#latinos and the youth
hale-nathan · 2 days
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Trump Weird News - JD Vance - Then & Now
THEN: JD Vance Rebukes GOB for stance on migrants and minorities, criticizing for it for "being openly hostile to non-whites" and for alienating "Blacks, Latinos, and the youth."
NOW: "Whatever You Say Boss!!"
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latntransys-world · 8 months
I am a confident, emotionally intelligent woman, who doesn’t struggle with -self growth.
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imaslave4u · 1 year
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João Guilherme (Abril 14, 2023)
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punkeropercyjackson · 9 months
Sending this Kyle ask again bc you told me to
Teenage Kyle if you will (we need someone to edit teenage Venus next to him)
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1.HE IS SO FUCKING CUTE🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺💚💚💚💚💚💚💚
2.Fun fact,Kyle is a teen in the 90s era of comics in my verse since Summer Kent is in Jason's genenration and i selfship with both of them so this is actually what he looks like in the YJ timeframe :D
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gwydionmisha · 3 months
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flower-tea-fairies · 6 months
Most of the trans ppl who have been killed so far in 2024 have been latine poc, and to my fellow trans latine poc i just wanna tell you that im sorry we have to stay strong i hope you know tho that we hold each other close to our hearts and our solidarity is so much stronger than any hate
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kiranherbert · 10 months
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This Bike Program Is Empowering Indigenous and Latino Youth
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tododeku-or-bust · 3 months
Gotta be honest, sometimes it still astounds me the whiplash in the political arena from last year. I know Presidential elections are always insufferable for the hypothetical, tokenized "Blacks and Latinos" and the "anonymized people of the Global South", and I prepared for that. but you legitimately could not have told me that Biden would manage to so gloriously fumble what could have been the easiest dub in history.
The Republicans were infighting about Trump's dumbass, to the point of breaking. Democrats were only giving a shit about the opinions of the white moderate, but they still held that corny facade of "at least we care". No one negatively affected by his policies believed it, but the establishment Dems didn't waver. And then this man decided to wholeheartedly support a genocide. every excuse you could possibly have became null and void once your nominee can be told "at least our Republican candidate didn't finance a genocide". Imagine not being able to contradict a Conservative on the debate stage about warmongering and hating Arabic people, and you're supposed to be his opposite.
You got the youth vote and the Black vote, two of the strongest groups for Democrats, wavering. You got the Black CHURCH wavering- and they are staunch Democrats. Like this man torched his own campaign. White liberals, y'all better start convincing your own white nonvoters (who make up the majority of nonvoters) bc "The POC" are not gonna fill that "guaranteed" space in this year. 🤷🏾‍♀️
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hussyknee · 10 months
Libs are like, "YOU CAN'T LET TRUMP WIN JUST BECAUSE BIDEN IS COMMITTING A GENOCIDE! THIS IS NOT THE TIME FOR SINGLE-ISSUE VOTERS", when the fact is that people are already really fucking angry at him for funding two wars during a severe cost of living crisis. Biden's pet dog has already gotten Israel and the US embroiled in a steadily escalating conflict with Houthis and Hezbollah in Syria and Lebanon, and now Netanyahu is trying to ethnically cleanse two million Gazans by pushing them out of the country into Egypt, one of the countries the US gives billions of aid money to make nice with Israel and help them trap the Palestinians. Egypt is already mad about this (although Idk what they expected lol) and if Israel creates a border conflict with them, Iran might press their advantage and then the whole region descend into an all-out war in which the US is embroiled. At which point oil prices will jump, the US economy get even worse, more tax money funnelled into TWO wars, one of which is due to the genocide.
People might not care about Muslims living thousands of miles away, but they have some very strong opinions about putting food on the table. At this point there's a pretty significant shift in the Black community towards Trump because Biden has INCREASED funding for police, is supporting Cop City that someone DIED protesting, and hasn't made a dent in mass incarceration (the marijuana pardon was fucking hilarious in a depraved way). The right has also been weaponizing Black people's resentment against Latino "illegal aliens" and Biden's "concessions" towards them, when actually his immigration policies have barely been less draconian than Trump's all this time. The reason he's making those concessions is that he has to look more progressive than him, except he's also been slowly escalating ICE crackdowns, keeping kids in cages and building a border wall. So the Latin voters are entirely fed up with him too.
So far, he's lost the Muslim vote, the Latin vote, the Black vote, the youth vote (people of ages 18 to 35 are the most outraged at the genocide in Gaza), and they're hemorrhaging the working class votes. These are the extremely angry and betrayed people the liberals are currently working overtime screaming at about Trump "bringing the death of democracy", like democracy means anything to them compared to losing jobs, money, visas, family members, health (Biden's first and ongoing genocide is disabled people due to his COVID policies), social infrastructure and money.
Y'all said Blue Not Matter Who and elected a career racist and known incompetent who supported segregation, was an architect of mass incarceration, got Clarence Thomas elected to the Supreme Court and spewed rhetoric against Arabs so genocidal that motherfucking Menachem Begin was like "....bro." And you got exactly what you paid for. If Trump gets on the ticket next year he's going to win, and no amount of screaming at people online is going to change that. So I suggest you start organising now. The age of trying to create a revolution at the ballot box is over.
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jawz · 9 months
i’ve been thinking a lot lately about the way my ethnicity affected the way i was gendered as a child, my drive to transition, and even my detransition…
as a hispanic growing up with my white mom and white stepdad and white brother and white extended family in scandinavian hell (minnesota), i always felt different, always felt wrong. (my parents divorced as a baby, and my dad and his family, cuban and italian, all live in florida.) my neighborhood wasn’t so bad; it was way more diverse than the metro area itself. growing up i had mixed friends, i had friends with curly hair… but us trailer park kids were only a fraction of the population of our schools and district. a sea of blonde hair. there were times in elementary school i would literally pray to god to make my hair straight, make my eyes blue. grown-ups touched my hair and always asked “is it naturally curly?”. my classmates urged me to straighten it and by age 13 it was part of my ridiculously time-consuming “feminizing” beauty rituals.
much earlier, by the age of 8 or 9, i already had thick, dark hair growing on my legs. other kids, boys and girls alike, called me “gorilla girl”, faked gagging when i wore shorts, insisted i was actually a boy. that one became more and more common as i came into my personality: bold, class clown, competitive with the boys. (always wanting to charm the girls, but i didn’t recognize that back then.)
my mustache was there by 8, as well. just a little peach fuzz above my lip but dark enough to notice. are you even a girl? my mom would spread wax over her own face and soon began waxing my stache as well. it hurt so badly. i put up with it because she said it would make the kids stop teasing me. of course i was a girl- she was a woman and she had peach fuzz too!… but i felt self-conscious at the fact that my body hair was so much more noticeable, even as a child. my mother’s hair is very thin, straight, lighter brown; her complexion is warmer than mine, pink where mine is olive, green and yellow. i worried you could see the strands about to burst through. i was worried that to be a girl- a woman- i must hide parts of myself every day. i must cover the shoots of grass, the weeds that reveal that i’m not fit for society, that whisper i’m wild and untamed.
it wasn’t actually until i was 18 at least that i actually started to consider myself latino. i had sometimes said ‘hispanic’ growing up, as that’s what my family in florida called themselves; they referred to themselves as “spanish”, which i found out was not quite true after compiling my family tree and discovering that those ancestors emigrated from havana. in their minds they were white: “descended from spanish royalty” (as if!!)… i had spent my youth constantly trying to claim solely whiteness, confused as to why everyone was asking me “are you mexican?” “are you jewish?” “are you middle eastern?” - even though inside i think i knew. i knew my family didn’t look like me. i resented my surname being changed to Lind when i was five, my stepdad’s name, in order to give me the same name as the rest of them. despite my apparent envy of swedes and norwegians i knew it wasn’t my name; i still stood out terribly. i glared at myself in the mirror every day, i never could move past how the kids at school said my eyes were the color of shit, that my hair looked like pubes, that i must have had a sex change without being told because that would explain the mustache, the aggression…
by the time i was fourteen i was entirely primed to accept an alternative explanation to what was “wrong” with me. my sexuality was becoming more and more apparent but before i could ever come out as lesbian or even bi, i had discovered what it meant to be trans. i was so immediately certain that this was the key, THIS was why everyone said i didn’t fit in, THIS was why my behavior wasn’t girly, THIS was why i wanted to date girls. it was 2011, still deep in the “brain sex” era of the trans community, and i was sure without a shadow of a doubt that i was physically female, mentally male. all that needed to be done was to “correct” my body and bring it in line with my brain. despite the fact that very few people knew what transition actually was back then, i genuinely assumed it would make sense to everyone else, too: they had told me i wasn’t ‘really’ a girl so many times i had no trouble believing it.
transition, of course, did not suddenly de-latinize me LOL. first i became a total Other, outside of both the minnesotan ethnic norms and the gender+sex norms; eventually, with hormones and surgery at a very young age, i was able to pass as a boy, but by the time i could grow actual full-on facial hair, i realized i was still the pan-latin american enigma to people around me. multiple times someone would call me “sanchez” as some sort of attempted insult or joke. police looked at me differently than they had before. shop owners followed me, accused me of shoplifting. and sometimes, the white girls i dated told me that i was way cooler than all the boring white boys they knew. one girl even called me “exotic” to my face. it was, apparently, a compliment.
when i was 21 i heard that my girlfriend had referred to me to others as “a POC who identifies as white”. it felt as though she didn’t even know me at all. i’d never claimed either of those things to her.
moving to the west coast (socal specifically, where being latino/a is not considered ‘abnormal’) illuminated a lot of the bizarre and unnatural racial expectations of my midwest upbringing; i think by this point i was beginning to realize what so many things from my childhood had meant. that they weren’t really saying i was a boy. they were saying we don’t like girls who look like you, and we’d rather not have you included in our category.
it took me another three years to fully reckon with this. by the time i decided to detransition i had a much better understanding of the circumstances of my life; conversations with close friends who are also latina and have walked similar paths to me, heard similar insults, similar “compliments”, opened my eyes to the fact that i was not alone. i no longer feel weird for thinking the race/ethnicity boxes on government forms are hopelessly reductive. i know who i am and who i am not.
(around this time, i happened upon some old pictures of my dad’s side of the family. beautiful and glamorous women: adela, my uncle’s mother, the piano player; melanie, my aunt, the wife, hostess, and addict; lauren and andrea, my cousins, the restauranteurs; stella, my dad’s mamma, the widow and matriarch. and on all their faces, thick dark eyebrows, and, yes, that ever-familiar peach fuzz. i swear it healed something in my soul. despite my lack of beauty and glamor, we are not so different after all.)
that’s not to say all things are easy now. i’ve spent three years living as a GNC woman and if that wasn’t enough to confirm most all of my hypotheses on people’s perceptions of me, i don’t know what is.
detrans spaces (like most trans spaces) are overwhelmingly white- or at least that’s who dominates conversation. i see SO much downplaying of the things that naturally hairy women go through societally. i see trans allies who purport to be “okay” with detransitioners, saying “what’s the big deal? if you took testosterone you can just go off it and get laser hair removal!! :)” as if laser isn’t expensive as hell, painful as hell, and also WAY more of a process for a woman with dark curly hair than it is for one with straight blonde hair lmfao!!! i see detrans women obsessed with removing all traces of hair from their bodies (even though most of them clearly don’t have a neverending five o’clock shadow like some of us do! my lower face has a constant blue-green disturbance under the surface which makes female spaces incredibly daunting) and insulting the rest of us for being ugly and hairy and making no effort to look like women or what the fuck ever. basically, a lot of people who claim to support us are just racists and essentialists and believe that sex is visual and not biological…🤨
anyway… i guess my main takeaways from all this are:
1. please stop acting like detransition is an entirely internal process and that it’s easy for all of us to be seen as our sex again (some of us like. actually transitioned and passed as the opposite sex), or that potential physical interventions aren’t incredibly invasive and difficult
2. stop assuming all transition and detransition journeys follow your own experience of lifelong whiteness and hairlessness
3. it is a distinct experience to be regularly de-gendered or denied your sex, PRIOR to ever thinking of yourself as literally trans. many trans/detrans people had this happen to us (we were once the vast majority of trans people). but many did not, and generally shock others when they begun breaking gender norms. i really think people from the second group often have trouble understanding that for the first group, changing gender expression is basically a bandaid over an abscess… we have lived entire lifetimes being denied our sex, being told our bodies are not “truly” ours, that there is someone else inside trying to break out. kicked out of the bathroom, the changing room, alienated from single-sex peer groups. transition just flips this experience and instead separates us from our preferred gender group, reinforcing the feeling that we have no place, anywhere.
race/ethnicity, being homosexual or bisexual, mental illness stigma, disability, and low economic class all play an additional role in this. stop perpetuating this and denying us our biological sex.
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headfarintheclouds · 3 months
The Deal (Iso x Reader) Chapter 1
I tried dto post that 3 times from my PC but Tumblr crashed... so I'm posting it from my phone. I hope you guys like it !
Words count : 1400k
TW: none
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"Fuck this I'm done!" yelling in anger I threw the gun to the ground, if Brimstone or Sova saw me right now I would probably get a scolding of a lifetime, but they weren't here with me. Only Gekko and his crew.
"Hey, calm down Y/n ! I'm sure you get it next try." the green haired Latino raised his hands, trying to stop me from exiting the practice range. I threw a nasty glare his way, making Trash growl at me in warning. "Hey, no that's not very nice!" he quickly scolded the creature making it roll its eyes at him.
I huffed and turned my head to the target I was practicing on. A ray of bullet holes behind it, only five or four on it. If being bad at shooting was a sport, then I was the champion of it.
"I'm sorry Mateo but I've been practicing for months now. I can't seem to land a single shot. If it's gonna be like that then I might as well quit while I'm ahead." I told him with a sad smile. His brow eyes widened in surprise upon hearing me say that, before I knew it, he was standing before me with a deep frown on his youthful face.
"Hey no, don't think like that. Not everyone is good at everything, chicka. Sometime those things take time." sending me a small smile he put a hand on my shoulder and squeezed it in silent support.
"It's been six months through, what if I'm not made for this?" I looked up at my best friend, desperation clear in my voice.
"Nobody was made for this, but everyone made it work in the end. You'll get there soon enough." he nodded his head, firmly believing in his own words.
I sighed. Yeah, I was invited to Valorant by Brimstone himself, but back then none of us knew I would be an absolute shit at shooting. All he saw was a silent Radiant, with control over sounds who was amazingly good at sneaking and getting information. It was what he needed, he told me back then. But then assured me he wouldn't send me anywhere until I finished my training. Ever since then I have been on the base spending my time in the shooting range alongside Gekko and Neon, who quickly became my best friend among the Agents. Guess I got one good thing out of that whole shit show.
"I'll talk to Brimstone." I said, already making up my mind. Wingman who was standing in-between us, put his tiny limp on my leg and let out a series of sad chirps making my heart clench in pain. Gosh I was going to miss this adorable guy. Neon and Gekko too, heck even Yoru who was a pain in the ass from day one.
"Y/n please, think about this." Gekko begged, his eyes glossy from the unshed tears. I chuckled halfheartedly at my friend and put a hand over the one he still had on my shoulder.
"I have."
*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚:
After my talk with Brimstone I made my way to my room and started to pack up my things. The older man wasn't pleased with my decision and tried to persevere me to stay, heck he even involved Sage in it knowing how much respect I held for the women. But I wasn't about to drag everyone down with my poor skills. They had Omen, Sova and Cypher to gather all the information they needed.
A knock on my door stopped me in my tracks. Narrowing my brows I sighed and decided to ignore it in favor of putting my things in my duffle bag. Another knock, this time a louder and more aggressive one.
"I don't want to talk, leave me alone Gekko!" I yelled hoping it would be enough. After all who else would it be? Neon didn't know about me leaving yet, and both Sage and Brimstone respected my choices enough to leave me alone for now.
"It's not Gekko." my eyes widened in surprise upon hearing the deep voice of Iso.
The Chinese hit man quickly became my favorite person around HQ, even if we didn't spend nearly enough time together, I still found myself harboring a crush on him. What was he doing outside my door?
I walked over to it and punched in the code to open them, coming face to chest with the handsome man. My eyes widened upon seeing the intensity in his lilac-colored orbs. They seemed to be glowing.
"I heard you were leaving." he stated, no greetings or how are you's. Just straight to the point.
"I.. I am yes." stuttering I gasped when he pushed me in the room and closed the door behind him.
"What do you mean 'why'?" I blinked in confusion.
"Why are you leaving? Give me a one good reason." he wasn't making any sense to me. Why was he suddenly so interested in me leaving the place? We spoke maybe a total of five times during my stay here. But I had to admit, it did make my heart do summer sluts inside my ribcage. Did he care?
"I suck at shooting, that's why." I stated simply, observing his face for any kind of reaction. All I got was him clenching his jaw and mumbling something in Chinese.
"Is that all?" he asked, making me narrow my own eyes at him.
"Excuse me?"
"That is not a valid reason to leave." he said in anger, taking a step closer. I never realized how big he was until now, holy shit! And he was mad at me to! (For some reason) Was this the way I was going to die?
"What's it to you?' I challenged him with a hiss.
"You. Me. Shooting Range tomorrow at noon. I will train you personally from now on." I could myself going pale. He wanted to train me? Personally? Yes please, but also no fucking way. I wasn't about to make a fool out of myself in front of my crush.
"No way. I'm leaving first thing in the morning." shaking my head I missed the moment he got closer, until I could feel the warmth of his breath on my face. It smelled faintly of cinnamon.
"I am not asking you, I'm telling you Tián tián." he leaned his head even closer, so close in fact I could make specks of dark purple in his eyes. "Listen to me. Let's make a deal. If you stay, I will make it so you'll be one of the best shooters in the entire team. Give me three months." I blinked at the sudden change of attitude. He was very confident in what he was saying that much I could tell.
"And if I don't become the best shooter?" I whispered, too scared to speak any louder than that. He was still very close to me, so when he smirked upon hearing my Question I about fainted then and there.
"Then I will let you go."
"You will let me go? Aren't you getting ahead of yourself, big guy?"
"Let me put it this way. If at any point of the three months you'll run away, I will personally hunt you down and drag you back. Do you understand?"
Okay, what the fuck was going on right now? Where was the sweet and shy guy who stuck to the side lines and didn't interact with others? Was he swapped during one of the missions? Did he hit his head or something? I blinked up at the older male, trying to understand what was being said to me.
"Okay. But what if you win the bet? What do you want in return?" I asked, my voice curious to hear his reason.
"You'll see." he stood up straight, putting more distance between us and making my heart calm down a bit. "I'll see you tomorrow." he winked and left both my room and me in a state of ruin.
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latntransys-world · 9 months
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Repost if you would wife me and make me all yours
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rei-comfort-zone · 2 months
what race is ash? I love her sm btw
I actually don't know and she neither🧑🏽‍🦯 (she is mixed for sure, I never had draw her mom to leave in wonder if she is half-white/poc or just poc or bipoc)
Ash is probably around the label of poc, in the ethnicity side, well: she haves latino roots (that also is not specific so everyone can imagine her being of x country<333) but I have my own ideas of Ash's dad being mexican/having mexican roots🗣‼️🇲🇽
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But anyways, Ash (and other poc ocs of mine) haves quite a small trait that I gave them from me:
(as a latino/mixed weirdo) is way too difficult to get to explain what race exactly I am since my family is full mixed and is just a mess to understand, I kinda struggled a lot on my youth to understand what I was so I now I just go by "I'm just brown dude🟫" and vibe with it as much I can
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inkydavinkygal · 2 months
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The Super Readers Outfits (Redesign)!
While I adore the Super Readers' old outfits (from 2007-2016) and their new designs (from the short series), I wanted to try out my idea if they ever decided to upgrade their designs! Here, I'm going to describe what I changed about their designs and why:
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Wonder Red and Princess Presto
Wonder Red
Single braided ponytail: changes her hair when she gets older (rather than youthful pigtails) and makes it easier to not get caught in battle.
A mask: never understood why the boys got gear to conceal their identities, but they girls didn't. So I gave her a well-deserved mask.
Longer one-piece: Always felt uncomfortable with how short her original outfit was: I know it was meant to be inspired by skater outfits, but this is a ten-year-old girl here, so I gave her a mix of her newer design which mixed that issue and my interpretation.
More gear: As a superhero and a skater, Wonder Red is given more protection (elbow pads and shoulder pads underneath her scarf).
No CAPES!: Wonder Red isn't given a cape in this version (as it might create issues if it gets snagged onto something, resulting in injury or worse) but rather a removable scarf she wears for added stylized admiration.
Princess Presto
Mask: Like the rest of the girls, Princess Presto is given a five-pointed star mask to protect her real royal identity.
Shorter dress: Inspired by various magical girls, Presto gets changed from an elegant gown to a equally as gorgeous short-gown like dress; the reason for this change was to allow her to be more flexible during battle and not have to worry about her dress getting so easily stained. To substitute her shorting, added accessories are given to her (earrings, embedded jewels, her newer forms boots, and gloves).
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Power Paige and Woofster
For Power Paige, not much was changed from her adorable design. The most really changed was giving her a mask and adding some cute details to her costume that I thought were okay to add, including giving her lightning bolts to her shoes and a heart-shaped belt.
Now, for Woofster, a lot was changed. His original design was commonly known for being kinda bland (with only a cape being added, and that was that). To add a little more detail, I gave him a red mask and red boots similar to his design from "Woofster and the Pet Pack." At least it helps hide his identity a little better.
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Super Why and Alpha Pig (ignore Woofster)
Alpha Pig
Like Paige, not a lot was changed for his design (as I already like his design). The most I really changed were his shoes (which look better with purple soles), worker gloves, and giving him longer sleeves. An added split of his worker top was also given to give a more innocent look towards him.
An additional pocket with a pencil is also added, symbolizing his friendship with Power Paige (whose tool is a pencil)
Super Why
Hair: As I headcannon Whyatt as half Afro-Latino, I wanted to incorporate my original design (which were locks shaped in his original design) that takes a similar shape to his newer hair design.
Updated outfit: Most of his newer outfit was based heavily on Super-Boy's outfit, but I also took direct inspiration from both his old and newer outfits: they're both too iconic to forget. Plus, this suit is equipped with temperature regulated particles.
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canisvesperus · 24 days
The thing that gets me is that for how often vegans are bitched and moaned about on this website, there are hardly any vegans on here in the first place. I know fewer vegans than I know people with green eyes or red hair— and white people are a minority where I live. So you can imagine. And, to everyone’s surprise, the vegans I know are Black, Native, Latino. Honestly, there are hardly any vegans out there in the world for all the vitriol we get. At least I never see anybody shitting their pants over sxe or xvx on here. Nobody on this damn website grew up listening to Minor Threat, Fugazi, Earth Crisis, Youth of Today, Propagandhi, let alone knows their names and yet you call yourselves punk. Not to sound elitist but Ok!
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