#leonard snart x reader oneshot
appleesaucey-blog · 7 years
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fangirl-favorites · 4 years
Won't Give Up Easily (Leonard Snart x Reader)
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Song inspiration: JAXSON GAMBLE - Won't Go Down Easy
Note: This is my first attempt at writing for Len, so please forgive me if he's out of character. I just had this idea in my head when listening to the song and felt the need to write a fic about it.
Summary: After breaking up with Leonard, you go on a date with someone else because you want to move on. He has other plans.
Warnings: none, maybe some bad writing and grammar mistakes
Words: 1647
You should have known that it could have never worked out. Things like that never worked out, not in real life. You sighed, as you caught yourself thinking about the one thing you should forget about. Or rather, the one person.
You should have listened to your friends' warnings. Barry, Cisco, Caitlyn, they all told you that getting involved with Snart was a bad idea. And of course you'd known they were right. But damn, there was nothing you could have done. Those piercing eyes that stared at you intensely, the sardonic smirk, the sassiness - you've had a crush on him ever since he first walked into Star Labs to work together with your team.
In the beginning things were going great, you spent lots of time together, he seemed to trust you as much to show his soft, vulnerable side to you, a side you didn't even know existed. And just for a while you were convinced things could work out between you, despite him being a criminal and you being a part of Team Flash. Even your friends started to be ok with it after seeing how happy you were.
But as much as you wanted this thing to work, as much as you wanted to see only Leonard's good side, in the end you were painfully reminded that this wasn't all there was to him. He was a criminal, he was the bad guy and he didn't have a problem to hurt people just for his personal gain. The night he robbed Central City's biggest jewelry store and got multiple people injured in the process, while you were waiting for him to show up at your place, made you realize what kind of a mistake you had made. You felt so stupid thinking about it now.
"Y/N?", your name being called, brought you back to reality. Mark smiled at you warmly. "Penny for your thoughts?" You gave him an apologetic look. "I'm so sorry. Work stuff, can't seem to get it out of my head."
Mark was an amazing guy, an old friend of Cisco and you were grateful your friends had encouraged you to go on a date with him. Sure, you'd been skeptical at first, and he didn't exactly knock you off your feet but why not give him a chance? He was a total sweetheart, you two had a lot in common and he seemed to be genuinely interested in you. Besides, you had ended things with Leonard two months ago (even though you had never been officially together) and you were sure that it was about time to move on.
And even though your date with Mark was going well so far, your mind kept wandering to Leonard. The one you still kept thinking about. The dangerous one. The one that was so bad, but could be so good just for you. When you looked into Mark's eyes, you felt terrible for having these thoughts. So you decided to focus on Mark only tonight. The two of you set in a beautiful open-air bar, drinking wine, talking about your shared interests, mutual friends and just about anything. And after a while, all thoughts about Leonard vanished from your mind. Mark didn't only share your interest for computers and programming (hacking was your main job within Team Flash), he was also funny and charming.
But your good mood didn't last too long. Mark was in the middle of telling a funny story about his trip to New York City with Cisco a few years ago, when a shiver ran down your spine. You were still trying to figure out what was wrong with you, when you heard his voice. "Well, well, well. What do we have here?" Leonard's voice was loud and dripping with sarcasm. You didn't want to turn around to face him, but did you even have a choice? Leaning against one of the wooden pillars a few steps away, stood none other than Leonard Snart, wearing his signature parka, the cold gun in hand.
Having overcome the first shock, you gathered your confidence and spoke up. "What do you want, Snart? If you're here to rob the place, could you please go somewhere else, we're trying to have a date." As much as his presence effected you, the annoyance inside you started to grow. What the hell did he think he was doing here?
Snart giggled at your comment and a smirk grew on his face when he replied. "I can't believe I'm saying this but I'm not in the mood for stealing tonight. Might have something different in mind." You felt his eyes crawl over your body and you felt your core heat up under his stare. Mentally cursing yourself and praying he didn't notice what kind of effect he had on you, you crossed your arms in front of your chest. "Looking good tonight, princess." Goodness, the nickname. Trying your best to maintain your composure, you thought about what snarky reply to throw at him, but that was when Mark finally found his voice. "You're C-C-Captain Cold!", was all he got out. Leonard chuckled, looking over to Mark with amusement. "Always nice to meet a fan. Name is Leonard Snart, what's yours?"
A baffled look on his face and clearly overwhelmed by the situation, Mark managed to get out his name. Leonard came a few more steps closer so he stood directly next to your table, his voice a little bit lower when he spoke again. "So tell me, Mark. What exactly are your intentions with my girlfriend?" You almost jumped at his last word and fought against your conflicting feelings. God, did you want to choke this idiot for doing this to you. But there was this other part of you, that felt – how? – flattered, infatuated? You wanted to slap yourself.
You obviously weren't the only person surprised by the term "girlfriend". Repeating the word slowly, Mark gave you a questioning look. "I'm not his girlfriend.", you replied a little bit too quickly. Snart gave you a side glance. "But you almost were. And you still want to be." His remark came out so casually and convinced that it left you speechless for a moment too long. When you wanted to object, it was already too late. Mark was quick to jump up from his seat and grab his jacket. You opened your mouth to speak, but he cut you off. "Look, Y/N. Whatever this is, I think it's best if I leave now. I can't deal with this.", with these words he made a turn to leave. "Wise decision, pretty boy.", Leonard chimed, visibly pleased with himself.
Still trying to process what had just happened, you watched as Mark quickly rushed down the street. Leonard was the one who broke the silence. "Thought he'd never leave. Didn't know you had a thing for geeks, princess." It was enough to spark up all your anger against him. "You know what I have a thing for? People that are not criminals. People that don't stand me up for robbing a bank or a jewelry store. People who are actually being honest with me. But it's not like you understand any of that." That being said you wanted to storm off, but Leonard caught your wrist and spun you around to face him. The look in his eyes was serious but had a sense of emotion to it, something you couldn't quite capture. He didn't speak immediately, like he was searching for the right words. Or rather like he already found them but didn't have the courage to actually say them.
Just when you thought he wouldn't say anything, he exhaled deeply. "I might have made some bad decisions lately when it came to you.". You snorted. "Might have? You hurt other people, you hurt me. You kept lying to me and stood me up, more than once. And now you just come here after two months, ruin my night and scare away my date." Leonard rolled his eyes but didn't lose the serious look on his face. "You know who I am, what I do. And you still decided that getting involved with me was a good idea. So I'm not going to apologize for that. I can't promise you to become a good guy for you, like pretty boy over there.", he motioned into the direction to which Mark had left. "I'm a robber and a thief. Thieves take what they want and share it with no one. And what I want is you."
You didn't know what to say. Was that Leonard's way to confess his feelings for you? You felt your anger towards him vanish into thin air. Did it even make sense to fight against the butterflies in your stomach? You wanted to say something but your mouth felt too dry. Leonard raised your chin, so you had to meet his gaze. "I know you want to be with me, princess. Don't deny that because I can see it." When you found your voice, it sounded a lot more vulnerable than you wanted it to. "I don't know if I can. I don't want to get hurt."
Your words made him think for a moment. His gaze went towards the floor before focusing back on you. "Honesty isn't quite my strength but I'll do my best not to lie to you. I can't tell you all about my plans though, because I know you'd run off to warn Flash about them so he could come and interfere with my plans." The last comment made you chuckle. "I can live with that." That was all he needed to hear to pull you into a passionate kiss. You melted into him and immediately missed the contact when he pulled away and smirked at you. "Looks like I stole something tonight after all."
Tags: @classyasssuperbitch @asaturnerofficial @justalittlebum @nevernotconfuseds
(Lmk if you want to be added to or removed from the tag list.)
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poutypanties · 4 years
Who writes for Leonard Snart or Mick Rory?🤔
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imagines-dreams · 6 years
The Flash Masterlist
Barry Allen
Cisco Ramon
Leonard Snart
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pleasantdreamqueen · 7 years
Our Girl // Mick x Yn x Snart
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Pairing: Mick x Yn x Leonard
Requested: Yes by @companionjones
Request: Can I have a poly Leonard Snart x Reader x Mick Rory?Reader is a girl?
Warning: Handsy Customer,Mention of sexual themes, Protective!Snart,Protective!Rory, Strong!Reader
Summary: Yn lived a normal life in Central City. She was no damsel in distress either. She had an attitude that made the room go silent as well as a gorgeous body to match. When a customer gets too handsy , two unlikely people step in. Will they turn into something more?
My routine was simple wake up , brush teeth, get dressed, wash face , then head to work at a strip club. I was a pretty good bartender , as in the only one that does their job.
Half the staff is making out with strangers or extremely hungover.I sighed when I waked in. Customers were already staring at me like I was a piece of meat.
Some of the people in the bar were more interested in me than the dancers.
I rolled my eyes. ‘I know I look good in jeans and a t-shirt , but damn some of these guys need to stop’, I thought.I hid my things and headed behind the bar.
“What can I get you”,I said giving the guy a fake smile. He smirked at me. “The name’s Jake. I’ll take three shots of whiskey and your number sugar”, the guy replied.
“Not interested buddy. I’m taken”,I lied giving him his three shots. “Like I’m going to believe that”, he answered. “They just came in. Mind giving me a hand here fellas”, I added as the two men entered.
Jake was still trying to make a move on me. One took note of the situation and sat next to him. The other nodded to me. ‘
Snart POV
“Can I get a beer”, I said. “Can’t you see we’re in the middle of something”, Jake replied irritated. “That’s my girl, Unless you want to lose an arm I suggest you get a blowjob somewhere else”,I answered glaring at him as Mick sat on the other side. “I suggest you listen to him, or I’ll turn you to ash”, Mick answered as the bartender gave him a beer.
“We’re giving you a chance to walk away alive. What’s it gonna be”, she said placing her hands on the counter. Jake looked like he was going to pee his pants. He quickly ran out of the bar.
We laughed at his reaction. The bartender noticed he left his wallet behind and took most of his cash . “That’s not very ladylike”, I said taking a sip of my beer.
Mick POV
She rolled her eyes. “He didn’t pay for the drinks , I barely make any tips. Besides a woman has to make a living somehow. I’m Yn”,she said smiling.
“I like you. You got moxie”, I replied. “First one that didn’t say gorgeous. That’s a new record. Got any names ”, she answered cleaning a glass. “Mick Rory and this is my partner”, I said patting Snart on the back.
“It’s Leo. I’ve got plan to get you out of here”, he replied. “You already saved my ass from the douche bag. I think you guys have done more than enough”, Yn added. “Look me in the eyes and say: I want to work here for the rest of my life. Don’t worry I’ll wait”, Snart said.
Yn tapped the counter in defeat. “I’ll join your little group, but I need you to do a favor me”, she replied.
Snart and I looked at eachother. “We’re listening what did you have in mind”, I answered intrigued. Yn told us what she wanted. “Really that’s all”, Snart added.
“Believe me, my boss acts just like the truckers and drunks in this bar”,Yn added crossing her arms. Luckily for us , her boss Michael was passed out from his love affair with whiskey and bourbon.
All I wanted for them was to rough Randy up for the 3 years he disrespected me. I heard a few ribs crack and smiled when I saw a bloody Randy clutching his left side. He looked at me angered.
“You slut. You couldn’t even handle me alone. You’re a pathetic woman”, Randy said as I kneeled beside him. “You made the biggest mistake of your life by threatening me. Too bad it came to bite you in the ass”,I replied grabbing his head and punching him.
Leo and Mick smiled at me as they kissed my cheeks. “That’s our girl”, they answered in unison.
Hope you like it let me know what you think in the comments below😏😀
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allurenia · 3 years
Arrowverse Masterlist
Updated 8/8/2021
Disclaimer: These fanfictions do not belong to me and the owners have been credited. I strongly recommend checking out some of their other fanfictions.
* = Smut
Harrison EoWells
"Nightcall"* 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 written by @elfwoodfae
"Game of Addiction" 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 written by @cursed-ocs
Eobard Thawne
"Little Brat"* written by @taylorsage22
"Make his Life Hell" written by @theladyofmanyfandomsfanfiction
Harrison Eowells
"Temptation" written by @darlingpetao3
"Hurt me" written by @darlingpetao3
Harrison 'Harry Wells
"Vampire Imagine"* 1 2 written by @crazythoughtsandlove
"Finally"* written by @darlingpetao3
"Risk"* written by @darlingpetao3
"Dr. Wells & Mr. Hyde" written by @darlingpetao3
"Make out session" written by @straight-outta-slytherin
"Behind closed doors" written by @reversephysics
"E2 Harrison Wells x Reader" written by @skylarmoon71
"Rethink" written by @central-city-meta-pocalypse
"Feel the Pulse"* written by @jay-wells-writes
"Close Encounters of the Awkward Kind"* written by @central-city-meta-pocalypse
"Loud and Clear" written by @central-city-meta-pocalypse
Harrison 'H.R.' Wells
"The Assignment" 1 2 3 4 writen by @darlingpetao3
"Christmas to Remember" written by @central-city-meta-pocalypse
Harrison 'Sherloque' Wells
"Excitée"* 1 2 3 written by @darlingpetao3
"Through the eyes of a nemesis"* written by @darlingpetao3
Barry Allen
"Perfect Job"* written by @fanfics4all
Malcolm Merlyn
"Being Malcolm's Protege" written by @thefastarrow
Damien Darhk
"Jealousy"* written by @taylorsage22
Mick Rory
"Shy"* written by @taylorsage22
"Baby Y/n" written by @taylorsage22
"Scars"* written by @jay-wells-writes
Leonard Snart
"Secret" written by @taylorsage22
Sara Lance
"Home Videos"* written by @taylorsage22
"You could call me babe for the weekend" written by @bi-bard
"Riots are Easy to Start" written by @bi-bard
"Instant Connections" written by @reminiscingtonight
Lena Luthor
"Mrs. and Mrs. Luthor"* 1 2 3 written by @thinking1bee
"Coming Home to You" written by @dreamersdreamloud
"Sugar Momma"* written by @eliotsbambimargo
"Illicit Affairs" written by @reminiscingtonight
"Cant Compete with Her" 1 2 3 4 written by @supergirl-fanfiction
"She's Gone" written by @supergirl-fanfiction
"Cheater"* 2 written by @supergirl-fanfiction
"Home Videos"* written by @taylorsage22
Ava Sharpe
"Instant Connections" written by @reminiscingtonight
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fabled-fiction · 4 years
last updated: June 8th, 2023
Requests are open!
I write imagines, oneshots and whatnots! I try my best to keep them genderneutral so everyone can read them!
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Legends of Tomorrow
Imagine Surviving in Ancient Rome after the Legends are Scattered through History
Imagine the Pilgrim going after you. (Implied Leonard Snart x Reader)
Imagine You and Victor are Rival Assassins in Love (Victor Zsasz x Reader)
Imagine Scarecrow breaking You out of Gotham Asylum (Jonathan Crane x Reader)
Imagine Working at GCPD and Meeting Harvey Dent (Implied Harvey Dent x Reader)
Songbird (Requested! Sid x Female!Reader)
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This is Me (X-Men x Reader Songfic)
Imagine Alec Summers Accidentally Hurting You during Training (Alec Summers x Reader)
Imagine beings Steves Best Friend and Being Kidnapped By Hydra (Steve Rogers x Platonic!Reader)
Imagine being an Avenger and Having Your Mission Interupted by Deadpool (Implied Deadpool x Reader, Platonic!Steve x Reader)
Moon Knight
Nosey Neighbor (Marc Spector x Reader)
Curiosity Eternalized (Ongoing Series)
1.And Thus the Box Opened
2.As They Evolve So Do You
3.Blood, Sweat, and Worries
4.The Hush Before the Curtain Rises
5.The Current of Water and Blood Run The Same
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Hobie Brown
Open Window (Hobie Brown x Reader) - Requested
Starstruck (Hobie Brown x Sunshine!Reader) - Requested
Soundwaves (Hobie x Techy!DJ!Reader) Headcanons - Requested
Miguel O’Hara
Not Canon (Miguel O’Hara x Reader) - angst
Pavitr Prabhakar
coming soon
coming soon
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THE 100
Imagine Bellamy Trying to Get Your Wristband off by Flirting (Implied Bellamy x Reader)
Imagine Reuniting with Bellamy after the Attack on the Camp (Bellamy x Reader)
Reunited Once More (Platonic!Jasper x Reader x Platonic!Monty)
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draw-back-your-bow · 4 years
My Brother’s Best Friend | L.S
My Masterlist | Request Guidelines | Send a Request
Pairing: Leonard Snart x fem!reader, Mick Rory x sister!reader
Request: “I have a request for your Arrowverse Oneshots... Leonard Snart x reader during their 1958 mission, where the reader and Snart are forced to share a house a few down from Savage, and from that hi- jinx insue” | Requested by @/Jinx_Calem (On Wattpad)
A/N: I just edited this fic and made it into 2nd person. I also changed the title from Not Rory to My Brother’s Best Friend because I feel like it fits better. Looking back, the whole Mick Rory’s sister plot was kinda unnecessary and not asked for at all, but it’s already written, so whatever.
Summary: You have to act like you're in love with your brother's partner in crime (literally), but it shouldn't be that hard. After all, you won't have to act.
Warnings: Mentions of betrayal, mentions of killing, mentions of death, implied suggestion of cheating, brief pervy-ness of a man
Word Count: 4k
You’ve never had an obsession with fire. You always thought it, like any other destructive force of nature, was dangerous and shouldn't be messed with. Yet despite your beliefs, you had been sitting next to a table, watching a small candle burn for almost an hour.
You had a brother. A brother that you didn't know you were related to until recently. Then shortly after you found out, the man you were infatuated with made him disappear.
You would have never in a million years thought that you were related to Mick Rory.
In hindsight, it added up. All the pieces of your life lined up with his. Why you were adopted, how your parents died, and why you never knew about your brother.
Mick had revealed everything to you only hours before he died. And if you ever had any doubts that his declaration was a strange, pain reliever-induced dream, the entire team had been in attendance and their shocked faces couldn’t have been fabricated even by the most imaginative of minds.
One person in particular who had witnessed your brother’s revelation was Leonard Snart. The same man who you had previously thought knew everything about the fire-obsessed arsonist. But judging by his similarly stunned expression… you were wrong.
As much as you wished it wasn’t true, you had feelings for the man. Feelings that exceeded what you were supposed to feel for a coworker. 
And if that wasn’t bad enough, it was painfully obvious that you liked him. Although thankfully, your affection was only noticed by apparently everyone but him. 
You had tried almost everything you could in an attempt to talk yourself out of your crush. The main reason you were so against your heart’s wants was that you and Leo were complete opposites.
You’ve never even got so much as a parking ticket. Meanwhile, he has a very colorful and lengthy criminal record, mainly consisting of icy bank robberies and altercations with the Flash.
But despite all the reasons your feelings shouldn’t exist, your brain was still infatuated with him. And seeing him every day didn’t help quell your longing.
You were brought aboard the Waverider because of ancient powers you were given upon birth. Your residence on the time ship was for your protection and the protection of others from Vandal Savage if he ever succeeded in killing you and obtaining your power.
Since birth, you’ve been able to manipulate the earth to your will. You specifically had a special connection to rocks, especially the meteor that gifted someone the same ability as you thousands of years ago.
Yet with all of the interesting things that have happened to you, you could only think about the fact that you have a brother. No, you had a brother.
Now he was gone.
You previously understood why Leo had to get rid of him. But you didn't know so much now. He betrayed the team, and he probably would have done it again. But you couldn’t help but wish that you had gotten the chance to know your only real family.
Hearing your door open, you looked over your shoulder to face whoever had interrupted your thoughts. Almost like he knew that you were thinking about him, the cold-gun wielder walked in.
"Hey Leo," you greeted, less enthused than you meant to sound. His nose wrinkled in annoyance at the nickname. But you knew that deep down, he liked it. Plus, you thought it was cute.
Leonard nodded in acknowledgment, "Rip wants us in our seats, we're time hopping or whatever it's called."
Your mouth morphed into a small smile at his signature attitude. On the surface he was as cold as his gun. And most people who have interacted with him thought that he didn’t care about anyone or anything, especially after what he did to your brother. 
But those who have had the pleasure of getting to know Leonard, such as yourself, knew that there were things and people that Leo held dear. Such as his cold gun, his sister, and as you’d like to think… yourself.
Although you would be lying if you said that you weren’t projecting your own feelings onto him with that last thought.
You nodded at him with a smile not leaving your face. Moments like those made you forget why being with him would be a bad idea. Him personally coming to tell you something that could have been announced over the comms, made you wonder what would be the worst that could happen.
"Is anyone else’s vision blurry in their left eye?" Dr. Stein asked as the team recovered from time-jumping.
You nodded your head as a reply to him and an attempt to clear your eyesight, "Yep."
Jax was also apparently feeling side effects of the time jump because he commented, "Seeing three of everything definitely isn’t normal."
As your vision cleared, you were able to get a better view of your surroundings. All of the Legends looked a little disoriented.
"Yes, as I mentioned before, the effect of time travel on the human body increases with the length of each jaunt," Rip explained.
You looked out the Waverider’s window and expected to see a city, or somewhere Vandal Savage would stay. But the only thing for at least a couple miles was a small town you could vaguely see in the distance. 
From the looks of it, you all went to the past instead of the future.
"So, where are we?" Kendra questioned, speaking what everyone else was thinking.
You looked to your side and saw Leo inspecting his gun while strapped into his seat. Your mouth downturned at his continued silence that had been present since he killed Mick. 
But you couldn’t blame him, you had taken time to grieve the loss of your brother. Even though his last moments were spent betraying the team, you still mourned, and you weren’t even the one behind the gun.
You and Leo had been close ever since Rip recruited you both. While you weren’t saving the future from an immortal maniac, you would listen to his and Mick's plans for stealing some priceless item. 
Although you didn’t personally engage in acts of thievery, your heart danced every time you saw the look in his eyes that Leonard got while scheming. 
And you mentally rejoiced every time you managed to talk them out of it, because that meant he at least cared about you enough to take your advice. And you would take whatever appreciation you could get from him.
Answering Kendra's question, Rip gestured to the small town, "Harmony Falls, Oregon. According to Captain Baxter's intel, Savage makes an appearance in this quaint little hamlet."
"Why would Savage be here?" you asked. You still sometimes struggled with wrapping your head around the whole time-travel, reincarnation thing, nevermind figuring out a time-traveling immortal’s plans. But you tried your best.
"Yeah, Savage doesn't seem like the type to vacation in Pleasantville," Jax quipped.
The Captain pulled up multiple newspaper articles on the holograms. "Murder, apparently. Several dozens of people have been brutally slain, and others have gone missing."
You frowned at Rip’s words. Why would Vandel Savage need to murder innocent people in cold blood for his plan? None of what happened on the ship made sense.
"Huh, kinda like Rory," Jax remarked. 
You rolled your eyes at his jab. Looking over at Leo, you saw him send a cold glare towards Jax, which the latter ignored.
Disregarding Jax's comment, Rip continued, "Reports are vague, but it seems like the killer is an expert with knives."
Scanning over the articles, you nodded along with his words. The pictures displayed on the hologram showed the victims stab wounds in a similar pattern as Savage’s other killings.
"That sounds like Savage's MO," Sara chimed in.
Ray noted, "Yeah, but serial killing isn't. Sounds pretty small-time for a guy who's had coffee with Hitler." 
"Yeah, well, clearly we have to assume that Savage has a larger, more nefarious plan,” Rip confirmed, “But since we've jumped back in time, Savage isn't expecting us here."
You stayed quiet as they theorised. Unlike the rest of them, you had no prior experience being a superhero… or villain. You were just a (semi-) normal person, living a normal life before joining the team.
So when Rip confronted you all on a rooftop claiming the future would remember you and the other’s as Legends, you were definitely sceptical. However your suspicions were confirmed when Rip later admitted that you all would be forgotten by history.
In all honesty, you weren’t sure what made you stay. Maybe it was that you had been chosen along with extraordinary people and you wanted to believe that you could be like them. Maybe it was your subconscious telling you that you should be using your gifts for something more than what you were doing. Maybe it was your growing affection towards Captain Cold himself.
But whatever your reason was for being on the Waverider, all that mattered was that you were there.
At a young age, you taught yourself how to control your powers just so you could stop yourself from using them. You wanted to have a normal life with a good job and maybe even a family. 
Now with everything that has happened, you may not meet your previous goals. Especially the “have a normal life” part. But it would be worth it since you gained another family by being on the time ship.
Leaving your thoughts, you spoke up, "Savage has hid where he is all throughout history. How could we find him now?"
"By investigating these murders," Rip answered, "Now, there has to be a common link between the victims, starting with the first."
He pointed to you and Leonard, "You two will be newlyweds living in one of the more popular towns. Savage most likely will live there."
If you were drinking anything, you would have spit it out at his plan. Snapping your head towards Rip, your eyes widened as you gave him a disbelieving look.
"Excuse me?" you asked, trying not to snap at him.
Leo had a similar reaction to yours and harshly glared at the Waverider’s Captain. He had been uncharacteristically quiet the whole time, especially when there was planning going on which was his own area of expertise.
You knew your crush on Leo was obvious, but you also didn't think anyone would pay it any mind. Ignoring your question and Leonard’s glare, Rip continued giving instructions to the rest of the team, leaving you to simmer in your own mind. 
The mission is going to be harder than you thought.
You and Leo were unpacking in your new house, attempting to play the role of newlyweds. 
Unfortunately, it had just been awkward and quiet. To try and alleviate the latter issue, you turned on some music. But since it was 1958, the radio station did not have nearly as much variety as it did in your time.
"So," you started, breaking the silence. You and Leonard were normally as close as he was with Mick. But the stations assigned to you both put a distance between you both that you couldn’t tolerate.
"Hello," he curtly replied, his voice as smooth as always. He was across the room, once again tinkering with his cold gun, taking advantage of the privacy you both currently had before your new ‘neighbors’ inevitably bombarded you.
You knew it wasn’t in his nature to start a conversation, so you took it upon yourself to regain the closeness you and him had before the mission. 
"I'm sorry about Mick," you consoled.
Sure, your dead brother whom Leo killed probably wasn’t the best conversation starter. But you both hadn't gotten the chance to talk about it.
"I made the choice," he grunted, brushing off your concern.
Despite his disdain towards physical contact, you gently placed your hand on his shoulder and he tensed. Turning towards you, his lips were pressed into a line and you could see exactly how much he didn’t want to talk about his former partner.
Not knowing where to go now, after he shut down any hope of verbal conversation, you only had one other option that you knew would change your relationship with him forever. For the better or for the worse.
But despite all the reasons you shouldn’t do it, all that was on your mind was trying to distract Leo from the pain he felt of losing a friend.
Placing your other hand on the opposite side of his face, you closed your eyes before leaning in. Your lips ghosted each other as they were about to touch.
However before you both came in contact and broke the tension that was brewing since you boarded the Waverider, the doorbell rang.
Jumping apart from each other at the unexpected interruption, you smoothed down your dress, mostly to calm your heartbeat that elevated during what was supposed to be the moment of your dreams.
Willing yourself to glance at Leonard, you were taken aback by his unchanged, bitter expression. One that was completely opposite from your flustered state.
"Coming, I'm coming," you shouted towards the door as it rang a second time. 
Opening the door, you were met with a woman clad in a stereotypical 50’s housewife dress, similar to what you were wearing. 
Plastering on a smile to hide your embarrassment from almost kissing your best friend, you prepared yourself from the gushing that would come from the woman meeting ‘newlyweds’.
"Welcome to the neighborhood!" she cheered.
"Thank you, Miss…," you trailed off, not knowing her name.
She offered her hand for you to shake, "Knox, Gail Knox. This is my husband Curtis."
You shook her hand expecting a mild mannered, equally excited man to emerge from behind her. But instead you were faced with the object of your mission, Vandal Savage.
"Lovely to meet you," he greeted, apparently not knowing you.
Your mouth fell agape when approached by the world-ending terrorist. 
"I'm sorry, have we met before," he asked, noticing your expression and trying to recall.
Shutting your mouth, you rapidly shook your head, "I... I doubt it. We just moved from way out of town. Sorry about that, you just look like someone else I know."
He nodded understandingly before moving on. "I hope you like tuna surprise," he chuckled, holding up a dish.
"Who’s at the door?" Leo asked, walking into the conversation, "Oh." 
One thing Leonard Snart was known for was his stoicness. However this time, you could clearly see the hatred in his eyes when facing Savage.
Covering up his surprise, you introduced your ‘husband’ to your ‘neighbors’ while gesturing to them, "Leonard, these are our new neighbors, Gail and Curtis."
"What a surprise," Leo hissed.
Paying no mind to Leo’s harshness, Savage stated, "Well, another reason why we dropped by was to let you know that we are having a soiree tonight."
Gail continued, "Stop by anytime after 8:00. We're just across the street. Don't bother to ring the bell." 
Savage finished, still smiling at you both, "You just walk right on in. It's that kind of neighborhood."
Saying your goodbyes, Gail and ‘Curtis’ went back to their house, which left you and Leonard staring blankly at each other, refusing to address the elephant in the room.
Oh goody, a party.
When you both got back to the Waverider to inform the team, Ray and Kendra were also present. Similar to you and Leonard, they were staging as a married couple in the neighborhood. So Savage and his supposed wife likely visited them as well.
"Savage doesn't think I recognize him, which means he won't try to kill me. He can't steal my powers before I've found them," Kendra summarized.
He didn't seem to recognize you or Leo, so that meant he wasn't after your powers either.
"Don't forget, we also have to figure out why he's killing the townsfolk," Ray added.
Rip noticed that you and Leonard had walked in, so he turned to you both, also expecting a mission report.
"Same as Kendra and Ray, Savage didn't recognize Leo and I so he's probably not after my powers. He invited us to some sort of party," you told Rip and everyone else.
Kendra skeptically looked at Ray, who had a mouth full of tuna casserole gifted to him and Kendra by Savage’s ‘wife’.
"Are you seriously eating that?" she questioned with an incredulous look on her face.
Ray nodded with stuffed cheeks.
Ignoring the former CEO, Rip turned towards the hologram he had been showing, "I have been analyzing these forensic files."
"Which reveals nothing except Savage is very good at making people disappear," Leo cut in, scanning through the files.
"Hmm, something you both have in common,” Jackson quipped once again, "Are we just gonna pretend like none of this happened? That Mick Rory wasn't a part of our team? If you can just ice your best friend like that, I hate to think what you could do to us."
You rolled your eyes at his petty antics. Sure, Rory was once a part of the team, but the relationship was severed when he tried to kill you and the rest of the Legends.
What Leo did was no different than what you all did to anyone else who threatened the timeline or a team member. And he didn’t deserve to be hated for doing what anyone else who cared about the team would have done.
 Catching your annoyed expression, Jax addressed you. "How are you ok with this? He was your brother."
"Exactly, Jax. That just goes to show that if I can forgive Leonard for it, you should be able to do it too," you countered.
Kendra intervened before things got too heated between you and one half of the team’s literal hothead, "Right now, we need to stay focused on the mission."
"Look, Savage is going to be busy with this little cocktail party. Whilst you two keep an eye on him, Sara and Martin have the opportunity to find out what he's doing in the secret wing of that asylum," Rip planned aloud.
You, Leo, Kendra, and Ray walked into the house before immediately starting to look around. There were two living rooms with people occupying each one. You and Leonard went into the first one, Ray and Kendra went into the second one.
"There are a lot of people here for a neighborhood soiree," Leo pointed out.
For the sake of your cover as a married couple, you were on his arm. Although you were closer than you needed to be, you were able to hide under the guise of being ‘married’ to him if anyone had any questions.
Or if anyone on the team wanted to do any teasing.
You subconsciously nodded before realizing he didn’t see you due to his focus being on surveying the house in search of anything suspicious. 
"Yeah," you verbally agreed.
Another couple from the neighborhood walked up to you both. 
"Hi! I'm Tim and this is my wife, Linda," the man cheerfully greeted with his gaze locked on you, paying no mind to your ‘husband’.
You forced a smile onto your face and pretended not to notice the man’s wandering eyes. You felt Leo tense under your hand which was still wrapped around his arm. 
"Hello," he smoothly hissed at the man, while simultaneously glaring at him.
"Linda, could you get me something else to drink?" Tim asked the lady who you assumed was Linda. Tim’s wife simply nodded before excusing herself to the kitchen.
The man returned his attention to you and you knew you’d probably be preoccupied with him for a while. Needing for at least one of you to get information on Savage while inside his home, you nudged Leo and discreetly gestured to the hallway which led to other parts of the house.
"Please excuse me, I have to go catch up with someone," Leo begrudgingly said before leaving you and Tim.
Watching Leo go, Tim had a mischievous smirk on his face before turning back to you with narrowed eyes as if you were prey to be caught. In modern times, he would be called a playboy. But in the 50's, he was just a man.
Tim offered his hand so you could dance, "What's your name, beautiful?"
You willed yourself to not roll your eyes as you told him your name and accepted his nonverbal offer. The only thing holding you back from stepping on his toes and turning away was the inevitable scene that he would make. 
One similarity between the 2000’s and 1950’s was a man’s explosive reaction upon not getting what he wanted. Especially if it was a person.
"It's wonderful to meet you. Was that your husband with you earlier?" He asked, as if your answer would deter him.
You ‘meekly’ nodded. During your rigorous training with Sara, you had learned that the best way to get information from someone, was to not let them know you were getting it.
He sighed, nevertheless continuing, "How long have you both been married?"
"Oh not very long, only a couple of months," you told Tim, keeping up the newlywed charade and once again having to hold yourself back from slapping him across the face.
Tim pulled you closer, his lips near your ear, surely about to whisper his adulterous plans for you both, thus putting you on a new level of discomfort. 
In the corner of your eye, you saw Leo, Ray and Kendra walk back into the room. Ray and Kendra had their eyes wide, and Leo was storming over to you and Tim while practically fuming.
He ripped me from Tim's grasp and before you could react, his lips were on yours in a room full of people as he displayed his true feelings for you. You returned his kiss, pushing against him with your hands on either side of his face while he protectively grasped your waist.
As the kiss grew longer and more inappropriate considering the setting, you both pulled away from each other with flustered expressions. 
His arm pulled you into his waist possessively, making sure Tim and any other guy looking your way got the message. Nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck, Leonard whispered, "I love you."
You pecked him on the lips once more before similarly confessing, "I love you too."
At first, you didn't know how the mission would end, but now that events had unfolded, you didn't regret any of the previous awkwardness for a second. Because despite your previous hesitance on being with your brother’s best friend, any risk would be worth it.
▣▣▣▣▣ Thanks For Reading! ▣▣▣▣▣
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bonniebird · 5 years
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I do not give my permission to be posted to any third party sites!!!
You can also read these Fics here:
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Imagines: All my imagines for Leonard Snart
+ Visiting young Leonard Snart after his father framed him
- Requested by: Anon
-   Leonard Snart x Reader
- Summary:
+ Sara, Leonard, and Mick looking after you on the Waverider because you’re the youngest member of the Legends.
- Requested by: Anon
- Leonard Snart  x Reader
- Summary:
Oneshots: All my Oneshots for Leonard Snart
+ Old friends
- Requested by: Anon
- Leonard Snart  x Reader
- Summary:
+ Assassins and crooks
- Requested by: Anon
- Leonard Snart  x Reader
- Summary:
Prompts: All my Prompts for Leonard Snart
+ You know how I think Halloween is for jerks
- Requested by: Anon
- Leonard Snart  x Reader
- Summary:
+ Oh my god you’re in love with her/ him
- Requested by: Anon
- Leonard Snart x Reader
- Summary:
+ I didn’t fall you tripped me
- Requested by: Anon
- Leonard Snart  x Reader
- Summary:
+ It wasn’t love at first sight it took a full five minutes
- Requested by: Anon
- Leonard Snart x Reader
- Summary:
+ “I guess what they say is true. Even paranoids have enemies.”
- Requested by: Anon
- Leonard Snart x Reader
- Summary:
+ “I’m no coroner, but I’m saying the cause of death was humungous explosion.”
- Requested by: Anon
- Leonard Snart  x Reader
- Summary:
+ “So what I’m hearing you say is that there’s no version of us all making it through this alive?”
- Requested by: Anon
- Leonard Snart  x Reader
- Summary:
+ “You’ve got to know the rules before you can break ’em. Otherwise, it’s no fun.”
- Requested by: Anon
- Leonard Snart  x Reader
- Summary:
+ “You got the brains and talent to go as far as you want and when you do I'll be right there to borrow money.”
- Requested by: Anon
- Leonard Snart  x Reader
- Summary:
+ “You ever known a siren to be good?”
- Requested by: Anon
- Leonard Snart  x Reader
- Summary:
+ “I just said ‘you bet your buns’ to a nun! Does that count as a sin?”
- Requested by: Anon
- Leonard Snart  x Reader
- Summary:
+ “Sorry I said "bitches", I'm just really worked up.”
- Requested by: Anon
- Leonard Snart  x Reader
- Summary:
+ “That looks like something you would find on the wall of a serial killer.”
- Requested by: Anon
- Leonard Snart x Reader
- Summary:
+ "You had time to call the police. Why didn't you?"
- Requested by: Anon
- Leonard Snart x Reader
- Summary:
+ “You guys consider me your enemy? You're some of my best friends.”
- Requested by: Anon
- Leonard Snart x Reader
- Summary:
+ “You know how I think Halloween is for jerks? Well, this Halloween, I was the jerk. I’m sorry about tonight.”
- Requested by: Anon
- Leonard Snart  x Reader
- Summary:
+ “If me and Santa got into a fight, who do you think would win?”
- Requested by: Anon
- Leonard Snart  x Reader
- Summary:
+ “So many Christmases ruined.”
- Requested by: Anon
- Leonard Snart  x Reader
- Summary:
Gifsets: All my Gifsets for Leonard Snart
Leonard Snart 1
Leonard Snart 2
Leonard Snart 3
Leonard Snart 4
Leonard Snart 5
Leonard Snart 6
Leonard Snart 7
Leonard Snart 8
Leonard Snart 9
Leonard Snart 10
Leonard Snart 11
Leonard Snart 12
Leonard Snart 13
Leonard Snart 14
Leonard Snart 15
Leonard Snart 16
Leonard Snart 17
Leonard Snart 18
Leonard Snart 19
Leonard Snart 20
Leonard Snart 21
Leonard Snart 22
Leonard Snart 23
Leonard Snart 24
Leonard Snart 25
Legends of Tomorrow 1
Legends of Tomorrow 2
Leonard Snart, Mick Rory and Sara Lance
Leonard Snart, Mick Rory and Sara Lance
Leonard Snart and Mick Rory
Legends of Tomorrow 3
Legends of Tomorrow 4
Leonard Snart cocoa mug
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Tv show Masterlist
Film Masterlist
Legends of Tomorrow Masterlist
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imagine-the-feels · 8 years
No Turning Back
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Request:  Ello, was hoping if you could do a request with the reader for Brandon Routh aka Ray Palmer to a song called in my head by Galantis
For: Anony
Word Count: 1256
A/N:  I’M SORRY IT TOOK SO LONG ANONY! I’m actually very proud in the way this turned out, but if this wasn’t what you were looking for, tell me!
Song Here
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Ray had it bad, everyone could tell.
They just couldn’t tell for who. 
It had started a while ago, when Ray was still pining for Kendra after their breakup. Lenny and Sarah had forced him to go outside of the Waverider and do something useful than staying in his room all the time until they had a mission.
He didn’t have a choice, since they locked him out of the ship as soon as they pushed him out, so he went wandering.
And that’s where he met you, robbing a museum exhibit.You were dressed weird for 2017, with what looked like steampunk goggles on top of your head, finger-less leather gloves that were bounded with plates of steel, and a large tan trench boat that stopped at the top of your black combat boots.
When you saw him, you smirked, grasping the artifact you just stole in your hands, a fragment of a yellow jasper face .
You strutted over to the mesmerized man, who couldn’t take his eyes off of you,  taking his lips into a sweet kiss with one hand on his cheek.
When you pulled back, you just winked at him, patting his chin lightly. “Baby,” you said, in a sultry but whiny tone that made him want to do anything you asked. “You’re not supposed to be here.”
He couldn’t register your words, but you shrugged, stepping back with a wide grin. “Doesn’t matter, we’ll make it work regardless.”
You walked away from him, Ray still frozen with his lips tingling as you lifted our hand and a blue vortex shot out of your glove. You were just about to step through before Ray stopped you. 
You looked back curiously, and immediately he was at a loss for words again.
“How do I--what’s your--where are you--”
“Don’t worry Baby,” you smirked, blowing a kiss before placing the steampunk goggles on your face. “You’ll find out soon enough.”
From then on, Ray couldn’t get you out of his head.
He couldn’t stop thinking about the taste of your lips, the way your body molded against his own--it felt so right.
But...he didn’t even know you.
For a few weeks, he went on a few missions with the others, thinking that if he gave it some time he’d forget all about it. But you were so distracting he couldn’t help it.
Eventually Sarah noticed his love-struck phase, questioning him about it. 
“I don’t know,” he just breathed, looking so sad and lost that Sarah let it go.
The next time he sees you, you appear in his room in your googles, gloves, but a tank-top and a pair of shorts were the only clothes you sported. You looked frustrated, and were pouting to the point that you bottom lip poked out. You stomped over to where he laid on his bed, straddling him without any warning before laying your head on his chest. “Why are you so difficult?” You mumbled, snuggling in closer.
Ray felt a sigh of relief release in his body, and his world shifted on its axis just as it did last time. Without thinking he pulled you closer, wrapping his arms tightly around your waist.  “I’m sorry?” He replied, still having no idea what you were talking about.
You sighed, sitting up on him, looking down in sorrow. “You don’t even know me yet,” you observed, shaking your head and letting out a laugh that was accompanied by a few tears.
Immediately Ray sat up and wiped them away, cooing at you to stop crying until you eventually calmed down. When you did, you both were close enough to each other that you could see your reflection in his eyes.
You leaned forward, and to your surprise so did Ray as you both settled on a sweet kiss for a few minutes. When you both settled for some air, he looked ready to combust from euphoria.
“Who are you?” He whispered, his eyes still closed. “Why do you do this to me.”
You giggled, and his eyes opened quickly in awe at the sound. You leaned forward and brushed the bottom of his ear with your nose, hugging him tightly. “That’s a question I always ask you. But it’s nice to know you were just as whipped.”
You pulled back, fixing your clothes before opening up another vortex. 
“Oh, and you can call me (Y/N),” was the last thing you said before disappearing. 
You both continue the affair, at least once a week you visit Ray in his room at the same time so there’s never any surprise visits. You both just talk, get to know each other (or at least him getting to know you, because you know everything already), and you both makeout quite a bit.
You made him promise not to tell any of the other legends though, and because he knows for a fact that he can’t deny you anything, he agrees. You eventually give him one of your time-traveling gloves, so that if he wants you he can “call”. You make sure he knows not to step through yet though, he needs a pair of googles for that.
It’s been about 6 months since you both started seeing each other, and Ray couldn’t be happier. Until Rip calls them in for an emergency meeting.
“There’s been a distress call from citizens of the future, 4019,” he briefed quickly, as soon as everyone was gathered. 
“Is that even possible?” Kendra spoke up. “To send a distress signal back in time? Do they even know how?”
“They live in an age where time travel is as easy as stepping through the doorway,” Rip answered. “Their technological advances have made them accomplish an infinite amount of things, including bending time for a select few.”
“So what’s wrong?” Sarah asked.
“An Ancient Egyptian artifact that they’ve all thought had been destroyed resurfaced, and someone’s been using the object for mass destruction to control the minds of everyone in the era. Gideon, pull of the photo of the artifact please.”
Without any other provoking, a photo was projected in front of them all.
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Ray tensed, his muscles coiling. Why did it look so familiar?
“This is the second half of a Statue of a Queen of Egypt’s face. No one ever knew the exact woman, because the second half of the statue was never found. In reality, it was sent to the future so no one could put the two halves together,” Rip explained. 
“What happens if they are?” Jackson asked. 
Dr. Stein took over, bouncing on the balls of his feet. “The myth is that the combined pieces would have a medusa-like effect on all who looked into the eyes, but instead of being turned to stone, they’re handing over their minds.”
“Precisely,” Rip cut him off. “I’ve done some digging prior and it seems the last place is was spotted at the Metropolitan Museum. It was stolen by an unknown person they could never find in the system.”
“So they had to be from the future,” Sarah concluded.
Ray stood, absorbing all this information. His mind put it together before his heart caught up, and when it did, he didn’t want to believe it. 
“Gideon, please pull up the video of the suspect.”
Ray could no longer deny the evidence, as a video clear as day popped up with someone he knew all too well breaking into the exhibit and stealing the other half of the Yellow Jasper Queen’s face.
It was you.
157 notes · View notes
wonderswritings · 6 years
Request Guidelines
I’ve had a lot of people messaging me asking what my guidelines are for requesting because the one I have up does not have enough information on it so I’ve updated my guidelines:
*When you request something, please Be Clear with what you want. I need more than steve rogers smut or fluff? This gives me nothing to write with.
*I reserve the right to reject a request. I try my hardest to write each request I receive but it does get the best of me and I never get around to do it. If you do send in a request and I do not either:  1) know who the person is  2) you hound me repeatedly for the story, on or off anon 3) I’m uncomfortable writing it, I have the right not to write it
*If you request anything NSFW, you MUST be older than 18. I can not stress how important this is.
*I will do oneshots, drabbles, imagines, mood boards, and a short series (if needed)
If you do not follow the guidelines, I WILL delete the request.
Do NOT hound me. I understand asking about, or seeing if I’ve gotten the request because of how stupid Dumblr is, but hounding me to write it and publish it is not going to make me write it any faster or post it and there is a chance that I’ll just delete the ask. 
Here is a list of who I will write for: Marvel: Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Thor, T’Challa, Clint Barton, Logan Howlett Supernatural: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester The Walking Dead: Rick Grimes, Daryl Dixon, Jesus DC Comics: Oliver Queen, Barry Allen, Mon-El, Clark Kent, Bruce Wayne Vampire Diaries/Originals: Damon Salvatore, Stefan Salvatore Klaus Mikaelson, Elijah Mikaelson Actors: Chris Evans, Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki, Stephen Amell, Grant Gustin, Norman Reedus, Andrew Lincoln
I am willing to write: Marvel: Natasha Romanoff, Bucky Barnes, Pietro Maximoff, Wanda Maximoff, Peter Parker, Loki, Peter Quill Supernatural: Crowley, Rowena, John Winchester The Walking Dead: Carl Grimes, Glenn Rhee, Negan DC Comics: Kara Danvers, Wally West, Sara Lance, Ray Palmer, Nathan Heywood, Leonard Snart, Aquaman Actors: Tom Holland, Chandler Riggs, Daniel Gillies, Chris Hemsworth, Kit Harington,  Jason Momoa   Game of Thrones: Robb Stark, Jon Snow, Tyrion Lannister, Jaime Lannister, Khal Drogo Greys Anatomy: Derek Shepherd, Mark Sloan, Owen Hunt, Alex Karev, Jackson Avery
I will not write: Polyamory, Incest, Smut for Peter Parker, Carl Grimes, Tom Holland and Chandler Riggs
Frequently asked Questions: Do you write person of colors stories? I have never written for a person of color for the simple fact that I wouldn’t know how to write them. There’s differences between a white person and a person of color so I wouldn’t know how to portray them without offending anyone.
How do you feel writing for the LGBTQ community? I am comfortable writing for the LGBTQ community, I just tend not to unless someone requests me to. I do not want to offend anyone so most of my stories the reader is a girl, and a few stories I will do a gender neutral reader
Do you write male x male, female x female? I have written a girl x girl story where the requester asked for Supergirl to be switched as her male counterpart but I wrote it as a girl x girl story. I also have a Black Widow story that hints at a little something in the past which is a girl x girl. If someone requests a specific pairing like male x male or girl x girl, I would have no problem writing it.
How do you write Y/N? Y/N is generally based off of me. I try not to write any descriptive pieces about hair/face/body because not everyone has what I write Y/N to be. If I do describe the appearance it is most always based off of me.
How do you feel about people talking to you either on your post or through your messages/anon? I have no problem with you talking to me. You can talk to me through private messaging if you don’t want it to be public, or you can talk to me through asks. If you send in an anon, I only ask that you are nice and polite. I’ve had to cut off anon and delete a lot of messages I’ve received because of the little assholes who think they’re entitled to be a dick because I haven’t done something that they like. 
Do you have other writing profiles? Wattpad: Marvel_base001
How do you tag? On my side blog @capstags where my tagging system is, I have lists for each thing I write. Anything related to that topic, I tag you in it. I do ask that you reblog or comment to be tagged just because it shows that you are active
Will you put your beliefs/religion in a story you write? No. My religion and beliefs may not be the same as another persons and I do not want to offend anyone.
Do you have a permanent taglist? Originally, no. But recently I made a new taglist that is for permanent tags. That list, well post, is at @capstags and it should be the first post on there. 
Will you write a story for an OC? If I have to. I tend to stay away from having to write OC’s just because of the variety of readers.
Do you write ships? No. I don’t have any interest in writing any type of ships. If I do write a story that involves a character x character story and it just so happens to a be ship, it’s coincidental. I don’t really write stories where the main pairing is a ship.
How long does it take you to upload another story chapter or a new story? I don’t actually have a time frame for when I post an update to a series or a new story. I usually will post a new story when I feel as though my followers feel as though I don’t write enough or posted enough, or when notes have gone down. For my series, it’s mainly whenever I have the next part written, or whenever I actually remember to post it.
You have a lot of discontinued stories on your master list, why? Well, for starters when I started those stories, I was really excited to share them. Then after I posted one or two parts to the story, the enthusiasm I had for it dwindled because of the response I got for it so I just stopped writing it. I have added more discontinued stories to my master list because I know for a fact that I won’t update them and it’s unfair to my readers/followers to have it open where it leaves it open for a possible update when I know I’m not going to. 
Do you do challenges or anything along those lines? I have in the past done a challenge and I had only two people to actually participate. I do ships once in a blue moon but the last ships I did turned out to be a total disaster thanks to some very rude anons. I also participate in other peoples challenges. If it is a challenge that last a year or a few months (like my bingo cards) then I’ll open up a new tallest for that specific challenge, though sometimes I forget to tag that list in those challenges because I have a lot of tag lists. 
Will you ever update your old unfinished series? Honestly, probably not. I started those series because I wanted to write it and then after a while, notes started to go down and I lost motivation to actually continue to write it.
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18 notes · View notes
mobile masterlist
LAST UPDATED- 11/25/17
headcanon tag
inspiration tag
playlist tag
writing tag
Bucky Barnes
hold me close
can i kiss you?
Frank Castle
the verge
making out
you don’t need to protect me + come home with me
doing something sweet
forehead kiss
are you wearing my clothes?
kiss me like you mean it
you just spilt coffee all over my pants and now trying to wipe it off in front of all these people
you’re my new neighbor and we’ve never spoken but you saw me shoveling snow all day and i guess it must be pretty obvious how cold i am because you brought me a jacket and hot cocoa
come back to bed kisses
this horrible umbrella won’t extend! oh shit i just hit you in the stomach/crotch! im so sorry!
sweet treats
Jean Grey
we’re the heads of the two rival gangs with just our guns, tactical knowledge and a hell of a lot of sexual tension
Logan Howlett
it’s been seen fucking years and thats all you have to say?
Peter Maximoff
why do i love you?
post break up kiss
Pietro Maximoff
pumpkin carving
sick day (complete)
part i
part ii
Hank McCoy
forehead kiss
having their hair washed by the other
patching up a wound
pajama day
can we cuddle?
could you please stop saying “the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell”???? it’s fucking physics
i accidentally spilled hydrochloric acid on you and you had to take your shirt off
is that my shirt?
i tell my friends i come to the cafe you work at because they have the world’s greatest milkshakes but i love the little notes you leave me scrawled on napkins every time you take my order and you smile at me like the sun from across counter tops
pfft, i’m not jealous
I have something to say. Three words, eight letters. I…got food
firm kiss
things you said on new years eve
the many sleeping positions of hank mccoy and his wife
not real
caught in the act (complete)
part i
part ii (nsfw)
part iii (nsfw)
hiraeth (incomplete)
part i
Ororo Munroe
experimenting with body paint
Matt Murdock
it’s too early
pain in the ass
are you kidding me?
beautiful sounds
scar kisses
aggressive kiss
stomach kiss
first day
things you said with no space between us
things you said while holding my hand
lets keep this between the two of us
did you think I wouldn’t notice you sneaking out of bed every night?
nap time
are you staying?
don’t panic
candles, home and a messy room (nsfw)
the future
ring (nsfw)
crimson. (incomplete)
part i
part ii
Steve Rogers
an artist’s hand
Alex Summers
cuddling in a blanket fort
you’re beautiful, you know that?
giving each other presents
kissing me breaks the promise
is this your first time
take my jacket, it’s cold outside
the way i said i love you + muffled from the other side of the door
did you get my letter?
Alex Summers x Hank McCoy (Polya)
holding hands and watching the world end
Scott Summers
things you said after we fell in love
don’t you dare tell me you love me
Kurt Wagner
let’s skip dinner and go straight to dessert
it’s just a cut really
wearing each others clothes
spiderman kiss
sleepy homecoming
colorful glass
Warren Worthington III
one song glory
things you said under the stars and in the grass
just make sure you’ve eaten + how about you make me?
i can’t fall in love with you i don’t want all the pain that comes with it
a little bit risky
kissing in front of the fireplace
halloween is better// let’s have hallowmas
let’s watch stupid christmas movies and get wasted
shoulder kiss
i don’t want you
heated kisses with gasps in between, hands tugging at clothes and exploring skin, bodies pressed close. giving in.
stomach kiss
does that line ever work?
patching a wound
im sorry, babe, im just not in the mood today, could we cuddle instead please
lazy morning kisses
she loves you, and her eyes are closed, and didnt your mother ever tell you not to leave a good thing waiting
Tim Drake
watching porn together (nsfw)
tell me how good this feels
who crawls through someones window at 1am for ice cream
Dick Grayson
a hoarse whisper “kiss me” and licks their lips and says “please”
the way i said i love you + over and over again
first kiss
i hope you’re happy
calling each other by a pet name
sending steamy selfies
im sick of being the other girl
chest kisses
i waited for you but you never showed
i bought dick shaped popsicles 
i think we might have gotten married
touching noses
moving around while kissing
i dont think i can do this anymore
you’re not the one
friends aren’t allowed to kiss one another
running their thumbs over each others lips
Roy Harper
unbreakable kiss
Clark Kent
someone straddling the other while they’re trying to read and slowly getting them to put the book away
Sara Lance
a hoarse whisper “kiss me”
soulmate au
Ray Palmer
you’re the most beautiful thing i’ve ever seen
office romance (drabble series) (part i) (part ii) (part iii)
you’re ridiculously comfortable + but i dont want to get up yet
Jaime Reyes
i’d run my hands through your hair forever
you’ll stare god right in the eye and tell him that if loving her is a sin then you want no place in heaven
i remember practicing how to ask you out in the mirror
this isn’t who i am
Leonard Snart
bridge of nose kiss
Jason Todd
im a good girl with high standards from my parents and youre the local criminal under house arrest but i like you au
the way i said i love you + when i am dead
making a sex tape (nsfw)
taking nude photos together (nsfw)
close your eyes and memorize each others faces with your fingers
i never loved you
i thought you didnt want me
things you said when no one else was around
snapping necks and cashing checks is what i do
things you said when you thought i was asleep
wanna dance?
things you said when i was crying
did you really just kiss them?
eros (incomplete)
part i
part ii
part iii
Bruce Wayne
the way i said i love you + with no space left between us + as we huddle together, the storm raging outside (nsfw)
the first time talking about the future together
damian wayne
lull (parent!reader)
Wally West
wake up kisses pressed gently to the column of A’s neck or the underside of B’s jaw
merman au
school teacher au
punks can get scared of thunder storms too
i have you shoved against the wall but now i can’t stop looking at your mouth
i’m going to need you to put on some underwear before you saying anything else
morning kisses
more time
Criminal Minds
Luke Alvez
Spencer Reid
i need you to help me reach the top shelf
The Man From Uncle
Illya Kuryakin
her gaze is too gentle. you will not be the one to tell her that not everything can be fixed with a smile
Star Trek
Jim Kirk
things you said with my lips on your neck
things you said with no space between us
reunion kiss
i have a gigantic crush on you and you called me on the phone while i was masturbating but i picked up anyway
what a pretty blush
six stages of falling in love
Voltron Legendary Defender
Lance McClain
if i die i’m never speaking to you again
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ao3feed-lokiangst · 7 years
Marvel and DC Oneshots
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2AHUzxd
by VideoGamerGirl
I will take any requests that is from the movie, show, or comic that is DC or Marvel related it can also be crossover related, but please keep in my mind I will also be doing my own oneshots, so please be patient on your request.
Words: , Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe, Doctor Strange (2016), Young Justice (Cartoon), Justice League - All Media Types, Batman - All Media Types, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, Man of Steel (2013), Captain America (Movies), X-Men - All Media Types, X-Men (Movieverse), X-Men (Comicverse), DC's Legends of Tomorrow (TV), DC Cinematic Universe, DC Animated Universe, Batman: Arkham - All Media Types
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M
Characters: Clark Kent, Bruce Wayne, Diana (Wonder Woman), T'Challa (Marvel), Sam Wilson (Marvel), Steve Rogers, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Dick Grayson, Damian Wayne, Barry Allen, Clint Barton, Bruce Banner, Loki (Marvel), Thor (Marvel), Nick Fury, Peter Parker, Tony Stark, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Gamora (Marvel), Peter Quill, Rocket Raccoon, Groot (Marvel), Drax the Destroyer, Hulk (Marvel), Joker (DCU), Poison Ivy, Harley Quinn, Bane (DCU)
Relationships: Clark Kent/Reader, Bruce Wayne/Reader, Diana (Wonder Woman)/Reader, Hal Jordan/Reader, Dick Grayson/Reader, Jason Todd/Reader, Time Drake/Reader, Damian Wayne/Reader, Tony Stark/Reader, Barry Allen/Reader, Steve Rogers/Reader, James "Bucky" Barnes/Reader, Bruce Banner/Reader, Clint Barton/Reader, Peter Parker/Reader, Thor/Reader, Loki/Reader, Venom/Reader, Wade Wilson/Reader, Matt Murdoc/Reader, Leonard Snart/Reader, Mick Rory/Reader, Natasha Romanov/Reader, Pietro Maximoff/Reader, Kid Flash/Reader, Kon-El Conner Kent/Reader, T'Challa/Reader, Sam Wilson/Reader
Additional Tags: More characters will be later added
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2AHUzxd
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birbwrites · 7 years
Tumblr media
Title: Unexpected Relationships Pairing: Leonard Snart x Female!Reader Words: 357 Rating: T
You didn’t expect your life to turn out this way. You especially not did not see yourself agreeing to travel through space and time to save the future from an immortal madman who has a personal vendetta against immortal hawk people. And you most certainly never expected to fall in love with a known criminal. Of course things weren’t that simple.
You were shy and closed off, but you’re intelligence and Ph.D. in History sure made up for the lack of field experience. Naturally everyone saw you as the baby of the ship and made it their responsibility to ‘protect you at all times’. Everyone except Leonard. When it came down to it, he respected you as an adult and trusted you to make your own decisions. However, any other time he’d tease you immensely. You didn’t know why he bothered with you seeing as he had minimal interest in anything that wasn't money and stealing. Somewhere along the way, you fell in love with him. Maybe it was his coolness in any situation, or maybe it was his snarky comments and comebacks, but something about him piqued your interest. This interest didn’t go unnoticed by him though. You had caught his eye too. There was something about you that he liked, a pureness in you he wanted to sullen, and the way you got so courageous and forward sometimes only fueled his interest. The first time you had an outbreak made his eyes go wide. That was the first time he really saw you. The shy and nerdy woman he knew before crumpled away and there was a new person standing before him. The real you. He wanted to explore both sides of you. So to say it wasn’t a shocker to the team when you two got together, would be a lie. Everyone ‘knew’ what kind of person Leonard was, and they wanted you to stay away from him. No doubt you refused to leave him and as your relationship progressed, the team saw how you were with each other. Soon enough they all fell in love with the idea of the two of you.  
Request for oneshot  ~X~
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xfandomseverywherex · 7 years
New Masterlist!
I can’t edit my old masterlist, so I made a new one. I’ll leave the old one up, just because it’s not hurting anyone.
Sebastian Smythe imagine
Sebastian Smythe imagine
The Flash
Barry Allen imagine
Barry Allen imagine
Barry Allen imagine
Leonard Snart imagine/Ask
My Babysitter’s A Vampire
Benny Weir imagine
Winchesters imagine
Charlie Bradbury imagine
Stranger Things
Jonathan Byers imagine
Dating Jonathan Byers would include
Jonathan Byers imagine
The Avengers
Steve Rogers imagine
Dating Steve Rogers would include
Dance with Me? -Steve Rogers Oneshot
Miss Peregrine’s
Jacob Portman imagine
Fantastic Beats and Where To Find Them
Newt Scamander imagine
Dating Newt Scamander would include
Credence Barebone imagine
Credence Barebone Oneshot/Ask
Eric Coulter imagine
Dating Eric Coulter would include
Coffee? -Eric Coulter Oneshot
Teen Wolf
Stiles Stilinski imagine
Stiles Stilinski imagine
American Horror Story
Tate Langdon imagine
Madison Montgomery imagine
Tate Langdon imagine
Suicide Squad
Harley Quinn imagine
Mr. J imagine
A Bunch of Digger imagines in one post
Digger Harkness imagine
Digger Harkness imagine
Digger Harkness date headcannon
Bruised Up - Digger Harkness oneshot
Chato, Digger, Waylon, and Floyd Mess With You For Making Uglyface Snaps While Working As A Guard (Jesus that title was long oops sorry)
Tease - Digger Harkness oneshot
Jerome Valeska imagine
Shadowhunters/City of Bones
Alec Lightwood imagine
Jace Wayland/Lightwood/Herondale imagine (geez why can’t this kid stick with a single name it’s not that hard)
Jace Lightwood imagine 
Star Wars
BB-8 imagine
Kylo Ren imagine/Ask
The Walking Dead
Carl Grimes imagine
Glenn Rhee imagine
The 100
Jasper Jordan imagine
Dating Jasper Jordan would include
Bellamy Blake imagine
Clarke Griffin imagine
Being Indra’s Wife Would Include
John Murphy imagine
Deadpool imagine
Harry Potter
Voldemort imagine
Draco Malfoy imagine
Harry Potter imagine
You Are A Very Good Artist - Sherlock Holmes oneshot
The Travelers
Trevor Holden imagine
Opposites Attract - Philip Pearson oneshot
Philip Pearson x shy!reader
The Amazing Spiderman
Peter Parker imagine
Bates Motel
Norman Bates imagine
The Man in The High Castle
Frank Frink imagine
Peter Parker (Tom Holland) imagine
Dan Howell imagine
Dan Howell imagine
Something New - Corpse Husband oneshot
Yuri!!! On Ice
Victor Nikiforov Imagine
Sebastian Stan imagine
Love At First Sight - Jai Courtney Oneshot
Keeping Her Safe - Jai Courtney Oneshot
Fall Out Boy
Patrick Stump imagine
My Chemical Romance
Frank Iero imagine
Twenty One Pilots
Josh Dun imagine
Josh Dun imagine
Other Non-Specific Imagines
Valentine’s Day 2017
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I was wondering if you could write a Mick Rory x female reader oneshot? The reader is Snarts sister. It would take place after Snart dies. You and Mick had never been super close but now he seems like the only person who can make you feel better. One day as he is sitting in a chair and everyone is in the same room, you walk in with puffy eyes and just walk straight to Mick and sit in his lap and curl into him. The rest of the team is shocked as he just simply squeezed you back? Sorry its long You and Mick had never been as close as him and Len. He and your brother were the partners in crime, so you and Lisa stick together and used your combined girl power to pull of your heists. Not to mention you had gotten a gun similar to hers and Lens, except yours shot concentrated blasts of air that could knock someone out if used right. You had been reluctant to leave Lisa as you, Leonard, and Mick traveled around time, but the fact that Len didn’t want you to go made you agree. Now you were glad you had. It was better to know that he was gone, than wait back in the present, wondering. Had it been up to you, someone else would have sacrificed themselves. But it wasn’t. Ray grabbed you and flew you away, once Len had said goodbye of course. The explosion rang through your ears, and tears began rolling down your face. Since then, you often have nightmares about his death. The first night, you woke up screaming. Mick rushed into your room with his heat gun. When he saw you sitting pitifully on your bed, the gun lowered and he hesitantly came closer. You couldn’t hide your surprise as he tentatively hugged you, but you hugged him back, desperately needing comfort. He was the only other person aboard the Waverider, besides maybe Sara, who even came close to understanding the pain you felt. You weren’t stupid. You smelled the alcohol on his breath every time he came to your room to comfort you, so you insisted on keeping him beside you, partly to help you, partly to help him. It was a routine. You wake up, a scream ripping from your throat, and Mick calmly walks in and burrows into bed next to you. “Mick?” You look around after your heartbeat calmed a bit and Mick hadn’t entered the room. Your feet hit the ground and you left your room, pulling a robe around yourself as you did. You heard voices coming from the main room. It was almost midnight, and lately you had been going to bed earlier due to stress. It helped you fall asleep at a normal time. You saw Mick sitting in one of the seats, staring at nothing. He heard your footsteps and looked up as you came around the corner. You saw him take in your bed head and pj’s, and the look of guilt as he realized what happened. Wordlessly, he opened his arms and you crawled on to his lap, ignoring the surprised stares from the other team members. “Did I miss something? Cuz I’m pretty sure this wasn’t a thing yesterday.” Jax is the first to talk. You already feel yourself drifting off to sleep, so you miss Mick’s response. What you don’t miss however, is the light kiss Mick presses to the top of your head.
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