#lachlan loreley
etherealedensims · 6 months
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However, Isolabella was the only one worried about their current situation. Everyone else still had the excitement at the prospect of starting an entirely new world together, and were getting started exploring their new home already.
Lachlan quickly found the punching bag in front of their house, and thought it would be fun to give it a go.
Gaia, knowing that they were going to need food sooner rather than later, as well as money - as Shayna was sure to tell them all, as their treasurer - got started some of the seeds she had brought over from the garden at her hermit's shack in the woods.
Shayna and Kazuya, meanwhile, got into a heated discussion about their own personal experiences with occults that had brought them to this exact place and time.
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canthelps · 2 years
hello besties im actually here (like on my v dusty wfh set up (not a lot of work you can do from home when you work in a lab)) and im working through what I owe. 
While I do that, below the cut is a list of all the random test muses i’ve thrown together over the past ~~6 months ish? 
i’d love to flesh some more of them out, so comment for a starter from one of them. Will probably be a lyric
Fletcher - Mike Faist - Vape shop employee
Savannah - Molly Gordon- Nail tech - bisexual
Saskia - Melissa Benoist - Artist - Bisexual
Isabella - Lana Parrilla - Housewife - Bisexual
Miller - Drew Starkey - Mechanic - Straight
Ash - Brigette Lundy Paine - skate shop - bi
Hamish - Joel Kinnaman - florist - straight
Isobel - Ella Purnell - ?? - bisexual
Jordan - Dylan Minnette - holiday rep - bisexual
Saffron - Olivia Holt - ?? - bisexual
Kier - Alex Fitzalan - accountant - bisexual
Celeste - Sophie Nelisse
Lorelei - Kat McNamara
Freya - Sarah Pidgeon
Maria - Maya Hawke
Dixie - Odeya Rush
Luke - Oliver Jackson Cohen
Steven - Richard Madden- Theatre Actor
Hendrick- Hero Fiennes Tiffin- Frat boy
Lachlan- Harry Styles- Some kind of executive
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cruisinfdr · 7 years
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lorelei: what do you….. MEan
riley: UGHGRAJFSHJFWE why do u think i keep flirting with you??????/????/?? what the Frick lorelei ive wanted to date u 4 so long
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ofchryseum · 4 years
Gilded Themed Ask Meme 💌
Send a few questions to everyone who reblogged before you to make sure everyone is included! 
Ambrosia Fitzalan-Howard: What is your muse’s society code name, and how did they pick it? 
Amelia Ward: Does your muse want children? How many? What would they want to name them?
Archer Hearst: What is your muse’s current lockscreen pic?
Asher O’Connor: What is the last concert/live event your muse went to?
Astrid Van Renesslaer: What are your muse’s favourite artists/pieces of art?
Bocephus Morgan: What would your muse say is their worst habit?
Cordelia Brentwood-Zorkin: If your muse could go/go back to university and study anything they wanted for interest only, what would they pick?
Deniz Demir: Share a picture of your muse’s last holiday.
Edward Saxe-Coburg and Gotha: What is the most trouble your muse has ever been in?
Elise Morgan: Where are your muse’s favourite places to holiday?
Étienne De Polignac: What are some examples of your muse’s personal style?
Floraigh Corriegarth: In their country, how would your muse vote?
Garci de Borbon: What is your muse’s favourite book?
Genevieve Donovan: What are your muse’s guilty pleasures?
Hugo Teng: What languages does your muse speak? How did they come to learn them?
Jaehyun Yi: What is your muse’s biggest secret?
Juliette Beauchamp: What is your muse’s favourite holiday?
Kent Donovan: How does your muse speak ie. accent, tone, style, vocabulary etc.?
Konstantin Zorkin: List some aesthetics for your muse.
Lachlan Kelso: Does your muse play any sports? Or did they play any when they were younger?
Lara Kelso: Of all their achievements, which is your muse most proud of?
Leontine Morgan: Who does your muse look up to as a role model?
Lilia Boutroux: Does your muse drive? If so, what do they drive? If not, how do they get around?
Lorelei Vanderbilt: What is your muse’s coffee order?
Lorena Knight: How many followers on Instagram does your muse have?
Lucie Lockhart: What is an unpopular opinion that your muse has?
Maverick Hearst: What is your muse’s favourite piece of clothing/accessory?
Milo Baptiste: What is your muse’s favourite photo of themselves?
Olympe Baptiste: Can your muse play any musical instruments?
Orion Van Renesslaer: Does your muse have tattoos? What do they have? Or what would they get if they were to?
Poppy Saxe-Coburg and Gotha: What is your muse’s middle name? What does it mean? Why did they get given it?
Regina Ward: What drink does your muse order at a bar?
Reign Hearst: Who was your muse’s first or current celebrity crush?
Roselyn Emery: What is your muse’s favourite flower?
Royce Ward: What is your muse’s home like?
Seren Fleming: What are your muse’s favourite movies and television shows? 
Theodore Blair: What is your muse’s favourite food/meal?
Wesley Emerson: What are some of your muse’s favourite songs?
Yasmin Chatterjee: What is your muse’s approximate net. worth?
Zev Tisch: What does self care look like to your muse?
archer, etienne, lachlan, hugo & jaehyun → ask here
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mr-metal-arm · 5 years
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While the people of Icarus are no strangers to merfolk, most people will ever see of one are the sirens. At a distance, they appear to be normal humans, yet upon closer inspection, you’ll spot fins on their arms, legs, and ears, patches of brightly colored scales upon their shiny, almost dolphin-like skin, webbing between their fingers and toes, and a mouth full of sharp shark-like teeth. Their voices are melodic and, in some cases, almost hypnotic, and a few sirens have taken advantage of this, using their voice to get wherever they want to go, earning them a bit of a bad reputation. This reputation has unfortunately made many people distrustful of sirens, yet they are still ever more present in coastal towns and cities, no matter the prejudice against them.
Dwellers of Land and Sea
Sirens are one of the few types of merfolk able to live as well on land as they would in the sea, provided they have enough water. Because of this, they usually live within coastal towns and cities or along major rivers and in freshwater lakes, often having a secondary “siren-town” underwater nearby. This does keep sirens from living more inland if they choose, yet it is highly unlikely you’ll find sirens in a more arid landscape such as the desert. Even then, don’t be surprised if you run into a siren in the most unexpected of places, as there’s sure to be water nearby.
Eternal Outcasts
Thanks to prejudices against them, sirens often find themselves among the outcasts and undesirables of society. The kingdom of Atlantis finds no refuge for them either, as they have a long history of being harshly discriminated against in the undersea kingdom, including several attempts to genocide them out of existence. It is little wonder why they prefer the surface world, even if their treatment there is only marginally better. However, sirens do have one rock they can rest on in the surface world: tieflings. As outcasts themselves, tieflings will often find solace in the similarly outcast sirens, the two races building communities together and always relying on each other for a hand. While this is not a universal constant, sirens and tieflings share a bond stronger than iron.
Natural Bards
The siren's voice has long been (in)famous. Nearly every sailor worth their salt can tell you tells of beautiful maidens from the sea whose melodic voices have caused more than one ship to crash upon the rocks or sailor to jump overboard to their doom. These stories are not unfounded, as a siren’s voice is used to attract prey within the sea. This ability lends itself well to the bardic lifestyle as well, as not only do they have naturally good singing voices, but a siren’s echoic memory is able to recall almost every song they’ve ever heard word for word, beat for beat, and melody for melody, even if they’ve only heard it once. It’s no coincidence that many famous singers, bands, and bards have been sirens, despite prejudice they may face.
A Powerful Woman
Siren society is matriarchal, with the mother typically being the head of the family and her daughters inheriting the family name. While many would incorrectly assume that siren males are treated as lesser, they are never put at a disadvantage and enjoy largely the same respect siren females have. In fact, the sirens’ matriarchal leanings discourage many of the toxic behaviors found in more patriarchal societies. Sirens are taught to be respectful to all, regardless of gender, to respect other’s privacy and boundaries, and that the word “no” is final.
Siren Names
Unlike other merfolk, whose names are typically Atlantean words, Sirens will usually have names in Common. Their names will almost always have a water theme to them, usually being named after water creatures, sea gods, or famous sailors.
Siren Female Names: Lorelei, Calypso, Marina, Moana, Orisha, Ariel, Attina, Alana, Adella, Aquata, Arista, Andrina, Coral, Bayou, Hali, Isla, Kendra, Laguna, Nixie, Sedna, Waverly, Zarya, Taila, Serenna, Moora, Lucia, Taura, Camie, Thalassa, Apulia
Siren Male Names: Odysseus, Keel, Orman, Tide, Bruinen, Pelagius, Taron, Nereus, Cari, Marinus, Deniz, Tamesis, Anchor, Skipper, Fjord, Cyraenan, Anenon, Irving, Lachlan, Oceanus, Bruinen, Roan, Bay, Jason, Ceres, Neptune, Poseidon, Wade, Thames
Siren Traits
Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 2.
Age. Sirens age the same rate as humans and typically live to be between 80-90 years old.
Alignment. Because of their status as outcasts almost everywhere they go, most sirens don’t care much for rules or order, and tend more towards chaotic alignments.
Size. Your size is Medium. Most sirens stand between 5-6 feet tall and range between 140-180 lbs. in weight, with generally thin, athletic builds.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet and your base swimming speed is 35 feet.
Languages. You speak Common, Aquan, and one other language of your choice.
Amphibious. You can breathe both air and water.
Darkvision. You have Darkvision of 60ft. 
Alluring Voice. You have proficiency in Persuasion. Additionally, you can cast “Charm Person” at level 1 once per short rest. Additionally, you have advantage against being charmed. 
Sharp Claws and Teeth. When you make an Unarmed Strike, you can deal 1d4+ your Strength modifier Slashing Damage instead of the normal damage. Additionally, you automatically have access to the Bite attack, which you can use in place of your Unarmed Strike. Bite deals 1d6+ your Strength modifier Piercing Damage.
And another homebrew, this time merpeople, cause why not? Not as long as the one for the warforged, but that’s kind of a given since there are no subraces for them. Also, since I couldn’t find a good picture of something close to what sirens look like without getting full-on fishtail merpeople, enjoy this stock photo of some lady snorkeling. XD
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transnames · 6 years
Names From The Top 500: L
Nearly all names appearing in United States or England / Wales top baby names for any year between 1996-2016, the top 500 represents greater than 50 percent of all names given in a year and the top 100 represents greater than 30 percent
Appeared in Top 500 / Top 250 / Top 100 / Top 50
Feminine, exclusively appeared in girls top 500
Lacey / Laci
Laila / Layla / Leela / Leila / Leyla
Laura / Lauren / Laurie / Lauryn / Lowri
Lea / Leah / Lia
Lesley / Leslie / Lesly
Lexi / Lexie
Libbie / Libby
Lili / Lilli / Lillie / Lilly / Lily
Lilia / Lillia
Lilian / Lillian
Liliana / Lilliana / Lilyana
Lindsay / Lindsey
London / Londyn
Louisa / Louise
Lucia / Lucie / Lucy
Masculine, exclusively appeared in boys top 500
Landen / Landon
Laurence / Lawrence
Layton / Leyton
Leo / Leon / Leonard / Leonardo
Lewis / Louie / Louis / Luis
Luc / Luke
Luca / Luka
Lucas / Lukas
Neutral, appeared in top 500 for baby girls and baby boys, possibly not in the same year or country so popularity is not marked
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Lorelei, Niander’s Motley Golden Child Reticulated Python
Niander got Lorelei a few months after he moved into the Treehouse, as Lachlan thought having a pet to focus on would help with his recovery after he survived the attack on the coven he was raised within by the Mahlendorfs.
Of course, as Niander gained more control over his abilities, he made the choice to enchant Lorelei, making her his familiar.
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neonbitemarks · 2 years
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Lorelei, Niander’s Motley Golden Child Reticulated Python
Niander got Lorelei a few months after he moved into the Treehouse, as Lachlan thought having a pet to focus on would help with his recovery after he survived the attack on the coven he was raised within by the Mahlendorfs.
Of course, as Niander gained more control over his abilities, he made the choice to enchant Lorelei, making her his familiar.
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etherealedensims · 6 months
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The second application accepted was that of Lachlan Loreley, a merman that, contrary to his general preppy appearance, was the life of the party.
Lachlan was a merman that preferred the nightlife and parties to ocean life and schools of fish. Sure, he loved the ocean - he was always drawn back to it, in the end - but he lived for drinks, dance floors, party tricks, and just every aspect of a party. He was willing to make a fool of himself if it could get a crowd hyped up and entertained, and that's how he ended up.. losing most of his friends. During a party, when he was too far gone, he had thought it would be funny to tell everyone to go to the backyard, then strip down to nothing and jump into the pool, where everyone could see him in all his aquatic glory. The party died. Reactions were mixed, but overall, it was negative - everyone assured him it was fine, but it was obvious they were uncomfortable. And so when he found the application for Ethereal Eden, he thought it would be the perfect chance for him to start all over again.. if they would have him.
While not the most useful of fellows with his party animal nature and lifelong dream of... well, continuing to be a party animal, Lachlan is still a guy that no one can really dislike. Whether its his ability to throw a great party or his gregarious nature, his love of the ocean and ocean creatures, or his endearing clumsiness on land, no one can really say. But they can't help but like him. He doesn't contribute a lot to the cause, but even Bella and Colden know that they are going to need someone to raise morale, and Lachlan is exactly the guy to do that.
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etherealedensims · 6 months
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Reflecting on the conversation he'd just had with Shayna and Bella, regarding their opinions of him, Lachlan wondered briefly if he had made a horrible decision by coming to this place.
As he stirred the giant pot of (slightly magical) macaroni and cheese in the cauldron, he had to wonder if at least Caerellia or Gaia found him attractive. He was only into ladies (cis or trans didn't matter), and honestly, the only one he found attractive was Bella. If he had no romantic prospects now, would he at least in the future?
He knew that Colden had added puzzles around their old world for people to find their way here, and so there would be people joining them later on, but how later on? Would he be an old man before a woman who was actually interested in him showed up?
It was too early in the challenge to be worried about this, but he couldn't help but think about it after having two girls express their distaste for him in a row.
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etherealedensims · 6 months
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Isolabella thought that she should get started on her charisma skill so she stepped into the one bathroom... only to find Lachlan and Shayna already in there. Suspiciously, she raised her eyebrow and looked between them, "If something is going on in here, I recommend taking it someplace else. We only have one bathroom."
"Oh, ew," Shayna fake-gagged, and glanced between Bella and Lachlan, waving a hand at him. "He's not my type. I'm a lesbian. We're just chatting."
Lachlan made a bit of a face at Shayna at that unnecessary 'ew' comment, before looking at Bella and nodding at her. "Yeah, I promise. If was I gonna be getting it on with anyone right now it'd probably be you." He said, then gave her a teasing eyebrow wiggle.
"Nope." Bella stated, holding a hand up and shaking her head. "Sorry. Now, if you would excuse me, if neither of you need the sink, can I get to the mirror? I was going to practice my charisma."
With wounded pride, Lachlan slunk out of the bathroom, Shayna right behind him.
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cruisinfdr · 7 years
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a 3am booty call from lachlan smh
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cruisinfdr · 7 years
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its not you; its me
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cruisinfdr · 7 years
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bye ugly
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cruisinfdr · 7 years
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lorelei: OH SHIT
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cruisinfdr · 7 years
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they're cute Hmm
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