#kyievan rus
zhar-ptak · 3 years
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Киев. Церков Спаса на Бересте. Конец XI - начало XII в. Kiev. Church of the Saviour-on-Beresta. Late 11th-early 12th century
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petite--craft · 6 years
You know it’s very funny to hear from Orthodox Christians that “You don’t believe in God so why should you eat kulichs!” Well, actually every single thing in celebration Easter in Ukraine and some other Slavic countries is about coming of spring and celebration of Dazhboh. And kulichs are actually originally a phallic symbols and there was a believe that whose kulich is bigger - the better. Women were baking them and praying for getting pregnant. And eggs were called as ritual Mokosha’s eggs, painting them was “helping women to get pregnant”. Mokosha is a goddess of sexuality and fertility. And the rolling and beating eggs were “making evil gods suffer”. There was a belief that them you hit one egg with another - the evil gods hit each other heads. These traditions stayed because when Christian priests came on Slavic countries people did not want to get rid of their beliefs and traditions so it was easier to “make them Christian”. And if you aren’t aware there were more people to deny this new for them religion and it didn’t came here in peace as they teach. 70% of males died in Kyievan Rus because they refused this religion. So you know now why I celebrate Velykden (the Great Day), not Easter.
So what’s Christian out there, huh? We all “eat dicks” and “pray for women’s health”, “make evil gods” suffer and there is nothing Christian in it. 
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zhar-ptak · 2 years
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Saint Sophia Cathedral, Kyiv, Ukraine - Sztuka Rosyjska do 1914 roku, Wojsław Mole, 1955
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