#leave it to harrison matthew frost to say “you're bad for me” when NOOOOBODY IS MAKING HIM
Will there be more Jeremiah and Harrison content?
OH y'all are asking THE questions!!! I'm not sure, tbh! IF I do write a Jeremiah story (it'll probably be on the longer end, like 5-8k), Harrison's not going to be there since their storyline together is over (BIG SAD I'M SO SORRY). Jeremiah as a character intrigues me, but unfortunately the Haremiah journey is overrr! :( I don't think I'll write anything else in the MW/FH/BB/HB realm, but if I did, there would of course be a possibility for more Haremiah flashbacks, but nothing in the fictive present (Jeremiah doesn't want to see Harrison again by the end of BODY BACK LOL). In a way, it's such an L because this COULD have been a really lovely love story. Harrison wasn't in a place to make sure it remained that way, though. Hope Jeremiah's... on vacation LOL.
BUT I OF COURSE will share Haremiah content from BB! Why don't I hurt all our feelings :) for fun :) Haremiah goodbye under the cut!
Jeremiah glances at his arm wound by Harrison’s fingers, and when he looks back up, his eyes are shimmering. “Why did you go?” he asks. And why had he? He could’ve spent forever against Jeremiah’s ribs. Built a future with him over spiked lemonade and foolish nights at karaoke bars. Jeremiah’s built for movement, late nights, orange sorbet mornings, moonlit swan paddle boats, a thrilling midlife career change, dinner parties with near strangers, weekend hikes of Yosemite, bustling hostels in Amsterdam, desserts with almond liqueur and crème fraîche, sunsets in Montego Bay. “You’re bad for me,” Harrison slurs. Jeremiah’s face slackens. Someone kneels next to him, sets a hand on his shoulder, close enough for Harrison to recognize it’s Biyu. “Jeremiah,” she says. “It’s time to go.” What a phrase. In August, Harrison also understood it not as an instruction but a lifeline. In Eliza’s apartment, it was time, but even before that. Smiling in a tent with Lonan. Dancing slow circles in a cramped bathroom. Watching him walk off in the middle of the night. So he doesn’t try when Biyu stands and helps her friend do the same. He doesn’t try as he watches Jeremiah paw off his eyes, as he watches Jeremiah look at him a last time before turning away. He doesn’t try as together, they walk toward the car, mumbling things Harrison can’t hear—that he’ll never find out. He doesn’t try as Jeremiah opens the passenger side door, and before he gets in, takes one glance back at him on the grass. He doesn’t try as Jeremiah’s lip trembles, doesn’t try when he ducks into the car and slams the door shut. After all this time, it feels like the least he can do.
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