#leia watches
chrismho · 5 months
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getting yelled at by the skywalker siblings
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galactic-rhea · 7 months
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Ah yes, the "evil" family.
I thought it would be even more funny if it was Luke, of all people, the one who wanted to watch Bloodbath in the Black Moon of the Dragon System.
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hayden-christensen · 26 days
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Death doesn't discriminate Between the sinners And the saints It takes and it takes and it takes
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fellthemarvelous · 4 months
It pisses me off to see the way some Star Wars fans are so dismissive of Reva, Third Sister.
She's complex. She's interesting. She's clever. She's intelligent. She's strategic. She's conflicted. She's traumatized. She's scared. She's angry. She's a survivor.
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The Obi-Wan Kenobi series literally opens with her and her friends watching one of her Jedi mentors get gunned down by clone troopers during Order 66.
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She was a FUCKING CHILD!!! They were in the middle of a lesson when the clones walked in and started shooting everyone!! These were Anakin Skywalker's troopers and they were executing every single Jedi around them.
These children had NO idea what was going on. They were scared and they tried to run to safety.
We remember this scene from Revenge of the Sith and we all immediately knew what it meant.
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These are the same bodies that Obi-Wan Kenobi found when he and Yoda returned to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant after having to kill so many of Anakin's clone troopers just to survive.
These are children that the Jedi Council wasn't there to save.
Palpatine snuffed out the light of the Jedi in one swift act of terrorism and then blamed the Jedi for their own genocide after taking over the entire galaxy.
And in times of war, the weakest among everyone always suffer the most.
This is what Reva, Jedi youngling, remembers most about the end of the Clone Wars.
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Anakin Skywalker, hero of the Clone Wars and former padawan of the great Obi-Wan Kenobi, murdered all of her friends and injured her.
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She had to play dead amongst the dead bodies of her friends, and that's how she survived. She witnessed Anakin Skywalker murder all the Jedi in the temple with no one there to stop him because the other Jedi Masters were being executed in a war they had never wanted to enter into in the first place.
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She blames herself for not being able to save her friends because she wasn't strong enough to fight back. No youngling was ever going to be strong enough to stand against Anakin Skywalker. She wanted revenge against Anakin Skywalker, and she was just as desperate to get to Obi-Wan Kenobi as he was. She wanted to kill Anakin Skywalker just as badly as Darth Vader wanted to kill Obi-Wan.
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She was alone in a galaxy that tortured and executed surviving Jedi. She spent ten years plotting her revenge against Anakin. She was angry at Obi-Wan for not being there to stop Anakin, and rightfully so.
The Republic fell. Reva and her friends were left unprotected. She was the only person she relied on because everyone else failed her. She was only a child when she lost everyone.
And it's clear she was conflicted by her role as an Inquisitor. She doesn't have the training the other Inquisitors do because she volunteered to be an Inquisitor while all the others were tortured and terrorized into falling to the dark side. She only wanted access to Anakin so she could get justice for what he did to her and her family.
Unlike Anakin, Reva couldn't find it in herself to harm a child. She was seeking revenge solely against Anakin Skywalker. Luke and Leia are the same age she was when she watched her friends and family die in front of her.
Yes, she was prepared to torture Leia, but she consistently hesitated, and when Tala walked in, Reva turned away. She stopped. Yeah she was mad, but she didn't have to go through with it. She'd already planted a tracker on Lola. She was already planning on allowing them to escape so she could locate their secret base. She just needed to bait Obi-Wan. Her plan worked perfectly, and she didn't even have to hurt this child who was annoying the shit out of her (not realizing she was dealing with Anakin Skywalker's offspring).
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She went to Tatooine to kill Luke, but she couldn't. She hunted him down without bothering to kill Owen or Beru. She only cared about one thing. Getting justice for what happened to everyone she had been unable to save at the end of the war. She was only a child, and when she realized she was about to kill a defenseless child just to get revenge, she couldn't do it. She saw her face when she looked down at Luke and cried when she realized she couldn't do it.
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She was so horrified by what she had been prepared to do and returned him to Owen and Beru alive. She fell to her knees and sobbed because she thought she failed her family in the end.
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Obi-Wan was there for her this time. He reminded her that by showing mercy, she was giving her friends and family peace. She was not going to become the monster that Anakin Skywalker was.
Obi-Wan helped her and reminded her that she gets to decide who she wants to be from this point forward. She refused to become Anakin Skywalker, and a weight was finally starting to be lifted from her shoulders. A weight she had been carrying for ten long years.
She did what she thought she had to just to survive. She had only been a child with no guidance because everyone she loved died. She survived by joining the ranks of the enemy so she could plot her revenge. Obi-Wan showed her mercy at the moment she needed it most. He wasn't angry with her. He was compassionate. She survived Order 66 just like he did, but she had been defenseless when they were thrust into a galaxy that tortured and killed Force sensitive individuals and those who helped them. He had failed Reva during Order 66, and he wasn't going to fail her this time.
She is getting a second chance at finding her path in life despite the bad things she did. Everyone deserves a second chance. She was robbed of her childhood and had to grow up overnight. She had to learn how to survive. And that's exactly what she did. Just not in the way she expected.
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ahhrenata · 1 year
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swedenis-h · 9 months
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Leia and her emotional support droid (he’s the only thing she has left from Alderaan)
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otterandterrier · 27 days
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Incorrect Star Wars Quotes: Parks and Recreation
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biblicalbi · 1 year
Imagine a world where Obi-Wan survives episode IV and has to deal with another generation of disaster romances with the Skywalker family.
Leia: *falls head over heels with a dashingly handsome and very mouthy rogue who has more red flags than green*
Obi-Wan: “Oh no.”
Luke: *flirts with a stubborn yet extremely caring world leader despite the Jedi’s no-attachment rule*
Obi-Wan: “Not again.”
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skylightangels · 2 years
rewatched interstellar tonight and. humanity is saved not because we allow ourselves to be emotionally distant and rational and logical and care for the greater good, humanity is saved because of love. because one guy loved his daughter enough to communicate with her over space and time and she loved him enough to understand. the idea that there is a future humanity out there that is looking back at us and saying I love you. I love you enough to bend a dimension you do not yet understand to save you. Everything is about love.
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varpusvaras · 2 months
The Millennium Falcon was, perhaps, a fast ship for its type, but it was not smooth flying in the slightest.
Things had definitely been thrown around during the fight, but still, Leia had kept herself pressed against one of the windows, and she was staring right at the planet on the other side of it. The Death Star still loomed over it, like a mechanical moon, which was definitely a nerve-wracking sight. Luke couldn't fault her for looking afraid.
Still, he believed that Obi-Wan and Rex were going to succeed. He had to. There were no other options.
"Move, kid." Han pushed past him to the consols. "We need to make the jump before they send out more of them after us."
"There are already more coming", Cody said. He looked nervous too. Well, maybe not nervous, but tense. Luke could understand that, too. It was his partner and his brother that had stayed behind on the Death Star, after all. "We need to go."
"Already on it", Han grunted. He was typing on his consol even faster, decidedly not looking at the approaching swarm of TIE-fighters. "Okay, everybody hold onto something!"
Leia didn't move to hold onto anything. She was still standing at the window, staring at Alderaan. It looked almost like she was trying to see something, but Luke didn't know what. They were too far away to see anything on the surface, anyway.
She must've been just worried in general. It was her home, after all.
"Hey." Luke grabbed her arm. "It's going to be okay, the message said that your parents have already been evacuated. The Viceroy and the Queen are both on the way to the Rebel base-"
She whipped around to look at him.
"The Queen and the Viceroy?" She repeated. She looked more worried now.
"Yes", Luke said. "Commander Organa said that-"
"Where is he?" Leia interrupted him. Her voice had risen a whole lot. The ship shook beneath them as the hyperdrives begun to start up. "Commander Organa, where is he?"
"He said he was on Alderaan-" Luke started, attempting to explain the whole thing since he hadn't had the time earlier, but Leia wasn't listening to him anymore. She had turned around and was lurching towards Han.
"Stop the jump!" Luke had not heard her sounding so panicked before, not even when they had been inside the Death Star, surrounded by Stormtroopers. "Stop it!"
She reached for the consols, but Cody jumped forward as well before she got too close, and wrapped his arms around her and pulled her away.
"Leia, calm down-" Leia struggled in his grasp, glawing at his arms, her eyes wide.
"No!" She tried to push him off of her. "We can't leave him there!"
"We have to-"
"No!" Leia didn't look like she was even listening to anything that Cody was saying. "No! Stop it! Stop it, he's your brother, you cannot leave him there!"
Cody went still.
"What?" He asked, sounding somehow even more confused than what Luke felt. "What did you-"
The ship lurched forward in the way that Luke felt all the way at the bottom of his stomach, and the stars outside the cockpit started to blurr.
"No!" Leia almost managed to push Cody's arms away. "Buir-"
They jumped into hyperspace, Alderaan and the Death Star disappearing from their view all at once.
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bibxrbie · 3 months
One Star Wars headcannon you will have to pry from my cold hands, is that Luke absolutely made Leia carry him on her back when she decided to pursue Force training.
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pourablecat · 29 days
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I am allowed to draw things that aren't Discworld! (╯‵□′)╯
Movie night with Original Trilogy gang :)))
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sstarssucker · 10 months
There's only one way to see Revenge of the Sith...
*watch the movie*
*open ao3 immediately after*
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river-from-alderaan · 5 months
padmé: the twins have finally reunited!
padmé: my children..
padmé: leia has her father's temper huh
padmé: and luke is just like me!
padmé: i miss them so much... i wish i could've seen them grow
padmé: did she just kiss—
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Clone wars headcanons that took me forever to edit
I feel like my last couple of headcanons have been mushy so I’ve decided to write some shit Ahsoka and Anakin do that piss each other off 
Ahsoka bites the skin around her nails all the time and most of the time she won't stop till they’re bleeding 
Anakin’s tried literally everything in the book to get her to stop 
He tried putting spices on her hands forgetting that she likes spicy food, he’s tried painting her nails (like that’ll do anything) but she keeps picking the paint off, now he just uses the force to remove them from her mouth 
That’s gotten a few growls from her but at least it makes her aware she’s doing it but it doesn’t stop her from bitting them a couple of seconds later
Honestly he’s given up and just sits in silence while she complains about the pain
Anakin paces whenever he’s even slightly nervous and she can tell how nervous he is depending on how fast he moves 
If he’s just kinda anxious he moves pretty slow but if he’s like one shirt caught on a door handle away from a panic attack he’s teleporting 
When Padme told him he was gonna be a dad he was ecstatic for about 24 hours but after that some invisible timer went off in his head he booked it to Ahsoka’s house (she lives down the street cause of course she does)
Walked into her room and woke her poor sleepy butt up with all his pacing 
Girl swears to this day he broke the damn sound barrier with how fast he was moving 
She just wordlessly sat up and patted her bed cause she knew she wasn’t gonna get any sleep until he did 
She sat by him and listened as he rattled off all his worries and only really stepped in when the darker thoughts surfaced when it was all said and done she turned to him and said “Now let me kriffing sleep” 
Should he have probably left the room yeah but he got a total of 30 minutes of “sleep” that night so it’s not surprising that he knocked the fuck out of
Padme was a little bit alarmed to wake up without Anakin but was quickly soothed when she read Ahsoka’s message “Your nerf herders with me” 
She knew the pregnancy would dredge up some unhappy feelings and she also knew Anakin can’t think clearly if he doesn’t have Ahsoka to sort through the bullshit in his head 
She just got ready for brunch with her two favorite people and smiled cause she knew Obi-Wan and Rex would join them for dinner with or without an invitation 
When Anakin and Ahsoka were living together they would kick each other out of their own bathrooms 
Why? Well Ahsoka said Anakin’s had better lighting and water pressure and Anakin would do it to spite Ahsoka because he knew it would piss her off  
Slowly but surely their stuff gets moved into each other's bathrooms and it’s a weird amalgamation of crap 
Also when they were living together Anakin would ask Ahsoka if she was hungry before cooking and she’d often say no because she didn’t want to impose but his cooking always looked and smelled good 
So half the time girl would just end up eating some of his food when she thought he wasn’t looking 
At first he was like “Snips you said you weren’t hungry” to which she would respond “Yeah I wasn’t hungry then but I am now” after that he starts making more food on instinct cause damn that girl can eat 
Anakin gets back at her pretty easily tho by taking the first bite of her food whenever they go out to eat his excuse is that he’s “making sure it’s not poisoned” he never does this to Padme cause he respects her too damn much 
And he can’t use that trick on Obi-Wan and Rex cause the former taught him the trick and the latter has a bullshit detecter built-in 
Both Anakin and Ahsoka pull that trick on the twins tho (which gets them a quick scolding from Padme) 
Speaking of the twins it’s not surprising that as they grow up they realize that their auntie isn’t human so of course like any normal child they have questions and Anakin being the little shit that he is spots an opportunity for some laughs 
So he turns to the twins all serious-like and goes “Well my loves we actually found your auntie in a dumpster we have no idea where she came from” the twins are distraught and go to the nearest adult who just so happens to be their uncle Rex 
And Rex also being a little shit backs up Anakin’s story with so much sincerity that even Anakin believed it a little bit 
The twins being the angels they are apologize to their auntie for her terrible origin story with tears in their eyes and her reaction more than made up for the swift ass-kicking the boys got  
When Anakin was taller than Ahsoka he made her life hell by making fun of her every time something was even slightly out of her reach
He would make a big deal about grabbing it for her while commenting about how the temple’s architecture wasn’t made with the “young ones” in mind 
Obi-Wan has turned multiple blind eyes when Ahsoka socked the shit out of his arm when he tells one too many jokes some days
When she finally grows taller than him she makes the biggest deal about it and no one can blame her 
While Anakin is the pilot Ahsoka is easily the navigator she often jokes that Anakin wouldn’t find his way out of bed without help 
Which is funny cause he often acts like a herding dog with her putting his hand on her back or holding her arm to guide her 
But he’s wrong 9/10 times so it’s not uncommon to see Anakin guiding her in one direction and then see him get dragged in the opposite direction a couple of minutes later  
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swedenis-h · 2 years
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Getting ready for war!
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