maxortecho · 2 years
Seriously, I have 10 fics that have been sitting as WIP that I started during the S1-S2 hiatus that I lost the drive to finish... This tomfoolery of a finale may give me the kick in the ass to finally finish and rewrite this show how it should have been.
Bless 😂
You know sometimes all it takes to kickstart a little fic is a raging dumpster fire
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echoapothecary · 5 years
OMG OMG OMG! DID YOU SEE WHAT EP 206 IS TITLED?!?!?! I swear to all that is good any holy in this world, if this is the episode Max comes back.... I'm gonna need a minute, or a week to collect myself.
Ahhhhhh!! Don’t do this to me! This sounds like a miluca centric episode with the candy reference buuuuuut what if it’s also referencing sex for all the ships?? Epic reunion sex for echo and slow, intimate sex for miluca?? Yoooo 👀👀
The reunion sex is gonna kill me isn’t it??
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angsty-nerd · 5 years
Happy Thanksgiving!
I’m not usually one for sappy holiday posts, but I just wanted to pop my head in today and say that I’m so damn thankful this year for Roswell, New Mexico and for this fandom for coming into my life this year! Because I can’t really begin to fully express how much this fandom means to me right now.
This fandom reconnected me with one of my favorite people who I had been disconnected from the past few years...so I am incredibly thankful this year that this fandom reconnected me with @tasyfa. Today I will also reminisce and remember the Canadian Thanksgiving that we spent together many, many years ago in Toronto and what a great trip that was!
I am thankful for all of the new people that this fandom has brought into my life. It has had such a positive impact on me, and I love getting to chat with y’all and theorize with y’all and squee over gifset and episode rewatches with you all. So this year I am so very thankful for y’all, @suzteel, @maxortecho, @latessitrice, @queenrikki, @mercenarywitch, @piccolina-mina, @faithtrustaliendust, @viaomens , @lizacstuff, @laniel-young-again, @lsyoung28, @lesbianmaxevans, and all of the others that I’m sure I’m leaving off, because I really do appreciate all y’all.
Edited to add... @seeaddywrite !! I forgot you and I don't want to forget you, so I'm adding you in hours later!! Adore you & am so glad to have met you this year! 😘
I am thankful that this show and this fandom got me writing again, finally, after all of these years. It’s so enriching and so motivating and it makes me so happy. And all y’all’s support, especially during Fictober, was so, so humbling and wonderful.
I’m thankful for Jeanine Mason, for being the biggest Liz and Echo stan of us all, for being the biggest and best advocate of this show, and just for being an amazing, badass, Latina woman and using that to advocate for wonderful causes and to create an amazing community around her. I want to watch Liz Ortecho be a badass for as long at this show is meant to last for, hopefully the next 4 more years.
I’m thankful for Nathan Dean Parsons...for perfectly embodying a hot, angsty alien cowboy and for giving me a whole new level of thirst that I didn’t even know I had in me. 😆 And I refuse to just be shallow, so I also want to thank him for how much work I know he puts into his character and getting Max right, and that is awesome to see. I know part of what makes this show so special is his partnership with Jeanine and how carefully they craft their characters together, and that just is wonderful to see. In every fandom I have ever participated in, it has never been more clear to me than in this one how DIFFERENT the actor is from the character, and that really impresses me and really helps me to buy into him as an actor. So thanks, Nathan. Gonna miss you until you’re alive again, Max Evans.
I am thankful for Michael Trevino for being our most consistent glimpse into the show behind the scenes, and for giving us a good guy Kyle who is so friggin loveable that I actually don’t believe its possible for anyone in this fandom NOT to love Kyle. And I am thankful that, with all the flying and instagramming you do, that you are still safely among us 😂. STOP THAT. haha.
I am thankful to Lily Cowles for being one cool chic and I am hopeful that we will see a more human and well rounded Isobel this year.
I am thankful for Amber Midthunder for coming back for the season, even though she is plenty busy with Fargo and all of her other projects too. And I can’t WAIT to see Rosa’s plot play out this year!
I am thankful for Heather Hemmens for being friggin adorable and for bringing us a killer strong, independent Maria. And for how lovely it is once she lets her walls down and shows those moments of vulnerability.
I guess I will also be grateful for Vlamis for being such a dynamic supporting character on this show and for being so open and willing to interact with the fandom, to the point of occasionally instagram stalking me... haha.
And then Tyler Blackburn for his excellent portrayal of Alex’s character arc last season. And for his delivery of the line that gave me my new screen name. Haha.
Finally I’ll thank Carina for giving me such a well rounded, dynamic show full of diversity, political commentary, epic romance, aaaaaangst, plot twists... I never expected to love this show so much, dare I say, so much more than OG Roswell?
March feels very far away right now, but the next month is going to FLY with the holidays...and then I’ll probably be moving...and then March is just suddenly going to be here and we’ll be all, whoa! Where did the time go!!
Happy Thanksgiving y’all!
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rnmremix · 5 years
Is this strictly an exchange event, i.e. do I have to have something someone else can remix to make a remix myself?
It is an exchange, meaning the person doing the remix should have something someone else can remix.
However, we would be delighted to have volunteers as pinch hitters in case of emergency. 
(Also, if you are interested in doing a remix outside of the event, the best and easiest way is to simply ask the author themselves. It’s definitely something some fanfic writers are flattered to have happen.)
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maxortecho · 3 years
Oooof! I am L-I-V-I-N-G for the dark-chaotic-sexy energy we are getting from Jones this season!!! It's fulfilling the darkMax! shaped hole in my soul I feel we were robbed of last season when the show resolved Max's post resurrection destructive energy problem in, what, the first 5 minutes of ep 2x06?
Gimme all the condescending smirks, sauntering gait, and slow drawls please!!!
Anyways, in leaning towards the idea of a dual possession, i.e. Jones is sharing Max's body, I am vibrating in anticipation of the mental breakdown Max is (finally?) primed to have when he gets back some semblance of consciousness. I've had MANY thoughts since the first season surrounding Max's isolation and self-loathing, I believe largely triggered by how he felt about killing the man who attacked Isobel in the desert, that has then been compounded every time he learns more about who they are. The idea that killing makes them more powerful, feels good, etc and how that runs completely counter to Max's morals and how he wants to act. I feel that this internal conflict has been building every season, i.e. Max killing Noah, the fear of the chaotic energy he would bring with him if they brought him back to life, losing what was left of his identity when he found out he wasn't Isobel's brother, almost killing Flint at the end of S2 (which, btw, can we get some mention of that people?), and now, in walks Jones. A man who is his family, who potentially has all the answers, who has HIS FACE, and who kills people seemingly without remorse.
Uggggh, Max being literally confronted with a mirror image of himself, all the parts he keeps hidden and is ashamed of?!?! I'll just be over here with a spoon for the rest of the season eating this up...
MTE! S2 teased us so much with dark!Max and then didn't even let that cranky lightning man thrive the way we all deserved to watch. Tbh the weak fizzle of the dark!Max plot has to be in like top 3 s2 disappointments for me haha.
This Jones stuff may not be the same as actual dark!Max, but it is a fun twist in terms of circumstances/ alternative realities that could've played out with him.
AND YES re causing Max a crisis. Particularly if Max has been "awake" to some extent while Jones possessed him? If Max was forced to passively experience the high Jones felt from killing and doing whatever he wants? Max would be seeing his own hands committing all the things he's feared and dreaded about himself.
That fear has been a part of him since the beginning, and iirc it was only really in 2x13 that Max first tentatively vocalised it to Liz. So I'd like to see that topic revisited when they get him back in control of himself and he's still reeling from the experience. 3x09 seems like it could be a great opportunity given Liz/Max will be on their own working together.
But the way you described all this is *chef's kiss* to me lmao. Max has definitely tried to avoid this part of himself by averting his eyes and never looking directly at it; which is hard to do when your OG copy is now in front of you. I'm interested in whether there will be permanent consequences from this experience too. eg, a psychic merge, maybe resulting in Max connecting more with his dark side and finding a way to channel it rather than bottling it up. But idk if the show would be willing to go there lol.
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echoapothecary · 5 years
Just to change it up: Patrick, David, Moira
Fuck David, marry Patrick, get drunk with Moira!
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maxortecho · 3 years
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Liz seducing an alien and his clone with milkshake straws, for @laniel-young-again @rosaortecho
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echoapothecary · 5 years
In the three weeks that Max has been at his new school, he hasn’t uttered a single word. Most kids made fun of him or thought him weird but he was watching, observing, learning their language and their social cues. He wants to talk though, especially to the cute girl who sits opposite him in class. She has a pretty smile and he can’t figure out why, but something feels magnetic inside him whenever he looks at her. But he keeps his distance, keeps to himself on a playground full of screaming kids. When he sees her walking toward him, he gets nervous and can feel his cheeks burning. He desperately wants to say something but he doesn’t know how, not yet. She puts something in his ear and he doesn’t understand the words but he likes it, likes the way it makes him feel happy and light.
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Twenty years later, Max thinks back to that day on the playground when he was a scared, seven year old kid in a life he didn’t know. The day his whole world changed with just one song, a song he would later learn was called ‘Tubthumping’ of all things. He can’t help but laugh out loud at the memory because no matter how annoying it is to most people, he’ll cherish that song forever because of one little girl who showed him kindness when all the other kids showed him anything but. He thinks back on a quote from his favorite author Leo Tolstoy, “music is the shorthand of emotion” and it’s always stuck with him. When Max was frightened, Liz brought him calm and when he was silent, Liz brought him words. She brought music and meaning into his life that day and has been ever since. 
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*special thanks to @laniel-young-again for the music inspiration and song choice!*
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angsty-nerd · 5 years
I was tagged by @faithtrustaliendust, @echoapothecary, @suzteel, and @piccolina-mina to tag 10-15 people I love. I know I’m going to be forgetting people here, so sorry if I do, I still love you! 
So first off, right back at ya, @faithtrustaliendust, @echoapothecary, @suzteel, and @piccolina-mina!! 😘. You guys make me feel so loved and it gave me such a warm fuzzy happy feeling today!! 🥰
Also the rest of our little corner of this fandom, @latessitrice, @maxortecho, @mercenarywitch, @craashdowns, @queenrikki, @cypresssunn, @itslizortecho @gellarsummers...I know I was a late arrival to our little fandom circle and y’all welcomed me with open arms and I just feel the love so much and I’m so glad to have met y’all this year!!
Also want to shout out the other Echo lovers out there who feed me... @viaomens, @seeaddywrite, @michaels-blackhat, @lesbianmaxevans, @laniel-young-again, @lsyoung28, @jumbled-nonsense, @lizacstuff, @irolltwenties...I so appreciate all of you and love chatting with y’all in our little Tumblr chat.
And of course, I would be super lame if I didn’t send some love to my OG Roswell buddy, @tasyfa. 😘. I wouldn’t even be here on Tumblr if she hadn’t convinced me to take a peek at it!
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echoapothecary · 5 years
I was tagged by @faithtrustaliendust to tag 10-15 people I love. I know I’m going to be forgetting people here, so sorry if I do, I still love you! 
First of all, Chelsea, I freaking love you so you’re going to get the love right back! @faithtrustaliendust @maxortecho @angsty-nerd @viaomens @laniel-young-again @mercenarywitch @queenrikki @latessitrice @piccolina-mina @larenoz @tasyfa @irolltwenties you all are so, so lovely!
And a very special shoutout to @lizacstuff! You were the first person to talk to me in this fandom and you make me laugh everyday! I love you 😘
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angsty-nerd · 5 years
It's midnight... You should be in bed... But instead you're rereading and editing a suuuuuper angsty chapter of fic and listening to a 90s music station. Max has just found out that Liz ran away... Aaaaangst.....
And the music switches to Chumbawumba and I just Lose. my. shit.
@laniel-young-again, your headcanon has ruined my brain!!
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echoapothecary · 5 years
lsyoung28 replied to your post “OMG OMG OMG! DID YOU SEE WHAT EP 206 IS TITLED?!?!?! I swear to all...”
The original roswell episode sexual healing had this song playing in an epic max and liz make out scene
OH REALLY?????? @laniel-young-again ok welp, I’m officially going to be dead with you now. OMG
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