#lenore shaw
zeebreezin · 6 months
I do love Shaw because he has the incredibly rare trait (in my characters at least) of being mercilessly self aware, especially concerning his own emotions and like… why he does things? The problem is that knowing why he wants something or why he feels a certain way has literally never stopped him from doing anything ever. He’s gonna do it even though he knows it’s probably not a good plan and he’s gonna hate himself for it after. King of knowing he has a martyr complex and never changing bc he needs to Suffer actually.
Like why the hell would you get the red honey tattoo Shaw. Shaw you named your boat after your dead daughter. Shaw you’re obsessed with helping this one amnesiac to feel like you can help someone even a little bit. Shaw you’re still in love with your ex-wife despite them being so deep in a villain era and also Hating You. Shaw you’ve developed a mild sexual-hate fixation on the Hat Man because he’s the only person who can regularly make you take a break.
You’re aware this is all so bad for you and you’re changing nothing. My Dude.
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gmalaart · 28 days
Still Waters (Run Deep)
The water parts around you, swirling and shifting as you pick apart the threads of memory you have chosen to comb through today. Something pulls the edges of your attention, lifting you out of your self imposed work. You huff and the air leaving your lungs propels you further up, away from the smell of your childhood home and the sound of your brother’s attempts at playing the piano. As the bubbles cloud your vision and the pressure of the zee and of time fades, the melody changes. It becomes louder. It sways from a piano to a violin. It is just as familiar as the memory of your brother, and you breathe fully for the first time in weeks. 
You lay on the surface of the water, staring at the cosmogone sky as a girl casts her shadow across your face. She plays her song, impressions of your past meetings with her washing over you in waves. Nowadays you don’t have much to talk about. She came to you often, at the beginning, when she first sensed your presence. You brought news of her father and she made you write promises into the cresting water all around you. You could see them still, if you waved your hand just so in the water. But you have said all that needs to be said, and so has she. The company is comforting either way.
Minutes, hours, perhaps days later, you feel a string pull at the centre of your chest. Your hand reaches under your own shirt, brushing against the set of stones encased in the necklace that sits snugly against your neck. They beat a warm rhythm into your skin, like they did only once before, here in the Is-Not, and the water stills around you. It creates a perfectly clear mirror to the sky above for just a moment, before the perfect immobility is broken by skipping words across the cosmogone hue. 
Your throat feels tighter, with each new sentence. Lenore stands with you in the whirlpool of memories that are whipped up by the words, the eye of a storm of your own making. 
Shared touches brush across your skin-
 A wave of worry flows up the length of your chest-
The lights of the bridge when he chased after you like no one ever had-
Closed curtains as he finds your arms after his hands had crafted a new order for the world-
His embrace, the first thing you felt after your body breathed anew-
The incredible privilege to see his mind at work-
I love you.
I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you.
“I think this is where we part ways, my dear,” you say an epoch later, when the storm has died down and the words have long been blown away by the wind. 
“Yes, I think so too,” she answers. Her music plays on but it is fainter now as she holds her suitcase and gazes out towards where it feels like land is. “A ship should come by, but I don’t think you’re going to wait.”
“Absolutely not. It’s about time that I stretch my legs, I think. A walk would be nice.”
The zee ripples as she laughs, looking up at your face as you stand just out of reach. 
“You’re going back then?”
“I am.”
“That’s good.” She is quiet for a long while, both of you lingering and putting off the inevitable. “Take care of dad for me. One last promise.”
You turn to face her, tracing the features you have come to know so well. She looks like him. You think that you might have enjoyed meeting her when she was more than a memory.
“Of course. My skills are at his disposal, he knows this,” you say and watch her tilt her head, dipping into images of the times you offered something much more meaningful than skills to her father. “Alright, alright. I promise.”
A gust of wind carries your words away but you know now that they will remain. Someone will remember, somehow. As you gaze upon her one last time, the echo of your steps already moving across the surface of the zee, homeward bound, you hum the last notes of her endless melody.
All is quiet, here at the end.
“Be well, Emon.”
“And you rest easy, Lenore.”
A sort of response, sort of follow-up to @zeebreezin's last piece of writing, aka Shaw's letters as he set off to finish his Ambition. it absolutely knocked me on my feet and I needed to try to match the energy. and I suppose this means that Emon is on their way out of Parabola now!
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bandy-draws · 4 days
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@/ Power Rangers
Hire me
In order:
PR Magic Strike
Hannah Bowen
Will Corin
Jenna Wesley
Boston Wesley
AJ West
Theo Morgan
Autumn Chhotalal
Abigail "Abby" Leo
Maria Casher
Eliza Carson
Lucas Dixon
Percy Carson
PR Disaster Squad
Rory Calloway
JJ Webb
Yasmin Duncan
Charlie Wells
Spencer Hudson
Darbie Walton
Josh Pearce
Lillie Roades
PR Kinetic Court
Blaize Romaro
Iris McKeel
Anubis Martin
Rai Malik
Eos Hayes
Alizee "Liz" Reid
PR Time Rush
Agnes Sweet
Chester Murray
Charlie Byre
Jennette "Nettie" Weger
Wiley Twitchell
Francis "Fannie" Goodwynne
Lenore Adamsky
Enoch Morgan
Armitage "Tedge" Jarman
PR Supernova
Brynn Lancaster
Louis "Louie" Atkinson
Freddie Barker
Jay Doyle
Darren Costanza
Vera Shaw
Mira Osborn
PR Mythic Fury
Zachariah Knight
Michelle Howard
Aaron Colvin
Chelsea Laxton
John Peters
Cassandra McQuiston
Deborah King
PR Phantom Railway
Jeffrey Sergeant
Aliya Randall
Ellis Fox
Aditi Elliot
Dexter "Dex" Wynn
Sasha Blackwell
PR Gem Charge
Katie Hughes
Javari Cook
Sean Ward
Luis Escudero
Emma Hunt
William Hunt
Takaaki Kannō
Wăn Róng
Jacob Bishop
Eilane Kennedy
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synthlet · 1 year
if there's anything im good at in baldurs gate so far it's doing things completely out of order. i met omeluum before i freed halsin. i found the fungi village but missed sovereign shaw (I thought glut was who I was looking for) so I went and killed the duegar and nere without the quest and had to go back for his head. i collected sussur bark without knowing what it was for bc I got the blacksmiths apprentice notes but not the the note to tell me to collect it in the first place (bug?) i went to lenores tower and got the mushrooms before omeluum asked for them. i killed 2 of the goblin camp leaders before halsin asked me to
my character just does anything. walking forward without reason and when ppl ask "hey could you do this" she's already done it .
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vicky82gargoylesfan · 6 months
My Thoughts on X-Men 97 Episode 5 Remember It
Wow this was a fucking awesome episode, It was so Intense, shocking and emotional and I still haven't gotten over it, even watching it a few times hasn't helped but I do love it. I'm certainly going to remember this episode for a very, very long time.
I was actually planning to watch it on my break at work, but I forgot my iPad and as I didn't want to look at spoilers, I just watch tv and didn't even look on my phone. It was good thing I did watch it when I got home, otherwise I wouldn't been able to concentrate.
I didn't realise how dark this show was going to become, it took me by surprise. I thought the matureness would be a bit less than Young Justice season 3 and 4, I was totally wrong.
I knew that there were multiple massacre and genocide events in the comics. Watching it on TV, especially an animated show, hits you differently than reading it in comics and it mirrors real life tragic events, it was very shocking.
It was such a brilliant well written episode, it delivered some powerful dialogue. The shift in tone worked brilliantly.
Loved the animation, some of it was breath-taking.
The voice acting was brilliant, A.J. LoCascio, Lenor Zann and Matthew Waterson were amazing. Lenor Zann deserves an award.
The score was breath-taking. I loved the Ace of Base song, Happy Nation, it's now stuck in my head. I never even heard this song before, the only 2 songs I know from Ace of Base is, I Saw the Sign and All That She Wants. I've now downloaded this song.
When I rewatch this episode, it makes me sad seeing all these mutants being so happy and free, not knowing about to turn tragic later.
It was great seeing Nightcrawler again, I also liked seeing cameo's of other mutants. Dazzler, Bomb Bomb, Arc Angel, Marrow, Multiple Man ect, (sorry I'm not clear on other mutant names).
So on the council, is Emma Frost, Shaw, Moria, Banshee, Calisto and Madelyne. I just love Emma's bitchy remarks throughout the episode.
Jean kissing Wolverine didn't feel awkward to me, as it does happen in the comics, so I'm not going to make a big deal about it.
I do hope that Jean and Cyclops do sort there issues out, they are my favourite couple. Scott and Maddy's psychic rapport moment was definitely a reference to Scott and Emma's psychic affair in the comics.
I love Beast's reaction, when Scott and Jean were arguing.
I do love that Scott was concerned for Jean when she had that psychic attack.
I like the flashback, how Rogue met Magneto. Luckily it was confirmed, she met him when she was in her 20s.
I do feel for Rogue and can understand what's she's going through, she wants skin to skin contact but can't do that with Gambit.
I do feel sorry for Gambit but he was mature and respected Rogue's decision to be with Magneto.
I didn't notice The Watcher, on the first watch.
I know a lot of people think that Val Cooper is Mystique but unless Wolverine lost his sense of smell in the 1st two episodes, it can't be her.
Very powerful lines:-
Valerie Cooper "Most other nations don't allow a terrorist become their leader" Magneto "Yet so many allow their leaders to be terrorists"
I thought Rogue was really pretty in that dress.
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Magneto and Rogue steamy dance and kiss did feel awkward at first but I got used to it when I watched the episode multiple times.
Rogue realises she loves Gambit and rejects Magneto and she understands what Gambit said to her that 'Some things are deeper than skin'
Ok this is the moment that I knew something bad was going to happen (I didn't notice the Watcher). Madelyne had her psychic attack causing her nose to bleed (and we see Jean's nose was bleeding too). Maddy's vision in the 1st episode was actually foreshadowing this horrific event.
I thought the music being slowed down was a nice touch and felt very haunting.
Great to see Cable again and voiced by Chris Potter, Gambit's voice actor from the original show.
When he said 'not again' does this mean this wasn't the 1st time he's tried to warn everyone about the upcoming attack.
When Madelyne realised Cable is her son and Cable disappears back to the future, saying he was sorry, that was pretty heart-breaking.
Wow that 1st attack, that blast, poor Maddy, she didn't stand a chance.
That blast caused Rogue and Magneto to be thrown quite far out
I just love the animation and sounds when Rogue was regaining consciousness.
I was bit surprised by the amount of blood and cuts on Rogue. Magneto didn't have any injuries at all, until later.
Rogue's and Magneto's reactions was perfect, they were shocked and confused at what was going on, they just stood there watching, you can even here the fear in Rogue's voice when she sees Banshee being vapourised. Kurt had to risk his life to save them.
OMG!! I actually thought Kurt had died, I was relieved that when Gambit checked his pulse, he was still alive.
Rogue, Gambit and Magneto, were absolutely brilliant, Gambit and Magnet were both badass.
When Rogue and Gambit went to save the Morlocks, the score gave me goosebumps. Seeing them side by side was great.
Magneto starts having these flashbacks of death and destruction, including a flashback of the concentration camp, he then goes on a rampage and attacks the Wild Sentinel using a train as a whip.
Gambit saving the Morlocks, was obviously a reference to the Morlock Massacre when he betrayed them but this time he saved them. The music made me think, everything was going to be ok but it was all false hope.
When the wild sentinel detected a omega threat mutant, was that at Leech?
I just love that Magneto protected Gambit and Rogue, used metal debris to cover them.
I just love the way Rogue and Magneto were looking at each other.
Magneto telling Leech 'don't be afraid' in German, was gut wrenching.
I was in shock when Magneto and the Morlocks were vapourised. But I do have a sliver of hope that they might have survived.
Then I see Rogue that I've never seen before, there is no score, just hear a heartbeat.
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She's in tears, full of rage and fury and she wants revenge but she not thinking straight and goes she to attack the Wild Sentinel.
Gambit knows she won't make it and has to save her, he throws his charged up bike into her, to get her out of the way of the Wild Sentinel blast.
The Wild sentinel then targets mutants at the Gardens and Gambit has to save them, so he goes after the wild sentinel but then he's impaled and I almost scream, I was in shock.
What I love about Gambit that he still has his sence of humour and he uses his power to blow up the Wild Sentinel, saving the suvivivors.
Then we cut back to the Mansion with the others watching the events on the news, all in shock.
Then back in Genosha, Rogue is crying and cradling Gambit in her arms, then it fades to black and we hear Rogue say 'I, I can't feel you'. I was in tears.
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Even the end credit score was very sombre
What was even more sadder, is that Rogue never got to tell Gambit, she chose him over Magneto.
I love Rogue, she's one of my favourite female characters (next to Jean) so seeing her like this was heart braking. I hope she will be ok, I'm going to be really worried about her.
I know that a lot Marvel characters don't stay dead, so I do have some hope that Gambit and Magneto ect will be alive by the end of the season, keeping my fingers crossed.
So the death list is Maddy, Banshee, Marrow, Shaw, Moira, Dazzler, Callisto, Gambit and possible Magneto and the other Morlocks. I assume Emma survives using her diamond form.
I do have a feeling that Bastion is responsible for the genocide on Genosha.
This was only the 5th episode!!! and apparently just warm up, something even worse is going to happen in the last 3 episodes. What could be worse than a genocide on Genosh and major character deaths??????
The next episode, Lifedeath part 2 won't be much of breather episode either, apparently it's going to be scary and creepy.
I have to say this episode has dethroned The Red Wedding.
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jonathantoubin · 2 years
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Make sure and visit one of the highlights of every year’s HAUNTED HOP - nyc subterranean cinema guru GARY BALABAN’s HORROR CINEMA! Gary curates and projects an exquisite program of features and shorts all night long as seated intermission from the hours relentless live music and dancing and a major destination in its own right! Here are this year’s features: Abbot & Costello Meet Frankenstein (1948) Bela Lugosi, Lon Chaney Jr, Lenore Aubert! Legend of the 7 Golden Vampires - 1974 / Hammer Films / Shaw Brothers - No Screening in 4 years since last shown at The Halloween Hop and truly returning due to popular demand! DVD seems to have gone out of print with only euro unauthorised versions available. Our screening is uncut and R-Rated Peter Cushing, Julie Ege, David Chiang Valley of Gwangi - 1969 - This is a special, 60min, action only reel. Ray Harryhausen - Based on a script from Willis (King Kong) O'Brien (at Knockdown Center) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkWhXAJObcS/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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crownrots · 9 months
🍂 mobile links.
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follows from @carrionsflower
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oc master list under the cut:
Phillipa Marwood - tag | ♡ gale
Aerona Zonvasses - tag | ♡ shadowheart
Marik Thayer - tag | ♡ astarion
Varyamë of the Lythari - tag | ♡ lae'zel
Jacqueline Dubois - tag | ♡ john price
Drew Guidry - tag | ♡ helen espinoza
Holly McDowell - tag | ♡ esteban rojas
Alessandro Messina - tag | ♡ marnie daniels
Vanessa 'V' Lennox - tag | ♡ panam palmer
Vianna Salvatore - tag | ♡ jamie valentino
Ami Mccormick - tag | ♡ kiki navarro
Terrence Walker - tag | ♡ regina angeli
Richie Scott - tag | ♡ beckett estrada
DC ──
Eloise Rigby - tag | ♡ adrian chase
Yvette Maxwell - tag | ♡ sunny santoso
Archie Atkinson - tag | ♡ tris monroe
Emmett Turner - tag | ♡ kitty
Eddy Sayer - tag | ♡ claudia maris
Hattie Milford - tag | ♡ ricki silva
Evelyn Lawrence - tag | ♡ /
Robert Lawrence - tag | ♡ hildy larmar
Jaxx Ackerson - tag | ♡ jojo
Ivy Wilson - tag | ♡ andy rivera
Eraesella Storm - tag | ♡ clifton stark
Myra Ryger - tag | ♡ gwayne hightower
Cassian Lannister - tag | ♡ lorenza martell
Grimm Harmlet - tag | ♡ nymora sand
MCU ──
Roxanne James - tag | ♡ /
Ophelia Cohen - tag | ♡ dana andrews
Nora Higgins - tag | ♡ arthur morgan
Jeremy Stanford - tag | ♡ fatima pavan
Brooke Todd - tag | ♡ /
Maeve Peralez - tag | ♡ jake muller
Rowena Albrecht - tag | ♡ reese kelly
Lenore Scarlet - tag | ♡ sam wayne
Jack Haggerty - tag | ♡ stella richmond
Amara - tag | ♡ owen yonhatt
Patricia Upton - tag | ♡ jim hopper
Avery Slaughter - tag | ♡ eddie munson
Rian Mccormick - tag | ♡ mari cross
Teagan Montgomery - tag | ♡ xavier cruz
Mason Novak - tag | ♡ raquel quint
Parker Novak - tag | ♡ milly vanelli
Kyle Alpert - tag | ♡ tommy miller
Savannah Alpert - tag | ♡ calum jackson
Mark Hudson - tag | ♡ gladys page
Wesley Chase - tag | ♡ eugenie doucett
Kit Slater - tag | ♡ alondra carrera
Dory Sinclair - tag | ♡ alonso carrera
Tammy Shaw - tag | ♡ /
Vince Shaw - tag | ♡ ginny tate
Perry James - tag | ♡ johnny slaughter
Sandra Underwood - tag | ♡ kerry reed
Iris - tag | ♡ leslie astor
Peggy Ward - tag | ♡ robin holley
Cindy Ward - tag | ♡ /
Derrick Ward - tag | ♡ /
Garrison Abbott - tag | ♡ gemma crawford
Sosie Sanchez - tag | ♡ deacon crawford
Eliza O'Rourke - tag | ♡ nix
Daisy Dunn - tag | ♡ /
Winnie Madison - tag | ♡ dominic cross
Emmett Turner - tag | ♡ lola
Nina Bird - tag | ♡ william bird | ♡ adam du mortain
Eleanore Greene - tag | ♡ farah hauville
Agatha Elwood - tag | ♡ mason
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thehollowprince · 3 years
Here's a random question to anyone who watched The Originals. If Nandi (the NoLa witch Damon visited in season four of TVD) had returned for this show, do you think Esther would have possessed her instead of Lenore? To me, it would make more sense, seeing as how Esther's followers seemed to be focused in the French Quarter. Wouldn't it make more sense to take a FQ witch as opposed to one from Algiers?
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oceanmusings · 2 years
Original Character Masterlist - Fandoms
Percy Jackson
Arely Wesseck | form
Fc - Natalia Dyer | Love Interest - Percy Jackson
᠃ ⚘᠂ ⚘ ˚ ⚘ ᠂ ⚘ ᠃
MCU! Charlotte "Charlie" D'Angelo | form
Fc - Vanessa Marano | Love Interest - Michelle "MJ" Jones or Peter Parker
TASM! Charlotte "Lottie" D'Angelo | WIP
Fc - Emmy Rossum | Love Interest - Peter Parker or Michael "MJ" Jones
᠃ ⚘᠂ ⚘ ˚ ⚘ ᠂ ⚘ ᠃
Harry Potter
Anna Diggory | form
Fc - Liza Weil | Love Interest - George Weasley
Karina Carter | WIP
Fc - Zendaya | Love Interest - Ginny Weasley, Harry Potter
Athena Owens | WIP
Fc - Jenny Walser | Love Interest - Fluer Delacour
Ava-Rose Wyatt | form
Fc - Holland Roden | Love Interest - James Potter
Devyn Edwards | WIP
Fc - Eliza Scanlen | Love Interest - Remus Lupin
Reese Sudsworth | WIP
Fc - Joseph Quinn | Love Interest - Sirius Black
᠃ ⚘᠂ ⚘ ˚ ⚘ ᠂ ⚘ ᠃
The Walking Dead
Jennifer "JD" Moore | form
Fc - Jodie Comer | Love Interest - Daryl Dixon or Michonne Hawthorne
᠃ ⚘᠂ ⚘ ˚ ⚘ ᠂ ⚘ ᠃
Teen Wolf
Adam Dorian | WIP
Fc - Milo Ventimiglia | Love Interest - Allison Argent
Avery Primula | WIP
Fc - Sarah Ramos | Love Interest - Lydia Martin
Amelia "Amy" Primula | WIP
Fc - Mae Whitman | Love Interest - Isaac Lahey
᠃ ⚘᠂ ⚘ ˚ ⚘ ᠂ ⚘ ᠃
Red Dead Redemption
Emmaline Nielson | form
Fc - Jessica Brown Findlay | Love Interest - Arthur Morgan
Delilah Matthews | WIP
Fc - Rosamund Pike | Love Interest - Sadie Adler
᠃ ⚘᠂ ⚘ ˚ ⚘ ᠂ ⚘ ᠃
Stranger Things
Daisy Hopper | form
Fc - Florence Pugh | Love Interest - Robin Buckley
Paige Evans | WIP
Fc - Kate Hudson | Love Interest - Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson, Richie Campbell (oc)
Francis Levin | WIP
Fc - Aidan Gallagher | Love Interest - Will Byers
Viviane "Viv" Owens | WIP
Fc - Talia Ryder | Love Interest - Robin Buckley
᠃ ⚘᠂ ⚘ ˚ ⚘ ᠂ ⚘ ᠃
Criminal Minds
Arwen Valentine | form
Fc - Imogen Poots | Love Interest - Spencer Reid
Michaela " Mika" Briggs | WIP
Fc - Tatiana Maslany | Love Interest - Emily Prentiss
Dana Hart | WIP
Fc - Deborah Ann Woll | Love Interest - All
(unnamed) Perkins | WIP
Fc - Ashley Johnson | Love Interest - Emily Prentiss
᠃ ⚘᠂ ⚘ ˚ ⚘ ᠂ ⚘ ᠃
Switched at Birth
Adalia Parker | WIP
Fc - Holly Marie Combs | Love Interest - Kathryn Kennish
Cora Shepard | WIP
Fc - Haylay Williams | Love Interest - Tobey Kennish
᠃ ⚘᠂ ⚘ ˚ ⚘ ᠂ ⚘ ᠃
Lenore "Lori" Holt | form
Fc - Krysten Ritter | Love Interest - Dean Winchester or Charlie Bradbury
Virginia "Gigi" Rivers | WIP
Fc - Alyssa Milano | Love Interest - Castiel or Sam Winchester
Beau Rivers | WIP
Fc - Colin O'Donoghue | Love Interest - Bela Talbot
᠃ ⚘᠂ ⚘ ˚ ⚘ ᠂ ⚘ ᠃
Stalking Jack The Ripper Series
Morgan Nielson | WIP
Fc - Darci Shaw | Love Interest - Audrey Rose Wadsworth
᠃ ⚘᠂ ⚘ ˚ ⚘ ᠂ ⚘ ᠃
The Grishaverse
Stafford Lantsov | WIP
Fc - Harrison Osterfield | Love Interest - Genya Safin
Elisa Volkov | WIP
Fc - Mathilde Ollivier | Love Interest - Nikolai Lantsov
᠃ ⚘᠂ ⚘ ˚ ⚘ ᠂ ⚘ ᠃
Baldurs Gate 3
Prisma Daerel | WIP
Fc - drawing/game character | Love Interest - Shadowheart or Gale
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zeebreezin · 7 months
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Mirror Not-Ghost Daughter design first pass ! That’s definitely Lenore. Totally.
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ephemeral-astra · 4 years
Canon Muse Masterpost
(Also willing to play other characters at various times. Not always willing to play everyone on the list. I appreciate your understanding.)
Update: Very selective as to which muses I’m using right now! A lot’s going on so my muse is very limited. Thanks! Please feel free to send something toward an OC:)
Sole Survivor (OC, Victoria Holloway)
Courier (OC, Jericho Rose)
Nick Valentine
Brian Virgil
Dr. Dala
Arcade Gannon
Raul Tejada
Jumba Jookiba
Grand Councilwoman
Captain Amelia
Jim Hawkins
Dr. Doppler
John Silver
Dr. Facilier
Princess Tiana
Milo Thatch
Captain Hook
9(the movie lol this isn’t random numbers)
Sakon & Ukon
Blind Mag
The Ginyu Force
Lenore The Cute Little Dead Girl:
Mr. Gosh
Steven Stone
Elizabeth Shaw
Dr. Paul Church
Celestia Ludenburg
Korekiyo Shinguji
Ibuki Mioda
Sakura Oogamj
Chihiro Fujisaki
(I could muse virtually anyone)
Hal 9000 (Android AU and AI) (2001: A Space Odyssey)
Stocking Anarchy (PASWG)
Nyarlathotep (Lovecraft)
Morgan Yu (Prey)
Matt Miller (Saints Row)
Cicero (Skyrim)
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medusakisses · 5 years
✎ + Fabian, Haven, Sebastian Shaw
1. Chronic Backstabbing Disorder2. Evil Redhead3. Dirty Coward4. Stupid Evil5. Evil Is Petty
1. Impossible Hourglass Figure aka: Hourglass Hottie2. Godiva Hair3. Womb Horror4. Amazonian Beauty5. Well-Intentioned Extremist
Sebastian Shaw:
1. Carpet of Virility2. Shirtless Scene3. Ambition Is Evil4. Chivalrous Pervert5. The Lost Lenore
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thebreakfastgenie · 5 years
I’m trying to make a list of love interests Kirk made the first move on vs love interests who made the first move on Kirk, but like without doing any work at all. So far I have:
Areel Shaw (Court Martial) Janet Wallace (The Deadly Years, but Kirk turned her down) Miramanee (The Paradise Syndrome) Marlena Moreau (Mirror, Mirror) Deela (Wink of an Eye) Nona (A Private Little War) Elaan (Elaan of Troyius) Odona (The Mark of Gideon)
Helen Noel (Dagger of the Mind, but he was brainwashed) UNDECIDED:
Lenore Karidian (Conscience of the King), because he thinks he makes the first move but she was manipulating him in order to plan his murder and may have encouraged it.  Edith Keeler (City on the Edge of Forever), because I just don’t remember and it seemed kinda mutual.  Rayna (Requiem for Methuselah), because I don’t remember. 
I’m sure I’m missing a few love interests as well, so please feel free to weigh in. My hypothesis is that Kirk rarely makes the first move. 
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redshirtgal · 6 years
A Feast of Familiar Costumes
There are many exotic details in the reception scene in “Journey to Babel.” One would be the shapes and colors of the foods along with the different shaped bottles filled with mysterious liquids. And certainly another would be the interesting mix of aliens, some with skin tones of various colors, others having the occasional antennae and facial differences. Even the hairstyles of each planet’s representatives vary widely. But perhaps the most noticeable detail in this scene involve the various colorful costumes that probably took William Ware Theiss weeks to design. Or did they? Look carefully at some of these costumes and you may recognize a number of them, because they had been worn before in previous episodes.  Let’s start with this first scene where McCoy is talking to Ambassador Sarek of Vulcan as Spock, Amanda, and Captain Kirk listen. Naturally we have seen Spock, McCoy, and Kirk wearing their dress uniforms before. But look in the background at the two people on the far left and the far right. The gentleman on the far left is wearing the outfit belonging to Commissioner Ferris in “The Galileo Seven” (We also saw it on Garth of Izar from “Whom Gods Destroy” and on a gentleman in the background of the belly-dancing scene in “Wolf in the Fold.” And the young lady on the far right in the yellow jumpsuit? Chief Vanderberg also wore that jumpsuit in “Devil in the Dark.” His jumpsuit and the ones worn by the rest of his workers were seen in various other episodes as well, such as “Operation Annihilate” and “And the Children Shall Lead.” 
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Credit to Therese Bohn of TrekkerScrapbook ( https://trekkerscrapbook.com) for finding another pair of recycled costumes in this scene from JTB. A male representative in a sparkly blue ensemble with a black undershirt converses with a female with upswept hair and a very colorful caftan. Hers was originally worn by Ariel Shaw in “Court Martial.”  His is a unripped duplicate of Lazurus’ outfit in “The Alternative Factor.”  
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Therese found one more reuse of a costume but this time an outfit worn by a character in JTB was worn again by another one in a later, not earlier, episode. Thelev’s short suede vest appears on one of Garth’s thugs in “Whom Gods Destroy.”
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Memory Alpha and a few other sites mention that the costume worn by the female background extra in the red dress with a boa was worn by one of the Argellian women in “Wolf in the Fold.”  I never could find it, but I wonder if it isn’t Kara’s cover up that Scotty gallantly carries for her as they leave. It does have an attached red feathery trim. I guess the trim could have been detached and used as a boa.  But I could easily be wrong, so if someone knows for sure, please leave me a note. In Season 3,  the Andorian inmate sports a similar looking red boa in “Whom Gods Destroy”  but either Kara’s cover up has been drastically chopped, or the wrap is not the same one. 
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One nice touch in the reception scene is that the extras in the background move around and seem to be engaged in serious conversations with each other. In the first photo, we saw the representative dressed in Commissioner Ferris’s uniform making small talk with an unseen figure who moves just enough later to reveal he is wearing a red tunic with gold trim and a distinctive collar. In this photo, you can see that the first gentleman has moved on to the center of the group behind McCoy. And his place has been taken by a purple skinned lady with a brownish looking top and a skirt that appears to be some type of fur (or faux fur). Earlier in this scene, she was standing over on the far right and if you watch her carefully, she gradually moves through the crowd, speaking to several others before she reaches the man in red. Anyone notice this is the third time an earlier costume has been used in “Whom Gods Destroy”? Fourth, if you want to count Garth’s use Anton Karidian’s cape over High Commissioner Ferris’s blue outfit
Even in the background, you can tell that the man in red talking to the lady with the purple skin is wearing Scotty’s dress uniform tunic. And the outfit worn by the purple-skinned lady? It is the skirt to the original costume designed for Lenore Karidian in “The Conscience of  the King.”  According to iCollector.com, a website dedicated to auctions of famous costumes, the decision was made for Barbara Anderson to lose the skirt once filming began, a daring decision which most likely caused a bit of consternation with the NBC censors.  https://bit.ly/2PGTWyZ By the way - that woman with the purple skin and purple tights is none other than the omnipresent Jeannie Malone in another one of her background appearances (She was mentioned in the recent article “On the Doubles.” ). The top she is wearing supposedly is part of a costume from another episode, but I could not track that one down.
Finding recycled costumes is not hard to do in Star Trek. Garth not only “borrowed” Commander Ferris’s blue suit but he also wore Anton Karidian’s olive green, fur trimmed cape (color coordination evidently was not his strong suit).  And two of Dr. Janice Wallace’s outfits wind up on two of the mothers in “And the Children Shall Lead.” However, it’s possible that “Journey to Babel” may have the most examples in all three seasons of TOS (a total of eight and possibly more). Which adds another level of interest to us trivia-obsessed Star Trek fans. 
* An extra shout out to Therese Bohn’s TrekkerScrapbook for inspiring me to take a deeper look into those familiar costumes in “Journey to Babel.” I highly recommend her blog at https://trekkerscrapbook.com.
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Cinematic Comic Characters Ranked! (Year 2011) Part III
This year I think has the most characters ranked so far, and all from movies introducing brand new characters. X-Men franchise gets a reboot with X-Men: First Class; The MCU welcomes the additions of Thor and Captain America: The First Avenger; DC Comics introduces Green Lantern, and we also get The Adventures of Tintin, Cowboys & Aliens, The Green Hornet, and Priest. Here’s #40-21!
40. Erik Selvig (Thor)
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"Anyone who's ever going to find his way in this world, has to start by admitting he doesn't know."
Erik is a wise man of science who helps Jane work on her projects. Despite not believing Thor's story one bit when the god arrives to Earth, he still helps Jane rescue him and even leaves some words of advice to Thor that helps him understand what it means to be a king. He's a good guy so it sucks to see that by the post-credits scene, when he's talking to Nick Fury, he's been possessed by Loki himself.
39. Ivan Ivanovitch Sakharine (The Adventures of Tintin)
"Nothing I do is an accident!"
A villain on a quest for revenge in his great ancestor's name. Sakharine had every move and action planned out to find the lost treasure of the unicorn but didn't quite predict Tintin's involvement. Despite all his efforts, he's unable to complete his mission and loses to Haddock just like his ancestor did.
38. Benjamin Chudnofsky (The Green Hornet)
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"My gun has two barrels. That's not boring."
The big bad villain of the film, Chudnofsky is just a crime boss who is going through a mid-life crisis. Turns out that being scary means a lot more than just killing everyone who crosses you. He learned the younger generations want something a little more flashy. He tries but it's kinda like when a father tries to hang out with his teenage son at a party. It just doesn't work. However, he's still a violent being who takes out a lot of people but in all honesty, he can't be that impressive when he couldn't even kill Britt on his own. Sure, Britt had Kato, who managed to deliver the killing blow to the crime lord, but if he was as bad as wanted to be, he would've had no issues.
37. Lenore Case (The Green Hornet)
"If you even look at my ass again I'll sue you for sexual harassment."
Geez how did this girl even want to work as Britt's assistant after finding out what a complete douche he was? His attempts at flirty were so pervy you just couldn't help but feel bad for Case. Kato didn't really help either and if I were in her shoes I'd let the cops take them both down. But for some reason she helps them and decides to continue to help them keep the city safe by the end of the film.
36. Azazel (X-Men: First Class)
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"Damn it."
In my opinion, Azazel is Shaw's most dangerous assassin in the Hellfire Club. Not only can he teleport but he's also a master at wielding a long blade. The combination of the two really shows when he kills most of the government agents protecting the X-Men by himself. His combat skills are so impressive that he's able to take on Beast and Havok at the same time. He apparently can't take a punch though, as it only takes one from Beast to knock him out. When everything's said and done, Azazel joins Magneto's Brotherhood.
35. Thaal Sinestro (Green Lantern)
"Are you afraid?"
With his mentor dead, Sinestro seems to be the strongest member of the Corps alive, but he's faced with a lot. Even with his skill he can't seem to defeat Parralax, who keeps destroying planets with his powers of fear. Worse, he strongly feels like Hal isn't fit to be a Lantern so in an act of desperation turns to the Guardians to find another source of power to defeat his foe. The source is fear, the opposite force of willpower, the very essence of what it means to be a Green Lantern. Despite Hal proving willpower can overcome fear, at the end of the film, Sinestro still puts on the yellow ring, becoming the first member of the Yellow Lanter Corps.
34. Black Hat (Priest)
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"After all, if you're not committing sin then you're not having fun."
Black Hat used to be a priest who was taken down during an attack on a vampire hive that went wrong. Instead of killing him, the vampire queen feeds him her blood instead and turns him into the first vampire-human hybrid, containing the skills of a priest and power of a vampire. This makes him dangerous as he leads an overwhelming army of vampire to kidnap Lucy, Priest's daughter, and destroy towns full of humans. He also proved his power by killing three priests on his own as well as nearly taking out Priest towards the films climax. However, Priest had help in the form of Hicks and Priestess and was able to see Black Hat burn up in flames at the last second.
33. Laufey (Thor)
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"Go now, while I still allow it."
Man was this guy a huge let down. I truly thought Laufey was going to be the big bad villain of the movie, but turns out he was just another pawn in Loki's ultimate plan to rule Asgard. King of the Frost Giants, he's definitely not to be messed with, but he puts his faith in his son and when he goes to kill Odin in his sleep, Loki betrays him and blasts him to dust.
32. Hector Hammond (Green Lantern)
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"How wonderful that all it took for you to grow up was the end of the world."
I almost did want to feel bad for all the crap Hector seemed to be getting from his dad his entire life, but all of that went out the window when the first thing he does when he sees Carol is sniff her hair. The dude is weird, jealous, and entitled so of course he ends up getting possessed by Parralax and granted these psychic powers that comes with a disturbing physical appearance. He gets his revenge on his students, his dad, even Hal for a bit before the other male manages to trick him into wearing the ring. The ring doesn't recognize him and backfires on him and when Parralax shows up and sees him wearing the weapon of his sworn enemy? Yeah Hector died real quick after that.
31. Thomson and Thompson (The Adventures of Tintin)
"To be precise, you are under arrest!"
These two are pure comedy. Not only for how they exchanged words with each other, but because they were absolutely horrible at doing their jobs yet, oddly enough, seemed to be at the right place at the right time to help Tintin save the day. I mean the two were literally at the house of the kleptomaniac they were after and were arguing AGAIST him on how he wasn't their suspect. If that isn't what you call a pure comedic mess I don't know what is.
30. Britt Reid/The Green Hornet (The Green Hornet)
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"Everyone knows, you corner a hornet, you get stung."
I hated Britt. He's almost exactly like Bruce Wayne when it comes to being rich, having dead parents, and then deciding to become a superhero, but his arrogance, rudeness, and in-capabilities with mental and physical prowess proved this dude could never be on Batman's level. There was just so many times that he would screw everything up that you just wanted him to fail because it was frustrating to see someone as annoying as him save the day.
29. Parralax (Green Lantern)
"Once I have devoured your world I will have all the strength I need to defeat the Corps and destroy the Guardians."
A former Guardian, Parralax wanted to use the power of fear instead of willpower, making him an easy enemy of the Green Lantern Corps. After his first defeat, he returns stronger than ever, devouring planets through their inhabitant's fear. He nearly destroys Earth as well until Hal manages to fight him off, tricking him into being pulled in into the sun and burns away. His legacy in fear lives on though, once Sinestro slips on the yellow ring that is fused with his powers.
28. Woodrow Dolarhyde (Cowboys & Aliens)
"Get off my plains!"
At first Dolarhyde seemed like a huge asshole that let his son terrorize a town just because he was rich and that he was actually going to be an obstacle Jake would have to face during his war with the aliens, but the latter never happened. Dolarhyde was quick to band together with the others, only really showing disobedience when it came to working with the Native Americans which, granted, was only because they had just taken him prisoner. He proves to be a good shot during the final fight and even saves Jake's life at the last moment inside the ship. I would have preferred Percy dying instead of Colorado and then Dolarhyde officially adopting Colorado to be his son but instead he gives Percy exactly what he wants again but at least Percy kinda stopped being a dick.
27. Alex Summers/Havok (X-Men: First Class)
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Havok seemed to be the member shrouded in the most mystery when he first joined the group. He was very hesitant about being around everyone and they quickly knew why, his energy blasts are out of control. After the death of his good friend Darwin, he decides to focus on his destructive blasts but still can't manage to do it. Even though he mocks Hank to no end, the brilliant scientist helps create a device that helps him control the blasts. He holds his own when the X-Men go up against the Hellfire Club and he officially stays with Xavier after Magneto kills Shaw.
26. Carol Ferris (Green Lantern)
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"You don't think I would recognize you because I can't see your cheekbones?"
Carol Ferris is a strong fighter pilot, a smart businesswoman, and Hal Jordan's ex-girlfriend. While it's clear she still cares about him, she just can't take him seriously. She's even smart enough to realize the Green Lanter is Hal, but I mean she makes a good point on him not really having a big disguise. Her bravery matches her brain power too, when she saves Hal from death by blasting some missiles at Parralax and giving him the opportunity he needs to save the day.
25. Johann Schmidt/Red Skull (Captain America: The First Avenger)
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"Hail, HYDRA."
This guy takes having a God complex to a whole other level. He wants the world at his feet and in order to do so he needs power. So he creates HYDRA and joins Hitler and the German Nazis to find it. He becomes the infamours Red Skull when he tries to take the super soldier serum and his body rejects it. Even though he's really intimidating at times, he never really accomplishes anything. When his plan fails and Captain America defeats him, he grabs the tesseract and it seems to kill him with it's sheer power alone.
24. Ella Swenson (Cowboys & Aliens)
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"I won't be around for very long."
Yeah Ella's true identity as another alien being was definitely a plot twist I didn't see coming but after learning who she really is you really got to admire her selflessness. She literally lost her entire race of aliens like her yet still went out of her way to warn and later help the humans before they were wiped out as well. She manages to help rescue all the kidnapped humans from the alien's captivity but her real shining moment comes when she sacrifices herself to detonate a huge bomb that destroys the entire alien ship, killing every single one of them. We did see her come back to life earlier so who knows if she actually stays dead this time.
23. Moira MacTaggert (X-Men: First Class)
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"You're your own team now. You're X-Men."
Moira is a great CSI agent. As soon as she discovers that the Hellfire Club is full of mutants, she goes and finds herself an expert on one. She holds no prejudice like most humans in her era which is probably why Charles starts developing feelings for her. Despite being the only human on the team, she does her best to fight Shaw and even Magneto when he proves to be a huge threat, firing several bullets at him, one of which ends up paralyzing Charles from the waist down. Afterwards, for the safety of him and his students, her memory is wiped clean for when she's interrogated by the CSI.
22. Sif, Vostagg, Hogun, Fandral (Thor)
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"We must find Thor."
Sif and the Warriors Three are some of Asgard's greatest warriors and Thor's best friends. They're loyalty is shown all throughout the film when they travel with Thor to confront the Frost Giants and when they disobey Loki and travel to Earth to bring Thor back to Asgard after his banishment. They each have their own unique qualities and abilities that brings something good to the table, but it's only when they all work together that they really become a strong force of Asgardian warriors.
21. James 'Bucky' Barnes (Captain America: The First Avenger)
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"This isn't a back alley, Steve. It's war!"
Steve's best friend who's looked out for him his entire life before he joins the army. He reunites with Steve after he becomes Captain America and rescues him from a HYDRA facility. Bucky really becomes that sense of home for Steve, but I couldn't help but feel a little hint of jealousy in him? I mean I think he was so used to being the better man and then all of a sudden Steve is the face of the US army. Don't get me wrong, I think he cared about Steve one hundred percent but I think it was a hurt ego that made him try to rush that giant machine with Steve's shield before he gets blasted away and falls to his apparent death.
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thepoolscene · 5 years
The Pool Scene - Alex Kazakis, Alvin Thomas, Amy Yu, Bob Cunninghan, Brandon Shuff, Chris Braiman, Cristina Schneider, Dan Faraguna, Danny Hewitt, Dave Fernandez, Dave Shlemperis, Demetrius Jelatis, Devin Buttle (Can), Earl Strickland, Einar Gudjohnsen, Erin Bechner, Geoff Montgomery, Greg Bombard, Jed Jecen, Jennifer Barretta, Jerome Rockwell, Jim Prather, Joe Cicero, Josh Burbul, Kevin West, Larry Phlegar, Len Gianfrate, Lenore Donavan Chen, Marco Kam, Matt Krah, Maxime Villeneuve, Paul Pensgen, Paul Rozonewski, Phil Harju, Randy Labonte, Ray Lee, Rich Connors, Rich Howard, Robert Ragusa, Shawn Wescott, Steven W Smith, Troy Deocharran, William Bombard - Joss Northeast 9-Ball
New Post on https://thepoolscene.com/?p=55536
Joss Northeast 9-Ball Tour, Turning Stone Classic XXXIII 9-Ball Open, January 9-12, 2020
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Everyone, Here is the complete order of finish for our Joss Northeast 9-Ball Tour’s, “Turning Stone Classic XXXIII 9-Ball Open”, which was held January 9-12, 2020. The event was $25,000 added with a total prize fund of $41,400. There was a full field of 128 players. All players were paid in cash immediately upon their elimination from the event!
1st $8,000 Shane Van Boening 2nd $5,000 Alex Kazakis (Greece) 3rd $3,600 James Aranas (Philippines) 4th $2,600 Billy Thorpe 5/6th $2,000 each – Mieszko Fortunski (Poland), Jayson Shaw 7/8th $1,600 each – Konrad Juszczyszyn (Poland), Jeremy Sossei 9/12th $1,200 each – Earl Strickland, Daniel Schneider (Switzerland), Kevin West, Brandon Shuff 13/16th $850 each – Joe Dupuis, Rodney Cuillerier (Can), Bill Gallagher, Bucky Souvanthong 17/24th $550 each – Sylvain Gingras (Can), Len Gianfrate, Demetrius Jelatis, Jennifer Barretta, Marco Kam, Dan Hewitt (Can), Matt Krah, Dave Fernandez 25/32nd $300 each – Frederick Belley (Can), Nick Charette (Can), Sean Morgan, Tom Zippler, Dave Mills, Hunter Lombardo, Chris Szuter, Matt Tetreault
33/48th – Earl Herring, Dean Cuillerier (Can), Paul Dryden, Mike Yednak, Frank Hernandez, Mike Giurleo, Gene Hunt, Steve Lillis, Dave Dreidel, Bruce Barthelette, Mark Creamer, Sylvain Deslauriers (Can), Johnny Archer, Clyde Matta, Dwight Dixon, Josh Burbul
49/64th – Tony Antone, Eric Cloutier (Can), Steve Fleming, Frank Wolak, Jesse Docalavich, Aaron Greenwood, Pat Fleming, Mike Nicoloro, John Francisco, Mike Toohig, Willie Oney, Rhys Chen, John Morra, (Can), Darren Clement (Can), Ben Werblow, Holden Chin
65/96th – Elvis Joubert (Can), Frank Gaetani, Fred Gokey, Garrett Vaughan, Steven Winter (Can), Nick Coppola, Alain Caya (Can), Bruce Nagle, Dale Kimmett (Can), Jia Li (Chn), Tom Acciavatti, Caroline Pao, Pascal Dufresne (Can), Che Lemmon (Can), Veronique Menard (Can), Roger Miller (Can), Steven Way, Alain Gelinas (Can), Ranulf Tamba, Waleed Hashem, (Can), Lida Mullendore, Elvis Rodriguez, Gregg McAndrews, Sara Lancey, Ron Casanzio, Tom Gildea, Jerry Crowe, James Kearney, George Poltorak, Don Reigel, Jay Goyer (Can), Cleiton Rocha
97/128th – Cristina Schneider, Amy Yu, Geoff Montgomery, Dave Shlemperis, Dan Faraguna, William Bombard, Jed Jecen, Greg Bombard, Alvin Thomas, Randy Labonte, Maxime Villeneuve (Can), Devin Buttle (Can), Shawn Wescott, Jerome Rockwell, Ray Lee, Bob Cunninghan, Paul Pensgen, Larry Phlegar, Lenore Donavan Chen, Dominic Gauthier (Can), Chris Braiman, Troy Deocharran, Joe Cicero, Phil Harju, Robert Ragusa, Rich Connors, Steven W. Smith, Jim Prather, Erin Bechner, Einar Gudjohnsen, Paul Rozonewski, Rich Howard
Our Second Chance event had a field of 21 players with a total prize fund of $1,000.
1st $500 Tom Zippler 2nd $300 Greg Bombard 3/4th $125 each – Tom Acciavatti, Aaron Greenwood
$1,500 Joss Cue raffle winners – Brian Dauphinee & Sammy Khiev & the winner of the autographed Aramith Pro Cup cue ball used in the final match – Bob Bartley
The Joss Northeast 9-Ball Tour Is Proudly Sponsored By;
Joss Cues – http://www.josscues.com Turning Stone Resort Casino – http://www.turningstone.com Simonis Cloth – http://www.simoniscloth.com Poolonthenet.com – http://www.poolonthenet.com AzBilliards.com – http://www.azbilliards.com Aramith – http://www.aramith.com Billiards Press – http://www.billiardspress.com World Class Cue Care – http://www.jnj-industries.com
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