fnfightco · 8 months
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Il Maestro Nascimento stai arrivando a Cali per un intenso stage di graduazione e allenamento nella palestra FN FIGHT.CO CALI-KRONOS BJJ del professor Cristian Lasprilla Gallego. Sarà un’opportunità eccitante per migliorare le proprie abilità e ottenere nuove graduate con Osservazione del nostro caposcuola Buon allenamento a tutti osss!
#jiujitsu #colombia #colombiabjj #calibjj #bjj #ajpcolombia
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Lasprilla López, V. (2009). Chagras y mujeres indígenas: significado y función del trabajo femenino en la comunidad indígena ticuna. San Sebastián de los Lagos.
ONIC - Tikuna. (n.d.). ONIC. https://www.onic.org.co/pueblos/1149-tikuna
 Uruburu Gilède, S. y Ortiz Nova, Y. Participación política, paz y justicia ambiental: una reflexión desde las mujeres ticuna de San Sebastián de los Lagos, Amazonas. Universidad Santo Tomas.
Ticuna - Pueblos Indígenas en Brasil. (n.d.). https://pib.socioambiental.org/es/Povo:Ticuna
DANE. (2022). Resultados del CNPV 2018 y certificación de la población indígena: Departamento de Amazonas, municipios Leticia y Puerto Nariño. https://www.dane.gov.co/files/investigaciones/planes-departamentos-ciudades/220501-Resguardos_Amazonas_CNPV2018.pdf
Camacho, Hugo. 2003. La disposición final basuras en Leticia y su Impacto en la comunidad indígena San Sebastián, informe observatorio de infancia y familia. ICBF. Amazonas.
Lasprilla, Victoria Andrea, Jacqueline Mesa. 2003. Chagra Ticuna: Sistema de pensamiento y manejo agroforestal. Resguardo Ticuna, Cocama y Yagua de Puerto Nariño - Amazonas”. Monografía de pregrado para optar a los títulos de Antropóloga e Ingeniera forestal. Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas.
Vieco Juan José, et al (Ed). 2000. Territorialidad indígena y ordenamiento en los pueblos de la Amazonía. Ed. Unibiblos. Bogotá.
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intecap · 2 years
Si bien el conocimiento no debe imponerle límites a la libertad, en realidad si puede llegar a restringirla. La sabiduría es fundamental para poder superar las barreras que hoy por hoy la especialidades nos imponen, en una auténtica lucha por la libertad". Germán Lasprilla (2016)
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iihbki3 · 4 years
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Guerrero-Lasprilla v. Barr https://t.co/YlW1LqYt6O United States Supreme Court cases https://t.co/pcgJt7OsYi https://t.co/l1VWwX5a7y
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gettothestabbing · 4 years
Congress wanted to make the deportation of immigrants who commit crimes easy and straightforward. To that end, the INA dictates that immigrants convicted of violent crimes or drug offenses cannot challenge their deportation in federal court.
Congress adopted that rule, called the "criminal-alien bar," because it wanted expert immigration authorities in the executive branch, not federal courts, to make final judgments about deportation, O’Brien told the Free Beacon.
There are two exceptions to the criminal-alien bar. One provides that immigrants can fight a deportation order in court if their case involves a "question of law." The issue in Monday’s case was a technical one—whether the application of law to undisputed facts counts as a "question of law."
A seven-justice majority led by Justice Stephen Breyer said the answer is yes, citing a background rule that "executive determinations generally are subject to judicial review." In doing so, the Court may have greatly expanded the number of immigrants who can fight their deportations before a judge.
Justice Clarence Thomas dissented, warning that the Court's decision gives judges far more leeway to review deportation orders than Congress intended.
"The majority effectively nullifies a jurisdiction-stripping statute, expanding the scope of judicial review well past the boundaries set by Congress," Thomas wrote. Justice Samuel Alito joined Thomas's dissent.
Chief Justice John Roberts and Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan, Neil Gorsuch, and Brett Kavanaugh joined Breyer’s opinion for the Court.
More disconcerting, O'Brien said, is a second issue the ruling did not broach: when an immigrant's ability to challenge his deportation in federal court expires.
"Some deported aliens may retain the possibility of contesting their removal orders decades into the future," O'Brien told the Free Beacon. "And that possibility undermines the effectiveness of deportation as a method for preserving our national sovereignty and border security."
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thesoulofmiami · 3 years
Albizu University Presents Virtual Lecture on Hispanic Neuropsychology Professionals in the United States 11/16/21
Albizu University Presents Virtual Lecture on Hispanic Neuropsychology Professionals in the United States 11/16/21
Albizu University Presents Virtual Lecture on Hispanic Neuropsychology Professionals in the United States Tuesday, 11/16/2021-, 10:00 am-11:00 am RSVP / Register Cost: Free Join Albizu University and internationally renowned neuropsychologist Juan Arango-Lasprilla, Ph.D. on November 16 at 10 a.m. to explore the status of Hispanic individuals working in the field of neuropsychology in the United…
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julio-viernes · 8 years
Los Iberos en “1,2,3 al Escondite Inglés” de Iván Zulueta, divertida película y estupendo muestrario de algunos de los mejores grupos beat de la España de finales de los 60. La canción es “Hiding Behind my Smile”, la “B” de su primer single “Summertime Girl”, ambas originales del equipo compositivo Bickerton-Waddington, los de "Nothing But A Heartache", los de “Sugar Baby Love”.
He citado los seis primeros singles de Los Iberos para Columbia como insuperables, los siguientes son inferiores aunque sobre todo el primero no está nada mal. “Angelina”/”Con Tu Amor” (1971) dos buenas canciones de Oscar Lasprilla que inevitablemente recuerdan a los últimos Brincos.
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alexandrelasprilla · 4 years
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#aparecidadegoiania #goiânia #goiás #brasil #goiânia #aparecidadegoiânia #love #followforfollowback #instagood #beautiful #tbt #photooftheday #fashion #happy #cute #likeforlikes #follow #followers #picoftheday #me #selfie #art #friends #repost #nature #marileialasprilla #fun #lasprilla (em Vila Santa Isabel, Goiânia, Goiás) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_qVXEIn6qw/?igshid=j20w7aidt1i0
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fnfightco · 3 years
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dadelimos · 5 years
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Dade Limo's is proud to welcome our newest TEAM MEMBER and new Social Network and Marketing specialist... Katrina Catten. Katrina will be coordinating and overseeing all of our Social Media services and assisting with Marketing strategies. We brought Katrina on board to help us carry out our new marketing ideas. We believe a newer, younger perspective can help us keep up with the future . Katrina's addition will make the company more accessible to the public eye, in a warm, motivational, and loving environment. Best of wishes to her.
Franklin Lasprilla, Dade Limousines. #teammember #dadelimousines #limousinecompany #newestaddition #youth #youthvision
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iihbki3 · 4 years
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Guerrero-Lasprilla v. Barr https://t.co/YlW1LqYt6O United States Supreme Court cases https://t.co/pcgJt7OsYi https://t.co/l1VWwX5a7y
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Advierte experta: Rociarse el cuerpo con cloro o alcohol no mata la Covid-19
Advierte experta: Rociarse el cuerpo con cloro o alcohol no mata la Covid-19
Tegucigalpa, Honduras martes 05 mayo 2020
Como su nombre lo indica, “Medidas contra Covid-19: Uso del cloro y el catión amónico cuaternario en los seres humanos y el medio ambiente”, de la autora Claudia Lasprilla Pina, puede resultar tan fatal, como la pandemia del coronavirus, que tiene en vilo al mundo. A continuación el artículo de la autora.
La manera en que ciertas medidas no se están…
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maxwellyjordan · 5 years
Tuesday round-up
Yesterday the court released opinions in four argued cases, by posting the rulings on its website at five-minute intervals rather than delivering them from the bench as it usually does. Kevin Daley reports at The Washington Free Beacon that it was “the first time since Bush v. Gore that the justices issued rulings without reading decisions from the bench during an official public session.” In Kahler v. Kansas, the justices ruled 6-3 that the Constitution’s due process clause does not require Kansas to adopt an insanity test that turns on a defendant’s ability to recognize that his crime was morally wrong. Amy Howe has this blog’s opinion analysis, which first appeared at Howe on the Court. Jess Bravin reports for The Wall Street Journal (subscription required) that although “[t]he court left open the possibility of a future challenge under the Eighth Amendment, which forbids cruel and unusual punishments,” “Monday’s decision exemplifies a significant turn in the philosophy of criminal law.”
In Comcast v. National Association of African American-Owned Media, a unanimous court held that a plaintiff who sues for racial discrimination in contracting under federal law has to plead and prove that race was a but-for cause of his injury. Amy Howe analyzes the opinion for this blog, in a post that first appeared at Howe on the Court.  For the Los Angeles Times, David Savage reports that the opinion dealt “a setback to Los Angeles TV producer Byron Allen, who maintained that Comcast refused to carry his channels on its cable network because he’s black.” Richard Wolf reports for USA Today that “[a] key issue in the case before the Supreme Court was whether [Allen’s] network must show that race was the sole reason for the denial of a contract or just one factor.” At Trialdex, Ed Hagen notes that “[t]he Supreme Court has not spoken definitively on the proper standard for this inquiry in … employment discrimination cases” under the Americans with Disabilities Act,” and suggests that today’s decision “indicates that the ‘but for’ test is the correct test in ADA discrimination cases.”
The court also held unanimously in Allen v. Cooper that the Constitution did not give Congress the power to revoke the states’ immunity from suit for copyright infringement in a 1990 law. This blog’s opinion analysis comes from Howard Wasserman. At Education Week’s School Law Blog (subscription or registration required), Mark Walsh reports that “[t]he copyright decision stems from a colorful case involving the 1996 discovery of the wreck of the Queen Anne’s Revenge, the flagship of the notorious pirate Edward Teach, or Blackbeard, off the coast of North Carolina.” Andrew Chung reports at Reuters that “[t]he case tested the balance between the right of individuals to protect their creations through copyrights and the fact that states typically are shielded under the U.S. Constitution from lawsuits seeking damages through sovereign immunity.” At PrawfsBlawg, Wasserman wonders why the separate opinions in Allen were designated concurrences in the judgment.
And in Guerrero-Lasprilla v. Barr, the court held 7-2 that an immigration board’s denial of a  request for equitable tolling of the deadline to file a statutory motion to reopen a deportation case presents a question of law, which can be reviewed by courts. Kit Johnson has this blog’s opinion analysis. Jess Bravin reports for The Wall Street Journal (subscription required) that the court “rejected the Trump administration’s arguments that federal appeals courts had no authority to review the facts underlying deportation decisions for certain classes of immigrants.”
The court also released orders yesterday from Friday’s conference, which was conducted largely by phone, with only Chief Justice John Roberts at the court, the Supreme Court’s spokeswoman said yesterday. The justices did not add any new cases to their merits docket for next term. Amy Howe covers the order list for this blog, in a post that first appeared at Howe on the Court.
At Fortune (subscription required), Jeff John Roberts reports that although “[a]n obvious way for the Supreme Court to respond” to the public health challenge that has prompted it to postpone oral arguments “is by following the example of other courts and embrac[ing] technology like live-streaming to make closed proceedings accessible,” “some legal experts are skeptical the court will embrace such a change—even when faced by the dramatic circumstances of the pandemic.”
In an op-ed at The Chicago Daily Law Bulletin (subscription required), Daniel Cotter observes that “[t]he challenges of COVID-19 and the short-term ramifications are felt by all, and the Supreme Court is no exception.”
In the latest episode of Strict Scrutiny (podcast), Kate Shaw, Melissa Murray and Leah Litman “recap the argument in June Medical Services v. Russo and discuss the coronavirus and the Court.”
We rely on our readers to send us links for our round-up. If you have or know of a recent (published in the last two or three days) article, post, podcast or op-ed relating to the Supreme Court that you’d like us to consider for inclusion in the round-up, please send it to roundup [at] scotusblog.com. Thank you!
The post Tuesday round-up appeared first on SCOTUSblog.
from Law https://www.scotusblog.com/2020/03/tuesday-round-up-523/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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julio-viernes · 4 years
Reescuchando este fin de semana las tres versiones de "World Evil Body" - "Mundo Demonio y Carne" de Brincos, original española, original y alternativa en inglés, la elección de Guerssen no ha podido ser más afortunada. Recupera la mejor de las dos versiones en inglés, la alternativa, y la complementa con la española, sustancialmente diferente en este proyecto a caballo del progresivo y la psicodelia, innovador, ambicioso e internacional con varios tracklists diferentes dependiendo de la edición. 
La versión alternativa conserva lo mejor de la original, suprimiendo tres cortes y añadiendo "Promises & Dreams" (la fantástica "Érase una Vez" en inglés) y el power pop psicodélico de “If I Were You” cerrando un LP que abre la suite de 12 minutos "Word Devil & Body" dividida en cuatro temas, un derroche de apertura y color (melotrones, flautas, efectos de sonido, ambientes hindúes, música sacra). También en el lado más progresivo, "Emancipation" dirigida por el órgano de Óscar Lasprilla, Doors- funk y que anuncia inminentes proyectos de Arbex como Alacrán y Barrabás, y "Misery & Pain", que suena casi a Canarios sin sección de metal.
En "Where is my Love" ("Esa Mujer") es donde más se puede apreciar la mano de Augusto Algueró, una balada dramática prima hermana en arreglos y dirección musical de la célebre y exitosa "Penélope" que coescribió con Joan Manuel Serrat un año antes. Completando la parte más ligera y pop, "Body Money Love", con su aire chicle- pop con influencias vocales de los Beach Boys. 
Siete temas para una versión alternativa que Arbex interpretó como definitiva de un álbum históricamente incomprendido, y que supone un gran colofón a la historia de Brincos.
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kevinmcklein · 5 years
Trastornos psicológicos y neuropsicológicos en la infancia y la adolescencia – Juan C. Arango Lasprilla
Trastornos psicológicos y neuropsicológicos en la infancia y la adolescencia – Juan C. Arango Lasprilla
Fuente: https://www.freelibros.org/ Trastornos psicológicos y neuropsicológicos en la infancia y la adolescencia – Juan C. Arango Lasprilla,
En la actualidad existen pocos libros y materiales de referencia profesional desarrollados en español sobre los trastornos psicológicos y neuropsicológicos de mayor prevalencia entre los niños y adolescentes. En particular, hay necesidad de obras que resalten…
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alexandrelasprilla · 4 years
#aparecidadegoiania #goiânia #goiás #brasil #goiânia #aparecidadegoiânia #love #followforfollowback #instagood #happy #cute #likeforlikes #follow #me #selfie #art #friends #repost #nature #marileialasprilla #fun #lasprilla #legal #massa #intrigante #morri #murri (em Goiânia, Goiás, Brasil) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_tlLnPnFso/?igshid=1oqffmwpqh4nc
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