#lee x skk
goshushin · 3 months
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lee/skk♂ / りー指揮♂ ※oc指揮官
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batshikns · 7 months
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some Bubbline x Skk Au sketches!
(press the picture for the full image)
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(^ this idea made more sense in my head tbh...)
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narastories · 10 months
I'm really not complaining but I'm finding it a little funny how there hasn't been any new, English Roland/skk story on AO3 for two months and then suddenly there's five. Are we feeling guilty because of Lee? IS THAT WHAT IT IS? lmao
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punishing-eden · 1 year
congrats on 151 follows, i enjoy your writing a lot and hope to see more !! 🫶
may i request a oneshot of lee comforting commandant after a long day? hyperreal's idle animation where he carries skk to bed melts my heart..and i'm sure my fellow lee simps can agree
Author's note:
🥺🥺🥺Thank you, I am glad you enjoy my work! And, I do have some more fic ideas on that back burner, both for PGR and other fandoms!
I heard about Hyperreal's animation, although I've seen his victory animation, I haven't seen the one where he carries SSK.
Lee simps unite! ✊
Night Time Over Time...
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Lee (Palefire) x Commandant/reader
Not beta read, but proof read
Working overtime became a habit for you, and it became a natural occurrence for your constructs. Lee wants to give you a piece of his mind.
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Tags: Wholesome, one-shot, short fic, request
The chattering outside of his room took Lee's attention from what he was doing.
He listened to the faint chatter of two Babylonia candidates walking along the corridor during this hour of the night. It was usually these two who were the last ones to head to bed, and the ones responsible to wrap things up around the living-quarters of the base.
Lee took a glance at the time reading at 11:55 pm. The two candidates were heading to bed earlier than usual. It was an occurring sign for Lee.
Placing the screwdriver down, with a heavy heart, Lee stood up from his seat. He went out of his room with a destination in mind.
He walked through the corridor and turned left. Continue walking until he reaches the large double door of the practise room.
Lee took a deep breath and closed his eyes. He paused and ruminate the scenario in his M. I. N. D once again. To make sure, he has the correct wordings and sentences to go against your stubbornness.
Something must be done about your habits, and Liv was too soft to tell you, no.
Without a moment to waste, Lee approached the door and it automatically opened.
As it was expected he sees you sitting on the floor with your legs crossed staring at the empty shooting range.
In several instances, Lee had seen fooling around by yourself. Doodling on a piece of paper, singing to your heart's content, or just talking to yourself; procrastinating from the ever-growing amount of work.
However tonight, you were quiet and it felt a little off. Your eyes looked tired, your lips held down with a small frown, and your brows were furrowed.
He knew something was bothering you.
You didn't greet your construct. Too lost into your own thoughts, the fact of someone came into the practising room flew over your head.
"Commandant..." Lee spoke
Upon hearing your title, you turned your head and saw your construct standing by the door way looking at you.
Startled, you quickly put up a smiled and plied, "Oh hey, what are you doing here?"
"I should be the one asking," Lee crossed his arms, "It's late. What are you doing?"
"Just taking a break," you answered simply.
"...are you working overtime again?" Lee asked. He sounded a little concerned.
You became a little embrassed from his statement. It wasn't the first time your constructs has expressed their concerns about working overtime, "... It's nothing, just had a long day that's all..."
Your voice faded a little as you spoke while your expression shifted. And, Lee had caught a glimpse of how the stress has began to take a toll on you.
"What happened?”, Lee asked, genuinely curious about your troubles. He added, “ I can see your stress levels are gradually increasing again. Going any higher than 40%, will contribute to hair loss." Lee stated. His had his usual scowl of disapproval, looking at you made you feel a little nervous.
Letting out a small laugh, you tried ease Lee's worry. Nodding your head in acknowledgment, you said, "I will be fine, Lee," Standing up from the ground, you brush the dust off of your uniform," just let me finish my work first then I will head off to bed, I promise."
Lee held a skeptical look. He reckon you would work your way around the promises.
"No." he said it out flatly.
"Please~" you tried to convince him, you looked at Lee, "I just need three more hours before bed."
Putting your hands together, you begged Lee to let you off the hook, "Just one, one report and I will be done for the day."
For five minutes, the negotiating went back and forth. You continued to stand on your ground, opting to finish the most urgent report first before resting. Which was a good enough reasoning to convince Lee to agree.
"Fine, one report only," he crossed his arms and said, "I suppose I can help out too."
Sitting by the desk in your quarters, you began to type away in your report. Meanwhile, Lee helped writing the supporting report and sorted all the other related paperwork.
As minutes went by, you continued to work, asking Lee for assistance from time to time.
As your construct, Lee diligently obliged to every demand. Assisting you, with every detail from gathering supporting data files to the final printing of the entire report. Adjusting the angle of the staples to the colour coded indexes. Placing the hardcopy in a yellow card folder, he headed out from the printing room to place the freshly printed report on Celica's desk. Then with a transferring port, Lee submitting the digital copy to the Minstry of War.
He did a little calculation in his head before heading back to your quarters. Once the door slide open, Lee said, "Commandant, I have submitted the report to the Ministry of War. It would take, on average, 14 da-", he stopped mid sentences.
Still seated in your chair, you didn't response to Lee. You were leaning on your desk head resting on both of your arms. While Lee was away, you couldn't help but to fall asleep.
"... I told you so..." Lee mumbled with a sigh.
He slowly approach you and watched as you slumber. He had thought about the possibility that you would fake sleeping just to have him get off your back. Looking a how deep you slumber, he knew you were too tired to continue.
Whatever happened during the day, he will deal with it in the following morning. Once, you were awake.
With care, he brought his arms around your back and legs. Gently, with ease, he pick you up and slowly place you on your bed. He tucked you in with the utter most care making sure you were comfortable to get as much rest as possible.
Satisfied, Lee went over to turn off the lights and headed out of your quarters.
"See you later, Commandant," he whispered.
The walk through the corridors was quick. He had memorise the route from the your room to his, to optimise the fastest and most efficient way to reach to you if there is an emergency. Within a few minutes, Lee arrived back to his room. Still, dimly lit from the lamp on his desk.
The first thing he did was to read the time on his desk clock, 1:45am.
"... Four hours and fifth-teen minutes before dawn... That's a new record for [Y/N]," Lee said. Without a word, he sat down on his chair and picked up his screwdriver.
(C) Punishing-eden
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chronosh0t · 8 months
“ I listen to everything you say ”
short drabble based off this tweet
tags: male skk Zenas (my OC) x Lee ; PGR ; alternative universe but still inside the world of pgr ; ascendant Lee, the "young man / other Ascendant" is my OC Arawn.
words: 1.9k
this is very self-indulgent. no beta reader.
if you have any question, feel free to ask me on the box thingie! you can also find me on twt under the same username.
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It ended all wrong. Everything turned out to be wrong.
Zenas doesn't remember where, at what point things decided to turn in the wrong direction and changed the course of his life, of one his teammates life. He could not think of any specific moment, choice, or action that could explain the situation at hand at that exact time, but he knew that there was no way he could've turned back to zero again.
Not even now.
The days in Babylonia started to feel too dull, too dark, even the weather felt extremely gloomy, as if the system wanted to accompany him in his mourning. There was always a silence, that no matter how loud the music was, how many people talked, it was impossible to ignore. The absence was abysmal.
Zenas's mind was spiralling to utter chaos and, if he was truly honest with himself, he wasn't even trying to find a stop. The flashbacks of that day, as if they were purposely hunting him and remind him how much everything has changed, colliding with the knowledge of not being able to do nothing, not back then, not now.
He wanted to just sleep and forget about everything. If he were a Construct he would've already asked for a reboot. To Zenas's own disgrace he was but a mere human, and amnesia wasn't something one could ask and be given. He wished he could give up. However, it was not an option. There were still two girls waiting for him to get better, to be back so they could keep with their mission, for them, and for him. 
Him. The one missing. The one who wouldn't come back no matter how loud and how many times Zenas called him. His name tasted so different. Bitter.
Unknown to Zenas. He was also calling him, missing him, missing his teammates, missing his days in Babylonia. But he knew that, for his Commandant to be safe, it was best if they thought he was dead. And that's how it should've stayed. How it was supposed to be, yet, not quite meant.
Lee spent the days after the incident of the tower, wandering around earth, cleaning some corrupted and trying to help humans in need. He would search for any supplies that could help them go through their situation a bit better, Lee would also stay in some safe zones by providing some protection, all that by keeping a line and not letting any Construct from Babylonia know he was still alive.
After all, he was technically an Ascendant now. Even if he didn't give himself to the virus and became an Agent, he was still a corrupted, someone who Babylonia deemed a danger, something that needed to be ended. The years he spent in the front lines fighting for humanity meant nothing.
But it mattered little. As long as he could keep helping, it was fine. He just needed to make sure to keep his activities hidden and it should be fine. Right? That's how he planned everything, however, not everything goes according to a certain plan. That's why Lee never expected to see him.
Just like any other day, Lee was scanning the surroundings, his gun needed some repair after fighting nonstop some ascendants he did not know about. The task, as difficult as trying to dry out the ocean, was taking too long, he walked for hours, checked dead corrupted and even the weapons those ascendants were using, to no avail.
The sun was setting down. Wandering during the night being not the best option, he opted for finding a suitable place to rest and hide. That's where he found such a place. A greenhouse.
How come there's a greenhouse? Is that even possible considering the environment? Those thoughts filled his M.I.N.D. It was in fair condition, the glasses a bit muddy, but none of them were broken. He could see even a variety of flowers, wild grass growing outside the greenhouse, birds and butterflies flying happily at the sight.
While keeping as quiet as he could, Lee tried to get close and what he saw startled him. Inside, vintage furniture in really good state, teacups and… food? Two shadows suddenly appeared, Lee clutched down, kept that position for a few seconds before straightening a bit and focusing his visual mode on the two people.
Ascendants? Humans?
He could clearly see one of them, although just from the back, he had long white hair, dressed in a… suit? as weird as it looked, that person was wearing quite a fancy suit, and his mannerisms were as delicate as they could be. Maybe that individual used to be from a prominent family. The latter sat down on a sofa, now the other person was visible.
Lee's mechanical heart started to beat too fast. Chaos formed on his M.I.N.D and he could feel how his frame was malfunctioning slightly at the sight. The height matched perfectly, those pretty and unique eyes, with more dark circles that he remembered, that black messy hair with blue tips. Oh, and that mischievous smile, showing his fangs.
It was him. His Commandant. Zenas was standing there, inside that greenhouse, and moreover, he was having a conversation with an Ascendant. His posture was casual, Lee could notice that Zenas was too relaxed, so that only meant one thing: he knew that Ascendant, he knew he wasn't in danger.
In an attempt to deny what he was seeing, he double checked his visual modules and even did a deep scan on his M.I.N.D, just to be sure that it wasn't a trick or some error. As expected, everything was fine. What he saw was happening.
Lee sat down and rested his back on a rock. He needed to calm down. Of course, it was easier to said than to be done, it has been so long since the last time he saw Zenas, he knew himself very well, denying those feelings and the urge to run inside that greenhouse were too much to handle, but he couldn't let his Commandant know he was alive. Or it would oppose a danger not only to him but also to Lucia and Liv. He closed his eyes and tried to think of just that, of how bad it'd be if he dared to show his face. But oh boy, how much he desired to see him up close, to hug him, to…
ㅤㅤㅤ“Don't lose focus.” he said to himself through gritted teeth.
His ear still picked up some noise. If he wanted he could've easily listened to what they were talking but it was none of his business. At least not anymore. So he only opted to hear small hints that would let him know if Zenas left. And after what seemed ages, the glass door opened and a pair of steps started to fade away.
ㅤㅤㅤ“He left already.” a raspy voice came from behind, “You can come out now, Ascendant.” finished, for some reason the tone of his voice carried some kind of annoyance.
Lee stood up and faced the white-haired person. It was a few centimetres taller than him, up close he could see his eyes didn't match in colour, one was of a dark green and the other was black. He talked and moved with delicacy. Nonetheless, this young man was still an Ascendant, so why did he sound so annoyed? Could it be..?
ㅤㅤㅤ“Why were you hiding here?” he asked, his face was stoic, no sign of emotion, then added, “You are… Lee, right?”
That question left Lee speechless. Did he know who he was? Does that mean, as he thought of, Zenas knew this Ascendant was some sort of friend? He was at loss for words. The silence was enough response for the man in front of him.
ㅤㅤㅤ“Zenas used to talk a lot about you” mencione casually, at the same time he did a gesture with his hand, as if telling Lee to get inside the greenhouse so they could talk. So he did.
After the two of them walked in, the door closed. The young man talked again. “You look slightly different from what he told me, but the overall essence is there. How did he call you?” he pondered to himself while serving tea. “Ah, right, he used to refer to you as his ‘soon-to-be boyfriend’, I remember now.”
His… boyfriend. It sounded pretty, it sounded right. Lee was not aware of it, but a smile took shape, the boy who was looking at him let out a sigh. If there was a mirror, Lee would've probably be shocked now, the warmth inside his body was perfectly visible on his face, that shy smile was still there and there was so much fondness in his eyes.
ㅤㅤㅤ“You can just tell him. He would go with you.”
That line brought Lee back to reality. Now his eyes were locked on the young man's. If he was honest, he wanted to ask what kind of relationship the two of them has but right now there was something more important to clarify.
ㅤㅤㅤ“He is not allowed to know I'm alive. It would out him in a lot of risk” Lee said firmly.
ㅤㅤㅤ“But he—”
ㅤㅤㅤ“I know he…” there was a pause, the words were stuck on his throat, swallowing seemed like a hard task now, “I know he would follow me, but it's precisely because of that reason that he mustn't know about my actual situation.”
The young man, again, sighed heavily. “I never understood him, and now I don't understand you either. It's clear that both of you share the same feelings for the other, so why not make it easy and just be honest?” he took a sir, crossed his leg and grabbed one of the teacup, “What are you scared of? He is a very strong and capable human, and trust me, he is not fond of the human side of his. He would gladly give up that just to stay with you.” finished his sentence and took a sip. Lee could smell it, it was a strong black tea, the same Zenas would usually drink.
Lee grasped his gun with so much strength it started to break, that statement was enough to make him angry. Funny enough that anger was directly at himself, for feeling slightly happy at hearing that, at the fact that Zenas felt the same way he did.
ㅤㅤㅤ“No.” Lee replied, the anger did not subdued. “If you know what I feel, then you should know that I would never do something that'd put him in danger. So I suggest you keep your mouth shut and keep this conversation hidden from him.”
The next few seconds were filled with silence, not far away the sound of birds could be heard. The tension was so palpable, anyone who dared to enter that greenhouse would've been able to feel it, even cut it with scissors. The Ascendant took a few more sips from the cup, placed it back on the table and stood up again, walked straight to Lee and stopped two steps away.
ㅤㅤㅤ“You would do anything he ordered you, right? That's how loyal you are.
ㅤㅤㅤ“Yes.” he answered.
ㅤㅤㅤ“If he asked you to kill yourself, would you do it?” the man questioned him again, his eyes showing not a single ounce of emotion.
ㅤㅤㅤ“Yes.” dry, sure of himself. That was Lee's answer.
The Ascendants let out a chuckle. It seemed that he was not expecting such loyalty. And there was not a single second where the man thought Lee was lying, what made it even more surprising.
ㅤㅤㅤ“What a duo of insane people.”
🦋 and that's it. i hope it was good enough.
🦋 if you reaches this far, thank you for reading.
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baitong9194 · 1 year
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my lee x skk doodles from Feb-Mar 2023   I love this ship !!!
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eld-creative · 1 year
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Skk x Lee tame NSFW sketch page
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coconox · 1 year
hcs and brainrot i thought of when im supposed to be productive
nocti x kye (skk oc) edition
nocti's first hairstyle when he joined cerby is based off of his dad's his previous master's
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nocti and kye would cuddle and just have silly banter for hrs
nocti will only listen to kye if she uses his pet names
nocti will always put the emphasis on "MY partner"
cause if she used his actual name hed think hes in trouble
vera and 21 would CLOWN on him like theres no tmr w these pet names tho
poor guy cant catch a break :(
nocti doesnt know when to slow down (that could be as sus or not sus as you want it to be i just saw this line when reading er-5 and my mind went a million places)
hes literally kye's guard dog (affectionate)
theres definitely gonna be some rivalry between nocti and lee
inb4 babylonia bake off to see who would win kye's heart a perfectionist in cooking vs a perfectionist
if nocti cant sleep he goes to kye's room and asks if shes asleep
she then turns around from her desk looking overworked af and is like 💀 a literal corpse
nocti has chest cushions. yk what this means 🤨😈 free pillows 💯💯
sometimes nocti would give kye the jacket(?) hoodie(?) hes wearing on his waist for her to wear
its fucking huge tho so that thing swallowed her into the abyss once she puts it on
but it is cozy
hand holds a lot, maybe even too much
he has a tight grip on her hand too so no one could take her away from him
nocti gives too many surprise hugs
not that kye is complaining she loves them
they both love going gordon ramsay mode w food
they both jam out to rock music when they get free time
nocti will gift kye either stuff from the golden age or food he made himself or both actually now that i think abt it—
nocti isnt afraid of bragging abt kye in public, or just in general he legit wont shut up abt her once her name is thrown into the convo
nocti growling at anyone who attempts to flirt w kye hes a dog whatd you expect
nocti desperately craving for kye's attention and she gives it to him no questions asked
shes the only person he could go to to catch a break :((
kye finds it hilarious but nocti is 100% /srs abt it he WILL scare ppl to make them stay far away from her
if only i had the motivation to draw any of these 🫠
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pgrdorms · 3 years
So we've got a Lee x skk x Kamui and an almost Camu x skk x Lee. Can we get a spicy Kamui x skk x Camu threesome? 🥺❤️
Threesome with Camu and Kamui
NSFW | 18+ partyyyy
Mentions: threesome, anal, squirting, the usual
i did not proofread cus i am lazy. sorry this took so long to do LOL I struggled so hard.
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It took a bit getting used to seeing Camu separate from Kamui
It was hard to hold both their hands at the same time while going out
They always fought over who gets hugs and kisses first
Even now they found it hard to share
Though...there were some advantages to it
"Hey quit hogging (y/n) I want to kiss her now" Kamui whines from behind you.
"Who's the one that won't stop playing with her pussy?" Camu snaps back after pulling away from your plump lips. You take in deep breathes and shakily exhale when you feel Kamui's finger scissor your pulsating walls. He pumps his fingers quickly, curling them when he went in as deep as he could. "K-Kamui!" you moan, but your lips are covered again by Camu's. Your hips buck into Kamuis fingers, trying to get more friction but Camu's hands moves from your breasts to your hips. "Naughty..." he growls and bites down on your neck. Feeling a sharp but pleasurable pain on your neck, you throw your head back against Kamui's shoulder. Kamui begins to kiss you, his fingers swirling against your clit and collecting your slick juices. "Gotta make sure you're prepared for me babe," Kamui mumbles. His fingers continue to draw circles, quickening in pace. Your breathes quicken as well, squeezing your eyes shut as you feel yourself come undone. "So wet..." Kamui chuckles and slides his fingers up your ass, spreading your slick across it.
"Mmg...!" your moans are swallowed by Camu again when you feel Kamui's cock enter your hole, his hands gently spreading your ass to go deeper. "Fuck..." Kamui shakily exhales when he feels how tightly you squeeze around his cock. "P-please....!" you beg, moving your hips against Kamui to push him deeper. "Don't forget I'm here too," Camu smirks and turns your head to face him. He holds his cock and rubs his head against your clit, spreading his precum against your folds. "Let me know if its too much," Camu whispers before spreading your lower lips and pushing in. You let out a lewd moan, never feeling so full before. Your pussy felt like it was about to split feeling both cocks thrust into your holes. Every harsh thrust sent sharp pulses of pleasure throughout your body, you could feel your high building up once more. "A-aah! C-Camu! Kamui!" you squirt all over Camu, juices flowing down your thighs and staining the bed. "That's it love, come undone for us," Camu coos, ramming into you faster. "Nng...! (y/n)...you feel so good," Kamui groans and buries his face in your hair, trying to hide his panting. You can barely even utter a cry, voice all hoarse from moaning. You feel your body quiver, barely able to sit up. "Come here," you're pulled forward to lean against Camu's chest, the new angle allows Kamui to hit even deeper.
"Haahh...! G-Gonna...mm!" pulling out of you Kamui cums onto your back, painting you in white. You feel Camu's finger harshly rub against your clit as he pounds into you, his pace getting frantic as he chases his high. "I want to see you cum one more time princess, wanna feel you cum on my cock again." Your eyes roll back as you finish again, gummy walls pulsating and milking Camu's dick as he cums deep inside you. "Fuck I love the face you make," Camu chuckles and brushes back your hair.
"No fair, I didn't get to finish inside (y/n)," Kamui whines.
"Well you were hogging her last night eating her out so I get to do this."
"That's not the same!"
You cough to get their attention and scold the two for fighting right after sex. "I just got sandwiched by two dicks and instead of giving some aftercare you two just start arguing?"
"...yeh sorry..."
Tagged: @asoundofdrop
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heesgf · 5 years
soulful. byounggon demon! au
in which lee byounggon is covered in darkness, and your beacon of light.          
plot:  lee byounggon is a warm blooded demon that yearns for a cure. will love pave his journey to mortality?                                                                                
word count: 3k                                                                                           
pairing: demon! lee byounggon x reader                                                          
warnings: dark themes, fantasy, angst & fluff, i listened to a lot of hozier skks
a/n: hihi bbys!!! so this is definitely different from the things ive written previously, but i hope you will enjoy it nonetheless😽💖 the beginning is a little slow bc of the descriptions but it picks up in the second part, i promise!! i hope you’ll give it a shot bc i wrote this with my heart and soul :’) pls read as an early birthday gift to your least favourite gon stan mwah!! and feedback is always appreciated <3
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part one: moonlight.
The taste of his lips lingers in the back of your throat.
       An itching warmth. Like the caress of his fingers at the small of your back, like the brush of his nose against your cheek. It swells, and fosters, ferments almost, and at one point it feels like you’re breathing formaldehyde—the sharp stroke of his tooth against your bottom lip is piercing, and the jerk of his tongue unconventionally sweet—you fall into him every time, heavy breathing, lungs shattering.
That’s the second time you think he’s anything but wicked.
The first had been months before.
         You realize it’s still fresh in your memory. On chilly Sunday mornings, on rampant Thursday nights, when your head throbs with emotion, or sulks with ample nothingness, you still remember him in that moment—legs crossed cleanly on an abandoned park bench and his forehead perched in the palms of his hands; eyes shut, fists clenched.
You remember the hesitation.
          The eerie brush of summer rain against your skin, the way it seemed to stick and thicken, wrap around you and constrict. The blossoming tension at the heels of your feet, one stop short of swallowing you deep into the ground and growing ruthlessly over your body in heaps of seaweed green. And lastly, the sputtering of your own fingertips, the subtle husk of your voice; now, you realize, creeping intuition.
In the moment, blinding thrill.
         Against the darkness of his tall silhouette, you remember the moon gleaming in panels of incandescent blue, flashing in and out, mischievously—like it knew something you didn’t, like it was keeping a secret.
          It’s the first touch of your hand against his shoulder that brings back the richest memory. Unlike whispered folklore, the brush of his skin is not a frosty chill, but rather an earthy and vehement heat. Chills don’t run down the planes of your wrist, but there’s a need to keep going, keep touching, an addiction.
“Are you okay?” The words still ring in your ears.  The tilting of his head, up toward the sky, still imprinted in your brain; a hazy blue alongside the smooth curve of his jaw, the soft stretch of his neck.
The ring of crimson around his pupils is answer enough.
But he smiles anyway.
 part two: demolition.
 There’s a fragility in his movement that speaks to your wandering mind.
          He is not, you realize, the serpentine felon with winding tongue, enchanting words, cunning gaze. He is not the bite of a ferocious maw, or the sear of freshly sharpened talons; no, no he is not. He is not the unquenched thirst for sparkling life, nor is he the sadist, that who blossoms at the sound of their cries, bathes in the sweat of their pain, basks in the light of their drowning souls—no, no he is not.
        He is soft walking in quiet halls, lowered head and hands clasped behind his back, he is solemn and pensive and pure; intricate. The lick of his tongue against his plush lips is not a sign of fair warning, of danger, but rather an invitation. It calls out in breathless silence, calls out to you.
        There is a fragility in his movement that speaks to your wandering mind; makes you want to climb into his skin, explore his layers, feel and feel and feel, and understand.
He swears that makes it worse.
You know that makes it better.
Sometimes he can’t say the word out loud.
          It’s etched into his identity like somber puppet to taut strings, and yet, there’s a gurgle of pain behind each stressed syllable. He says it with an air of guilt.
You wonder if the word haunts him the same way it does you.
         When you can’t escape the wrath of sleepless nights, the word winds into your ears when you least expect it. It wraps its reptilian arms around the base of your wrists, stares deeply into the depths of your mind, probes, with its beady eyes, sometimes spits at the sight of your affections. Most times you’re unfazed.
You can’t say the same for him.
          There’s a hole in his conscience. In your eyes, a blessing, in his eyes, a curse—it is the creator of his woe and the benefactor of his self loathing. When you tell him you love him, there’s a pinched crinkle in his eyes and a curve at the corner of his lips, but something’s missing. He’s moved, you’re sure of it; although sometimes you can’t help but wonder how deeply the word travels, if it’s strong enough.
Stronger than the word that hulls on his back like strips of dried asphalt.
You’d said it once.
 “You can’t love anybody if you don’t love yourself first.”
          He’s sat limply over your crossed legs, body draped up over your abdomen, and head resting gently on the plane of your chest. You run a stray finger through his hair, grit your teeth while you wait, wiggle your toes in anticipation.
“Who says that?”
You shrug. “Just about the whole world.”
         There’s a part of you that regrets your doubt, and another that craves earnestly for his response. Your hand is now running over the high peaks of his cheekbones, and that’s when his long fingers curve snugly around your bare wrist, just like that word. He pushes his head backward; tilts up until strands of his hair tickle your neck, until his eyes are looking up at yours, which now fixate squarely on the ring of red around his pupils.
“Not quite.” He murmurs, the hint of a smile. Then brings your wrist up to his lips, places a chaste kiss, and folds back into your outstretched arms.
 Sometimes he can’t say the word out loud.
You decide you love him anyway.
Before demon, he is simply Lee Byounggon.
          You breathe that mantra into his ear like it’s your last gasp of fresh air, like the world around you is devoid of oxygen, like he listens. More often though, he’s slumped over with a crooked frown and chasing the limits of your reaffirmations. He swears he is bad, and yet, you promise you’ve never seen such good.
There’s one moment you think he’s the ultimate paradox.
          Land stretches in plains of fresh greenery, and as you walk side by side, down paths of blossoming orchards, spindling vines, you realize the park is rich, but the soft gleam of the sun against his skin is richer. By now, you’re staring at the rounding of his eyes, now closing in on something in the distance. When you squint, you can barely make it out; a wounded bird.
In seconds, he lurches forward.
            He pulls away from your touch and kneels onto the ground, cradling the bird into his scarred palms, and his brows tinge in concern. You call it empathy. He calls it obligation. You bury your head into his side and watch, as with the brush of a finger, he mends its limp wings.
The bird flies away in a glimmer of shimmering sunlight.
 “It’s an evil you can’t see.” He says to you later. “Ingrained.”
          Your head rests in the opening of his lap, while his fingers swipe fondly over your forehead. Your hand is raised as to block his face from the sun, and when you meet his eyes, you flutter your lashes, bare him an inquisitive glance.
“Humans aren’t inherently evil.”
He stares. “I’m not human.”
You purse your lips.
         Then you move your hand. You watch as the sunlight floods onto his face, a myriad of supple gold; his eyes squint at the out-pour, his forehead pinches in surprise. You smile to yourself.
So human.
“Are you sure about that?”
“Potential is not an action.” You say sternly.
          This time, the two of you are trailing home. His hands are clasped in yours, and he jerks backwards when you stop in place, turning toward the brick wall of the alleyway alongside the sidewalk.
“Just because you can do something doesn’t mean you will.”
          His eyebrows knit and his nose scrunches together; he’s puzzled, you know it, and his confusion grows tenfold when you push his body up against the wall, wrap your hands around his wrists and clamp them against red bricks. You’re standing up on your tippy toes, your body pressed against his, his mouth wide, eyes wider.
“For example.” The breath you release fans over his face. He’s grinning now, still mildly confused, but amused nonetheless.
“Potentially.” You whisper, so close, your nose brushes the warmth of his cheek. If you move a blink closer, you think you can taste his lips. He’s still watching you.
“—I could kiss you right now.”
His breath hitches.
            You release your toes from their perched position, and hop flat onto your feet, your face away from his; his stained as red as the brick wall behind you.
“But I won’t.” You smirk.
His gaze travels once over your body, lingers on your lips, and then he lets out a soft chuckle.
He inches closer. “Lesson learned.”
Then he kisses you.
 part three: yearning.
         Sometimes it’s hard to believe the words that come out of Byounggon’s mouth. His tales of self deprecation, the intricacy of his deepest flaws. He claims that he is bad by nature, and yet, in every waking moment, he seems to prove the exact opposite—it’s in that moment. It’s in that moment when you think he might be an angel, that you skim the surface. It’s in that moment, when you don’t just swear he’s good, you know it, that you get your first real taste of the way at which he suffers.
It’s in that moment the darkness escapes.
He claims you haven’t truly seen him until you’ve seen him change.
           By the time you’ve walked into the room, his forehead, like the moment you first met, is buried in the face of his palms. His breath heaves into the skin, and when he releases, you can almost hear the soft purr of a growl. You can’t tell if it’s a trick of the ear, or the lucid glow of his eyes that facilitates the echo.
            You’re rushing toward him, and instantly, he backs away. Hands clamped over his face, and head tilted down toward the floor, he shakes his head over, and over, and over.
You force your hand onto his jaw and tilt upwards.
“Look at me.” You’re begging.
          When he does, there’s a hazy spot in the back of your mind that suddenly comes to a clearance, understands the heft of his warnings.
          The rings of gentle red that surround his pupils are now a harsh and piercing burgundy, it trickles in the whites of his eyes like blood to smooth alabaster, and again, he heaves; this time, the crown of pointed teeth are exposed, a sparkling and fatal ivory. And still, on his face, are those trembling hands—as he holds them in place, you can see the expansion of his veins— they are dark, engorged, and it’s in that moment, you realize he bleeds black.
“This is the real me.” He chokes out. “Heartless.”
          Against every scream of intuition, every string of logic, morality, you choose neither fight or flight, and instead, wrap your hands around his neck, and pull him soundly against your body. Your hands cup the tensed rounds of his cheeks, and then retreat around his waist. You know he’s crying when the shirt of your camisole thins and sticks firmly to your chest; you can feel the dampness against your heart, the fluttering of his eyelashes, his clasped eyes on your bare skin.
“I know the real you.”
You place your hand where his heart should be, where you swear that it is.
“I can feel it.”
He claims you haven’t truly seen him until you’ve seen him change. You think he might be right.
“How long?”
          You swallow hard. There’s a stiffness on the end of your tongue; it’s smoky, like charcoal, a slow and painful burn. You’re staring blankly at his side, and he, down at the floor.
“I-I don’t know.” He admits. A vulnerability you’ve never seen. Desire. “I haven’t tried it before.”
“I don’t want you to leave.”
          You’re guilty the second the words burst out your lips, but you can’t help it. The darkness that consumes him is relative. He thinks he is deep rooted trauma, bolstering evil, clouds of ink grey—you think he’s the North Star. He may be surrounded by darkness, but you swear that he isn’t, much rather radiant, cosmic, heavenly; he is your guidance on lonely nights, your guardian angel.
“It’s a cure.” You can feel his pain in the back of your throat. “It’s our only option, Y/N.”
You blink. Look away. Then you peer back at him, face sullen.
“You say that like you’re sick.”
He pauses for a moment. “Aren’t I?”
 It’s your breaking point.
          The point at which you push yourself toward him, wrap hands around his neck, pull his lips down onto yours, and press harder than you think you should. His hands are just as quick, on the cusp of your jaw, on the peak of your navel, on the stretch of skin just above your ear. He’s whispering something, but you can’t make it out, your mind cloudy and your body enraptured. His fingers tap at the arch of your back and it might be the only thing that keeps you from falling apart; you’re still kissing. When he drags his lips away from yours, in that way that’s far too melancholic, far too real, you start to understand the depth of his words. He lies in your arms.
           These are the few minutes of quiet you spend together, overwhelmed by each other’s silence, the unwillingness to say the words you need to, that you want to. You don’t sleep. Neither does he. But when morning breathes into the room, in gusts of sporadic blue, he’s the first one to speak.
“I’ll see you again.” Into the nape of your neck. “I love you.”
Those are the last things he says.
Then he’s gone with the cruel surge of the wind.
He likes to visit you in your dreams.
          His presence is subtle. The caress of his hands over your cheek, the ghost of his lips on your forehead. There are times when you’re inclined to touch him back; run your fingers through his hair, your lips over his jaw, your face in his neck—although most instances you think it’s best to refrain.
           When he sneaks into your room, eyes wide and heart thumping, you waste no time. He stands before you in a cloud of shadows, but his eyes, like always, are a sparkling crystal clear. His hair messily falls onto his forehead and his lips, devilishly plump, scream at you. The growing pool of anticipation in the pits of your stomach bubbles over on itself, and you lurch forward with every intent of kissing him. The moment your hands make contact with his fiery skin, the moment your dry lips skim the surface of his, desperately, he disintegrates before you like shards of shattered glass.
Time and time again, you realize he is only but a mirage. It is both celestial heaven and cavernous hell.
         You know there’s nothing more you’d like to do than fall into his touch, let yourself remember him in every way that you crave. Sometimes you wish you could click your heels three times and find yourself flush in his arms.
Other times, a little more cynical.
         You think you might be better off purging your mind and body of him—washing down his kisses in liquid sorrow, rinsing away his touch in autumn showers, and dousing off your mind of his final words; those words that still haunt you on sleepless nights.
 You think you might be better off purging your mind and body of him—but you seem to fail every time.
It’s like he’s stuck in your teeth.
part four: sunshine.
The sun rises in the east when you feel a pull in the pits of your stomach.
          The pressure builds as you walk, and slowly releases as you move closer to the centre of your town, toward the park just across the street.
It is not hesitation, much rather magnetic.
          You can feel the sharp gusts of wind behind you, the way it lulls you forward, guides your movement. Alongside the smooth swaying of tall oak trees, like large and welcoming hands, beckoning you toward the centre; it’s electrifying.
Against blinding rays of light is how you first see him.
          The sunshine gleams in panels of luminescent yellow, flashing in and out, candidly—like it knows something you don’t, like it’s telling a secret.
“A-are you okay?” Those are the first words that spill from your lips, but you don’t feel them. He sits with his legs crossed cleanly on an abandoned park bench, forehead perched in the palms of his hands, hair like honey, and skin like the sun’s very own. A part of you wishes you could reach out and touch it, then you’d know for sure. 
He looks up at you.
Squints a single eye. Then furrows a brow.
“Y-yeah I’m fine.” He breathes. “Do I know you?”
         There’s a sudden clench of your teeth and a rampant beat in your chest, it feels like you’re running out of air; somehow, you’re smiling.
You shake your head softly. “No. No you don’t.”
       You think you should turn around. But every ounce of your body screams at his presence, here, finally here.
“I’m Byounggon.” He outstretches a hand, and it’s now that you notice the deep brown of his eyes, the absence of red, your eyes widen.
Your hand touches his; an earthly and vehement heat. Suddenly he looks at you in pure elation.
“Y/N.” He finishes, eyes glossing over.
Then he kisses you.
a/n: in case it was hard to understand, he remembers mc in the end! if you’ve made it this far, i just want to say that i love u so much! and im so thankful for ur support!! i know this wasn’t the most exciting piece, but i love the concept and im a sucker for emotionally driven dialogue + description. i esp like the mirroring hehe. anyways I LOVE U!!! have an amazing day and feedback is always appreciated. ❤️
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chronosh0t · 8 months
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ꒱˚.*ೃ 𝐁𝐋𝐔𝐄 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐖𝐇𝐈𝐓𝐄
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𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐒: male skk x Lee, canon-divergence ( NO BETA )
𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘: something went wrong and now Gray Raven had three feathers left.
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Finally, it was over.
What it felt it was going to last forever ended in the blink of an eye. The once raging Hetero-Creatures now lying on the dusty floor, scattered all over the place. The same could be said of the different Constructs and Commandants, their bodies resting full of scars and blood after such an intense and senseless fight caused by the Tower. But those who were still standing and didn't get affected didn't look in better condition either, one could see in their faces how tired they were, both mentally and physically which was understandable.
However, it was over. That crimson red that once decorated the sky, giving such an ominous feeling, was replaced by a warm blue light. Instead of making everyone feel as tiny as ants now, the Tower represented humanity's hope, taking away the uneasiness of the upcoming future and giving Earth more time.
The Gray Ravens, despite the state in which they were after giving their best, were now waiting for their missing teammate. Whilst Lucia and Liv were helping those conscious by giving proper treatment to their wound, the Commandant was patiently waiting.
Sitting on a rock, the human's body was clearly at his limit. His mind, after connecting with a considerable amount of Constructs to keep them safe from the previous thread, was a complete mess. He could feel the heaviness of his eyelid, trying to shut down and put his body to sleep but he refused to. Not yet, when the reason for that blue light didn't come back from the battlefield.
A few minutes more, that felt like years, and his com device rang a few times. Without thinking it twice he picked up the call, expecting to see his friend and having a nice conversation. However, the only thing he could see was the bare land and the Tower quite far but the boy couldn't be seen.
ㅤㅤㅤ Lee?— the Commandant asked, there was a hint of concern in his voice. Did something bad happen? thought to himself. — Where are you? We are waiting for you to come back.
ㅤㅤㅤ Zenas… — there was a pause, static filled the awkward silence but after a few seconds, he talked again. — I am sorry.
The call ended.
Heart beating rapidly, his body was falling into an abyss, completely dark and there was nothing he could do. Far away, he could see a familiar silhouette so he started running but instead of getting closer the distance was becoming considerably worse. Suddenly the Tower was red again, the world was engulfed in that crimson blood.
Zenas woke up. It was a nightmare, the same nightmare he had been having since they came back from Earth after the Tower incident. It has been two years since then and, even though they were still fighting the virus as usual, trying to retake the blue planet from the hands of the Red Tide and Ascendants, even when it seemed like nothing much changed, something actually did.
Instead of four, now three feathers were left. His name wasn't in the memorial wall but the absence of his peculiar presence was unbearable. After that call two years ago, none of the Gray Raven saw Lee again. They searched nonstop day after day, refusing to give up, refusing to let him go to no avail. It was as if he disappeared without leaving any trace. But that was something he was capable of doing, indeed.
The team was given a few weeks to properly recover, not only from the physical wear but also emotionally after missing such an important part of them. The three of them knew, however, that no matter how much time they were given, it would've taken forever to come in terms with such a fact.
In any case, Gray Raven even opted for more work.
He took as many missions as possible, he even took care of all the paperwork, and decided to give a hand to other teams as well. He was trying to keep his mind as busy as possible to avoid any intrusive thoughts. Regardless, when night fell, it was hard to keep a good mood. Again, the absence was killing him. The guilt of not being able to help Lee, of letting him go alone to climb up that Tower, the regrets of giving up on his search. He felt he didn't give the very best to search for Lee. So he would opt to sleep when he felt tears making its way. Crying wouldn't help.
Today wasn't diferente. Woken up by the same nightmare, buried himself with paperwork and took missions to keep themselves busy. This time it was just a scout mission, nothing too complicated, but served its purpose. And after getting ready they flew straight to Earth. Safely landing, they stepped out of the transport craft and quickly did a sum of what they were supposed to do. Again, nothing out of the ordinary and the idea was to finish it off in a few hours, go back, and repeat the process.
ㅤㅤㅤ “Commandant, I will check the surroundings just in case before starting.” — said Lucia, she looked as determined as ever.
ㅤㅤㅤ “Alright. Liv and I will talk with the people and see if we can get anything useful. Take care.” — replied, after what happened back then, he became even more worried about the two of them. The feeling was reciprocal, too.
After Lucia left, the two of them went straight to the scavengers resting. Apparently the Ascendants started to be more active in that specific zone or that's what they kept on saying, mentioning a peculiar “agent” that would wander around, just observing the surroundings. Once Liv did a full body scan and made sure their vital signs were good, with the help of some Constructs stationed in that area since a couple of weeks earlier, started to accommodate some supplies they had brought from Babylonia.
Everything seemed good. Once Lucia came and reported back the situation, they ought to make an early report and send it to Babylonia. Nevertheless, Zenas decided it was still better to check once again, and going even a bit further, he didn't want to miss anything. And so they started to walk away from the safe zone.
The sun was shining as bright as ever, there was a cold breeze that gently played with the dry leaves resting on the ground, birds could be heard not too far. At that specific moment it felt like a normal autumn day, as if the punishing virus didn't exist and Earth was as peaceful as ever. He stopped in his tracks, the Tower was still standing, the blue halo was brighter than ever.
He could feel how the guilt and sadness was taking over him. That was a novice mistake. Too absorbed in his mind, reviving some memories he didn't see the threat that was observing them, nor did he realise he was the target of a gun. The blood was rapidly leaving his body, soaking his exosuit. He remembers seeing Liv running to his aid, Lucia was fighting someone, but they were too far and the Red Tide was, somehow, getting close. He lost consciousness after that.
A loud bang woke him up from his slumber. A door had been closed, was he in a basement? How about Lucia and Liv? Were they fine? He tried to get up but the pain was actually pretty bad and every single movement made him dizzy.
He heavily breathed and, with the little strength he had, forced his body to a sitting position. The room was completely dark but there was a small window, letting some light in, however it was far from enough but at least he could see some pieces of clothes soaked in blood, a few blankets beside his bed and a rusty night table. That's all. Except him, there was no one else. It was obvious that he got separated from his teammates. Again. A rush of anxiety was building up in his chest and cold sweat was starting to form on his forehead.
He heard steps. Someone was coming. A door opened and a figure appeared. The person was wearing a big and worn out cloak, covering the face and part of the body. Whoever it was, it didn't want for their identity to be known. Either way, he still tried to ask and see if he could get some answers…
ㅤㅤㅤ “Where am I?” — his voice was hoarse. As expected, no answer. But considering how hard that person was trying to hide from them, it would've been stupid to actually answer. He tried again.
ㅤㅤㅤ “Who are you? and why did you save me?” No answer. That only confirmed the obvious: whoever that person was, he knew them.
He tried to move closer, trying to reach the hoodie of the cloak but a hand stopped him midway. It was a robotic arm, no synthetic skin, just the white metal could be seen. A construct? But.. who? He couldn't remember someone with that aspect. That simple movement put him in pain, was his injury that bad?
He winced but tried his best to not lose the attention to the one in front of him. At that time an alarm rang, his exosuit was telling him that the punishing virus was high enough. His eyes widened at that fact, it only made him more confused because whoever saved him, it was an Ascendant. Out of the blue, he remembered that last conversation he had with Lee. How he apologised and disappeared. But why was he thinking about that now? Anxiety was again filling every inch of his body; if it was indeed an ascendant then he wasn't sure that he was saved for good reasons.
While he was lost in thoughts, and even getting nostalgic over some memories, the person in front of him turned to face him, and unexpectedly, handed him a bowl of… food. It smelled good, he had to admit. Yet he refused to eat it.
ㅤㅤㅤ “What do you want?” Are you the Ascendant that has been observing those humans?” — he knew by now that the percentage of getting an answer was below zero. It was getting on his nerves. “I am not in the best mood so stop acting like a mighty being and answer me”
Silence filled the room but it was quickly broken by a chuckle. Did the bastard just laugh at me? Zenas was ready to ignore the risk of fighting off a corrupted, his anger was building up pretty fast at that point.
The Ascendant let out a sight. With a swift movement the hoodie wasn't hiding the face, and even if the light that entered from the window was the same as nothing, he could still see it.
ㅤㅤㅤ “Why do you always end up in such state?”
His heart was beating so fast, he felt like it was just a matter of seconds before his ribcage was broken into pieces. There was a faint feeling of dizziness, his mind was a complete chaos and it was hard to swallow. His throat was dry. Time stopped.
He inhaled and breathed out. Zenas repeated the process many times and after his mind finally became just a white page, he did answer.
ㅤㅤㅤ “Lee…”
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🎐 I hope you enjoyed this.
🎐if you have any questions, ask me.
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chronosh0t · 8 months
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ⸺ . ;; [🌱] ˚.*ೃ 𝐒𝐈𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄
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𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐒: male skk x Lee ; sfw ; fluff ; canon-divergence ; kiss? i don't know, this is soft and i do not tend to be good at it.ㅤㅤㅤ 〔 NO BETA. 〕
𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒: the room drowned in silence, yet it didn't felt awkward for either of the two people inside; as words were not necessarily needed, both of them knew their feelings very well.
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Zenas had been trying to find Lee for a couple of hours by now but, to his own bad luck, he kept on getting dragged by others for whatever reasons. Check a new mission brief, dealing with other Commandants and their questions about how it was possible that he could deal with the corrupted with his bare hands, and the list grew endlessly.
Patience was a virtue and Zenas clearly lacked that one. It was growing too thin and he knew, if someone dared to block his path again, he would have to fill up a complaint and hand it to Hassen sooner than later. So, as usual, he wore his favourite face, frown eyebrows, walking with long strides, eyes focused on the front and with the peculiar aura he always carries with himself that screamed “no friendly for anyone”.
And, as usual, it worked. Zenas could reach Gray Raven's lounge. Lucia and Liv had already left to help Celica with some paperwork, since having some free time on Babylonia counted as some sort of sin that needed to be repentant. The place was in complete darkness and silence, however, some rattling noises could be heard from behind Lee's door.
He was here. Someone's heart beating off the usual calm track, but it's not like Zenas didn't notice. Because that's the effect Lee had over him, completely weak and unable to form proper sentences sometimes, to the point he would just keep quiet and watch him work. Peacefully, heaven might be just that.
He knocked the door twice, and waited. A muffled voice answered him, letting Zenas know it was okay to come in, and so he did. Swiftly closing the door behind, his eyes traced every single corner of that, already well known, room. Digital screens showing maps, some of them had red spots marked in specific parts, others filled with just zeros and ones, as well as words and codes the human failed to understand.
The two desks, completely covered in screwdrivers, nuts, cables of various colours, parts of an outdated terminal, papers scattered on the surface and weapons's parts. Lee was sitting behind one of it, a small nightstand illuminating his workplace, his mechanical arm was resting over the desk, and with his free hand, Lee seemed to do some basic repairs.
His blue eyes never lost focus, concentrated at his fullest; it was one of Zenas's favourite traits of Lee. He could trust his teammate to always deliver something of great quality, be it new optimization to his exosuit, repair of his weapon and many more things. He let out a sigh, not out of tiredness, but something else.
ㅤㅤㅤ“What is it, Commandant?” Lee asked, not looking at him.
Zenas hates that title but it still sounded pretty coming from him, as some sort of assertiveness, a bit silly though.
ㅤㅤㅤ“Nothing. Just wanted to know if you were okay. You've been too quiet lately and it bugs me.” Zenas closed the distance, picked the only free chair left and placed it close to Lee, but still leaving enough room to not make him uncomfortable.
ㅤㅤㅤ“I don't remember being too talkative, or am I?” Lee picked a different tool, he was frowning.
ㅤㅤㅤ“You know what I mean.” Zenas replied, he grabbed an USB driver and took a look at it. It was blue, Lee's favourite colour and was slowly becoming his, too. “I feel like you never tell me, us, anything. Sure, you have your reasons but I hope you know you can trust us. Always.” he finished placing the USB back to the desk.
The room was filled with silence, again. Unspoken words, but it was clear that Zenas still hit the jackpot. They had been working together for so long to the point words are not always necessary between them. This time made no difference whatsoever. Zenas knew Lee had been going through something complicated, shouldering it all by himself, as he always did, but this time seemed different.
He was no expert in reading others, but Zenas learned how to understand his teammates and that's the reason why they complemented each other so well. Lee may be a quiet man, he wouldn't talk unless necessary or if being asked something, and if he did it was just to explain a mission, engineer or binary code. However, it was easy to tell there was something going on he was unwilling to share.
Zenas had to admit that pissed him off, a lot. Yet he understood there must be a reason for such behaviour and decisions. He just wanted to know that Lee was okay, and to make sure of one important factor…
ㅤㅤㅤ“You're not alone anymore, you do know that, right?” he questioned at the same time he placed one of his hands over Lee's. Making his stop right in the middle of his job. “We are here, with you.” Zenas's thumb slowly caresses Lee's synthetic skin.
Lee looked up this time. Making eye contact for the first time since Zenas came inside his room. The physical contact was minimal, and if it wasn't because Lee's skin was quite sensitive he wouldn't have even noticed the small act of affection. An act Zenas never did, to anyone. The human’s eyes were always a mystery to the Construct, not only in matter of colour but because they either showed too much, or anything at all.
Zenas's eyes either were full of hatred, annoyance or just empty shells. Not this time, and that's why Lee's mechanical heart seemed to malfunction, the rhythm was a bit off, and he knew his cheeks would end up turning red. He tried his best to think of something else but his M.I.N.D was blank, weirdly enough.
Ever since they met, Lee fully understood his Commandant was considered a really pretty human, violently beautiful. And the more he got to know him, the more he felt drawn towards him, gravitating around, thinking about him too much, letting the human take control of his feelings. He also understood he had to keep all that to himself.
But at some point, both of them knew it. It came to a point where trying to hide it was impossible, especially when they're burning for each other, when their skin screamed each other's name.
It was just a minute, probably, or maybe two, but for the two people inside of that room, it felt like an entire life just ran past them. However none of the two wanted to look away first. Lee was not sure when or how he got the courage, or how his body just did something without his consent, acting too much like a human out of impulse. But he did it either way.
Leaning towards Zenas, closing the distance between the two bodies, yet maintaining eye contact. Lips finally touching.
🎐 : 𝗶𝗳 𝘆𝗼𝘂'𝘃𝗲 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗰𝗵𝗲𝗱 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗳𝗮𝗿, 𝗜 𝗵𝗼𝗽𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗲𝗻𝗷𝗼𝘆𝗲𝗱 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝘀𝗶𝗹𝗹𝘆 𝘁𝗵𝗶����𝗴 𝗜 𝘄𝗿𝗼𝘁𝗲. 𝗜𝗳 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗱𝗼, 𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗱 𝘁𝗲𝗹𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗺𝗲?
🎐: 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗸𝘀 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴!
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punishing-eden · 2 years
Hi been following your blog for a while now and I finally racked up the courage to ask for a request.
The new Chrome Glory frame's idle voice line was super cute like Skk just falling asleep and Chrome sing-songing them to wake up or they'll get a cold but skk doesn't absolute fluff.
It however got me thinking Skk is very overworked their character is so hardworking that in Echo Aria they were fading in and out of consciousness but was insisting they were fine.
I'm a sucker for a sickfic or one of those fics where one has to tell the other to go sleep because they can tell their tired or the fics where the other can't sleep and the other soothes them to sleep.
A bit indulgent I know, but they, funny enough also help me sleep because my mind just constantly races. Any one of those scenarios would be cute to read with Chrome either frame.
Thank you for reading.
Being Here with You...
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Chrome (Archlight) x Commandant/Reader
Having caught a fever during a battle you have no choice but to rest. With Chrome, he is here to make sure you recover well enough to head back to the base.
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Tags: Fluff, Sickfic, Sleeping fic, one-shot, request
Trudging your way through the battlefield, you noticed your breathing got heavier. you couldn't help but feel your eyes water from your fatigue. 'no,' you said to yourself, 'I must keep moving!'
Sluggishly, you leg felt heavy as you began to fall behind from your team.
"Commandant?" Lucia turned around and asked.
The dizziness began to pick up its momentum, hitting you in waves as you tried to focus on your mission. The rain, at this point, started to pour a little harder.
"I am fine," you managed to speak.
Forcing yourself to push through, you ignored the warnings and concerns from others about your crammed schedule that suddenly arose in your mind. As if now you have finally realised how bad your health has plummeted, with one last step, too weak to support your weight yourself, you came falling down on the muddy ground.
The sky went from dark to light grey as the rain poured heavily, washing the scent of oil and vital fluids away.
"Temperature's reaching 37 degrees," Liv said.
Her hands gently swipe a strand of hair from your forehead. Your clothes have been disposed of near a makeshift campfire, leaving you with your undershirt and shorts.
Lucia had just come back with more firewood and had added them to the fire. In hopes, to dry your clothes as soon as possible.
You shift slightly, head resting on Liv's lap, and you pulled on Lucia and Lee's jacket closer. Trying to suppress the involuntarily cold shivers running through your body.
"How's Commandant?" Lucia asked.
There was a look of worry on Liv's face, "Fever's starting to run high," she said.
"I have used Commandant's comm to request for a medic," Lee said, "They should be here by-"
Suddenly, your comms in his hands began to ring. A new message came through.
Lee accepted the message and proceeded to send it to everyone's inner devices. There was a moment of silence as the group comprehended the message. With a frustrated sigh, he commented, "Group D needs backup... Now is not a good time..."
"I-I could stay with Commandant, while you go..." Liv suggest, although she wasn't confident in this decision.
The two other construct heasitated.
"The location of Group D is by the port on the other side. If anything is happening here, we won't make it in time." Lucia said.
Your comms rung again, it was another backup request from another group. This time they need a support construct.
"This is annoying..." Lee mumbled.
The group went silent, trying to think of solutions. They can't just leave you behind when you were having a fever.
Your comms notification went off again alerting, and hurrying your constructs to make a decision. Thinking hard, Lucia was the first to speak up," Lee said help is on its way, we should stay here until they come."
Her teammates both nodded in agreement.
"Whoever is coming, I hope they will be here soon," Lucia said.
"Well, you are just in luck, Lucia," Lee said as he point at the distance. Still foggy from the downpours, the Grey Ravens were able to make out a silhouette running towards them.
"A medic?" Liv asked.
As the figure approached. The group finally saw who had arrived. Drench in rain, water droplets dropped from his blond hair to his synthetic skin. Chrome came at the right time.
Catching his breath, he places the silver case, which he has been carrying the whole time, on the ground. Kneeling by your side he asked, "How's Commandant?"
"Fever is running high, Commandant has experience a few cold seizures. I have been able to keep the fever in check," Liv reported.
She, along with Chrome's help, moved you away from her lap to the ground. "Do you have any medicine at hand?" She asked Archlight.
Responding with a nod, Chrome went to the silver case and opened it. He took out his neatly folded white overcoat and underneath were medical supplies. Taking out a few bottles of pills, he let Liv inspect them. "Which one do you need? I got your call and hurried my way here. Wanshi couldn't come because he's got a hand full on our end."
"Looks like everyone is stretched tight for this operation," Lee said and got his gun ready, "Since Strike Hawk is here, I am more relief to leave Commandant."
Lucia nodded, "Chrome, do you mind taking care of Commandant while we are gone?"
"Noted," Chrome nodded, "I will send our coordinates to the base camp, so the reinforcements can come to pick us up."
"You have our many thanks," Lucia said. She then turned to you, still weak, as Liv held you up so, Chrome can give you the medication.
"Commandant, please be safe. We will be back," Lucia said and followed Lee to the port.
Carefully, Chrome held the bottle of water against your lip as you drank. After swallowing the pill, both Liv and Chrome placed you back down on the ground.
"As soon as the clothes are dry, put them on Commandant to prevent hypothermia. The most important thing is to keep the chest area warm," Liv instructed, "The medication lasts for about two hours, so please remember to give Commandant another dose then."
"Same dosage?" Chrome asked diligently.
"Yes, this medication tends to be drowsy. So don't overdose." Liv got the other bottle and continued, "These can also work as pain killers, if Commandant is in any pain you can also use these."
Liv gave an assured smile and nodded, "Thank you for doing this, I will be off now."
"Rest assured. I will take care of Commandant." Chrome promised. He watched as Liv ran in the other direction to help the other group.
Now alone with you, Chrome was confident to make sure you can survive out on this battlefield until the rescue team comes.
Resting your head on his lap, he grabbed his white overcoat, since he place it in the briefcase, the clothing was nice and dry. He managed to wrap it around you as your body shivered.
The construct stayed still for a long while as you rest. Eyes diligently survey the surroundings for anything feasible danger, but so far, there was none.
For a moment, he got a little distracted and looked down at you, still lying asleep on his lap. He studied your face since it was the first time he saw you sleeping so peacefully. Your brows were, for once, not furrowed together and your hands weren't fisted tightly.
You slept without a care.
As much as Chrome wanted to let you sleep, he checked the time before his hand gently hover above your face. He remains stoic and quiet. Thinking hard to himself. Staying in this position for a while, he let out a small breath and moved his hand to your shoulder, poking you lightly.
You did not stir.
He poked a little harder.
No reaction.
He tapped on your shoulder harder and you woke.
"Hmmm..." you let out a protest. Your head felt light as you slowly got up.
Groggily looking around, you notice Chrome next to you. Wiping the sleep away from your face, your vision cleared with Archlight in front of you, holding a water bottle and a little pink pill in his other hand.
Confused you looked at Chrome, but he spoke before you could ask him what was going on.
"Oh good you are awake, it's time to take your medicine," he said.
"Medicine?" you asked.
"Do you not know what happened?" Chrome asked.
You shook your head, head still feeling terrible, but it felt much better than before.
"My head hurts... Where are the others?" you asked. As Chrome gestures insisted, you took the pill, popped it in your mouth, and took a swig from the bottle of water.
"They currently placed in different stations as a backup. I am tasked to supervise you before the reinforcements come." Chrome explained.
No matter how thorough his explain was, you didn't quite hear him. Your mind wandering with disoriented thoughts. Your face, still flushed with fever, you spoke, "I got to find them..."
Stubbornly, you fought the fatigue and were about to stand up when Chrome quickly grabbed you and pulled you back down, "Commandant, wait! You are still sick, it is best to stay here and recover than engage in battle."
"I will be fine... I did this before..." you protested.
"No, it's too dangerous." Chrome argued, struggling to pull you back by the arm.
Your brows furrowed, annoyed by the construct's actions. Seeing how much you insisted on leaving, Chrome had no choice but to wrap his arms around you and pull you back down with him.
"Forgive me Commandant, but I must keep you safe," he said sternly. He held you tight as you wiggled about.
Only, for your movements began to slow down. Your protest grew weak and before you know it, you let out a big yawn.
"See?" Chrome spoke softly, "Please take a rest, Commandant."
"..." you went quiet and gave your current situation a thought. You couldn't argue that your eyelids were feeling heavy. Your head was still pounding, and your body was screaming for you to let it take adequate rest.
"...fine, I guess I could take this opportunity to "slack off", like how everyone has been telling me to." you made a dissatisfied look. Looking up, your eyes met with Chrome's, "Just wake me up ten minutes before the reinforcements arrive."
With that, you lay your head against Chrome's chest. Following the rhythm of his breathing; you know it's artificial but you never paid mind. Slowly, you drifted off to your very much-needed slumber. Naturally, you snuggled close to Chrome, finding comfort from his arms holding on to you. somewhat also acting as a mattress or the alike.
This left Archlight in a rather troubling position. What would he suppose to do if he needs to move? Should he wake you up when you are supposed to stay asleep? However, he thought that maybe this isn't so bad.
"Really...what must it take for you to get some rest? " He lets out a defeat sign with a smile. He doesn't mind being your bed, if it means for you to recover and get some rest.
Regardless, shifting his arms securely around you, he adjust his coat to make sure you were warm enough before returning his gaze to survey the area.
Author's notes
As I wrote this, I was thinking should I go for a sick fic or a sleep fic. Then I thought, why not both?
Tbh, I actually haven't done Echos Aria yet. (I also didn't get S Chrome) :/
Maybe, I might get to it in the future.
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