#lc tiphereth
hanato-hoshi · 9 months
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ayin approved child labor will never be unfunny to me
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autisticayin · 1 year
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waiting room clock, floral wreath, circle of hell
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chikos-workshop · 7 days
Shop update – On-going sale, new items and restocks!
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September is half over and that means the sale is halfway done! Enjoy 20% off everything on Shopify and Etsy while you can!
(Cotton dolls are still additional 10% off on my shopify :3)
(Sorry I never announced this here I was exhausted after doing twitter announcement)
Shop Link
1. Collab merch - EGO buttons and Yan Sticker
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Starting with more collab merch, we have a pair of buttons featuring the seasonal EGOs by @AzeruArts on twitter! Ryoshu and Yi Sang are contained neatly in their cells, ready to be dispensed :)
This will hopefully be an expanding series, let me know if there's any EGOs you'd like to see 👀
Button Link
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Work getting you down? Yan’s there to keep you company as a sticker! Now you can be stuck to a desk together. Try not to distort :)
Another collab merch by @AzeruArts
Sticker Link
2. Double sided Angela Acrylic Block
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Robot Assistant or Library Director. Both Angelas are now on sale! She comes in either an acrylic block or in a quicksand block. Watch the Light she cultivated gently fall in the background, or peek at the Carmen between the layers
Acrylic Block
3. Other Merch that Dropped and I Forgor to post here
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Tiny Sephirot Standees
Tiny ALEPHs standees
4. Restocks & Other Notes
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The (Note)Book of the Library makes a return along with the highly requested tiny librarian phone charms! The notebooks will come with an Angela bookmark, while supplies last.
Book Link
Phone Charms Link
If you see a phone charm design that sold out, feel free to contact me! I'll try my best to accommodate if I still have stock!
Also, the prices for phone charms will go up a bit after this sale (12 CAD per charm) to match the prices of other kc on my shop!
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sentient-meatpile · 1 year
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the haters
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ahmedmootaz · 8 months
This is kinda impossible, but what if Enoch/Tiphereth B survived into Library of Ruina/brought back to life after the good ending somehow and also got turned into a child along with Tiphereth A?
Would lil Lisa end up becoming bolder and have a sharper tongue than she does in AIP without him?
What would a younger than ever before Enoch/Tiphereth B act since Tiphy also had a personality change in AIP?
How would Ayin react to seeing his first-to-die adoptive son again?
How would X react to seeing the person whose first death was what kickstarted the whole spiral of suffeeing that lead to the Script and X existence?
How would Roland react to seeing someone that he cringely called Tiphereth's boyfriend before she corrected him with a punch?
Which dad would end up taking him in? Ayin because he wants to be a dad to Enoch again and Lisa insists she and Enoch are siblings? Roland because he seems to have the most calm/thoughtful kids and Enoch is one philosophical child? X because Garion wants someone to have debates with and because he needs someone calm amongst his kids?
Most importantly, what more cute and sad interactions would we have had if Enoch was present in AIP?
Dear Anonymous,
Ah, such a poignant question, eh? I suppose it's only natural considering how important Enoch is to Tiphy, and how it's inevitable that he will have to be addressed at some point, so I'm quite glad that we'll touch on that in this ask, ehehe.
Well, to start things off, I think that bringing Enoch into the Library cannot be done without some good angst. After all, the poor boy's story is just chock-full of it, and who am I to not add onto a good angsty story?
I think, as a start, that if Enoch was transported to the Library as Tiphereth B, then he would have severe memory loss issues as a side-effect of his constant reconstruction in the Corporation and the fact that he was turned into a Sephirah long after he died (since it's implied he died at least a few weeks before Carmen's suicide, and definitely a month or two before everything went down the drain and the Head attacked), so his brain was certainly not in prime condition. I think his personality and intelligence would remain unchanged, but he would definitely have difficulty remembering faces and names, and perhaps even people. Maybe he'd only really remember Tiphy/Lisa and perhaps some deeply-implanted memories of Carmen and Ayin, since he was quite attached to the two of them during his lifetime (from what little we hear about him, anyway), so I think his presence in the Library would be a constant source of joy and torment for Tiphy/Lisa, since she'd be overjoyed he could actually join her again and she didn't have to mourn him anymore, but at the same time, seeing his state sometimes makes her wish that he was actually resting.
Should he be de-aged alongside the rest of the Librarians, I think he would definitely get Lisa to open up a little, if only to speak up on his behalf because he would be quite quiet and calm. I think that, although she would be shy as well, she would grow a little bolder to voice his demands and opinions, at least with Ayin. Of course, it's only logical that Ayin would take him in as well, seeing how he'd be inseparable from Lisa. In LC, it seemed as if they knew each other ever since they were little kids, so I assume that Lisa would definitely recognise him, although she wouldn't really be overprotective of him seeing how she'd remember nothing of the Old Laboratory, but she'd definitely have a nagging sensation in her mind that demands she doesn't separate from him at all costs and to always keep him under her gaze, though she would probably be lax on that sensation from time to time.
As for differences in character...Perhaps Enoch wouldn't be as...resigned as he was shown to be in LC. That was one of his most defining features, considering it was what led him to he okay with the Cogito experiment and threw the whole LC cast down the rabbit hole it's known for, so perhaps he would still be calm, intelligent and eccentric, though not necessarily as much of a death-seeker or as resigned as he was, showing some determination of his own when he'd be given a warm house and a warm family without the Outskirts' memories.
How would Ayin react...I think he'd be very scared, all things considered, in the same way someone would be scared of breaking a million-dollar vase. After all, it'd be like seeing a ghost, and considering the circumstances surrounding Enoch, it would a ghost that haunted Ayin for his entire life. I think that describing their relationship in a single word would be: Guilt. It's not similar to any of the guilt that Ayin has to grapple with on a regular basis, however; it is a crushing, all-encompassing guilt that encompasses everything that was caused by the experiment with Enoch, from Carmen's death to the Library's creation, and it would also be the type of guilt that flinches at how unassuming Enoch would be. Whenever he'd innocently thank or hug or shake Ayin's hand, it would cause tremendous amounts of guilt to the older man simply because he knows how this story ended, even though Enoch would harbour no ill-will whether de-aged or as a theoretical Patron Librarian.
When it comes to X, I don't think he'd harbour any anger or resentment to Enoch, although it'd certainly be a fascinating thought experiment for him to go: "I wouldn't have been here without him, huh?", and he would likely give him a few stares from time to time for no reason other than that he's simply fascinated by his presence considering he only ever saw him under the Script's influence. He would see what Carmen regretted so much following the Cogito experiment, and if anything I think he would pity him for what he had to endure during the Script.
As for Roland, I think this is the most interesting of the dads not when it comes to the reaction to Enoch and his interactions with him, but with how Enoch forms Roland's perception of Ayin; he knew that Enoch was sacrificed for the Cogito experiment, but seeing how calm and friendly he is would definitely increase the resentment for the experiment (and subsequently Ayin) tenfold...at least at the start of the Incident. When he and Ayin grow closer, I think Roland might start asking if there were other ways to progress the Cogito research without resorting to experimenting on Enoch, and he would definitely understand the plight of the Old Laboratory more, not being too judgemental although not letting off the Old Lab off the hook for using Enoch so readily, even if there was a lot of hesitation with the decision. Eventually, I think Roland sees Enoch as a turning point for Ayin, in a way, with the latter's immense guilt and pain would drive him towards being a better person to try taking care of him not just as Enoch, but as Tiphy B whenever they do manage to turn the kids back.
Although all of the possibilities with other parents work precisely for the reasons you mentioned, I think that it's simply long overdue for us to give Ayin a second chance at this parenting business, especially when he's the one with such an emotional connection to Enoch both before and after the Old Lab's fall.
As for cute and sad interactions...Hmm, well, I think Enoch would mellow out a little with Angela, cooing at her and playing with her as his real little sister, which would definitely inflame the flames of jealousy between her and Lisa, with Lisa vying for Ayin's affection as a way to get back at Angela for hogging 'her' Enoch. It would be one of the more unique 'battles' out there, eheh.
But as for sad interactions...perhaps the saddest of them all would be Ayin realising that he has to re-age Enoch back into Tiphy B and endure the loss and separation again after just 15 days together as the father and son they always should've been. It definitely makes the decision to re-age the Librarians far harder, especially considering the difficulties Enoch would contend with as Tiphereth B...Of course, without mentioning the copious sad interactions where Ayin shrivels a little on himself whenever he'd see Enoch appreciating him, knowing deep down that he failed him long, long ago...
Of course, there are many more possible interactions, but this ask is getting quite a bit long now, so hey, if you're curious about them you can always send a separate ask and I'll try to answer semi-soonish. Until next time, Anon, be well, stay safe, and see ya'!
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strangefellows · 21 days
YEAHHH like you pointed out already limbus seems to be heavily focusing on lobcorp rather than lor since we’ve got two lc events compared to one lor event (although they could just be doing it in a pattern and the next one is lor)
I really hope they do start diving deeper into lobcorp lore because what the hell is up with the ordeals. what im getting so far is that ordeals are to abnormalities what peccatulum are to distortions, if that makes any sense. and the fact the white ordeals basically predicted the future with the library, and the midnight of white is an entire ass claw, how the hell did ayin get that?????
im pretty confident that a hypothetical sephirah meltdown event would firmly stick to the upper layer, mayyyybe tiphereth if we push it, but gebura would absolutely kick the sinners asses unless there are other nuggets around, which would be cool since the sinners have never had combat allies before
yeah yeah exactly!!! i think we might get more lor events, but the focus will definitely be on locorp -- that's the origin of the abnormalities, where it all began, and something we know little about in comparison to the library, which we saw built from the ground up firsthand more or less in lor; its lobcorp that still has so many mysteries around it, and given one of those is its ties to the smoke war, of which we have TWO (2) veterans of....it just makes sense to make it come full circle
which, again, ties into my ayin theory given that he is the beginning and so will be the end; the alpha and the omega.
YEAH tho the ordeals are fascinating, and absolutely how the fuck did the white ordeals happen. i think abel says something about them not being ACTUAL fixers/a claw but like. manifestations of the well of consciousness's representations something something. but even in that, like....how did they make them manifest???? and the lore we got in the event about how the ampoules/bullets work, that's delicious, and the bit about the regenerators....like, we're getting more lobcorp lore here then in lobcorp itself in some cases! esp about the agents!
which really really lends itself again to my theory because like, we're learning new things about lobcorp we didn't know IN lobcorp, while in the lor event nothing addressed there iirc was new to us, and that in and of itself says a lot.
yeah that could track bc they're the most straightforward in comparison to others in regards to mechanics. and oh my god oh my god that would be INCREDIBLE since thanks to verg in canto 6 we have precedence for npc assistance in battles. i would love that.
i just saw a post on twt relatedly talking about how strange it would be for ayin to see these randos show up to fight ordeals/etc and die and come back without his interference and god. GOD if we hear X on the intercom at some point i think i might just cease existing because that would be THE FIRST TIME IN THE ENTIRE FUCKING SERIES we hear him speak as a character because he had no voice in lobcorp and the narrator of the meltdown flashbacks was "A" not our boy X/the ayin i think is dante.
but like. fr tho. fr if we get a meltdown and dante does their thing like they do w the sinners thats it right there pack it up i win.
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northwest-cryptid · 2 years
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If it's alright with you, may I ask for some fluff and angst headcanons/imagines about the LC Traffic Light OT3 that is Ayin, Benjamin, and Carmen? They have a lot of good potential for both fluff and angst that are rarely explored together.
Thank you in advance if you do! The LC fandom appreciates all of the numerous and interesting imagines and headcanons you create, especially the sheer volume you have that it necesittes seperating the thoughts into seperate masterlists.
Oh, my motivation for writing is as wavy as Beat Saber's Player's arms after playing Camellia song on Expert. So sorry that i got like that
In any way, thanks for being patient with me. So, i'll try to add some things into this request as well
Under cut for spoilers. HEAVY STORY SPOILERS
TW: death (alot)
Ayin, Benjamin and Carmen headcanons
•okay, im like 90% sure that majority of newcomers to this universe only played LoR as LC is mostly overlooked due to the gameplay, and likely see Ayin as a terrible, irredimable guy
•he was not like that when his head was alright. Ayin was an introverted, silent guy of the 3, even if he was very smart
•Carmen is the "too much energy" extrovert friend that just does not shut up. But while some may see her as an evil woman, her pity for the people living in the city was real. Living there aint the best thing you know?
•Benjamin was a 3rd wheel, but funny enough, a mix of Ayin and Carmen's personalities. He is shy, but can be vocal about his ideas and opinion on what do these guys do
•Carmen is oblivious, Ayin loves Carmen, Benjamin loves Ayin, there, i said it. You can leave xd
•okay, but their relationship didnt start on the first sight. There were months and years even of these 3 being together
•Carmen was the one to invite majority of the Sephirahs into LC (including Benjamin) and encouraged Ayin to get to know them better. And Ayin, being an introvert, did so after some nudges from Carmen
•turns out he also liked their company alot
•Enoch and Lisa (Tiphereths) were unofficially adopted by Ayin and Carmen when they rescued the kids
•these 3 were living fine lives in Lobotomy Corporation before it all went downhill ....
•this is were you should stop scrolling cus it will be bad
-ok u good? Good? Ok-
•yeah, people die during accidents, and, trust me, they were upset when it happened
•but experiments failed and caused people to die, including some dear friends like Elijah, Enoch. Garion raided their facility, killed whoever she spotted.... You know how the Sephirahs died by now, dont you?
•in the end when Carmen took her own life... Ayin broke down. He didnt care if people died. He promised Carmen to finish what they had started... Regardless of how much more sinful acts he must commit. Going as far as to make that dreadful perfect scenario that didn't help his mental health
•a part of him tried to make himself feel better by making Angela, but that too, failed. But now Ayin didnt even have a slight motivation to either deactivate Angela or to let her live how she wanted. So, she just became another tool for the scenario to do
•it got so bad that Benjamin/Hokma had to erase Ayin's memories, calling him X. And politely asked Angela to watch over Ayin in case he starts going insane again
•Ayin, now X, is pretty oblivious to the relationships he had before now. Not that he minds it
•.... He still feels lonely in his room, X does not know what is he missing to feel like that
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kiyosato-yuri · 2 years
Random thought about Project Moon's characters being Inkling and Octoling and this how I think :
Malkuth 🦑 Yesod 🐙 Netzach 🦑 Hod 🐙
Tiphereth A 🦑 Tiphereth B 🦑 Gebura 🐙 Chesed 🦑
Binah 🐙 Hokma 🐙 Angela 🐙 Carmen 🐙 Ayin 🦑
Roland 🦑 Angelica 🐙
Zena 🦑 Baral 🐙
Liu Association:
Xiao+Lowell 🐙🐙
Mei 🦑 Cecil 🐙 , Chun 🦑 Miris 🐙
RRR Corp + Purple Tears
🦑 Myo
🐙 Maxim
🦑 Rudolph
🐙 Nicolai
🐙 Iori
W Corp :
Lesti 🦑
Rose 🐙
Sen 🐙
( add more later...)
Limbus Company:
Yi Sang 🦑
Faust 🐙
Don Quixote 🦑
Ryoshu 🐙
Meursault 🐙
Ishmael 🐙
Heathcliff 🐙
Hong Lu 🦑
Rodya 🦑
Sinclair 🦑
Gregor 🦑
Outis 🐙
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thetstandsfort · 1 year
My main nuggs (and those who I haven't remembered for a long time... and just a rundown of my LC playthrough)
When I first played LC, I got two employees who I grew in love for. Asera and Kobenri.
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Underneath Asera's Today's Expression mask, they just have a tired expression including a stubble (thank the Wellcheers crew). Asera is calm, collected, works dilligently and fights alright. I envision them hating work since they just rule at it.
Kobenri, a custom employee, is kind of similar to the Kobeni she was based off. Scared shitless, but can fight a really good fight. Later she became a Twilight wielder, contrasting with BongBong's Paradise Lost.
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Asera was also an employee who died thanks to Portrait of another World linking them with someone who was working with Justice Bird. It also marked my first big reset, as I had some unfortunate abnormalities close together.
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Also going through my screenshots, it comes to my attention that Kobenri once got selected for Baby Duty.
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So, first reset. Installed some mods to make custom employees free. Here's Mari.
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Mari... I forgot everything about her.
Anyways, later on, Kobenri reached Quintuple V
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Ain't that nice? Way later she did decide to smoke thanks to Freischutz giving her an E.G.O. gift.
But then, way later, when Kobenri was wielding [CENSORED] and wearing Mimicry... a legend was born
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BongBong, an agent of chaos, a creature beyond our comprehension, maybe even a humanoid abno in disguise. I really like her, unfortunately, she doesn't get the spotlight yet
However, one employee who I mocked when I was building the facility is the one named Xavier.
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Xavier looks... in my honest opinion, a bit ugly. It's thanks to Wellcheers, but even despite that, he slays magical girls, pulling the Queen of Hatred out of hysteria multiple times.
Meanwhile BongBong was wielding the Magical Bullet, causing some days to take some trial and error.
About Asera, they got covered by [CENSORED]
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Same went with Kobenri, but with eyes.
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So after taking care of Asiyah's problems, I restarted again.
This is where the nuggetsplosion happens
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Yes, BongBong got misspelled, but the rest is here, including some not-so important custom nugs. A lot of them were from DMC, Evangalion, Yakuza, Genshin Impact, but all misspelled in a little way.
We also have my girlfriend, who looks more like Zato-1. I love her to bits, but she's not really an "OC", I would say. She's just along for the ride.
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Waay later, after Tiphereth got ice cream, Chesed got coffee and Gebura did the facility in, I created Chiyo-Chan
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From Azumanga Daioh, I created her as a disposable employee, although she sticked by my side for a long part of the game. She even went through Hokma's little tantrum, which was easily contained by repressing the urge to press space.
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Still, Asera got killed again.
After this, I did another reset, got BongBong's name correct and decided to finish this game, going for all the other abno's left. So while abusing time and trying to lure three birds and a plague doctor
So. as my main blorbo's (if I use this term correctly), we have Asera, Kobenri, BongBong and Xavier. It's time for my final one.
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Born with a bit of an unfortunate name and sent to the team with a weird sephiroth, here's my final blorbo: Poussey. While Asera knows their shit, Poussey does not and does not care. She can punch, kick, and turn you into a book before you can say that I'm referencing the wrong Project Moon game.
After getting a lost paradise, I restarted for the final time.
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Remember when I said I had some DMC characters? Dio was the replacement for one of the characters, and has a keen refusal to die ever since. KiKi is supposed to be the perfect rival of BongBong, but it did not work out. But other than Courtney, the rest just had to be made on my own.
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As for BongBong being an agent of chaos, I mean it.
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BongBong and Kobenri are also a thing.
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Their relation even made them sprout wings (Note, whitenight was not available at the time, thus the console was used. I regret nothing.)
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I erm... ran out of screenshots. Boo-womp
So, after LC, where are they now?
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(the other floors have nothing of note)
They are loyal parts of the Library, Xavier still has to be pulled from somewhere, but we might be able to find him in no time when the writer actually plays Ruina further again for Pete's sake.
Thank you for reading to my inner machinations of my mind, I hope you enjoyed my coverage of LC a bit using the hook of nuggets.
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shimishtar · 3 years
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hanato-hoshi · 7 months
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netzach, tiphereth, and missing pages.
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felikatze · 2 years
wwhat if i. since i drew baldr as a nugget. what if i drew eraqus as hokma. and baldr but this time as binah. and xehanort as X.
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chikos-workshop · 2 years
Shop Update - Even more Buttons!
A little late for an update, but a small post to show off some new stock and a little giveaway :3c
1. (Not so) Tiny Librarians
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(Not So) Tiny Librarians Button set is now up! These designs will eventually become stickers and phone charms (if you are looking to collect them), but for now they're available as 1.5" buttons!
2. Flowers & Fragrance (Heart Pinback Buttons)
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Flowers & Fragrance heart buttons also available in limited quantity, so get them while they last! Malk, Yesod, Hod and Netz framed in a heart, will they be yours?
Thanks for answering the poll btw! I really appreciate everyone showing their interest :3c
Also, if you missed the buttons, there will be prints to get as well! They're not heart shaped though :(
3. Honey & Chocolate Heart Button
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Lastly, summer comes early for the arbiters in this Honey & Chocolate Heart Button! Keychains and a special standee also coming :3c
4. Giveaway
If you get any Netzach merch from now until Wednesday (Feb 8th) you may be entitled to 1 test print of Netz :3c They are a little flawed, but mostly functional!
As usual, you can find my shop here, along with my other proj moon stuff
That's all for this week! And probably enough buttons for a while while I pine for my other merch to come home from the war.
Ps: I've been trying to categorize my posts on this blog! If you search through the tags you should be able to find blogs about a character you like. It's a little bit of a clutter but hope it helps people navigate a little better :0
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cult-of-the-gundead · 4 years
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Lunchotomy Corporation
Face the Snax, Build the Future
(aka the lobotomy corporation sephirah but grumpuses bc nd brain goes whoooosh)
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ahmedmootaz · 6 months
On the topic of Limbus Sinners, do you ever find it weird too that Gregor's claw hand in his Base EGO has Malkuth, Gebura, Chesed, Binah and Hokma's symbols on it? Was there ever a connection between him and the Librarians aside from having similar Jewish origins? Or was there ever an explanation why Yesod, Hod, Netzach, Tiphereth and Kether's symbols weren't?
I refuse to believe that PM just stuck on only those specific symbols for aesthetics on Gregor's arm considering how much attention is paid to the details in their world. There has to be a reason but I'm pulling out my hair asking what it all means. Please send help. Or if you can't, send headcanons instead please. I just need a bone to gnaw on in this mystery.
Dear Anonymous,
Well, that's just one of the many mysteries with PM's storytelling, eh? The way they leave us pulling out our teeth and hair, hehe...
Now, I can't claim to be a Limbus expert; I don't seek out every inkling of lore as I did with LC and LoR, although based on my experience with PM's previous works, if we are to apply Occam's razor, then the reason behind the emblems being there is...reused art assets. Yup, believe it or not, I think that this could be one of the main reasons they're there, but at the same time, you have a point, Anon; it would be quite odd if they left reused assets on such an important sprite...
In which case, perhaps it's a call-back? A reference of sorts? I cannot find a link between these particular Sephirahs; Binah and Hokma, I can link them to the Smoke War, which formed an important part of Gregor's life. But Gebura, Malkuth, and Chesed...? What would they have to do with anything? It's a bit convoluted, I must admit, so I cannot say that I have an answer, but either it is something that will be so brilliant when PM eventually reveals what it is, ooooooooooooor...it'll just be another plot hole that PM will leave for us to fill one day, hehehe.
Until next time, Anon, sorry for not being able to give a more detailed answer! Take care, be well, and see ya'!
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