, you may be patient and on the quieter side of things, but that doesn't mean you would let him unfairly disrespect you like that. If it came to it, you could stand up for yourself just fine, and he wouldn't get any confrontational response from you, either.
In a way, it almost felt like dealing with a needlessly snarling cat.
A low grumble rumbled deep in his throat, almost like a growl of sorts, but it seemed like he was much more subdued in his behavior at this event. It's possible that he didn't want to create a scene in front of everyone. Or, in front of someone specific in particular. Either way, the cold glare he shot your way could probably turn you into stone if he had the ability to do so. You remained calm and quiet despite his unspoken threat, meeting his stare with a calm and quiet demeanor. You weren't about to get angry and petty with him in return, but entertaining his blatant disrespect that seemed more like he was just dumping his sour mood onto you was not something you would just shut up and take, either.
You had respect for both Saeran and yourself.
For a long time, the two of you just stared into each other's eyes without moving or speaking. A scene that probably looked rather bizarre from an outsider's perspective, now that you thought about it. Especially with how increasingly irritated Saeran looked, wordlessly seething at your refusal to back down under his intimidating presence. While also not giving him a chance to lash out at you fairly, since you weren't doing anything hostile or outright disrespectful. From time to time, you seriously contemplated whether he actually wanted you to snap back at him for any reason or another. Well, whatever that reason may be, you were not about to satisfy those desires of his.
Eventually, his gaze lowered before yours does, traveling down your body, and you realized that he was, in fact, now staring at your chest. A notion that felt both bizarre and flustering in a way that made your heart skip a beat and your cheeks heat up significantly. But, you remained still. Mostly out of pride. Or maybe you had a deep sense of curiosity, wanting to see where this will lead you. It was Saeran who first backed off, which was unusual. You saw his throat bob up and down as he swallowed and took a step back from you, once again, turning away from you. For the countless time today.
You began to think that he was intentionally doing this.
"...You could have put on a jacket with that, you know," he muttered rapidly in your general direction without actually focusing on you. Then, he cleared his throat awkwardly, his hand tugging at his collar a bit, in a way that looked like he was merely adjusting it for more comfort. Only, you never saw him fiddling with his collar like that before. No matter how much of a tight fit on him it was.
That was when it dawned on you.
You glanced down at yourself, examining your outfit from your own perspective. Certainly, it was quite revealing. But definitely nothing extreme. However, it was, undeniably, the most amount of skin you've shown in front of him so far.
...Was he embarrassed, perhaps?
The idea seemed amusing to you. And, for some reason, his more reserved demeanor tonight gave you a small boost of confidence you don't usually possess around him.
"-Why? You told me to put it on, so I did as you asked. I figured you wouldn't like me putting my own spin on it," you smiled, leaning slightly closer to him, in a way that would let you lightly touch his arm. And the small shiver his body gave out in response to your action was one that did not escape your watchful eye, "You did say I have bad taste in clothes. Doesn't it satisfy you to see me following your orders with no issue?"
He tightened his jaw, giving you another pointed glare. He was even more furious than before when you called him out like that: "Don't put words into my mouth, toy."
Despite it sounding like a warning, it was a warning you intentionally ignored.
"I thought you wanted an obedient toy, no?"
Your jab seemed to be causing him to snap. He grabbed your elbow and started to drag you away from the bright lights and happy chatter you were bothered by beforehand, without giving you a chance to react. All you could do was yeep from surprise and stumble after him, though you did not try to put up a fight regardless. In fact, you found yourself... grinning ever so slightly as you followed him along, the flutter in your chest increasing in its intensity and making your legs feel lighter with every step you took. In a way, you obtained what you desired. A break from all the randevu you were desperate to escape from.
And maybe you were really a bit weird.
Suddenly, you're in a dimly lit hallway, your back pressing against the wall, and Saeran's breath warming up your cheeks from his hypnotic proximity. The party's muffled sounds reach you just over the door, but they feel like they're so far away at the same time. The party is the last thing you thought about when those cat-like mint irises of his were boring into yours inches away from you, making you want to drown in their alluring hue without a second thought.
"-Oh, so now you're suddenly all quiet," Saeran's words reached your ears with much delay, and your head went blank as you felt the intensity of his presence so close to you, clouding your every sense with him and him alone. He seemed to enjoy your frazzled state of mind, though, judging by the cocky smile on his lips that he gave you.
You gulped. Then, you found yourself saying the very first thing that came to mind without even thinking twice about it: "...Just enjoying the view, is all."
There was another pause where you two just stared at each other's eyes. This time, he seemed to be baffled as he blinked at you repeatedly and didn't have an immediate response to your little quip. You couldn't help but think of how pretty his long lashes looked as he did that.
He got you to act stupid for him exactly as he wanted, and he didn't even realize it.
"Don't be coy with me," Saeran eventually hissed out, seemingly deciding to take a head-on approach to try and hide his puzzlement with your behavior. He leaned even further into you, his chest now brushing over yours from his proximity, and some of his hair fell onto your forehead, tickling the skin with every tiny brush. A strong scent of his cologne filled your nostrils, making it impossible to focus on anything but him. He took up your every sense. Vision, hearing, scent, touch. He was filling all of it.
It wasn't as bothersome to you as he seemed to think.
"That kind of trick may have worked on Ray, but it will not fool me. So don't even try charming your way out of this, you brat," he carried on with his tirade, completely disregarding the impact he was having on you.
"-You seemed rather interested in my chest earlier, though."
You were clueless about what you were doing, God. It seemed like all the sense of fear and apprehension had disappeared. And while your mind did comprehend that you were probably getting too bold for your own good, you just... didn't really care at all.
Saeran's dumbfounded wide-eyed look was a sight to behold. Part of you had the urge to pull him even closer and kiss that look off of his face.
Maybe then he would finally understand how much you liked him, not just Ray.
"I- You-" The way he stumbled over his own words was almost endearing. You definitely surprised him with that one. But you did not push it any further, nor did you tease him about it. Instead you just watched him closely. Your figure was almost subconsciously glanced at again, and then his face flushed dark crimson and he pulled away abruptly, covering the lower half of his face with his palm and looking away. His reaction was so typical that it was almost cute in some strange way, "Y-You've got some nerve! What is there to look at, anyway!? It's just some skin. You must be very arrogant to think so highly on yourself."
The denial has arrived.
Surprisingly, you did not oppose it. You merely shrugged and gave him a small coy smile: "It's okay, Saeran. I would find myself staring, too, if I could see some of your collarbones peeking out. It's natural."
"-Don't be gross. And I know you're lying, anyways," he frowned at that, giving a look that seemed almost offended, in a way. He huffed, crossed his arms over his chest, and looked away from you again, seemingly not wanting to meet your gaze for whatever reason. You couldn't help but think that his posture looked less threatening and more closed off this time around, "I'm not like you. And I don't need you to pretend to fawn over me, either."
That caused you to frown a little.
Did he... not think that he could be attractive to you? That thought caused you to feel sad. Before you could think about it, you took a small step towards him and reached out with your hand.
"You are very beautiful, Saeran. I'm not lying," you said, your fingertips brushing over his tie just a slight bit. It's likely that he wouldn't even notice that touch beneath all that fabric of his suit. But it's the gesture that counted.
He stared at you again, for the countless time today. However, it didn't last long. With a small huff, he grabbed at your wrist and pulled your hand away from his chest. His touch was far gentler now, though, his fingers just slightly squeezing around your skin.
"You are an idiot," you heard him mumble, followed by a rustle of fabric as he let go of you completely. Before you could voice your rebuttal, a dark form flew into your face, making you squeak from surprise.
It's soon apparent that the mysterious form was not a ghost, but rather Saeran's suit jacket that was flung carelessly over your head. As you pulled the clothing down, you heard him grumble again, though this time in a more commanding tone: "Put that on. And I want you to wear it on you for the rest of the night, you hear me?"
As he got closer to you, his finger abruptly pressed into the center of your chest, making you slightly gasp.
"-That," throughout it all, he maintained direct eye contact with you while muttering, "-is only for me to see. Got it?"
You nodded without hesitation, feeling your heart beating in your chest like a million horses galloping down the race track: "Yes."
"That's a good prince/ss."
That smirk he gave you as he pulled away made you feel as weak in the knees as it frustrated you. You were planning to get him back for that. Your momentary obedience did not mean you were going to be some perfect doll for him. You were merely enamored by the brief but undeniable spark of connection between the two of you. He may have been a tough guy to crack, but you were persistent.
Though, as you went through the remainder of the night, you couldn't but ponder...
...Was that the first time he called you 'prince/ss', without it being a mockery of Ray's pet name for you?
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thereaderinsertlady · 3 months
Here are some 🌟 late night doodles🌟
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bite-back-in-anger · 3 months
I know many liked or didn't mind having Pitbull for the carriage scene but as someone who didn't like it (sorry) I just want to know what other songs were considered and why wasn't "Closer" by Nine Inch Nails the end result.
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ohitslen · 1 year
Woa private displays of affection Vashwood who won’t really do much in public, just being really casual about everything and once they are alone they are worse than new velcro that you won’t be able to fucking separate no matter how hard you try to me thinks?
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thedrotter · 3 months
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i thought i had already made a full boss phase 1 yuuichi drawing before but then I checked and ive only doodled him!!! so i had to draw him😊
(+bonus doodle)
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happy10thousandyears · 8 months
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Battle on !!! (+same sona in 2022)
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gingergari · 9 months
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ringo and mimi were due for a revamp + their birthdays just passed! 🥳
(nov 20 and dec 11 respectively)
closeups under the cut :^)
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swordmaid · 1 month
shri’iia comes off as very arrogant - which she kind is let’s be real LOL like she is very confident when it comes to her own prowess and what she can do - and she definitely has that paladin brand of pompous and self righteousness but instead of it being directed to anything good, it’s directed at herself. she thinks what she is doing is right, and this new oath that she is serving is also right, and she’s doing everyone a massive favour so please give her all the applause and praise 👏👏👏 but it’s less narcissism or her being conceited of her personal self since all that confidence and self righteousness is directed to her oath. she sees herself as a vessel to enact her oath’s tenets, but if you give her that scenario where it’s like say what you like about yourself (as your own individual person) or draw 25 cards she WILL be drawing 25 cards bc she really does think of herself as a tool for her oath. and her entire sense of self worth and existence is wholly dependent on that oath so as she serves it, she feels more and more fulfilled bc that very thing is defining who she is. hence why when it’s ripped away from her, she’s just so very lost and bewildered and confused bc who is she anymore…!!!!! and oathbreaker shri’iia - even after bg3 canon or in my own canon universe for her - is still trying to find out who she is and still on that journey of trying to get a grasp on her fully realised self outside of being a paladin. and it’s still a journey ofc but I think as she grows, she’ll still regain that particular brand of arrogance since surprise that’s actually part of her personality lol
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demonsfate · 2 months
which honestly it's kinda funny (actually really sad) to imagine jin doing all the grueling training for 4 years only to... lose. like y'know how heartbroken he was over that? for a moment, he felt like a complete failure again... until he decided he would defy the tournament, that he'll go after ogre despite having lost the tournament. hence how paul was able to fight ogre's first form. because ogre went on and jin didn't. when jin arrived, he thought he had lost his chance when paul had actually defeated ogre... but then ogre reached his second form and jin fought that!
paul was also the one to defeat jin in the tournament. :') paul's strength and skill is not something to joke about!
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motoroil-recs · 8 months
Kinfession, Willow DST (Don't Starve Together): sometimes when I'm doing my own thing, I just feel lonely. I was stuck in a hellscape with like seventeen other people and it was fuckin IMPOSSIBLE to get a moment of alone time. My memories of it are kinda fuzzy, but it was always loud and there were always things going on. Now, irl, I spend most of my time alone and. I dunno. Words have never been my strong suit but I just. Miss them. Even the ones I hated (looking at you, Maxwell), I miss.
~ 🌌🔥🧸
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radio-4-is-static · 24 hours
#wonder boy's akumu club#野田洋次郎#yojiro noda#音楽#HELLO !#do you have a moment to talk about thee number one album of the year?#i don't really know how to distill all of my thoughts & feelings into the tags here#there's just so much😭#all i know for certain is i feel like i'm traveling at the speed of light ! so fucking giddy 💓💓#and i think i wanna spend some more time with the album before i reallllly get into it#so just a few things i'm loving at the moment#first off pipe dream ?!?! HOLY SHIT#i really was not expecting a song rooted in soul#the flair ! the magnitude ! i literally threw my hands into the air when it started playing & then again at the 2:00 mark#i'm partial to last love letter but i think this one is my fav out of all the new songs#also love the way he sings in holy day holy#じゆうぅぅぅだ!#it feels light-hearted & happy#only to be juxtaposed with sheeta which has its own lightness (as if you're floating !)#but the lyrics & distorted sounds & low register right up until the chorus create this ever-present darkness too#sooo good ! one of my other favs#waltz of karma into bitter blues 🤌 i could listen to that transition all day#the flow of stress me (shout out yuzuru hanyu) & peace yes#the beats go SO HARD in those songs i can only imagine them in the club -- the 27th is gonna be fucking awesome#andddd we finally have the full versions of hyper toy & katatoki !#(perhaps i shall say more about them after i gif the katatoki teaser video 😈)#i'm kinda in awe of how he pieced together all of these sounds & various styles of music#played around with & incorporated the beats into the songs#to make something that feels not only cohesive but original & wholly different from radwimps or illion#THIS is yojiro noda 🔥😎
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jils-things · 22 days
Hi hello 🐭 anon again and uhh
OMGGHHJKLGFH NOOO I DIDN'T JUST SMILE LIKE A DOOFUS BECAUSE OF YOUR REPLY the images *savesthemimmediately* yesyes he looks very good the clothes the messy ponytail hnnnhgg I wouldn't mind… holding his hand…… what
Hjjfjklllfghjk he seems like such an interesting but tragic character!! ( Partaking in war?? just to care for his mother and him 🥺🥺🥺) And his relationship to Irene is so… wholesome? Like a brother figure watching over her jlkgffxllfdgv I love that!! 🥺🥺 Him letting her leave the house!! I can imagine that she's looking at him with big eyes and he just sighs and is like “I pretend I didn't see you leaving” GOSH I LOVE THAT (I don't know anything about his personality but that's my first impression and I hope that's alright telling you…..) Also bc I'm curious: How is his reaction to Irene and Norton getting together? 👀
Btw I… I just noticed that he has a skin based on another fav/crush of mine (I just feel the need to share bc I'm loosing my mind what a coincidence) and- I mean his normal skin with the hood is also very nice and uh- no I'm sure this won't become a thing uhh I guess it's over for me isn't it heellp
-Shy 🐭 anon
hello again 😈😈😈 hehee go stare at the pics gogogo 😈😈 /t jeje
yess!! i adore him sm for thattt 💚💚 it started first as me being biased to him because i main him in-game and didn't know him very much, but not until i tried to read his story did i feel more appreciative of him 🥹 then boom. familial. hehehe i wanted to reflect their sweet bond to how i feel abt him irl (i know that's majority of everyone's fo list but it just feels different here ngl wohoho) soooo yes! AND YES that little scenario is spot on!!! she is exactly the type to give him puppy dog eyes (and he looks stern as hell) but give it 5 seconds, he'd sigh and tells her, defeated - to go ahead 🔥🔥🔥
AND OIUGHDHHEHEHEHEHHEHEHEE NAIB AND NORTON ARE SO FUNNY TO MEEE ok so these two are actually a very popular duo for some reason (they never met irl) and the way they portray their dynamic is that... THEY FIGHT EACH OTHER A LOT!!! LIKE I DON'T KNOW WHY BUT ITS FUNNYYYY even the stageplay adapted their little quarrel but made it seem like they're homies at the same time HAHAA 💚💚 and it's almost the same for my ship too!
naib is actually very against irene liking norton since it conflicts what her father wants for her (irene shouldn't be liking commoners) and this is partially him being protective of her (but masks it off as "just being your bodyguard") but time goes by and he really notices just how much irene wanted to be with norton and only him, so there'd be one day where he'd confront norton like; "campbell. you are not going to break lady irene's heart or i will GET YOU. give her a chance." (at the time, norton is very closed off with his feelings for her. its typical of him) and when they do get together ... they're like silly close rivals. butts heads often but they're pretty cool 👍👍👍
i have this silly doodle that perfectly reflects what i think about them! i think its better to see with visuals too hehe
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celibibratty · 1 year
Should i start blocking people? Hmn, but my motto is "just don't mess with me (or being an anti) and you're fine", and y'know i kinda don't like blocking, not for the usual reason that people don't like it, it will sound fucked up of my part to say that, but i feel if i block people that annoys me/triggers me🔥("annoy" its not the right, its more like a trigger, it makes me cry), i feel i sparing them, i feel i sparing them of seeing my hate/my despise towards them and i don't want that, i don't want to spare them, i want them to see/suffer with me, tho i know they probably don't even bother or see anything😒, they probably not even know i exist, and i know the only person that i hurting by not blocking and the one i actually sparing if i do! block...is ME, oh, and also cuz i feel is kinda cowardly💦 (not saying that people are immedially cowards for blocking people or that i will think you're a coward💦no way, i just think you protecting yourself,~why i don't protect myself too), it just it seems like you running away or giving up/letting them win (idk💦)
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lanegritaalma · 1 year
I have an announcement…(taps mic twice) Choso x Reader Addams Family style… that is all. 🖤🖤
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maherdahalan · 16 days
🚨🚨🚨 Desperate Appeal: Help Me and My Family Flee the Genocidal War in Gaza and Build a Better Future.💔🥺🙏🏻
I hope everyone donates and shares my story:
To lose your family, your job, your home and everything you own in a second!!💔
Can you imagine yourself living in a tent that does not accommodate two people, you and everyone around you are close to each other, no privacy, no personal hygiene and you cannot provide your most basic rights?
That summer comes upon you and you endure a temperature that reaches melting inside a tent made of poor nylon that you cannot stand inside for more than two minutes? imagined this, ☀️🔥🥵
This is what we live and suffer, but for how long? No water, no electricity, life is very stressful, it has exhausted us,
We do not want a life like this, we want to survive, your help is what will save my life from all this, just please put yourself in my place and if you can feel me just help me by donating,
This is my only refuge,🙏
I have no choice but your support and sympathy, ❤️❤️
I have not received any donations for days and my campaign is going very poorly. I ask you, as a favor and not an order, to donate to save my child and my family from the war.
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Vetted by @gazavetters, my number verified on the list is ( #35 )
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stingchronicity · 1 year
(george martin voice) My Gahd what if people stumbling upon my blog think my special interest is george martin of g*me of thr*nes fame. what then
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