#let’s hope V gets some divine intervention to pull up their big boy/girl pants and initiate something
childrenofcain-if · 15 days
Can't wait to play a completely romantically out-of-their-depth constantly flustered shy mc (how did they ever get laid?) In each of the routes. Especially V and to a slightly lesser extent W because the idea of both of them just being wowed by it all is very entertaining. Mainly V. Everyone on campus is going to be looking at the academic kid and the Bible kid just blushing.
Tl;dr: shy mc is going to be great with each of them, but it's a novel pleasure watching the 50% the mc is always going to be endlessly flustered (because choices) and 50% "they were both bottoms"
Cheers to September 22.
MC and V both sitting rigidly on the edge of the bed and competing on who can warm the entire room by their blushing body heat alone. god save our bottoms 🙏🏻
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