rattrapdadfigure · 11 months
I’m case people like @kyumiterasu didn’t think Lokius is canon-
Natalie Holt who made the music for the Loki show has a song named “Lokius”
Natalie Holt has retweeted Lokius fan creations (google it lol)
Disney confirmed that Loki has a romantic interest with a woman and a man.
There are romantic scenes, music, shots, little hints here and there that say Lokius is canon.
Not everything has to be explicit to be true?? It’s not a headcanon, it’s canon. Even if this was just my opinion, I’m allowed to have that 💀
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bunjywunjy · 4 years
Why don’t rabbits and hares have paw pads? I just found out that pikas are apparently the only lagomorphs that have them (only on their toe tips).
a lot of mammals don’t!
the classic paw pad is really more of a Carnivoran thing, and is rarely found on animals outside of that order. (the whole point of paw pads is to cushion an animal’s footsteps to allow them to quietly sneak up on prey and run very fast, like a pair of nike sneakers in the capable hands of a ninja.)
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lions, dogs, hyenas, weasels and bears all have paw pads, but bats, primates, and lagomorphs (among others) dont!
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for rabbits and hares though, they’ve slapped a quick fix on for their feet to get the same impact-cushioning benefit while running- they just have extremely long, thick fur on their feet that acts as a shock-absorbing layer.
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it’s what they had to work with, and it seems to work for them!
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kyumiterasu · 4 years
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Markers are hard.
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Hey, it's me again. I'd like to apologize about giving you so much flack about you "ruining the mood" of popular animal videos. I've been going through your "not actually cute" tag and noticed that you are really brutally honest. Do you hate the fact that popular animal content seems to favor entertainment over education? If so, what would you like to say to the general public?
Hey, you’re all good, and thanks for reaching back out! 
You know, it’s interesting - there’s this whole big concept that’s popular lately that being entertained by animals is wrong, somehow. You can enjoy them, you can like interacting with them, you can value educational content about them, but the moment that crosses over into finding them “entertaining” or interacting with animals or animal content for “entertainment” it’s bad. I’m not here for that. I am entirely fine with finding animals entertaining, and enjoying content about them simply because it’s fun, as long as it’s respectful. 
There’s this tendency to also be like oh, content about animals should always be educational in nature, and I think that’s silly. People should be allowed to watch cat videos because cat behavior is sometimes inherently ridiculous and that’s enjoyable to observe. When people say entertaining content is bad and educational content is the only good way to interact with animals, it feels pretty elitist to me. It’s like saying the only “pure” or “appropriate” way to consume any animal related content is from a distance, where no base human tendencies to actually find pleasure from things will dare encroach upon the noble endeavor of studying these creatures, etc, etc. 
What I want out of any animal related content, both educational and entertaining, is for it to prioritize accuracy and for the animals involved in it to be respected. We know that when people passively consume media they absorb ideas from it that shape their worldview, so it’s important that behavior / biology / natural history not be misrepresented within it. Now, there’s nuance here. That doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy content specifically because it looks like the animal is doing non-animal things - I can totally look at a video where I know a cat is trying to catch a bug and think it’s hilarious because it happens to look like it’s dabbing in the process - but the purveyors of animal media shouldn’t be purposefully messaging to their audience that that’s the truth of what is happening. 
Similarly, animals should always be treated respectfully, and that extends to media content about them. I don’t mean like “putting a silly hat on your pet is disrespectful to their dignity” - that sort of stuff requires critical thinking more along the lines of if the action is kind and if the animal finds it aversive or not. When I say respect, I mean acknowledging that animals are sentient beings who deserve a measure of care and concern. So while putting a costume on your pet isn’t inherently disrespectful to that pet, I think it’s pretty disrespectful to engage with content of animals wearing costumes who are super upset about them and trying to take them off simply for the purposes of entertainment. Now, can it be funny if you try to put a costume on and your cat freaks out? Sure - but then you take it off and comfort the animal; continuing to film it for the purpose of the entertainment value without caring about how the pet feels is where it becomes disrespectful. That sort of content - stressed animals who do “funny” things while they’re seriously upset or in pain - is the type of stuff I really hate. I’m also not a fan of the “funny” videos where animals take major falls or are unwillingly put through other physical extremes, because we know that’s likely harmful and stressful to the animal. As with above, there’s always nuance: I’m much more okay with enjoying a video of a cat that rolls over and accidentally falls off a couch than being entertained by that video of what appears to be a zoo chimp yeeting a cat. The former is something I know is within a normal range of things for a cat to easily recover from, and was likely filmed and uploaded by the person taking care of the cat after making sure the cat was okay; the latter is an interaction with a much larger and dangerous animal that (if genuine and not edited together) likely ended in the cat being seriously injured or killed. The latter may be a valuable educational reminder of the fact that chimpanzee are not cute, cuddly psuedo-humans, but I think it’s still pretty disrespectful to engage with it as just “funny” content because an animal very likely got hurt as a result of what happened. 
So: it’s fine to enjoy animal content, it doesn’t have to be educational all the time, it just needs to not communicate misinformation and be respectful of the animals involved. If all of our animal media online could meet that standard, I’d be a happy camper. 
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pollys-manganime · 5 years
kyumiterasu replied to your post “Fact: Dororo was created in 1967”
...you DO know that it was implied that Dororo was TRAINED to be a boy by her parents? It wasn't initially her choice.
Yes it is true that Dororo was always told to pretend to be a boy. But still, he never had problems dealing with that. Dororo was ok with being a boy, he never rebelled against his parents teachings and trainings. So Dororo’s nature and his parents ideas connected. Only his body didn’t meet that connection, the body wasn’t ok. He was.
Of course this is how I see it, it doesn’t have to be how you (all) see it. You may agree or you may disagree, but please let’s share our thoughts in a respectful way. Thank you.
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yee-art · 6 years
Guess who got announced for Smash Bros?
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Hey, I saw how distressed you were earlier when you were asked who your least favorite character in Smash was. Well, I'm here to tell you that you don't need to be, because you may be thinking about it in the wrong way. In the Smash Bros community, whenever we ask that question, we usually ask it in the context of "your least favorite character to fight against," not as a person. For example, the reason why people expect you to hate Ness is not because he has a bad personality...
Fighting most of the heavy weights stresses me out.
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tatabanchou · 5 years
kyumiterasu replied to your photoset “Bowser Cosplay Series - Persona Edition Nintendo x Persona crossover...”
I'm sorry but I find this cursed
Hi! o/ I’m little sad to hear that you didn’t liked my stuff. D:
But everyone have different likes and tastes and is what makes the world so mysterious and wonderful!
Just remember that while not being a perfect plataform, Tumblr have a fantastic tag system! So feel free to block the bowser cosplay series tag if you don’t want to see any new entry of this infamous meme art series of mine on your timeline.
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daisys-gard3n · 2 years
Happy birthday!
Thank you! Ngl the psp corrupt narancia kinda jumpscared me when i checked my inbox dksksk
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@kyumiterasu Yep! I actually chose those monsters intentionally
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khytal · 6 years
Happy birthday! I'd bake you a cake if I could.
thank you!!! (I would gladly accept a virtual cake lmao)
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aaAAA THANK ;w;;;;; @digifangirl97 @kyumiterasu
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bunjywunjy · 4 years
I always found it weird that we chose to give canids their name after a type of tooth that’s present in all carnivores. I mean, if all carnivores have prominent canine teeth, why did we name only one family after them?
psych, the dog name came first. 
canis literally just means “dog” and your own “canine-teeth” are called that because humans in the old days recognized they were sort of the same shape as certain teeth in a dog’s mouth, and so called them “dog-teeth”! 
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but over time, the link between the two words started to blur and as humans got much better at classification the name just kind of stuck for that particular type of mammal tooth. 
it’s just because ancient humans liked dogs and were familiar with what their teeth looked like. that’s it.
also double psych, we named carnivores after a type of tooth too!
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the order Carnivora takes its name from their shared Carnassial tooth, a molar that’s been heavily modified into a flesh-shearer.
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all carnivores have this type of tooth, from dogs to lions to seals!
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so anyway tldr humans just like naming stuff after teeth. 
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kyumiterasu · 6 years
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Happy New Year, everyone.
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pollys-manganime · 5 years
psycada replied to your post “kyumiterasu replied to your post “Fact: Dororo was created in 1967” ...”
dororo was never actually told to be a boy in the manga or the 19 anime, i have no idea where anybody gets that "fact" from
He was never “told” but he was raised as a boy by the parents to keep him safe from violent men, his father being a gang leader himself. That much is true. And Dororo was ok with it.
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kira-vera · 6 years
Congratulations! You now have a reason to draw serious, non-sugary Smash content! (TBH in the beginning I felt like you were drawing too many fluffy, cute Smash comics. Not that I hate them or anything, I just felt like they had a repetitive theme of oversaturated happiness in a fighting game.)
Heheh thanks ^^
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