#li: you don't have a boss rn
sionisassistant · 2 years
"So, we know you said you're off tonight..." Don't mind the alarm ringing in the back. It's fine. Well, maybe it's not so fine, that's why they called, "How far are you from the Gothcorp building? And hypothetically, could you be here in under 10 minutes?"
@queryxecho are lucky she likes them
It really wouldn't be a night off if someone didn't end up calling her with a problem. Usually it was one of the boys in Janus, not her fellow henchgirls. Troublemakers who shouldn't even need her help she would add! Pursing her lips a moment, Li let the silence settle for a second over the car's bluetooth speaker. They're lucky she was already out driving.
"I can do it in five," she muttered, already making a hard turn. "What the fuck did you do? I thought Nygma was in Arkham!"
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unluckilyimnot · 4 months
hiiiii, can I please request bonten hc after they found out someone disrespected their gf!!
Bonten when their gf is disrespect
Character: Ran, Rindou, Koko, Sanzu, Mikey
m.list | rules
Note: I wrote that last night I forgot about the "find out" so there's both sorry 😞 thank you sm for your request 🤍
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I hope for the poor guy that it's not in front of him or he can pray for his life and it's gonna be useless
Spoiler it is
It's not written on Ran's face that he's going to kill him, but everyone in the room tensed up at his "excuse me ?"
Your jaw is clenched but you feel so angry and ashamed, you really don't want to help this guy rn
As he started to stammer some useless excuse, Ran shush him instantly
"Come again ? I'm not sure i heard you right"
He's a sadistic, he wants his skin ripped of his body
He lied, not repeating at all his words
Not knowing it's gonna be worse
"So you lie to me now on top of insulting my lover?"
The second he stand up you know it's the end for him
He take one hit, then another, and another
Ran probably exposed a full bottle of alcohol on top of his head to end it
"Never again, do you hear me ?" He said, bend down to his level
Hoping that he made it clear to everyone in the room that disrespecting you it's worse than disrespecting him
He got angry and doesn't wait to stand up
They don't even get to finish their sentence that their face is somehow already hitting the table
Doesn't matter where you are, he's never gonna let that slide
"Hey you think you're more important than her to speak shit like that ?"
He hits him until he answers, grabbing his face fiercely, letting the blood of his nose and mouth run down his fingers
"I didn't hear you ?"
If he's already knock down, he call the security to leave him in the street
He excuses himself to you all night even if you tell him it's not his fault, he thinks it is
He's suppose to make sure that all his subordinates respect you
"What ??"
You tell him what happened tear his eyes off his computer
He's in disbelief, this can't be true
He frown ad you go on with your story, walking in circles in front of his desk
He has to get up and catches you for you to stop but he can tell how upset you are
He will ask for their name again, and calm you down, smoothing your back
kindly whipping the frustration tears that show up in your eyes
He would probably take you out on a nice dinner to clear your head
You won't hear about it for a few days
But one day you'll wake up to see that their company went bankrupt and that they were found dead in their appartement, seemly suicide
If you ask Koko, he'll say he doesn't know about it but deep down you know he did it
He's mad to say the least
He wants to end them himself
You're tough, he knows you can handle your business alone but he just can't stand it
He'll find him himself to make him understand that that's not something you said to someone on of the higher-ups of Bonten loves
If there's one thing Sanzu put at the same place as Mikey, it's you
It's like disrespecting his boss, he can't let it unpunished
He'll probably step into their place and shot them down if there's no-one important
If they happen to be, he'll just make sure to make things complicated for them until they beg for help/found
You're so precious he can't even picture someone talking you badly
But on top of that, you're the Bonten's boss gf, they really don't know what they're doing
But he won't handle it himself
He's too busy making sure you know your worth and make it up for you
He just make sure they suffer for good while he's having a good time with you
If it happened in front of him though, they're shot down without thinking
He can always find someone better, he doesn't need someone that don't respect him, and by that he means disrespecting you as well
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It's been a while ! I hope you liked it ♡
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minhosimthings · 1 year
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For Love to Exist: A Hyunjin Fic
Synopsis: In which Aphrodite makes a plan for two loveless souls.
Pairing: Hwang Hyunjin × Fem!reader, includes rest of Skz (side characters)
Word count: don't know but it's really long
Warnings: Fluff, angst, slow burn, mentions of self harm, and mental abuse, reader is an orphan, mentions of food and drink. She/her pronouns used, reader has scars on her skin
A/N: this is sort of a self indulgent fic for me and it is dedicated to all the people in my life who have made me feel like I am worthy of love again. This is based off of my own experiences due to my abusive past and how I let those go with the help of the people I've met here in university. I based Y/N off of myself (I hope you don't mind) because I feel like Hyunjin would be the type of person to love s person, regardless of their past, and ignorant of their future (and also I'm too delulu for Hyun rn). I dedicate this fic to all the people around the world, who feel that they do not deserve a red heart, and an I love you everyday. I dedicate this fic to the little girl inside of me, who still thinks that she is unworthy of love.
For love to exist, souls should exist too. For love to breathe, souls should take a deep breath too. For love to live, souls should learn how to live too. But for you, souls simply did not exist. They were just imaginary things made up by boring adults to tell children why they married their partners, to mask whatever what going on in reality. Why would anyone believe in souls and hearts and bonds and all that bullshit? Kids, of course, believed it.
You, on the other hand, were taught by cold eyes, ever since forever. Cold eyes had taught you that warm ones always lied and that love was just a fairytale made up to increase the population of earth. Cold eyes told you that June wasn't about pretty flowers and sundresses. They taught you it was about the burning sun and the heatwaves. Cold eyes taught you that flowers were nothing more than biological creations of two genetically unique organisms. Cold eyes taught you that the world was just the Earth, just a globe and that the universe didn't care for a tiny speck like you.
Work, Eat, and sleep. Those were the only things you did with passion. Those were the only things in your life that you noticed and yearned for. It was painful to watch your coworkers at the company, who were below you, enjoy life so much. As chief editor, you had less work than they did, yet they saw life as a chance. They saw life as a chance to enjoy the fruits of the universe, while you still saw life as a scarred being. Funny, how you thought that everyone else was mad to have love in their lives, yet there you were with scars on your chest, both physical and mental, going unnoticed by the minute.
Until Hyunjin came into your life.
Hwang Hyunjin. Step son of your goddamned boss. You were told that he would be working alongside you as both an assistant editor and as a new cartoonist, replacing Mr Park, who had resigned five days ago. You groaned at the idea of having someone follow you all day, asking you if you needed anything. You were better off without an assistant or a cartoonist. But your magazine wasn't the leading magazine in South Korea for no reason. The illustrations provided alongside the thigh slapping articles always provided the greatest entertainment to the millions of readers. Mr Park was an old man, who was always quiet and mostly kept to his drawings, exactly your preference. Someone who doesn't annoy you or ask about your love life because apparently, at 23, a woman has nothing better to do. But a man, your age, who you've heard used to be a singer in a band, yeah that wasn't going to work with you.
Your boss had introduced you guys on his first day. He was.... surprisingly handsome. His eyes were like a kitten's, small and glittery, as if Andromeda had poured all her stars into them. His nose and jawline were so sharp, in total contrast to his gaze, soft and pinkish. You wondered why all those thoughts were coming into your head. Never before had they had even touched your mind, when you saw other men and women around you, no matter how pretty they were.
He worked in silence. Complete silence. He wouldn't even move his chair or anything. The desk on which he worked was so pristine and organized, very much like yours, exactly like yours. But there was an aura with which he worked on piece of paper with a black ink pot that you could only dream of having. It was like the sky favoured him, sunlight illuminating all of his features, including some tiny moles on his face. You couldn't help but admire his serious face, headphones in, with an ink stained brush moving swiftly across paper, tracing the tiny dots and lines of whatever he was making. You had first approached the company as a cartoonist yourself, having the skills because of an art minor. But soon the director saw you better as a journalist and slowly but surely you moved your way up the ladder to become chief editor. And when you saw other people doing something you used to love doing, you wondered if you hadn't accepted the job as an editor, would your life have been so mundane? So brown and still?
"Um Miss Y/N?" A voice broke you out of your stupor, starting you and getting your mind away from the articles on your computer screen. Hyunjin was standing next to you, holding pieces of paper in one hand and his brush in the other. He had a dab of ink sprawled across his nose. Cute, you thought.
"I, uh, finished the illustration for the first article you sent. Are they ok?" He gave you five pieces of paper, all with funny intonations on them, a cookie wearing hat, and an iguana wearing a DJ's glasses. It was cute, really cute you thought, as you gave them back to him, nodding in approval and shooting him a small smile. "You have ink on your nose, did you know that?" You pointed out to him, handing him a tissue from your tissue box, which he took and immediately disappeared behind his computer, wiping his nose aggressively. Cute, so cute.
You usually left work at eight thirty, not too late and not too early that you'd miss your tea. But something made you want to stay back today. Someone, specifically. Hyunjin told you that he usually went home by ten, since he didn't do much during the night. You refrained from telling him when you went, lest he question why you stayed back today.
"Miss Y/N I'll be heading out now. Good night." He held up his olive green bag and waved goodbye to you. Something inside of you wanted to say 'Wanna go together?' but you had always ignored that something so you instead waved back to him and started picking up your things.
That day, the old grandmother at the ramen shop you always went to said something was different about you and told you to smile more. You didn't know whether or not that was a complement but you took it willingly along with spicy ramen with beef.
"Miss Y/N I-" "Hyunjin stop call me Miss. Im your age. Just call me Y/N, alright?" You finally got that sentence out of your mouth after keeping it in for an entire week. An entire week Hyunjin addressed you with honorifics and today you wanted to tell him that just your name was enough. Just your name coming out of his mouth like a sweet melody was alright. "Oh well ok Y/N." He said with some difficulty, feeling awkward not using the proper words. "I wanted to say that lunch break began over two hours ago and you still haven't got up from your seat, so I uh bought you something. I asked your co workers what you usually eat so um yeah." He did what? You looked down at his extended hand, holding a box of your usual Ramyeon and an americano. You silently took the food from his hands, shooting him a quick 'thank you'. He deserved more than that, but at that moment, all your shocked brain could do was that.
Someone cared for you. Someone noticed that you weren't eating. Someone noticed how you stayed on this cold October day. And that was sort of sweet? Someone did that for you and for once it seemed he did not want anything in return. That couldn't be true, you thought as you silently ate your Ramyeon, all the while shooting tiny glances at Hyunjin, who was once again immersed in his drawings. Seeing him so deeply imbued in an art, which provided him a job, was so endearing to look at. He was doing something he enjoyed, while earning money for it. Isn't that what everyone in the world would love?
"Um Hyunjin? Hyunjin." You snapped your fingers in front of Hyunjin, who had his headphones on, with that brush back in his hand. He looked so cute, being broken out of his hypnotised state. His eyes blinked at you for a few seconds, before he took the headphones off and greeted you. "What is it Mi- I mean Y/N?" God he was so handsome. He was in a loose baby blue sweater and white pants today. He looked so dainty and fragile as if you touch him and he'll break. "I uh wanted to thank you again for the food today. Um. Any way I can thank you for it? Maybe buy you a coffee?" You could feel your cheeks getting redder by the moment. Even if he couldn't see the blush, you could definetly feel them. If your guardian angels were watching you right now, they'd be saying 'Y/N get your ass up and stop blushing so much.'. "Oh. Um uh" Hyunjin stuttered for a bit before checking his watch. Nine thirty am. There was still half an hour left to go home, meaning you both had enough time to grab a coffee and perhaps a bagel or something tasty.
"Oh course Y/N. But please do not pay for my food. You need not repay me for lunch." Your pleas for that sentence went unheard, as Hyunjin kept saying that he didn't want anyone to pay for him, reasoning that lunch was a basic human need and he was just helping his co worker out. Something about the way he defended himself and explained things was so adorable. It was like a ferret explaining why it's fur is white and why it's ears are so round.
"This is surprisingly good." You commented, as Hyunjin and you sat by the little round table in the coffee shop, drinking Americans and eating Macarons. Hyunjin raised an eyebrow at you, watching as you are your pistachio Macaron. "You never had a Macaron before in your life?" You shook your head at his question, trying to swallow your bite of the Macaron quickly, so as to answer his question. "No actually." You managed to cough out after what seemed like five hours of you chewing the sweet dessert. "I don't have a preference for sweet things. I used to but I grew out of it." Hyunjin looked up at you, from staring at his shoes. "You used to? Well I always used to believe that a sweet tooth could never grow out of their preferences. Turns out I was wrong then." The corners of your mouth twitched as your heart itched not to say 'why are you so perfect?' to the man sitting in front of you. "So what musicians do you listen to?" It was now your turn to look up at him with wide eyes. It was funny how both of you were eating food together like two normal human beings, yet neither of you dared to look at each other, or maintain direct eye contact for more than a fraction of a second. "Pardon?" You asked him, eyebrow raised and foot tapping on the floor. He stumbled back a bit and said, in a apologetic tone, "Oh I didn't mean to impose. Im sorry. I just thought, you know we see each other every single day, and I have never gotten to know what my coworker likes a dislikes so um.. I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable." Seeing him apologize like that was like seeing a puppy apologize to a black cat. You probably looked scary right now, with your expression and your rigid figure, so it made sense for Hyunjin to react like that.
"Oh it's alright Hyunjin." You said, shooting him the tiniest smile ever. "People don't really ask me questions about myself that often so I was kind of taken aback." Hyunjin just nodded and hummed in response to your bland statement.
That night, when you went home, you thought to yourself, about how much you missed human interaction. Most often disassociation and loneliness were your favourite drugs, but Hyunjin asking you a simple question about your favourite singer, made those drugs seem pleasure less. Your therapist would have probably looked you up and down and immediately told you that you were in love, being the hopeless romantic he was. People were scared to approach you. You, with your head held high in the air, your gait threatening that of Hera's, and your expression, cool and wicked. But Hyunjin just casually asked you what musicians you listen to, as if he had known you for years and he was meeting up with you again, at a school reunion. It was shocking to you, how he could just say that, without stuttering. Yes he did stutter later on, but it was so adorable the way he apologized to you, hands nervously palming at his fingers and nose silently twitching. Maybe friends weren't so bad after all, you thought, as the stars looked at you in pity, talking amongst themselves, about where had God gone wrong with you.
A sticky note? Your boss never left sticky boss for you. Usually his assistant to deliver you messages. So who wrote this mysterious pink sticky note, stuck to your computer with a smiley and something written on it? You had arrived at work after Hyunjin today, who, once again was is a hypnotic state, lightly bobbing his head to whatever was playing inside of those blue headphones. You slightly suspected that the note was probably his, as you sat down on your chair, hanging your bag in the usual place beside your table. You pulled off the note from the computer and examined it closely. There was something written on it with a glittery purple pen.
I scared you yesterday with my question. So I'm going to ask you through a note. What musicians do you listen to? (PS you can answer through a sticky note too)
You noticed Hyunjin kept giving you small glances from time to time, only taking his eyes away from his art for a fraction of a second. Cute, you thought, really cute. This was by far the cutest thing he had done. You silently took up a glittery blue pen from your drawer and wrote some sentences on a different sticky note, knowing when you were going to stick it.
"Hyunjin could you do me a favour?" You tapped on his desk to alert him. He looked up at you once again, with those same doe eyes. You noticed the ink once again splattered on his nose. "Yeah?" "Could you take this up to Mr Kim once and ask him if this is how he wanted the article to be edited?" You handed him a blue file to take it upto your boss, which is silently took and went up to the boss's office, giving you enough time to stick the note onto his computer. You made a last minute addition to the note, before rushing off to the canteen, lest Hyunjin catches you in your mischievous act. Even though it was just sticking a note to your co worker's computer this felt like the most amazing thing you had ever done in your life, the most daring.
Where had you gone? Hyunjin had come back to his desk after handing off the file to the boss, who said he'd give it back tomorrow, only to find you nowhere to be found. He swore that he had saw you here just a second ago. Where had you gone now? Shrugging his shoulders and telling himself that you had probably taken a bathroom break, he sat back down on his desk, ready to complete the illustrations for the day, that you had given him yesterday, when he noticed something stuck to his computer. A green sticky note. Could it be? Did you respond to his very creepy, weirdo nerd way of asking you a question in order to get to know you better?
When Hyunjin sat down on his chair, and slowly pulled the sticky note out, he sweated that his heart had skipped a hundred beats (or 143 beats hehe). Your loopy handwriting was scrambled on it with sparkly blue ink.
This is very middle school of us to be passing notes in work but I like listening to Lana del Rey, Florence and The Machines, a bit of k-pop and lot of classical music. Now you answer my question along with your own question. What is your favourite ice cream flavour? (PS you have ink on your nose)
Hyunjin's soul was doing backflips in his stomach. Having an obsession for love, he wondered whether this was how Cupid felt like when he shot his first arrow. You listened to the same artist he did. He absent-mindedly wondered about what question to ask you next when you came out from the canteen, carrying lunch for the both of you. "Oh hey Hyunjin." You said in what you hoped wasn't an over active tone. "I uh got you lunch to pay back for when you got me lunch and um here you go." You awkwardly handed him the cup of spicy tteokbokki along with some other dishes and an Americano. As if returning the awkwardness, he mumbled a sheepish 'thank you', grabbed the food and hid behind his desk. Somewhere in the clouds Aphrodite was sighing, not knowing what to do with you two.
After a few hours, when you had gotten up to go the boss's office, Hyunjin saw his golden chance and took it. He scribbled his question onto a pink sticky note and quickly stuck it to your desk, frantically sitting back on his chair and pretending to be focusing on his cartoon which had long been completed.
Happiness. Happiness was all you and Hyunjin felt that night, when both of you parted ways. It was that happiness which a fourteen year old gets when their crush pays attention to them. It was mischievous happiness, as both you went home and pondered about questions and answers. Middle school romance was something neither of you had, with him not finding the correct person, who would love him for who he is, and you just not wanting love anymore. Aphrodite would be probably be smiling right now, twirling her roses and she makes the next part of her plan.
"Hyunjin! Over here!" It was raining very heavily today and you had chosen this very day to not take your car. Apparently Hyunjin had done the same thing, as both of you saw other close to the cafe a distance from your work. He didn't have an umbrella and you had spotted him running over in the direction of your work, blue hoodie gripped tightly over his head. "Did the universe have to choose the day I didn't get my car to rain?" He shouted at you as you both were shielded by your umbrella. "I was thinking the same thing!" You shouted back at him. "Let's get inside the cafe!"
The cafe thankfully wasn't crowded at all, and as you took off your coat and shoes to dry, you appreciated the heat coming from inside the cafe. It was on the more traditional side, with a wooden interior and sepia toned plants hidden in mud pots.
"Oh great." Hyunjin sighed. He was holding his phone is his hands, having taken off his hoodie and his shoes before you did and setting his bag down at a table for two. "Boss just texted. Work's cancelled for three days straight." "So we went through all that rain for nothing?" You deflated on the comfy chair, opposite Hyunjin, who was revealed to be wearing a dark blue shirt underneath his baby blue hoodie. "Well damn it. What do we do now? I didn't bring my car and neither did you. Do we have to wait out the storm here?" You asked him, wiping your face with a handkerchief. "Well we can." Hyunjin responded. "I think the owner will probably let us." You raised a brow at him at that statement while he just stared into space, as if expecting an alien to show up any moment. "How do you know the own-" "HWANG HYUNJIN YOU FINALLY DRAG YOUR ASS HERE TO SEE ME."
A very loud voice rang through the cafe, accompanied by a much quieter 'Hyunjin's here?'. Hyunjin groaned and buried his face in his hands, as a handsome man with olive skin, brown hair, and the prettiest nose ever, came striding up to your table, wearing the uniform of the cafe. He promptly pulled up a chair and collapsed onto it, next to Hyunjin, all the while playfully glaring at him. "Hey Minho hyung." Hyunjin mumbled, not looking directly at whoever this Minho was. The other man clicked his tongue out of disapproval and said, "Say that louder would ya? And why have you not been coming to visit me and emotional dump on me for like two weeks? Oh and who's this lovely young lady?" He looked into your eyes at that last bit, startling you a bit, at how round and black his eyes were, like tiny little boba balls. "I'm Y/N." You extended a hand forward. "L/N Y/N" Minho took your hand and shook it with a firm grip, before getting up and slightly bowing to you. "Well Miss Y/N, may I get you anything? Perhaps something which is not an Americano, which is what this monster" he motioned to Hyunjin "drinks?" You gave him a calculator look before saying, "Oh. Um I would like an americano actually and probably one for Hyunjin too please." Minho looked ever so slightly taken aback by your words. "As you wish!" He declared before giving Hyunjin and a smirk and leaving.
"So who was that?" You asked Hyunjin, whose ears were burning red. With a sigh, he put his elbows on the table, burrying his head in them.
"That was Lee Minho. A college mate of mine, who opened a cafe with a friend of his, soon after graduation, because apparently he didn't want to get into a boring job." He chuckled slightly at that. "He's a mentor to me. He's like I think two years older than me and he treats me like a damn baby. But it's fine cause I'm the one who helped him cheat on his exams so I get free shit here."
"Americano for two?" Oh hey Hyunjin!" A freckled boy had come up to your table, americano filled cups in his hand. His skin was porcelain, like glass, dotted with star like freckles, with blonde hair framing his beautiful face. "Hey Lix." Hyunjin patted the boy's back, as he set the coffee down on the table. "How's your mum now? Is the treatment working?" A smile never seemed to leave this boy's face, as he sat down in the chair which Minho had pulled up earlier. "She's good now. Much better! I've been sending her some brownies every now and then but she's still disappointed because apparently her son won't get a girlfriend." He slightly pouted as Hyunjin chuckled lightly. "Oh who's this? Wait are you-" the boy looked at you with excited eyes, before gasping and turning his head to Hyunjin. "Is this the Y/N you told me about?" He excitedly extended a hand towards you, which you took, experience pleasure at his soft grip and hands, which was in stark contrast to Minho's handshake. "I'm Felix! Lee Felix. Nice to meet you! Y/N right?" The amount of happiness radiating from this boy was so much that you thought he was probably the reincarnation of Helios himself. "Nice to meet you too Felix. I'd introduce myself, but judging from your excitement I believe Hyunjin's already told you about me." You gave him a smile, which he returned. "Yah Felix!" Minho's voice came from across the wooden walls. Felix groaned and got up from his chair saying goodbye to both of you and rushing off to Minho.
"They're really nice." You told Hyunjin, sipping on your americano. It was nice and weird to have people like you for who you are. It was kind of alien to you, to meet two people who knew about you. It was even more alien of Hyunjin to tell people about you. What could people tell about you? What fragments of your being attracted Hyunjin that he told his friends about your existence?
"Y/N are you ok?" Hyunjin's voice broke your mind from staring at the rain pouring outside. The storm had calmed down now and it was just lightly drizzling, drops staining the window, racing against each other. "Oh yes I'm good. Sorry."
"So you wanna talk about the notes or should we keep it a middle school secret?" Hyunjin's question rang across your brain, and as you sipped on your americano, you couldn't help but notice how innocent that question was. It was just a question. It wasn't an interrogative question, which you'd be punished for if you didn't answer. You fingers unconsciously went up to your wrists when you thought about that question. "What do you suggest? I'm alright with answering the question in person, instead of exchanging notes." You responded, keeping your tone casual, so as to not reveal the fast pace of your heart beat.
Hyunjin smiled at you and sipped on his americano again. "My favourite ice cream flavour is pistachio. And I also like listening to Lana del Rey and classical music. My turn now." He leaned forward slightly. "A song which you could listen to, for all eternity?" Musical questions were what you enjoyed the most, having being in love with music ever since your ears picked up the tune of twinkle twinkle little star. Hyunjin's question seemed hard, since your favourite song changed every few seconds and you couldn't just choose one melody to pleasure your ears for all of eternity. "Hmm" you responded after a while. "Probably Love by Lana Del Rey." "Why so?" Hyunjin asked.
"Because along with having an amazing tune and the greatest vocals ever," you started your lecture "It's also such a deep song. The way she is symbolising young love is so beautiful, from the way she alters her voice at certain lines to the lyrics themselves. I especially fell in love with the chorus because it signifies such a beautiful matter of being so much in love that even the tiniest actions can seem like elephantine gestures. Even that lyric 'The world is yours and you can't refuse it' it's so pretty. It's symbolising that feeling of ruling the world when you fall in love. Or atleast I think it does. I've never fell in love so."
You fell quiet after your rambling, hoping that it didn't freak him out how much you knew about one particular song, which you definetly did not write an entire essay about. L/n Y/n you've done it again. You've scared a person off because of your rambling about your hyperfixation because you have nothing else to love. Great job, you thought.
But as you looked over at Hyunjin's face, it was happy? His eyes were wide and his lips were slightly parted as if thinking what to say, his americano straw remained in his mouth, but he wasn't sipping on it. He was in total awe, something you couldn't see.
"That- that was amazing." He said after a pregnant silence. "I never thought about songs that way honestly. But I think from now on I'll start thinking of it like that." God his smile was so handsome. The way the corners of his mouth stretched and the way his lips always slightly parted, it was all so pretty. And since when have you became so observant? To notice a man's manner of smiling?
Aphrodite smiled again in the clouds, calling for her chariot, to take a ride across the sky, making up the next step of her masterplan.
It was still pitter-pattering outside the window as both of you finished your drinks. You declined Minho's offer to eat, since you had already ate a lot for breakfast and you weren't feeling hungry. You tasted a bit of Felix's brownies, for which you complemented the freckled boy so mich to point where his glass skin turned into stained red glass.
"God the rain is stopping, how the hell are we going to get home?" Hyunjin sighed, as he meant back in his chair. You both had put your shoes, hoodie and coat back on and were staring out the window. You had an idea in your mind. A peculiar idea. An idea unlike you. An idea made by your heart controlled mind. You know how they say that we should never let our heart control our brain? Well sometimes, just sometimes, in the tiniest moments, we could let it control our being just a little bit.
"Doyouwanttocomeovertomyhouseitsreallycloseby" "I beg your pardon?" Oh great you spoke the easiest sentence in the fastest way you could possibly imagine. You should probably get the Nobel Prize for the most awkward person ever. Taking a deep breath, you made eye contact with Hyunjin (perhaps for the first time) and said, "Would you like to come over to my house? It's close by and I can drop you off at your house if I get my car." Hyunjin looked slightly taken aback by your suggestion, and as he pondered over it with a series of 'ohs' and 'ums', you mentally scolded yourself. How could you never say the right thing ever? How did you manage to say the wrong thing every single time? How did you manage to scare off every person every single time? Were you really not capable of love? Was your mother really right?
"If I don't impose Y/N, I would like to come over to your house. I should actually probably get going home too, so I accept your offer, only if it doesn't bother you." Your heart lifted from where it was earlier. Listening to the words coming out of Hyunjin's mouth in the soft tone, was something so comforting to you. It was like the smell of old books, like the way flowers moved in the wind, like the way wine swirled in a wine glass and like the way melodies danced to the beat of a song.
"This is your house?" You and Hyunjin had walked all the way to your house, shielded by his umbrella. It was safe to say that your house was a very luxurious one, in the more expensive side, courtesy to your high profile job. It was a two bedroom house, with the most beautiful terrace and balcony anyone had ever seen, which gave a view of the Seoul skyline. "It's beautiful." Hyunjin breathed out. "Come inside." You said, taking off your shoes at the entrance and unlocking the wooden door. "Want some food?" Hyunjin shook his head as both of you entered your house, his mouth dropping on seeing the interior. You had a conversation pit inside your house, much like one of those 80's sitcoms, and it was the most queer thing in your house. It was purple and magenta, with white finishings and a pretty carpet, sitting below a glass table. "It seems the interior is much prettier than the exterior." Hyunjin said, as you both entered the pit, sitting down. You sheepishly smiled and mumbled a thank you, before getting up to get him some water, even though you both had downed a big cup of americano.
"Your books are really interesting." You had started showing Hyunjin around your house, and when you reached the library portion, he wouldn't move from there. Granted, you did have a pretty library, decorated with fake moss and hanging vines, which made it look like a shelf growing out of the forest. "What is so interesting about them?" You asked him as he stroked the book covers with his fingers, to which he smiled and pointed to the last two books. "Their arrangment is fascinating first of all. I mean The Animal Farm and Pride and Prejudice are sitting together, as if going for a tea party. Did you arrange them yourself?" You only nodded to his question, too scared to answer. "The second interesting thing about this bookshelf is that all the books are so dual to each other. You have Harry Potter-" he pointed to the topmost shelf, "then you have 1984-" his fingers went to a handsome leather book, "and then finally you have a pop up children'd book." He laughed pointing to the bottom most shelf, where a glittery pink book lie. You blushed, as you saw that book. It was the book, which your best friend at the orphanage had given to you, before she was taken away. You cherished it a lot, it being the only form of love you had ever recieved in your life. "Woah you have Taylor Caldwell too!" Hyunjin said, excitedly, his fingers bouncing on the shelf closest to him, where a series of faded books lie. "Do you want them perhaps?" You asked him, to which he gave you a sad smile. "I've always loved her since the age of eleven but I could never buy any of her books, courtesy to my mum thinking they're too 'westernised'." "You can take some if you want. I hardly ever read these ones." You pulled out some of the books and put them in his hands. He looked surprised and his eyes widened at you. After much trial and error, which included him refusing to take the books, and you threatening to leave him out in the rain if he didn't take them, he finally stuffed then into his bag, thanking you over and over again.
The car ride to his home was fun, to say the least. Hyunjin narrated some funny stories with Minho and Felix, and a few of his other friends. You were shocked to find out that he used to be in a band, where he played the drums. "You must play them for me one day." You said, as you pulled up to a light. "as payback for the books." Hyunjin gave you that sweet smile again, causing your brain to malfunction.
"Thank you for the ride home Y/N. And for the books." Hyunjin said as you both pulled up to his house. "Say I have a question." He said, before unbuckling his seatbelt (drive safely kids). "Would you ever be interested in spending your lunch break with me everyday? Cause I really like talking to you and I don't have many friends at work. Only if you want to though!" God he was so adorable with those round eyes and those cute cheeks. Was he actually so cute or was your hopeless brain just making it up?
Aphrodite sighed again as she watched you silently from the bushes, happy that you were going on the right path, but worried about the trajectory of your mind.
Spending time with Hyunjin were the best moments of your life. It was surprisingly fun to spend a part of your day everyday with Hyunjin. It was just lunch and americanos, fresh from Minho's cafe, since it was the only one you liked now. You warmed up to him more than you had wanted to, and for the first time, your brain didn't mind being ruled by your heart. Hyunjin had introduced you to some of his closest friend, who came to visit him at work, making sure he didn't overwork himself. And he had interesting friends. Apart from Minho and Felix, there was a producer group called 3Racha who wrote songs for a company called JYP. It was composed of the three most kindest people you had ever met. Jisung, Changbin and Chan treated you like their own sister, often picking up an Americano for you whenever they got one for Hyunjin. You met Hyunjin's youngest friends Seungmin and Jeongin at Minho's cafe, when Jeongin bumped into your shoulder, dropping his books and apologizing to you frantically. Both of them were University students, one having a pottery studio and the other studying computer science. They were mischievous little things, but you loved them too, with you sharing Seungmin's love for pottery and Jeongin's hatred for sugary foods. It was so fun, having friends, even if they weren't your friends from the beginning. This was the first time you had experienced happiness ever since you were eight.
The words on your books weren't skimmed over by your eyes anymore. Instead they were carefully taken in, word by word, appreciating how every letter formed the beautiful sentence. Now, winter wasn't about surviving anymore. Instead it was about being warm and cosy, all wrapped up in a big blanket, hugging a plushie and drinking hot chocolate as pretty winter flakes poured outside the window. Now you digged out the sundresses you haven't worn in so long, and you would wear them to work every now and then, catching the eyes of every person you passed (because you are the most beautiful person on earth LOVE YOURSELF I LOVE YOU). You never noticed it, but now, Hyunjin looked at you differently. He wasn't a very defensive person, choosing to end arguments quickly, but whenever his eyes set upon your figure dancing in a yellow sundress, embroidered with flowers, he swore that he would burn done the entire world for you. Both of you regularly met up at each other's house, having k drama nights, where you would do nothing but cry over the slow burn, and try out a new snack from the local convenience store every time. Sometimes Hyunjin would play the drums for you, taking your excited requests of the 70's and 80's rock songs. It was all so perfect, having Hyunjin in your life and every time you saw him moving his own across a piece of paper, whipping up a cartoon for you as a gift, your heart smiled, urging you to let it take over for just a little longer.
But Aphrodite had something else in plan.
Sometimes the Gods plan sinister things for humans. Sometimes they say 'lets whip up conflict'. And most often it's not between one human and another. Most often it's between a human and her own mind. You had gotten a call on a nice Thursday morning, when you were about to set out for work, clad in a white dress, which reached your knees. A call from your adoptive parents. Unbeknownst to the entire world, behind your pretty face, you hid a grief filled secret behind those glassy eyes. Your childhood wasn't all sunshines and rainbows. You had grown up in an orphanage basically your entire life, and at the tender age of eleven, you had gotten adopted by a rich couple. Good right? Nope it was the polar opposite. Turns out they had adopted you for their own benefit, to gain support from the media to continue their company or some bullshit like that. It had haunted you all your life, how they would never speak a word to you, never a word of affection. It was just words of 'who would ever love you?' and 'you aren't capable of love'. When you had gotten accepted in college, with a full ride scholarship, they had help a party, not for you, but to brag that their daughter, whom they did not even love, had gotten into a college all by herself. They had turned their devil tails into angel wings and it angered you, but you stayed silent. Why should you fight battles with other people when you could fight a battle with your own mind? You had cut off all communications with them however as soon as you left for college. Now it was just you and the world. Getting a job was the hardest thing and you still remember all those days that you survived on water and biscuits, like Marie Curie, when she used to research on radioactivity. You had learnt that your 'parents's' buisness had gone bankrupt, soon after you had gotten a job, but they still hadn't ever contacted you until this Thursday. It was Seungmin's birthday today and you had gotten him a puppy keychain, one that he had been wanting for a long time, which he had told you about in secret. You had purchased it the day before and wrapped it up in a cute box, writing some notes on the top. It was supposed to be the most perfect day. Happiness and melted ice cream that was what this day was supposed to be.
"Hello?" You had picked up your mother's call and your world came crashing down immediately. "Hey there Y/N. We need some money right now and we know you work for Mr Kim. Send us some money please." Not even a hello. The woman who had given you food and shelter didn't even say a hello. The woman who you owed nothing to didn't even say hello.
Hyunjin wondered where you were that day. You wouldn't ever miss a day of work and plus you were excited for Seungmin's birthday. You were going to go for a birthday party which was to be held at Chan's house. Hyunjin had told you that most of the boys would be bringing their girlfriends so you could meet them. You wouldn't never have missed this, especially not when your eyes lit up, when he had told you that Seungmin would be singing for you guys and Minho would be bringing his famous meat. So why? Why was your chair lying all alone and your americano untouched? He had asked Mr Kim whether you had called him today, to which he got disappointment when Mr Kim said no. Your boss didn't really care whether or not you took breaks, since you mostly finished your work in advance, in order to save time. That day Hyunjin told the guys, that he wouldn't be coming to the party, much to their disappointment. But they understood when he said that he was worried for you. He basically talked about you 24/7 and the boys still didn't understand how their most romantic friend ever ended up not knowing what love was.
Hyunjin had an extra key to your house, which you had given him after two months of knowing him, trusting him enough to keep an emergency contact. Hyunjin kept fiddling with it on the cab ride to your place, massaging his nerves to calm himself down. As he reached your house, the atmosphere around him changed. It became gloomy, even when the Sun attacked him with his rays. The sunflowers in your garden all seemed to bow their heads to him, as if to apologise.
"Y/N?" Hyunjin stepped inside your house, calling your name. "Y/N where are you?" He shouted a little louder this time. If you weren't in the living room, you'd be up in your bedroom or the library. Hyunjin slowly climbed up the stairs to the second floor, taking in the eerie silence of the house. It was such a loud silence. He could hear something in the distance but he didn't know what it was. Was it a cat? He heard a wailing noise that sounded something like a wolf crying.
The door to your bedroom was open. Hyunjin stepped inside, careful not to make a sound. He knew how creepy this was, to enter a person's house like this, but he didn't have a choice. "Y/N?" He called out, noticing the light in your bathroom switched on. "Y/N!" You were sitting on the floor, with a knife next to you. Your hair was in tangles and your body swayed back and forth, As you kept mumbling something to yourself. Your upper arm was slightly bleeding and your breathing was heavy. You had been lying there for the entire morning. You were still in your dress,which was now stained with blood from your arm. Your face was tear stained and your eyes were glassy. "Y/n. Hey look at me. Look at me. I'm here." You looked up to see Hyunjin's worried face, eyebrows furrowed and lips parted again. "Hyunjin?" You breathed out in a weak voice, which made Hyunjin's heart drop to his knees. "Yes it's me. Hey breathe. Please breathe for me." He coached you through breathing in and out, which calmed you down a bit, but you were still shivering and your skin was ice cold and white. You looked like a ghost. A ghost with sunken eyes and shocked expression stuck on its face.
Hyunjin carefully lifted you up and carried you to your bed, careful not to disturb your injury, which he immediately knew how it happened, from the knife lying beside you. He got some cloth and medicine for you from the first aid kit you hid under your bed, something you had told him a long time ago. You watched him with wide eyes as he carefully dressed your wound and got some water for you, forcing you to drink it.
"What happened? And it's ok if you don't wanna tell me." He sat beside you as you leant back against the bed frame. You tried not to catch his eye because you knew if you looked into those galaxies inside his eyes, you would start weeping. "Nothing happened Hyunjin." You mumbled, to which he scoffed silently, getting his hand up to your forehead to check your temperature. It was normal, thankfully you didn't have a fever. "Y/n" he faced you and out his hand on yours. "You know you can tell me right? I'm here for you and I'm worried. Please tell me what happened." It all happened so quickly. You looked into his eyes, taking in the stars inside of them, and you couldn't hold it back anymore as you burst out crying. Hyunjin was quick to hug you, holding your head gently as you buried yourself deeper in his chest, staining his grey shirt. His heart was breaking into a milion pieces, seeing his universe crying out her planets from her eyes. He shushed you from time to time, to make sure you don't become weak from crying.
"Y/N hey hey." He held you head in his hands, cupping your cheeks. "What's wrong? Just one word. Tell me one word. I beg you." You sniffled slightly and looked up at him, stopping you're tears slowly. You felt guilty, for him coming to you. Why should he? He's a human like you and he has responsibilities too and he should tend to them, not you. "Hyunjin, you should go. Y-you have S-Seungmin's party to attend. I'll be fine." Hyunjin knew how much you rejected being taken care of. Care was was word which simply never existed in your dictionary, courtesy to your past.
"Y/N-" "No Hyunjin!" You lashed out at him, tears brewing again in your eyes. Hyunjin now understood why the sunflowers outside had bowed to him, and why the aura was grey today. You had bottled up your feelings again, and one single word from a person of your past, was enough to break you. "I don't want help I don't need it! Just leave me alone! I don't want to be around you!" You panted a bit after shouting all that, your chest feeling heavy, not from the weight of your exhaustion, but from the weight of the entire world around you "Get out. Now."
The next few days, you came back to work, you avoided Hyunjin. You couldn't bear to look at his face, knowing that the stars in your eyes will collapse again if you do. You both worked in complete silence, with Hyunjin silently putting the completed illustrations in your desk, whenever you left to go to the bathroom. You now left at 9 am, instead of your usual 10 am along with Hyunjin. Your americanos seemed even more bitter now that you had no one to share your memories with. Every song in the world sounded like the same mundane melody now, chords repeating over and over again.
But Aphrodite always have something in plan, for souls like yours and Hyunjin's.
Hyunjin had been comforted by his friends for a week now. Every week, he would turn up at either Felix or Chan's house and cry to them. It broke their hearts to see their dearest friend weep and sob over you. You, on the other hand, would sometimes turn up to Minho, drinking his americano and venting your feelings, while he silently grilled his meat and put it on your plate. What you didn't know was that Hyunjin would be hiding silently behind the counter, listening to the notes of your voice talk about him. So one fine Saturday morning, he decided to do something. Something that would finally satisfy Aphrodite, and make her drop her roses down to earth to celebrate.
"Y/N." He called your name as you focused on your most recent article. "Y/N." He said again, when you didn't respond. "Y/N for Pete's sake, talk to me!" He basically shouted at you. You were staying back late tonight, courtesy to the hundreds of things you had to edit, due to your numerous amount of holidays. "Not now Hyunjin. I have to edit this." You spoke sternly, abandoning the fun filled voice you usually used when you were with him.
Hyunjin frowned at you, this time an actual frown, not like the playful ones he did when you would steal his meat from his plate. He was angry. He was angry at the world and at your mind for not treating you well. He was angry at your past, for making you believe that you were unworthy of love. He was furious and he would take it out right now, when no one except for you two were in the office building.
"Y/N listen to me!" He shouted, making you startled. You had gotten up from your seat and now you were cowering against a wall. You had never seen Hyunjin like this before, eyes narrowed and lips closed, burning anger seeping through them.
"Y/N you are quite possibly the most amazing person I have ever had the pleasure to meet in my stupid life. The way you walk the way you talk, everything about you is so amazing! It's so magnificent to me, how everyday you would explain the meaning behind a song, with your eyes all widened and your mouth moving fast! And it hurts me. It hurts me so much to see you like this, thinking that you are unworthy of love." His words were hitting you like bowling balls. "When you told me about your past, you know what I felt? I felt anger. True anger for the first time in my life. For the first time in my life, I wanted to burn down this entire world for a person. I was also so relieved that you trusted me enough to tell me about something like this. You really think I can't see the scars on your wrist through your foundation?" The scars on your wrist. How did he know about that? "Hyunjin-" you breathed out, crystals forming in your eyes again. "Y/N it breaks me. It breaks me so much to have a person like you in my life and not love them. I love you more than you can imagine. So why won't you accept it?"
"Because I can't!" The words spilled from your mouth like water spilling from a waterfall. "I can't Hyunjin! I don't know what love feels like! I never did! An-and when you came into my life and introduce me to all these amazing people, I felt so happy! For the first time in this dumb thing I call my life I felt happy. And I hated it! I hated the way Felix's eyes would light up every time he saw me. I hated the way Chan would always check up on me, making sure I don't overwork myself. I hated the way Minho would treat me like his own family, making sure I got the biggest portions of meat." Everything that you had kept hidden in that crack of your soul came running out. "I hated the way Jeongin looks up to me, telling me he admires the way I work! And you know what I hate the most out of all? I hate you! I hate the way you care so much for me and my stupid brain can't see it! The way you draw little cartoons on my americanos, the way you talk to me as if you were talking to a gentle lamb! I hate it Hyunjin! I hate myself for not seeing how much you love me! And I hate that I can't return the favour!"
Your knees gave way and you collapsed on the floor, sobbing your eyes out. Hyunjin was quick to kneel down next to you, hands searching for yours. Both of you looked into each other's eyes, seeing your entire universe's inside of them. You need love. You needed love to exist. And Hyunjin was there just to do that.
He leaned closer to you, eyes not leaving yours. He knew he had to do it now. Now or never right? Hyunjin, cupped your cheek with his left hand, right one still squeezing yours, and kissed you. He kissed you as if you were the most beautiful thing in the world. He kissed you as if you were the reincarnation of his last lover. He kissed you as if he had been wanting to kiss you for the last fifteen years. He kissed you, and you kissed him back. Your lips moved in sync with his, not moving away, hands wrapped safely around each other, both of you shielded from whatever the world was planning next. Time moved slowly again, as if the spinners of time had abandoned their looms to come watch you two.
And somewhere in the clouds, Aphrodite smiled, knowing that her mission was complete, and that two loveless souls had finally reunited, mending each other's cracks, slowly but surely.
"Hyunjin! We're going to be late! Hurry your ass!" You called out to your boyfriend of five years, as you waited by the door, bag clutched in hand, and white sundress flowing softly. The ash coloured cat you had both adopted, rubbed against your legs, purring and licking herself. Hyunjin had organised a 'special' date today, taking you to one of your most favourite places, a meadow by the beach, where you used to spend your days. It was already late in tbe evening, when Hyunjin finally came down from the steps of your house, still fixing his hair. "Alright Miss Universe, stop fixing your hair and come on!" You said, causing him to giggle, as both of you got in the car and drove off towards the sunset.
"God I love this place so much." You stretched your arms as you watched the dying sun, collapse into the ocean. "More than me?" Hyunjin pouted, as you slapped his chest playfully. "Oh god are those Minho's Macarons? These things are drugs to me." Both of you took a Macaron each, and raised them in the air, as if to make a toast. "Well, to our five year anniversary." Hyunjin toasted while you said 'hear hear!'.
"Y/N, I have a gift for you." You both had eaten all your food and we're slightly leaning against a tree, wrapped in each other's warmth. "What is it Hyun?" Hyunjin pulled out a paper from his pocket. A link sticky note. With Purple glitter pen scribbled on it.
Marry me Y/N?
"I thought I should do it in the way we first talked to each other. You know to make it more roma-" Hyunjin didn't get to complete his sentence, as you threw yourself around him, kissing him on his lips, as if you didn't kiss him every single day.
And Aphrodite couldn't stop giggling and smiling, knowing that now, love existed. And you? Oh you loved the existence of love.
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nico-esoterica · 14 days
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I feel a psychic pull to make this so I'm doing it - If you have a celeb sp, esp a romantic one, and you're at home worrying if there's a 3p or if they have eyes for anyone else, know that'll be true if you keep entertaining that story :)
I struggled with that in the past. But, imo, that has to do with a combination of negative experiences w/ romantic partners, dating, and your own shitty perception of yourself. You should be actively creating the best self concept of yourself and how relationships go for you. You can revise previous situations so the trauma's gone, unfollow toxic accounts promoting negativity about relationships, and whatever you've got to do to maintain a GOOD story about love. Because what's in your tank (brain) is going to be where your mind rests when you're focused on other things.
There's no free will. So they're only going to show up how you WANT them to. If you assume they won't want you, that's also you choosing that. If you assume that social conditioning is gonna make them think you're ugly or unattractive then it's true, it will. Esp if your sp is a celeb or someone from a different culture. FUCK any limiting social 'rules.' You define them. Even if you've heard rumors, fan accounts, etc, you need to wipe the slate clean. If you WANT this person, then you need to tell yourself that they want you 1000x more. That they're obsessed and pining, looking up porn that reminds them of you, is the Gomez to your Morticia. This is your real life fairytale. All the real life groupie stories, minus the horror stories, all say the same thing. They describe how 'normal' it was to meet them and how they were just regular people behind the glamor.
You're manifesting people all the time. You think your boss is gonna be an asshole? They're an asshole. You expect your Mom to be a neglectful parent? You can change that but she's showing up that way. Your friends are always emotionally immature and disrespectful? Welp, might as well cancel those plans with em'. Your celeb sp is the same. They don't HAVE to be a repeat of your raggedy ex who couldn't even buy you McDonalds who lied and cheated all the time. They also don't have to be someone who 'always ignores you like all your old crushes always did.' Stop the narrative that all men, women, whoever, are universally difficult, disloyal, and they'll inevitably let you down. Stop parroting your miserable aunties and fave social media accounts who yap endlessly about how horrible the dating pool is. This is YOUR life. Stop giving your narrative to people who hate their lives and themselves!
There's no 3p. A third party doesn't exist. Keep telling yourself this and they'll evaporate. Your person will break up with them, things will fall a part, or they may never even have a 3p and it'll be confirmed that it was all just in your head. Your person just wants you even if they've never met you. They're going to FEEL intuitively that they need to stay single for you for some reason. Any potential partner is going to be incompatible until you're in the picture. I don't care how famous this person is. No ig model, super model, viral white girl with husky eyes, or anyone will be on their radar. Just keep that story straight and don't tell yourself anything else. But this is also why it helps TREMENDOUSLY to work on your self concept about yourself and relationships. It'll be less stressful and anxiety inducing.
Your celeb sp could be in your DMs rn stuttering and stammering complimenting you but you believe the miserable people, who are always cheated on, saying that they couldn't ever just want you.
We want you to stop getting that day 3 of Wands, 3 of Swords, Moon, 8/9 of Swords, Lovers/2 of Cups reversed, and other 'strife coded' cards in your tarot pulls! BECAUSE I KNOW Y'ALL. YOU'VE BEEN CALLED OUT!!!!
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gxodnightkiss · 8 months
i was wondering if you have any ocs of just like make up a character for a story. if you do then maybe can you write please a submissive yandere boy who's your classmate that would do anything for you and is shy x dominant female/ gn reader ? t
You don't have to ofc i was just wondering sorry if this is super weird😂
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pairing ; (yandere!) (submissive!) striker x (dominant!) (fem!) reader
warnings ; sexually suggestive content, profanity, slight gun play
note ; TYSM FOR MY FIRST ASK !!! i srsly appreciate it so much !! and your ask isn't weird at all ! unfortunately, i don't have any ocs rn but your ask inspired me to write a short helluva boss thing lol ! i rlly hope you like it–i notice you interacted with my last helluva boss work, and it made my week ! :']
also... the lyrics from this piece are from "blue" by leann rimes, and it is such an amazing song asdfghjkl,, i recommend listening to it while you read!
blue, / oh, so lonesome for you, / why can't you be blue over me?
you turn your head away, refusing him the satisfaction of looking directly into your eyes. he raises one of his hands, his fingers carefully ghosting across your jawline, stuttering as they do–like he knows it's wrong for his skin to meet yours. they begin inching toward your lips, prompting you to pull away from him as much as your restraints allow. the coarseness of the rope digs into your wrists. you gasp, partly from pain but mainly from the discomfort of his touch against your skin: "don't touch me."
"play nice," striker lazily drawls. dropping his hand to his holster, he chuckles, leaning forward until you can feel his breath fanning across your face. hoarsely, he mumbles about how pretty and soft you smell; he relents, his posture straightening as he nods toward his hip.
"i can be mean when i want to be, honey," he says, emphasizing his words by tapping against his holster. dragging his fingertips over the bulge of his weapon, he continues, "don't make me be mean."
you clear your throat. "maybe i like mean."
three o'clock in the morning, / here am i, / sitting here so lonely, / so lonesome i could cry
narrowing his eyes, he watches your face, tail whipping behind him with a sharp crack. it continues to fidget as he unsheathes his gun, the glint of his gold tooth competing with how his revolver's silver barrel gleams underneath the dim light.
"admit you need me," he says, the severity of his voice getting caught in his throat; instead, a low, garbled whine falls from him, his words lilted with mean desperation. the barrel of his revolver grazes along your face, dragging it upward until he finally settles on your cheek, pressing it into the fleshiest part before spinning the gun's cylinder. as the cylinder moves, soft, muted clicks sound out, revealing all six chambers are full. the bullets peek at you from the corner of your eye–a moment disrupted as striker snaps the cylinder back into place with a single, well-practiced motion, the fluidity of which makes you shiver.
with a steady, unwavering stare, his gaze meets yours. "i can do this all night," he chuckles. "now, say it."
now that it's over, / i realize, / those weak words you whispered, / were nothing but lies
he stalls. striker's mouth twitches upward into a smirk, his shoulders relaxing as he lowers the gun slightly. holding it against your bottom lip, he lingers, hungrily watching as the plushness of your skin cushions the barrel. a low, pitchy noise rumbles in his chest at the sight; then, his pupils tremble, focus flitting between your mouth and his gun. he shakes his head.
"i'm sick and goddamn tired of you bein' in my head," he snarls through gritted teeth. to punctuate his sentence, he twists the opening of the revolver into the underside of your chin, the motion similar to how someone grinds a cigarette into an ashtray. "the way you sit there, lookin' at me the way you do–you need me."
"do i?"
blue, / oh, so lonesome for you, / why can't you be blue over me?
"i know you love me, darlin'," he quickly says, a thin trail of drool dribbling from his jaw onto his shirt, "yer just playin' hard to get." you snort.
"look at yourself," you say, disgusted. "you're pathetic."
arching your back against the tightness of the rope ("can't have you gettin' away, girlie," he'd said earlier), you huff, the chair you're tied to gently wobbling from side to side. still, as you're struggling, you don't allow him the opportunity to speak. "i-i bet you'd do anything to touch me," you muse, condescension honeying your voice.
"yes." the word comes out a quiet hiss. you can see how taut striker's muscles are underneath his jacket, how his fingers loosen and tighten around the revolver's handle. his claws are scraping against the metal like he needs proof that it's there–like the gun's weight alone isn't enough to tether him anymore.
you peer up at him as you wet your lips, a faint metallic taste lingering from where his gun rested. striker's fangs gnash against the quiet that follows as if he's desperate to taste you. "yes, what?"
"yes, ma'am."
why can't you be blue over me?
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m-jelly · 1 year
I had this in mind for a while now, a levi x mermaidfem!reader I have no context I just need fluff rn in my life 😭
Sorry this took a while to make, I was coming up with the plot for it and I wanted it to be different and new for you all <3
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@ladycheesington <3
The Club
Pairing: Mafia Levi x Mermaid Reader
Tags and warnings: Future AU, fluff, falling in love, scars, past physical abuse, healing, blood, mentions of violence.
Concept: Levi and his gang raid a club and find many of those working there were abused by the gang that had run it. While investigating the club that was now his, he sees a tall big tank in the middle that goes up many floors, inside was you. Levi takes care of you and keeps you employed at the club. Now with a better life and hope, you get to know your new boss and you both fall in love.
@ladycheesington @levisbrat25 @nyxiieluna @li-anne @galactict3a @youre-ackermine @thebobaprincess @2moth-anon2 @cypidity @notgoodforlife @demonsimp6 @nbinairyn @bisexual-bucky-fan
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A tooth flew through the air with blood closely following. A body slammed into the table causing it to smash and glass to cover the floor. Irritated, the creator of the pain in the broken body on the floor clicked his tongue. Smart shoes stepped on the glass around the broken man.
Pleads and begs came out of the mouth of a man with teeth missing, blood and spit flying out. With arms raised he hoped his life would be spared, but the man above him was angry. He saw no mercy in the cold steel blue eyes that looked down at him.
With a calm mind and a choice made, a gloved finger squeezed the trigger causing a bullet to rip through the man's hands and finally through his head. The room went silent as the pleas for mercy stopped. Peace filled the club.
Levi sighed as he felt his head throb. He pinched the bridge of his nose before putting his gun away and investigating the club. As his men checked the bottom floor, Levi was more interested in the grand tank in the middle. He climbed the stairs to the top floor for VIPs only and saw the top of the tank was open.
The top of the tank had a resting area on a fake beach. Around the tank was seating, as if something was to entertain them. Levi was aware that supernatural beings were used as entertainment, he was also aware that this club had a mermaid.
Levi took a seat before leaning on the edge and looking into the water. "I'm not here to hurt you. I want to help." He reached down and put his hand in the water. "You can drag me in if you want." He dragged his gaze over to a little cave used for hiding. He smiled softly when he saw movement. "You can bite me too."
Levi's eyes widened when you slipped out of hiding. His heart raced in his chest as you moved through the water towards him. He felt nervous and flustered all in one. You were so beautiful in his eyes, like a goddess. He held his breath when you rose out of the water and leaned on the side right in front of him.
You tilted your head and hummed. "You going to hurt me like the old boss?"
You grabbed his hand with your webbed one and started reading him. "There's a lot of goodness inside you." You sighed a moment. "So, what's your plan with me?"
He held your hand and smiled. "I would like to keep you."
You hummed a laugh. "I'd like that."
He pulled you closer. "You're really pretty."
You blushed at his words. "Thank you."
He moved your arm out of the water and inspected you. "What are these scars?"
"He would beat me, taze me, burn me and cut me."
"I'm sorry."
You sighed. "You didn't do it or make him. You don't need to be sorry."
"Do you have a home?"
You whined. "You're looking at it."
Levi reached over and grabbed you before lifting you out of the water. "This won't do. You'll have a new place. For now, you'll live with me."
You gasped and felt flustered. "Hey, I need a towel!"
Levi saw your tail slowly turn to legs. "Oh, shit." He sat you down and grabbed the guest towels and gave it to you just in time. "Sorry."
You hummed a laugh and wrapped it tightly. "Thanks."
Levi looked over your scars all over your body. "Tch, fuck. I'm glad I killed that fucker."
"Thank you for killing him. He was trash."
He scooped you up and smiled. "Let's get you to my place to relax."
"Thank you again. What do I call you?"
"Levi, you?"
You smiled and said your name. "Nice to meet you."
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You danced in your tank for those watching. You laughed as joy filled your heart. You were actually enjoying your job now and Levi was being so sweet and kind to you. You spent as much time as possible with Levi and it was wonderful that you lived with him. You were supposed to have your own place, but two months on and you were still with Levi.
You smiled when you saw the VIP light come on, which meant Levi wanted to see you. Levi wouldn't let anyone go into the VIP room anymore, it was just for you and him. You felt something for Levi, so whenever he wanted to see you, you swam to him fast.
You shot up to the top and smiled brightly. "Levi!"
Levi leaned on the side and smiled back at you. "How are you?"
"Better now you're here."
Levi blushed. "Tch, flirt."
You leaned up and smirked. "That's right." You sighed as your lips almost touched Levi's. "I like you."
"I like you too."
You tilted your head. "No, I really like you."
He gulped hard. "Me too. Can I kiss you?"
You purred. "Please do."
Levi crashed his lips against yours and moaned against your lips. He tangled his fingers in your wet hair and pulled you against his body. He didn't care that your wet breasts soaked his shirt. Levi just wanted you as his own. He bit your bottom and tugged a little.
Levi pulled back and sighed. "Fuck, I've been dying to do that for so long."
You moaned a little. "Me too. I want to pull you into my tank and show you so loving, but there are people here." You giggled at Levi's blush. "We can have fun at home, right?"
"Of course. I'll spoil you at home."
"You spoil me too much there."
He hummed in thought. "No, not enough."
You lifted up and sat on the edge of the pool with the end of your tail in the water. "Can we keep kissing, or will you go into boss mode and make me work?"
Levi dragged you close. "We'll kiss all day."
Levi ran his hand over your scales. "So smooth. I love how it looks and feels."
Your fin ears wiggled in delight. "I'm so glad!"
He leaned over and nipped the top of your fin ear making you squeak in delight. "Fuck, I could eat you up."
He nuzzled his nose against yours. "I don't want to scare you, but I have a confession, it's more than like."
You mewled. "Mate and love?"
You gave him a pleading cute look. "Promise?"
"Promise." He pressed his lips against yours. "Sweet mate and love."
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shesmore-shoebill · 2 months
courtrasha au where court moves from the big city into rural texas and meets framhand arasha who flirts by calling them boss and saying shit like "well a humble city boy like myself" and "you city folk are mighty fancy" and courts all flustered by the southern drawl and casual competence and then arasha teaches courtney how to use some equipment like the pottery scene in ghost. do u see. this is how courtrasha can win.
ACTUALLY I LIED I WAS WRONG I WAS A FOOL. arasha is a rancher and teaches courtney how to ride the horse and they r both on the same horse and courtney looks over their shoulder to see arasha super focused and gets all blushy and hehe. and then arasha pats the horses flank and says "she's a real beauty this one" but is looking right at court the whole time she says it. and then maybe one day they're stacking hay together and then arasha stumbles but courtney's been getting strong from all the work in the ranch and she catches arasha and then boom. they're in love. sobs i heart them so bad you don't even get it
WAIT ANON COME BACK. ANON COME BACK AND SHARE MORE COWBOY COURTRASHA VISIONS. I love Courtrasha so deeply their dynamic is so. ripe with potential. 👌
I don't have confidence in my own capability to write a convincing cowboy AU but the chicken vs hotdog video absolutely sets the ground for some BEAUTIFUL possibilities. Everyone say thank you to Arasha for the "boss" bit.
Anyway I love the visions you have here. Arasha as extremely competent with a southern accent, continually reasuring/propping up Courtney and guiding them and the constant use of "boss" which starts as a verbal affectation/default mode of address and turns into like. affection. reverence. Courtney flustered by Arasha's competence and kindness but coming into their own and Arasha getting. steadily more enamoured and impressed by it. Yesss. yessssssssss.
I dont have quite enough free timr to write anything for this myself rn but i did want to release it into the world :')
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amorganva · 8 months
As I share my little doodles I'm still having discussions with my friend about "How are you so obsessed with a nothing character......he doesn't say a word" That's what makes P so great. Some people like to speculate and make their own stories up about a character. You can infer so much stuff about what Carlo was really like....what motivated him, his likes, dislikes, and the only concrete thing we know about him is that he wanted to be a Stalker. To me, P is not really the main character of the game - it's Sophia, Romeo, Simon, Geppetto, Venigni....we're just looking at their stories through the lens of P. Some people see him as just the players puppet with no real agency of his own - always being bossed around by Sophia or Geppetto, or all the sidequest givers, always nodding and not really expressing anything until the very end or asking "Does he even want to become human?" Does he want to isn't a question imo. It's an inevitability. If you want the canon ending, P is slowly becoming Carlo. Whether he wants to or not....it just...happens - because of the way he is/was. Because his lies are white lies that protect people's feelings...because Carlo.
Sure, Sophia encourages him but he wouldn't do it if he didn't want to. Because Ergo. Because Camille, Melody, Arlecchino, Polendina, Pulcinella. The dialogue options to me in universe whenever his springs react it's like....doing things you would do as a person without realizing you did it but you did it because it's natural to you. Carlo is just being Carlo doing Carlo things (minus probably the killing rampage....might just be puppet instincts, then again all of his "victims" are puppets, criminals who wanna gut him first, the carcasses or the alchemists) while also carrying out a mission his father asked of him or this nice girl who woke him up. Not like he's got anything else going on rn. Almost like in a haze, you don't know why...but you're doing it, it gives you something concrete to hold on to in the moment, without a purpose you're kinda just lost. He was always a human trapped in a puppet body. Carlo was right in front of Geppetto, he didn't need the puppet frenzy, he needed time. Just spend time with your damn son. Romeo...I love because he's just Romeo. He's the GOAT. I feel like he was the genki joker and Carlo was the edgelord. Gigachad of a friend. He was there for Carlo. He bled with Carlo. He tried to help P. "He literally tries to kill you...." Yea....to stop the puppet frenzy and save innocents, if he can't reach his best friend and reason with him that's just how it's gotta be. He's probably my favorite character in the game and I desperately hope he comes back somehow (I also really love his voice....it reminds me a bit of Bakugo when he's not yelling, GJ). Who would've thought one boss battle would be the one I simultaneously hate and love the most? Carmeo is the best part of this game. I'm also a sucker for origin stories so I'd welcome a Carlo flashback.
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cosmorom · 1 year
Hello :)
Im kinda bored rn , so I decided to ask some of my fav mutuals about their season 5 Byler theories ( or season 5 theories in general. ( you don’t have to answer this ofc ) )
Have a great day 🩵
omg my first ask i'm so excited
soo these are mostly random toughts than theories.
firstly i think that mike, lucas and dustin's parents will become very apprehensive to them because of the hellfire club, now the entire hawkins is convinced that the hellfire is a satanic cult.
i would like to see el fighting the final boss (vecna/the mf) with the whole group and not just by herself or just with will. plus, in the finale i want she losing her powers for good. just let el trying to live a normal life and being loved for her own person.
vickie will be part of the (extended) party. it's not a want, it's a need
max will wake up before the time jump.
i would love to see mike silently feeling guilty for max's death because he believes that's his fault but he can't tell this to anyone bc this would mean admitting that he lied to el.
i honestly don't know how they will find the time for romance bc s5 will be so crazy. in fact i don't know how or when the byler first kiss will happen, but i'd prefer a quiet moment than one full of tension (like before a battle).
i hope robin's character won't fully rotate on vickie. i mean yeah i want to see rovickie content but i want that robin (and maybe also vickie in the future) stays her whole character.
after the final battle everyone will leave hawkins (maybe we will see the party in a short timeskip (2-3 years. like seeing them in 2020s would be so weird...).
the return of s2 byler, thanks.
another lumax kiss bc we need it.
for the jon/nancy/steve thing i didn't get the duffers intent so we'll see...
eddie is fucking dead.
thank you for the ask!
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blue-dot-dott · 1 year
i'm procrastinating studying rn so here's a list of my kins and reasons why i kin them
*drum roll*
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nimona (nimona)
chaoic gremlin, genderfluid, "fuck the government" personified, just wants to be accepted and loved for who she is, pretends to be "a villain" and plays into that "evil" role society made for her to protect herself emotionally, destructive
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blitz (helluva boss)
chaotic, traumatized, parents would've wanted someone else as their child instead of him, hides insecurities and inferiority complex behind fake big ego
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catra (she ra and the princesses of power)
mommy issues, her mother would've wanted someone else as her child instead of her, "this person hurt me so i'm gonna be successful, beat them in every aspect of life and shove my success and their failure in their face every time i see them" mindset
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marcy (amphibia)
unimportant friend in a trio, friends don't share her niche interests, very much a daydreamer, "i excel at school so i can play video games and read comics/manga and watch cartoons/anime/movies" vibes, escapes reality by running away into a fantasy world where everything is magical and amazing and new and interesting
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luz (the owl house)
"the truth can't hurt me if i pretend it doesn't exist" mindset, daydreamer, escapes reality by running away to a fantasy land where everything is not better, but new and interesting, lies to loved ones about her own wellbeing in order to avoid worrying them, has absolutely no idea what she wants from life or where she's going or what her future is
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amity (the owl house)
mommy issues, "i've been following my parents orders blindly and not even thinking about my life up until a certain point when i realized that the life they chose for me doesn't fit me/isn't something i want for myself and now i have to rebel/convince them to let me make my own choices" mindset
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willow (the owl house)
insecure af, nice and kind towards her friends and ready to murder anyone who even considers harming them, "everyone has bigger issues than me right now so i'll focus all of my attention on being there for them and i'll be emotionally vulnerable and deal with my issues later, wgen everything gets resolved" mindset (which leads to bottling up emotions despite having friends for support)
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gus (the owl house)
gifted kid TM, his skills are so integrated into who he is that he has an existential crisis every time he mildly fucks up anything he's usually good/great at
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diane (bojack horseman)
"good damage." that's it.
well that's all folks! thank you for coming to my ted talk / therapy session! i'll see you when/if i survive exam week!! :D
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cryptidclaw · 2 years
Some people don't seem to understand that Bramble wasn't upset at the three, he took it out on them (wrongly) because he was upset he had been lied to by the cat he was supposed to be able to trust (by which she proved she didn't trust him.) People also seem to forget Bramble himself had adopted 'siblings' in Feathertail and Stormfur! I'm a psychology major (I'm graduating with my BA this summer so I'd like to think I'm a little qualified to profile and diagnose these fictional meow meows,) in the situation with Squirrel, Leaf and the three, Bramble didn't know who to take his frustrations and anger out on, hence it manifesting on the three, and him being a not-so-great husband to Squirrel. They should have split up, but the Erin's don't understand divorce is a thing ig, it would have been a) much better for them both mentally, and b) it would have provided a new narrative for the story (even if it was a b plot.) Both Squirrel and Bramble (and subsequently Leaf as well but she's a different story I'm not going to get in to rn) are in the wrong. They both did things they shouldn't, I wish people would stop assuming Bramble is just an abuser because he can be (honestly I don't think he even qualifies as an abuser, not even mentally. He and Squirrel fall into the same category of not being able to properly express their emotions without getting angry. Take a look at some of the things Squirrel says to Bramble during TNP and vice versa. These two, in my own opinion, should never have become mates, they fit more as siblings.) And they need to stop calling Squirrelflight petty and childish. These two went through hell as children, Bramble via Tigerstar and that drama (along with likely having PTSD from TNP) and Squirrel dealing with the TNP stuff (again PTSD likely) and then having the burden of others comparing her to Firestar. They both have issues. No one is innocent in this situation, and I just wish people would realize that.
Yes, Bramble absolutely was mad at Squirrel not the 3, and he took his anger out on the three because he is terrible with emotions (and a terrible dad). 
I think that Bramble had every right to be mad at Squirrel for not telling him, he was lied to about his own children, by his mate. That being said, I 100% understand why Squirrel didn’t tell him, Bramble has shown no reason for why Squirrel should trust him, and he has shown to be an easily angered cat who will greatly punish Squirrel for the smallest offences. Squirrel had no reason to believe that Bramble would help her and Leaf if he knew, and since Bramble is in a place of power, telling him could endanger Leaf and Squirrel. Also! Squirrel didn’t even want to take the kits because she didn’t want to lie to Bramble, but Starclan literally told/tricked her into doing it. That doesn’t change that Bramble is allowed to be mad, and hurt by what happened, I really think they should have just stayed divorced after this. 
This is like the one time I can understand, and validate Bramble’s anger toward Squirrel for something, every singe other time they fight he is in the wrong. I hate him sm.
I also want to say that even though its understandable for Bramble to be mad at Squirrel, his actions as a result of his anger are in no way okay. He is terrible to his children, and he is terrible to Squirrel. Even if he is mad at her, he has no right to make her life hell, he is deputy (aka. her boss) and he is shown to use his power to take his anger out on Squirrel many many times. 
I also want to point out that it literally took Bramble wanting to help Shadowclan out of love for Tawnypelt to realize that Squirrelflight did what she did because she loves her sister.... Like BRO why did you think she did it??? out of just feeling like fucking with you??? He’s so stupid, and is so bad at empathy. 
Anywho I do really think that Bramblestar shows some serious signs of being an abuser, and to anyone who wants a good explanation for why a lot of ppl think this watch Moonkitti’s vid Bramblestar is Worse! It gives a really good summary of the Bramble is an abuser argument.
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did i ever tell u guys abt how fucking insane working at a hotel was. i have photographic evidence of almost all of this, btw (if u wanna see free to ask lol. idk why u would tho)
i worked at a hotel for a good chunk of time directly after getting out of residential and i'm pretty sure it fucked me right back up
i was the only person there, besides the 2 or 3 housekeepers (who had their own work to do, they couldn't help me at all. i'm not mad abt that, tho. they had their own shit). i was running the hotel by myself essentially. 16, fresh out of residential, running this bitch myself. i was left alone on my 3rd shift.
my boss sucked for a handful of reasons. he was cheap. he whined on the phone to his parents a lot (he was in his early 20s), rarely helped when he was there, tried to get me to write a fake review for the hotel (which, if he just asked once, i wouldn't have rlly cared. but he kept pushing it and got mad at my answer. also lied abt it, saying everyone else did it when he hadn't even asked anybody else. he also asked my fucking parents???), wasn't even nice to the guests
the number of times i touched actual shit and piss was actually insane.
once this dude overflowed his toilet and sopped up the mess with towels. without saying what it was, he just handed the wad of wet, shitty towels to a housekeeper. that poor housekeeper was not wearing gloves. (i had to touch the shit towels next. thankfully i had time to get gloves)
someone shat their bed so violently it seeped through to the mattress. those sheets smelled so fucking bad. they also wiped their ass on a towel. no idea what was done abt the mattress
my last day, multiple people shit and pissed all over their sheets and comforters and towels. my boss made me bleach all of them and didn't help. the bleach combined with the piss made mustard gas and i felt like passing out.
people regularly let their dogs ruin rooms. a dog pissed all over a room once
someone left their dookie stained thong on the floor of their room once
too many people just left shit and piss in their toilet. they weren't clogged. just left there.
we had a lot of construction crews come stay there. one time we had this crew from new jersey i think. this one guy and his roommate would come down kinds regularly to ask questions. they weren't weirdos or anything, they were actually quite nice. but one time, one of the dudes came down alone and said "hey mamas" to me. i could tell that was just the way he talked, like he wasn't trying to hit on me or anything, but i was caught so off guard 😭 he was rlly nice, tho. he ended our convo with "appreciate you, mamas". if i remember right, he was asking me abt stuff he and his roommate could do with their girlfriends around town.
oh btw hotels do not normally wash their comforters, or at least, smaller hotels don't. so uhhh yeah don't use those
there's def more, but that's what i can remember rn
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daggryet · 1 year
i wanna pull for him. im gonna pull for him
it's like. i like him a lot, I like his design, I like his whole thing AND his hydro and a catalyst which suits me very well
i only have Barbara for a hydro and while with certain artifacts she makes pyroenemies (like, yknow, the bosses, for ascension materials) easy peasy she's just. she's not it (also like. it's soooo hard for me to ascend her cause I need to kill the water thing for it and you need archers for that AND I AIN'T DOING ARCHERS NO WAY)
i might actually build fischl but like. only after i build my main and sub-team. so very not right now
I hope neuvilette will be good. i don't actually play catalysts that much but I hope he'll be good. i even know what I kind of team I want to put him in, if his talents allow it. my hopes is that he will be similar to ningguang because I like her playstyle. or barbara, cause she's not bad either, just difficult to ascend and also a healer which is not what I want (I wanna put neuvie with yaoyao if it works. him, yaoyao and kuki and like. idk maybe xiangling. she kind of got replaced by thoma because i found his skills worked better for me with beidou. and also I love him and I am not above salivating at pixels)
on that note: you've mentioned you've built thoma and same!!!! im in the process. what kind of artifacts do you have on him? I wanna lean into his defense/shielder thing but all the guides are so confusing
also, yknow what's been in my mind: does anyone main Lisa? like someone must. but I've never seen that
ALSO ALSO: razor and lisa both say "blitz" when using their elemental skills. it's cute (though Lisa's flirty while razors is a scream)
this reads a little like an oldtimey letter lol. I feel compelled to sign off like
"With my best regards,
or smth
NEUVILLETTE IS ALMOST HERE!!!! i'm so excited, will be my third debut character with lyney and kaveh. i really hope i'll get him early since i've only got 19k rn, and i have such a long list of characters i wanna pull for lmao there's yae miko, cyno (for 4ggravate completion, tighnari will come home at some point i believe!!), venti would be nice for crowd control
i've not built my barbara but doing the last banner, i got her c6 so i'm kind of hoping neuvillette will work well with her so i have an excuse to build her. the only downside is that i'd have to fight a lot of oceanids and omg that boss kicked my ass when o had higher level than it, it's kicking my ass even harder now that it's 10 levels above me. even with lyney who is so cracked, i died like three times las time i attempted it, so i feel your pain!!!! FUCK OCEANIDS!!!!
you did remind me of xiangling, i always mean to build her but then i get sucked into trying to get the perfect artifacts for my main team and well. i'm not spending money on genshin, but damn do i feel scammed in domains. so many hp and defense pieces when i'm just farming for my dps
i don't play a lot of catalyst characters actually, wanderer is the only one i Really use and i think that's because he's flying so while he is vulnerable (like all catalyst characters are), he is still a bit harder to reach than normal catalyst characters. but for neuvie, with his design and his va and his personality, i will make a difference and learn how to play catalysts well. i did it for lyney and bow characters, i will do it for neuvie as well.
and for thoma!!! my best boy. i don't have a set as such for him, i read somewhere his shield scales off of hp, so i've just slapped A LOT of hp and hp% pieces on him. if that site lied to me, well shit. i will have to go look for which specific set is good for him, but i've been leveling artifacts so much recently i have like ten four stars left. and his talents are like 2-7-6 i think.
i dont know, i'm suere there's a reddit group for them but i've been thinking of leveling her and building her, so maybe she can be in an alhaitham team with a lot of er and a very leveled burst talent.
also that's cute:') i love when characters have matching lines
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oatusily · 1 year
Merthur Modern AU
Merlin was late for work, his first day of work to be exact. He already knew he'd be cutting it close so he had no time to stop for breakfast and barley made it out of his small apartment clothed. He was running to say the least, well until he landed flat on his face.
The busy streets of the city, the smell of sewer systems, which was lovely. The staccato footsteps of passerby's, horns of cars, and the random guy on the corner preaching. New York City in all of its glory.
Arthur Pendragon was sitting in his car. New York City the last place he'd ever want to be but, as destiny would have it that's where the family business is located. Not exactly everyone's dream job but his duty. He had promised to look after the business after his mother passed and the Pendragons where not a family made on lies. The light changes and Arthur begins to move forward until he sees a man fall right Infront of his car. Leaning his head out of the window he yells to the man
"Get the hell out of the road some of us have places to be"
"So do I your highness, my apologies for falling down"
Merlin quickly responds. All the time while just focused on being late. He jumps up as gracefully as he can. Which no fault of his isn't graceful at all. The stranger then yells again
"Get out the road"
"You get out of the road"
"I'm meant to be in the road you ass"
Arthur watches as the man gathers himself up running off mumbling something the whole time. 'Well dangit the light is red again bluming idoit.' He thinks to himself
Merlin is proud of himself he's only a minute late so no one will notice. When he walks into the office he is greeted by Gwen shoving a coffee and bagel his way.
"Thank you?"
"Thank me later the CEO's kid is coming to look at our branch today so get to work please."
"What? Okay, okay, thanks Gwen."
"Of course Merlin."
Merlin runs to his desk to get to work.
Arthur is nervous. He had never really like attending business things no matter how important they were to the company. His father would cart him around when he was younger using him to brag about all the things Arthur had done. None of which were Arthur's choice but oh well that's life. Today he had to check out the branch in New York. His Father had decided it best for him for this task but Arthur thinks his father just didn't want to have to travel far.
He stand in front of the doors to the office. Straightening his red tie as he walks in. The Manager of the location greets him.
"Hello Mr. Pendragon, it's lovely to have you here today. I'm Lancelot if you need anything I'll be in my office."
"Please call me Arthur and thank you Lancelot."
(I don't know what else to write rn so if any of y'all want more tell me. Tbh this was just because I'm bored and I love office romances where they get into a little fight before they learn one is the boss and I just felt like it would work with Arthur and Merlin so yeah)
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vole-mon-amour · 2 years
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The husbands have no time for this political bullshit, but Aaron still has to play this game as the boss of the team.
Dave be like: Screw you, Erin. Go fuck yourself. And Hotch immediately be like, very politely,: Dave means that he disagrees with you.
They're a perfect match.
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Garcia's vocabulary. :') Yeah, those two are definitely the Dads of the team and the rest of them are their kids. They look up to Dave and Aaron. I love seeing this dynamic.
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I didn't think we'd see him every again, so I'm glad we do. He's cool. I like him. That's a hell of an opportunity for Emily, though. A huge promotion. I think I'd take it. On the other hand, that's how they reminded me that Paget actually left & I'm not sure I'm ready for that. As we already know, I don't take the change of the team very well. I hope a new character is great. But yeah, Emily surely deserves that. Terrifying, huge responsibility, but worth it, I think.
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These glances. What the hell was THAT??
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I love how this is an actual discussion. Aaron's there, JJ as Will's partner. They all know Will is important & they value their opinions. Forgive me, but this does make me think of when Aaron and Dave discuss on the strategy & how their personal respect and connection with each other is showing.
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Aaron is the Big Boss that's just trying to keep everyone alive (and that is hot af)
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STOP IT. Dave already has way too much on his plate. He and Aaron deserve a freaking good vacation together (and they're both workaholics so they'd find work wherever).
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The way JJ fought to stop Will from going in... Yeah. Also makes me think of how Aaron called out for Dave when Dave was about to get shot by the killer they were looking for & how Derek saved Dave's life at the last second.
However, what I don't understand, is why Aaron said that Wiil isn't going in but they are, and then he obviously knew that Will is going in and didn't try to stop him. Was there a discussion between them behind the scenes on how Will HAS to do it? Judging by how he wanted that guy to tell JJ that he's sorry and all. Will's guilt & how Aaron simply accepts it.
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And when the shots were fired, it's like JJ was so worried, she was going to by physically sick. I can't imagine that & I don't even want to. That hurts. On the other hand, what did they think was going to happen? Penelope was already on the edge of tears, and when Will got shot? Yep. It was logical (which doesn't change the horror of it).
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Ok, I lied. They're forcing me to think about Aaron and Dave. And after this moment Dave rushes in with "They're not answering", obviously worried, and can you fucking IMAGINE how would it be if it was Aaron? If Dave actually saw Aaron getting shot and losing it?
Why am I doing this to myself? Idk.
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Aaron is way too sympathetic sometimes, especially when it comes to the people he cares about. That could be the end of him one day. And again, if it takes JJ's puppy eyes, then what would it be if Dave got shot? Not to mention Aaron was with Haley where JJ is rn with Will.
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Will has a wife-to-be and a kid with her. This is definitely the time to reconsider your life choices and regret your decision. Yeah, a wedding after that makes a perfect sense.
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Dave immediately running to stop them after they learned about the gas pipelines? Yeeeah.
P.S.: The way Garcia dresses. Simply a queen.
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fedoranonymous · 1 year
Catching up on current season anime and the 3 episode test is such a useless metric, it's always the 4th episode where they pull some bullshit
Yuri is my Job! Discussion under cut
The childhood friends angle could have been handled well if they kept it vague instead of having a whole episode go in depth as to what happened which turns their protagonist from a morally neutral, socially competent manipulator* into a dunce who does the same thing over and over again and expects different results
*no it doesn't matter if you act nice because you're nice or because you enjoy the social benefits of being a nice person, thought crime isn't real
Because it's already obvious that she did the same thing with Kanoko i.e. told the bullied girl that she was just pretending in order to be liked, and this worked out better this time because Kanoko is a simp/tame level yandere
And like you knew! This girl was bakashoujiki*! There are at least two instances in this flashback episode where she expresses that "lying is always bad" and "you need to tell the truth"! OBVIOUSLY SHE WASNT GOING TO UNDERSTAND THAT YOU WERE QUITTING TO KEEP HER FROM BEING BULLIED/accused of being bullied?!?!?
*bakashoujiki, literally "stupid honest", is usually translated as naive or honest to a fault which are slightly different meanings in English and I'm not sure which applies more so loanword it is
And even if she's just a kid and doesn't think to explain it to Yano first, why doesn't she try to explain after the fact? Hell, why isn't her instinct to say "no, what the hell is she talking about, okay sure I lied about wanting to go swimming but I don't have any reason to dislike anyone for inviting me, I know you thought it would be fun" and have her acting not be as good and that's how she ends up being bullied about it. Like ffs kids first instinct is to lie about whether they put on their left or right sock first, why is the known liar just sitting there?
Especially bc I watched episode 5 to see what they were gonna do with this garbage, so I know that would have been a great parallel
And Yano could have asked questions too. "Why do you care about being nice to bullies?" "Uh, because I don't want them to bully either of us. Sometimes you gotta get along with shitheads. You get along with me, dontcha?"
Or when they have a conversation about it in the present, they could have mentioned? Their feelings at all? "Why did you betray me?" "Betray you? I was trying to protect you! The teachers pulled me aside to tell me to quit because they thought you were bullying me into playing with you! Obviously someone was spreading nasty rumors about you, so I had to get them to stop!"
And just. It being the same time person both times someone saw through her facade and made her life hell really stretches disbelief, like she's really THAT good of a liar? But the boss realized she was a good actress instantly and she gets tripped up when she writes off someone as being able to like her? And she TOLD HER IN THE FIRST PLACE?!?!
Like idk the backstory breaks the story for me so I hate that they're doubling down on it. I've got the rest of the series queued up rn but I'll see what I feel like after work tbh
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