picdpipcr · 2 years
New Muse~!
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Nombre: Seung JaeHwa
Sexo: Masculino
Edad: 30 años
Nacionalidad: Sur Coreano
Orientación: Homosexual
Fecha de Nacimiento: 06 de Mayo
Signo: Tauro
Ocupación: Patinador Artístico sobre Hielo
FC: Jung Hoseok – J-Hope (BTS)
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lavenderongunpoint · 3 months
Jae-Hwa sometimes struggles to speak, not that she's shy or anything but she finds it difficult to fully express or filter herself in words, she hated sounding so dry but she constantly sounds dry shshshd the reason why she does is because it sounded like the safest option to say. Moving on, she's able to express herself better by writing. She's a poet at heart, there's a bit of whimsical prose in the words she wrote and perhaps it has become reason for her not to give in to the 'serenity' of her illness, writing down makes her feel relaxed and her mind flowing.
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lgcjinyoung · 1 year
jinyoung shouldn't be nervous. in all sincerity, the two of them had spoken about prom and how they both didn't essentially wanted to be the center of attention during the event. however he could tell that jaehwa was excited for the event and in all honesty he wanted to make the night special for her.
but first- a promposal.
he was a creative soul if albeit generally lazy, which combined with his fear for crowds and making a huge fuzz left him hesitant to plan a promposal for her. but knowing that jaehwa loved him the way he was, he decided a different approach. a message delivered to her, asking to meet him at their usual spot is the subtle start to a small treasure hunt, a red carnation along with a small written letter waiting for her the moment she steps towards the space.
"the first time I got to talk to you was here. but it wasn't where i first saw you. follow your nose. can you smell the friday special? : )"
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lgcjaehwa · 1 year
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jaehwa twirls the pen between her fingers. she may be adept at expressing her feelings through writing but this task came upon her rather suddenly. she needs to break down what she wants to say and rearrange it before penning it down neatly. since she finds crossing out words or using a correction pen less aesthetically pleasing, the idol often opts for two separate pieces of paper. one serves as a rough draft, while the other becomes the final letter. even though their task is to guess who the mysterious sender is, jaehwa believes that writing a heartfelt letter matters more than trying to remain anonymous.
dear hyejoo, before I start gushing about how amazing you are, just know that this letter isn't the best one I could've written. but hey, it's the thought that counts, right? I'm sure you'll know who this is because I'm having a hard time trying to remain anonymous. anyway, let's go back to the day I found out you were my groupmate. i had heard your singing before and thought you were incredibly talented! I loved your voice and secretly wished I could have one like it too. so, when you were announced as one of the members of crystallis, i thought, "wow, she's going to be in the same group as me. crystallis will be known as the girl group with the best vocals!" and to this day, I still believe we slayed every single song given to us. i mean, have you ever heard the parts where we harmonized together? our voices blended so perfectly! i'm genuinely thrilled that you're my vocal partner. despite us being just a year apart, it often feels like you're the more mature one. i've never actually voiced this sentiment before because i'm a bit too shy to say it in person, but truthfully, you were the best roommate i've ever had. sadly, we're not roommates anymore but i hope we can maintain our friendship like this. i'll always come knocking on your door even if we only have a minute to spare just to have a little heart-to-heart. you're an incredible and beautiful human being and i'm sure the others will agree. we're all blessed to have you as one of us and will hold onto you forever, even if you try to shake us off ♡
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lgcpoints · 1 year
specialized training: +10 dance [ x ] comeback & concert prep: +5 guitar +6 notoriety [ x ] love letter: +5 singing +3 notoriety [ x ] birthday livestream: +5 performing +3 notoriety [ x ]
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lgcmanager · 2 years
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SCHEDULE TYPE: TRIMESTER ( PART 1 OUT OF 2 ) SCHEDULE RESTRICTIONS: cannot be paired with another trimester schedule, unless stated otherwise. for reference as to whether your muse is eligible for this event, please click over HERE.
( important note: there is two parts to this mission, so this is the first one and the next one will be coming after the deadline has passed! )
in preparation for their comeback, the CRYSTALLIS members gathered together during their free time with their manager, SEO YEWON. 
as YEWON hands each of the girls their schedules for the next few weeks, she begins to tell them the first event they will be participating, “since you will be promoting at the end of july and beginning of august, you will be attending M! COUNTDOWN’s summer special ( JULY 14 ).” for the special stage, they will be performing TWICE’s DANCE THE NIGHT AWAY ( lyrics distribution can be found HERE ).
like mentioned before, HYEJOO and SOMIN are participating in the LEGACY x PEPSI campaign with ‘SUMMER TASTE’, so they will be working on that during this time and will be performing this in on the last day of lgc’s family concert 2k22, which is scheduled to be on SEPTEMBER 24 in SEOUL. they will also be invited to HANWOO’s ( dbsd’s siwoo & haneul ) radio show on AUGUST 10 where they will talk about their experiences as crystallis members and answer some of the fans’ letters. 
since JAEHWA and SOYOUN will be busy with their schedules, they will be missing some of the promotions so the rest of the members will be singing their parts during that time. they will also have fansigns and online fan calls from AUGUST 1-5.
on AUGUST 4 ( while preparing for m!countdown ), DANBI, ICHIKA, and YURA will be visiting BAE SIWOO to give them their album. after receiving the album, SIWOO will ask the girls if they could do a dance challenge with his newest song, “THAT THAT”. the girls will then be taught a short snippet of the chorus before filming the videos.
in addition to that, DANBI, ICHIKA, and YURA will be appearing on AUGUST 7’s episode of THE RETURN OF SUPERMAN. they will be taking care of PARK JOOHO’s children ( NAEUN, GEONHOO, and JINWOO ). 
then after their comeback, CRYSTALLIS will be given a chance to pair up and do vlives. since most of the girls have busy schedules ( due to notoriety tiers ), we’ve given an estimated period as to when the vlives have gone live ( sometime between JULY 25 to AUGUST 18 ). the order of the vlive are as follows:
due to the uneven number, SOMIN will be having her own individual vlive. do note that for these livestreams, YEWON will be nearby to monitor the comments and the conversation. in terms of what the girls can do, it’s up to you but the only condition is that they cannot reveal anything related to their future activities ( both group and individual ). on average, the vlives last about 15-20 minutes depending on how much time is allotted from them and when they’re doing the livestreams.
more details about the concert will be revealed at a later time, but for the girls, they are expected to practice on all of their songs in preparation for the concert. they are also told that because lgc’s family concert will be held in various locations, the girls will be traveling overseas on AUGUST. 
SUMMER ACTIVITIES: write a 4 replies (minimum 8 lines, 3 per mun) thread with another crystallis member about anything related to the activities above ( or behind the scenes during the butterfly comeback promotions ) for +6 POINTS TO DISTRIBUTE ANYWHERE and +4 NOTORIETY ! 
VLIVE WITH CRYSTALLIS: write a 300+ word solo OR a 6 replies (minimum 8 lines) thread with your partner about anything that was shown during the vlive for +6 VARIETY or MCING/HOSTING and +3 NOTORIETY !
make sure to use the hashtag lgc:crystallismission for all of the tasks. you have until AUGUST 13, 2022 at 11:59PM EDT to complete the requirements and validate your points. please submit the following form ONCE on the points blog.
 MUSE NAME ∙ CRYSTALLIS MISSION 002 - SUMMER ACTIVITIES: +6 ( skill points distribution ) , +4 notoriety [ LINK ]  - VLIVE WITH CRYSTALLIS: +6 ( variety OR mcing/hosting ), +3 notoriety [ LINK ] 
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taehyungiejiminie95 · 4 years
Namjoon – He’s about to get discharged
Warning – May be upsetting to some readers
“Are you awake?” Namjoon mumbles, the low timbre of his morning voice tickling the base of your neck as he tries to curl around you. Your eyes are too sore with tiredness to open, but you are awake. You nod, hearing him sniff as the movement thrusts your hair into his nose, “I’m really scared about leaving. I know it sounds stupid because everyone does it and they always come home, but I still can’t help worrying,” He admits to you. Still unable to open your eyes, you shift around under the covers until your face is pressed into Namjoon’s neck, breathing him in for the last time in two years,
“It’s okay to worry. I doubt anyone goes off to serve their duty without being at least a little apprehensive,” You murmur, moving your hands to caress his shoulders soothingly, “It’s scary. I’m scared for you, even though I know the chances of you ever being in any kind of actual combat is so slim. But it’s okay. It’s natural,” Namjoon groans low in his throat in response, wrapping his arms even tighter around your form. He kisses you gently on the forehead, trying to treasure this memory of holding you, knowing he may not feel it again until he’s discharged,
“Thank you,” His breathy reply comes, the clear edges around his voice starting to blur as you’re pulled out of your dream. It’s coming closer and closer to Namjoon’s discharge date – one month, two weeks and four days – so you’ve been having more and more of these dreams. Memories with him, things you want to do when he gets home, just small tastes of the happiness you felt when you were with him. It’s getting closer and closer every day and you really can feel it.
With a small groan, you swing your legs out of bed and force yourself to get up. After Namjoon had left for the military, you’d found it seriously hard. Getting up was the worst part, you didn’t believe you could do it for even a second. The only reason you did was for your young daughter, just barely 4 years old back then. She would come in as dawn started to break, sniffling as she climbed into bed with you. She missed him too. Namjoon had hardly been away for a week before all of this – he’d fly the both of you out during tours so you wouldn’t have time to miss him too much. It was something of a shock for her when her daddy kissed her goodbye, promising to call and write as often as he could. Telling her day after day that daddy wasn’t coming home just yet was heart breaking. She just didn’t understand why he wasn’t here anymore.
It’s not as bad now. Her 6th birthday wasn’t too long ago, and Namjoon had managed to find the time to record a video message for her! The way young Jaehwa’s face lit up made that heaviness inside of your heart lift for just a few precious seconds. It was beautiful.
So, yeah. It’s been a real journey, but with your husband’s return in sight, everything felt just a little bit less challenging. You’ve already started to plan his Welcome Home party, complete with all the people he missed most (but not so many that it becomes overwhelming), his very favourite foods (his letters told you which ones he missed the most) and a few presents to see him home properly. A new book set from his favourite author, a new polaroid camera and a booking to the grand opening of an art gallery opening a few weeks after his homecoming. Everything is going to be perfect,
“48 days left, sweetheart. Daddy is going to be so proud of you,” You say encouragingly to Jaehwa as she sits down for breakfast. Your little girl has grown up so well over the last two years! Namjoon and you made sure to pick out the perfect school for her to start in while he was away, and she looks so sweet in her uniform. She takes pride in her work and is very popular in her class. Namjoon told you (on one of his incredibly rare phone calls) that he keeps that photo of you and her from her first day of school that you sent him in his breast pocket, right over his heart. He told you it was so that you’d always be with him, protecting him. You’d sobbed right there on the phone!
“Do you think he’ll still recognise me in my big girl clothes? I’m a lot bigger than since Daddy last saw me,” Jaehwa questions quietly. You smile sadly as you stroke her hair down from its messy state,
“Of course! We’ve been sending him pictures that he kept, and you know he’d be able to spot you in a crowd the size of his concerts. Daddy would never, ever forget you. He loves you too much,” You reassure her, putting down a bowl of cereal in front of her. ‘Brain food’, Namjoon always called it. No better way to start the day for a growing girl like his Jaehwa. You smile as another memory washes over you. God, you cannot wait to see him.
Just as you send Jaehwa off to get into her uniform ready for school, you hear a quick knock at the door. You sigh as you throw a glance at your watch, hoping it doesn’t take long. You’ve got an important meeting with Jaehwa’s teacher to get to after dropping her off for her Active Start Session before her classes,
“Mrs Kim,” A serious-looking man with a grim expression greets you when you open the door. You scan him quickly, seeing his military attire. You raise a cursory eyebrow as you invite him in, very politely mentioning that very important meeting, “Of course, of course. And little Jaehwa, she’s doing well at school, I assume? Sergeant Kim always told us she was going to be exceptional,”
“She is. Her teacher and I are actually going to be discussing new ways to keep her engaged. She finds it so easy in class,” You brag subtly, “Please, do sit, Marshall,” You nod graciously, knowing better than to refer to a military professional as ‘sir’. You remember Namjoon’s punishment when that fact slipped his mind. You try your best to hide your smile as you offer hot beverages that the Marshall waves away, “To what do I owe the pleasant surprise of your visit? I hope Namjoon hasn’t gotten into trouble,” You joke lightly, stifling that jolt of anxiety in your stomach. Military professionals always look grumpy. They’re too serious, that’s what Namjoon always says. His grim look means nothing,
“I’m so sorry to have to do this, Mrs Kim. Sergeant Kim, your husband… he was truly a good man, and an incredibly adept soldier,” The Marshall starts, eyes shifting around your living room uncomfortably. Your mind blanks. What is he trying to say? You’re about to stutter out a question when he continues, “What happened was entirely unexpected. We sent the sergeant out with his group on a routine reconnaissance at the border and…” He trails off again, shifting in his seat, “Something went wrong. I’m deeply sorry to say that there were no survivors. We have managed to recover the bodies, although I know this is no consolation. Mrs Kim, I cannot express enough how deeply we regret this. Sergeant Kim was…” The Marshall continues offering kind words in an attempt at a gentle voice, but you don’t hear it. The words ring in your ears, and your head feels tight and dark. Your chest hurts. Your eyes sting. Your hands shake. Your knees won’t work. What’s happening? What does this mean?
At some point, you let the Marshall out. You don’t remember getting up or seeing him out, but your body is suddenly pressed against the door frame and you slide down, tears falling thick, fast, hot and silent. What? Why? How? He can’t be. This isn’t real. Somewhere in the distance, you can hear Jaehwa calling out for you. You feel her hands on your arms, you see her blurred face peering at you through your tears. She looks scared. She’s crying. She wriggles into your arms, trying to get you to hold her, but you can’t respond. What’s happening? This isn’t real. This isn’t real. This isn’t real. Are you saying that out loud? Jaehwa is crumbling. She’s crying even harder. You can’t see her properly. You tighten your arms around her trembling body, holding her close to you. It doesn’t calm her. She cries harder, face tucked into your neck. She’s begging for you to tell her what happened. Where’s Daddy? What did that man want? What does survivors mean? What does it mean if there aren’t any? She hasn’t learned that word yet.
You miss your meeting that day. Jaehwa misses school. You can’t drive her. You can barely even hold your tears back long enough to try and tell her what’s going on. She doesn’t understand. Neither do you. Namjoon… he’s not. In 48 days, he’s going to come waltzing through that door, isn’t he? For the Welcome Home party? The museum and the books and the everything you had planned? He’ll hang his coat up on the rack and kiss you the way he’d been wanting to for two years. Surely he will. He can’t be gone… can he?
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gureumcity · 3 years
☆☆ about me
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hello! here’s a little about me.. we can become friends!
☆ part one
name: jaehwa (i go by jae) pronouns: she/her year: ‘04 liner zodiac: gemini mbti: isfj-a languages: english, japanese, korean lover of: fashion, tea, macarons, babybreaths, oversized hoodies, sushi, xxtra hot cheetos, butterflies, strawberry shortcake, silver accessories, rain, dance, nail designs
☆ part two
currently listening: dear sputnik by txt, unforgiven by le sserafim, alone by jimin, ganadara by iu & yea that dude, haegeum by agust d, super by seventeen
currently watching:
currently rewatching: what's wrong with secretary kim, extraordinary you, kaichou wa maid sama
currently doing: studying for final exams and also crying.. not really. listening to music and watching tv shows. but studying is true.
☆ part three
☆ part four
the boyz ⇥ sunwoo: i swear i consider this man the love of my life. if someone told me to only choose one idol out of all idols to marry realistically, i would say him. he is literally just my type. the way he smiles and plays around with his members is so cute but on the contrast, his raps are way too cool. it's so sad.. if only there were men like him in this world.. but also like he's so smart. his wit has helped him get out of so many things; most of them that start from chanhee's anger/frustration. on second thought, do i like a bully? IM JK HES NOT A BULLY. ⇥ eric: now this man is the literal opposite. he is literally so annoying and is so loud. but why am i attracted him? like i swear to god. he is so hot when he isn’t annoying the hell out of me. he gives me la boy vibes with the backward snapbacks and the sleeveless shirts. ew.. one of my friends also went to school with him too so he's so american to me lmao... but he's actually really sweet? like despite the whole frat boy vibe, he's considerate to the team and deobis. his vlives are just so therapeutic and peaceful.
tomorrow x together ⇥ yeonjun: no cause yeonjun’s way too talented. cause his voice. his dancing. and his modeling. omg. there’s a reason why he’s called the 4th gen it boy. not only that but he’s so sweet and sensitive towards his members, family, and friends. but to moa too. oh god. i’m crying. he’s so sweet. have you seen the way he vocalizes? i feel like i'm listening to an angel. but he's also really funny too. i mean honestly all of txt is but. ⇥ beomgyu: he has bias wrecked me so much with his long hair and i’m literally so picky with who grows out hair. like i don’t want to be cancelled but like long hair just doesn’t suit some people. but he so does. and the way he pouts and complains during to do is so adorable. his annoying ass would probably tire me out if i actually knew him in real life. but i know how sensitive and sensual he really is. and that's what makes him the sympathetic, good person he is. and honestly i really wish there were more people who knew how sweet he is.
enhypen ⇥ jungwon: he’s such a good leader. he’s literally the same age as me, which makes me think even more about how much he’s achieved. youngest leader so far in the kpop industry and continues to mentally help enha. so proud of him. after rewatching iland, i saw so many caring moments i missed from him. i always wish young idols had a regular childhood. they deserve it but looking at jungwon makes me believe that this truly makes him happy. within circumstances, of course. and i think being an idol was meant for him. ⇥ sunghoon: he was my first bias because i have ways liked watching ice skating. but when i got to know him, he was actually so funny. and when he cried after reading his parents’ letter, i realized the journey he had gone through already at a young age. i’m amazed by his determination in his dream. and i'm super happy that he decided to choose a different path. watching him follow each one of his dreams has been an amazing experience.
nct ⇥ jeno: one word. duality. one minute he’d be so adorable, that i just wanna squish his cheeks. and then another minute, i’d literally be checking him out with a big smirk on my face. i feel like a perv. and, don't get me wrong. i don't know why either but i'm always insulting my biases? anyway.. i normally don’t go for the clueless ones cause they frustrate me lol but jeno is an acception. i think. ⇥ jaehyun: hot. okay and i will say that he fits the frat boy vibe so much but that’s not all he is, i swear. he’s so talented. his live vocals. ahh.. heaven. and he’s so effortlessly funny. half of the time, he doesn’t know what’s going on but it is so funny when his american side sometimes comes out. ⇥ doyoung: i first fell for his singing voice cause let me tell you. his covers are literally so glorious. but the way he jokes around with taeyong but cares so much for the younger members is so precious. cause he knows when to act like a kid and when to make sure to be a brother. and even when he's an older figure to most of the members, he's a baby in his family. his brother and his relationship are so cute. they truly are in good terms which is admirable, considering they're both pretty busy.
stray kids ⇥ hyunjin: okay, i’ll be honest with yall and say his visuals first attracted me. but when i watched the survival show, his weaknesses sorta caught my eye. i feel like because he’s so emotional, it relays onto his work well. like his artworks, pictures, and the way he dances always ends up showing some kind of emotion of his. and also he’s so good at making the members feel loved. i think overall i like affectionate guys. ⇥ minho: he’s literally such a bully. especially towards seungmin but the members have said, and you can see it pretty clearly, that he actually cares a lot about everyone. he’s just a tsundere.. he’s not only friendly, although shy, he’s crazy talented and i literally admire him as a dancer. you know those type of ppl you meet and you immediately think "wow this guy must have no friends". he's like the opposite of that. i don't know if that even makes sense but yea. like he seems the type to have a lot of good friends. because he's a difficult person to be friends with, he'll surround himself with people who fully appreciate him for who he is. well... that got deep..
☆ part five
boy groups (bias): astro (moonbin) rip, ateez (wooyoung/mingi), cix (seunghun), golden child (bomin), monsta x (minhyuk/kihyun), p1harmony (keeho), seventeen (mingyu/dk/scoups/wonwoo), treasure (haruto/jihoon/yedam)
girl groups (bias): itzy (yeji), ive (rei/yujin), gidle (shuhua/soojin), kep1er (hikaru), le sserafim (yunjin), loona (jinsoul), newjeans (minji), stayc (isa), twice (chaeyoung/sana), xg (maya)
soloists (some cause i can’t list them all) audrey nuna, ben, be'o, bibi, bol4, chungha, dpr ian, dpr live, gsoul, heize, iu, jimmy brown, junny, kang daniel, kimmuseum, lauv, lany, ph-1, pink sweat$, sam kim, seori, suran, taeyeon, woodz
groups i’m trying to get into: i’m caught up!!
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winterlost · 4 years
♡ letter for @jaehvva​!
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maybe owing to her name, danbi’s always liked the rain—light drizzles or torrential downpours, there’s something movie-esque about it, and she’s never bothered to bring an umbrella because of that. everyone has to run in the rain once in their lifetime, really, and she’s done it enough for a few lifetimes over. soaked and chilled to the bone and exhilaratingly alive, the way her heart pounds through her chest as she runs and laughs loud enough to be heard over thunder.
...so she’s forgotten her umbrella.
or, to be more exact, she doesn’t have an umbrella, which danbi’d normally have absolutely no issue with, if she didn’t have a company laptop with her. she doesn’t have the money to pay for fixing whatever waterlogged data would come out of just making a run for it. so she’s stuck here at the bus stop, waiting on someone to reply her sos texts, watching other much more prepared people alight from the bus and be on their merry way home.
then she spots jaehwa, brightens up for the briefest second before she makes eye contact and feels no small amount of contrition for the way she’d left without a word the last time they met. it’s on her that she hasn’t made amends; does she get to ask for favours now? wordlessly, she smiles at him pleadingly, hoping he’ll take pity on her today instead of the cold shoulder he’s been giving her.
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episentre · 4 years
"And when I felt like I was an old cardigan, under someone’s bed, you put me on and said I was your favorite." ((Kat for Jaehwa~))
T.S.’s FOLKLORE STARTERS  // @of-sword-and-shield
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     Affection as prominent military personnel was stamped as a weakness, but they weren’t in public and no one was judging them right now, in the comfort of their apartment, as Jaehwa sat on the couch with her cup of cocoa and looking at the invitation letter she’d received for the event. Events like these-- ceremonies to bestow medals and honors-- came often with a track record and continuous performance like Katsumi’s-- but with ceremonies, came speeches, and Katsumi practiced now, standing ever so tall and graceful in messy pajamas that still served to make her look elegant.
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     “Wh...” she says, in surprise, and speechless-- was something like this even appropriate to say in an official ceremony speech? Once the initial shock of it dissipates, comes the next realization that she was the one being talked to-- and about-- and it causes her to blush, quickly burying her face into the invitation letter and studying it all the more intensely. “Edit that part out-- it would cause quite a scandal--” she’s muttering half the words in her mouth, embarrassed that she seems to be upholding such unsaid rules and regulations of emotion, but what could she say, “--please. But, uh, carry on”
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triptychexe · 5 years
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▸ GENRE: neutral? i guess a lil bit of comedy? ▸ PAIRING: HBHT14 ot16  ▸ WORD COUNT: 0.7k ▸ WARNINGS: mentions of underage drinking
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Refresh. Refresh. Refresh.
“Where is it?” Micha demanded, leaning over Yerin’s shoulder, scrunching her eyebrows at the HBH Trainees YouTube page on the computer screen.
“I don’t know.” Yerin responded in a slightly snippy tone. She was just as anxious for the teasers to go public. She was tired of waiting, just like the other seventeen people in the room. Tonight HBH was officially launching their new predebut project groups HBHNG and HBHNB. After months of preparation, it was all finally happening.
“It’s 12:04,” Injung spoke up, slight agitation in his voice. “They were supposed to go up four minutes ago.”
“Patience, guys.” Jaehwa said calmly from the back of the room.
“Yeah, it’ll drop soon.” Daehyun echoed, for a split second his eyes glanced over to Jaehwa, as if he was expecting him to say something else. Yerin fought the urge to roll her eyes. Jaehwa was HBHNB’s cool, level-headed leader, and Daehyun has idolized Jaehwa from the get go. Jaehwa seemed relaxed and impartial to everything, which always irritated Yerin. There was no such thing as compassion when it came to Jaehwa. Even in times like this, when their career was officially taking a step forward, he remained as relaxed as ever. 
“There!” Eunha yelled, her arm stretching forward to take the mouse out of Yerin’s hand, clicking on the newly-posted video. The video started playing. One by one, each trainee’s face was shown, each of them striking a dramatic pose.
A chorus of ‘oh’s rang up each time a new face appeared. Yerin, letting go of her annoyance towards her fellow trainee, soaked in every second of the trailer. She was impressed by how natural and professional everyone looked on camera. 
“YERIN!” Nari exclaimed, a hand flying over her mouth as Yerin appeared on the screen. The trainee could barely recognize herself. She looked so different. So mature. So alluring.
“Damn!” Chunghee placed a fist over his mouth. Yerin rolled her eyes, almost thankful that her part in the teaser was over and the attention was diverted.
The teaser ended with all eighteen of them lined up, staring down the camera. HBHNG/HBHNB flashed in big letters. Then the screen went dark.
The trainees erupted in joy, chattering about the trailer. They rewound it a few times, pointing out each member’s strong points and weaknesses.
“I don’t know about you guys, but I think this calls for a celebration.” Changmin grinned when the conversation finally died down.
“We have minors with us, we can’t go to a bar.” Yerin reminded her friend, stiffening up instantly. “I have vodka hidden in my drawers back at the dorm.” Rushi offered, unabashed. Yerin’s mouth dropped at the under-aged girl’s confession. 
“What?” Rushi shrugged. 
“How about we go back to the boy’s dorm. I’ll go buy us some alcohol.” Jaehwa offered. A roar of agreement followed. Yerin shook her head and held up her hands in protest. 
“Hold on, there’s a no drinking policy at the dorms. You guys do realize that if we get caught, the consequences will be much more severe than before? We’re in the public eye now. We need to be careful.” Yerin reasoned. Some of the members suddenly looked hesitant, as if they were deciding who’s side they should take: Jaehwa’s or Yerin’s.  The tension died when Jaehwa spoke up. 
“We’re not going to get caught. The younger ones won’t be drinking. Eighteen and up.” Jaehwa explained calmly. Everyone seemed to let out a breath when he said that, except for the younger ones, who looked annoyed by the statement.
“I’m one of the youngest though!” Rushi complained. “I’m supplying you alcohol!” 
“No you’re not. Yerin and I will go buy our own alcohol. I suggest you go dump out whatever you have in that bottle before I get back.” Jaehwa arched an eyebrow at Rushi, who rolled her eyes but didn’t talk back. 
“Everyone, head to the boys dorm. We’ll see you there.” Jaehwa requested.
Rushi stomped out of the room, leading the other members out of the company building.
“We?” Yerin arched her eyebrows, falling in line next to Jaehwa. “I don’t want to be apart of this.”
“Too late. Let’s get a move on, the store’s closing in forty-five minutes.” Jaehwa nodded his head towards the door with a sly smile.
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lgcjaehwa · 3 years
august 20th 2021
as your training group starts its first lesson of the day, the coach suddenly tells everyone to gather around. when you’re all listening, they suddenly call your name. “ahn jaehwa…” they don’t sound angry, but they’re not smiling either. are you in trouble? did you do anything wrong? ��we heard it’s your birthday… isn’t it?”
before you can react, everyone starts laughing and applauding as a few more staff members enter the room with a cake and a small box. they all sing happy birthday to you, and once the atmosphere calms down again you get handed the box. it contains… letters? “you received a few letters from fans. they also sent this cake. we hope this will brighten your day despite having to come in for training.” 
and right before you all get back to practice, a staff member tells you your gift from the company: a day off to use this upcoming month! you can claim it whenever you want as long as it doesn’t fall on a day with official company or group activities. have fun!
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lgcmanager · 3 years
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on SEPTEMBER 7, everyone from LGC GIRLS SUMMER, TYPE ZERO, and V&A are called to a meeting with KIM HYUNCHEOL. there is another staff member standing right next to hyuncheol and he lets the woman call out each individual’s name to hand them a packet containing all of the necessary information.
“i know all of you are busy with your own projects so i’ll do my best to make this as quick as possible. first thing is that i request all of you to open the folder and look through the first few pages.” hyuncheol explains while knowing that each group had their own set of schedules.
while the company continues to release more content about the show, it is noted that they will have to spend additional time working on their performances since all of them will be performing the following songs during this year’s family concert.
on SEPTEMBER 25, all of the girls except YUMI will be at the GOCHEOK SKY DOME early in the morning for rehearsals ( individuals who are participating in the special stages will be practicing there the day before as well ). during the concert, whenever the girls are not performing on stage, they will be in one of the backstage rooms watching the performances with the rest of the lgc girls summer.
( important note: because type zero and v&a’s missions aren’t due until SEPTEMBER 18, everything mentioned below is mostly to give everyone a sense of the timeline and ic reference. )
type zero will finish their music performances on the week of SEPTEMBER 12-18. during this time, they are required to continue practicing their title track song, “ONE (MONSTER & INFINITY)” along with “RESONANCE”, which they will practice with v&a. both type zero and v&a are also supposed to learn, practice, and record the following song, “GENIUS”, which will be one of their special stages for the LGC FAMILY CONCERT.
as for v&a, because their debut is coming soon, they will continue to practice all of their songs especially “HIGHER” ( VERSUS ), “BLUE HOUR” ( AGITO ), “RESONANCE” ( TYPE ZERO AND V&A ) since those will be the songs that they will perform in the lgc family concert. like type zero, they will be working on “GENIUS” ( SPECIAL STAGE ) as well. after the lgc family concert, v&a will release their songs on SEPTEMBER 27 and start their music promotions. 
( ooc note: since the trimester change won’t be until october, please assume that v&a will be attending music shows for the next couple of days until the upcoming trimester update! )
for the LGC FAMILY CONCERT, the order of the songs will be:
during RESONANCE, there will be an introduction before the performance ( for a general idea, please refer to this video from 0:00-2:18 ). each member from type zero and v&a will form a circle and the camera will pan towards one individual at a time, followed by a line that connects the pair together. the sequence will be based on who joined legacy the latest to the earliest. for reference, that order will be: 
JAESUN will complete the order and the group will stand still as the instrumental is played. right after that, all of the lights will dim and it’ll transition to resonance playing.
during GENIUS, there will be photos and clips of the type zero and v&a members displayed on the screen for all of the fans to see. it’ll start off with their baby photos and gradually transition to their various appearances ( eg. variety shows, vlive shows, modeling gigs, etc. ) and behind the scenes ( eg. debut preparations ). at some point in the song, there will be a segment when the screen will switch to video messages and letters that were sent by their loved ones as a surprise to them. type zero and v&a members will be encouraged to turn around to look at them while singing the rest of the song.
on SEPTEMBER 25, all of the members will be at the GOCHEOK SKY DOME early in the morning for rehearsals ( individuals who are participating in the special stages will be practicing there the day before as well ). whenever one group/unit isn’t performing, they will be in one of the backstage rooms with the rest of v&a and type zero to watch the performances.
before the meeting ends, the staff member calls AHN JAEHWA, AHN JAESUN, GEUM DANBI, GONG HYEJOO, JI HANEUL, KOIZUMI TSUKI, LEE YUSHIN, MIN SOYOUN, OH EUNHYE, OKAMOTO AKIRA, SEO YURA and tells them to stay in the meantime. the rest of them leave the meeting room along with hyuncheol, who has other matters to attend to.
“with the help of the coaches, we’ve selected all of you to be a part of our special stages. in the past, we usually had vocal, dance, and rap stages to showcase our artists and exceptionally talented trainees. this time around, because v&a and type zero will be our final performances, we’ve decided to include some of the lgc girls and trainees to be a part of these collaboration stages. with the way this concert is arranged, we’ve split the three stages based on the three recurring themes — past, present, and future.” the staff member regurgitates the information that was discussed with the other higher ups.
VOCAL STAGE ( AHN JAEHWA, GONG HYEJOO, JI HANEUL ): all of them will be performing “FALL AWAY” along with KANG WOOHEE, KIM HYUNBIN, and LEE SHINHAE. the vocal stage will be the first performance and during the PAST phase.
DANCE STAGE ( KYO MIYEON, MIN SOYOUN, SEO YURA ): all of them will be dancing to “CLOSER” along with KIM JAEHYUK, PARK HAEMI, and SEO HANEUL. the dance stage will be performed during the PRESENT phase.
RAP STAGE ( AHN JAESUN, GEUM DANBI, KOIZUMI TSUKI, LEE YUSHIN, OH EUNHYE, OKAMOTO AKIRA ): all of them will be performing “ALL IN” along with the original artist, YP. the rap stage will be performed during the FUTURE phase.
because the stages are co-ed, all of them will be participating separately in their groups ( so the girls will be practicing together while the type zero and v&a members will be practicing together ). it isn’t until FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 24 and SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 25 when they will be practicing all together ( including the senior artists ).
when the woman is done explaining all of the details to them, she gives them a warning that even though this is one of the few instances when legacy has allowed co-ed performances to happen, everyone is expected to be professional and follow the usual rules.
unlike our typical events, the requirements for this one will be done differently to give the muns a break from doing event threads. you are not required to make the threads related to the family concert ( preparations, rehearsals, etc. ), but if you choose to do that, please use the hashtag lgc:familycon2k21 for anything related to that topic. there are two ways to fulfill the writing requirements so choose ONE.
2 THREADS with two different partners ( they must be people that you have NOT had a thread with and can be anyone who belongs in LGC GIRLS SUMMER, TYPE ZERO, or V&A ). each thread should have 6 REPLIES ( 3 per mun; minimum 8 lines ) in total.
1 THREAD with one partner ( it can be someone that you HAVE interacted with before, but they must be in LGC GIRLS SUMMER, TYPE ZERO, or V&A and the thread has to be created sometime between today and the deadline ). the thread should have 12 REPLIES ( 6 per mun; minimum 8 lines ) in total.
once you complete the writing requirements, please submit the following form ONCE on the points blog before OCTOBER 9, 2021 11:59 EST. completing the task can reward you anywhere between 5-10 SKILL POINTS IN THE SKILL CHOSEN and +4 NOTORIETY, but the number of points won’t be revealed until after the deadline.
THREAD: # OF POSTS WRITTEN [ LINK ]  ( link both threads if you did two threads )
SKILL CHOSEN:  ( skill that you want the points to go to. choose only one skill! )
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kimora2000 · 5 years
Chapter 8
Kimora's POV
I was sitting in the car with Kwon as Officer Jung went in to get my stuff. I couldn't speak, seeing the Commissioner like that. Why is he targeting me? Just how much trouble am I in? Why was Jay so worried? I looked out the window trying to answer the questions that bounced all around my head.
"You know, I've never seen Jay act like this."
I was pulled back by the voice of Kwon.
"He must really care for you."
"I mean we're partners, so I understand."
"No, he's never acted this way about a girl before. He's been in relationships before but they never ended right. It looked like each girl he dated broke him down more and more. I believed he would never talk to a girl again, but then you showed up. That day we meet and you slammed me into that desk. That was the first time I heard a true laugh from that man."
I leaned forward.
"I'm sorry about slamming you into that desk, InTak."
"It's fine. You taught me that sometimes we need a woman in these jobs. They seem to see things that us men struggle to see. So thanks."
I nodded and leaned back into the seat. A couple minutes later, Jung walked down with my suitcase. He put it in the trunk and hopped in.
"I didn't mean to be noisy but.."
He pulled out all the mail I've kept from the murder. I lied about not getting mail to everyone. I held my head in shame.
"This wasn't the first time he's sent you something. There has to be at least a dozen letters. We have to tell Oh."
"He knows about one of them but not all or the other pictures."
I heard both let a sigh out as Kwon started the car and drove off. An hour later we arrived at a really nice looking apartment complex. I got out of the car and followed the two officers. Kwon swiped his ID card and the doors opened up. Once in, we stood by the elevators. He inserted a key and the elevator opened. We stepped on and it took us to the 11th floor. The elevator looked to open on both sides, which we stepped off the opposite side that we stepped on. Down the hallway, multiple doors lined both sides. Officer Jung leaned towards my ear.
"The scan reads the key and you take the elevator, which opens both sides, to the side your apartment is on. So he only has to deal with about 8 other people."
"That's really cool."
We walked to the end of the hallway to room 1112 and unlocked it and walked in. It was small but maybe because he lives alone. I sat on the couch as Kwon and Jung checked the rooms.
"So why do you have his key?"
"He made copies. Told us that if the day comes, he wanted us to have first dibs on anything we want."
I nodded.
"Look, Kimora. Get some rest. You look like hell. We'll be here till Jaehwa shows up."
I guess the words put a spell on me before he could finish, I was already asleep.
Jaehwa's POV
I was looking at all the pictures of Kimora. This man knew everything about her. When she got here. Where she was staying. Even knew where we went last night. He's stalking her but why? I ran a hand through my hair and stood from the chair I was sitting in.
"Sir, that test came back."
The runner gave me a file.
"So it was just fish's blood. What about the box? Any fingerprints?"
He shook his head no.
"Sorry, Sir. It was completely clean. Not even the photos had prints."
I nodded signaling him away. I put the file down and grabbed my bag and jacket. Walking out of the building and to my car. I saw a letter between my wipers.
'So Big Shot. Taking my Diamond away. Well, I have a nice surprise for you. Better go get it.'
There was a picture of a fire. But what was in the center set me off. There was a man stake to a pole. And I knew this place all to well.
"All units to the South Side of..."
Kimora's POV
For some reason, I wanted to wake up. I opened my eyes to see Jay and Intak talking.
"Was everything alright?"
"There was another one. The only difference was it was a male this time."
"Is he threatening you?"
"I believe he's trying to show dominance. Showing that he can only come in contact with her."
I wanted to cry. This wasn't supposed to happen. I heard them get closer, so I closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep.
"She fell asleep on the couch. I'm going home."
"Thanks again for this."
"Yeah yeah."
I heard the door shut but kept my eyes shut. I could hear Jay's steps get closer to me. Then I felt something soft be placed over me.
"I know you're not sleeping."
I opened my eyes to see Jay right in front of me. I sat up and asked him a question.
"Was there another murder? Who was the victim?"
"You don't need to know."
"Jay, I'm in this too. I deserve to..."
"You're not. You're off the case. You no longer need to worry about what's happening out there. You need to worry about yourself."
He stood up and walked into the kitchen. I stood and ran after him.
"Jay, if I stand in the shadows in fear, what good does that bring me. I should be out there, helping in solving this case. I can show that I'm not afraid. I can stand up to his thre...."
"But I'm afraid."
He slammed his hand on the counter which made me jump.
"Listen, I feel something in my chest when I'm with you. And knowing that someone is trying to get to you, scares me. You may be able to stand up to his threats but don't forget who's watching it all."
He walked up to me and placed his hands on my face.
"I hate this as much as you don't but I want you safe."
I felt him move closer. I knew where it leads to next, and I wanted it so badly. Just when I thought it was going to happen, he pulled away.
"You can have my bed. I'll sleep on the couch."
And with that, he walked from me. I walked into the bathroom to look myself in the mirror. My eyes were puffy from all the crying I've been doing. I splashed my face and walked out. Staring over my shoulder I saw Jay sleeping on the couch. His back was facing me. I shuffle to his room. There was a queen-size bed with a navy comforter and pillows. Curling into a ball, his scent made its way to my senses. And for the first time, sleeping alone hurt me more than ever.
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ace-angel-judas · 6 years
Pairing: Yongsun/Mark/Jaemin 
Series: NCT Dream Additional Member AU 
Rating: Comedy? 
Synopsis: Yongsun finds out about his mom. 
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“Are you nervous?” Jaemin asked. 
“Yeah..,” Yongsun played with the files in his hands, “I always wanted to find my parents, it’s weird that it could finally be happening,” 
“Your adopted parents didn’t know them?” Mark asked. 
Yongsun shook his head, his adoptive parents hadn’t been there for him much after he turned five. All he had was a big empty house, a dog and a nanny. He sighed softly, looking at the sealed shut yellow file. 
“Better now then never,” Mark patted his shoulder. 
He nodded, slowly peeling off the seal of the file. Yongsun stopped for a moment before throwing the file down and crossing his arms. Jaemin and Mark both blinked at him. 
“What’s wrong?” Jaemin asked. 
“What if it’s just a letter saying that they don’t want me to find them?” Yongsun sighed, “What if they aren’t even alive because they were murdered by some crazy snake guy?” 
Mark rolled his eyes, “You read too much,” 
“Anything is possible!” Yongsun rested his face on the desk, “I’m scared..,” 
“But looking will help you move on,” Jaemin slid the file towards him, “We sort of want to know too, What if your parents were the president and his secretary?! Or secret agents? Open it!” 
Puffing out his cheeks, Yongsun slowly flicked the file open. He closed his eyes before opening them, blinking softly as he looked at the papers inside. There was a birth certificate staring up at him. 
“Min Yongsun..,” He read out. 
“Your last name is Min?” Mark asked. 
“I suppose..,” Yongsun swallowed thickly, “My dad isn’t on here?” 
“What about your mom?” Mark asked. 
Yongsun looked further down, “Min Jaehwa,” 
A loud squeal made both boys jump slightly, looking up at Jaemin who was waving a piece of paper in the air. They were both confused until Jaemin let out a loud breath. 
“Your mom!” Jaemin pointed to a girl in what looked like a poster from the 90′s. 
Yongsun took the paper from Jaemin, looking at the group on the poster. There were six boys and one girl standing in the middle of them all, he read the poster slowly. 
“Sechskies,” Yongsun whispered, “Were they a kpop group?” 
“They weren’t just a kpop group,” Mark stated, “They were one of the first kpop groups from what I know, they set the standard for everyone really,” 
“Do you think Shindong hyung knows more about them?” Yongsun asked. 
Jaemin was spreading out the papers and news clips on the table, he was looking over them with Mark and Yongsun. He was a little disappointed to not find anything about his dad but there was plenty on his mother. 
Jaemin looked up, “Do you think your dad is one of the other members?” 
Yongsun shrugged, “I don’t know,” 
Mark grabbed the other pictures of the members, holding each individual one up to Yongsun’s face. Jaemin shook his head at each member and Yongsun blinked slowly. 
“Eh, he sort of looks like that one with the small eyes but,” Jaemin shrugged, “He mainly looks like his mom,” 
“Yeah they both have really curly hair,” Mark commented. 
In an attempt to flatten out his curls, Yongsun pouted and shook his head. 
“To be honest, His mom is really hot,” Jaemin whispered. 
Yongsun quickly grabbed all the files and bundled them together, shoving them in the yellow folder. 
“That’s my mom you’re talking about!” 
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chxrriesjoonie · 6 years
behind jaehwa’s nicknames
if you read jaehwa’s basic info post (if you didn’t... go read it please uwu: https://chxrriesjoonie.tumblr.com/post/180013816490/meet-the), you should know that this girl has been given many nicknames. guess who’s here to tell you what they mean? yer, it’s meeeee-
1. jae
okay, this doesn’t require any long af explanation or backstory, so i’m gonna get straight to the point. jae is just a shortened version of jaehwa’s name. pretty self explanatory. jinyoung, jaehwa’s older brother, gave her that nickname when she was 1, and it just stuck after that lmao. jimin started calling her that, then namjoon, and then it just sparked some sort of chain reaction sksksk-
2. jae-jae
pretty self explanatory, too, but this nickname has a cute backstory (like damn cute lmao). jae-jae is just jae doubled. it’s not anything complex. but, taehyung was the first to call her jae-jae, and it all started during “Bon Voyage” 2017. jaehwa and taehyung were in their room wrapping gifts for the members to exchange when they were supposed to read their letters, and taehyung had this sudden thought (same). he was all like:
(taehyung is 🐯 and jaehwa is 🧜)
🐯: “noona, what else should i call you?”
🧜: “hm?”
🐯: “i call you jae and golden dongsaeng, but i want more variety”
🧜, on the verge of obnoxious laughter lmao: “well, i guess you can call me jae-jae”
🐯: “jae-jae?”
🧜, nodding: “mm-hm”
🐯, boxy smile in your face: “i like that”
(see? cute.)
3. ✨fashion genius✨
now this nickname has an actual backstory. it was at the “FESTA 2018″ dinner and before everything went south (lmao), they were all talking about the members’ fashion sense. when it got down to jaehwa, the boys were all over her use of a bandanna as a belt (which is now her signature style) and her dangle earrings (which isn’t seen often on her... “MIC Drop” era being an exception). hoseok came in by saying “she’s a genius when it comes to fashion” and then seokjin added “a fashion genuis”, and then all the boys exploded and started screaming “fashion genuis” and made jaehwa all giggly and crap uwu
(crackheads we stan)
and the rest is history sksksksk-
4. ARMY’s little mermaid (ariel could never) 🧜
the backstory to this is actually the ✨best thing✨ an ARMY on Twitter started the trend of calling jaehwa “ARMY’s little mermaid” after posting a tweet about it back in 2016. “y’all, what if we just started calling jae ARMY’s little mermaid because she loves sea creatures so much? ‘The Little Mermaid’ is her favorite movie too”. multiple people responded saying they loved the idea, and then someone replied saying “ariel could never” and then the owner of the tweet responded saying “that’s officially added to the nickname, chief”. the hashtag “#ARMYsLittleMermaid” started trending and multiple people were spreading the word of jaehwa’s new nickname. it went from there ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
5. golden dongsaeng
jaehwa is a✨triple threat✨, meaning that she’s talented at singing, rap, and dance... everything that makes an idol an idol. and if you’re a triple threat, you’re officially titled ✨golden✨ like hoseok the “golden hyung” and jungkook the “golden maknae”, jaehwa’s the “golden dongsaeng”. jaehwa literally gave the nickname to herself after she posted a selca with the caption “황금 동생 💜” (meaning golden dongsaeng). she probably knew that jungkook and hoseok had those “golden” nicknames, and she wanted one too. ARMY started calling her golden dongsaeng more often, and it stuck after that.
6. disciplinary noona
jungkook gave her this nickname. the backstory was pretty recent. it was first seen on Twitter after translations of how the members would describe each other were released (idk what it’s actually called lmao). jungkook’s said “jaehwa is like my twin but not-so twin. she’s also the disciplinary noona.” a comment under the post with the translations was “so jungkook actually calls jaehwa disciplinary noona? i sense a new nickname.” afterwards, in all these tweets and memes where jaehwa was scolding jungkook, she was called “disciplinary noona”, courtesy of jeon jungkook.
7. little noona
this was given to jaehwa on “Bon Voyage” 2017, and taehyung was walking into their room to ask jaehwa a question, but she found her sleeping. she had her sheet mask on and was wrapped like a smol little squish, and taehyung started giggling and shet. he was all like “noona?” when he walked in but then he busted an uwu and was like “little noona...” while giggling and box smile in your face-
(my uwu machine broke noOOOooOO-)
taehyung took of jaehwa’s face mask and set her head on a pillow since it was literally just laying limp when she fell asleep. after ARMYs saw that, “little noona” became jaehwa’s nickname. it has two meanings: jaehwa’s the noona towards tae and jungkook but is younger than everyone else
jaehwa’s just a cute, smol af bean uwu-
okay i’m leaving now byeeeee- 💜
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