#learn goa'uld
nimuetheseawitch · 3 months
SGA Summer Vacation Recs
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So, a few weeks ago, a friend asked for longfic recommendations to read while on vacation, and I did not really realize how many I was recommending at the time. Seemed like a good idea to make a post about it.
Time in a Bottle by astolat, 14K (not originally on my list because it was too short, but it's too perfect for a summer reading list, so I added it), McShep, Rated E, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings To see a World in a Grain of Sand / And a Heaven in a Wild Flower / Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand / And Eternity in an hour.
The Long Dark (series) by @logicgunn, 141K, McShep, Rated G-E but the first is M, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings An astronomical event causes two strangers to crash land on a remote island in the frozen Canadian north. Cue a fluffy slow burn in a survival setting.
Lord John Sheppard Versus Earth by LitGal, 61K, McShep, Rated M, Graphic Depictions of Violence Canon diverged before Jackson found Atlantis. The IOC stepped in and decided to make things more efficient. A gene testing program brought Major John Sheppard into the program earlier, but budget constraints and international treaties have kept Dr. Jackson out of the antarctic. So now John has to find his own team--and his own geek--or he's in danger of being stuck in the mountain forever as a light switch. However, as the universe changes, fate forces some things to return to proper form, and other things… they get wildly out of control. John isn't sure how he came to be Earth's enemy, but he's going to have to deal with the cards he's dealt.
Teamwork by onthewaters, 24K, McShep and others, Rated E, Graphic Depictions of Violence There is an Earth where things have turned out a little differently, and the people who go to Atlantis aren't quite the ones we know. AKA The one where Rodney is a Mountie.
The Doctor and the Sheppard by @hero-in-waiting, 70K, McShep, Rated E They've been in Pegasus for a year before Rodney is finally allowed to go off-world to meet with the mysterious leader of a group of allies against the wraith. The first meeting goes well, sending them down a path none of them could've foreseen, and leaving Rodney with thoughts of the mysterious leader with his bright eyes and dark hair.
The Hard Prayer by Rheanna, 30K, McShep, Rated M One year after the end of the world, John meets another survivor.
In Sickness and in Health by @a-storm-of-roses, 31K, McShep, Rated E "So I told a little lie, just to get you back to Atlantis. It was the only way, so try not to get too mad. I told them we were married.” When John suffers a major, life-changing injury on Earth, Rodney must pretend to be his husband to ensure his return to Atlantis. As he struggles to navigate recovery and accept his new reality, John must also come to terms with his new role as Rodney's husband and the new dynamics in their relationship. A story of healing, recovery, loss, love, and acceptance.
Enigma by sgamadison, McShep, 32K, McShep, Rated E, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings During an off-world mission, a piece of Ancient technology transports Rodney and John on a one-way trip to a deserted airfield. Working together to get back, it takes a vivid dream to make Rodney realize what's been in front of him all along.
Bridges by bussaiko, 52K, McShep, Rated E Engineer Rodney McKay went to North Carolina's Crystal Coast to help his sister design a series of bridges. He hoped to rebuild his career following a professional disaster; he didn't expect to be drawn into the small community of Athos Island, where he found friendship and perhaps something more with helicopter pilot John Sheppard. But when Rodney tries to learn more about John's past, what he discovers might tear them apart. (non-Stargate AU)
Apocalypse Rising by sian1359, 81K, McShep, Rated M, Graphic Depictions of Violence The Goa'uld are not the only ones who covet Earth.
Zen and the Art of Jumper Maintenance by Indybaggins, 39K, McShep, Rated M The one where Rodney gets sucked in and John… follows. Featuring a quirky John, Rodney in orange robes, crazy Ancient-worship, sheep milking and jumpers that aren't broken but need to be fixed anyway.
Black Helicopters (series) by whizzy, 141K, McShep, Rated T-E but the first is M, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Screw the bet. Rodney was going to prove the existence of extraterrestrial intelligence. Oh, and incidentally, he might just catch the United States Air Force with their pants around their ankles.
Pegasus Purgatorio by MrsHamill, 127K, McShep, Rated E, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings It is difficult to write a paradise when all the superficial indications are that you ought to write an apocalypse. It is obviously much easier to find inhabitants for an inferno or even a purgatorio. (Ezra Pound) Yeah, I'd say that about covers it, Ezra. John and Rodney are left behind when Atlantis (and, by extension, Pegasus) is evacuated. While returning to the Milky Way, they decide to bring a few friends along.
What A Wonderful Bunker You Would Make by ocdindeed, 50K, McShep, Rated M Summary in simple words: Rodney is recluse and John has a kid. Summary in not so simple words: Rodney McKay has given up on the world, living a simple life up on a mountain devoid of people. He likes it that way, at least he did until a kid with a full head of dark hair ambled up his dirt driveway and changed his sequestered life forever. (AU - Set during SG1 & Pre-SGA timeline.)
G******, Tramps, and Thieves* (series) by auburn, 372K, McShep and a whole lot more, Rated T-M, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, later fics Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Vala Mal Doran and her partners, renegades Jehan abd-Ba'al and Meredith McKay, hijack the Tau'ri ship Prometheus and leave the Milky Way behind in search of the Lost City of the Ancients, Atlantis.
*I censored this title due to a common racial slur
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batsyforyou · 10 months
Celegorm/Curufin/Celebrimbor/Feanor Sleep Headcanons
Pairing: Celegorm x reader, Curufin x reader, Celebrimbor x reader, Feanor x reader
Author’s Note: Blanket Series! 
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The one thing that these four elves have in common is the amount of work they put in. 
They either go to bed late 
Or never
What's worse is that they all have the same family stare when they sleep. 
Each of their eyes glow and they stare straight ahead, kinda like the goa'uld with their glowing eyes but instead of the white of their eyes glowing, it's the iris.
Feanor passed it to Celegorm, and Feanor also passed it to Curufin who then passed it to Celebrimbor 
It's a family trait 
But between the four of them Celegorm and Celebrimbor are the most likely and willing to cuddle you and kiss you at night.
Between Celegorm and Celebrimbor though, Celebrimbor is way more romantic 
Verses Curufin and Feanor who kiss their forges goodnight and put it to bed before they ever see you
Though Celegorm is the first to go to bed out of all of them
Probably the easiest Feanorian to corral into bed 
If he’s busy at his desk and if you ask him to come to bed he’ll give you a half hearted wave and tell you to go to bed. But if you kiss his cheek and use the magic word (please) he’ll come join you. 
And I don’t want to give you the impression that he doesn’t care for his work and doesn’t take it seriously. He takes it very seriously. But he takes care of your happiness first. 
He’ll wrap himself around you and bury you in his arms and smooch you til his heart's content. 
Sometimes he’ll try to see if you're willing for more but most of the time he’ll leave his shenanigans for morning. 
He snores very softly and you normally don't hear it 
And because he so active during the day he doesn’t move at night 
And like I mentioned before he’s got his daddy’s stare 
Though his open eyed stare is bright. His eyes are like two active search lights from Gotham City (Batman) just piercing the dark. That or two up close nightlights. 
Overall Celegorm is an 7/10 sleep buddy
Getting this one into bed is a fight in itself. 
He would come with you unless you’ve begged for like 30 minutes
Curufin is another elf that doesn’t know how to cuddle. He thinks you take up too much bed space but unlike Maeglin he has no problem telling you about it.
“Move over, your elbow is on my side.” 
He doesn’t really learn 
So the only way to get this one to cuddle is if you lay on top of him and press your nose into the crook of his neck. 
He just melts when you do and the silver tongue is to put to rest
He dreams pretty frequently. But it's sometimes like watching a cat dream he’ll just twitch every once and a while 
He doesn’t move and roll around and sleeps on his back 
And he never snores not once but on the few times he does the snore is really cute and you never let him live it down. 
Overall Curufin us a 7/10 sleep buddy
Celebrimor is someone who loves to savor your touch 
He loves holding you close to him and burying his head into the crook of your neck to just breathe you in
He lives to hold you 
He lives to kiss you especially. 
And he will kiss your nose every night before bed and every morning when you wake up 
Is addicted to cuddles but is sometimes embarrassed about craving your soft touch.
So he won’t really tell you that he wants any. Instead he’ll invite you to him so it’ll come off as more of an offer and your idea then his.
When he’s really fixated on what he’s doing you have to drag him away from either the forges or his desk. 
When you're not around he can and will and has slept on his desk atop of his papers.
When in bed though he typically sleeps on his back with you using his arm as a pillow 
But he’s would love to sleep with you on his back while he slept on his stomach
It’d knock him right out 
Overall Celebrimbor is a 9/10 sleep buddy
Good luck reigning this one in, he’s a nightmare to settle into bed
Feanor another one that doesn’t understand the definition of rest. He practically lives in the forges so you’ll have to find a way to persuade him to go to bed. Idk how but good luck soldier 
But ah *coughs* I’ll stay that acts of intimacy go a long way *cough cough*
When he does sleep, he sleeps on his side. He stares straight ahead with glowing eyes. His eyes glow the brightest out of the four but instead of it being a glow it's more a gentle lapping flame that flickers every once and a while.
Cuddles? If you're lucky. He’s mostly staring up at the ceiling thinking about all the cool projects that he could get up to. 
Mostly because it's like you're sleeping with a literal heater and he doesn’t want to sweat at night.
Overall Feanor is a 6/10 sleep buddy
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rjalker · 6 months
A thing I keep noticing in stories about slavery that have been written by white people is that it can never just be "regular" oppression and slavery.
It always has to have some magical or scifi-tech componant to it that makes it work.
The Jaffa in Stargate are only enslaved because they're dependant upon the Goa'uld larva. As though it's impossible to oppress people without literally making them chemically dependant upon you.
Constructs (aka, anthroids) in The Murderbot Diaries are only enslaved because they have brain chips that will fry them if they disobey an order. As though it's impossible to force people to do things they don't want to unless you can literally kill them instantly if they don't.
These kinds of authors don't seem to fundamentally grasp that slavery is a real thing that happens in real life. Without any impossible outside help that only exists in fantasy or scifi. Real people are enslaved and they don't need to have killer brain chips in their heads to do it. They don't need to be surgically altered to rely on their slavers for their health.
It's the same with people who only write abusive relationships if there's some literal actual magical thing keeping the victim from leaving. As though real abusive tactics just don't exist.
It's just really fucking aggravating. I know I've seen tons more examples of this but I can't remember what they were from.
It's like these people just refuse to accept that real oppression exists without the aid of magical brain chips or parasitic aliens. You don't need to be able to literally fry someone's brain if they think bad thoughts about you if you physically or psychologically beat them down and enact real fucking control over their life.
I don't know. This kind of trope just seems like it's diminishing the affect of real slavery and abuse because it's pretty explicitly saying that "if XYZ magical control thing didn't exist, these people wouldn't be oppressed because they'd fight back".
As though real oppressed people don't fight back. As though the whole problem of being oppressed isn't that you lose every time because you lack the power that the people who oppress you use to keep you down.
I feel like it's because A)These people don't want to actually admit how horrible real life slavery and abuse is. B)they see themselves as the main character of the universe, so they think that if they were the one being enslaved, they'd instantly succeed at fighting back and winning, because they either can't, or refuse to aknowledge that when faced with systemic oppression, they'd be just as helpless as every other victim in history. They want to see themselves as all-powerful even in imaginary situations where they face oppression they've never actually dealt with, so they have to add some magical Impossible Barrier over top of the actual oppression to make it justified for why they haven't won already.
They think that if the roles were reversed and white people were systemically oppressed, they'd be the main character who magically leads the uprising with has no casualties. They think they'd magically never get hurt or watch their family or friends get hurt or be traumatized or actually opressed in any way.
It's definitely a form of victim blaming. It's definitely making light of real slavery and abuse. It's very fucking infuriating to have to keep reading in pretty much any scifi or fantasy series that deals with slavery that's written by white people.
so. Writing tip. How about learn how actual systemic oppression works instead of assuming the only way to enslave people is by literally being able to fry their brain?
Like. It's saying "these people have literal murder chips in their heads to enslave them, what's your excuse for not freeing yourself?"
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I've been forming this theory that John Sheppard is actually an Ancient in human form. I've been reading some of the Stargate Atlantis books and my theory is greatly supported by Mirror Mirror by Sabine C. Bauer. Spoilers and the rest of my theory is under the readmore.
In Mirror Mirror, they discover and Ancient device that at first seems to be an AI, but turns out to be the consciousness of an Ancient. The Ancient, Ikarus, looks like a teenage John Sheppard, like, they look so much alike. It's revealed the Ikarus is John's great great whatever uncle.
Now, Ikarus is, opbviously, Icarus from Greek Mythology. Icarus is the son of Daedalus, which also happens to be the name of the Earth ship that spent most of it's time traveling to and from Atlantis. Icarus also died from flying to close to to the sun, and of course John Sheppard is a well known pilot.
Now that we established his lineage, let's talk about the unlikely coincidence. john was not really supposed to be part of the Stargate program. He was a pilot who disobeyed orders and went back to rescue a friend and was shunted to McMurdo, where Air Force careers go to die. and when Jack O'Neill needed a pilot to take him to the secret base in Antartica, he basically picked Sheppard at random. Sheppard, a pilot with enough skill to dodge and weave out of the way of an Ancient drone. He didn't even know what it was, or what kind of weapon it was, how it could move the way it does, but he was able dodge it. O'Neill even referred to Sheppard's skill as exceptional.
John didn't even have clearance to actually enter the base until O'Neill gave him clearance. On the elevator on the way down.
Think about that level of coincidence. A man, with a higher Ancient gene level than O'Neill, who can use it instinctively, just so happens to sit in the Ancient chair. Who was only there because despite his exceptional skill as a pilot, was basically a taxi driver for O'Neill because he disobeyed orders.
That's the kind of coincidence that borders on Fate. The ancients can take on human form, and as Orlin proved, can even take whatever age they like. Since the Wraith are ultimately responsible for the extinction of the Ancients, who rose to power from their negligence and eventually outnumbered them to the point they had to flee back to the Milky Way and live out their lives hiding from the Goa'uld and learning how to Ascend. Of course, there's other races to blame. Namely the Ori, who caused the Ancients to flee to Pegasus to begin with, but given the fact that they pretty much had Pegasus ready, and the number of galaxies they've inhabited, they probably would have gone there eventually.
So if I was a compassionate Ancient who ascended, and then looked down on my home galaxy, Pegasus, watching the humans live in terror from the culling of the Wraith and wanting to do something about it, but the collective Ancients refuse to allow interference, and with a level of intelligence beyond what humans are capable of. I mean, look at what O'Neill was capable of building while the Ancient database rewrote his brain.
So what if he was able to predict enough of the future to be able to create himself as a human baby, with enough of his instinct and genes and literally be born to put himself, subconsciously, on the path to defeating the Wraith once and for all.
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stargate ask game! I've always wanted to make one of these myself, now I have! thanks to the lovely @sga-owns-my-soul for helping me with some of the questions when i ran out of ideas!
1. how would you stop a wraith from feeding on you?
2. do you think you'd have the ATA gene?
3. goa'uld, Ancient, wraith, or Asguard technology?
4. if you were in the stargate programme, would you prefer to be stationed at Cheyenne Mountain, Atlantis, or Area 51?
5. would you be willing to join the Tok'ra? why or why not?
6. what's your opinion on the Ancients?
7. would you like to fly a puddle jumper?
8. wraith stunner or zat gun?
9. what alien language would you like to learn if you could?
10. which character(s) most matches your vibe?
11. what would you do if you found yourself in a time loop/dilation field?
12. what would you do first with access to a ZPM?
13. what's your favourite ship?
14. what's your favourite goa'uld and/or wraith?
15. you run into your robot duplicate. how do you react?
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azeriairis · 8 months
Stargate Books are up to some Bullshit
The Stargate books have some weird bullshit in them. I remember in one of the Atlantis Books we learn how Radek managed to get on the radar of the SGC and found out about the Stargate. And I'm going to tell you from the POV of the SGC because it's funnier that way. Radek got on the SGCs radar by emailing a scanned drawing of a DHD to Daniel Jackson with a little note essentially saying "I came across some of your research and thought you may want to take a look at this because I thought it may be relevant." Which almost definitely got him listed as "potential security threat of the week" because some random Czech dude emailing Dr. Jackson an image of a DHD is a bit weird even by SGC standards and probably needed an investigation to figure out what was even happening.
Turns out it was a drawing of the Gaza DHD (as in the one connected to the Gaza Stargate later used by the SGC), made by some of Napoleon's men during his Egyptian Campaign*. Radek managed to get his hands on it during a short-term job post-doc.**. Whilst doing that job he came across a document containing that image, thought it looked like a Keyboard to get a device to do something, thought that was interesting, and decided to save a digital copy of it. Years later he winds across some work by Daniel (from before Daniel worked at the SGC) which included a reference to the Diaries of the artist who drew the sketch but not a reference to the sketch itself, but was discussing advanced technology in Ancient Egypt, and Radek determines that he is probably better suited for figuring out what is going on with it and sends him an Email, a month later Jackson comes to discuss the sketch and winds up accidentally breaking confidentiality and spilling the secret of the stargate to Radek.
I really want to know how the hell the author came up with that one, because it is such bullshit, but also I love it. the Book this is brought up in is Death Game it's part of Fandemoniums Stargate Atlantis Series that takes place during the main timeline (As opposed to the SGA Legacy Series which takes place after SGA S5)
*this of course meaning that, according to the books, the DHD was still on earth and at Gaza even after the Goa'uld left, and that it remained at Gaza until at least the turn of the 19th century before it disappeared.
**The story of that being he ended up not being able to find a long-term job immediately after getting his PhD, but he managed to get a short-term job in the meanwhile, helping an Old Professor in Paris sort through some old documents and artifacts related to the development of science (He of course took it because it paid the bills and was somewhat science-related)
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Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💗
Thank you! How nice! 💗
Enigmatic Confections - the Baking Show AU. Honestly, I didn't expect to enjoy this one so much, it started out as recycling a prompt to participate in my first Fictober. Also, people seem to really like it, which is nice. :)
Helen hosts a baking show. Nikola hosts a cooking show. They've hated each other since they met years ago. When their network pushes them together for a new show for the summer, they must learn to get along or suffer professional consequences. (Sactuary, Helen/Nikola, enemies-to-lovers)
The Abnormal X-File - the first multi-chapter I finished, though I don't have access to the ending right now. I adore everything about it and feel it's a very good example of my writing.
Mulder and Scully go on vacation to London in pursuit of an old story from Mulder's school days. The story leads them to a mysterious woman and the Network she runs... (Sanctuary + The X Files, Scully & Mulder friendship)
Bleeding Through the Blue - my second purely Sanctuary fic! Out of the Blue was the first episode I ever saw and I love it much. I also love Magnitt.
Helen is a painter, trying to deal with her anxiety and teetering marriage. But things are changing and she is rapidly losing sight of what is real and what isn't as she tries to hang on to her sanity. (Sanctuary, Helen/John)
Come Now, Little One... - the crossover of my two favorite shows because I heard the My Little Pony song 'Open Up Your Eyes'. Also self-indulgent in the fact that it's a dark!fic and I like those.
Sam has spent her whole life in the Sanctuary, being raised to take over by her slightly psycho mother. That life isn't the one Sam wants, but her mother has a very clear idea of what she should be. Rebelling against it for years, Sam searches for an escape from the darkening world she was raised in. (Sanctuary/Stargate SG-1, Sam and Helen mother-daughter relationship)
Bird Cage - This one is a rewrite of one of my favorite books, The Aviary, but I really enjoy how I've so far inserted Stargate and Sanctuary characters into it and mashed all three worlds together.
The rebellion against the Goa'uld in ancient Egypt failed. Since then, Earth has been under their enslavement. The Goa'uld use Earth as a pleasure planet, allowing technology progression in the interest of taking it for themselves, allowing humans some measure of power by enslaving their own people. The main commodity on Earth now is human women. Sixteen-year old Sam Carter has led a sheltered life, protected by her parents and her foster brother, Jack. But safety can only last so long. Sam falls victim to a Museum, where girls are displayed as art by day and 'entertain' men by night. Desperate for escape, Sam desperately hopes for Jack to come so they can return home to their family, while battling her mixed feelings for her new museum director. (Stargate SG-1/Sanctuary, Sam/Jack (budding), Sam/John Druitt (unrequited).)
I just realized that absolutely none of these fics are actually finished, but whatever. I love them.
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sga-owns-my-soul · 10 months
for the stargate ask... all of them >:]
stargate asks
well if you insist 😌😂
1. How would you stop a Wraith from feeding on you?
bold of you to assume i would stop it 😏
2. Do you think you have the ATA gene?
i desperately hope that i would, is that the same? 😂
3. Goa'uld, Ancient, Wraith, or Asguard technology?
ancient tech. i'd pick wraith but i really don't think i could get over the texture it looks like a sensory nightmare
4. If you were in the stargate programme, would you prefer to be stationed at Cheyenne Mountain, Atlantis, or Area 51?
5. Would you be willing to join the Tok'ra? why or why not?
no bc the idea of living that long is exhausting honestly i'm fucking tired bro
6. What's your opinion on the Ancients?
they're fucking PUNK ASS BITCHES and i would throw a brick at them if given the chance (except janus he fucks)
7. Would you like to fly a puddle jumper?
i cannot express how badly i desperately want to fly a puddle jumper. i used to say dream about it endlessly as a kid. actually i still do. i cannot stress enough that i would give up just about everything in my life to fly a fucking jumper please please please please please
8. Wraith stunner or Zat gun?
depends on the situation i think, they're both handy for different things. zat gun would be fantastic for say, making certain politicians disappear. overall tho i think probably a wraith stunner. idk they're cute
9. What alien language would you like to learn if you could?
all of them? is that an option? 😂😂 idk i wanna learn wraith and ancient and asguard and all the different milk way and pegasus native languages omg it would be cool to learn them all
10. Which character(s) most match your vibe?
lol idk i'm sad and complain a lot so a mix of john and rodney? i really don't know! what do y'all think?
11. What would you do if you found yourself in a time loop/dilation field?
nap. i would sleep so fucking much oh my god. time is fake nothing is real im sleeping for 6 months gn (if i was in epiphany i would've spent the entire time sleeping. the team would've had to come wake me up from my sleeping beauty nap)
12. What would you do first with access to a ZPM?
assuming it's not needed for like. impending attack or something id probably power the fuck out of the sensors and look around for funky little secret rooms and stuff in the city
13. What's your favourite ship?
atlantis obviously. she is perfect and iconic and has literally zero flaws and can do no wrong. (im not even gonna bother mentioning my favourite parining bc. if you follow me you already know lmao)
14. What's your favourite Goa'uld and/or Wraith?
for wraith it's a toss up between todd (obviously 🥰) and the badass punk wraith in vegas. he's so hot oh my god i'd let him murder me 😩😩
15. You run into your robot duplicate. How do you react?
"great you can go to work for me i'm taking a fucking break. come wake me up in two weeks"
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halestrom · 1 year
i knew u were gonna do this. cracks fingers. alright.
📓 Daredevil: Matt and Foggy as magical lawyers who use little loopholes to win. Basically, fae law meets DD. Matt is ready to fight a sideh for Foggy's hand at all times.
📓 SGA; Rodney can turn into a dragon like the ones from Pern where he can go to the in between and he doesn't tell anyone. At least until they're stuck on a ship and he can go into space as a dragon bc he can hold his breath. He saves people. Idk.
📓 SGA: my 300k epic Evan/Rodney and ace!john learning how to be in a relationship and how that works. It lives rent free in my brain and Ill prob never write it because it will be SO MUCH and also, ahhhh
📓 SGA: John, Rodney and a few others go back in time with the intent on hijacking the SGC so they can go back to Atlantis. It doesn't go according to plan. John saves his Mom from dying and she becomes President bc SHE WANTS TO KNOW WHERE HER BABY IS OKAY? and its just All Bad as they keep trying to get to Atlantis. Ronon also went back as well and he's mad bc he's like. 6 when they get back.
📓 SGA: Rodney and John knew each other and so when John sits down in the chair its a spiderman meme moment and then O'Neill is glaring at John and John's putting 2 and 2 together and getting 4 bc he's not an idiot and basically goes "so...aliens huh?" this is also mixed with my story idea that johns been dreaming of the stargate since it was reopened for the SGC bc of his connection with Ancient technology and he gets flashes whenever someone goes through the gate of what they went through.
📓 SGA: Rodney's brain is the super sonic high way and so the Goa'uld can't actually take over him bc his brain works so quickly they can't focus and idk where I go with this but I have it stuck in my mind forever.
📓 911: Eddie and Buck fucked a lot, and also have a lot of threesoms with people bc they can, and then would stop fucking whenever they got a partner bc they sex is just the fun part. They never needed it bc their relationship is good without it. The rest of the 118 find out and Question them and they end up together. AKA the one where no one wants to explain to Bobby what an Eiffel Tower is. (Honestly this might be getting written)
📓 SGA: Rodney and Cadman meets Race to Witch Mountain where they're twins but didn't know it and turns out Duet just opens their psychic connection and they Dislike It. we're ignoring the age differences okay
📓 SGA: Mutant AU. Rodney has super powers that let him interact with technology in a very nteresting way. It goes to shit when he goes to Atlantis and has to learn to function with a city that is alive. (it gets better...eventually...he has a lot of headaches)
📓SG1: Post Canon Daniel and Vala getting together, slowly and sweetly and learning how not to be major dicks to each other.
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solaris242 · 9 months
Alternate Stargate/reboot
Stargate show set in the 50s/60s. A "lost era" kind of thing that was swept under the rug and forgotten.
The advance of computing technology results in the government bringing in people like Von Neumann to study the gate, and while they don't quite crack it, they do figure out enough to partially interpret some of the gate's code. The section they can read contains a gate address, and away they dial.
Leads to a gate that is part of a sub-network that was removed from the rest of the system by the Ancients. The small nebula cluster has a few dozen worlds, is hard to find or detect from the outside, and is untouched by the Goa'uld.
The creature/s that live here are mimics, something like a slimemold that can differentiate into things it encounters. Some are intelligent, and have Agendas. Some are just objects, copied relics of the Ancients and other, stranger races. The Ancients locked them away due to the risk of dangerous technology being copied, but now humans have found it.
1960s atompunk science, fused with alien technology, a battle to understand what is going on and to learn more.
Features cameos from historical figures in math and science, dense references to the history of computing, and a perfect clone of Von Neumann speaking in his Bela Lugosi accent about how much he lovers hamburgers and the rock and roll musics.
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aceofwhump · 2 years
Hey, just wondering if you had any Daniel Jackson whump fic recs with minimal spoilers? I'm on season 1 episode 17 (just about to start it) and keep accidentally spoiling it! Thanks :)
Oh yeah! I think I can send you a few that don't really have any major spoilers. Sidenote: I'm so glad your watching Stargate!!!!! I hope you're enjoying it!!!!!!
The Stuff of Legends by Nkala99 Summary: Can Daniel live up to the reputations of his teammates?
HurtComfort by CynicAlb Summary: Okay, Daniel gets hurt, and then he gets hurt again and again....Anyone see a pattern forming here?
Drifting on the Wind as Light as a Feather by pinkyridz Summary: SG1 return to Abydos a year after the death of Daniel's wife and a stand storm leave them stranded with one very sick teammate. Daniel H/C Gen fic.
Raido by Eilidh17 Summary: Buried in a cave-in, Daniel has to solve a mystery to escape, while the rest of his team tries desperately to get to him.
A Change of Orders by taylyn10 Summary: Daniel is trapped in a raging river
The Bridge by Marzipan77 Summary: The divide between the academic and the military mind must be bridged. It isn't easy, and one person will never be the same. Why Daniel changed, and yet remained the same. Complete.
Don't Mess With Danny by Orrymain Summary: SGC personnel learn an important lesson -- don't mess with Jack's archaeologist!
Trees Are Crying Leaves Into The Darkness by pinkyridz Summary: An eerie forest holds dark secrets. Daniel Whumping
Just Like Always by Dragonflysoul Summary: Jack and Daniel reminisce during less than favorable conditions. Whumped!Daniel, Awesome!Jack
A Not So Hapi Day by Danny Phantom Summary: SG-1SG1 is captured by the Goa'uld, Hapi. Daniel is tortured.
Counting to Ten by taylyn10 Summary: Most Accidents happen in the home. They also happen to Daniel.
No Evil by SouthernChickie Summary: See no, hear no, speak no evil. A Jaffa torture device used on a human prisoner. Stuck in personal solitary, Daniel has to rely on the rest of SG-1 to get the device off him before it is too late.
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kitkatt0430 · 7 months
Rewatching SG-1 has reminded me of a Tales of Symphonia xOver idea I had that I'd still like to write.
It'd ignore the Tales of Symphonia sequel, so no Dawn of the New World stuff going on here. Instead, a few years post Tales of Symphonia and the reunification of the two world of Sylvarant and Tethe'alla into the single world of Aselia, an archeological dig in Tethe'alla discovers an outpost in the mountains that predates the Kharlan War and the civilizations involved by thousands of years.
It's not ancient Elven technology from their migration to the world from space either and likely predates even that long ago event - and the Elves are related to the Nox, though whether that comes up or not... at least it's world building, right? I considered the Ancients... but I like the Nox better for this. Anywho, the current Elves are an offshoot of the Nox who've lost their history and had somewhat divergent evolution from being on a completely different planet from the other Nox for so long.
It's Ancient technology, but with the Elves having forgotten their history they can't identify it anymore than the human and half-elven historians or archaeologists can. They've even consulted the Summon Spirits, but if they know then they aren't telling. And they do seem to know something.
Seles is fascinated. She's gotten interested in archaeology - Zelos blames Raine, who of course wouldn't see why being interested in old stuff would be so boring to him. But Zelos is trying to be supportive so he's shown up at the dig site.
There's a giant stone circle inside and that Zelos does find interesting. Its made up of a foreign material similar to exspheres, but it's clearly refined the same way exspheres were. While it's still somehow being powered - though they've yet to successfully activate it - it's clear the power source is external and stored in capacitors, not imbued with the power of a human life sacrificed to it's production.
That's when an offworld activation occurs and a Goa'uld and his army shows up. Zelos manages to hide Seles, but then he and two others are 'selected' similar to how Sha're and Skara are in the episode Children of the Gods.
On another world now, Zelos manages to befriend one of the Jaffa guards. Not enough to be snuck out, but enough that Zelos is pretty sure he's not going to get killed by this guy when things inevitably get worse. A selection is going on and, as Mekel explains, the Goa'uld - gods, but not really and isn't that a familiar situation for Zelos to be in? - are selecting new hosts. They're parasites. And that's when Zelos realizes he's in more trouble than he realized.
And so is Mekel and anyone else if Zelos gets 'Chosen'. The Chappa'ai (Stargate) is made of the similar-to-exspheres element. And so is the tech the Jaffa use - and thus the Goa'uld use. And, according to Mekel, the Goa'uld and Jaffa have that element - naquadah - in their blood stream. It's similar enough to exspheres that just being surrounded by so much of it makes Zelos able to feel his now-dormant powers again (dormant ever since he stopped using his angelus crystal) but not enough to actually use those powers.
He's pretty sure if he gets possessed? Those powers will be back and in the control of a wannabe god. Not good.
Mekel is not thrilled to learn this either. He may believe the Goa'uld are false gods, but they're still ridiculously powerful. Giving even one of them more power??? Could only be a bad thing. He's not sure he believes this isn't a ploy on Zelos' part to try and get away safely, but he does like Zelos now so... he decides to help Zelos escape. In doing so they discover a Tok'ra prisoner and after a short explanation about the Tok'ra vs Goa'uld divide, they decide to take him along.
The three of them jump a few planets and Zelos laments that he doesn't know his own world's address to go home. They'd be safe there. Though he's also hoping that they've somehow disabled the gate to prevent further incursions, though he knows Lloyd will be beyond pissed if the King chooses to abandon Zelos and the others to their fate that way.
They realize they didn't get away clean when an Ashrak injures the Tok'ra - Jeren and... I admit I don't have a name for his host in mind yet. They're too badly injured. Jeren could survive in a new host, but it's too late for his current one. Mekel refuses to become a Tok'ra host. If there were a way for him to be free of his symbiote without dying, he'd take it in a heartbeat... except for this. Which Jeren assures Mekel that he understands.
Zelos volunteers. He's come to trust Jeren and he knows the information Jeren seeks to take to the Tok'ra is important. It's just temporary, after all. Until a new host can be found, anyway.
As Zelos suspected, being bonded with Jeren revives his old exsphere/angelus crystal granted powers. He can't bring out his wings, but he's able to call on Judgement and some of his other high-level spells. And when the Ashrak strikes again, the three of them are able to kill the Goa'uld assassin this time.
But even with Zelos' healing powers restored, he never had Raine's gift for Resurrection and so Jeren's previous host is too far gone even for Zelos to heal even now. At least with the Ashrak dead, the man is avenged and they're able to safely seek out the current Tok'ra safe house by contacting another Tok'ra spy who knows where to send them.
The Tok'ra are fascinated by Zelos' powers but also relieved its not something they can replicate. Because if they can't, the Goa'uld can't either. And unfortunately the Tok'ra don't have a way to send Zelos home yet because they don't have the address to his world either.
When a new guy volunteers to become Jeren's host, Zelos decides he likes the partnership and stays Jeren's host after all. Mekel offers his services to the Tok'ra specifically to protect Zelos and Jeren. If the Goa'uld became aware of Zelos' powers, they'd seek to capture him and remove Jeren in order to take his body for themselves.
A few years later, Egeria is discovered and Zelos is brought in to try and use his unusual powers to heal her. He's met SG-1 once or twice before and Mekel and Teal'c have a mutual respect for each other going on. Zelos does manage to heal Egeria enough to stabilize her for travel, but she needs the care of her people going forward - she needs a host. But doing so meant revealing his abilities to SG-1.
Egeria fixes the flaws in Tretonin and Mekel jumps at the chance to try it. And after talking things over with SG-1, Zelos and Jeren tell Mekel they want to request they be assigned as a sort of permanent liaison to the SGC. Mekel likes this idea so they go through with it. Jacob and Selmak think it'll be a great fit.
Admittedly my ideas for this verse skip around a bit. Zelos, Jeren, and Mekel verses an Ori Prior would be very interesting to see happen. At some point they'd make contact with Aselia and Zelos is able to see his sister and friends again. Also... Lloyd and Colette kicking Ori ass with their angel powers, as some of the few still utilizing angelus crystals, would be a great deal of fun.
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I abandoned and deleted my fanfic where the the Jaffa nation are requested to help with the Wraith and, thanks to updating the hyper-drive engines, a fleet of Jaffa ships wage war on the Wraith. There would be scenes of Jaffa helping, what they assumed would be weak humans but, seeing their strength of will, even after most of their people were wiped out and being forced to flee their planet, they still resist the Wraith.
But the Jaffa realize just how strong the human spirit is, and the people of Pegasus began to have hope that just maybe the Wraith could be stopped. But things get worse when the Genii, who made a deal with the Travellers to help fix their ships, end up betraying them and stealing their ships. Their full plan is truly revealed. The reason they were building nukes and had so many spies over the galaxy, and built their cities underground, wasn't because they wanted to blow up Wraith ships. Their true plan was to send the nukes to every known planet, which their spies would be able to learn all of them. Then they would fake it to make it look like their world was also bombed. With the complete extinction of every world (or so they thought but nobody knew about the space gates until the Atlantis Expedition showed up) the Wraith would have starved to extinction.
Now that they have the Traveller ships, they can implement their plans as well as launch attacks on planets with space gates. So the Jaffa now have to face a war on two fronts, stopping the Wraith and the Genii. With the possibility of extinction, the Wraith would be more open to Dr. Keller's attempt to stop the Wraiths need to feed on humans and instead survive on regular food, but that gets problematic when a Goa'uld takes possession of a Wraith queen and, with her increased mental abilities, takes over a Jaffa ship as well as several Wraith hive ships. Which starts a three-way civil war with the new Wraith, who's trying to create peace with the humans and the Jaffa, the old fashioned Wraith who are doing everything they can to take control of a Jaffa ship that could fly them to the milky way, and the new Goa'uld, who wants to bring their race back into true power using the Wraith as their new hosts.
All of which resulted in a massive space battle over a planet with Wraith, Jaffa, Genii, and Goa'uld, all fighting each other for the fate of the universe hanging in the balance.
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all of them for stargate ask 😌
1. how would you stop a wraith from feeding on you?
"you don't want me, I'm gamey" either that or swatting his hand
2. do you think you'd have the ATA gene?
3. goa'uld, Ancient, wraith, or Asguard technology?
asguard tech is so cool but I'd rather a city that loves me 😌
4. if you were in the stargate programme, would you prefer to be stationed at Cheyenne Mountain, Atlantis, or Area 51?
re : the last question, I'd rather a city that loves me
5. would you be willing to join the Tok'ra? why or why not?
I think they could fix me
6. what's your opinion on the Ancients?
fuck em
7. would you like to fly a puddle jumper?
I can't drive a bloody car
8. wraith stunner or zat gun?
I don't have enough hand control to use a weapon that kills in 2 shots and disintegrates in 3
9. what alien language would you like to learn if you could?
✨️all of them✨️
10. which character(s) most matches your vibe?
I'm a mix of Daniel and Rodney but I'd love to be like Sam
11. what would you do if you found yourself in a time loop/dilation field?
depends where I am. if I'm in the stargate programme, I'd do stupid shit knowing I have no consequences. if I'm just at home, I probably wouldn't even notice for like 5 loops
12. what would you do first with access to a ZPM?
movie night in the hologram room
13. what's your favourite ship?
relationship? Sam x jack. battleship? The O'Neill. amazing ship with such a short lifespan and I love Jack's reaction to "the asguard named a ship after you and I blew it up"
14. what's your favourite goa'uld and/or wraith?
goa'uld - I forgot his name but the Greek one that all he did was eat, make jokes, and solve complicated computer problems. what a life.
wraith - Todd 😌
15. you run into your robot duplicate. how do you react?
welcome to the family. time for some parent trap shenanigans.
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norcumii · 1 year
Hi yes hello I am Thinking about Ventress in the Stargate fic again, and I wanted to ask: would a former human host who has lost their Jedi be able to teach a youngling Jedi that they now host? Like, if Ky Narec was a human host, and his Jedi somehow died in his crash onto Rattatak, would he have enough knowledge of how Jedi learn FROM that to teach some to Ventress, even though he's not a Jedi-by-species?
Or would it be more likely to be the reverse, where Ventress is a Force-Sensitive Dathomiri Zabrak, who finds Jedi!Ky after his host dies, and they figure out her powers through the overlap they have with their powers? Though, in that case, it would be difficult to kill Ky the way canon did, since he's hosted.
Maybe both are Jedi-by-species, and Ventress's host is a Dathomiri Zabrak girl who loses her shit in tandem with Ventress herself...
I know this is the second time I've brought up Ventress and her situation in this series but I am SO INCREDIBLY CURIOUS in the many ways her story can be reconfigured for this new world
(many apologies for the delay; brick space has been Full Of Things lately -_-;;)
Huuuuh. I think a former human host would be able to easily communicate what they know and learned from their former Jedi to the new one, but they wouldn't be able to teach things they didn't learn/"remember"/ask about -
however, according to Stargate canon (so please add a usual amount of salt), if a goa'uld dies while hosted that leaves patchy erratic memories with the host. So it's possible that said host might have some random details, but nothing truly comprehensive.
*chinhands* The rest is just delightful, though sadly I do not have brains enough for more than gleeful squeaking and applause!
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ao3feed-samjack · 9 months
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