milesandmatters · 7 years
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Have you ever noticed the things about your partner that make you fall in love with them even more than you did the moment you met? Or the things that bother the ever living hell out of you? Also the tiny quirks they have..let's put this into perspective; Amber and I have been together for almost two years now and there are just certain things I know that will bug her in a heart beat..for example with our 6 hour time difference if she falls asleep at a certain time and the call cuts out and I then proceed to call..I'm screwed. Hell hath no fury like a woman just waking up from a deep sleep (am I right?) or in my case when She clearly sees me getting annoyed about her copying everything I say and she just doesn't stop. I still laugh deep down every time but anyways the point is after sometime things will seem crazy in your growth with each other after being together so long. I think if there is anything that keeps an LDR going between you and your significant other it's the respect you gain for them from your equal growth. Like I love the fact how I can read her emotions through her voice perfectly or the fact she can see my emotions all over my face on Skype..it makes you feel appreciated and loved in the most important way of all and it shows you that you have a partner that can openly understand your wants and needs. ________________________ What are some of the quirks you have with each other? Does it make you feel loved when they know you so well? What is your perspective on this point of view? . . . . . #ldr #longdistance #longdistancerelationship #couples #learning #growing #relationships #lovingfromadistance #ldrsupport #love #ldrlife #ldrlove #lovingfromafar #milesapart #growingtogether #emotions #feelings #ldrthoughts #talktous #lovebeatsdistance #distancesucks #ldrswork #longdistanceworks
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