#lab extruder machine
bohusblog · 6 months
Navigating Ease Of Operation And Adjustment In Lab Extruder Machines
Lab extruder machine serves as an indispensable tool in research and development environments, enabling precise material processing and experimentation. Central to their utility is the ease with which operators can navigate their operation and make adjustments as needed. In this article, we delve into the intricacies of operating and adjusting lab extruder machines, exploring features and considerations that contribute to their user-friendliness and versatility.
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Before delving into the ease of operation and adjustment, it's essential to grasp the fundamental principles governing lab extruder machines. These devices utilize a combination of heat, pressure, and mechanical force to melt, mix, and shape materials into desired forms. Operators feed raw materials into the extruder, where they are heated and forced through a die to produce uniform products such as filaments, sheets, or pellets.
One of the key factors contributing to the ease of operation is the design of the machine's interface. A user-friendly interface features clear labeling, intuitive controls, and ergonomic layout, allowing operators to navigate functions effortlessly. Touchscreen displays, digital readouts, and graphical interfaces provide real-time feedback and facilitate precise adjustment of parameters such as temperature, speed, and pressure.
Lab extruder machines equipped with programmable settings offer good convenience and flexibility. Operators can save and recall predefined recipes or processing parameters, eliminating the need for manual adjustments between experiments. This feature streamlines workflow enhances reproducibility, and reduces human error, particularly in multi-step processes or complex formulations.
Efficient changeover between different materials or processing conditions is essential for improving productivity and versatility. Lab extruder machines with quick-changeover systems feature tool-less access to key components such as screws, barrels, and dies, facilitating rapid cleaning, maintenance, and adjustment. Modular design and standardized interfaces further simplify changeover procedures, reducing downtime and enhancing operational efficiency.
Real-time monitoring and control capabilities enable operators to oversee the extrusion process and make adjustments on the fly. Advanced sensors and feedback mechanisms continuously measure key parameters such as temperature, pressure, and torque, providing operators with actionable insights into process performance. Automated control systems can dynamically adjust operating parameters to maintain conditions and prevent deviations from target values.
Comprehensive user training and support resources play a crucial role in ensuring the ease of operation of lab extruder machines. Manufacturers should provide detailed user manuals, instructional videos, and hands-on training sessions to familiarize operators with machine functionality and safety protocols. Additionally, prompt technical support and troubleshooting assistance empower operators to address issues quickly and effectively, reducing disruptions to research activities.
The ability to customize machine settings and adapt to specific research requirements enhances the overall user experience. Lab extruder machines equipped with adjustable parameters such as screw geometry, die configurations, and processing profiles allow operators to tailor extrusion conditions to suit diverse materials and applications. This flexibility fosters innovation and experimentation, enabling researchers to explore new formulations and optimize process parameters with ease.
Feedback from operators and ongoing evaluation of user experiences are invaluable for driving continuous improvement in lab extruder machine design. Manufacturers should actively solicit feedback through surveys, focus groups, and user forums to identify pain points, usability issues, and feature requests. Incorporating user feedback into product development cycles ensures that future iterations of lab extruder machines are increasingly intuitive, efficient, and user-friendly.
Lab extruder machines are indispensable tools for researchers and engineers engaged in materials development, formulation, and processing. The ease with which operators can navigate machine operations and make adjustments directly impacts productivity, efficiency, and experimental outcomes. By prioritizing intuitive interface design, programmable settings, quick changeover systems, real-time monitoring, and control, user training and support, customization, and continuous improvement, manufacturers can empower operators to master precision and unlock the full potential of lab extruder machines in advancing scientific discovery and innovation.
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karolinedgmachinery · 2 months
HMMA lab extruder machine high moisture meat analogue extrusion machine ...
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The most unexpectedly superstitious people according to my experiences: software engineers, scientists, and health care workers.
It's unexpected because those are all seemingly logic based, but it's also completely expected because those all have a large number of random variables that will mess your life up.
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granuwelextruder · 1 year
How To Find Best Micro Lab Extruder Factory
Extrusion molding is an early technology in polymer processing, which plays an important role in plastic processing. After more than 100 years of development, extruded products have accounted for more than 1% of the total plastic products.
In the extensive production practice, the theory and technology of extrusion molding have been continuously deepened and expanded; the types, structure and forms of machinable polymers are more and more; the extrusion process has been continuously developed; the extrusion equipment has been continuously improved and innovated.
The micro lab extruder is an ideal tool for use in testing labs, universities, and research and development departments. It is well-suited for tasks such as teaching, developing formulations, prototyping, and producing small batches. The following article will provide some tips on how to finda trustworthy micro lab extruder factory.
Where can you find micro lab extruder factories?
1. Google search
You can search for ” Granuwel micro lab extruder” on Google, the first page will show results such as the following:
Professional Laboratory Extruder Manufacturer
Laboratory twin screw extruder
A specific keyword search will allow you to narrow down the micro lab extruder manufacturers that produce that particular micro lab extruder.
2. Sourcing agents
These companies are not selling their own products; Instead, they are more specialized in sourcing services. You will benefit from import services, which include sourcing, production supervision, quality control and shipping schedule.
For this reason, many micro lab extruder sellers are attracted to the services of sourcing agents. Sourcing agents are more flexible than trading companies. They can assist you in finding the micro lab extruder products you are looking for in China.
3. Trade shows
If you are more into face-to-face interaction with potential manufacturers and suppliers, visiting trade shows is a great way to interact with them in China and locally. Attending such trade fairs will give you a better idea of the large scale and detailed offerings.
As you might expect, there are many trade fairs in China, both large and small. One of the most popular trade shows in China is The Canton Fair.
One big drawback to visiting trade shows, however, is that you have to go to China in person. The pandemic now sweeping the world is making it impossible to go to China for trade shows.
A step-by-step guide on how to find the best micro lab extruder factory online
Step 1: Decide what you need
Before you start searching and contacting micro lab extruder factories, you must determine what kind of micro lab extruder you want. Not sure which micro lab extruder is best for your needs?
Please contact us and our team of experts will help you decide on the right micro lab extruder according to your requirement.
You need to, first of all, get a clear idea of what you want, since this will help you find the best micro lab extruder manufacturer.
This is important because although micro lab extruder manufacturers produce different kinds of micro lab extruders, they may not match your specific requirements and needs.
Step 2: Analyze your options
Here are some factors to consider when selecting a micro lab extruder factory:
The best micro lab extruder factory produces various kinds of extruder production Line products.
For example, they also manufacture twin screw extruder, single screw extruder and triple screw extruder, pelletizing systems, PET/PLA/PBAT SheetExtrusion Line and so on.
A good micro lab extruder factory provides a wide range of relevant information about their micro lab extruder products on their websites.
Broad information including the main features of eco-friendly, a variety of raw material sources, recyclable and high-temperature resistance as well as specifications of density range and dimension is important when buying a micro lab extruder.
If you can’t find these details on the micro lab extruder factory’s website, you won’t be able to decide if their products are right for you.
The Services provided by the micro lab extruder manufacturer determine your micro lab extruder purchasing experience.
A good micro lab extruder factory will keep in touch with its clients throughout the whole purchase cycle. They provide customers with excellent pre-sale service, sale service and after-sale service.
Geographical Location
China is not exactly a small country where manufacturers are located in different cities and the specialization of factories varies from region to region.
For instance, Nanjing-which is located in southwestern Jiangsu, is the second-largest city in East China-has developed into a major city in the Energy Saving Technology industry.
Nanjing has fostered a distinctive ecosystem to support the manufacturing supply chain, and as a result, many excellent socially responsible micro lab extruder factories have emerged there, Granuwel micro lab extruder factory is one of them.
Document Check
Business licence
In China, all registered businesses carry a business license. The business license contains important information about the supplier, including the scope of their business.
This is a statement describing the supplier’s activities and an indication of if they are a manufacturer or a reseller. Production” and “assembly” identify a manufacturer, while “wholesale” and “distribution” indicate a trading company.
A good way to check a micro lab extruder factory’s credibility is through their certificate. A quality management certificate (ISO 9001) implies that the supplier complies with certain statutory and regulatory requirements and has passed the relevant audits.
A social responsibility certificate shows that their workplace is safe and ethical. Environmental certificates show that their processes do not damage the environment. For social responsibility and environmental certificates, suppliers are required to pass a professional audit.
Step 3: Contact the manufacturers you have selected
You’ve already done your research and selected a shortlist of micro lab extruder factories, so what’s the next step?
Here are some considerations for communicating with a few of your selected suppliers to check whether they can meet your business requirements.
Enquire about production times
Production time usually depends on the micro lab extruder factory’s capacity. This is a vital factor to consider because it allows you to better understand your supplier’s micro lab extruder production line turnaround time.
Working hand in hand while requesting samples also gives you an understanding of other important factors like coordination, shipping schedule and product quality.
Minimum order quantities
Minimum Order Quantity (MOQ) refers to the supplier’s minimum order requirement. According to a basic interpretation of economies of scale, a reduction in your MOQ will result in an increase in production costs.
Thus, it is essential to calculate the optimal amount of inventory required to avoid a negative impact on profitability by holding too much inventory.
Nanjing Granuwel Machinery CO., LTD is specializing in R&D design and manufacture of high polymer extruders, our team of top-level extrusion professionals provides the right extruder for your exact application.We possess excellent capability of innovation and product development, and desire to provide best products for our customers through the improvement of equipment structure and reduction of equipment energy consumption through our practical experiences and technical innovation. For more details about micro lab extruder factory visit our website https://www.granuwelextruder.com
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denkoarts · 6 months
Visitor: 8
good lord finally-
(chapter under cut)
A handful of guards, each with a full belt of capture balls on their belts, AND in a relatively small corridor, all combine into not a pleasant sight. With both hands full, Denko couldn't make quick work of the trainers, either.
It's only a matter of time before internal security gets ramped up to the max; There was no time to waste, he had to reach Jake and the Ion as soon as possible! Denko had to find a way to minimize the time burnt humoring these guards.
Taking a deep breath, Denko glared through the Ultra Balls opening before him as the Zeraora Battle Flow™ came into effect.
Leavanny and Sandslash…both Pokemon strong against Electric attacks. Ground moves are the one weakness of electric types, so Sandslash must be the primary attacker. Leavanny is more difficult to discern, though Denko had two ideas: Status effects or stat changes.
Whichever job the bug nanny may fill, Denko must be prepared for anything, even WITH an alien Carnivine on his side. George stood protectively in front of Denko, snarling, drooling, and staring at the bug hungrily.
"String shot!" Shoot…! Denko was too absorbed in figuring out a plan for the Sandslash. The feline leapt into the air, trying to avoid the oncoming white string, though to no avail. One of his hind paws got caught, yanking it - and him - to the cold steel floor and gluing him in place.
Before long, his entire body was covered with the substance, restricting movement to an uncomfortable degree. He stumbled and hit the ground hard, getting a glimpse of George swatting at its own bindings as he fell. While he struggled, the Sandslash screamed and swiped its claws, stirring up a thick sandstorm, hurtling straight at Denko! Sand Tomb, shit…!
He braced, but the rough sting never came. A second later, his cocoon loosened enough he could burst clean out of it thanks to a purple acidic substance.
He thanked his lucky star that this little monster was on his side, then stood up. George was spinning his leaves like a propeller blade, blowing the sand tomb straight back at the trainers and pokemon. They cried out, rubbing their eyes in a vain attempt to clear them.
Sandslash remained unaffected, but thorny vines from George tied it down for a moment. He looked back at Denko, grunting and indicating for him to go on ahead. He hesitates, but returns a nod. George should be able to handle himself; The guards will be more concerned with Denko, anyways.
The plant lowers his head, though maintaining a horizontal angle. One may assume he was just leaning forward in focus as if he was engaged in a difficult challenge, though his subtle jolts up told Denko everything he needed to know.
He jumps up into the air, onto George's squishy head, before being thrust onwards and upwards, over the recovering group of guards.
"Thank you..." While he hated leaving George to deal with all that on his own, this at least allowed him to find and save Jake faster.
Plus, he was allowed time to potentially figure Jake's device out.
"Uh, Haywire!"
An irritated and confused BWOOP?! issued forth.
"Got any info about this place, where Jake and his ship are?"
Much to his dismay, the machine returned a droning couple of beeps. No good.
All Denko could really do is explore untouched territory and follow any clues, which isn't going to be very fast. Not to mention, the facility was on full alert…The feline heaved a sigh, shifting his focus to the winding path ahead.
Oh, there's a map just ahead, Score! "Hmm...Cafeteria, Reception, Barracks...ooh. Armory?? Oh that doesn't bode well at all…" He was looking for any kind of holding cell or lab, but was getting nowhere fast.
A curt whistle draws his attention to Haywire. The tool head extruded a small radar dish that jerked forward like it was pointing. Following the point led to the side of the map's screen. There was a series of elevator buttons, which changed the map when pressed...Talk about an obtuse UI, almost reminded him of a game he used to play-
No time to waste. He scans each floor, being sure to occasionally check the hallways for any oncoming guards. To his surprise, there were never any.
...He wasn't sure if he should be thankful or nervous.
The minutes crawled, until…Aha, the prison! 
If his intuition is correct, Jake is there. Fist pumping the air, just about to rocket off before Haywire vibrates in his paw. He was forgetting something…The Ion's location was still a mystery. He grunts in irritation, but gets back to looking.
Searching for a holding compartment for a large ship was surprisingly difficult. There didn't seem to be many mapped areas large enough to house such a contraption. Shoot...
Double shoot, A guard spotted him!! The Taka,Taka, Taka of multiple rapid footsteps approached their position. Dammit...he had to hope that Jake could find it once they'd reunited. He had the route, he just needed to get there. Stealth was out the window; time to go fast. "Brace yourself, Haywire."
He sprinted down the hall with the boom of a thunderclap, barreling past the guards as he rushed through the path he mapped in his head. Down a few flights of stairs, through the halls (weaving around more than a couple other humans on the way), up another flight of stairs, then a final leap over a deep pit to the cells.
"...What an inconvenient floor plan."
It didn't matter, he had arrived. Hopefully Haywire was okay. Disoriented, judging by the slightly rattling panels, but alright nonetheless. Denko presses himself up against the wall, sneaking just beyond the doorway. A small two-way peephole was the only thing granting a view within, so he takes a chance to peer within.
"Hey, who's there?"
The voice of the guard, seldom used, yanked Jake's mind out of sulking. He hadn't really moved for a good while, his mind elsewhere and elsewhen, thinking and overthinking, ears primed but not much else.
Stiff all over, he tried to stand up to press his ear against the wall, but tripped, faceplanting. "Mrrrrrrg....!" He felt his fur flare up, and his frustrations arced out of him like lightning, decorating the sterile walls with bitter purple scorch marks.
Low speech was uttered by the human, though it was too quiet for the fox to hear clearly. Only one word was able to register in his mind, that being 'intruder.' Yeah, of course they'd be wary of intruders. It's not often that an otherworldly spaceship drops into your lap; Of course they'd want to protect it.
The sound of the electronic door sliding open was faint, making Jake fear the stress was fucking up his hearing, and the lack of much action afterwards seemed to cement the fact.
Suddenly, there was a thud of someone collapsing onto the floor. Then a voice.
"Jake, you there?"
No way.
's1R?' AND he found Haywire?! He scrambled to his paws, a surge of energy momentarily pushing aside his fatigue as he rushed towards the voices, accidentally knocking his head against the wall in his haste.
Footsteps approached the locked door of the cell, followed by the sounds of electrical sparks. Shortly after, the door lifts up to reveal the muscular Zeraora he had accompanied up till a few hours ago.
"Jake! Thank Arceus you're okay, I was so worried!"
Oh, Denko wrapped both arms around him in an embrace. Jake's... oddly comforted by it...?
"Uh- I mean-"
The hug's brief, Denko breaking contact and backing away out of slight embarrassment.
"...I'm glad you're... okay?"
It's only now when Denko notices his appearance differing from the last time they'd seen each other. Jake's not fond of it, shaking his head and averting his gaze when the feline displayed his curiosity. A silent 'don't ask,' a memo that Denko seemed to catch, prying no further.
He raises an arm, upward palm opening to reveal... shattered amber shards?
...Wait, that's...! "...we found it pretty beat, and it gave up within my grasp."
Jake snatched the bits of his charm out of the giant's paw, muscle memory trying to activate it in vain but only breaking it down more. "No, no, nononono no!" It crumbled into dust in his paws, and his heart followed. "No....!"
Crumpling to the floor with stinging eyes and ringing ears, Jake never felt more…lost. A fog overtook his senses. His chest tightened like a vise.
"Hey..." Denko crouches down to be level with the vulpes. "I'll get you out of here."
"...That thing was how I hid." The words spilled out, Thick tears rolling down his muzzle. "It let me be someone different. Now it's…it's gone, and…no matter where I go for 10 star systems, this face is on missing posters with a 50 million reward."
There weren't many words he could find to respond with. "I…I'm sorry..."
Denko wasn't responsible for the gem breaking, but he sure as hell was responsible for getting him into this situation in the first place. "Jake, I'll do anything I can to help. I promise."
Denko slightly extends a paw for Jake to grab, both to help him up and rekindle their partnership at the same time. After a moment, Jake raised his hand, but then planted it on the ground to rise on his own.
"...Well, I guess this primitive place isn't Starbound yet, so nobody will look for me here." He was trying to sound chipper, but his expression was unreadable behind his glasses and his fur twitched erratically. "Just gotta get my ship back before they figure it out."
He must be itching to get the hell off this planet…He couldn't help a tinge of sadness at how badly things had gone to get to this point.
"Eurgh..." A groan not belonging to Denko nor Jake befouled their ears. The guard Denko knocked out was just coming to, seconds from noticing the pair and calling for maximum security. Not if Denko had anything to say about it. He dashed behind and kept the guard pinned with a foot, covering their mouth with a paw.
...An idea comes to mind, seeing the firearm dropped nearby.
"Jake, you can speak English, right? Interrogate this guy!" Almost instantly, the weapon was snatched up and pressed to the poor fool's forehead. "...Where's. My. Ship." It was less a question and more a threat.
"I…I don't-" the guard yelped as Jake whipped the gun upwards and fired a shot. "Don't fuck with me," his fur flared and eyes turned solid yellow. "You work here. You guarded a high security prisoner like me. You know where important shit goes." The barrel swung around and fired again, the shot missing the demihuman's head by centimeters.
"Now I'll make this real simple. Where did. The rest. Of my shit. Go?"
Denko briefly tightened the hold, the bare strength nearly enough to snap bones. "Spit. It. Out." The cat didn't care that they couldn't understand him, he wanted the information squeezed out of the human like they were a sponge.
"It's... ack- C-Contraband Research!"
"Good boy." With a CRACK, Jake pistol-whipped the guard, sending them back out cold.
Breathing a subtle sigh, Denko rests them back onto the ground. "I saw a map on the way here, but I don't remember it well enough to know where to go." He presumes they'll need to find another map or rush back to the first one, though the current security level already made that quite tricky.
He's about to speak another thought when the electronic beeping of Haywire interrupts the cat. "Hm?"
Denko didn't understand it, but Jake had designed Haywire's code, so he knew what it said. '4ctua7ly, 1 have it pr33ty m4ch m3m0rized.' "Thank The Eye-
Haywire's got it, actually."
"Oh, thank goodness. What's the best route, then?"
The device then displayed a hologram, showing one of the floorplans of the map Denko had discovered. It's quickly identified as their current floor, as a green dot appears inside one of the room outlines marked 'prison.' That must be their current location.
Jake scanned the map for their target, though with no luck. "Haywire, run text recognition and search for 'contraband research,' English please."
'Y3s s1r.'
The hologram began swapping through the various floors, scouring each piece of text for a match. Eventually, a yellow point appears on the last floor detailed on the map.
'M4tch f0und.'
"That it?" Denko inquired, approaching the hologram to have a closer look.
"Yep. Could you identify the best route to take?"
Flipping back to the floor they're on, Haywire begins to draw a continuous line through the corridors to a flight of stairs, then all the way down to the floor of their destination.
"Got it. Jake, we're gonna have to move fast. Hop on my back." Denko turns to offer Jake the chance to climb up his back, though... Wouldn't it feel a little uncomfortable? His tail extruded from near the top of his spine, it didn't extend from the bottom like most felines.
"What about your tail?...Scarf?...T-Thing?" It was odd that he never noticed it until now. Still, he stashed haywire and the guard's gun in his vest pocket and tried to climb on. Time was of the essence after all.
"It'll be fine. Hang on tight!" Jake manages to wrap his arms around Denko's torso as he squatted. Once he got a good grip, the vulpes nodded his head, giving the green light. Just like that, they were off at lightning speed. 
The feeling of static amplified tenfold came roaring back, just like it had when they first embarked on this journey. Despite the familiar uncomfortableness, Jake... was confident he could power through. Denko's set aside his own comfort to accommodate the fox throughout the past few days, it's only fair he does the same.
When they came to a stop, it took longer than last time for the haze to fade. "Guh…Okay." Jake didn't want to risk anything by letting go right now, so he remained clung to the feline as he scoured for their destination. Denko approached one of the nearby doors, placed a palm flat against the metal, and exerted some electricity to trigger its opening.
"Score," he muttered under his breath, before walking in with Jake still recovering.
"Hey, we're here."
The fox glanced up to see most of the rest of his gear, stored in transparent containers save for his Oppressor, a jet bike he'd constructed a while back for fun. At that point, the vulpes was good to go, the mere sight of his equipment boosting his energy to full.
He wastes no time smashing all the containers apart and taking back his Shine-n-Spark Reflector, Infini³, Assassin's Dagger, and Ol' Reliable. "...You guys don't have electric guns, do you?"
"...Tasers, though I imagine they're nothing like that beaut of a revolver." "Ah. Yeah, that ain't nothing compared to this. Fires metal shavings at mach speeds. Effectively infinite ammo, since it's so common and uses so little at once."
Denko eyes the remaining shelves for anything that might benefit him, but decides against taking anything. It seems he's been trying to maintain a zero-kill infiltration, and it's something the cat would probably wish to uphold.
"Remember: Shoot to stun, not to kill."
Knew it-
Jake, after some hesitation to think, gave a nod and sealed off the ammo chamber, turning the lethal weapon to more of an overcharged taser. Won't be able to shoot as fast, though it was enough to remain nonlethal.
Scattered footsteps could be heard outside, prompting the both of them to enter combat ready stances. Jake spares a glance at Denko, who swiftly mirrors his gaze.
"I'll take the range, you handle the swarm," Jake spoke, sharing his plan to the cat. A nod is returned, before Denko begins to approach the shut doorway.
Three guards waited just outside their exit, whether their goal to restrain or kill the pair of Pokemon mattered not. Denko expects more to join the struggle either up close or from a distance, so he has to make quick work of these grunts.
Jake, hopefully, would be able to find a corner or an indentation to find cover behind. For now, though, Denko ushers the vulpes off to the side, out of view from the other side of the door..
Breathe in, breathe out.
It's showtime.
The moment the steel door slid open, Denko leapt towards his first victim. Oddly enough, missing. That's fine, that's fair, he'll just rebound and recalibrate and...
Oh shit.
The three were armed to the teeth with an element each. Electric crackles leapt from the plates of one, fiery smoke rose up from another, and the third had sandy skin and left a short trail of it.
One more heavily armored guard from behind wasted no time lunging, ice crystalizing into spikes all over their arms and shoulders. This must be the 'Elite Four' of the place. The icicle spear brushing past his side catches him off guard, allowing another to thrust a handful of sand into his face. The perpetrator then slams him onto the wall, pinning him against the cold steel.
Despite Denko's best efforts, he proved unable to escape. The realization strikes him as suddenly as the past few seconds; The one keeping him against the wall harnessed the Ground typing, rendering any powerful attack against them worthless.
"Tell us where it is!"
Before Denko could even be given a chance to answer, an electrified gunshot rings out and the guard holding onto the cat collapses onto him. Whilst everyone is stunned, 'it' takes the opportunity to reveal himself.
Slinking out from beneath the door, twirling the firearm with the stench of ozone. "Change of plans, let's Smash these guys up."
Denko beamed with awe as the vulpes mirrored a determined grin back. Briefly checking the collapsed guard's pulse (they were still alive), he stances up, head down and paws raised, ready to pounce at a moment's notice.
"Out of my way." Came Jake's voice, before another blast rang out and grazed the Flame Guard, ricocheting off the wall and straight into the arm of the Ice Guard. Denko shot out a punch at the Flame Guard, then another, before finishing the brief combo with a sharp knee to their stomach, knocking them a distance away.
"Behind you!" The cat yelled out to Jake, prompting him to turn to the Electric Guard throwing a ball of electricity right at him. Without skipping a beat, he grabbed out his Reflector, held it in front, and activated it. A flickering shield of blue energy formed between Jake and the attack.
The ball of electricity rebounded off and back quickly towards the attacker, knocking them down upon hitting its mark. A brief wave of icy air sprayed at his back, nearly freezing him if it weren't for Denko interrupting, sweeping the Ice Guard's legs before sending them into the air with an electrified uppercut.
Oh, but that wasn't all. Denko then leapt up and delivered a powerful arced punch that sent them back into the ground, shattering their icicle spikes.
"Focus the fire guy!" 
Jake didn't need to be told twice, ducking into their shadow to avoid a searing stream of flames and jumping out of the floor. A rending attack with both claws sent the pyromancer back into Denko's waiting fist.
One solid punch to the stomach, and they're down for the count. Denko lets their limp body fall to the side, before shaking off any flames he may have caught by committing to the blow. Afterwards, his gaze then snaps to the last elite guard, the electromancer getting back up from the reflected shock from earlier.
Seeing their powerful comrades defeated by these creatures, one wouldn't blame them for being nervous. From the look of it, they were; Shaking the instant they got back up to their feet. Both Jake and Denko stared them down, waiting for their first move.
Electro took a deep breath and charged at the feline, attempting to ram into him. Denko, instead, caught the attack and held onto their forearms with an iron grip. A growl snapped out, as his grip adjusted to wrap around his upper arms.
The guard panicked as their specialized armor began to short out, the electricity being absorbed by Denko. Perhaps he not only had an immunity, but also a harsh thirst. It wasn't long before the illuminated displays on the armguards dimmed to black.
"Now, Jake." Narrowing his eyes, Denko let go of one arm only to grab it again from behind following a quick turn. "Interrogate them."
The spectre let out a low growl, and it may have been Denko's mind playing tricks, but he swore his glasses became less transparent with every step. "Alright, wiseass." There was a click and a hum as he pressed the barrel to the soldier's neck. "'It' would like to know where 'its' ship is…" He leaned in uncomfortably close, fur flaring. "And 'its' patience has long passed zero."
Intense yellow light poured out of Jake's lenses. "Start talking."
The guard's blue eyes shook from his penetrating stare. Dread filled their entire being, warning of a fate worse than death if they were to not comply. "It's, uh..." They struggled to articulate, feeling the cool end of the gun's barrel pushing against their neck. Denko strengthened his grip, trying to squeeze the answer out.
"The ship... It's in the lab on the secret floor..."
The... secret floor? "Tell us how to get there," Jake growled.
Find the... hidden elevator where you... ah, ack! Started."
The cat strengthened his hold even more, threatening to crush the guard's bones. Denko, despite knowing a human wouldn't be able to understand him, hissed into their ear in vain. "We're not too interested in cryptic clues, just give us what we want and we'll be on our way."
As expected, the guard hadn't understood, only sparing a confused glance at the feline.
"Specifics, Asshole." Jake rumbled, in a voice thrice his size.
"The... the freight elevator! It'll take you all the way down!"
"George and I entered going down a freight elevator, it's got to be that," Denko chimed in. "I couldn't see any floor options, though."
"How do we take it down?"
"That's... urk-
That's outside my power..."
Jake huffs. "Outside your power, OUTSIDE YOUR POWER?!" He mocked. "Somehow, I find that bullshit." They were part of the strongest squad they'd faced so far, the vulpes found it hard to believe that they wouldn't have access.
"Jake," Denko spoke. Seemed he had an idea. "I could override the mechanism and get us down that way." Override... Could he do that?
Well, it's not like they had any faster options.
Jake slowly backed away, still pointing his revolver at the guard. This allowed Denko to grip around their neck and strangle them. Within a matter of seconds, they pass out, prompting the feline to lay them flat onto the floor.
"Right. Let's go, then. Haywire could probably help a bit as well…"
'1t M4y take m3 a b1t…'
Anything is better than just standing around here. Wordlessly, Jake remounts his friend and prepares for the impending minor electrocution.
"Brace yourself." Clutching Jake close, Denko stances to take off. With a deep breath, the two vanish, leaving behind electric residue, the stench of ozone, and message to the rest of the complex.
That they messed with the wrong fox.
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sunkaier · 11 days
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Sunkaier SK3000S-Extruding Kneader Reactor
SK3000S Kneader is ideally suited for operations involving mixing, kneading, reaction, polymerization, crystallization, compounding and heating or cooling of materials up to many million-centipoise viscosity.
SUNKAIER Kneader is a horizontal, twin screw, closed type continuous kneading/reacting processor. The Kneader has a number of recent successful accomplishments as continuous polymerization / reacting processor for engineering plastics and others. Compared to twin screw extruder, SK3000S Kneader has compact structure such as short L/D and low power while having equivalent kneading and dispersion performance and contributing to rationalization of manufacturing process and cost reduction.
Maintaining, repairing, and servicing large extruders is crucial for ensuring optimal performance, prolonging the lifespan of the equipment, and minimizing downtime. Large extruders, such as the ones used in the production of polymers and other materials, often require specialized knowledge and tools.
SUNKAER reactive extruding kneader, specifically the SK3000S model, is designed to handle demanding processes that require precise and intensive mixing. The quality of the machine's components, especially the screw elements, is critical for achieving optimal performance and durability. Here's more information on the key aspects of the kneader's construction and the manufacturing process for its screw elements:
Key Components of SK3000S Reactive Extruding Kneader:
Screw Elements: The screw elements are the heart of the kneader, responsible for conveying, mixing, and reacting the materials. They are precision-machined to ensure high accuracy and reliability.
Barrel: The barrel is where the materials are processed. It is designed to withstand high temperatures and pressures. It is typically made from high-strength materials and may include heating/cooling jackets for temperature control.
Drive System: The drive system powers the rotation of the screw elements. It includes motors, gearboxes, and other components that are selected for their ability to handle the torque and speed requirements.
Controls: The kneader is equipped with sophisticated control systems to monitor and adjust process parameters such as temperature, pressure, and screw speed.
The jacketed reactive extruder is an advanced piece of equipment used in polymer processing and chemical reactions where precise temperature control is essential. This type of extruder is designed with a jacket, which is a layer or casing around the barrel of the extruder that allows for heating or cooling media to be circulated through it. This feature provides better temperature control compared to non-jacketed extruders because it can manage the heat input more effectively during the extrusion process.
SK3000E self-cleaning kneader reactor lab unit sounds like a specialized piece of equipment designed for use in laboratory settings, particularly for research and development purposes. This type of equipment is typically used for mixing, kneading, and reacting various materials under controlled conditions.
SK3000S twin co-rotating reactive extruding kneader is a specialized piece of equipment designed for processing materials that require long residence times and intensive mixing. This type of machine is particularly useful for applications such as emulsion polymerization, where precise control over the mixing and residence time is crucial for achieving the desired product properties.
If you have any need of equipment please contact me without hesitation, thanks.
Helena Xiao / Sales Manager
Phone: +86 510 8758 8707
Mobile: +8618261586225
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mh258258-blog · 5 months
Exploring the World of Lab-Scale Plastic Extruders
Plastic extrusion is a widely used manufacturing process that involves melting raw plastic material and then shaping it into a continuous profile. While industrial-scale extruders dominate the manufacturing landscape, lab-scale extruders play a crucial role in research, development, and small-scale production. In this article, we delve into the intricacies of lab scale plastic extruder, exploring their significance, functionalities, and applications.
Understanding Lab-Scale Plastic Extruders
Lab-scale plastic extruders are compact machines designed for research laboratories, educational institutions, and small-scale production facilities. These extruders typically operate on a smaller scale compared to their industrial counterparts but offer similar functionalities. They allow researchers and engineers to experiment with different plastic materials, formulations, and processing parameters without the need for large-scale production setups.
Components of a Lab-Scale Plastic Extruder
Extrusion Barrel: This is where the raw plastic material is fed into the machine. The barrel contains a heating element to melt the plastic and a screw mechanism to push the molten material through the die.
Screw Mechanism: The screw inside the extrusion barrel plays a crucial role in plastic extrusion. It rotates and pushes the molten plastic forward while also mixing and homogenizing the material.
Die: The die is a crucial component that shapes the molten plastic into the desired profile. Lab-scale extruders often come with interchangeable dies, allowing researchers to create different shapes and sizes of extruded products.
Temperature Control System: Precise temperature control is essential in plastic extrusion to ensure the proper melting of the material and prevent degradation. Lab-scale extruders are equipped with temperature sensors and control systems to maintain optimal processing conditions.
Cooling System: After exiting the die, the extruded plastic needs to be cooled rapidly to maintain its shape. Lab-scale extruders typically have built-in cooling systems to achieve this.
Applications of Lab-Scale Plastic Extruders
Material Development: Researchers use lab-scale extruders to develop and test new plastic materials with specific properties, such as strength, flexibility, or thermal stability. By adjusting processing parameters and experimenting with different formulations, they can optimize material performance.
Prototyping: Lab-scale extruders are invaluable tools for prototyping new products or components. Engineers can quickly produce small batches of extruded parts for testing and evaluation before moving to full-scale production.
Education and Training: Educational institutions use lab-scale extruders to teach students about plastic processing techniques. Hands-on experience with these machines helps students understand the principles of extrusion and prepares them for careers in manufacturing and materials science.
Small-Scale Production: Some small businesses or research facilities use lab-scale extruders for limited production runs of specialized plastic products. These extruders offer a cost-effective solution for small-scale manufacturing without the need for large investments in industrial equipment.
Lab-scale plastic extruders play a vital role in research, development, and small-scale production within the plastics industry. These compact machines offer versatility, precision, and ease of use, making them indispensable tools for researchers, engineers, and educators alike. As advancements in materials science and manufacturing technology continue, the importance of lab-scale extruders in innovation and product development is expected to grow further.
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sunaleisocial · 6 months
This 3D printer can figure out how to print with an unknown material
New Post has been published on https://sunalei.org/news/this-3d-printer-can-figure-out-how-to-print-with-an-unknown-material/
This 3D printer can figure out how to print with an unknown material
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While 3D printing has exploded in popularity, many of the plastic materials these printers use to create objects cannot be easily recycled. While new sustainable materials are emerging for use in 3D printing, they remain difficult to adopt because 3D printer settings need to be adjusted for each material, a process generally done by hand.
To print a new material from scratch, one must typically set up to 100 parameters in software that controls how the printer will extrude the material as it fabricates an object. Commonly used materials, like mass-manufactured polymers, have established sets of parameters that were perfected through tedious, trial-and-error processes.
But the properties of renewable and recyclable materials can fluctuate widely based on their composition, so fixed parameter sets are nearly impossible to create. In this case, users must come up with all these parameters by hand.
Researchers tackled this problem by developing a 3D printer that can automatically identify the parameters of an unknown material on its own.
A collaborative team from MIT’s Center for Bits and Atoms (CBA), the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), and the National Center for Scientific Research in Greece (Demokritos) modified the extruder, the “heart” of a 3D printer, so it can measure the forces and flow of a material.
These data, gathered through a 20-minute test, are fed into a mathematical function that is used to automatically generate printing parameters. These parameters can be entered into off-the-shelf 3D printing software and used to print with a never-before-seen material. 
The automatically generated parameters can replace about half of the parameters that typically must be tuned by hand. In a series of test prints with unique materials, including several renewable materials, the researchers showed that their method can consistently produce viable parameters.
This research could help to reduce the environmental impact of additive manufacturing, which typically relies on nonrecyclable polymers and resins derived from fossil fuels.
“In this paper, we demonstrate a method that can take all these interesting materials that are bio-based and made from various sustainable sources and show that the printer can figure out by itself how to print those materials. The goal is to make 3D printing more sustainable,” says senior author Neil Gershenfeld, who leads CBA.
His co-authors include first author Jake Read a graduate student in the CBA who led the printer development; Jonathan Seppala, a chemical engineer in the Materials Science and Engineering Division of NIST; Filippos Tourlomousis, a former CBA postdoc who now heads the Autonomous Science Lab at Demokritos; James Warren, who leads the Materials Genome Program at NIST; and Nicole Bakker, a research assistant at CBA. The research is published in the journal Integrating Materials and Manufacturing Innovation.
Shifting material properties
In fused filament fabrication (FFF), which is often used in rapid prototyping, molten polymers are extruded through a heated nozzle layer-by-layer to build a part. Software, called a slicer, provides instructions to the machine, but the slicer must be configured to work with a particular material.
Using renewable or recycled materials in an FFF 3D printer is especially challenging because there are so many variables that affect the material properties.
For instance, a bio-based polymer or resin might be composed of different mixes of plants based on the season. The properties of recycled materials also vary widely based on what is available to recycle.
“In ‘Back to the Future,’ there is a ‘Mr. Fusion’ blender where Doc just throws whatever he has into the blender and it works [as a power source for the DeLorean time machine]. That is the same idea here. Ideally, with plastics recycling, you could just shred what you have and print with it. But, with current feed-forward systems, that won’t work because if your filament changes significantly during the print, everything would break,” Read says.
To overcome these challenges, the researchers developed a 3D printer and workflow to automatically identify viable process parameters for any unknown material.
They started with a 3D printer their lab had previously developed that can capture data and provide feedback as it operates. The researchers added three instruments to the machine’s extruder that take measurements which are used to calculate parameters.
A load cell measures the pressure being exerted on the printing filament, while a feed rate sensor measures the thickness of the filament and the actual rate at which it is being fed through the printer.
“This fusion of measurement, modeling, and manufacturing is at the heart of the collaboration between NIST and CBA, as we work develop what we’ve termed ‘computational metrology,’” says Warren.
These measurements can be used to calculate the two most important, yet difficult to determine, printing parameters: flow rate and temperature. Nearly half of all print settings in standard software are related to these two parameters. 
Deriving a dataset
Once they had the new instruments in place, the researchers developed a 20-minute test that generates a series of temperature and pressure readings at different flow rates. Essentially, the test involves setting the print nozzle at its hottest temperature, flowing the material through at a fixed rate, and then turning the heater off.
“It was really difficult to figure out how to make that test work. Trying to find the limits of the extruder means that you are going to break the extruder pretty often while you are testing it. The notion of turning the heater off and just passively taking measurements was the ‘aha’ moment,” says Read.
These data are entered into a function that automatically generates real parameters for the material and machine configuration, based on relative temperature and pressure inputs. The user can then enter those parameters into 3D printing software and generate instructions for the printer.
In experiments with six different materials, several of which were bio-based, the method automatically generated viable parameters that consistently led to successful prints of a complex object.
Moving forward, the researchers plan to integrate this process with 3D printing software so parameters don’t need to be entered manually. In addition, they want to enhance their workflow by incorporating a thermodynamic model of the hot end, which is the part of the printer that melts the filament.
This collaboration is now more broadly developing computational metrology, in which the output of a measurement is a predictive model rather than just a parameter. The researchers will be applying this in other areas of advanced manufacturing, as well as in expanding access to metrology.
“By developing a new method for the automatic generation of process parameters for fused filament fabrication, this study opens the door to the use of recycled and bio-based filaments that have variable and unknown behaviors. Importantly, this enhances the potential for digital manufacturing technology to utilize locally sourced sustainable materials,” says Alysia Garmulewicz, an associate professor in the Faculty of Administration and Economics at the University of Santiago in Chile who was not involved with this work.
This research is supported, in part, by the National Institute of Standards and Technology and the Center for Bits and Atoms Consortia.
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jcmarchi · 6 months
This 3D printer can figure out how to print with an unknown material
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/this-3d-printer-can-figure-out-how-to-print-with-an-unknown-material/
This 3D printer can figure out how to print with an unknown material
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While 3D printing has exploded in popularity, many of the plastic materials these printers use to create objects cannot be easily recycled. While new sustainable materials are emerging for use in 3D printing, they remain difficult to adopt because 3D printer settings need to be adjusted for each material, a process generally done by hand.
To print a new material from scratch, one must typically set up to 100 parameters in software that controls how the printer will extrude the material as it fabricates an object. Commonly used materials, like mass-manufactured polymers, have established sets of parameters that were perfected through tedious, trial-and-error processes.
But the properties of renewable and recyclable materials can fluctuate widely based on their composition, so fixed parameter sets are nearly impossible to create. In this case, users must come up with all these parameters by hand.
Researchers tackled this problem by developing a 3D printer that can automatically identify the parameters of an unknown material on its own.
A collaborative team from MIT’s Center for Bits and Atoms (CBA), the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), and the National Center for Scientific Research in Greece (Demokritos) modified the extruder, the “heart” of a 3D printer, so it can measure the forces and flow of a material.
These data, gathered through a 20-minute test, are fed into a mathematical function that is used to automatically generate printing parameters. These parameters can be entered into off-the-shelf 3D printing software and used to print with a never-before-seen material. 
The automatically generated parameters can replace about half of the parameters that typically must be tuned by hand. In a series of test prints with unique materials, including several renewable materials, the researchers showed that their method can consistently produce viable parameters.
This research could help to reduce the environmental impact of additive manufacturing, which typically relies on nonrecyclable polymers and resins derived from fossil fuels.
“In this paper, we demonstrate a method that can take all these interesting materials that are bio-based and made from various sustainable sources and show that the printer can figure out by itself how to print those materials. The goal is to make 3D printing more sustainable,” says senior author Neil Gershenfeld, who leads CBA.
His co-authors include first author Jake Read a graduate student in the CBA who led the printer development; Jonathan Seppala, a chemical engineer in the Materials Science and Engineering Division of NIST; Filippos Tourlomousis, a former CBA postdoc who now heads the Autonomous Science Lab at Demokritos; James Warren, who leads the Materials Genome Program at NIST; and Nicole Bakker, a research assistant at CBA. The research is published in the journal Integrating Materials and Manufacturing Innovation.
Shifting material properties
In fused filament fabrication (FFF), which is often used in rapid prototyping, molten polymers are extruded through a heated nozzle layer-by-layer to build a part. Software, called a slicer, provides instructions to the machine, but the slicer must be configured to work with a particular material.
Using renewable or recycled materials in an FFF 3D printer is especially challenging because there are so many variables that affect the material properties.
For instance, a bio-based polymer or resin might be composed of different mixes of plants based on the season. The properties of recycled materials also vary widely based on what is available to recycle.
“In ‘Back to the Future,’ there is a ‘Mr. Fusion’ blender where Doc just throws whatever he has into the blender and it works [as a power source for the DeLorean time machine]. That is the same idea here. Ideally, with plastics recycling, you could just shred what you have and print with it. But, with current feed-forward systems, that won’t work because if your filament changes significantly during the print, everything would break,” Read says.
To overcome these challenges, the researchers developed a 3D printer and workflow to automatically identify viable process parameters for any unknown material.
They started with a 3D printer their lab had previously developed that can capture data and provide feedback as it operates. The researchers added three instruments to the machine’s extruder that take measurements which are used to calculate parameters.
A load cell measures the pressure being exerted on the printing filament, while a feed rate sensor measures the thickness of the filament and the actual rate at which it is being fed through the printer.
“This fusion of measurement, modeling, and manufacturing is at the heart of the collaboration between NIST and CBA, as we work develop what we’ve termed ‘computational metrology,’” says Warren.
These measurements can be used to calculate the two most important, yet difficult to determine, printing parameters: flow rate and temperature. Nearly half of all print settings in standard software are related to these two parameters. 
Deriving a dataset
Once they had the new instruments in place, the researchers developed a 20-minute test that generates a series of temperature and pressure readings at different flow rates. Essentially, the test involves setting the print nozzle at its hottest temperature, flowing the material through at a fixed rate, and then turning the heater off.
“It was really difficult to figure out how to make that test work. Trying to find the limits of the extruder means that you are going to break the extruder pretty often while you are testing it. The notion of turning the heater off and just passively taking measurements was the ‘aha’ moment,” says Read.
These data are entered into a function that automatically generates real parameters for the material and machine configuration, based on relative temperature and pressure inputs. The user can then enter those parameters into 3D printing software and generate instructions for the printer.
In experiments with six different materials, several of which were bio-based, the method automatically generated viable parameters that consistently led to successful prints of a complex object.
Moving forward, the researchers plan to integrate this process with 3D printing software so parameters don’t need to be entered manually. In addition, they want to enhance their workflow by incorporating a thermodynamic model of the hot end, which is the part of the printer that melts the filament.
This collaboration is now more broadly developing computational metrology, in which the output of a measurement is a predictive model rather than just a parameter. The researchers will be applying this in other areas of advanced manufacturing, as well as in expanding access to metrology.
“By developing a new method for the automatic generation of process parameters for fused filament fabrication, this study opens the door to the use of recycled and bio-based filaments that have variable and unknown behaviors. Importantly, this enhances the potential for digital manufacturing technology to utilize locally sourced sustainable materials,” says Alysia Garmulewicz, an associate professor in the Faculty of Administration and Economics at the University of Santiago in Chile who was not involved with this work.
This research is supported, in part, by the National Institute of Standards and Technology and the Center for Bits and Atoms Consortia.
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abdulmoid · 8 months
Best Food 3D printers
3D food printing is a fairly new technology that creates intricate and customized food items. From personalized candy to elaborate chocolate sculptures, 3D food printers have the prospects to revolutionize the way we think about food production. 
In this article, we will discuss the 10 best food 3D printers currently available on the market.
What is a Food 3D Printer?
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A 3D printer is printing some chocolates. Image source: Imaginarium
A food 3D printer is a machine that uses food-grade materials, such as chocolate, cheese, dough, and pureed fruits and vegetables, to create detailed and specialized food items. 
These machines typically work by depositing layers of food material in precise patterns, building up the food item layer by layer. 
This process allows for the creation of a wide range of food items with complex designs and shapes that would otherwise be difficult or impossible to achieve with traditional food preparation methods. 
Food 3D printers are used in a variety of settings, including professional kitchens, research labs, and even at home. They are becoming increasingly popular in the culinary industry as they allow chefs to create unique and personalized dishes that can impress customers.
10 Best Food 3D Printers
Natural Machines Foodini
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Natural Machines Foodini 3D printer. Image source: DigitalFoodLab
The Natural Machines Foodini is a versatile 3D food printer that can create various foods, including pasta, chocolate, and even burgers. 
The machine utilizes fresh ingredients, allowing for the creation of healthy and natural foods. 
Diverse Ingredient Compatibility: Works with a wide range of food materials, including vegetables, meats, and dough.
Can create complex shapes and designs
Artistic Freedom: Allows users to create intricate and customized chocolate designs
Expensive, with a price tag of around $5,000
The Choc Edge Chocolate 3D Printer
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The Choc Edge Chocolate 3D Printer is printing the chocolate. Image source: Medium
The Choc Edge Chocolate 3D Printer is specifically designed for printing chocolate. 
The machine features a precision chocolate extruder and a heated build plate that helps make detailed and intricate chocolate designs. The printer also comes with a range of pre-loaded patterns and the ability to import custom designs.
Chocolate Specialization: This printer is dedicated to chocolate printing, ensuring high-quality and artistic chocolate creations..
Ease of Use: Offers a straightforward and user-friendly experience for chocolate enthusiasts.
Professional Results: Known for producing professional-grade chocolate items with precision.
Limited to just chocolate printing
Expensive, with a price tag of around $4,000
The byFlow Focus
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The byFlow focus is printing the chocolates. Image source: byFlow
The byFlow Focus is a compact and portable 3D food printer that can make a wide variety of foods. 
The machine features a precision food extruder and a heated build plate that permits detailed and complicated food designs to be created. The printer also comes with a range of pre-loaded plans and the ability to import custom designs.
Portability: Its portable and compact design makes it easy to transport and set up for various culinary events and locations.
Versatility: Offers versatility in printing various food types, from savory to sweet dishes.
User-Friendly Interface: Features an intuitive interface that simplifies the food printing process.
Expensive, with a price tag of around $5,000
The ChefJet Pro
The ChefJet Pro is a professional-grade 3D food printer that can make numerous foods, including candy, chocolate, and even sugar. 
The machine features a precision food extruder and a heated build plate that enables the production of detailed and exciting food designs. The printer also comes with a range of pre-loaded methods and the ability to import custom designs.
Professional Culinary Tool: Designed for professional chefs and confectioners, it meets high culinary standards.
Intricate Sugar Creations: Can create complex sugar decorations and designs, adding a touch of artistry to desserts.
Reliable Performance: Known for its consistency and reliability in producing high-quality edible designs.
Expensive, with a price tag of around $5,000
The 3D Solutech Food Printer
The 3D Solutech Food Printer is a budget-friendly 3D food printer that can create several foods. 
The machine features a precision food extruder and a heated build plate, supporting the development of detailed and ornate food designs. The printer also comes with a range of pre-loaded strategies and the ability to import custom designs.
An affordable price tag of around $1,000
Affordable Entry Point: Provides an affordable option for experimenting with food printing, making it accessible to more users.
Compact Design: Its compact size makes it easy to fit into smaller kitchens or workspaces.
Versatile Printing: Offers versatility in terms of the types of food materials it can work with, allowing for experimentation.
Limited in terms of the types of food it can print
Not as high quality as more expensive models
The 3D Systems Culinary Lab
The 3D Systems Culinary Lab is a professional-grade 3D food printer that can be used to create a wide variety of foods, including pasta, chocolate, and even ice cream. 
The machine features a precision food extruder and a heated build plate that aids in making thorough and attractive food designs. The printer also comes with a range of pre-loaded designs and the ability to import custom designs.
Professional Grade: Backed by 3D Systems' reputation and technology, it's suitable for professional culinary applications.
Advanced Features: Offers advanced features and capabilities for chefs and culinary experts.
Diverse Material Compatibility: Can handle a wide range of food materials, enabling experimentation and creativity.
Expensive, with a price tag of around $10,000
Not as versatile as other models
The Foodini Plus
The Foodini Plus is an advanced 3D food printer that can create a wide variety of foods, including pasta, chocolate, and even burgers. 
The machine utilizes fresh ingredients, resulting in preparing healthy and natural foods. One of the major advantages of the Foodini Plus is its ability to print complex shapes and designs with ease. The machine also features a user-friendly interface, making it smooth to operate for both professional and home chefs.
Ingredient Compatibility: It can work with a wide range of ingredients, including fruits, vegetables, and dough, offering culinary versatility.
Convenience: Streamlines the food preparation process, saving time and effort in the kitchen.
Healthy Options: Encourages the use of fresh and natural ingredients for healthier food choices.
Expensive, with a price tag of around $7,000
The Choc Creator V2 Pro
The Choc Creator V2 Pro is a professional-grade 3D chocolate printer that can make fancy and detailed chocolate designs. 
The machine features a precision chocolate extruder and a heated build plate that brings forth high-quality chocolate sculptures. The printer also comes with a range of pre-loaded designs and the ability to import custom designs.
Chocolate Specialization: This printer is designed specifically for chocolate printing, ensuring high-quality chocolate creations.
Artistic Freedom: It provides users with the freedom to create intricate and artistic chocolate designs.
Precision: Offers precise control over the chocolate material, resulting in detailed and professional chocolate items.
Durability: Built to withstand the demands of chocolate printing, ensuring longevity.
Limited to just chocolate printing
Expensive, with a price tag of around $6,000
The 3D Food Printer
The 3D Food Printer is a budget-friendly 3D food printer that can create various foods. The machine features a precision food extruder and a heated build plate, allowing for the creation of attractive and complex food designs. 
The printer also comes with a range of pre-loaded designs and the ability to import custom designs.
An affordable price tag of around $500
Simplicity: Known for its ease of operation, this 3D food printer is suitable for beginners in food printing.
Speed: The printer can produce food items relatively quickly, saving time in food preparation.
Reliability: Users can rely on consistent performance for their food printing needs.
Limited in terms of the types of food it can print
Not as high quality as more expensive models
The Print2 Taste FoodJet Pro
The Print2Taste FoodJet Pro is a professional-grade 3D food printer that can develop several foods, including pasta, chocolate, and even ice cream. 
The machine features a precision food extruder and a heated build plate that produce attractive and delicate food designs. The printer also comes with a range of pre-loaded designs and the ability to import custom designs.
Precision Printing: The FoodJet Pro offers precise control over food materials, allowing for intricate and accurate designs.
Customization: Users can create personalized food designs, making it ideal for culinary professionals and special events.
Versatile Ingredients: It can work with a variety of ingredients, from sweet to savory, expanding its culinary possibilities.
Ease of Use: The interface is user-friendly, making it accessible to a wide range of users.
Expensive, with a price tag of around $8,000
Not as versatile as other models
Overall, 3D food printers have the potential to revolutionize the way we think about food production. They offer the ability to make elaborate and customized food items, from personalized candy to complex chocolate sculptures. 
However, it's important to note that these printers are currently quite expensive, with most models priced in the thousands of dollars. 
Additionally, many of these printers are limited in terms of the types of food they can print, and some models may not be suitable for home use.
SelfCAD is a 3D modeling and printing software. It is designed to be user-friendly and accessible, particularly for those new to 3D modeling software. It also comes with an in-built online slicer to help users to prepare 3D models for 3D printing, all within a single software environment. Get to know how to slice 3D designs in SelfCAD in the video below.
3D food printers are an exciting new technology that can potentially change food production methods. They are not economical, and some models are restricted in the food they can print. 
However, if you're a professional chef or a food enthusiast with a passion for innovation, a 3D food printer could be the perfect addition to your kitchen.
purchasing decisions.
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umichenginabroad · 1 year
Berlin Week 3: Lab Work Gets Intense
By Ilyana Smith, Aerospace Engineering major
This week in Berlin has been an intense week of classes. Every day this week started with German class, followed by an afternoon of lab work. My German skills are definitely improving, and I've learned more about polymer manufacturing than I ever thought possible. The 3-4 hour labs in the afternoons have been a lot, but they've also taught me so much.
Polymer Identification
On Monday, we learned how to identify polymers based on their properties. This involved dropping them on the ground, putting them into a bucket of water, and even burning them! It was very cool to see how we could puzzle out what polymer a sample was made out of through just a few physical tests. And then it was humbling when, after about an hour of hard work, we put the samples into a spectrometry machine which identified the polymer with utter certainty in only a few seconds.
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When PVC is melted onto a copper wire, it produces a green flame when heated. This is because PVC contains chlorine, a halogen.
One of the major methods of polymer manufacturing is extrusion, which involves pushing a molten polymer through a small hole to create a long stream of material. The extrusion mechanism is actually fairly complex, and it involves using a long screw to compress and melt the polymer before pushing it through the die that helps define the final shape. Since the polymer doesn't like being compressed, though, it actually expands slightly when it leaves the die, so we did an experiment to measure the "die swell" of the extruded polymer. That is to say, we measured how thick the stream of material was and compared that to the diameter of the hole the material was extruded from.
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Clear polymer is extruded from an extruder. You can see that once it cools in the water bath, it turns white/opaque. This is due to crystals forming.
Injection Molding
Yesterday, we learned about injection molding, which is the biggest method for mass-manufacturing of polymer products. It has high initial costs, but if you're making a lot of a product, those costs are worth the high speed and very low cost per manufactured part. Injection molding machines are very simple in principle, but because they often deal with very high pressures, they tend to be very complex and expensive. We got to watch an injection molder in action, and it was very cool to see how easily it produces many parts consistently and quickly.
Additive Manufacturing
Today, we learned about 3D printing and additive manufacturing. Compared with the conventional manufacturing methods we learned about earlier in the week, there are a lot of benefits to 3D printing in the form of waste reduction and the ability to produce more complex parts. However, the downside is that 3D printing is a comparatively slow process and is not cost-effective for producing many, many parts.
This week, the lab class really kicked into high gear, and we started really getting into the weeds of how polymers are processed and manufactured. It's been a lot of work but also a lot of learning, and I'm excited to keep diving into everything else there is to learn!
Thanks for reading! I look forward to sharing more with you soon!
This is the Engineering Laboratory Experience at TUB in Berlin, Germany
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bohusblog · 18 days
The Role of Precision in the Performance of China Lab Extruder Machines
The precision of the China lab extruder machine is a topic of significant interest, as it directly impacts the efficiency and effectiveness of the extrusion process. These machines are designed to transform raw materials into finished products with a high degree of accuracy and consistency, a process that is vital for the quality of the end product.
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The China lab extruder machine is engineered to provide a controlled environment for the extrusion process, ensuring that the material is heated, shaped, and cooled uniformly. This precision is achieved through a combination of advanced mechanical design, temperature control systems, and automation technology. The machine's ability to maintain a consistent temperature profile across the barrel and die is crucial for the uniformity of the extrudate.
One of the primary factors contributing to the precision of the China lab extruder machine is its robust construction. The use of high-quality materials in the construction of the barrel, screws, and dies ensures that the machine can withstand the high pressures and temperatures associated with the extrusion process. This durability is essential for maintaining the machine's performance over time, as wear and tear can significantly impact the precision of the extrusion process.
The control systems of the China lab extruder machine are another critical aspect of its precision. Modern machines are equipped with sophisticated software that allows for precise control of the extrusion parameters, such as temperature, pressure, and screw speed. These controls are essential for achieving the desired output in terms of shape, size, and surface finish. The software also allows for real-time monitoring and adjustments, ensuring that any deviations from the desired parameters can be quickly corrected.
The precision of the China lab extruder machine is also influenced by the quality of the components used in its construction. High-precision bearings, for example, are essential for ensuring that the screws rotate smoothly and consistently, which is crucial for the uniform mixing and melting of the material. Similarly, the quality of the die used in the extrusion process can significantly impact the precision of the final product. A well-designed die will ensure that the material is extruded with distortion or variation.
In addition to the machine's design and components, the precision of the China lab extruder machine is also dependent on the skill and expertise of the operator. Proper training and experience are essential for ensuring that the machine is operated correctly and that any issues that may arise are quickly identified and resolved. This human element is often overlooked but plays a critical role in the overall performance of the machine.
The China lab extruder machine's precision is also influenced by the quality of the raw materials being processed. The consistency and purity of the polymers used can have a significant impact on the extrusion process. Impurities or variations in the material can cause inconsistencies in the final product, which can be difficult to correct once the material has been extruded.
Maintenance and upkeep of the China lab extruder machine are also crucial for maintaining its precision. Regular cleaning and inspection of the machine can help to identify and address any issues that may be affecting its performance. This includes checking for wear and tear on the screws and dies, as well as ensuring that the temperature control systems are functioning correctly.
The precision of the China lab extruder machine is a multifaceted issue that is influenced by a variety of factors, including the design and construction of the machine, the quality of its components, the skill of the operator, the quality of the raw materials, and the machine's maintenance. By addressing these factors, manufacturers can ensure that their China lab extruder machines are operating at good performance, producing high-quality products with a high degree of precision and consistency. This precision is not only essential for the quality of the final product but also for the overall efficiency and competitiveness of the manufacturing process.
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PVC Compound Plants: Inevitable Elements of Daily Life
Everyone wants a comfortable, cool, secure and easy life - and people are always looking for products that can provide all of these things. But in order to create products that offer all of these benefits, manufacturers must use versatile materials that can offer multiple benefits to society and help improve the overall standard of living.
The PVC compounding plant is an extremely useful tool for a variety of industrial applications. Our compounding plant has been used by clients from diverse fields and offers comprehensive solutions for raw material feeding, compounding, extrusion, and material handling. It is also used for downstream equipment. The plant helps to manufacture special compounds that are in high demand in various industries due to its excellent performance and superior properties.
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Most people have a daily routine that rarely changes - they wake up in the morning, go to work or school, and come home to relax in the evening. And without even realizing it, they use products made from the same material every day which has definitely revolutionized the modern day lifestyle.
People use all sorts of products made from different materials every day as part of their routine, most of which goes unnoticed. But there is one material in particular that has single-handedly revolutionized modern day living and its impact can be seen in everything from the clothes we wear to the way we get around.
If you take a look at the products you use every day, you'll quickly realize that PVC products are a big part of your life. Things like bags, bottles, toys, TVs, and remote controls are all made from PVC. Without PVC, industries like fashion, flooring, art, and sports would not exist today. In other words, PVC has a big impact on your daily life.
PVC products have had the biggest impact on the health and automobile industries. Over 50% of the products used in these industries are made of PVC. PVC compounds have made it possible for modern day hospitals to be high-tech and stink-free. Currently, all pathology labs and healthcare centres are successful due to the use of varieties of PVC products which are not only useful, but cost effective as well.
PVC compounds and its derivatives have drastically changed the automobile industry as we know it by providing handle, gear, seats, and many other small to medium parts used in modern cars. The design, color, overall look and feel of cars have gone through a sea change and this is all thanks to PVC. This transition has not only impressed consumers but has managed to take the industry to new levels.
Not only does PVC have a large footprint in the packaging industry, but it's also a major player in the leisure industry. Inflated beach toys, paddling pools, balls and bouncy castles are just some of the many items that are produced in large quantities using PVC.
PVC compounds play a big role in the packaging industry - without them, a lot of the packaging materials we take for granted wouldn't exist. For example, these compounds are often used in ready-to-eat food packaging to make the product more eye-catching and to extend its shelf life.
The plastic industry is rapidly growing and it's not going to slow down anytime soon. In fact, the days are not far away when it will have the largest footprint in the society. With this speed, the plastic industry will continue to have a huge impact on our lives.
At Neoplast, we understand the importance of recycling and offer a wide range of plastic recycling machine, single screw extruder to meet your needs such as a PVC mixer machine, high speed heater cooler mixer, compounding plant, twin screw extruder and PVC pipe plant manufacturer and two roll mill. In addition, we also provide best quality conveying system like pneumatic conveying system and powder conveying system with silo storage system to ensure that your recycling process is as efficient as possible.
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bottletesting · 2 years
How to use a Polariscope strain viewer for detecting preform defects?
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Preforms are an important part of the manufacturing process, and it is important to test them for defects before they are used. There are many different types of defects that can be present in preforms that include stress, strains, and other similar defects.
Preforms are an important part of the manufacturing process, and it is important to test them for defects before they are used. There are many different types of defects that can be present in preforms that include stress, strains, and other similar defects. Each one can cause problems downstream in the manufacturing process. Testing for defects is important because it can help identify issues early on so that corrective action can be taken to prevent them from causing problems later on. Presto has designed a high-quality lab testing instrument known as the Polariscope strain viewer. This is considered to be one of the high-quality lab testing equipment that is used to test the different types of defects present in preforms. In this blog post, we are going to discuss how you can easily make the use of Presto Polariscope strain viewer to detect the types of defects present in preforms.
What are the different types of defects present in preforms?
Performs are an important part of the manufacturing process for many products. They are typically made from plastic and are used to create the shape of the final product. Preforms can be injection molded, extruded, or otherwise formed into the desired shape. Testing defects in preforms is important because it can help to identify problems with the manufacturing process. Defects can cause problems with the final product, such as poor appearance, dimensional inaccuracies, or functional issues. Testing can help to identify these defects so that they can be corrected.
Sometimes a manual visual inspection of the defects present in preforms. Therefore, it is important for preform manufacturers to make use of different preform testing instruments that are used to test the different aspects of preforms.
Now, let us discuss how the Presto Polariscope strain viewer is useful in testing the defects of preforms.
All about Presto preform strain viewer
The Presto preform strain viewer is one of the high-quality lab testing equipment that is used to test the defects present in the preforms. Defects in preforms can also cause problems during the blowing process. If the preform is too thin or has uneven walls, it can collapse during blowing. This can cause the bottle to be misshapen or have weak spots that may leak.
With the use of a Polariscope strain viewer, one can easily test the different types of defects present in preforms. By using a Polariscope strain viewer, you can avoid potential problems down the line and ensure that your finished products are of the highest quality possible. Now, let us discuss the features and technical specifications of this quality lab testing equipment.
Features of Presto preform strain viewer
There are various benefits one can get with the use of Presto preform strain viewer. The Polariscope strain viewer will be made in accordance with industry standards that make it easy for the manufacturers to conduct the test. Now, let us discuss the features of this quality lab testing equipment.
Two light intensities are offered: Monochromatic light and Sodium Lamp
Sharper and clearer optical viewing experience
Standard Template for viewing sample at 45º and 90º angle
Large Viewing glass area
High-resolution camera to take pictures with integrated POLCOM software
Standard reference defect pictures preloaded in software for easy reference
Pick & Place feature to compare test preform image with standard image
Test Report includes Reason For Defect Along With Suggested Action
Inbuilt hardware/software CD
Easy Data Management. Users can create product identification, company, check by details, etc.
Technical specifications of Presto Polariscope strain viewer
The instrument provides a viewing area of 260mm x 240mm.
The machine works on a power supply of 220V.
The dimension of the testing instrument is 335x360x500 mm.
Standard T template Measuring Angle 45º and 90º
With these high-end features and specifications, one can easily test the defects present in the PET and preforms. Now, let us discuss its working.
Working of Presto Polariscope strain viewer
The Polariscope strain viewer is very easy to operate and can accurately test the defects present in the products. You can easily read about the working of this quality lab testing equipment below.
Plug in the mains leads to an electrical socket of 3 pin-5 Amp configuration.
Clean the viewing area and test the sample.
Put the sample to be tested on the sample/template plate on either angle.
Put on the necessary light source to test the sample. Select the light through the Feather touch button.
Manually analyze the defects manually and refer to the Preform Defect Chart to check the type of defect.
In this way, you can easily test the defects present in the product. If you want more information about this quality testing equipment like Polariscope price or any other information, then give us a call at +91-9210903903 or email us at [email protected]. Our team of technical experts will consult you regarding your needs and requirements.
Source Url- https://www.bottletesting.com/blog/how-to-use-a-polariscope-strain-viewer-for-detecting-preform-defects/
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Local Teen Unaware of how Weird Family is, Local Goth Decides To Go All In and Learn Magick, Exhausted Teens Do Fun Dumb Teen Stuff 
It was the day after they’d taken down Skulker, and Tucker had to collect up the armor.  Danny helped him, of course, and he flew home with some help from his favorite ghost boy.  They landed in Tucker’s room, and Tucker gave Danny a hug as soon as the suit was set down.  Danny returned to his warmer flesh and blood self and hugged him back before they got to work searching for a port to plug Tucker’s laptop into.  Thankfully even the dead respected the U in USB and they manage to connect. Before long, however, Tucker’s mind wanders from his code-breaking program that’s now hard at work with Skulker’s head and to his situation with Sam.  And considering what all he’d learned about Danny’s family so far, he might as well ask. “Danny do you have access to transparent solar panels?”
“Yeah, all the windows at Fenton Works are solar panels - I think they run at uh 50% efficiency.  Why?”
“Danny, that’s like, the exact last piece I need for my solar-powered car design.”  Tucker was tempted to inform Danny of how amazing that fact was, but he knew Danny wasn’t a fan of being extraordinary, so he’d let it slide for now.  “Now I just need some way of building it.”
“Well, you have the design itself saved right?”
“Yes…”  Tucker wasn’t sure where this was going, but he was hopeful that it’d be a place he liked.
“We can just print out the design at my house?”  Danny shrugged, as though that was obvious and the most simple thing in the world.  “We have like, a pretty big 3D printer, it’s uh modular, and we use scrapped metal from junkyards that we liquified as filament.  We can print a car pretty quickly.”
Danny was going to say something that made Tucker fall completely in love with him one of these days, the idiot.  “Danny I need you to take me to this 3D printer.  Now.” Skulker’s head was left where they’d put it on his desk, the rest of the suit stuffed in Tucker’s closet, and the pair flew off to Danny’s house.
When they arrived at Fentonworks, they turned to one of the other buildings on the block and set down there, Danny taking the time to unlock the door and everything.  “So this 3D printer you guys have…”
“Well, Dad calls it the Fenton Fabricator.   See, there's a theory that went around a while ago when 3D printers and fabricators first started, it was the Recursive Loop Theory. It goes like this. You buy a 3D printer. Mid-range, sorta useful, but with enough detail and strength that you like it. But then you need something a bit more detailed. So you look online and you find a set of 3D models for a second printer. This one you can build on your machine, and with only some minor parts you can make the more detailed printer for a tiny fraction of what it would cost.”  
Danny took them to a set of stairs and Tucker was so focused on his friend he nearly missed all the art Danny’s ever done hanging all over the walls.  
“So, you can make more detailed parts. And you find designs for a bigger printer. It's modular and sorta rough, but it needs those detailed parts. So you can then build massive somewhat detailed pieces… and so you do. And now, with your 3 printers, you find designs to a fourth. Bigger, better, more detailed, it's another generation, and you can print it off your current designs. Boom, bam, rinse and repeat.  Eventually, your diminishing returns drop till you can’t make a more detailed printer, but at that point, you have one hell of a machine, particularly if you have a couple of crazy hackers building your final design as a custom project. Course, it’s not quite that easy. We had to fabricate a lot of weird and unique bits for them in other ways - well, my folks and their friends in the Secret Scientists did anyway."
“So the Fenton Fabricator?”
“Is a massive, customized high detail 3D fabricator that can even print metal and glass, yes.”  Danny turned on the lights as they entered a large underground workspace. Tucker saw the fabricator and felt he might’ve gone to heaven.  It was a massive aquarium tank, easily twenty feet from corner to corner and at least eight feet tall. Above it, hanging like a mechanical spider on segmented green and red limbs with shiny metal joints and points, was a motorcycle sized 3D printing extruder. Tucker could see a set of lasers for dust printing, a pair of high-heat high-speed extruders for wires, several dozen smaller legs with colors and specific grades of wire, all of which fed up and around the room to spools of plastic and cylinders of dusted metal.
“There are hidden parts in the walls with directed gravity manipulators and some arms kept out of the way until needed for assembly-based stuff.  I think Mom and Dad built a car or something down here recently. The canisters are all refilled completely.” Danny shrugged, moving around the lab and grabbing up papers - notes about what feeds to use, hints for setting things up.  “I can help you connect up and plug in your stuff - though you’ll have to leave it here so that the thing can print. If you’re legit making a car here, it’ll take about 2 days to finish printing it out at all, let alone assemble.”
“Danny, after I finish with that, we are so using this place for other projects together, do you understand me?”  Tucker saw doors that likely lead off to other rooms in the lab and wondered just how Much of Fentonworks there was.  “This is too amazing.”
“If you say so, bro.  Here, let’s get started.  I can help with setting up the print file.”
Sam had to say, going through the bs of school was beyond irritating when both of her friends were barred from the school until they could get around the weapons the Fentons were installing.  Paulina’s gratingly loud personality was especially difficult to tune out that day, and Sam found herself feeling proud of her self control in not throwing something at the shallow cheerleading idiot when she started going on and on about the upcoming spirit week.
Once school was out, Sam grabbed the board that Danny apparently made for her after he finished Tucker’s, though she wasn’t sure how, and put on her helmet.  New, magnetic boots planted firmly on the board, Sam pulled out her phone, put in the address of the Skulk and Lurk, and activated the Nav AI that Tucker had managed to make an app for to download.  “One of these days Tucker is going to overwork himself into an early grave.” Shaking her head Sam took off into the sky, and no amount of gothic reputation could keep the smile off her face or prevent her from cheering.  “Woooohoooo!” Who could possibly blame her? She was flying .  There was nothing more awesome than this that she knew of.
When she arrived, Sam had her board hover itself up to the roof, where it was less likely to get snatched by someone who thought it’d be cool to snag a hoverboard.  Walking into the store, Sam took off her helmet and grinned. The Skulk n Lurk was one part book store, one part poetry reading area, and one part coffee shop. It had the gothic, occult theme down pat with black, blue, and shades of purple being the only colors to be found around the store.  Heading straight into the books section, Sam managed to flag down an employee and nudged him in the arm. “Nice mohawk, Chris, I see you’re branching out.”
Chris turned around, hair dyed a brilliant blue and his clothes all pastel shades of purple and grey with a bat-shaped nametag pinned on his chest.  He smiled and elbowed her right back. “Yeah, just got it done the other day. How’re you holdin up, Sam? Parents still trying to push you into being a prep?”
“Such is my curse.”  Sam sighed and leaned heavily on Chris while he laughed.  “But, that’s not what I’m here for today. Think you can help me find some books on magick?”
“Cursing people is wrong, and will always go wrong for you, I hope you know that.”
Sam rolled her eyes, standing up straight.  “It’s not for cursing anyone, Chris, it’s for something else.”
“Hitting that cheerleader with a love spell is not the way to go about getting over your crush on her.”  Chris smirked and turned away from her, walking steadily while Sam scoffed and scowled at him.
“That’s gross on two fronts.  A love spell sounds ridiculously creepy, and I don’t have a crush on Paulina of all people.”  Sam made a gagging noise and Chris laughed yet again.
Ludicrous notions about cheerleaders aside, Chris lead Sam to a section about magick and left to go help another customer while Sam browsed.  She held her hand up, letting her fingers brush over the spines of the books as she read their titles and stilled. There was a vibration, warm and far more humid than any bookstore should be and humming so much like Danny and Agatha and even that piece of trash Grovsner did when she was close.  It was a feeling that she hadn’t really noticed until now that all of the ghosts she’d encountered shared, however few of those there were. The tiny hairs all over her arms and the back of her neck stood on end and Sam grabbed the book.
Roots, stems, rain, warmth, leaves, petals, heat, crushing cold, withering emptiness, life granting rain and growth .  Sam dropped the book and just barely bit off a loud swear, staring at the cover.  Magick: The Life Blood of the Earth.  “Well.  Danny can see weird shit, I guess I can feel it.  Being that close to the portal must’ve done something to me.”  Picking up the book slowly, Sam waited for any weird feelings to hit her again.  When none did, she grinned slowly. “Let’s see what I can do with that.”
Danny takes some of the time after fighting Skulker to relax at home, get his schoolwork done that was emailed to him, and figure out a plan for working around the school's new anti-ghost security system.  It had been two days already and he was coming up blank. Of course, it's at dinner that Danny thinks to ask his parents. "Hey Mom, you said the Fenton Finder works by keeping track of a ghost's ectosignature, right?  What is that, exactly?" Jazz, as she standardly did when Danny instigated ghost-themed rants, looked as offended as one might have had their mother been described with every cuss word in the dictionary. She stabbed her chicken alfredo while holding this look for 5 continuous seconds without blinking.
Mom smiled wide and ecstatic.  "Well you see, Danny, an ectosignature is the frequency of electrical signals running throughout a ghost's body, shaping its form and directing its actions."
"Like brainwaves?"
“Exactly, hon!”  Mom reached into her pocket and pulled out a macaroon, which Danny devoured immediately.  “When a ghost manifests outside of the Ghost Zone, its ecto signature is a signal being broadcast from the Ghost Zone into our reality.  Since ghosts are 4-dimensional constructs made of exotic matter that of which exists beyond our standard perceptive abilities, a ghost can receive this ectosignature from just about anywhere on Earth or beyond.  Like the best cellular reception in the universe.”
“Like any signal though, an ectosignature can be tracked!  And that signal can be disrupted and blocked!” Dad only spoke in exclamation points Danny realized some time ago.  He waved his fork around in presentation at the blueprint that his mind had likely superimposed on the air next to him.  “The Fenton Thermos™ uses charged ectoplasm and what I’ve coined as Fentonite to isolate any ectoplasmic mass contained inside of it from its corresponding ectosignature by creating a four-dimensional enclosure!  The filthy ghost is still charged with the ectosignature though, there’s a centralized network of energy that allows the ghost to immediately take on its form after it’s released.”
“So the ghost is conscious within the thermos?”
Mom shrugged.  “As conscious as a ghost can be, sweety.  It’s not an actual person or anything, just a static imprint of what used to be a person’s thoughts.  Like an A.I.”
“The Fenton Finder™ used scanners specially made to detect ectosignatures that are on our satellites up in space!  It’s also how our security system works, though that works off of scanners here in the house!”
"So is there a way to track down ghosts by their specific ecto signatures?  If you can track the general signals maybe you can create a way to lock into a specific one."
"Mm, I suppose we could!  That'd be useful for tracking down that scum that attacked you and friends!  We've got the blueprints for the ecto signature scanner down in the lab somewhere if you wanna try the idea out, son!"
"Will do, Dad.  I'll tell ya how it goes."  Danny grinned around his chicken and pasta.  He had a game plan now. 
After dinner, Danny raced downstairs to print out the blueprint from the computer - his father stacked the blueprints in an infuriatingly chaotic way that Danny hadn't the patience to sort through - and then ran through the door on the left.  Behind it was a hallway into a tunnel, one that lead Danny to the alternative lab under the building right next to the house. Hopping into his wheely chair, Danny slid over the linoleum floor to his work table and laid down the blueprint.
"Alright, I can work with this.  A signal can be tracked, and it can be isolated.  Which means that My signal can be isolated and tracked specifically."  A smirk crossed his face. "Which means the scanners can be set to ignore my signal.  Perfect!"
Danny slid over to the laptop connected to a second Fenton Fabricator, glad that his parents were always thorough enough to make a back up of everything they did.  "This should be done in no time. Then Sam can help me test it and Tuck can- speak of the devil." Danny whipped out his phone and hummed, tilting his head at the simple message his best friend had sent him. 
FriarTuck: Hey Dan, almost fin breaking the security in Sklkr's suit.  Bout to crack this badboi open n make it mine. Muahahahaha! Hyd?
"Ugh, stars, I don't wanna think about that asshole."  Danny shot back a quick reply and set his phone down, finding a notebook he typically kept around.  Writing in a code only he, Tucker and Sam knew, Danny got everything down that he could. "Skulker has been a major set back in my plan to prove not all ghosts are evil to Mom and Dad, and a few other weird developments made themselves known.  I can now see everything in the lower intensity ultraviolet spectrum 24/7 instead of having to concentrate, as well as the electrical currents running through everything; I can somehow see my emotional connections with people I'm close with and use those connections to influence their emotions as well as read them clearer than other aurae."  He stopped, taking a breath and looking over what he'd just written. " Mierda , ain't that creepy?"  Danny pulled on his hair a bit while he wrote.
"Joining that on the list of creepy-ass things about Danny: I can reach across that link to everyone and pull on their love and affection and all that and use it to heal myself.  Stars, that's such a gross way to look at everyone's care for me. Just a fucking- a bandaid? A free trip to the nurse in a minute?"
Turning back to the parts being made, Danny huffed and dragged his nails against his scalp a touch too roughly.  "Physiological changes in my ghost occur when Tucker and Sam are in danger; Canines grow into fangs and according to Sam my voice starts to echo as though it's coming from everywhere.  Thankfully a check in Tucker's mirror proves that the changes are temporary. Reaction to my temperament? On that note: being a psychoreactive exotic material, the ectoplasm that makes up my ghostly body reasonably reacts instantaneously to my emotions, but it seems to be enhancing them as well.  It's either that or maybe puberty, but I have a feeling puberty doesn't make you violently angry at the slightest provocation and likely to turn any ghost you see into a splatter on the ground." Danny groaned, closing his notebook. "I fucking Executed Skulker. What the fuck? Why didn’t I just suck him into the thermos?"
A ding from his phone and Danny snorted.  
GardeningClaws: Hey Star boy, don't go angsting without us there to hug you.  We will know and you will pay the price.
"And what price is that, being buried in a pillow fort?"
GardeningClaws: do you know how many pillows I have in this house??  Do you think, like a fool, that I won't use them against you?
Danny laughed, sending a quick 'fair point' before heading to the door opposite the one into the house lab. Behind it was a room with rows of lockers, each holding three sets of suits.   Danny didn't need them though. At the far end, there was a large octagonal metal rim, blast doors sealed shut within.
Opening it up to just the right coordinates, Danny watched the doors pull back and felt the building charge of the portal's startup.  For a fraction of a second, Danny was filled with a bone-deep fear that gripped his entire body and held him stock still. With a thunderous crack, the fabric of space-time was folded around and torn, and Danny relaxed, staring out at an expanse of white and grey.  Opening the blast door, he let the void fill him up and spread outward to chill his bones and freeze his veins. Skin blue, eyes and freckles green and his fluffy hair snow-white, Danny flew past the event horizon and gasped silently at the sight before him.
The moon is so much more beautiful when you can look with your own eyes instead of through the lens of a helmet visor.
Sam, smartest of the group that she was, called Danny and Tucker both to head to her house for a horror movie marathon.  “After what we’ve been through, none of these B rate movies are gonna scare us.” It was so close to inarguably true that the boys both shrugged at their phones and headed on over.  Danny came down from the sky in that space where everything was heat and impossible colors, everything around him highlighted in a panorama view that almost made him dizzy. Landing in an alleyway, Danny checked to make sure he didn’t see anyone around him and took a deep breath.  He folded himself up, cold edges practically trapped within him tugged and bent until the brilliant moonlight that bled from his form retreated into the center of his chest, light and freezing cold as it hummed in an offbeat pulse next to his heart.
Pulling the hood of his jacket over his head, Danny jogged out of the alleyway and down the sidewalk with his hands in his pockets.  He looked around the neighborhood properly and hummed, wondering how he never put together that Sam was rich when the address she’d given them ages ago was very obviously in the rich part of town.  “Stars, we’re really just that oblivious aren’t we?” The stars in mind, Danny cast his gaze up and smiled at the full moon that greeted him, counting the tiny dots of the stars around it while he walked.  Thankfully, his odd kaleidoscopic vision seemed to extend to his human form a bit and his foot froze mid-step as a car drove past him at an intersection. “Sweet mother of the gods, why can rich people not drive right?”
When he got to the gates of Manson Manor, Tucker was there typing away at his phone.  When he looked up Danny waved and grinned, pointing a thumb at the huge mansion behind the gate.  “This is ridiculous.”
“It’s just so much .  Why does anyone need that much space?  How do they keep it clean?”
“If I meet some butler named Alfred I’m going to eat your hat.”
“Are you sure you wanna make that bet, Danny?  This is looking Batman-ish.”
The gate opened up before Danny could respond to that and instead, he nudged Tucker’s side before jogging toward the door.  Sam was there, opening it before Danny could trip on nothing and faceplant into the mahogany or whatever expensive wood the door was probably made from, and he instead landed on a soft carpet.  Tucker nudged his foot with his shoe and Danny groaned, resigned to simply laying there for the rest of his life. Two pairs of hands lifted him up from the ground however and Danny laughed, getting up properly.
“You can’t just let me wallow in my shame in peace, can you?”
“Of course not,” Sam scoffed.  “If you’re going to be ashamed, I have to be there to make sure it’s appropriate.  Now, c’mon!” Sam dragged Danny down a few halls, and up some stairs, followed closely by Tucker.
“I need to make a map of this place so we don’t get lost the next time we come to visit,” Tucker muttered, and Danny nodded.  When Sam opened the door she was headed for she let Danny go and grinned at them like a cat that’d eaten the canary. Walking in, Danny felt his jaw drop and took a moment to soak in what he was seeing.  “You have an entire movie theater in your house?”
“I know, it’s grossly excessive and we absolutely don’t need it, but-”
“Sam, what the heck are you talking about?”  Danny waved a hand in the goth’s face and snorted when she swatted at him.  “This is awesome! We can marathon every Dead Teacher movie here and it’ll be like when we went to see it in the actual theaters but better !”  Danny pulled down his hood and hopped over one of the chairs - of which there were two whole rows - and plopped himself into the soft cushioned seat with a laugh.  “The only thing that could make this room better would be if you had movie snacks.”
“Well, good thing I have a popcorn machine right back there full of fresh popcorn, a cotton candy machine, and ordered us pizzas.”  Sam grinned, sitting next to Danny with a bowl in hand full of greasy buttery popcorn, and Tucker sat on his right. “What should we watch first?”
Halfway into Dr. Sleep, the pizza arrived and three laughing teens had to pause the movie and pull themselves together from the heap of giggles that they’d become.  “Oh, oh stars, that hurt , laughing so much hurts!”  Danny leaned on Tucker while Sam leaned on him, the bowl of popcorn practically forgotten next to Tucker.  After a few minutes, Danny took a deep breath and patted his friends on the back. “I can grab the pizza - I can fly, so unlike you two I can actually go and be back before the things are cold.”  Before either friend could protest, Danny let the shimmering void of silvery dark cold spread out from the center of his chest to every hair on his body in a flash of light. He slipped through Sam and Tucker like water through the air and flew off toward the red aura of the pizza guy, diving to transform behind the front door when he appeared outside.  In just a moment he was back inside and setting three pizza boxes down on the snack table. “I see we got ourselves a meat-lovers for Tuck, a veggie everything for Sam, and-” Danny gasped. “A dragon’s tongue pizza for me! Aww, Sam~”
“Oh stuff it you goof,” Sam said as she and Tucker grabbed slices and plates.  “I just knew that you’d complain your pizza isn’t spicy enough unless it has ghost peppers, reaper peppers and every other kind of spice known to man and dolphin on it.”
Tucker rolled his eyes, already scarfing down his first slice.  “Dolphin? Really?”
“Dolphins are the closest animals to humans in behavior and observed intellect, Tucker.”  Danny took the time to go through three slices of pizza while Sam ranted about how dolphins might as well be classified as non-human people before pointing accusatorily at her.
“There is nothing wrong with my sense of taste, thank you.  Anyone with a strong enough tongue can handle this pizza, Sam.”  Danny took a bite to emphasize his point and smirked when he was flipped off.  “I’ve just got the strongest stomach here.”
“ Excuse you? ”
“Unlike you, I can eat veggies without my stomach declaring a mutiny.”
“Um, go fuck yourself?  That was the lowest of all low blows, I am utterly betrayed !”  Tucker covered his forehead with the back of his arm and half fell backward.  “Truly, my trust has been shattered by mine own brother, how could you? And I’ll have you know that the amount of capsaicin you consume is well beyond what any human being should have in their body.”
“Funny, I’m pretty sure I’m not human.”  Danny paused mid-chew, ignoring the look of disgust on Sam’s face over the two of them talking around their food.  “I wonder… what smaller changes like that might be going on because of my ghost? Like, regular puberty is already horrible enough but now I’ve got like, ghost puberty to deal with.”
“First of all, ghost wise, you’re baby.”  Danny pouted at Tucker, feeling mildly offended.  “You haven’t even been half-dead for a whole year yet, you’re baby.”
“Tucker, can you be reasonable for one moment?”  Danny nodded, gesturing to Sam, who was clearly the only one with her head on straight between them.  “Danny is always baby, not just because of his ghost.”
Crossing his arms over his chest, Danny rose up in front of the movie screen, less crossed in the air as he frowned down at his friends.  “I am offended, I am revolted, I dedicate my life to our lord and savior Jesus Christ and this is the thanks I get?”
“I wonder,” Sam said loudly as she walked toward his pizza box.  “What it would taste like if I put cotton candy on your pizza?” Danny dove for his pizza box, nearly crashing into Sam as he grabbed it up and flew toward the ceiling.  He flipped upside down and stood with his feet to the ceiling, grinning down at his friends. Carefully opening his box he took out a slice and stopped.
“Sammy that is a wonderful question!”  Gravity shifted, reasserted itself in the correct direction, and Danny flipped with it, landing in front of the cotton candy machine.  He dipped his pizza slice into it and smirked at the despaired wail of his friend while he ran away from her, munching away at his unholy pizza slice.  “This is so sad, Alexa-”
“You don’t think I’d have Alexa in my home, do you?  First you defile my cotton candy, now you insult my common sense?  Do me a favor and parish.”
“Been there, done that.”
“As amazing as all that is, I was wondering something about you, Danny.”  Danny flew over to Tucker, landing on his shoulders with a snicker. “So like, can you do that thing from the movie?  Like, turn your head all the way around like an owl?”
A wide grin spread over Danny’s face and he set his food down on the table, before pulling the void up and out and around himself.  Bright silver light illuminated Tucker and cast odd shadows on his face. To think about later.   Danny turned his head slowly, cautious of being wrong, and almost stopped when he heard the pop of the joints in his neck.  Still, he kept going until he was looking at Sam’s gaping face right behind him.  He raised a hand to give her a thumbs up and winced at the sound of more popping joints - though, fascinatingly enough… “None of this hurts at all.”
“Well now I gotta see you spider-walk up the walls, that’s just the natural result of you showing off like this, Danno.”  Turning his head the rest of the way around, Danny saw Tucker’s phone pointed at him and snorted. “Dude this is wicked !”
“Oh my gods, we have to time you, hold on.”  And like that, Danny was doing laps around the walls and ceiling, reversed on all fours while Sam timed him and Tucker recorded.  When he dropped back down to the two rows of seats, Danny crossed his legs behind him with a hum.
“Anything else y’all wanna test?”  Tucker raised his hand and Danny let his gaze slide from Tucker himself to the brilliant yellow-gold-grek air around him.  “I’m going to regret hearing out this question, aren’t I?” Tucker nodded, his grin widening and the grek in his aura growing brighter.  Danny sighed and pointed at his brother.
“Can you possess people?  Cause that would be pretty fuckin cool.”  Tucker T posed as if that would help Danny with the wave of discomfort that crashed over him at the idea.  “How would you know? Go ahead, try me. See if you can like, take me over.”
Danny drew the darkness back into his chest, warmth and the beat of his heart and the weight of gravity tugging relentlessly against him like countless invisible chains made themselves known to him.  Digging in his pocket, Danny pulled out a coin, looking at Tucker with as much seriousness on his face as possible. “Heads I tell you to yeet your PDA into the cotton candy, tails I try to possess you.”  Danny flipped the quarter and caught it in his open palm. He took in a deep breath through his nose, and let it out the same way. “Shut.”
Slipping back into the void, Danny stared at his Tposing best friend and considered just how he was supposed to do what he had asked.  The only thing that made any sense, of course, was to slide even deeper into the void. Light and sound and even the air circulating through the room all faded away and the world shifted like a gradient scale from Xtreme Indigo to a deep dark blue sprinkled with green that lit up the empty world in bands, rivers, and threads that Danny could’ve stared at for the rest of his life and probably never grown tired of.  The only constants were the gold and green aurae at the ends of silver threads that shone like solid moonlight. Danny dove for the golden light and dipped a hand in where he guessed Tucker’s head was. The silver thread practically yanked him in, and Danny sank into a desert of yellow and glittering light.
In the next instant, he was blinking unfamiliar eyes, falling out of a dumb pose he hadn’t taken, stumbling on legs longer than he was used to and warmer than he’d been in months.  “Holy shit.” Danny held out his - Tucker’s hands and turning them over each other again and again. He took a few testing steps forward and back, turning and stretching every way he’d ever seen Tucker move, and felt a laugh bubble out of hi-Tuck’s mouth.  “Sam holy shit!”
Sam was staring at Tucker-Danny like he was the most out of this world thing she’d ever laid eyes on and she wasn’t sure how to react to him.  The cheer of figuring out yet another ability dimmed at the sight of her expression and what might’ve been horror was building itself up in his chest.  Then Sam schooled her expression and pointed at him. “You sound the way you do when the two of you are speaking in unison.”
“I feel like I’m wearing a costume that doesn’t fit right, I’ll be honest about that.  Stars, Tucker’s vision is horrible.”
“Alright, that voice thing is actually getting annoying, can you like, leave him now?”  A moment of silence passed, the room growing incredibly small and Sam stepped closer. “Danny, you can leave Tucker’s body now, right?”
“Gimme a second, Sam, I didn’t know I could go into him in the first place.”  Danny huffed and closed his eyes. He focused on what was different and wrong about being in Tucker’s body instead of his own, thought about floating upward to the surface of a large body of water, the moon coming to his mind’s eye and he reached for it.  There was a solid kick at the edge of his shadows, golden sands rising up and filling the empty space to push him up and out toward the moonlight and-
Danny flopped onto the ground face first, sensing a trend of him faceplanting on Sam’s floor, and Tucker let out a loud gasp.  “Holy balls, that was weird as fuck !”  Danny flipped around onto his back, letting his own familiar warmth and heartbeat fill his senses before he looked up at Tucker and found him wiggling his fingers and toes.  “It was like blacking out or something. I had the weirdest dream where I was like, I dunno, made of fire or something?”
“It was a lot of weird, hard to describe feelings on my end but mostly like a suit that doesn’t fit right.  Like, I know what my body feels like and that wasn’t mine, ya know?” Sam and Tucker nodded and while Danny knew they had absolutely no idea what he meant, it was relieving all the same.  Standing up, Danny reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out the scanner he’d printed earlier. “By the way, I made something that’ll help me get back into school.”
Tucker, without missing a beat, said, “That sounds like a horrible evil device.”  Sam snorted and Danny nodded. “What does it do?”
Danny launched into an explanation of what he’d learned about ectosignatures and his idea for tricking the security system at school.  “Also,” Danny added when it came to mind, “the car should be done printing in my basement by now.”
“Wait, you not only finished designing it but also started making it?”  Sam looked between them with narrowed eyes. “What do you mean printing?”
“The Fenton Fabricator™ is a giant, modular, high detail 3D printer that can make complex metal technologies - like our hoverboards.  The first 3D printed car took a couple of days and it wasn’t as complicated as this so I guessed about 48 hours.” Danny shrugged. “Probably done by now.”
“Isn’t that cool?”  Tucker practically had stars in his eyes.  “We can build anything in there, Sam!”
“Before that, we gotta get this ecto signature of Danny’s recorded."  Sam held up the scanner and Danny nodded. Things had to happen in the right order or things would go wrong.
Danny reached inside of himself and pulled the dark, endless space between space that rested within him out to wrap around him like a cool, relaxing blanket.  The extreme indigo of the world rose to an even more brilliant blue and purple that blended together and unwove from each other and wrapped around everything. Tucker shone from within with gold that glittered like desert sands and Sam was wreathed in the viridian green of the forests.  The threads between them were silver and thick as though woven from many. "I never need to take drugs cause all I need to do to get a trip is go ghost. I swear."
"Yeah, well, I think I have the reading on you right here.  Tucker, can you make any sense of this?" Tucker rolled over and stared at the data on the Fenton Finder remake.   After a moment of silence, Tuck started tapping away at his PDA ferociously. "I'm gonna guess that means yes."
"I can record this signal and have a filter to keep the school's system from recognizing you as a threat by tonight.  Think we can break in and do it then?"
"Probably," Danny shrugged, flipping a few times in the air.   "Ishiyama probably had them set the security system to an activation button or lever or verbal input.  They wouldn't want them to make something automatic in case a ghost was too close to a student."
"Fair.  Tomorrow night then?"  Tucker grinned as Danny tucked that blanket of not so empty empty space back into the very center of his everything and flopped onto his seat.
"Sooner I can tell my family we beat Skulker the better.  I don't like worrying them like this." Ever since his Spirit Vision or whatever got turned permanently on, Danny could feel the undercurrent of anxiety that ran through his family.  It made his skin crawl with the itch to make them all feel better and left a bitter taste on his tongue.
"Agreed, I can only keep this info from my parents for so long."  Sam sighed, rolling her eyes. With a grin she handed the scanner fully over to Tucker and ran a hand through Danny's hair, messing it up as much as she could.
Danny swatted away Sam's hand after a moment and sank further into the soft cushiony seat.   "Your chair is eating me, Sammy."
"You've been getting a healthier amount of meat on you, so yeah it might be."  Tucker was steadily getting engrossed in his task and Danny knew they had precious few seconds before he was completely lost to them so he decided now was a good time to be a dick. 
“So like, when the first hoverboard exploded and I put up a forcefield on a reflex we completely skipped over that cause of hyper-focus but like.  Should we talk about that?"
"You have protective instincts," Tucker mumbled, "and ghost stuff reacts to the deeper parts of your mind right?   So it's just you defending someone you care about."
"Which reminds me."  Sam poked Danny in the sides until he was squirming and giggling to get away.   "You're keeping like, a journal of all the things you can do right?"
"Mostly notes on what I learned about ghosts in general, like a bullet point list of the stuff that happened with Agatha and Skulker, and stuff but yeah.  I need to add ‘owl neck’ and ‘possession’ to my list of Things I Can Do."
“And what, pray tell, is on that list?”
"I can turn intangible or invisible, defy- no, actually, with what happened at the zoo I guess I can influence gravity, I can see all the radiation in the world, which is a trip lemme tell ya, I can apparently make a wall of ectoplasm?"  Tucker and Sam were staring at him for a long beat of silence before both were tackling Danny and pulling him into a big group hug. “I know, I’m awesome, but so are you guys and you should celebrate it.”
“Yeah, I am pretty awesome,” Tucker said with a grin.  “You guys are lucky to know me. I feel I deserve a reward for the amazingness I bring to this group.”  Tucker was promptly dropped by Sam onto the floor and Danny laughed.
“Another cool thing you can do is heal yourself and other people.” Sam poked Danny in the side until he was squirming away from her in that unreal state of being, slipping through her fingers like the space between air and flopped onto Tucker’s lap before solidity came back to him.  “That’s probably one of the coolest powers you have.”
“One day, Tucker is going to copy everything I can do, but with technology.”  Danny poked Tucker a couple of times and got his hand swatted away for his trouble.  “He’s already copied my language-”
“Spanish doesn't belong to you just because your dad is Mexican, Danny, try again.”
“And now he’s tryna say what’s mine isn’t even mine, can you believe this guy?”  Danny didn’t even try to hold in his laughter now, waving a hand emphatically in Tucker’s face.  “Next he’ll say I’m not the greatest ghost fighter in the world-”
“Your Mom.”
“Or the first boy to step foot on the moon-”
“Neil Armstrong - also, did you just say you walked on the m-”
“Or the unthinkable, like I’m not the very first Fenton that’s gonna be built like a brick house.”
“No no, you can’t just talk your way out of this one, Danny, you were on the moon? ”  Ah, Danny loved riling up his friends.
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scifigeneration · 5 years
Spider glue's sticky secret revealed by new genetic research
by Sarah Stellwagen
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What do all of the over 45,000 described spider species on Earth have in common? Each makes at least one type of silk. And there are an awful lot of types out there.
An individual orb weaving spider – the kind that spins the classic two-dimensional aerial spiral webs that seem to always be suspended at human face-height – can produce seven different silks, each with unique material properties.
Dragline silk forms the frame of an orb web and is famous for its strength and toughness, comparable to that of steel. The capture spiral is made of a highly stretchy version called flagelliform silk. Orb weaving spiders use an additional type of silk to wrap prey and create web decorations.
But there’s another kind that, on the surface, doesn’t resemble silk at all: the sticky glue with which some spiders cover their silk capture threads. It doesn’t look like the classic threads that come to mind when thinking of spider silk, but the gluey substance from these webs is in fact a silk protein.
For many years, researchers have been uncovering the secrets of spider glue, which stays wet in its open air environment and sticky over many rounds of attachment and release. Its genetic blueprint has remained elusive, however, meaning scientists haven’t been able to think about setting up large-scale production of this potentially useful biomaterial.
Using new technology, my colleague and I have been able to sequence the first full genetic sequences that code for spider glue proteins.
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Spider glue drops spread along a strand of capture spiral silk. Sarah Stellwagen, CC BY-ND
A silk that’s really a sticky glue
Under a microscope, orb weaver glue resembles beads on a string – little glistening spheres along a strand of stretchy support silk. Instead of being spun into a fiber as it leaves the spider’s body like other silks, the glue proteins are extruded as a jumbled mass. Their job is to stickily retain prey that get caught in the web.
Different spider species produce glue tailored to their habitat’s conditions and prey.
The glue of tropical orb weaving species is sticky in the spider’s wet habitat, but downgrades to just tacky in low humidity. The glue of orb weavers from dry regions becomes dilute and thin if the humidity is too high.
Bolas spiders forgo the orb web, and instead produce a large globule of glue at the end of a long strand of silk that they whirl rapidly through the air. The glue of this sticky snare is specialized for capturing moths covered with loose scales.
Widow spiders produce vertical, glue-covered trip lines that detach from the ground when encountered by an unsuspecting victim, springing the prey into the air where it hangs suspended. Unlike orb weaver glue, widow glue is resistant to fluctuating humidity.
These various specialized adhesive properties have intrigued biomaterials researchers who can dream up plenty of uses for artificial versions of spider glues. But without knowing the genes that code for these proteins, there hasn’t been a clear road map for how to produce synthetic spider glues.
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Their sticky glue is part of what makes spiders’ webs so hard to escape. Robert Mutch/Shutterstock.com
Cracking a long, repetitive code
Surprisingly, researchers have only sequenced around 20 full-length spider silk genes despite the incredible diversity of spiders and decades-old interest in silk as a useful biomaterial.
It turns out that not only are the properties of spider silk amazing, but so is the DNA code that stores the instructions for making the protein. Spider silk genes are extremely large; in itself that’s not a problem, but the bulk of their sequence is made from repeats of the same small DNA bits.
Imagine that the sentence “THE QUICK BROWN FOX JUMPED OVER THE LAZY DOG” is a sequence of DNA that encodes for a protein, but whose exact order of letters is still unknown.
In order to discover this sequence, the main method of DNA sequencing technology available today has three main steps. Once a DNA sample is collected, many copies of the sentence are randomly broken up into small pieces. For example, you might end up with a collection of fragments like “THE QU” “QUICK B” “BROWN FO” “WN FOX J” “AZY DOG” and on and on.
Then a DNA sequencing machine discovers each letter of each piece. The final step is stitching all the short pieces, technically called “reads,” back together in one sequence to figure out the original sentence.
For the sentence above, this is an easy task. The sequence of letters is unique, and as long as there are at least five characters in each read, it’s possible to figure out where one fits relative to another.
Now imagine a similar sentence: “THE QUICK BROWN FOX JUMPS JUMPS JUMPS JUMPS JUMPS JUMPS JUMPS JUMPS JUMPS JUMPS JUMPS OVER THE LAZY DOG.” Given many random short reads from the middle region like “UMPS J” or “S JUMP,” no matter how you slice and dice, it’s impossible to use this method to figure out the number of “JUMPS” in the complete sentence.
Sequencing a long read of DNA in one go
For many years DNA sequencing has been limited to this short-read strategy: breaking a gene into bits and then reassembling into one cohesive sequence.
Setting aside some difficult and expensive techniques that are out of reach for standard labs, the best way to fully discover a long, repetitive gene is to sequence the repetitive part from start to finish in one go. Fortunately, emerging technology, while still in its infancy, is starting to allow this long-read sequencing by getting around the chemistry limitations of the short-read method. For those that study super-repetitive DNA this is excellent news: New types of DNA sequencers are finally resolving the “JUMPS.”
Now that two spider glue genes are fully sequenced, the first step towards making a synthetic version is complete. Researchers can now insert the genes into other organisms, like bacteria or yeast, to make the glue in bulk.
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Droplet of spider glue suspended on capture spiral silk (left) and after adhering to a glass slide (right). Sarah Stellwagen, CC BY-ND
Unlike solid silks, the glue proteins do not have to be transformed from a liquid to a solid fiber, something spiders do effortlessly but that scientists have trouble replicating. The glue has the potential for many unique applications and is biodegradable, water soluble and stays sticky for months or even years.
Imagine safer pest control or washable filters. Or frat boys wrestling in a kiddie pool of the stuff. Either way, someday soon it might be possible to reach your hand into a bucket of spider glue – the tricky part will be not sticking to whatever you touch next.
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About The Author:
Sarah Stellwagen is a Postdoctoral Researcher in Biological Sciences at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County
This article is republished from our content partners at The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. 
The main image at the top of this article was changed to spare our arachnophobic friends the shock as they scrolled through the site.
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