#life's path is clear as mud//anzu
Anzu Ames is here y'all. Resident slime boy creature.
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glory-hasnoplacehere · 5 months
Rain never stopped being a comfort, sheets of bitter cold and starkly grey skies. Thunder shaking the walls, if they weren't out, they could sleep to it, from inside, of course. Maybe have a hot cup of tea. Or some kind of condensed milk drink. Probably hot chocolate.
For now, they're waiting out a storm in a building. And they've Finally found someplace to sit. There's unsurprisingly another being nearby, so Anzu pauses before approaching any further. They don't wanna be a jerk and plop their wet ass onto someone else's (temporarily claimed) spot.
"That seat taken?" they question. Looking at the stranger curiously, they have no idea what he is. Maybe a deity of some kind. The thought doesn't deter them from wanting to sit or addressing him. What was the saying? What is a God to a nonbeliever? In this case it was more... what is a ....whatever he is to apathy and the strong need to chill after a hectic day and a LOT of on foot travel?
The large feline resting in the backpack they're wearing on their front stirs with a 'mirp' noise when they speak, peeking out and splashing droplets of water that had accumulated on the flap as she does. She looks dry and comfortable though, so the bag had done it's job. If only their clothes followed suit. Their body was easy to dry, it was just becoming temporarily hydrophobic, but the last time they'd tried insta-drying fabric it'd ended in flames. Literal flames. And they'd rather not burn their clothes away in public, they suppose that's what they get for slacking in the practical magic department.
Molten purple eyes settle on the stranger, and Ross stretches out a little further. Sniffing. Oddly she doesn't seem too cagey. In fact, she looks almost at ease. Maybe the dude was some sort of....druid...nature spirit...faery something.
There were just too many possibilities on what this guy is to Anzu's supernaturally inexperienced mind. And the slime creature doesn't have the spoons to think about it too hard.
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