#legion of collectors
snowls-yt · 6 months
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Slashers/Dbd requests from Insta!
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photosoft0ys · 6 months
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On Patrol
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gay-gambler · 2 months
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so here's part *checks
Part 4 of STG textpost! Enjoy :3
Part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 5 | part 6
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Based on fanfic by @blot-squisher !
I couldn't post last update because I was busy and then I fucking got deactivated by Tumblr for ACTING LIKE A BOT?? which still confused me idk what I did
Funnily enough it was after I finally got myself an ao3 account and posted my first work lmao the curse is real
Also I have such a hard time trying to find textpost that WASN'T Danny, he is so goober but I wanted to draw other slashers too 🥲
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rokishimizu4 · 4 months
Slasher/Yandere for Pride: requests open
For the month of Pride and beyond, I’ll be taking requests for Slashers’s headcannons, letters, and short stories!
The Slashers can be from horror movies, video games, anime, and such.
However, I will NOT write; rape (Including non-consensual touching, kissing, groping, etc), pedo, vore, anything with clowns or dolls, rape fantasy (unless it ends up as a comedy in the end), excessive pain/torment, anything with children or underaged characters (Unless it’s Sam or Glen/da and they aren’t doing anything sexual in nature), abuse (Unless the abuser gets killed by the slasher), animal abuse (NO). (If I think of more, I’ll add it to the list)
Maybe: Yandere (No rape or abuse), death (of abuser, bad friends, etc), kidnapping, smut (Longer smuts or explicit buy at my shop on Etsy -SnakeShoppe)
Will write: Himbo slashers, LGBTQIA+ characters/Slashers, protective slashers, X covered in someone else’s blood (Not readers), teasing, Reader’s interaction with slashers’ family, crossovers. (I’ll add more later)
Happy Pride~
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wtfgaylittlezooid · 11 months
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decided to make a shitpost of the antagonists and accidentally made the funniest scale of "just some guy" to "what the fuck is that"
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legionofmyth · 11 months
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles & Other Strangeness - [Pt. 3/5] - Kevin Siembieda & Sean Roberson
[Part 3/5] 🐢 Dive into the world of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles & Other Strangeness with Kevin Siembieda and Sean Roberson! 🎉 Join the conversation on the epic TMNT RPG revival. 📽️ Don't miss it! #TMNTRPG #TabletopGaming #RPGRevival #TMNTKickstarter
[Part 3/5] Get ready to embark on an epic nostalgia trip with the all-new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles & Other Strangeness Kickstarter by Palladium Books! Dive into the world of these iconic heroes with two deluxe hardcover collections, beautifully remastered in full color. Kevin Eastman, the co-creator of TMNT, graces us with a stunning painted cover, while exclusive bonus content offers…
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kingoftieland · 1 year
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Time to show respect for the veteran who commanded the famed 501st Legion during the Clone Wars with this LEGO Star Wars Captain Rex Helmet!
As the captain of the 501st, Rex served as second-in-command to Jedi General Anakin Skywalker, and now I can capture every detail of his helmet with this stunning 854-piece model. Add the buildable stand with a nameplate and you have an attention-grabbing display piece to honor the soldier formerly known as CT-7567. 🎖️
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sammyloomis · 2 years
truly jarring going from reading a comic that sucks (legion of bats) to a comic that FUCKS (poison ivy)
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ilikepjo24 · 8 months
On Octavian ruining Percy's panda pillow pet...
Now, I thought this wasn't even a serious thing that needs to be addressed but I just finished arguing with someone over this, so apparently it does need its own meta.
So, the take we're debunking today is "Octavian is mean/evil for ruining Percy's pillow pet".
The thing about this pillow pet is that Percy was homeless for six months, he had to steal to survive and fight off monsters every single day, a task that was getting harder and harder every day, all while he remembered nothing. He only had his name. He didn't have friends, a home, a family, a safe place, a purpose, something that can get people by so that they don't just give up when struggling every day for no known reason with no known end goal gets too much.
During those months, his panda pillow was the one single form of comfort and familiarity he was granted. A small mercy if you will, to help get him through this. Although many people downgrade, poke fun off, and affectionately ridicule his relationship with the panda pillow pet, it was definitely something meaningful. Like the first participation trophy you got for participating in a competition for fun, only to realize you really like that activity and get hooked on it. Sure, the trophy does not indicate any real talent or success in itself, but to you it's the starting line for something you genuinely love. And to Percy his pillow pet has value because of it's emotional worth.
Which is why it had to be sacrificed.
I'll explain why soon enough, but for now, hold that thought I put in your head just now while I add a second idea there too.
This isn't talked about in the books, but it's something Uncle Rick made sure to address in the show. As Chris Rodriguez worded it: The gods love the smell of beging.
In Camp Half-Blood, when meal time is over, demigods throw the remaining of their food into the fire as a sacrifice and pray to the gods. In the show it was specified that it's better to sacrifice a portion of your favourite food, because if the gods see that you're willing to sacrifice your own comfort (even if it's just in the form of your favourite food) just to please them, they are more likely to answer your prayer. Once again, as Chris said, they love the smell of begging. And the more you beg, the more you're willing to sacrifice, the further you're willing to go, the better.
So Greek gods like it when you pray by sacrificing your food, and to an extent, your comfort. And the Roman gods like it when you sacrifice a life.
Which is why auguries became a thing. Of course you're not gonna see the future in the guts of an animal just because. The gods will grant you spoilers for the next season if you kill the animal because it will make them feel flattered to see that you're so desperate for their help that you'd rip out the soul of a living being in their honor just to get their attention.
However, Rick is writing books for tweens and teens. He can't just have animals being slaughtered left and right, especially for the purpose of feeding the gods' narcissism. So what can he do to make the situation a bit more pg 13? Remove the slaughtering of animals. And how will auguries be performed then? By sacrificing something else that has value. Emotional value.
It's quite logical to assume that the stuffed toys Octavian uses in his auguries are really expensive or collector's edition or handmade or are someone's childhood companion that they donated. The gods wouldn't just let you have information about the feature when all you gave to them was a sacrifice worth 1$ that you could even fish out of the trash.
Now I want you to hold on to that too and knit it together with the other thought I told you to hold on to, got it? And if you do that part of the process properly you should get to the conclusion that the best sacrifice available at the moment to get the gods to tell you how they feel about Percy joined the legion was Percy's panda pillow pet that he is so deeply emotionally connected to.
Octavian did not ruin something Percy loved for kicks. He didn't even know him yet, there's no way he had any type of malicious feelings towards Percy yet. He was just doing his job. The job Reyna tasked him to and the job Hazel told him to do during their conversation. And that was to read Percy's augury (which wasn't an augury bc Octavian is a haruspex but that's irrelevant right now). He wasn't actively trying to soil Percy's mood and ruin his day just to be the evil villain. He was just doing his job.
Thus proven.
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ancientcharm · 11 months
Titus Flavius and his indelible traces.
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Titus Flavius was born in Rome on December 30 of the year 39. He was a direct descendant of a loyal soldier of Pompey the Great during the Civil War against Julius Caesar. After Pompey's defeat at the Battle of Pharsalia, his life was spared by Julius Caesar, returned to home and became a Publicanus (tax collector). In an incredible twist of fate, the Flavians, a family of peasants, who came from the defeat of the past, ended up occupying the throne founded by Caesar's heir, and replacing the aristocratic Julio-Claudian dynasty with the Flavian dynasty.
During reing of Caligula (37-41) Vespasian,father of Titus, was Aedile of Rome. According Suetonius, Emperor Caligula passed by a street that was very dirty, ordered Vespasian to be brought and the garbage thrown on him, and then told him "Do your job well, keep the city clean."
During the reign of Claudius (41-54) Vespasian obtained the position of praetor and the command of one of the legions that went to the conquest of Britannia.
After revolt in Judea in the year 66, emperor Nero chose the experienced and brilliant general Vespasian to put an end to the rebellion. Vespasian went with his son, Titus, who was then 26 years old, and was an excellent army's officer.
In June 68, after of the death of Nero, the first civil war of the imperial era broke out, which would last until December of the following year. On December of the chaotic year 69, known as the year of the 4 emperors, in which three aristocrats came to the throne and were murdered, Vespasian was proclaimed emperor by the army. Titus was left in command against the rebellion in Judea.
A historical event of mystical relevance.
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After months of bloody fighting, on August of the year 70, the Temple of Jerusalem was looted, burned and demolished by Titus's troops.
Titus made his triumphal parade in the year 71 in Rome. Years later, in the place where Titus passed, his younger brother, the Emperor Domitian, ordered the construction of the Arch of Titus; One of its extraordinary relief depicts the triumphal parade with the treasures of the Temple.
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Emperor Vespasian decided to tear down the Domus Aurea, the palace that Nero had ordered to be built for his own enjoyment, and build "a palace for the enjoyment of the people". He saw his work almost completed but died of illness on June 23, 79, at his estate. The next day Titus ascends the throne.
A mess with the gods.
Exactly 4 months after his accession to the throne and while his younger brother was celebrating his birthday, a tragic event occurred. An inexplicable and terrifying news reached Rome: the peaceful mount Vesuvius roared, exploded and became something unknown, and several Roman cities with their inhabitants disappeared under "a sea of fire." Among the victims was the prestigious politician, soldier and writer Pliny the Elder, a close friend of the imperial family, who had dedicated the book 'Naturalis historia' to Titus.
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Emperor immediately went to the scene of the disaster. He made immense works and donations to help those affected in the area. Early year 80 he went there for the second time and at that time a fire broke out in Rome for three days. Rumors began to circulate that the emperor had a "problem with the gods", and it was due to his forbidden relationship with princess Berenice, great-great-granddaughter of Herod the Great.
Although he was a very popular emperor, he did not want to risk those tragedies affecting his image and the people becoming angry, so he decided in 80 to accelerate his father's work, which still had to wait to be completed. And so began the inauguration of the most famous "stadium" in history : The Flavian amphitheater, better known as Colosseum.
There were 100 days of games. Those shows were free for the people. They had never seen an amphitheater of such grandeur. Very soon the people of Rome forgot about Vesuvius and Berenice.
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Coins were minted showing the work started by his father but completed and inaugurated by him. In the image: a sesterce from the time of Emperor Titus.
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The pseudo-Nero
After Nero's death, rumors began to circulate that his suicide was not real. Years later, this rumor had spread throughout the empire and even beyond its borders. Suetonius wrote about an event that he experienced during the reign of Domitian: "Twenty years after his death, when I was young, a man of obscure origin appeared, who claimed he was Nero; And the name Nero was still in such favour with the Parthians that they supported him vigorously and surrendered him with great reluctance."
The Parthians were happy believing that Nero was alive because he had been the only Roman emperor they liked, as during his reign he signed the peace treaty and had a cordial attitude towards Parthia.
Titus had to face the rebellion of a guy called Terentius, another Pseudo-Nero that according to ancient historical sources "he sang with a voice equal to that of Nero, played the lyre and looked like him." The impostor had a lot of followers in the eastern Roman provinces. The Parthian king, Titus's enemy, received this man and made preparations for him to return to Rome as emperor but he was executed when his true identity was revealed.
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On September 13, 81, Titus died at the age of 41 on his father's farm, due to fever. His brief reign was very prosperous and popular. Having only a daughter (Julia Flavia), his successor was his brother Domitian who would rule for 15 years.
According to Roman writers, his last words were: "I regret nothing except one thing"; And some believe that he regretted having said "no" to Berenice when she proposed marriage after the death of emperor Vespasian, the major opponent of the relationship between them.
The Colosseum and the Wailing Wall are undoubtedly the two indelible traces of Titus Flavius.
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photosoft0ys · 6 months
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Nomad Rex
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yandere-daydreams · 1 year
With the sub genre of bullying people for sex robot controversy, is there also the sub genre similar to people bragging about their dogs? Like how people can hold insane weight on if a dog is a pure breed or not? Or like bragging about collectors items “My limited edition copy still in mint condition!” (I.E still in the box)
i am latching onto this,,, imagine the forums,,, the twitter threads and chatrooms dedicated to android upkeep that just totally devolve into round about arguments on whether or not it's ethical to use spare parts from broken androids and how bad you should feel about swapping out your alhaitham's ""assigned"" attachments for that of an itto or a morax droid. also the pure breed thing. i can see an advent collecting bragging about their first-generation ei with all of her original parts and a small legion of maintenance droids only to be met with someone who got their android second-hand being like 'this is childe. i found him in the trash. he thinks he's pregnant with my kid but we're working on it'. the discourse is never-ending.
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lesvegas · 1 year
FNV Quest Mods That Don't Suck
I know I've made modlists before but talk of DLC-sized mods made me want to make another. Big, DLC-sized quest mods are nine times outta ten messy, poorly-made and poorly-written, feel like they should've been fo3 mods, or have numerous other qualities that are detestable to normal people with taste. I've played most of the popular ones and hate nearly all of them. Here are the ones I actually can recommend.
Note: I also highly recommend having a proper modding setup before installing any of these. Everyone and their mother has already recommended the Viva New Vegas guide before because it works and it's beginner-friendly.
Allow me to spare your dash by putting this list under a cut.
"DLC-sized" Quest Mods
Boom to the Moon - A quest where you go to the moon (yes, really) to find out what happened to a man's wife. I promise it's way better than I could possibly describe. Honestly I recommend almost all of Jokerine's mods for her attention to detail and all the cool shit she makes. This quest mod doesn't even end with the moon trip, you'll also get the best-written mod companion I've ever seen. Seriously please give this one a try if nothing else on this list.
Autumn Leaves - A murder mystery in an archival library vault inhabited by Protectrons. Story so good Bethesda stole it to make a fo4 DLC. No combat, no need for weapons or companions. WARNING: if you suck at navigating vaults like I do you may have a bad time finding stuff (there's a walkthrough in the files). Also some of the lines are a bit odd because the author's first language isn't English. Also one character is a bigot in every way possible because he's intentionally designed to be as punchable as possible. Despite all of this it's still easily one of the best quest mods I've ever experienced.
Unfortunately, making quest mods DLC-sized in general leaves ample opportunity for shit to get messy fast, so honestly your best bet for quest mods is smaller scale, vanilla-feeling mods. So while I highly recommend the above mods, I'd recommend the following ones even more for a more seamless experience.
"Vanilla-feeling" Quest Mods
The Collector - A quest given by a broker in which you collect debts from gamblers. Similar to the Atomic Wrangler quest Debt Collector.
Caravan Tournament - Do you suck at Caravan? Skill issue. Play this anyway and tell me how it feels to lose because I'm sure it's just as interesting as winning but I'm too good at Caravan to to see it for myself. If you get good you get to see a tiny Robobrain wearing a hat.
Working On The Chain Gang - A Powder Ganger Quest Mod - Okay, technically this makes a second faction of Powder Gangers that aren't affected by your reputation with the vanilla Powder Gangers (so yes, even if they hate you, you can experience this mod). These new Powder Gangers reorganize themselves into a legitimate faction that blends seamlessly into the Mojave NPC ecosystem.
The Moon Comes Over the Tower - This one is technically cut content, but that just means it's peak vanilla-feel. Restores the rest of the quest where Emily Ortal asks you to bug Mr. House's network in which you actually have to travel to places to do it.
Okay, these ones are silly, but trust me
Among Us But It's Fallout - It's a vault with a murder mystery you get to solve! Memes aside it's honestly really well done and you should try it.
The Hollander Hotel and Casino - For a quest involving a haunted hotel (no jumpscares, don't worry), this one feels a little goofy at times, especially with The Shining references and the guy outside selling nothing but 500 bottles of Sunset Sarsaparilla. But you should give it a try anyway.
Legion Quests
Haven't done a Legion run not because you don't like being a bad guy, but because the Legion route feels lacking? Try some of these.
Legion Quests Expanded - Adds more Legion quests and expands several vanilla quests.
A Golden Opportunity - Legion El Dorado Quest - A quest where the Legion goes in and shuts down the NCR's El Dorado station.
Five Card Ante - A Legion Quest Mod - A quest parallel to Three Card Bounty in which you get to eliminate the NCR's First Recon.
Yes I Would Actually - A Legion Quest Mod - You know how Bitter Springs has three quests you can do for the NCR? Well, now you can do them for the Legion instead. You can even recruit help from the Great Khans to fuck the NCR's shit up.
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l0sercat · 2 years
Ghostface and Frank with reader who’s a gun collector and knife collector? They have all sorts of guns and knives it’s kinda scary but it’s just their hobby. They sometimes go shooting too :)
Heads up this is before the realm :)
Killers react to you collecting knives and gunss
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Admires your collection
Thinks it neat that you collect them
And the size of your collection<3
His little killer heart loves it
If you let him he wants to test the knives out on his victims (but not often since he has a routine that he doesn't like to break)
Keeps his guard up because he doesn't want you stabbing/shooting him
A little jealous
Thinks it's cool
Is not scared or intimidated by it
Like Danny also wants to test out the knives
Will want to go shooting with you
Please let him go with you
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legionofmyth · 11 months
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles & Other Strangeness - [Pt. 4/5] - Kevin Siembieda & Sean Roberson
[Part 4/5] 🐢 Dive into the world of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles & Other Strangeness with Kevin Siembieda and Sean Roberson! 🎉 Join the conversation on the epic TMNT RPG revival. 📽️ Don't miss it! #TMNTRPG #TabletopGaming #RPGRevival #TMNTKickstarter
[Part 4/5] Get ready to embark on an epic nostalgia trip with the all-new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles & Other Strangeness Kickstarter by Palladium Books! Dive into the world of these iconic heroes with two deluxe hardcover collections, beautifully remastered in full color. Kevin Eastman, the co-creator of TMNT, graces us with a stunning painted cover, while exclusive bonus content offers…
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goryhorroor · 11 months
do you have the full list for horror movies condemned by the church? Thank you
so there's kinda seperate lists for it, ones condemned by the Legion of Decency, during the years of
Legion of Decency (before it was stopped in 1978):
Rosemary's Baby (because it depicts satanism)
The Devils
The Wicker Man (promotion of sexuality & violence)
Lemora, A Child's Tale of Supernatural
The Rocky Horror Picture Show (promotion of sexuality)
The Omen (because it depicts that idea that there is an antichrist in the book of revelations)
J.D.'s Revenge
Dawn of the Dead
The Exorcist (this one is so-so because it was still banned for its profanity & sexual situation, but it's not like they hated the idea that it promoted the catholic church; no the church did not help the exorcist production)
These modern ones morally offended the Catholic Church (this list is offically complete from starting in 2003-July 2022, since OSC News took them over to do movies reviews)
28 Weeks Later
30 Days Later
The Belko Experiment
Black Swan
The Cabin in the Woods
Candyman (newer one)
Child's Play (remake)
The Collection & The Collector
The Crazies (remake)
Crimson Peak
The Descent
The Devil's Rejects
The Devil Inside
The Evil Dead (remake)
Final Destination 3 & 5
The entire of the Purge movies
Friday the 13th (remake)
Friend Request
Fright Night (remake)
The Green Inferno
The Grudge (remake: 2019)
Halloween (remake: 2007) & Halloween II
Halloween (2018) & Halloween Kills
Hell Fest
High Tension
The Hills Have Eyes (remake)
Hostel & Part 2
The Hunt
It Follows
It Chapter 2
Jennifer's Body
Jigsaw (2017)
The Last House on the Left (remake)
Let me In
My Bloody Valentine (remake)
My Soul to Take
A Nightmare on Elm Street (remake)
One Missed Call (remake)
Pet Sematary (remake)
Piranha 3d
Ready or Not
The Ruins
All Saw movies
Scream (2022) & Scream 4
Shark Night 3D
Silent Hill
Sorority Row
The Stepfather (remake)
The Strangers: Prey at Night
Studio 666
The Texas Chainsaw 3D
Underworld series
We Summon the Darkness
Wolf Creek
You're Next
Zombieland 2
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