#lgbtq+ hate speech
oldguardleatherdog · 2 years
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"With no commentary."
Now it's time to introduce my online world to the person who stole a post I made to a religion thread, just a 3 AM stoner post I thought was a bit rambling but not bad, lyrical even, and that I really enjoyed writing and thought was a decent bit of writing and utterly non-controversial about anything -
Meet the girl (chick? troll?) who took my harmless post and put it on her blog for ridicule. For laughs. For entertainment. For jollies. For the lulz. For no other reason than to make fun of me, half a world away.
"It's not like I sent a legion of followers to attack him."
The resulting cyberbullying, harassment, death wishes, AIDSphobia, homophobia, telling me I should have died in 9/11, disparaging my age and my AIDS and my life as a sex worker and HIV activist and my Army service and my Pup kink - all beyond the pale, all violating Tumblr hate speech prohibitions, all illegal in every jurisdiction-
"I didn't even abuse the man."
-along with comments so vile even MAGA won't use -
and multiple mob attacks, pile-ons, and brigadings (9.000+ people so far) that got me mass-reported and terminated.
A follower of mine asked, "WTAF?"
This person is a girl in her 20's from Scotland.
Freaking Scotland, halfway across the globe, brain still developing, an embryo on two legs just one-third my age. Along with all her Gen Z (and older) friends and followers.
Meet Carrie (carlie? charlie? clairey? chatty? Cathy?), aka commonpigeon around these parts. (Or, to save keystrokes, commpig.) She's got friends: pavewoment, baradragon (with oak leaf clusters for his secondary brigading), pinene, kanye-anti-west, mascless, and a long list of supporting characters who will be featured here for your edification and entertainment - along with their own writings about how they try so hard to be good people online and in life and love cats and Jesus and can't figure out why they're so depressed and bummed out by the "toxicity" of Tumblr and Twitter.
"Spending his precious few years left cussing out random people."
*lifts withered hand from the blanket warming his ancient HIV-infested bones*
*raises his weakening eyeballs to the safely shielded screen*
*turns up the valve on oxygen tank*
*grabs his HIV meds that keep him alive at his advanced age*
*spry for his age and condition, the 60-year-old AIDS victim knocks back his 29 pills like a pro and chases them down his ulcerated gullet with a Glenlivet neat*
*haltingly pecks at keyboard in search of foreign trolls to annoy and kinky rubberdogs to ease his pathetic and tragic decline*
*continues pecking and doesn't hear the admonitions from puriteens and gaylings urging him to spend his dwindling days at the senior center*
*because he's locked inside his pup hood living his best life*
"He is the one posting on a public website."
This post right now? It's harmless, really. Just for laughs. Just a gag. Lulz. Jollies. Entertainment.
You can be sure Tumblr's legal counsel and others that regard these activities as hate crimes, cyberstalking and online harassment are laughing too. But not at me.
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swampthingking · 6 months
andrew’s definitely gotten in trouble with his pr manager for tweeting things along the lines of:
“no mania inducing medication will compare to the euphoria i will feel the day donald trump drops dead”
#pr manager is like: andrew… this is the last time i’m gonna tell you#andrew: whats the point of democracy if i can’t exercise freedom of speech#pr manager: andrew it’s no longer about your image#at this point we are concerned the fbi is going to show up#andrew: neil has connections. i’m fine#they thought marketing andrew on social media would be good#they were sooooo wrong#because now andrew has a place to share every insane thing he’s ever thought#for instance—a tweet that just says ‘an alien googling: human clothes’#he’s on there advocating for lgbtq+ youth you KNOW HE IS#he’s cursing and mildly threatening members of congress for imposing these disgusting bills#one day he tweeted ‘does mitch mcconnell know he’s dead yet’#when mitch mcconnell stepped down from senate andrew tweeted ‘hopefully next he steps down from life’#unsurprisingly: this endears him to some people and makes others fucking hate him#and he’s such a shit. he does not care either way#he’s kind of just like: pr manager. you gave me a twitter and told me to tweet. i’m just doing what you asked me#they’ve threatened to change his password so many times#they actually did once but andrew reported the account so many times for defamation and fraud that it got suspended#and he made a new account out of pure spite#his pr manager is like: andrew nobody is going to want to sign you because of your public image#and andrew is like: ?? ok. they can lose every game then#(he knows he’s the best goalie)#ok i think that’s enough for now. however i will probably be back#andrew minyard#aftg#tfc#trk#tkm#the foxhole court#all for the game
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odinsblog · 1 year
Any journalist or media outlet that does not explicitly make clear that Elon Musk is a white nationalist, is complicit in spreading his hate speech, racism, misogyny and bigotry. I don’t care if it’s a tech outlet doing a piece on SpaceX or Tesla, the job of a responsible media outlet is to report facts and give a complete picture of what they are reporting on. Doing anything less is journalistic malpractice. It would be like reporting on how Trump owns a place called Mar-a-Lago, but somehow omitting that he was the occupant of the White House and all of the crimes he has been charged with. (more)
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ceruleanmindpalace · 8 months
I am anti-Fascism.
I live in the country that allowed a fascist to rise to power and kill millions. After this Germany made sure to teach every child what fascism looks like (and what dead bodies of Jews, political opponents and gay people piled up in concentration camps) look like, so this never happens again.
Hitler rose to power because he was able to inspire the masses. And people fell for his lies and hate speech. Additionally, people didn't bother or dare to stand up to his shit - or because their friends/families where fascists and they didn't want to step on their toes.
If I stumble into a blog that supports fascism (by spreading pro-MAGA, pro-Trump, pro-racism, anti-LGBTQ+, or anti-democracy stuff) I will block that blog.
I don't want my art to be reblogged in between their pro-fascism shit.
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tomorrowusa · 7 months
Oklahoma is not exactly a friendly place for LGBTQ+ Americans. Though some residents are pushing back against the culture of hatred.
Dozens of students at an Oklahoma high school walked out in a peaceful demonstration on Monday to show support for the LGBTQ+ community after the death of a non-binary teenager following a fight in a school bathroom in which they said they were a target of bullying. Nex Benedict, a 16-year-old student who identified as non-binary and used they/them pronouns, died on 8 February after a “physical altercation” with classmates in the bathroom of Owasso high school, according to local law enforcement. Body camera footage later released by police showed Benedict describing the altercation with three girls who were picking on them and some friends. At least 40 students at Owasso high school walked out to protest what they described as a pervasive culture of bullying with little accountability, NBC reported. “I just want to get the word out and show these kids that we’re here,” Cassidy Brown, a Owasso graduate and organizer of the demonstration, told KTUL. “There is a community here in this city that does exist, and we see them, and they are loved.” Vigils have been held in honor of Benedict across Oklahoma and the country, including on Sunday night when hundreds gathered at Redbud Festival Park in Owasso for the teen. Many of the gatherings were organized by LGBTQ+ groups to protest against the frequent bullying suffered by nonbinary teens. “Our children are scared to death and go to school every day, and something has to stop,” one Owasso parent, Susie Eubank, said. “My child has had direct threats. Direct derogatory names.”
The Oklahoma state government is completely controlled by Republicans. On a federal level, both of Oklahoma's US senators and all five of its US House members are Republicans.
One GOP Oklahoma state senator is trying to outdo Trump's "vermin" talk and Ron DeSantis's "don't say gay" persecutions.
State senator 'stands by' beliefs after calling LGBTQ+ Oklahomans 'filth'
Days after calling LGBTQ+ Oklahomans "filth," a state senator issued a statement on his comments, saying he stands by what he said. State Sen. Tom Woods is facing growing public outcry and even scrutiny from those within his own Republican Party. Senate leadership called Woods' comments "reprehensible" and "horrifying." But the state senator from eastern Oklahoma has not apologized and appears to be doubling down. “We are a Republican state – supermajority – in the House and Senate. I represent a constituency that doesn’t want that filth in Oklahoma," Woods said, referring to the LGBTQ+ community during a public event last week. The comments came after an audience member asked Woods about legislation targeting the LGBTQ+ community. The audio was recorded by the Tahlequah Daily Press. "We are a religious state, and we are going to fight it to keep that filth out of the state of Oklahoma, because we are a Christian state. We are a moral state," Woods said.
Yep. Tom Woods defends his extreme homophobic hate speech by referring to Oklahoma as a "Republican state" and a "Christian state". Allowing Republicans to get elected by failing to vote or by wasting votes on third parties empowers hatemongers like Tom Woods.
This is Oklahoma State Senate District 4. It sits along the state's eastern border. It looks like there's not a single notable town in the entire district. Does a tiny suburb of Fort Smith, Arkansas count?
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It would probably be difficult to defeat an asshole like Woods in such a district. But electing Democrats in more swing districts would reduce the influence of politicians like Woods.
Look up who represents you in your state legislature – regardless of state. If it's a MAGA Republican extremist, contact your county or state Democratic Party to find out what you can do to help retire the individual.
Find Your Legislators Look your legislators up by address or use your current location.
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willtheweirdrat · 1 year
I cannot believe this. A tumblr blog dedicated to only hate speech towards queer people sends me hate, calls me slurs, and says vile shit. I report it to tumblr, and guess what fucking happens? THEY SAY THAT "THEY DON'T AGREE IT'S HATE SPEECH". Tumblr moderation is fucking ridiculous and I am so pissed off about this. Folks, it's time we get meaner, cause tumblr can't fucking do it's job and it's more obvious than ever now.
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ivygorgon · 6 months
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Credit Adam Ellis
Stop the attacks on trans people! Introduce and pass the EQUALITY Act now!
2,621 so far! Help us get to 3,000 signers!
I’m writing out of great alarm at the attacks on LGBTQ people in our country. I’m particularly horrified at how trans people—especially trans kids—are being targeted. I agree with President Biden—it’s the duty of national legislators “to protect all the people’s rights and freedoms,” and to “pass the bipartisan Equality Act to ensure LGBTQ Americans, especially transgender young people, can live with safety and dignity.”
Right now, there are hundreds of state bills aimed at denying the LGBTQ+ community the free speech, health care, civil rights, and public accommodation due ALL Americans. Together with encouraging hateful rhetoric and physical violence, this is akin to state-sponsored terrorism against a peaceful minority. Historically, we’ve seen this before. It is a precursor to genocide.
Have you publicly spoken against anti-trans and anti-gay state laws? What other actions are you taking to protect the rights and freedoms of their LGBTQ+ constituents? What level of tragedy will it take to change this?
Attacking marginalized communities is the opposite of what our country is supposed to be about. I expect to see you take strong action to oppose it. Thanks.
▶ Created on March 21, 2023 by Jess Craven
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bopinion · 1 month
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2024 / 32
Aperçu of the week
“Live and let live.”
(This is the term used to describe the spontaneous emergence of non-aggressive behavior between troops facing each other as enemies at the front during the First World War. It is now used as a synonym for “to each his own” - as long as he doesn't step on anyone else's toes).
Bad News of the Week
The LGBTQ+ community is open, diverse, peaceful, colorful and inclusive. And stands for tolerance like no other. At the Christopher Street Day parades, which now take place in almost all major German cities throughout the summer, people are cheerful and exuberant. Many people are infected by the atmosphere. In cities such as Cologne, Berlin and Hamburg, hundreds of thousands come together and celebrate a festival of humanity and togetherness that excludes no one. That's nice.
Unfortunately, these events not only attract the attention of those with a positive attitude, but also those with a negative one. Hostility and even attacks on queer people at the events are becoming increasingly common. This happens primarily in the east of the republic and almost exclusively from the right-wing spectrum - neither of which is surprising. After all, the principle of free self-determination can easily be stylized as the antithesis of the conservative, traditional image of society.
The low point for the time being: the CSD in Bautzen in eastern Saxony took place under police protection and the closing party had to be canceled due to security concerns. Numerous disruptive actions were announced by right-wing organizations, including the far-right “Free Saxons” mobilizing on a grand scale, with a counter-event entitled “Against gender propaganda and identity confusion!!!”. In this way, a movement that not coincidentally has the same symbol as the peace movement, the rainbow flag, becomes the target of intolerance with violent tendencies.
Saxony's Justice Minister Katja Meier said that she was stunned that an event had to be cancelled due to the tense security situation and strong right-wing extremist mobilization. “Hatred and agitation against queer people are an expression of misanthropic ideologies that have no place in our society,” emphasized the Green politician. Unfortunately, it has to be said that this is not the case: this ideology has indeed found a place in society. In the state elections taking place this fall in Saxony, Thuringia and Brandenburg, the far-right AfD (Alternative for Germany) is expected to become the strongest party. And they have already polemicized against queer people with posters such as “Hands off our children!”. I'm starting to fear for our social peace...
Good News of the Week
I like this slightly rebellious attitude that the Scots like to display from time to time. Now Edinburgh, the capital of Scotland, is once again showing its stubbornness. A very positive one. It is rebelling against the public image of fossil fuels.
Specifically, this involves advertising, sponsorship, events etc. for a whole spectrum of companies, products or services. The list ranges from airlines and cruise ships to off-road vehicles and basically all oil and gas companies: “all companies and associated sub-brands or lobbying organizations that extract, refine, produce, supply, distribute or sell fossil fuels”.
In short: polluters should no longer be allowed to present themselves to the public. That makes sense. Because “carbon-intensive products and services undermine the council's commitment to tackling climate change”. Current example: In a report released this month, the International Energy Agency just found that if SUVs were a country, they would be the fifth largest CO2 emitter in the world.
Of course, this is only a symbolic step. But it is a step in the right direction. And is therefore being described by activists as a “historic” step in the fight against climate change. Which other British cities such as Cambridge, Liverpool and Norwich would like to follow. Thank you, dear Scots!
Personal happy moment of the week
My son has just gone on a bike ride with my father. He is 16 - and therefore 70 years younger than his grandpa. And yet the two of them can do something together that is “their thing”. For a whole week. Along the Elbe, from Dresden to Magdeburg. I particularly like the fact that this is also possible thanks to the sister and granddaughter. Because in the meantime, she looks after Granny at home. Because dad and son - of course - don't have time again. Thank you!
I couldn't care less...
...that the Republicans are calling Kamala Karris' new running mate Tim Walz a radical leftist and woke extremist. The “coach” is simply a successful, hands-on, people-oriented politician. He has a clear moral compass, his heart in the right place and his feet firmly planted on a democratic foundation. I like the guy. In whose shadow his political opponent J. D. Vance actually just looks weird. I'm looking forward to their debate in television.
It's fine with me...
...that freedom of speech exists. Because it is a valuable democratic asset. But in the age of social media, limits must be set - keywords hate speech and fake news. A prime example of this is a “free spirit” who happens to own his favorite platform: Elon Musk and Twitter (yes, I know he wants it called X). I don't mean that he has reopened this far-reaching mouthpiece to radicals. Or that he fired most of the team responsible for moderating and monitoring the posts. And not his interview with Donald Trump. But his own posts.
According to a study by the non-governmental organization Center for Digital Hate, Musk has spread 50 false or misleading messages on X since January about the upcoming presidential election in the USA alone. Musk's false messages have already been viewed almost 1.2 billion times this year, according to the center. False messages that could benefit Trump. And which are poisoning the political climate. According to his biographer Walter Isaacson, Musk wants to be seen as a “messiah”. He is convinced that he is right in everything he does and says. That makes him a loose gun. And that is dangerous.
As I write this...
...I'm still in a kind of Olympic spirit. For 16 days in Paris, you could watch ambitious athletes surpass themselves. With tears of joy and pain, with hope and adrenaline, despair and Covid - lots of great emotions. And a wonderfully motivating audience that not only cheered on their own, extremely successful athletes (“Allez les bleus!”), but actually rooted for everyone. Somehow this crisis-ridden time seemed to stand still a little, even and especially in France, which is currently in the midst of a full-blown government crisis. My personal discovery of these Summer Olympics is Breaking, this breathtaking mixture of athleticism, creativity, coordination, attitude and rhythm. Simply beautiful. See you in four years, Snoop Dogg!
Post Scriptum
That's what you call a roll backwards: the Liberals, who incidentally also provide the transport minister in the current government coalition, are seriously trying to score points with a clear “pro-car strategy” for city centers against the alleged “paternalism” of the Greens. With fewer pedestrian zones and cycle paths and more parking spaces - preferably with a flat rate, as an alternative to the Germany ticket for local public transport. I checked the calendar: no, it's not April 1st. So it must be serious. It rarely happens, but in this case I really am at a loss for words...
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mint-mumbles · 1 year
Hey, everyone, be careful of a “news” source called Epoch Times!
Epoch is a conservative news outlet that is making a transphobic documentary saying how it’s “based on a true story”.
It has all the bells and whistles: a detransitioner saying how they detransitioned because “[their] body started hurting” (which is a valid reason, but stopping treatment for your body’s sake doesn’t make you any less trans) which then immediately cuts to people saying how people are “mutilating their bodies”. It says “Since when are parents the bad guys?” and has a random teacher saying “Okay, kids! Today we’re going to learn about gender. 😃” Dude, no teacher says or does that 😂
According to this piece of nonsense, we trans people are being supported by the government as well! I don’t know what fantasy land they’re living in, but I wish people wouldn’t commit a genocide against us and instead help us 🥲
I didn’t grab the name of the video (the editing had less than a second to display the title), but I do know that apparently it’s going to be in Epoch TV on June 16th, so be careful! We might see a rise in transphobia then.
Here’s some information about Epoch (please add anything else you think I missed in the comments or reblogs):
Apparently, Epoch has done quite a bit of shady crap in the past:
Please be careful everyone!
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roadarchie · 1 year
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made another poster
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nuka-rockit · 1 year
there is something incredibly fucked up about tumblr's "reporting hateful content" system requiring you to provide one specific post to even submit a report. there are so many sideblogs and burner accounts dedicated to spreading hate in ways that are not immediately traceable back to one post in particular, because they know that makes them easier to ban. they will not write one specific convenient post laying out their belief system, but any reasonably intelligent employee could look at the kind of content they comment on and like and figure out that they viloate the community guidelines' stated policies. Tumblr's Community Guidelines say, quote: " Don't post content for the purpose of promoting or inciting the hatred of, or dehumanizing, individuals or groups based on race, ethnic or national origin, religion, gender, gender identity, age, veteran status, sexual orientation, disability or disease. If you encounter content that violates our hate speech policies, please report it." notice that it only says "post". they do not account for spreading such posts, liking them, or commenting things under other people's posts that would violate this rule if it were a post instead of a comment.
if tumblr really wanted to eliminate obvious transphobia, racism, ableism etc, they could. they were pretty good at removing explicit sexual content once management decreed to do so.
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maepersonal · 6 months
yeah okay haha just gonna block the hazbin hotel tag
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shinobicyrus · 2 years
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In a craven, pathetic, cynical, and transparently desperate ploy to energize his torpid 2024 campaign and match his rival Desantis, Twice-Impeached Ex-President Trump has shuffled out of his Florida tanning tank to join the gibbering chorus of Far-Right trans-panic by releasing a video on Truth Social. The full statement amounts to a hate-ridden, incendiary rant that proposes nationwide federal action that would threaten the health and well-being of trans people, in particular trans children, and will use the law to enforce a rigid, hetero-normative, cisgender social order.
You can watch the full video here on Forbes  if you choose to. I advise against it, personally. The years since his removal from public office and most social media seems to have had atrophied my tolerance. It’s probably why I was somehow shocked at how a video less than four minutes long can cram so much ignorance, falsehoods, hateful invective, and unhinged demagoguery in such a short period of time.
Pages of ink could be spilled breaking down every ranting tangent, from threats to prosecute doctors and hospitals providing gender affirming care, the distasteful novelty of calling trans children mutants,  inventing a conspiracy of pharmaceutical companies selling unsafe hormones and puberty blockers to children, and proposes using the federal government to “promote” aka enforce “positive education of the nuclear family” and the “role of mothers and fathers,” sprinkled with some good old fashioned sex-based bio-essentialism.
The crescendo, the real red meat dripping with bloody doctrine, is at the end:
“I will ask congress to pass a bill establishing that the only genders recognized by the United States Government are male and female and they are assigned at birth.”
“The Bill will also make clear that Title 9 prohibits men from participating in womens’ sports and we will protect the rights of parents from being forced to allow their minor child to assume a gender which is new and an identity without the parents’ consent. The identity will not be new and it will not be without parental consent.”
“No serious country should be telling its children that they were born with the wrong gender, a concept that was never heard of in all of human history - nobody’s ever heard of this, what’s happening today - it was all when the radical left invented it just a few years ago.”
He ends it all with a chilling conclusion. “Under my leadership, this madness will end.”
I’ve done my best since his departure from office to avoid talking about this sad orange failure puttering around his private golf course while lawsuits and legal investigations pile around him. But I’ve heard little mainstream discussion of this announcement; how Far-Right transphobic rhetoric is being elevated to the level of presidential politics.
While Trump was never friendly to the LGBTQ community, he was also prone to mocking the likes of Pence for his desire of wanting to “hang the gays.” Did his Administration do harm to the queer community? Yes, undeniably so. But to me it felt obligatory, with little energy or drive behind it, as Trump ultimately didn’t care. The callous apathy of an incurious narcissist.
Now, whether he believes the nonsense he’s spewing or not, Trump sees that the Republican base has been driven to a mad fervor over the existence of trans folks. So, like the cynical, amoral opportunist he is, he will regurgitate the vile hateful garbage his speechwriters feed him for political and financial gain.
Whether he gets the nomination or not, this announcement will set the tone for the entire Republican presidential primary of 2024.
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donotdestroy · 7 months
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hjellacott · 2 years
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I echo each and every single of EJ's words.
As a former member of the LGBTQ+ collective (now NO WAY I'm getting near there, I'd rather just consider my collective LGB), I am disgusted, horrified, appalled, scared and shocked by what the LGBTQ+ collective has become.
It's gone from LOVE IS LOVE and BE YOURSELF and LOVE'S NOT A CRIME to Suck My Dick, Kill Yourself, If You Don't Want Me To Fuck You Then You Are Transphobic.
It's gone from a rainbow of light to a horrifying, scary place, full of policing, intimidation, threats and yes, TERRORISM. And their speech is so much like the Nazis that I can't believe how many people fall for it - well no, yes I can, many people fell for the Nazi speech as well.
And all because of the TRAs (Trans Radical Activists), the sexist, authocratic men in the movement, the male dominance, the sexism, the misogyny, the rampant homophobia...
I'd love to say EJ's case is unique. It isn't. It's happening left and right. To normal people. To people all around the world. To their friends. To their families. If you so much as have a polite disagreement in conversation with someone, you risk losing EVERYTHING, including your health and that of those who love you. The left have turned into extreme left, and extremes are never good. Left extremists and Right extremists are the SAME.
Therefore, it is with a heavy heart that I've got to say that I will no longer be saying anything in support of Trans people, unless it is to defend a friend. Although I still do believe trans people (true trans people) who are over 18 and have not been coerced nor coaxed, nor pressured in any other way into transitioning, those who do it out of free will with full understanding of what's going to happen, deserve to be free to transition and love and all else, I do not believe Trans People are superior to anyone, more deserving of Human Rights and love than other people, or worth terrorising people over. I will not terrorise and intimidate. We're not killing people. Trans Radical Activists are. You're losing your allies with your violence.
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tomorrowusa · 4 months
Republicans want to mark Pride Month by burning pride flags.
The Colorado Republican Party doubled down on a homophobic message by standing by a tweet calling for the burning of all Pride flags during the month of June. “Burn all the #pride flags this June,” the state Republicans wrote Monday in a post on X. The state party also sent a conspiracy-laden, fear-mongering email about LGBTQ people and Pride month to supporters as it continued to attack Pride month and people who celebrate it. “The month of June has arrived and, once again, the godless groomers in our society want to attack what is decent, holy, and righteous so they can ultimately harm our children,” the letter, signed by Colorado GOP Party Chair Dave Williams, said. The email also included a video sermon from a disgraced pastor titled "God Hates Flags," a name that shares a striking similarity to the "God Hates F***" slogan used by the bigoted members of the Westboro Baptist Church.
Despite blatant hate speech and relentless homophobia from Republicans, there are still clueless idiots who claim both parties are alike. 🙄
Williams continued to spew hate when he spoke to USA TODAY about how God hates "pride flags," and doubled down on the party's comments. “We make no apologies for saying God hates pride or pride flags as it’s an agenda that harms children and undermines parental authority, and the only backlash we see is coming from radical Democrats, the fake news media, and weak Republicans who bow down at the feet of leftist cancel culture," he said. Shad Murib, Colorado's Democratic Party Chair, pointed to the comments an example of blatant, flagrant, extremist rhetoric coming from the state GOP.
As most of us already know, the Democratic attitude towards the LGBTQ+ community is the opposite of that of the Republicans.
A Proclamation on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and Intersex Pride Month, 2024 | The White House
Democrat Barack Obama was the first president to light up the White House in pride colors.
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As Ron DeSantis has made abundantly clear in Florida, the GOP is the "don't say gay" party.
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