#lava quirk
blue-rosa-art · 7 months
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Lava Tears 🔥💧
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snowyfrostshadows · 1 year
Another question for the Beast & Beauty AU : Luigi is a Big Monster now. Bowser is a Big Monster too. Do they have Big Monster quirks they share ? (If you say purring I'll die happy)
Purring, growling, wagging tails are the things that immediately spring to mind as being the most probable common quirks between a giant turtle dragon monster and whatever mishmash Luigi is.
Maybe an enjoyment for sunbathing?
Which would confuse the hell out of Luigi. He's covered in fur. Why would some sunlight through a window feel so good? Wouldn't it make him overheated????
As for purring......I think he'd be SUPER embarrassed the first time he did so.
Growling? Okay. Monsters growl.
Tail wagging? He can roll with that. Basically any and every animal with a tail will wag it.
Purring? Oh gooooood that's embarrassing. Especially if the the first time he does it is because Bowser compliments him on successfully scaring a toad. This is so much worse than blushing because he could claim it under literally any other emotion but purring??? Animals only do that when they're happy or with someone they like and oh.
Oh no.
Either scaring the pants off a certain (Very Rude) toad is making him giddy enough to purr or the positive reinforcement from Bowser is and he honestly isn't sure which of the two options is worse.
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sugarlywhispers · 11 months
should i do an "ask my characters" game? like, you send me asks, making question for any of the characters i've written?? sounds fun 🙃
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tojisun · 6 months
so obsessed with the “my cock is big so it wont fit” / “try me” relationship dynamic ughhhh thinking about this with simon and reader, and how reader’s desperation made them spiral, makes me so giggly
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thinking about the way you finger yourself everyday to stretch yourself out for simon; preparing yourself for him. practicing for him.
it becomes a routine; it was mundane, almost, but every time the thought that you’re doing this for simon slithers its way back to the forefront of your mind, you lose yourself—doused in the tendrils of your desire, so powerful it has you clenching on your own fingers.
they never hit deeper, never stretch you out wider, but they scratch the itch to be stuffed and manage to satiate you long enough for the next day to roll by.
it’s a lot worse when you meet up with simon because your core throbs with need, leaving you crossing your legs to give yourself that muted relief. but it’s never enough, is it?
simon’s right there, voice thick like molten lava, viscous as it washes over you. “are you alright, love?”
and you lie, gritting your teeth and clenching your fists tightly, telling him that of course you’re fine. because what else can you say? “i dream of your cock so much that i fuck myself everyday as prep”?
if you do say that, simon won’t ever let you live it down. so you stay quiet, crossing-and-uncrossing your legs at every of his deep laugh or gentle crooning, trying your best to ignore the way his palm squeezes the muscle of your thigh. you wonder if he’s doing this on purpose by now because there’s no way simon actually does naturally talk like this—
it’s all teases and taunts as a whirlpool of petnames dribble from his quirked-up lips. he calls you, baby and darling. he calls you sweetheart and lovie. but then he also calls you pup, doll, pet—anything that makes you gasp, and quiet puffs of breaths wheeze out of your trachea in your own stupor.
“you seem distracted,” he murmurs, his voice a worried croon.
“uh-huh,” you say, not really listening, because simon’s hand is climbing up higher and higher on your thigh.
simon notices your stare, because of course he does, then does…
he drops you off to your place that night, and leaves a kiss on your forehead before driving off. you watch from your living room window as he disappears from your line of sight before clambering towards your room, tearing your pants off your body and chucking your little slip of underwear behind you as you do so.
you sink into your plush mattress, knees braced by your softer pillows, before reaching behind you to plunge yourself with your fingers. two of them slide in easily, and you crook them just right until you’re mewling. moaning. crying.
your orgasm is a sharp rip of euphoric release. but the tidal wave of your ecstasy wafts off into its remnants just as quick because this, fucking yourself, isn’t the fix you want. it isn’t the fix you need.
(that said, making simon buckle was a lot easier said than done.)
you parted your legs yourself, planting your hands on the underside of your thighs to pull them open for simon. simon laughs when he saw this, his pale cheeks so flushed with his own desire.
“hurry,” you whine, all choked-up with your desperation, and simon only croons a warning.
“we need ta’prepare you, pup. i’m too big f’r you.”
his acknowledgment makes you leak, your wanton thoughts turning into slick that gushes out of you. simon laughs, so utterly endeared.
“i prepared myself, si! please put it in!”
simon sighs, crossing his arms over his chest. “i thought you wanted my cock?”
he waits for you to nod. you do so, careful, as your wet eyes look up at him.
“hmm. so listen to daddy, yeah?”
“okay,” you mumble, too overwhelmed to fight back.
simon smiles, murmurs his praises, and then he’s bringing his head between your legs. you squeak, surprise dotting your vision. you expected simon to prepare you, yes, but you expected his fingers—long, rough, thick—and not his tongue—
“siii-monnnn,” you keen, legs buckling from your hold until they tumble to his back, your strength getting zapped out of you at every lap of simon’s tongue.
it’s so good! so, so good!
simon takes over, hooking your legs over his shoulders himself as he burrowed deeper, nose grinding against the sensitive underside of your sex. his tongue pushes against your walls, sliding between them, and then simon sucks.
fuck! fuck—
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sorta pt 02
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lilacgaby · 12 days
title: entranced.
pairing: katsuki x fem! reader.
through all stages of his life, katsuki was entranced with you.
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katsuki was destined for greatness. everyone told him so, it was engrained in his mind from the moment his quirk manifested.
as a kid, he was top of the hill always, king of his crew, every game they'd play would leave him the champion. he was the fastest, the strongest, the coolest.
his ego fluctuated with every new person he'd meet, how he felt none could match up to the god-given power of his, until his last year of junior high you joined his class.
you, who hung around deku, not minding that he was quirkless.
you, who he found so entralling.
you didn't really socialize to the other classmates, so he didn't know what your quirk was..
at least not until the teacher announced you and deku were applying for U-A beside him. he scoffed, "you two? heroes? don't make me laugh, maybe you'll be lucky enough to be assistants at my agency, and that's a huge if, quirkless idiots."
"i'm not quirkless, and midoriya isn't an idiot. so take your foot out of your ass and learn to respect people." you grabbed midoriya's hand and guided him out.
that was the first time you ever spoke to him and he didn't have a rebuttal.
he glared as you two walked out the hallways together, his pack of goons followed him as he walked down the alleyway. they ran away when he got captured by the villain.. but you. you and deku ran against the crowd to go save him. despite how he insulted the two of you.
that was the first time he'd seen your quirk. behind deku who was aimlessly scrapping the gooey flesh of the villain attempting to take him over, you had taken to making magma rock, that turned to lava upon contact, and burned the flesh of the villain. this caused the villain to create an opening, that allowed allmight to save him.
he didn't talk to you after that, he didn't have the chance. the most you'd given him after that was a nod.
he saw you everywhere and in everything now. in the orange flowers, in the dandelions, in the way the clouds shaped.
he wasn't looking for you in the entrance exam, no way. but when he saw the familiar silhouette of your body next to deku's, he felt his heart race. you looked amazing, your body a bit more toned now, he assumed youve been training alongside deku all this time.
he wasn't looking at you.. but, he saw the look on your face as you pouted, mouthing to deku the session you were placed in. he was in the same one.
he wasn't looking for you or anything, but when he spotted the aftermaths of your quirk, referring to the massive amoungs of molten iron from the pointed robots, he sped up.
the sight of you in action sent cupid's arrow through his heart.
you, now covered in the magma rock yourself, with your hair being the main source of the lava pooling around the exam center. the robots turning to nothing as you blast each shot with pinpoint accuracy, the small sighs you'd occasionally let out birthing fire from your mouth.
there was now a range of symbols, red and apparent, marking your body. from your face to your arms and even your legs. he was in utter awe of the chaos, yet elegance of your quirk.
you were breathtakingly horrifying.
as soon as time was up, he'd gotten the top score of course. but it wasn't by a landslide as he'd hoped, because you were only 0.5 points away.
he'd hoped to see you again. and he did, in class 1-a, you'd taken a spot next to deku again, and a girl with pink cheeks. he tsked as he put his feet on his desk, prompting a guy with engines on his legs to reprimand him.
he was deeply moved whether you used your quirk, whether it was in the quirk physicals, team battles, or mock missions.
he didn't know how or why, but he'd managed to become friends with you. along with the rest of his group, or the people that followed him around and forcibly made him their friend, you'd hang around.
his conversations with you were usually short, he didn't know how to talk to you. you made him feel weird, a feeling he never really understood.
not until their first encounter with villains that is.
the second they were teleported, he was on a mission to look for you. kirishima walking behind him as he tried to find you and make sure you were okay.
but when he saw you cornered by a group? he went rabid, sending shot after shot onto them until they were unconscious. he helped you stand up. "you okay?" he held your hands in his.
"i.. im fine bakugo. thank you."
he felt his face flush, he was lucky his hands were covered by his outfit, because he was sweating inhumanely. you finally let go of his hands, making him sigh before you suggested, "let's go regroup with the others, k?"
he nodded, and joined back in the fight.
he got more comfortable with you after that, holding your hand seemed to be casual for you two now. he sat beside you at lunch, his hand on your thigh as you two ate. you trained together, studied together, hung out in his room together.
napped together once, his heart leaping out of his chest when he realized it wasn't a vivid dream, and that you really were next to him.
when he was kidnapped you were apart of the group who saved him, giving all for one a nasty burn on his bald head.
after that, he realized how you were on his mind constantly.
he wondered if you ate, if you slept, if you studied, how you scored.
when you were training at the agencies if you'd be safe, he knew you were capable, but because of the destructive quality of your quirk you couldn't use it often.
he'd confess his nightmares to you on late night calls. how the phantom pain of being suffocated would sometimes come back to him, how he hated being approached from behind.
and he'd go to bed, his heart racing when you confessed yours. "honestly.. my biggest nightmares are about losing you."
you were even on his mind when he died. alongside all-might and deku, stood you. he wanted your validation, he wanted to be a hero to you, that's what he thought about in his last moments.
when he was revived, he saw you in the hospital. you were alive. except for the severe burns on your arms from your body's over exertion, the only other wound was in your stomach.
his heart ached as he saw you. there was a gash in your stomach.
after weeks of rehabilitation, he couldn't take it anymore.
he bowed his head to you, confessing his feelings that had been boiling over for years. your arms were still bandaged and one of his was still in a cast. you grabbed his face, pulling him up to yours before planting a gentle kiss on his lips. you kept him there after, looking into his red eyes.
"i've liked you too for a while, bakugo."
you started dating. he worked to strengthen his hand, as you worked to up your bodies tolerance for your quirk. throughout the years you'd grown even closer. he got you a gorgeous promise ring, scratching the back of his head as he said, "it's just a placeholder for the next one. so, sorry if it's--" you cut him off with a hug and a kiss.
you graduated alongside eachother, where he gave another speech and you had to try your hardest not to burst out laughing at the memory of his first one.
you both worked hard, becoming pro heroes, and surprisingly
becoming popular because you two were dating.
you'd constantly be caught out together. photos of katsuki's smiles as you smear frosting on his nose, you two laying down on a picnic blanket and staring into each others eyes, you two walking around the streets.
sometimes you'd catch him watching your fights. could you blame him? he thought you were gorgeous, always. but especially when you were fighting. the look on your face, your actions, your confidence,
it'd send him spiraling.
you attended gala's together, him at your side. you've received thousands of modeling contracts, but you only accept ones that'd let you pose with katsuki.
you still made him nervous after all this time, so he'd audibly gulp whenever you circled him, striking poses so he'd laugh.
you became the nation's couple, which shocked the two of you to no avail.
he proposed to you on your 5th anniversary. true to his word, the ring was extravagant, it glimmered from all angles. he explained, looking into your eyes as he held your hand, "i could never find anything as gorgeous as you, but i hope it comes close."
your wedding was huge. you actually had two, one for close friends and family, where his mother took the reign to plan everything since you two were so busy.
and a huge public one, media and journalists allowed to see the million dollar wedding you two had to celebrate your years together, and katsuki's undying infatuation with you.
he was wrong though, because he did find something as gorgeous as you.
your beautiful baby girl that you welcomed to the world.
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the-moon-files · 3 months
Wait, quick idea! Twilight looks like the only hylian in his village because everyone else has round ears, so what if he wasn’t as surprised as the others to see their human companion so resilient, but still fairly impressed because of the fact that most if not all people in his village don’t put themselves in as drastic situations as the reader? Or is this just humans from our world?
get out of my head lmao /lh - you, me, and wayfayrr are actually the same person on diff accounts LMAO
im of the belief that (blame @wayfayrr, my beloved) that he knows of humans bc of some in his village but yeah, just not the type of human in drastic situations
(ALSO they wrote me a fun, long, glorious, male reader human space orc au fic for winning their raffle a bit ago, and it brings up their headcanon abt this and i Adore It actually, check it out here pls if u wanna know🤲)
(also if u see this wayfayrr, sorry for the ping, also should i be calling u moss? or wayfayrr?? idk which, i hope thats even ok to ask 😭 i assumed u would call my ass Moon)
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Moon: Male-Masc Reader (he/him)
Orbit: short headcanons-ish, rambling mostly
Stars: Twilight Princess Link (Twi/Twilight), mentions of other Links
Comets & Meteors: CWs: none known, & TWs: none known.
Please comment if I missed any. /gen
to reiterate what i said up there, in case u skipped it for the bullet points,
i like the headcanon he knows humans, knows some of their quirks, and how they were the first ppl the other hylian villagers called on to help stuck cows or downed wagons, lots of heavy lifting stuff
but he really hasnt seen the extent of real humans, bc the humans who were in Ordon, well, they lived in hylian society,
why would they need the adrenaline to lift a car when hylians have set up whole tools and systems in all their towns to help lift just a full bucket of water out of the well??
not to mention, i think all the humans in his village were older adults? like at least not the age theyd be doing things like parkour or going to any trampoline parks type of age,
id imagine its more like stories talked about amongst hylians how hard humans can go, and even the humans themselves talked abt things like,
“well compared to u hylians, we have stomachs made of molten lava to you guys really, but we never have to use it, bc u know hylian food works just fine”
when Twi asked they would say stuff like that, but as soon as he saw ur human ass just picking wildflowers and berries off the side of the road to snack on? even random grasses/vines at some point (kudzu)?? easily eating Wild’s Dubious Food that's DEFINITELY got monster parts in it???! gnawing on the bone of a cucco and it just breaks??!!! and you look surprised too, thank fuck finally a normal reaction from u- oh my goddesses u were just curious (damn the elders were right abt human curiosity too) **and are now sucking out the marrow and eating the bone-!!!!!!!!!!!!
Twilight’s perspective of you is actually the equivalent of like, reading stories about vampires all ur life, then this new friend you made starts to get allergic to garlic, crave blood, has crazy strength and advanced senses, etc
and he’s just watching those honest-to-Hylia human mythological feats play out in real time in front of him, like he’s the only self-aware character in the story that immediately clocks the really obvious vampire as a vampire lmao
is the first to either 1. start choking on his laugh as he theoretically knows ur about to jump on the back of a lynel/hinox to ride it around and watch as the others come to the same conclusion OR 2. try to Stop you from jumping on said big monster in an attempt to ride it around bc he gets used to ur human BS quicker than the others and can see it coming a mile away now lol
very much so this meme:
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(ur welcome i made it myself <3)
anyway id love to rant abt this dynamic
abt both Twi’s shock at you eating peppers like a god has come down from the sky to prove their immortality,
but also poor rancher esstientally humansitting you too lmao
the Chain/Time/Wars absolutely put him down as the resident human expert like: “ok he just drank like, 5? No- Four stop him from drinking more at least- (dual sighs). okay, 6 stamina potions, will that kill him??”
Twilight, saviour of Hyrule, of the Twili, Link from Twilight Princess himself,
has to keep a record book of all the new shit he’s heard/learned about humans in Ordon, what he has actively learned abt ur ass just fucking around and finding out, and the few bread crumbs of information u give him abt ur species
(that rlly just come off as kind of cryptid statements abt u/humanity, or don't apply in this scenario bc ur only comparison is Earth Rules, which honestly scare every single fucking one of them in the same way as walking on Ganon’s lawn or something, like straight up view ur home planet as enemy territory, the Amazon jungle, the Hyrule wilds if you will-)
Twilight also gets involuntarily volunteered for human-sitting duty too
tbh the only person Not allowed on human-sitting duty, when u guys go new areas esp, is Wild/Hyrule
you’d tell him you wanna get inside the guardian robot to operate it and ride it around and he’d probably be in shock you even fathomed something like that, yet also now EXTREMELY intrigued to watch it play out
(they’re both more of a “u wanna jump off a cliff?? that's actually crazy, wait for me please.” he seems to think he can somehow protect you if he joins you? its worked sometimes to be fair to him ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯ just not really conveniently when the rest of the Chain are around lmao)
i live btw, ive been writing/updating fics along with life updates (moving states/new job/online class) so a few asks will hopefully be answered over here in the next 2ish weeks
no promises, my life is kinda girlbossing at the moment too close to the sun and i am Nervous abt disappointing u guys
i already feel like im disappointing my other blog bc i haven't posted in forever bc im writing a fic instead of asks during any free time i dedicate to writing for it so :/
pls excuse my super slowness like a package ur waiting for in the mail or smth type of slow
AGAIN thanks for the ask!! i hope this was at least entertaining to read as some addon to what u said, you guys have gotta check out some of wayfayrr’s stuff if ur into this, bc they're the only other place i can think of that's talked abt humans not just being the same as hylians
have a great week!!
Peace out hugs and chaos,
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insomniactic-daydream · 2 months
Magma- Bakugo x Reader
Bakugo x Support Course Shoto's Twin Sister Reader (Pt.2)
<- (Previous Pt.1)
Bakugo x Support Course Shoto's Twin Sister Reader
Summary: After taking on the responsibility of fixing Bakugo gauntlets, Y/n Todoroki now has to deal with Bakugo nosy ass questions and remarks.
For Background Info: This is before any major events like the usj or sports festival. I don't think anybody know about Shoto's fire quirk til then. Correct me if I'm wrong but idk
Also for story purposes Y/n has black hair and as well as the infamous blue todoroki eyes.
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"So your quirk is Nitroglycerin? Are you constantly sweating, or can you control the output? " Y/n questions Bakugo as they are seated away from their classmates at lunch. Bakugo agitated from so many questions. Why couldn't you just fix his shit.
"Tch. Yes, and I can control it, you idiot. But sometimes, the stupid weather makes it harder to produce sweat." He says, grumbling eating his food.
Y/n nods as she writes down a few words in her notebook.
"Do you know what kind of metal was used to make your gauntlets?" Y/n asks.
"HAH? HOW THE HELL WOULD I KNOW!? You're the damn epxert you tell me!" Bakugo yells but is lost through the volume of the cafeteria. Gauntlets are now thrown out to you on the table.
"Jeez, relax. You'd think you would be more cooperative if you wanted them done quickly." Y/n sighs as she examines the shatter gauntlets.
"I'm tired of your damn questions. Maybe you should've gotten your brother's quirk and become a hero. That way, you'd talk less and actually do more!" Bakugo yell. His words were almost comical to you. Assuming you didn't have an impressive quick cause you're a support student.
Y/n not looking away from gauntlets. "You're totally right, but then I'd still have to deal with you constant yelling. At least I don't have to deal with you longer than I have to." She says as she grabs her notebook again.
"It's the metal." Y/n cuts him off nonchalantly. As if she's dealt with his yelps for a millennia. Surprisingly, stopping Bakugo. After all, he's a man of knowledge. The more he knows about his gauntlets, the less he has to deal with coming to you to fix them.
"Continue Nerd." He says with gritted teeth
"The metal they used, although used for most fire type and explosive quirks, isn't compatible with your quirk chemicals. That's why they broke the second you used too much of your sweat." She says taking a bite of her food out of accomplishment.
"So what then huh?! How are you going to fix it."
"Well, obviously need new material which is good considering this metal is known to be heavier than most. Not that you'd noticed cause you're a 'so strong' hero student." Y/n says sarcastically. Bakugo glares at her, but before he can chew her out she speaks again.
"I can look into a different material to make entirely new gauntlets, but that's going to take a while to make. The best I can do for you right now is fix these for training, but you can't blast another nuclear bomb at someone again." She finishes as she fiddles with her pencil
"That shit sound it's going to take ages!?" He says angrily out of the thought of not receiving new gear for the next few months at least.
"Well, luckily, a lava quirk and ice quirk do pretty well with speeding the progress of mending metal then, huh?" Y/n says with a smirk.
"Relax. If I'm getting a grade for this, then I'll make sure you're first priority." Y/n says with a wave of a hand before taking another spoonful of food.
"You have a fucking lava quirk?" Bakugo asks. Although he isn't much as a nerd as his childhood rival he can't help but be curious.
"Yup. It was my grandmother's quirk before the quirk de-evolved into flames." Y/n says
"What a waste. You can easily be better than your brother's ice quirk." Bakugo states almost if he's complimenting you. That sure is a first, but again, Bakugo can't ignore potential people who can be better heroes than him.
"I'm flattered but I don't really care for heroics. I help the world by helping you all. It's more humble that most of the show boat heroes today." She grumbles out.
"So you think you're dad is some show boat?" Bakugo pushes almost trying to gain information (more like drama) on the number 2 hero. Y/n, catching his trick, glares at him.
Bakugo catches a glimpse of red streaks of lava, appearing in your hair. He smirks as he realizes he has striked a nerve.
"I never said that." She says annoyedly. As if she was going to open up about her family dynamic to him.
"Easy there, magma, or your hair is gonna blow a gasket." He says with his signature smirk. His red eyes meeting Y/n piercing blue glare.
His word hit Y/n as fast as her hair turns back. "Shut up," Y/n mutters. She then touches her hair out of habit
This surprisingly lets out a chuckle from the blonde. "Tch. At least I'm not the one who is a walking volcano. Do you always have to cool that shit down?" He asks, earning an eye roll from Y/n.
"Not that's it's any of your business, but yes." She mumbles.
"Hah. I bet you struggle using product on that rat's nest you call hair." Bakugo jokingly lies.
He thinks your hair is fine. Flawless even. Not one out of place hair. But he won't admit that to you. If anything, he's curious to see how long it would take him to see you're hair completely turned into lava. Red suited you.
However, you didn't take that remark lightly and threw a piece of his broken gauntlets at him. Causing him to snap back to reality and hold his head in pain (and also anger obvi)
"As if I'd listen to you, pomeranian!"
(Next Part 3) ->
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What can I say, I love a good harmless enemies to lovers trope. 🤷‍♀️
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weirdmarioenemies · 5 months
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Name: Pyroclasmic Slooch (Sulucina vulcanis)
Debut: Pikmin 3
I think Pyroclasmic Slooch has one of the best names of any Pikmin creature! This is the one I break out if I ever need to explain what a Pikmin name feels like. A large scientific jargon-y sounding word, followed by a single silly little syllable it's perfect! And it IS meaningful, because Pyroclasmic is only one letter away from Pyroclastic, as in pyroclastic flow, a hot volcanic gas/rock current. And Slooch is just, look at this thing! It's what "slooch" looks like! Both as a noun AND a verb!
Fire in video game and monster design is usually pretty boring to me, just for how common it is. I get it, since it is pretty much the most "yeowch! don't touch" thing everyone is familiar with, but I have had enough of Charizardlikes bloating my media! Thank goodness, then, for Pikmin, which implements "conventional" elemental properties into fun, pseudoscientific speculative creatures! It may often be a big load of nonsense, but they explain the nonsense so confidently. Yeah alright. Whatever you say! Maybe a slug could be on fire.
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Hello Slooch! What a nice smile you have, framed by your oral tentacles! I wonder if Pyroclasmic Slooch's eyes are useful at all. A regular slug's eyes are mostly just for sensing light and dark, but that doesn't seem practical for a creature that makes its own light that would constantly be in view! Just to be safe, you should give this Slooch a thumbs up, in case it can indeed see you! (computer screen is a real portal to another world where pretend creatures live)
So yeah, Pyroclasmic Slooch is a slug on fire, or maybe a snail whose shell IS fire. It doesn't really matter, either way, the DESIGN is fire! The vibrant orangish stripes on its black body evoke flowing and cooling lava! Lava joke: I bet it was a real "aa moment" when they came up with that design quirk!
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As much as I love Pyroclasmic Slooch, it is a wild animal! And it will try to eat the min that you picked, with its funny blue tongue! Louie, everyone's favorite menace Louie, recommends cooking this tongue and no other part of the creature. Would You Eat? I wouldn't, but I wouldn't judge you for doing it. If you have plenty of Red Pikmin, though, their fire immunity makes Slooches very easy to deal with.
You know, real slugs like mold! Do you think Pyroclasmic Slooch likes mold? Maybe it could be friends, with mold. Let's introduce them!
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Name: Moldy Slooch (Parasitus pseudofungi elasticis hostus)
Debut: Pikmin 4
Hooray! Now they're inseparable! You may notice that Moldy Slooch's scientific name differs greatly from that of Pyroclasmic Slooch, and that is because the Slooch is no longer in control. It is being puppeted by a fungus! Its nervous system and slime organs have been entirely taken over. Isn't that nice? Now the Slooch doesn't have to do any work, because the fungus does all of that for it! This slug can just relax for the rest of its life, because it is not dead! A dried-up corpse wouldn't be useful a very good friend, would it? In fact, if the Moldy Slooch does die, it can be instantly revived by a phallic, yet kindly Toxstool! The gift of eternal life!
Moldy Slooch's description by Dalmo (the animal enthusiast who could have been writing for this blog the whole time and you would be none the wiser includes the incredible line "Slugga slugga choo choo! Here comes the fungal spore train." So fun! Whee! I want to ride the train!
Moldy Slooch is really the best friend someone could ask for. After I met it in person, and it introduced me to Toxstool, I've never felt better! So what are you waiting for, fellow living animals? Come visit our damp cave sometime! You are always welcome :)
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t3ag3rs · 6 months
g e n s o - 0 0.
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where k.bakugou
falls in love with his childhood crush
when he least expects it..
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☆ name:
» y/n l/n
☆ birthday:
» y/b/d (your birthday)
☆ parents: 
» d/n (dads name) & m/n (moms name)
☆ previous school (before UA):
» icaru private junior high academy (made up)
☆ quirk: 
» elements you have the ability to control the elements (basically like the avatar). you're preferred element is water, and your least favorite is earth. you soon learn how to control other elements such as metal, lava, and of course blood. you can use more than one element at once.
☆ drawbacks:
» each element has its own drawback. water being your most comfortable element you don't have much of a drawback, except if you run out of water or overuse your quirk you risk your blood being used for water. using fire causes you to overheat quickly and can give you burns depending on the severity of your flames. since earth is the weakest element for you, it tires you physically if you overuse it. lastly, air causes you to become out breath/have loss of oxygen.
☆ future hero name:
» genso 
☆ hero costume:
» sleeveless compression tank top made out of thin black material that can withstand any element. gray belt with extra water pouches. dark gray cargos which are also element proof, with harnesses over. you also have dark grey fingerless gloves and elbow pads. and a gray mask to cover your nose and mouth when dealing with heavy flames that can be taken off and put on. 
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i don't capitalize my letters on purpose. i do this to add originality to my work. i apologize if it bothers anyone, but i wont be changing it any time soon.
this fanfic is being written both here and on wattpad (my user is ec1iypx3).
plagiarism is a crime.
do not copy my work, please and thank you.
next part(s): pt. 01 / pt. 02 / pt. 03 / pt. 04 / pt. 05 / pt. 06 / pt. 07 / pt. 08 / pt. 09 / pt. 10 / pt. 11 / pt. 12 / pt. 13 / pt. 14 / pt. 15
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casual-praxis · 1 month
Miscellaneous things I noticed in the FS Manga
I reread the Four Swords manga quite a bit now that I have it, so I figured I might as well share some of the things I’ve noticed over the course of those many rereads.
- In chapter 11 it’s revealed Blue keeps his hammer in his hat.
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- The flower Zelda is mentioned to like is potentially a blue flax, just going off of appearance and status as a wildflower. 
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- In the first chapter, all the Colors have dark-shaded undershirts/sleeves, but starting in chapter 2, only Green has dark-shaded sleeves (Blue has a lighter grey color). This was probably done to save time, or maybe just to make it easier to tell them all apart. 
- Everyone’s default expression just seems to be :0 which is honestly probably just a quirk of its era, but still really funny. 
- In chapter 2, the first time Blue gets hit by Shadow, Red is briefly seen crouching next to Blue as if to check on him. I think Red remains crouching after Blue gets up, but I’m really not sure. He’s back on his feet by the time Blue gets hit again.
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- Vio holds books really weird but at least he seems to be having fun. Up until someone talks to him, anyway. (I attempted to translate the words we can see, but I think it may just be gibberish. It was not a very good attempt to be fair.)
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- Shields, swords, and sheaths only seem to exist when relevant. 
- For being touted as the “boring” and “uninteresting” member of the team, Green sure does have a lot of expressive moments if you focus on him. I think he’s the most well-rounded of the bunch in terms of personality. His defining character trait is “motivated”, which when compared to “angry”, “cry laughing”, and “morals are a roulette wheel”, isn’t that easy to see visually. He’s competitive with Blue, he shows when he’s scared or happy like Red, and he can think rationally like Vio. He has all these overlapping traits with the others, they just aren’t nearly as prominent. Like a jack of all traits.
- In chapter 2, Shadow jumps at Green in an attempt to kill him. A similar pose is mirrored by Vio later in chapter 7 during his fight with Green. Perhaps intentional? (What do they have against Green??)
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- Blue is the undeniable powerhouse of the team. He lands the final hit on Stone Arrghus, protects Red throughout the whole Temple of Light/Darkness (which I thought was really sweet, dude was not leaving Red behind no matter what), takes out Big Poe, and steps in to take down their father (so Green doesn’t have to). He also drops a bunch of Hinox into lava if we’re counting that. Pretty much all these instances did have help from the others in at least some capacity, but you can trust him to finish the job.
- The dynamic between Red and Vio, though not seen much due to Vio’s Evil Shenanigans and the team being split for multiple chapters, is surprisingly wholesome.  In chapter 2, shortly after receiving their names, Vio lists the obvious personality traits they all have, and pats Red on the head while smiling (which may or may not be his first genuine non-smug smile at this point?). Red seems to admire Vio, though honestly he’s like that with all of them. They seem to stand near each other a lot early on before the group is split. In chapter 3, when Red gets stuck in place and Stone Arrghus is about to attack him, Vio is the first to jump in between them to save Red. In chapter 8, Red runs to hug Vio after they get him back from Vio’s Evil Shenanigans (and Red also seemed to run to him for a hug in chapter 6, but because it’s not shown, Red probably stopped just short of giving him one). I really wish we got to see them interact more. 
- Speaking of Red and Vio, their speech bubbles in chapter 10 appear to have been flipped around. 
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- Of all the Colors, Vio is the only one to never be shown crying. The closest he gets is when Green stomps his foot and his eyes tear up. Red cries all the time, Blue cries a few times but most notably when Green “dies”, and Green seems to be crying when their father “dies”. 
- Not so much an observation but just a question--are the fire rod and ice rod actually two different items, or just a toggle for the same rod?? Due to the lack of coloring, and the fact the rods look pretty much, if not completely the same, I can’t tell if the “click” that comes from it in chapter 7 (while they’re standing on Vio’s execution rock), is the fire rod being changed into an ice rod, or Red switching weapons all together just with a weird onomatopoeia (or potentially the “click” had nothing to do with the rod at all). 
- Though not super fleshed-out characters, the other knights of Hyrule showing up in the fight with Vaati to help out the Colors was a nice nod to the start of the story, what with the themes of teamwork and all that. They might not have been there on time, but they made it there eventually and got the Colors out of a tricky situation. Their unity is their strength, as they say. Also, shoutout to Link’s father, he’s doing his best and clearly loves his son(s)
- In one of the bonus comics, “It’s Not Easy Being Purple,” Vio is for some reason labeled as Green. This one bugged me when I noticed it.
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- In the final bonus comic, “Fear Like Never Before,” I am convinced Vio’s Evil Shenanigans Part 2 would commence had Green not put the sword back in again. (Just look at his face. Why is he staring at the ground? Shadow??) 
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- Red is best boy, moving on.
These are just some of the immediate things that come to mind when I’m rereading. I seem to get a new appreciation for each of the characters each time, so that’s really neat. Back when I was like 13, I only knew of a few pages of the fan translation, and of the characters I only really had a feel for Red’s whole deal, so he was my favorite (still is tbh). 
Now I can say I like all the characters, each for a different reason, and not to the same amount, but I don’t dislike or feel neutral about anyone like I used to. Green and Blue were really “meh” to me when I first acquired the manga a few months back, but honestly they’re both really interesting in ways I’ve only started to notice recently. 
I thought Blue was just angry all the time, but he pulls off a lotta cool shit constantly (not including the time he literally got frozen) and I think he does care about the others a lot even if he won’t admit it (his interactions with Red turning more soft is definitely an indicator). I wish we had gotten to see what his response to Red would have been back in the Temple of Light/Darkness when Red asked if he was even worried about Green and Vio. He was definitely worried, but someone had to be focused, and in that moment it had to be Blue. 
Or something, I’m not very good at character studies. I’ll stand by what I said about him caring for the others though.
Liking Green more is still on the newer side for me. Again, I never disliked any of them, but Green always came across as plain (since he doesn’t have any stand out character traits other than being the one who looked most like Link), so I tended to overlook him. The thing that got me to like him more actually was his body language. He is very expressive, be it his facial features or the way he moves. I love characters that emote in exaggerated ways, it’s also why I like Red so much, they share this in common. In particular, Green just has some funky poses I think are neat, like in chapter 5–he may be fighting for his life but his dodging is just so cartoony and bouncy, I want to see it animated. 
To some extent they all move like this, but with Green it’s nice since he’s not usually comic relief. It’s nice to have a “main” main character be just as goofy and cartoonish like the rest. 
And when it comes to Vio, I’ve always liked Vio. Finding out how unhinged he actually is was a treat, but it also was a really funny realization for me. I knew him as the serious bookworm, which isn’t entirely wrong, but he’s also a smug bitch who, had the narrative allowed him, would definitely have a kill count. In fact, he has only read one book, but it was in doing so that everyone latched onto the idea he loves reading. Love that for him. I also love the fact he’s a liar.
It’s like he got most of Link’s negative traits wrapped into one, and then they set him loose into the wilderness. It’s a miracle he didn’t kill anybody. He certainly tried. 
I do not have the words to explain how much I love Red. He’s adorable and so unapologetically emotional that it makes me happy. He’s just being himself, havin’ a good time. The others would have perished without him, I’m convinced (or, well, Blue would have frozen to death, Green would have died to the Hinox, and Vio would presumably continue living in his darkness-sponsored love affair with Shadow until he either killed one or both of them). 
This got longer than it was supposed to be whoops.
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shiggybrainr0t · 7 months
shouto wakes up trapped underneath a collapsed building, only to find himself also trapped in your embrace.
warnings: both Shouto and reader are hurt pretty badly </3, blood, immediate threat of death lol?, description of a broken leg, mention of vomiting but it doesn’t happen and isn’t explicitly stated, this is cheesy and unedited
border by @cafekitsune :)
dedicated to andie if they happen to see it because I thought of them while writing my very first Shouto fic 💘
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Whenever Shouto awakes, it’s to a pounding headache, intense pain throbbing along the right side of his body, flickering lights, and something soft holding him tightly.
Groggily, he opens his eyes, wincing as the flickering light blinds him for a second. There’s a steady drip drip drip of water falling onto concrete though it’s too dark to make out much of his surroundings as the light flickers off again. The last thing he remembers is coming to an office building, where a villain with an unknown quirk was holding people hostage. A teary sounding gasp makes him look upwards weakly, only now noticing he is laying down.
He sees your face for the first time then. Eyes puffy and red from crying, with a trail of blood dripping from your hairline and down your nose, past your lips to where it becomes smeared as you wipe it away hurriedly.
“You’re awake!”
Your voice is soft, and slightly trembling as you gaze at him with wide, wavering eyes. They’re very pretty, he thinks dazedly. Framed by wet lashes, he also thinks he could look into them forever. Shouto moves to shift only to have his vision flash as pain erupts like molten lava traveling down his side.
“D-don’t try to move! A beam fell on you before you passed out. You were barely able to get out from under it.”
Feeling woozy, Shouto has to close his eyes for a moment to keep the pain from escaping through his mouth. There’s a sickening crack, and he realizes he’s cradled in your arms whenever you whimper and pull him closer, so that his head is resting against your chest and you’re basically hovering over him. He hears rubble begin to hit to ground, and sees you flinch as some small bits of gravel bounce off your head and fall beside him. Your eyes are clenched shut, and a fresh line of blood runs down your face and drips onto his own. No rubble ever hits him.
He’s confused. Why is a civilian, a hurt one at that, putting their life at risk for a pro hero? He’s supposed to be protecting you, yet here you are shielding him with your soft body. He must make a noise, because suddenly you’re looking down at him again, eyes wide with concern, bravely holding back tears now that he is awake.
Softly, you move one of the hands you had cradling his head to wipe at the blood that has dripped onto his cheek. Apologizing quietly, you begin talking again, the almost whispers coming out of your mouth seemingly echoing through the space.
“Your walkie talkie still worked thankfully, for a little while. Deku is here, and so is Red Riot and Uravity. They should have us out of here in no time, so don’t worry ok! Dynamight is also here, but that’s more worrying than anything honestly.”
Shouto can’t help but laugh at your candor, wincing as it makes the pain throbbing through his body flash intensely. You pull him even closer in your lap, now petting his bangs soothingly. Your fingers are soft on his sweaty skin, and he almost purrs whenever you begin to trace the lines of his face in a mesmerizing manner. He doesn’t remember the last time he was comforted like this when he was hurt. Usually it’s himself alone in his untouched apartment, picking up the pieces and taping them back together. He can never quite get them to fit right.
“Are you hurt badly?” His gravely voice seems to surprise you, and quickly you shake your head. He sees you regret it instantly, as you wince harshly afterwards.
“Just my head, and my leg. But not nearly as bad as you are.”
Another crack shoots through the space, and you look up worryingly at the unsteady beams ominously hanging about you. Shouto can see them looming when the light flickers on again. He can also see you. You look a little rough, he’s not going to lie. But at this moment, he doesn’t think he’s seen anyone more beautiful. His own personal angel, sent to comfort him and protect him when he’s been hurt so badly he can’t move.
You make quiet conversation after that, trying to ignore the drips and the cracks. He learns that you’re an ordinary boring office worker, your words not his, but you like your job and your coworkers so it’s not that bad. You learn that Deku has been his best friend since their first year at U.A., and that friendship is still just as strong. He learns that you don’t particularly care for cold soba whenever he brings it up, which makes him look at you in mock horror. It’s funny, seeing the normally stoic hero make such an exaggerated face that you can’t help but giggle.
The conversation dies down after a sickening pop! is heard and suddenly sunlight blinds you both. Looking up, you see shocking red hair and sharp teeth grinning at you and feel relief course through your body. Shouto feels your body relax against his, though you don’t let go. Red Riot reaches for you, but you shake your head again.
“Take Shouto, take Shouto.”
As he is lifted from your arms and into his friends, he sees you smile at him tearfully and give him a little wave. He can see you fully now, and can also see how your leg is bent at such an unnatural angle it had to be agonizing for you, but he never once heard you complain. The last thing he sees before you’re out of sight is Bakugo lifting you into his arms, with a surprising gentleness, saying something that has you nodding before you rest your head on his bare shoulder, relieved tears flooding from your eyes.
A couple days later, as Shouto is scrolling aimlessly through his phone in his hospital bed, he sees a headline that makes him stop.
Thinking of your eyes, which so bravely stared into his own, he can’t help but disagree with the article. It was you who kept him safe.
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angelsdxmise · 2 months
Haunt me.
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sum: Bakugou is not a good boyfriend.
Contains: readers short story of how she spiraled due to her affiliation with bkg
warnings: mentions of suicide, bakugou hurts u once, angst, no comfort, profanity, you hurt yourself somewhat, reader goes insane, not proofread sorry
a/n: 1k words technically.. send me requests and consider reblawging 😝
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Your eye twitches as you hear your boyfriend's name.Yes, how lucky you were. Just keep remembering- keep remembering that he didn’t set his eyes on anyone else. Those lucky girls didn’t know what it was like, so you were technically saving them.
Due to your accidental sacrifice, your eyebags grew heavier and your false smile improved, which fooled everyone around. You sat on your bed as your nails dug into the flesh of your face. All you wanted to do was cry and scream.
You stopped once you felt a warm liquid trickle down your face and drip onto your thighs. You slowly pulled your hands back and stared at them. It’s not like it was marriage, you could just leave.
But then again, you couldn’t. What would you do without him, what would he say? What would everyone else say? It’s only so much time before you’d be free, right? Or maybe, just maybe he planned to unintentionally save you and break up with you himself.
That never happened. It would never happen because suddenly, he cared what people thought. The nail-indented scars left on your forehead raised questions from your classmates, but you dismissed them with a smile.
You wanted to drown yourself in lava when you truly realized you were going to be the cause of your own death. You had a run in with a villain and made your way back to the dorms, unable to even walk as you crawled through the dorm halls. Thankfully, it was late so nobody would see you.
Your pupils were blown wide as your fingers clutched the skin around your wound, the blood pouring out of you endlessly. Bakugou must have been awake and smelt your state as he opened his door and looked down at you. Pools of tears were beneath you as you held your head down, silently begging to be let in.
He granted you your wish, and hoisted you onto his bathroom counter. Saliva leaked out your mouth and snot ran down your nose as you groaned in pain, unable to form a single word.
“Clean up yourself, and stop getting your shitty problems all over my fucking bathroom. You’re disgusting.” You heard. Bakugou sounded like your own personal torture demon as threw a rag at your face, then shut the bathroom door.
You wondered what he would think if you really had lost it. Your teeth dug into the rag as your fingers pierced your wound, blood escaping from the gaps. Your eyes rolled upwards as your sobs were silent and painful. You removed your hands from your wound, and gripped your hair tightly before shoving your face in your knees and tugging at it in despair.
Bakugou really was a bad boyfriend. Maybe they were right, how could I have gotten into a relationship with him? You wanted to die, but refused as you had one singular thing to look forward to in life.
As you sluggishly made an attempt to move, you flinched as you heard the door slam open, revealing Bakugou. “God damn it, what’d I tell you..” He growled as he walked towards you, a venomous glare in his face that you saw as nothing but evil.
He ripped the rag from your hands as his own were placed on your sides. He wrapped it around your torso and tightened it to put pressure so it’d at least stop bleeding. He noticed your pathetic state, and it seemed to have made him angrier.
It didn’t seem so, you knew it did. The fear never left you from that moment, the moment his quirk had gone off while his palm was still on your skin. Thank the gods it wasn’t a full explosion, but the heat was so intense it had left a burn mark on your skin. You shrieked in pain as you used your legs to kick him off you.
He didn’t respond, and his usual frown didn’t leave his face. “Oh my god..” You faintly said. As you ran your hand over the scar, some of your skin had melted off and stuck to you. You nearly barfed as you darted out of his dorm. He stood there in shock with his head down, remembering what he had just done. He was in a top hero school, and he made the moves of a villain.
It didn’t matter anyway. In your world, he was Satan himself. He haunted your dreams every night, and even years later, after you’ve left U.A. due to them denying a request to change classes after you refused to provide a reason, you still hear his voice.
His voice that commanded you to do things you didn’t want to, but he forced you to keep his reputation and ego fully stocked. His scar was faded, but some parts were still a slight red.
You smashed your TV to bits and pieces, your apartment nearly being fully turned over at the destruction that had just occurred. A nightmare, the worst one had followed you everywhere you went. He was praised, and when it came on your TV, your mind faded away as you didn’t process what happened next.
You came back to yourself laying on glass shards, most likely from a plate or glass, in your kitchen. The dishes and cabinets were destroyed, and the fridge no longer had its familiar buzz. Some of the glass shards had pierced your skin, making you wince everytime you shifted around.
You’d never be free, and you never gave yourself another four years to mentally recover as you reached the top of your favorite building. You did enjoy it at U.A., classes were full of life and provided you with much entertainment. But even as you fell, he followed you down. As much as you wished he did—
He never died with you.
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sugarlywhispers · 3 months
Just thinking about Pro Hero Dynamight getting caught as a hostage by a villain. How the fuck did that happened? Don't ask. Not even Dynamight himself knows how. Yet he fucking got taken.
His arms are tied behind his back, some kind of cloth around his hands that are wet with some liquid that prevents him from activating his Quirk. Fucking villain is smart.
The piece of shit keeps laughing and threatening him, explicitly calling out how he is going to kill Number Two, Pro Hero Dynamight. He gets closer to where Bakugou is kneeling, a knife making pressure on his throat.
And then, an explosively loud thunder is heard at a distance. But it keeps approaching and getting even louder as it makes everything shake.
Bakugou Katsuki smirks.
The villain looks confused and angry, “What the fuck is that?!”
A strong explosion opens almost half of the room where Katsuki is being held captive and the holy image of you blesses their eyes.
As the villain falls to the floor in fear, you walk inside the room looking like a crazed demon brought from the deepest of hell. Lava surrounds you, the vivid color of burning, high temperature around your face and body makes every villain shit their pants.
But Bakugou Katsuki thinks you're the most fucking beautiful creature that has ever existed in this world.
“That is my wife,” he smiles fucking proud.
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a.n; another little lava girl!reader small thingy that wouldn't leave my mind lol ✨️😉
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pamgkrthwrites · 5 months
On a Lead
Summary: Bakugou insults you and the next time you see him is when the village is being raided.
Tags: Bakugou x reader, not beta read, Minecraft AU, emotion hurt/comfort, fluff, no quirks, pet names
A/N: Using my writing skills I got from my writing class to this. Should I be writing an assignment for that same class that's due tomorrow, yeah I should. But I did two assignments today so I think I deserved a little break.
“Are you sure this is a good idea, Bakugou?” 
“Eh?! You scared or something, chicken little?”
You glared at the man as he brought out his flint and steel, He lit it at the obsidian stone, and soon a purple glow enlightened from the centre.
An eerie sound emitted from the portal, making your back shiver.
Bakugou brought out his diamond axe as he started walking forward towards you. You grabbed hold of his black skull shirt quickly, making him turn to you with a glare.
“What is it?” He growled at you.
“I don’t think this is a good idea-”
“Then don’t come with me!”
“Bakugou please!” You pulled at his shirt to make him turn to you. “I know you're the better adventure and fighter than me, but going into the nether is a bad idea!”
Bakugou pulled it away from you. “Don’t you want answers?! Don’t you want to know why we and others all just woke up in this world?!”
“Of course I want to know, Bakugou!” You shouted at him, feeling your bottom lip wobble. You were the lava bubbles echoing in the cave. “But… You could get hurt in there… You may not-”
“I’m not a weakling like you.” His voice rang coldly in your ear. “You and your friends are just farmers. If you guys are alright being in that rebuilt village and farming all your lives, go ahead. But I’m not like that.”
Bakugou’s harsh words made your arms feel like jelly, so when he pulled himself out of your grasp it easily left. He walked through the portal. He didn’t even look back at you as his body disappeared into the purple mist.
Your chest grew tight and your vision grew a bit blurry. You rubbed your eyes as you turned your back on the portal you helped Bakugou make and made your way back through the cave.
Bakugou and his friends were different from you and your friends. His friends travelled and adventured together, fighting monsters and exploring. While you and your friends rebuilt a village, farmed and mined. At most, you would have to fight raiders. Your group monster spawn protected the village and always went into the mines with a shield. 
Apparently, 700 people like you and Bakugou all one day woke up in the world you have been calling your home for a year. Yet none of you could remember your life before any of this.
Bakugou and his friends were part of a group of 60 people who went out adventuring to find answers. The reason of the 600 were split into three groups. The red stoners who made monster farms, the traders, and your group the farmers and miners. The remaining 40 were seen as elders by the groups.
Your group would gather the foods and minerals and then define them, making them into ores, blocks, food, etc. You would then trade those to the trader groups who then will trade with the red stones. The adventures also trade with the traders when they come around.
In other words, everyone interacts with the traders.
The 700 of you called yourself the U.A. Alliance. You and your friends aren’t aware of anyone else joining your world, so you’re not sure why the others decided this name was needed.
As you climbed out of the cave, your eyes landed on your purple-haired friend.
You attempted to smile at him. “Shinso, you waited for me?”
“Where's Bakugou?” Shinso asked you. “Did he say something mean to you?”
You stared at him before lowering your head and pouting your lower lip. “Yeah… He called me a weakling before entering a nether portal.”
Shinso scoffed, looking away from you. “He’s such a jackass.”
You bit the inside of your mouth before walking past him. “I don’t, maybe he’s right.”
Shinso looked at you, his face unreadable. “Don’t say that about yourself. He’s just an uncaring creature.”
There was a screech in the sky. You looked up and as soon as you saw them your eyes almost popped out of your head.
“Don’t worry about it.” He lightly chuckled as he brought out his iron sword. “I’m harvesting their membranes.”
You gave him a look before turning. “Alright, I’m going to bed. Good night, Shinso.”
Almost a week later, you were feeding your prized sheep, jeb_. Bakugou had yet to return from the nether and now some of his friends were asking you what had happened.
You were temped to go in yourself and look for him yourself out of guilt. Maybe you should’ve gone with him like planned. At least that way if he got hurt, he wouldn’t be alone.
Suddenly the village bell was ringing. You sat up straight and looked to the centre of the village. 
You saw many of the adventures quickly pull out their diamonds axes or swords and their shields all looking at something.
You quickly got up and ran out of the sheep barn to see a hoard of a raid coming in, your heart sinking.
You didn’t bring any of your weapons with you today.
You quickly ran to your hurt and pulled your iron sword from your chest and put in your iron chest plate and pants. You looked through out your chest and looked for your helmet but couldn’t find it in time.
“Shit.” You ran from your chest and started to sprint towards the fight.
A pillager turned towards you, glaring at you. He charged his crossbow and aimed it at you. You ditched out of the way as it fired at you before you hit your sword against said crossbow.
You then slashed your sword across his face which made him stumble back which gave you the opportunity to hit him two more times. He fell onto his back with a grunt before his body turned to dust. You noticed one shiny green emerald, quickly grabbing it before moving on to the next pillager in your line of sight.
You heard a horn ring out, indicating the second wave of raiders.
You panted, wiping off the sweat from your forehead as your stomach rumbled. You pulled out some bread from your pocket and quickly ate it. 
You bit the inside of your mouth as you saw two Vindicators step closer. Their blue eyes and grey skin always made this sick uneasy feeling form in your stomach.
You pushed that feeling away as you ran towards the Vindicator, hitting your sword against him. He brought out his axe and used it to shield your attack.
He pushed you off of him, making you grunt as your back his the ground. You couldn’t feel the sun on the skin so you quickly rolled to the side.
As your eyes opened, you saw his axe cut into the earth where you were just. You gulped, quickly getting up and hitting his arm with your sword as he tried to pull his axe from the ground. 
He yelled out in pain, quickly leaning on his axe so he could kick you off of him. You fell to the floor again and as you opened your eyes you were suddenly pulled back from a grip on your arm.
You gave out a yelp as you were chucked behind someone, that same someone pushing a TNT in a minecart. Once the Minecraft hit the Vindicator, you had to cover your ears from the loud explosion.
You looked up and saw a rather beaten down Bakugou, though his armour was no longer diamond blue but a darken grey.
“What wave is this?!” He asked.
“Second.” You quickly answered as you got up.
“Still using iron tools, chicken little?”
You glared at him. “You’ve been gone for 6 days.”
“I’ve already been chewed out by Kirishima, ‘aight?”
“Why you so dirty and burnt?”
“I’ll tell you when we’re done here.”
“Got it.”
Another horn rang through the air, singling the third wave.
And a Ravager was heard stomping before it was seen.
You bit the inside of your lip but Bakugou already ran towards it. You ran after him. You saw others fighting the Ravager as Bakugou approached. Bakugou pulled out his now black axe.
What the hell did he find in the nether?!
When Bakugou’s axe hit the beast, it let out a louder cry than what the diamond tools did to it. In fact, it seemed as though Bakugou’s upgraded tools seemed to have made it easier to defeat the beast.
The beast collapsed into dust, the horn ringing out for a longer time to indicate the raid was over.
Everyone sighed in relief, you sitting down on the grass. You looked up at the sky and saw the sun was ⅗ had been completed. 
You heard people walk away and start talking to each other, but you also heard someone approach you. Soon you saw Bakugou’s face looking down at you.
“Oi, why ain’t you wearing your helmet? You want to get brain damage?”
“Couldn’t find it.”
Bakugou offered you his hand, which is odd.
You gently took it and Bakugou helped you up.
“I’m sorry.”
Silence rang throughout your ears. You turned to Bakugou and tilted your head. “Sorry, what did you say?”
“I said I’m sorry.” He repeated himself. “I shouldn’t have called you a weakling. You’re actually strong and brave.”
You felt your cheeks warm up lightly. “Oh. Thank you Bakugou.”
“Katsuki is fine.” 
You felt your heart warmed. You wonder what happened in the nether for this to happen.
“So, why is your armour and axe now black?” You quickly asked as you tried to ignore the feeling growing in your chest.
Bakugou smirked. “You like it? It’s called netherite. I find it while I actually trying to sleep in the nether. Don’t do that. The beds explode.”
“Oh.” You gently took the axe from him and took a look at it. It definitely much stronger then diamond. 
Suddenly a helmet was on your head, making you look up and noticed Bakugou was putting his helmet on you.
“What are you-?”
“I don’t want you to get hurt.” Bakugou butted in. “My armour is stronger than yours so you may as well wear it.”
Bakugou tightened the helmet onto your head to secure it. “Tighten enough?”
You nodded your head. “Yeah, it’s good.”
Bakugou gently held your face, looking down at you. His eyes were surprisingly soft as he looked at you, his breathing even too. You noticed him leaning closer and your heart started to panic.
“You going to tell me why you so dirty?” You asked him.
Bakugou sighed as he rolled his head on his neck. “Well, the nether is hot and lava is everywhere. I couldn’t see the sky at anypoint. There are also these pig things walking around that would attack if I wasn’t wearing gold.”
You let out a laugh. “Gold? Isn’t it weak?”
“Yeah but it’s everywhere in there, though in much tinier pieces. There was also these fiery gold things. They dropped these things.”
Bakugou leaned to grab something from his back pocket and let you have a closer look. You felt grabbed it and took a look.
“They look like fire trapped in a golden rod.” You described.
“What do you think it is?” He asked.
“I don’t know. Looks like something you would have to give to one of those trader guys.”
Bakugou rolled his eyes and made a vomiting sound. “Sounds lame.”
Bakugou took them take and put them back in his pocket. You took the chance to take a step back but Bakugou just followed your movements and stepped closer to you.
“I’m really sorry for what I said…” Bakugou’s cheeks were a light pink, making your heart jump a little. “I shouldn’t have called you a weakling.”
“... Thank you for apologising to me… Katsuki…” You replied.
Bakugou grabbed gently grabbed your face again and leaned in close.
“I was thinking…” Bakugou said gently. “While I was in the nether. Would you like to go travelling with me?”
Your heart beat fastened. “Travel with you?”
“Alone, just us two.”
Thump Thump.
“Do I need a reason to want to be with you?”
“... I just don’t understand.”
Bakugou called you by your name. “I want to be with you. I want you to be safe because of me. I don’t want those damn extras getting between us.”
Bakugou leaned closer until his and your lips were pressed together. 
You lightly leaned closer as the knots in your shoulders felt as if they were loosening up.
“Oh my god, Bkaugou is kissing her!” You heard a happy feminine voice.
Yours and Bakugou’s lips parted and you both turned, seeing Mina, Kirishima, Denki and Sero all open mouths smiling from shock.
You felt Bakugou’s grip on your arms tightening before he let go and stomped towards them and started shouting at them. You watched as your cheeks warmed hotter and hotter. 
Bakugou wanted you to travel with him, alone.
And he kissed you.
After apologising. 
Your face heated up. Not wanting to be embarrassed, you quickly turned and made your way back to the sheep barn. 
After all, you’d want jeb_ to come with you.
Bakugou called you by name as he stood at the door of your home. “Hurry up, chicken little!”
You open your door with a wide smile and your backpack on your back and your bundle around your waist. 
Bakugou gave you a look. “Why are you carrying so much?”
“My bundle has all my farming seeds, and I’m carrying all nine of my tools. Everything else is nine stacks of cobble, fifteen stacks of wood, and two stacks of saplings. I also have one lead for jeb_!”
“But why?”
“For making the house, dummy!” You pouted and puffed your cheeks up at him.
“I meant the lead. Why?”
You gasped at such a question.
You two started to bicker with each other, Kirishima and Mina watched on with awe.
“You think they’ve tamed him?” Kirishima asked Mina.
“I think so?” Mina asked while tilting her head. “I’m surpised Bakugou wants to settle down with someone.”
“I’m surprised it’s with a farmer. I was always under the impression it would be with one of us adventures.”
You made your way to the sheep barn while pulling out your lead. You gently sechued it around jeb_ before letting him out of his stable. Bakugou waited, tapping his finger agonist his bicep.
“You ready now, chicken little?”
“Why do you even call me that? I ain’t a chicken.”
“Your little and cute, like a chicken.”
“I am not little!” You pouted.
Bakugou laughed before rubbing the top of your head. “Sure sure. Anyway, let’s get going.”
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novasintheroom · 5 months
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101. Smile
♡ Pairing - Vash x Reader
♡ Word count - 0.7k
♡ Warnings - none
♡ Description: Vash notices your different smiles.
Part of the 150 Bullets drabble series on AO3
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You have different smiles for different people.
Take now, for instance. Your polite smile to the barmaid – it’s subdued, meant to convey pleasantness, and wanting to cause no trouble. The girl gives back the same kind of smile. Business as usual. She takes your order and gives Vash a wink before sauntering off to place it.
Your smile morphs into a cheeky grin. You wiggle your eyebrows. “Oh, I think she likes you,” you say, taking a drink of your water. But he sees the way your lips twitch, wavers at the corners. You do that a lot; you play off what you’re feeling for a sense of nonchalance.
That won’t do. He leans forward, lowering his voice. “You think? Maybe we can get a free dessert out of her if I play my cards right.”
Your smile is fuller now. There’s a spark of playfulness in your eyes. “Just don’t do too much; we need a lava hot cake, not a broken heart.”
He sighs and clucks his tongue. “Well, there go my plans.” He grins, your foot kicking his leg in reprimand.
Vash watches you that evening. He’s always watching you, even when he tries not to. You’re just…you’re something. And watching your lips quirk up or down or to the side is…addicting. More than he’s ever experienced. You give dazzling smiles to the men who wander up and make small talk at the bar (so much for not leaving broken hearts). Sweet smiles to the staff. You give him smiles too, just as wonderful and varied.
But he’s waiting for it. The Smile.
He’s tried figuring out what makes it come out. His jokes aren’t it. Neither are his compliments to your outfit or hair, though he is rewarded with a lovely blush. No, it’s something he hasn’t put his finger on yet. A mystery he desperately wants to solve.
And it comes at the strangest time tonight.
You’re both walking back to your camp outside town, too broke to afford the inn for the night. It’s quiet. The two of you are exhausted, both from your traveling and social hour at the saloon. But you’re happy, and he’s a little tipsy.
“Ninety-eight bottles of beer on the wall, ninety-eight bottles of beer! Take one down, pass it around, ninety-seven bottles of beer on the wall!” He tries to skip along, stumbling this way and that. At one point he circles back to you and nearly bowls you over.
You laugh, curling an arm around his middle and helping him trip along. “You are too much sometimes.”
“I’d say I’m just the right amount, whaddya mean…” He pushes it, leaning into you heavily without making you fall. He grins when you grunt at his weight. “Ooooohhhh, ninety-seven bottles of beer on the wall, ninety-seven bottles of beer! Take one – uhp – “ He twirls too fast and feels his stomach heave.
You pat his back as he gags to the side. “This. This is what I mean.” You laugh. “I don’t know how you ever made it back to camp or an inn room before when you get like this.”
He spits on the ground and rubs his lips. “Well, I’ve got a pretty girl to help me out now, y’know? Can’t do much without you.”
And there it is.
The Smile.
It’s gentle, curling. Like a warm sunray that wakes you up in the morning. Vash suddenly feels very sober under its gaze. He straightens, watching in muted awe of it. What makes him so giddy? It’s only meant for him. He knows. He knows it’s his Smile, and his alone. You’ve never given it to anyone else. A small treasure only he gets to keep.
The Smile fades under his scrutiny. “What?”
He shakes his head and puts an arm around your shoulders, tugging you along back to camp. You fit snugly at his side, like you belong there. Maybe you do. “Nothing. You just have a great smile.”
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giggly-squiggily · 2 months
Putting The Moves On Him (My Hero Academia)
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Heyo everyone! Guess who's back with some fluffy Todobaku for your viewing pleasure? This girl! The fabulous @intheticklecloset and I were yelling about Todobaku together as one does,and thus this fic was born! Thank you so much Nym for fangirling about these two with me and inspiring me to make something soft and squishy with them in it! I hope y'all like it :D
Cloud 9 (Taglist Peeps):
@duckymcdoorknob @baby-tickles2022 @rachi-roo @imjusthere07 @sevenincubistolemyheart
Summary: Todoroki's love language is physical touch, so much so just seeing it in his favorite drama's makes him swoon. Bakugou decides to give his boyfriend the real deal.
Bakugou wasn’t oblivious.
Well..okay, maybe SOMETIMES he drank from the carton without checking the expiration date. And sure- occasionally he might fail to see his headphones aren’t connected, leaving everyone to bear witness to whatever playlist he put together that only made sense to himself. Small, meaningless things that might lead to some discomfort, but ending at that. Discomfort.
He always made sure to make note of the important things.
A small sigh; gentle and breathy. Bakugou tried not to make his interest show as he dared a peek towards his boyfriend. They were in his room; lying across wrinkled sheets on their bellies as they entertained themselves. Todoroki was watching a show on his tablet, headphones in and cheeks flushed. The blonde didn’t have to see the screen to know it was a romance.
He dared a peek, trying for stealth as he watched the two characters on screen interact. They were fighting- but it didn’t seem like anything truly intense. The girl stepped forward in a sudden surge of emotion when it happened.
She was against a wall, the guy pinning her with a hand above her head. She sucked in a breath, as did Todoroki. His chest raised and lowered as if he were the one being pinned.
Bakugou fought off a smile, shaking his head at just how affected his boyfriend was by the scene. Returning to his Switch, he considered the various other moments he got to witness Todoroki swoon over as his Charizard destroyed the champion.
“Hey, come train with me.”
Todoroki looked up, not surprised by the request. “Right now? Haven’t we done enough these past few days?”
“One more day isn’t gonna kill you. Besides- I haven’t fought you quirkless yet.” Bakugou didn’t wait, turning and heading into the nearest room. He knew Todoroki would follow him.
“You’re as hardworking as ever.” The duel-quirked hero laughed softly, kicking off his shoes and wandering across the mats. “But that’s what I like about you. You’re always so persistent.”
“Tch- shut it.” Bakugou huffed, turning away before Todoroki caught a glimpse of his smile. “Let’s freaking do this! Come at me!”
“Why? You should come at me.”
“Cause I said so.”
“I don’t recognize your authority.”
“You son of a-fine, come here!” Bakugou ran at him, aiming low. Todoroki dodged at the last second, dancing out of reach as the blonde tried to grab onto him.
“Come on- Ol’e Or whatever the bullfighters in movies say!” Todoroki smirked, enjoying how irritated Bakugou looked. He pranced and dodged every grab and swing sent his way, throwing in little jabs here and there to really get the blonde going. “Is this what you can do without your explosives? You need more practice.”
“Ah, you son of a-” Bakugou paused, studying him. Then he calmed- a rare sight in a fight for him. “No, I know what you're doing. And it’s not gonna distract me!”
Todoroki would have asked what that was if the ground suddenly fell out from under him. A hand grasped his shirt while the other nestled the back of his skull. He landed flat on his back, Bakugou looming over him.
Was his heartbeat loud? Todoroki felt it in his ears, eyes wide and suddenly unable to breathe. His cheeks felt like lava, hot and tingly and dear lord the way Bakugou was looking at him- calm and smug and beyond attractive. He leaned down, and Todoroki involuntarily closed his eyes.
Only to blink when his nose was flicked.
“Gotcha.” Bakugou grinned at him, delighted at Todoroki’s fluster. “I win.” With that, he gave him a quick peck before shooting to his feet, running out the room like a child pulling a prank.
Todoroki laid there, heart racing and ears burning. He covered the stupid grin pulling at his lips with his hands, fighting the urge to make a noise in case Bakugou was still within earshot as he kicked his feet.
“Good grief- how much whipped cream did you put on that?” The blonde asked one morning, more amused than anything at the tall pile resting against Todoroki’s waffle stack.
“Not enough. It’s good for the brain.” He replied, swiping a finger through the perfect mountain before licking it, closing his eyes. “Sugar or something- ask Midoriya.”
“I’m not asking that nerd shit.” Bakugou rolled his eyes, a fondness in his smile as he watched Todoroki snag another bite. “How did I not know you had a sweet tooth?”
“I don’t- I just really like whipped cream.”
“That’s basically the same thing.”
“No- this is light and airy. Sweets are heavy.”
“How-ah, it’s too early for this.” Bakugou shook his head as he grabbed his water bottle, turning towards the outskirts around the dorm. “I’m going for a run. Be ready when I get back- it’s our turn to get groceries.”
“Hm.” Todoroki had picked up the waffle whole, biting into it as he listened to Bakugou talk. He looked like a squirrel harvesting; cheeks fat and happy. Bakugou tried not to laugh. “Sure, sure, no problem.”
“Good. Hey, hold still.” The blonde reached out, swiping a dollop of cream off his cheek. Without breaking eye contact, he licked his thumb, smirking when Todoroki blushed. “You know- it’s not all that bad.”
He took off, fiddling with his playlist as he disappeared out the door. Todoroki was stock still- staring at the waffle he bit into as he replayed that action over and over in his mind.
“Dude- you got it bad.” Denki mused from beside him, taking the other waffle off his plate. Todoroki didn’t even notice.
“Hmm..’He looked at her with such…context?’”
“I knew that!”
Todoroki smiled at the blonde’s annoyance, his eyes never leaving his notebook. They were working on their English homework together; Present Mic was insistent they kept their studies going even with everything else in the world going on. “You’re doing this on purpose, aren’t you?”
“Like hell I am.” Bakugou grumbled, glaring at his own notebook. “You can’t even begin to imagine how many tutors had to help me before I could figure this out.”
“I always assumed academics were natural for you.”
“I’m not a genius like people say I am.” There was a touch of insecurity in his sarcastic remark. Todoroki reached out and patted his hand.
“Struggling with one subject doesn’t make you any less smart. You help me with any subjects I barely understand. I mean it when I say that; you’re a natural when it comes to this kind of thing.”
Bakugou flushed, cheeks on fire as he glared into his clenched pencil. Then he reached out- squeezing Todoroki’s shoulder. “Erm..thanks, Shoto.”
The half-n-half hero smiled gently, returning to his notebook.
“I never believed in fate until I met you. Now I know we’re meant to be together.”
Todoroki felt himself shiver, dropping his pencil at the words. “W-What?” He asked, turning around to look at Bakugou.
“What? I was just reading the next question out loud.” Bakugou didn’t look up from his work, hands scratching away at the paper. Todoroki felt his heart race again, trying not to clutch it as he took a shaky breath.
“Yeah..yeah, I see…” He swore he could see Bakugou smiling to himself. Only after he finished the last of the worksheet did he realize none of the translations even came close to that.
“Shoto.” Bakugou called out to him many weeks later. At this point, Todoroki was ready.
“Yes?” He asked when the blonde reached him. He could see the signs now- little quirks here and there. A suppressed smile, a glean in his eyes. His hands twitched with eagerness to do what he was going to do next. Todoroki’s heart raced with each fidget- also eager.
“I saw this new thing on the internet. Some cool handshake or whatever.” Bakugou raised his hands between them, flat and straight. Todoroki immediately knew what was happening.
“...” He did the same, mimicking the pose as he watched Bakugou smile. Fingers folded into the other one, leaving five digits standing. Todoroki did it with some feign hesitation, slowly dragging them down before looking at Bakugou. “Is this the part where we shake hands?”
Bakugou didn’t respond. Instead he hooked his own into Todoroki’s standing ones, bringing it up and above his head. That hand from before was back on his skull- cushioning the blow as he was pressed up into the wall. Another small gasp, his eyes widened involuntarily as he looked into Bakugou’s.
The blonde was grinning now, leaning in so they were forehead to forehead, his hand dragging slowly from Todoroki’s head to his neck then shoulder. The duel-quirk hero tried not to squirm, fighting off the giggles building up in his chest as the hand rested on his chest- right above his heart.
“Heh. Knew it. You totally love this.” Bakugou’s voice was hushed, a secret between them as he held Todoroki’s gaze. “Your heart is practically sprinting, Shoto.”
“Can you blame me? You’re so close..” He didn’t have the words to banter- his brain was barely working with Bakugou right there. “You really have been doing all this on purpose, have you?”
“Yeah.” No point denying it, it seemed. “Has it been working?”
“...Yeah.” Todoroki confessed. No point denying it himself either. “It has.”
“Good.” Bakugou laughed softly, letting the hand on Todoroki’s chest slide. He was about to take it off before deciding he had one more trick up his lack of sleeve.
“What-Ah! Ahehahahahah, dohohoohn’t you dahahahhare!” Todoroki squeaked, bursting into giggles when Bakugou began squeezing his side. “Nohohohooho, it tihihihiihckles!”
“That’s the point, Shoto. Man, you really gotta keep up with me, here.” Bakugou snickered as he leaned in to kiss him, smothering his giggle fits briefly.
Voices could be heard then. Uraraka and Midoriya- something about moves and whatnot. Todoroki felt his stomach churn with sudden dread. “Katsu-”
The door he was leaning on opened, sending them tumbling back. A few moves- a hand back on his head and a kick to wood sent them straight into Todoroki’s room, concealed away before anyone could witness.
“What was that?” They heard Midoriya ask.
“Maybe a ghost? Scary..” Uraraka added, their footsteps passing by with no stop. Bakugou waited, still as a statue until they couldn’t hear them any longer. “Wow- talk about a close call.” He turned back to Todoroki, bringing his hand out from behind his head and brushing his thumb against his cheek. “You good?”
All of it was such a daze. Between the wall pin, the kiss, the almost getting caught- and now he was once again pinned to the floor beneath his boyfriend, breathless and light. When Bakugou asked again, he reached up and kissed him, hard and fast.
“Mm!” The blonde yelped before melting, grabbing onto his shirt as he quickly returned the favor. “Damn, I should do this more often.”
“Mm…wait- wait, Katsuki.” At Todoroki’s words, he froze immediately, giving him enough space to speak. “Can I ask you something?”
“Right now? I mean- yeah.” The blonde nodded, brows furrowed. “What’s up?”
“Why…why did you do all this? The wall thing, the quotes- all that romantic stuff?” He had a feeling he knew the answer, but he wanted to hear it from his boyfriend's lips. “How did you know I’d…”
Bakugou blinked, considering. Then he grinned, laughing as he fell into Todoroki’s chest. “You’re so duhuhmb! Isn’t it obvious?” He looked at him, eyes dancing with such love it once again snatched his breath away. Damn- he was gonna need new lungs. “It’s because you love this kind of thing. You’re like- physically affectionate or whatever the love thingy is.”
“Love languages. But- you don’t like this kind of stuff though, no?” The blonde was never much for physical contact- griping and groaning over it whenever someone tried to hug him. “So why..?”
Bakugou sighed, the sound amused. “It’s not my preferred love thing, but…you love it. And I guess I don’t really mind getting physical-” He paused, wagging his brows. Todorki rolled his eyes with a laugh. “No but seriously- I know how much you love this kind of thing, and I want to give you the kind of love you deserve. And- mind you, I’m not against physical touch- obviously.” He gestured to their positions. “This isn’t my thing, that’s all. I’ll gladly give it to you-” Another pause- Todorki shoved at his shoulder. “Hehe, okay okay. I just know you well enough to make you happy.”
Todoroki felt his heart swell, eyes misting some at the words. Before Bakugou could panic, the half-n-half hero reached out, touching his cheek with a strong smile.
“I don’t think I tell you this enough- but I love you, so much.”
Bakugou’s cheeks flushed, eyes wide and smile growing. He leaned into Todoroki’s hand with a small laugh, puddy at his fingers. “Now we’re really recreating your romances.”
Todoroki laughed, pulling him close and kissing him once more, resuming their previous activity. Every kiss reminded him just how lucky he was to have someone like Bakugou in his life.
Thanks for reading!
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