#kya x fire lord izumi
unreliablefucker · 6 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Avatar: Legend of Korra Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Izumi/Kya II (Avatar), Izumi & Tenzin (Avatar) Characters: Izumi (Avatar), Kya II (Avatar), Tenzin (Avatar), Other TLOK characters mentioned Additional Tags: Izumi-Centric (Avatar), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Lesbian Kya II (Avatar), Friends to Lovers, Love Confessions, Fire Nation Politics (Avatar), Fire Nation Lore (Avatar), Morally Gray Izumi(Avatar), Emotionally Constipated Izumi(Avatar), dw she's also just an awkward loser, Plans For The Future, Kya really doesn't know Izumi lol, Protectiveness, Implied/Referenced Character Death, Young Kya II (Avatar), mentioned Tyzula & Maiko, Good Aunt Azula (Avatar), Not Beta Read, Bittersweet, Kya is a lousy flirt but it works Summary:
Izumi watched with amusement, as the boy grumbled and ran into the building. Izumi sighed, standing up without much effort. She turned to look at Kya with a small smile.
“It’s been a while, Kya,” She bows slightly.
“Oh cut that bullshit, Zumi,” She says light heartedly
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randomwritingguy · 1 year
The Myth of Y/N (Korra x Reader) Part 37
The unrolled scroll sprawls across the wooden table like an infinite river of knowledge. The words are halfway into fading into nothingness, emphasising the ancient energy emitting from them.
So much knowledge from one mere text.
Ever since I became an airbending master, I have realised just how many responsibilities there are to be a leader of a nation. I am now responsible for teaching students and future Air Nomads who will go on to teach the next generation and etcetera. It can be overwhelming.
However, there are perks to being a master.
I was pleasantly shocked when Tenzin told me I was allowed to access and read the books and texts from his office. Normally, only he’s allowed to be in his office (for obvious reasons) and to have a look at the stuff he has collected over the years. But, like I just found out that Jinora is allowed to have a look too, he said I have his permission to go through and expand my knowledge on our culture.
And, right now, that is exactly what I am doing and I have learned that, despite being a master, I still have much, much to learn.
This scroll, in particular, is for a special research project I have had in mind for a while now. And, as I read its contents, my intrigue is amplifying as I learn more about the infamous site that tormented me:
The Fog of Lost Souls.
Over two years ago, Jinora and I were trapped in the desolate place by Unalaq’s dark spirits. While Tenzin was able to save us, including Bumi and Kya, the memories of what happened in the fog itself were almost entirely erased. We were able to recover bits and traces since then, the overall experience is an empty spot in our minds.
But I know something happened there. The last few thing I can remember in the fog was Jinora and I being separated after running away from something. After that? Blank.
I asked Tenzin about the Fog of Lost Souls and he told me that apparently, from the contents of the text I am reading right now, that it is actually a spirit who infects the minds of its prisoners, imprisoning them in their own darkest memories and driving them to insanity. Overall, a fate worse than death.
I didn’t think much of it at the time but, a few days ago an idea came to mind. A very intriguing but dangerous idea.
A light knock on my bedroom doors brings me out of my thoughts.
“Come in.”
I hear the two doors slide open and I turn to face the visitor.
It’s Tenzin, dressed robes of red and yellow that makes him look awe inspiring.
“Y/N, I hope I am not intruding.” The older airbender asks in a gentle tone.
I smile at seeing my mentor and gracefully rise from my chair. “Of course not, Tenzin. Is there something wrong?”
He walks closer into my room and gives me a smile of his own. “No, nothing wrong. I just have a task for you, if you don’t mind.”
“What is it?”
“I’ve heard from reports that there are pirates stealing supplies from ships travelling in-between the Fire Nation and the Earth Kingdom. From what I’ve read, the United Forces have not been able to capture them. I was wondering if you would want to assist them.”
My eyebrows raise slightly in interest. Pirates, huh?
“Of course, I’ll get everything ready and head out as soon as I can.” I tell him. “Besides, it will give me an excuse to stretch my legs and have a change in scenery. I’ll fly by the Fire Nation once I’m done to see if there’s anything I can do there to help. I’m sure Fire Lord Izumi would appreciate it.”
At the sound of my agreement, Tenzin’s smile widens in gratitude. “I suppose she would.”
I then see his eyes move slightly to behind me and I know he is looking at the scroll sprayed out on the table. “I see you have already started your reading.”
I nod. “I’m researching about the Fog of Lost Souls.”
That clearly wasn’t what the wise master expected as his jaw drops slightly. “That’s an odd starting topic. Is there a specific reason why?”
I nod again. “Yeah…”
“What is it, Y/N?”
I swallow aloud. Tenzin is really not going to like this.
“It’s been nearly three years since I had my vision, Tenzin. Nearly three years and I still remember nothing except “Only justice will bring peace.” Despite the countless meditations and techniques, we’ve tried, I am still nowhere close to remembering the rest of it, let alone what it actually means. I was fine with being patient but then…an idea came to my mind.”
Tenzin’s left eyebrow rises slightly. “What kind of idea?”
Well, here it goes.
“I remembered what you said that the Fog of Lost Souls forces you to relive your darkest memories. I can’t remember what I saw in there but…what if the fog showed me the rest of my vision?”
As soon as the question leaves my lips, I know I made a mistake. Tenzin’s eyes widen in horror as he realises what Im proposing.
“-Y/N, it’s too dangerous. Do you have any idea how crazy this sounds?“
“-Yes, I know, but-“
“-I barely got you and the others out last time. I don’t want any unnecessary risks.”
“-Even if you were able to escape the fog a second time, can you even be certain that the rest of the vision will appear to you, let alone you being able to remember them?”
“No! No, I’m not. But, Tenzin, its been nearly three years and I’ve made no progress! The Fog of Lost Souls could be the key to learning the truth!”
“But at what cost?” He asks gravelly and then places his hands on my shoulder. “Y/N, listen to me. I know you are frustrated. I know you are still concerned about your vision. But risking the chance of eternal suffering for answers is not worth it.”
“-No buts.” Tenzin says with a new found sterness, hard as steel. “You will not go to the Fog of Lost Souls. Promise me.”
Frustration grows within me as I clench my hands into fists. He’s talking to me like I’m one of his children. Normally, I’d love that but this concern is holding me back from learning more!
I don’t say all of that, though. I don’t want to cause a heated argument. Besides, with everything that’s happening I need to stay here. I can’t risk being trapped for eternity and leave my family.
So, as much as I am angry, I have to follow along…for now.
I concede.
“Fine. I won’t go.”
Tenzin lets out a relieved sigh and let’s go of my shoulders. “Good. I know you are frustrated, and I know I’ve told you this countless times but the best course of action is to be patient. The answers will come in due time.”
I nod melancholy. “I suppose you’re right.”
“Besides, sometimes the answers we seek come from the most unlikely of places. Perhaps, you will find more about your vision when you least expect it.”
As Spectre finally leaves the blanket of clouds, I spot it immediately. From a distant, it looks more like a giant claw, ready to engulf anything in sight. The mountains that are ontop of the sharpened claw make it look armour that rises to touch the sky.
Kyoshi island.
We have arrived.
“Attaboy, Spectre!” I tell him encouragingly. “We’re finally here.”
I freeze when I spot them.
There, by the lagoon, are airships which I recognise are from Kuvira’s fleet. Terrific.
What could Kuvira possibly want from Kyoshi Island?
Spectre growls at the sight of them and I gently smooth him. “Easy, Spectre. Just get us to its village without them spotting us, okay?”
Luckily enough, we pass over them without them even spotting us. At least, I think we went by undetected. Hopefully.
Soon enough, we eventually make it and, surprisingly, despite some banners and flags there are no troops anywhere. Just…normal people. And the village itself looks…fine. Normal, in fact. It looks fairly rural, built from simple wood. And yet, it looks far cleaner and well-off than the previous village I was at. Maybe Kuvira doesn’t have much influence here?
As we land, I see that people have noticed us and ever so slowly a small crowd of people being to edge closer and closer to the bison and I, curiosity overpowering them. When I get off Spectre, a lanky middle-aged man with black, and a hint of grey, hair walks past the crowd followed by…
By Kyoshi Warriors!
The descriptions, drawings, and images I’ve seen on the books I’ve read do the female fighters zero justice. As with their tradition, their armoured kimonos and white as snow with a hint of red face paint was designed to make them all look spitting images of Avatar Kyoshi, to intimidate anyone who dared stand in their way. And a dozen of them are behind this man, who now appears to be the village’s leader.
“You are an Air Nomad.” The man simply states, his voice gruff and tough which contrasts his rather stick-like figure.
I nod in confirmation. “I am Master Y/N of the Air Nation. It is an absolute honour to meet you. And you are?”
“I am Muyang, the leader of this village.” He replies. “Why are you here?”
I raise an eyebrow slightly at the tense tone of the man’s voice. What has been going on here? Maybe he’s just on edge from something?
Still, I can’t just say it out in the open. The last thing I want to do is cause panic on the small island. I need to discuss this alone.
“I wish to discuss this in private, if you don’t mind.” I tell him.
Muyang frowns for a moment but then relents. “Very well. Come.”
I quickly turn back to Spectre. “You stay here. Just move into the woods and stay there so Kuvira’s men don’t spot you. And…try not to cause any trouble, okay?”
I walk off without giving the bison any time to respond and follow the village leader, with Kyoshi Warriors surrounding us in a rough circle. We do not utter a single word throughout the small journey but eventually we make it to what I presume is Muyang’s house. It is slightly bigger than the other ones, with a triangle shaped roof to mark its uniqueness.
When we finally enter, we all stand still like statues.
“You have your privacy.” Muyang tells me sternly. “Now, tell us why you’re here.”
Here it goes.
I straighten my back and clasp my hands behind me. “I am conducting a search on Avatar Korra. She has been missing for six months.”
“The Avatar is missing?” A rough feminine voice emits from the right, and I see one of the warriors walk up to the side of the middle-aged man. Perhaps she’s the leader of the other fighters? “How?”
I shrug. “I don’t know. The last person who saw her was her father, Chief Tonraq of the Southern Water Tribe, when she left to travel to Republic City. She hasn’t been since.”
“That still does not answer my question.” Muyang reminds me. “Why are you here?”
“I had a vision.” I tell him cautiously. “I saw Kyoshi Island. I…I assumed it was a clue to Korra’s whereabouts.”
As I speak it out, I realise how silly it sounds. A single image of an island and I immediately link it to my search for Korra? There’s little to no evidence that the two are even connected.
But it had to mean something, right? What else could it have meant?
“I see.” Muyang says hoarsely after a few moments of silence. “Well, I’m sorry to say but Avatar Korra is not here. We, nor the other villages, have seen her.”
My heart shatters at his answer. No…
“Are-Are you sure?” I ask him.
“I’m sorry, but I’m sure.”
Worry, panic, and frustration boil in my stomach as I clench my hands into fists and swallow an ocean’s amount of saliva.
So, Korra isn’t here. But why was I given that vision? There HAS to be a meaning behind it. Maybe it has something to do with Kuvira’s fleet?
“Now with that business is over with, you are free to lea-“
“-What are Kuvira’s army doing here?”
The Kysoshi Warrior, who had a neutral expression throughout the conversation, scowls. “What they are probably doing with the rest of the Earth Kingdom: Seizing control.”
“I was under the impression the Kyoshi Warriors supported what Kuvira was doing.” I slowly say, trying not to offend anyone. “I’ve heard how Kuvira was awarded the Kyoshi Medal of Freedom, the highest honour of the nation.”
“That was before we found out who she really was.” She angrily replies. “By the time we realised we were tricked, it was too late. She ordered some of her men to stay behind to make sure no-one enters or leaves. They robbed us of our communications so we couldn’t contact the rest of the world.”
I curse under my breath. Dammit! I knew Kuvira has gone mad. I guess this explains why everyone was so tense earlier when I arrived.
“I’ve been warning President Raiko about Kuvira for months and he didn’t listen once.” I say. “I have a feeling he will soon realise just how wrong he was to ignore me.”
I then realise something and point to the direction behind me. “Why are they all at the lagoon then? When I swooped by, I saw an airship and the troops there.”
“For their own supplies, no doubt.” Muyang grunted.
So…what? They just leave them for a bit and they…do nothing?
I turn back to what seems to be the leader of the Kyoshi Warriors. “And you just…let it happen?”
That seemed to tick her off as she snarls and glares daggers right in my eyes. “You think we want this? What choice we have? If we fight back, more of Kuvira’s men will arrive and punish everyone on the island. I will not allow that to happen.”
I…I guess she has a point. But still just doing nothing feels…wrong. These are definitely not the Kyoshi Warriors I have read about in the books.
“Which is why you have to leave.” Muyang says sternly. “If they spot you, you could put our whole island on jeopardy.”
No way I came all the way here just to immediately leave. There has to be a reason why I got that vision. Maybe…Maybe I was given that vision because of Kuvira’s fleet? Because I am supposed to be here when whatever happens, happens? Spirits, this is so confusing.
“I can’t.” I tell him. “Not yet anyway. I was directed to here for a reason. Just give me a day at least and I’ll leave in the morning. Please.”
The leaders of the village and the Kyoshi Warriors exchange looks that, while appear to last for seconds, makes it feels like I’m waiting for centuries. Their expressions are unreadable, but I can tell they are silently arguing.
Eventually, Muyang turns to me.
“Yukari will take you to the Kyoshi Shrine and watch over you. You leave first thing in the morning. Do you understand?”
I nod frantically. “Of course. Thank you so much.”
The Kyoshi Warrior Leader, who I now know is named Yukari, walks up to my side. “Let’s go.”
The journey was long and silent, not a single word uttered between us. Its clear to me that Yukari isn’t that much of a speaker.
After who knows how long, we arrive.
And it is definitely not what I had expected.
I have seen and read pictures and descriptions of the Kyoshi Shrine and what it was like during the Hundred Year War. From the books, they described it as a small village temple within a small stone floor.
But now? Now, the shrine looks revamped. Its much wider than its predecessor and in front of it has statues of Avatar Kyoshi in fighting positions. It emanates a mere fraction of the power the Earth Kingdom’s Avatar had.
Yukari must have saw my shock as I can hear her chuckle to my side. “Not what you expected?”
I silently shake my head. “Not at all. The books I read made it sound…smaller.”
“That was what it was like during the Hundred Year War.” Yukari says as we approach closer to the temple. “It was badly damaged when some pirates and bandits attacked. My grandmother led the warriors to victory and after the battle thought it would be wise to revamp it to further praise and honour Avatar Kyoshi.”
I hum in acknowledgement. “Your grandmother sounds pretty cool.”
I then freeze to stone as I begin to connect the dots.
Led the Kyoshi Warriors…
No way…
I stare at the back of Yukari’s head. “Was your grandmother Suki by any chance? Like, the Suki?”
The Kyoshi Warrior stops in her steps and drops her head with a heavy sigh. “Yeah.”
My jaw drops to the ground.
“You’re Sokka and Suki’s granddaughter!” I exclaim excitedly. “Wow! It’s an honour to-“
“-Stop it.” Yukari interrupts with a harsh tone. “Don’t make a big deal about it.”
That…wasn’t what I was expecting.
“I-I’m sorry. I just-“
“-Excited to meet a descendant of the heroes of the Hundred Year War? You’re not the first one.”
Wait a second. If she’s Sokka and Suki’s granddaughter…
“Aang and Toph’s kids never mentioned you.” I pointed out to her as we finally reach the entrance to the shrine. “I just assumed Sokka and Suki never had kids.”
“They had one. My mother, Kanna.” Yukari says quite quickly. Its clear she doesn’t like talking about it and is trying to clarify the confusion as fast as she can so I won’t ask any more questions. “She was the leader of the Kyoshi Warriors before me. I took up the mantle. The reason you’ve never heard of me probably stems from the fact that I cut ties from the rest of my family.”
My eyes widen in shock. Why would she do that?
She then glares at me full of annoyance. “If I answer, will you please shut up about it?”
I nod frantically.
“If you really must know, I cut ties with them because I was sick of it all.” She says with a hint of venom. “The expectations, the fame, all of it. It was what ruined my parents’ marriage and drove my mother to an early grave. I didn’t want a single reminder of where I came from. So, I said goodbye and burned my bridges. Kyoshi Island is my home, and the people here are my family. Nothing else matters.”
She glares at me again, her brown eyes piercing into mine. “Does that answer all your questions, Air Nomad?”
The acid in her voice makes me mute. All I can do is nod and in response the tension in Yukari’s body releases slightly. “Good. Now, since you’re going to be here and I’m supposed to watch over you like a good babysitter, I might as well show you around. Follow me.”
Before I can even respond, she walks inside. I stand there for a few seconds, processing everything I have just learned.
I…I had no idea things were that bad. I’m used to being recognised and I have some sort of popularity, but I never really considered the bad sides of it. I’ve seen Korra get her fair share of critics but most of the time she didn’t really let it bother her. And I haven’t really got that much at least when compared to her.
But with Yukari…it seems like she suffered a lot because of it.
“Air Nomad, come on!”
Snapping out of my thoughts, I rush into the Kyoshi Shrine and my eyes wide in awe as I see the interior. So many artifacts used by Avatar Kyoshi including her fans, boots, and headpiece. Not just that, but there are also little sections of writing that detail bits and pieces of her life.
“Definitely. Then again, I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. Avatar Kyoshi lived for over 200 years, right?”
“That’s right. She’s the longest living Avatar in history.”
I can’t imagine living for centuries. There is so much you can do in that time. Roku was left for dead by Sozin, Aang died at sixty-six. Could Korra perhaps live that long?
Yukari shows me each and every bit and piece of artifacts and texts of history of events the Avatar participated in. I recognised most of them, one of them being the creation of Kyoshi Island and the death of the infamous Chin the Conqueror.
But then, as she’s explaining the details surrounding some other event, I notice something at the very end. I lean slightly forward and squint and when I read the text my eyebrows raise in surprise.
That’s interesting. I’ve never read anything like that before.
When I zone back in, I can hear Yukari still talking.
“And that was when Avatar Kyoshi established the Dai Li and-“
“-What’s the Kyoshi Civil War?”
My interruption freezes her rambling and before she can ask, I walk up to the stand and see what it says. I am a bit disappointed to see that there isn’t that much detail compared to the others.
“That…was probably the darkest period of Avatar Kyoshi.” Yukari reluctantly says as she comes up to beside me. “It happened during the twilight years of her era.”
“What happened?”
Yukari sighs heavily, the tension in her body returning. “Are you aware of the beliefs Avatar Kyoshi had?”
I do. All too well.
“Only justice will bring peace.” I recite. “That’s what she believed. She was willing to bring balance to the world by any means necessary.”
She nods in confirmation. “Yes, she was. And when she began the Kyoshi Warriors she taught us to be protectors of our homes and those in need. She taught us the same beliefs she had. And, for the majority of the duration of her era the organisation had little issue. However, near the end, there was a…friction.”
“Friction?” I echo, titling my head in confusion. “What kind of friction?”
Yukari sighs once more, clearly finding the topic difficult to talk about. “There was one warrior who believed we and Avatar Kyoshi weren’t doing enough, that we could be doing so much more. She witnessed corruption persisting in the world despite our efforts. And so, she believed we should increase our numbers and expand and increase our influence and control on all nations to eradicate the scum of the Earth. The Avatar disagreed, claiming that her beliefs were dangerous and could lead her down a dark path that will bring more harm than good. At the time, they all thought that was the end of it. Little did Kyoshi and the rest know was that the warrior was conspiring and plotting against them in secret and growing an army of her own followers.”
My mouth part slightly, stunned at how this one warrior was able to this right under the nose of an Avatar. She must have been really skilled at deception.
“What was this warrior’s name?”
Yukari takes a deep, long breath and clench her hands into fists. After a long, tense exhale she utters two words.
“Lady Yuchin.”
I frown in concentration as I try to remember if I ever heard of that name before but…nothing. Blank.
“I’ve never heard of her.”
“I would be surprised if you did.” She chuckles without humour. “The Earth Kingdom used to have more history of her but most of the knowledge was lost during the Hundred Year War. What you see is all we have.”
Spirits…so much information was lost because of the Fire Nation. So much.
“What happened after that?”
“Eventually, she and her followers were discovered.” Yukari continues. “It is unknown what happened specifically, but they somehow escaped and hid. Then, after a short period, Lady Yuchin returned to public light and disowned her loyalty to the Avatar and the Kyoshi Warriors and begun her own organisation, declaring that they will not rest until they take control of the world and eradicate the corruption from within and anyone, even her former allies, who dared to stop them will suffer.”
“And what was this organisation’s name?”
“We don’t know.” Yukari simply says, shrugging nonchalantly. “That bit of information has been lost. However, after she was killed in battle her followers renamed their group after her to honour her memory: The Yuchin Order and its followers, the Yuchin Knights.”
She was killed?!
“How did she die?”
“The Kyoshi Civil War lasted for five years. Lady Yuchin died in the Battle of Shamu during the third year of the war, killed by the Avatar herself. The Yuchin Order’s numbers were growing very fast and so did the Kyoshi Warrior’s to combat them. Many lives were lost. But after Yuchin’s death was when the tide turned to our favour. Without her leadership and guidance, many of the Knights desired to take the role of the order’s master to fill in the power vacuum. Sources say that many of them betrayed and backstabbed one another to achieve authority. In the end, the Yuchin Knights’ worst enemy were themselves. Eventually, Lady Yuchin’s apprentice, Konrok, eventually obtained leadership and did achieve some success but, by then, it was too late. In desperation, Konrok launched one final attack on Kyoshi Island and, from what I read, it was an absolute bloodbath. Total carnage. Casualties were extremely high and most of the island was badly harmed. However, in the end, it was clear who had won. When the fighting stopped, all of the Yuchin were destroyed. None of them survived. And, after five brutal years, the Kyoshi Civil War was finally over.”
As she finally finishes the story, my jaw drops slightly.
Spirits…an entire civil war full of death and suffering and I had no idea it existed. I knew Avatar Kyoshi wasn’t perfect and experienced her own challenges and failures, but a full civil war?
Wait a minute…
“Why is it called the Kyoshi Civil War, though? Shouldn’t it have been the Yuchin-Kyoshi War or something?”
“You would think that, wouldn’t you? But no. Despite the philosophical differences, the majority saw the Yuchin as rogue Kyoshi Warriors. The Avatar was heavily criticised for the conflict after it ended but thankfully it didn’t tarnish her reputation. The Civil War prompted her to reduce the quantity of the warriors to prevent such a betrayal from happening again. And, thankfully, the group has experienced nothing but peace amongst its members.”
We stay silent for a moment as we feel the weight of the story. Just from hearing it I feel nearly crushed by the Civil War’s intensity. I couldn’t imagine what it was like to actually live in the Earth Kingdom during that period.
A new thought enters my mind, and the intensity amplifies.
Is…Is it possible that this was what my vision was about? About the Yuchin Order? If that is the case, why? To teach me some valuable lesson? Or, more terribly, to warn me about its return?
No. No, that was impossible. Yukari said herself that all of the Yuchin Knights were killed in the final battle of the war. There was no way they could come back.
I look up at the board and see a rough drawing of Kyoshi Warriors and Yuchin Knights engaged in a deadly battle. While the former were all women and were dressed to look spitting images of the Avatar they worship, their enemies were a mixture of male and female and dressed in golden yellow with night-sky boots. Some wore bulky armour, others wore mere robes, and others wore a combination of the two. They all wielded sharp silver swords tainted with blood, some wielding one and others wielding two.
“There are women AND men in the Yuchin.” I point out, filling the silence. “Why is that?”
Yukari hums in acknowledgement and deep thought. “I am not entirely sure because of the lack of information. But from what I gathered it seemed as if Lady Yuchin believed that the eradication of corruption was a task for all, not just for one specific category.”
Hm. Interesting. I look at the drawing again and I spot her. At the very back of the army is one female warrior elevated standing on some sort of platform to make her above the rest, marking her importance. Unlike the others, she wields a double-bladed sword and is using it to direct the charge against the Kyoshi Warriors, all the while her red cape is blowing along the wind.
This must be Lady Yuchin. To think, she was once a Kyoshi Warrior herself until her desire to eradicate corruption consumed and transformed her into becoming the very thing she despised. I have seen this with my own enemies over the years. Amon and Tarrlok despised their father and yet became just as bad as him, and now it seems like the same is happening with Kuvira.
The shout or, more accurately, scream of the Kyoshi Warrior Leader’s name startles both of us as we turn to the entrance. There, just outside the door, another of the female fighters is there but is shaking badly with…fear.
“What is it?” Yukari asks as she rushes over to her comrade and takes her in her arms. “What’s wrong?”
“It’s Kuvira’s troops. More of them have arrived and are planning on taking complete control of the island!”
Dammit! Since I’ve been gone for a while, the coronation of Wu has no doubt already happened. And since Kuvira’s troops aren’t standing down it means that their leader hasn’t given up her power.
Of course, she hasn’t. The power has gotten to her head and now she’s taking control of the entire Earth Kingdom. I shouldn’t have been surprised.
I was right. I was right. I. Was. Right.
The Kyoshi Warrior continues, and her words shake as much as her body. “Her men are calling Kyoshi Island and its people the property of the Earth Empire. Any resistance will have severe consequences.”
And that's it!
I hope you enjoyed it! What did you think of Yukari so far and the lore behind of Lady Yuchin and the Kyoshi Civil War?
Feedback is appreciated!
See you all in the next chapter! :D
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chaoticnerdsstuff · 3 years
* Kya and Izumi cuddled in bed*
Kya: Wanna know something funny?
Izumi: ... love It's three am
Kya: okay so you know how Aang is my dad right?
Izumi: yes??
Kya: does that mean he was the recarnation of your great great grandfather?
Izumi: I- Well yes I suppose.
Kya: If Aang was technically your great great grandfather. And you're married to his daughter, what does that mean honey?
Izumi: I hate you.
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11ofcrows · 3 years
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Commission for @fell-reverie ♥️
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19panophobia16 · 3 years
Not what I wanted, but you can have it.
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aprettyweirgirl · 3 years
Kya: that shirt looks great Lin!
Lin: thanks
Kya: but i bet it would look even better on Izumi's floor
Izumi: are- are you hitting on Lin for me??
Kya: well someone had to!
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uselessbard1031 · 3 years
Alright, alright, stop throwing your tomatoes and read on. ;) <3
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avatarlyahjd · 4 years
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I put Izumi in this picture because she would help Kya and Lin to have the most romantic date possible (although Izumi doesn't know how to cook very well), and of course Bumi would also help.
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not-all-dead · 3 years
angstpril day six: “You don’t belong here.”
this is a part two to yesterday’s prompt, which can be found here
CW: ........more sad
fic under the cut
It had been a few weeks since she and Kya had arrived in the Fire Nation. After their initial homecoming, things had gone back to what was considered “normal” to almost everybody. Kya had adapted to a new normal, starting up a school for waterbenders near the royal grounds, and Mako had transferred from Earth Kingdom official guard to the same position but for Izumi. Izumi and Ursa spent their days doing politics, keeping the country running smoothly. Bolin was working with President Moon in Republic City and hadn’t been back since their first meeting. Iroh had also been away since, his position as a general in the United Forces taking him around the world to wherever he was needed at any given time.
Everyone adapting to life like this should’ve made Lin feel at home. It should’ve, but it didn't. She spent her endless free time wandering the halls of the palace, a few times trying to pick up hobbies but quickly abandoning them. She tried to be happy at the very least when she was around her family, but everyday it got harder. She often found herself trying in vain to remember anything from before, feeling more defeated each time she came up blank. She told herself she kept doing it because she was healing, because someday soon she'd actually have a breakthrough. In reality, she did it for Kya and Izumi. She never mentioned it, but she could tell they were watching her, waiting in anticipation for the day that she suddenly became the person she'd been before again.
She was exhausted trying so hard to be someone she wasn’t all the time. It was during the day, wandering the quiet halls of the palace, that she was able to take a break from the facade. Wandering alone was terribly lonely, though, and she didn’t feel much better afterwards anyway. Today was another day of lonely walking, waiting for Kya and Izumi to get off work only to fake more smiles. Another day of exhaustion to add to the stack.
She’d found yet another wing of the palace, a hallway she’d never been down before. At least, not in a time she could remember. It was walking down this hallway that her day took a sharp turn.
As she approached one of the many doors in the long hallway, she heard crying from within. She slowed her pace, moving towards the sound, listening carefully when the person crying began to speak.
“I love her, Zumi, I love her so much,” Kya said quietly, voice shaking and wet with tears.
“It’s just- I want to help her, I want to make her remember, and I know- I know we did everything we could, and it’s not her fault, but it's hard,” She took in a loud breath and sighed, a slight whine escaping her lips as she began to sob again.
Lin moved closer to the door, peeking around the frame to see in. Izumi held Kya against her chest, stroking her hair gently. She seemed to be whispering reassurances to Kya, who shook with the force of her sobs.
Seeing Kya so distraught because of her made her chest tighten. She hated that she was hurting them, simply because she existed differently now than she had before. She hated that there really was nothing more she could do, other than continuing to try her best to be the Lin they knew from before.
She watched them like that, so close and comfortable with one another, and felt her shame growing further. She was about to continue her aimless wandering, leaving them to each other, when Kya looked up and caught her eye.
“Oh, no, Lin…” Her brows knitted together and she sat up, Izumi’s arms falling from around her.
Lin panicked. She knew that they’d only feel worse if they knew how much she’d heard, and she could already hardly stand how much hurt she was causing. She froze where she stood until Kya began to stand, at which point she ran.
She ran back down the way she’d come, tracing her path exactly. Kya yelled for her to wait, but she just kept running. She ran past her room, past the dining room, past everything, until she came to the grand doors that opened onto the courtyard. She was panting when she got there, her lungs and throat burning with the sudden exercise. She ignored the burn, pushing the large doors open and walking out into the lush green area.
She found a long stone bench under the shade of a silver wisteria tree and sat hunched over. Her hands gripped the edge of the cold stone tightly, her head hanging over her feet. She sat there, focusing on calming her breathing, until the burn from her run was gone. Then, with nothing left to distract her from Kya’s words earlier and her own ungovernable thoughts, she began to weep.
It was not a messy cry. Tears collected in her eyes and fell, soaking into her pants and hitting the stone beneath her feet. Her breath hitched on every inhale, a lump in her throat forming quickly and a thickness growing in her chest. Her mind replayed Kya’s words, adding its own and only making her feel worse. She made no noise sitting there, the faint rustle of the wisteria’s green leaves and the sounds of the city in the distance seeping in through her open ears. It was a long time before anyone found her there.
“There,” Kya said, voice tired and heavy.
Lin heard the swishing of robes, but still nobody approached her. Her eyes were dry now, fixed on her motionless shoes, and her head still hung low.
“Let me talk to her for a minute, alright?” She heard Izumi say quietly to Kya.
Kya gave no audible response, but Izumi walked slowly towards Lin. When she got to her, she knelt on the hard ground in front of her, gently placing a hand on Lin’s knee. She watched Lin for an instant before speaking, her heart breaking at how hopeless Lin seemed.
“Lin, please, look at me. Talk to me,” She said, reaching her other hand up to push a loose strand of hair behind Lin’s ear.
“I don’t belong here,” Lin muttered, not looking up from her feet.
“What?” Izumi breathed, shock coming over her face.
“I don’t belong here,” Lin repeated, louder this time.
“What do you mean, you don’t belong here?” Izumi blinked slowly at Lin, trying to understand.
“I mean I don’t belong here, Zumi. Look at what my being here has done to you and Kya, and probably others too,” She lifted her hard gaze to meet Izumi’s.
“I don’t belong here, just like I don’t belong anywhere. I’m not who I used to be. Hell, I don't even know who I used to be. I don’t belong here because when I’m here I’m only hurting the people I used to love,” Izumi took in a sharp breath and closed her eyes momentarily before Lin continued.
“I don’t belong anywhere anymore, Zumi, because even if you all loved me before, I’m not the same. I’m not ever going to be the same. It doesn’t matter that you might’ve once loved me, because that me is never coming back,” She felt her eyes well up again and tore them away from Izumi’s.
There was a moment of quiet before Izumi found her voice.
“Lin I…” She started, gulping back tears of her own.
“I don’t know what to say,” She finished after a moment of hesitation.
“You don’t have to say anything,” Lin responded.
“I just… don’t treat me like I’m going to magically turn back into the person I used to be. Like it’s just a matter of time before the memories come flooding back and I’m just like I was before,” She turned her head back to face Izumi, tears steadily streaming down her face.
“I’ve tried, Zumi,” Her voice cracked on Izumi’s nickname and she closed her eyes.
“I’ve tried so, so hard. But every time I try to think back to before the accident… it's just empty. There’s nothing. And it scares me, so, so much. And I-,” She inhaled deeply, opening her eyes again to look at Izumi.
“I can’t keep doing this. I can’t keep trying to be someone I’m not. I can’t keep hoping I’ll remember when I know that I won’t. And I can’t stay here if it means I’ll have to do exactly that,” She looked up to where Kya stood, hand pressed over her mouth to quiet her crying.
There was another moment of silence before Izumi spoke again.
“Lin I… I am so, so sorry we made you feel that way. I know there are no excuses, but I think Kya and I have been having a hard time accepting the reality of it all. It feels like someone we loved dearly is gone, and yet you’re still here. I think a part of us sees you here and still wants to hope that the old you is still in there somewhere. It’s not fair of us so think like that, to ourselves or to you,” She said, tracing the cracks between the stones of the floor with her eyes.
“I understand that feeling,” Lin said quietly, making Izumi turn back to her quickly for an explanation.
“It’s not exactly the same, and I can’t imagine how hard it’s been for you two, but hearing stories… hearing stories of before feels like learning about a family member, someone I should’ve known and loved, someone I never got to meet. It doesn’t feel like they’re my stories, but it still feels like I lost a loved one before ever getting to meet them,” Izumi nodded and wiped her cheeks, sniffing loudly.
Lin looked back up at Kya, who’s hand was by her side again, lips pressed together tightly. Tears streamed down her face as she took a step forward.
“May I?” Her voice quivered and she nodded at the empty bench beside Lin.
Lin smiled and patted the cold stone and Kya came over, sitting just inches away from Lin. She reached her hand out, hesitating for a split second before lightly resting it on Lin’s knee.
“Lin, I loved you with everything I had before the accident. And I- I know I need to accept that the old you is gone, but… it would mean the world to me if you would stay, and at least give me, give us, a chance to fall in love with you again,” She watched as Lin’s face twisted, her tears renewing themselves.
She was about to continue when Izumi butted in.
“You don’t remember loving us, and that's alright, but I truly believe that, if you gave us the chance, we could love you again. And not for who you used to be. Because whoever you happen to be now is just as deserving of love as the old you was, and who better to give you that than us?” Izumi glanced at Kya with worry on her face before looking back at Lin.
Lin stared at her shoes again, furrowing her brows in what looked like angry confusion. She opened and closed her mouth several times before any words came.
“You’re right about the first part,” She started, closing her eyes in an attempt to think more clearly.
“I don’t remember loving you. But that doesn’t mean…” She paused to look at Izumi and then at Kya, taking a hand of each of theirs in her own.
“I can’t lie to you. I- since being here, I’ve-,” She hesitated and turned her eyes back to the ground.
“I’ve fallen in love with both of you all over again. I was too scared to say anything because I felt like if I did, I’d be trapped here, trying to be someone I’m not. Trying to live up to the person you loved before. But if-,” She gasped slightly, fighting back tears.
“If you think there’s a chance you could love me for who I am now and not who I once was…” Her face scrunched and she let out a soft sob.
Kya couldn’t help but let out a small sob of her own. A smile spread across her face despite her shaking shoulders and she looked at Izumi with a pained kind of hope. Izumi’s cheeks were damp too, the same sad hope painted across her features as she looked from Kya to Lin.
“We just want you to be happy, Lin,” Izumi’s voice was thick with tears as she spoke.
“It would mean the world to us if you would stay, but if you do-,” She sucked in a tight breath.
“Stop trying to be the old you for our sake. It’s not right for us to expect that of you. But please, don’t go. We’ll do everything we can to let go of the old you, and to break away from the expectations we were putting on you. We’ll love you for who you are now, just as long as you stay and give us the chance to,” Her lips pulled into a tight smile and tears spilled from her golden eyes as she reached up to cup Lin’s face in her palm.
Lin sobbed again and closed her eyes, leaning into Izumi’s hand. After a moment of sitting like that, she forced her eyes open and shuffled closer to Kya, making room for Izumi to join them on the bench. Izumi pushed herself off the ground at Lin’s invitation, making herself comfortable on the cold stone. Lin’s body shook with sobs and she squeezed her hands around Kya and Izumi’s, hanging her head low once more. Kya and Izumi looked at each other over her shoulders before leaning in, wrapping her in a hug between them and holding her tightly.
“I love you,” She managed to choke through her sobs, warmth spreading through her chest when Kya and Izumi both nuzzled up against her.
She was terrified to hope on the off chance she could be let down, but she couldn’t help but feel that this could be a new beginning for the three of them.
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Femslash February Day Four = Kyazumi
My heart, my hips, my body, my love
Tryna find a part of me that you didn't touch
Gave up on me like I was a bad drug
Now I'm searching for signs in a haunted club
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unreliablefucker · 3 years
Kya: you're my favorite person, you know that?
Izumi: It's always nice to hear it directly from you, beloved. You're my favorite as well.
Lin *who's stuck in the middle*: you both are disgusting.
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chaoticnerdsstuff · 3 years
you asked for PROMPTS?
maybe jealous izumi? 😳
Here ya go anon, thanks for the prompt bro!
Kya had many reasons why she hated going out to these weird events hosted by the city officials. She hated getting involved with whatever political battle was happening. She hated how they constantly wanted her to retell every memory she had of her parents. Not to mention the horrible plain music they’ve played, the band they’ve hired are seconds from snoring, she knew it, everyone in this damn event did. Even the food, the only thing that managed to keep her attention, wasn't prepared well. That was saying something, seeing as she often had to deal with Uncle Sokka’s cooking. Shuddering at the thought itself. Her eyes darted back at the cup in her hands, pursing her lips, attempting to find a reason not to leave. She only agreed to this event was because-
A tap on her shoulder interrupted her.“ Hello Master Kya”
Kya cursed under her breath. Turning to meet the haughty voice, of course, it had to be one of Lin’s co-workers. Because why wouldn’t it be? With the luck she’s been having tonight, this was perfect. She bit her tongue, in hopes to stop her irritated mood. It didn’t work obviously but it was worth a shot.
She smiled politely, tilting her drinks to the woman.” Hey kid, how can I help you?” Not waiting for an answer, immediately downing the wine without hesitation. Drinking would make this conversation more bearable. Hopefully.
The officer frowned, clearly offended but played it off.” I assure you, Master Kya I am no child” She put her hand through her blonde short hair, she smirked..” Would a child be the officer of the year? I don’t think so. Beifong believes that I will get a promotion If I manage to get my hundredth arrest.” She boasted.
Kya snorted, she was talking to a child. Great.” Look, lady-”
The officer raised an eyebrow.“My name is Officer Johnson, Master Kya.” Kya was surprised at her checked temper if she was honest. At least it was another thing she could show off to Tenzin, who’s as short-tempered as their Mother Katara.
She drawled out as she put her hand on her hip, a smile playing on her lips.“Alright Officer Johnson, What do you want?”
The blonde flushed immediately, she fiddled with her hands.” Master Kya... I was wondering if you would like to join me for a dance?”
Kya felt her headache growing stronger, but she wasn’t going to embarrass someone like that, the waterbender spoke without malice.” No thank you, I'm actually waiting for someone.”
She attempted again, taking a step closer.“ Well, I don’t see anyone here? It doesn’t have to be this extravagant dance I assure you.”
The water bender crossed her arms.“ My skill in dance isn’t the problem, Officer. I don’t want to dance with you.”
She chuckled nervously.“ Master Kya-”
Kya felt too warm on her hip, she winced seeing the blaze in her eyes. This wasn’t going to be pretty.
” Did you not hear her the first time? Does she have to scream at you? My wife said no.” Izumi glared at the shorter woman.
“F-Firelord Izumi! I didn’t know you were attending this event.” the officer visibly paled, stepping back from Kya’s personal space in an instant.
Izumi’s jaw tightened, she spoke with no room for patience.”So you know who I am but you don’t know who my wife is? I apologize I didn’t realize the police apartment wasn’t covering your vision insurance, seeing as you chose to approach my wife who is wearing a betrothal necklace, clearly showing she’s not single. Yet you decided to disgustingly make a move on her and not only that but you proceed to make her uncomfortable.”
Kya said softly.” Izumi-”
Kristen tried to defend herself, she squeaked.” I-I... I simply wanted a dance!”
The Firelord tilted her head.” You wanted to dance with a woman who continuously told you no?”
“Yes!..that sounds wrong but-”
Izumi laughed without humor.” Oh no, you’re correct it is wrong of you. If you want to dance so much, why don’t you ask me, officer? One of the Head royals, who happens to be my aunt, taught me a special dance. Usually used only for Agni Kai’s against your opponent, it ends in a matter of seconds but it does get the people’s attention. But I’m sure I can still make accommodations, Officer.”
She exasperated.“ Are you threatening me?”
The Firebender nodded.“ Yes.” Izumi moved her glasses up.” Now. You have two options. One leave and never talk to my wife and me or two I personally go to Chief Beifong and request to Fire you on the spot.”
“I… I apologize Fire Lord Izumi. You’ll never see me again.”The blonde bowed in front of the couple, looking down. She stalked out to the exit, not caring if they were supposed to be giving a speech.
Kya smirked, turning to her wife.“ Did you enjoy yourself?”
Izumi kissed her cheek with a smile.” Of course darling. I had to make it up to you for showing up late after all.”
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iizumi · 7 years
Homecoming | Closed RP
 @scorchedson continued [x]
It was as if his royal gowns were black purely so that grubby kids’ hugs didn’t leave too obvious a stain. Though, grubby hugs (and kids) were few and far between these days.
Speaking of, his daughter had been called to arms by Aang’s passionate children — ah, none of this was fair. It wasn’t speaking of, because Izumi was twenty, and fully capable of making her own decisions. She didn’t leave dirty marks on his robes anymore, mostly because she rarely got mucky anymore. And as for his old friend’s children, they weren’t anymore. Bumi was twenty-five, Kya also around Izumi’s age. It was difficult to picture that they were all that much older, that much more independent.
That much more capable of getting into serious trouble.
But Zuko tried to let her live her life, he didn’t want to hold her back. He’d been guilty of this in the past, but some lessons HAD to be learnt, some trials HAD to be faced. Sometimes, the only option was to face those things alone. But he made sure she always knew that she had a home to return to.
And, by the sounds of things! She had! Zuko turned in surprise at his ‘name’, hope filling his heart that he wasn’t just imagining things. And there his daughter was, grubby as ever, covered in— was that blood? Bruises? Rags?
“You’re—– oof!” She’d leapt into his arms before he could finish his statement, and Zuko encased her in a warm embrace.
When she pulled away, he followed suit and gave her a quickly fading smile. Was that dirt on her face or a bruise? Zuko pushed his thumb against her cheek softly, but stopped when it showed to be a bruise instead. And her glasses had broken! Had she brushed her hair at all since she was away? “You’re filthy,” he said softly, pushing hair back behind her ear, “and it looks like you’ve got some stories to tell. Are you going to tell me what you got up to this time, or am I going to have to call Bumi and ask myself?”
She squeezed her dad tightly, feeling the clench of relief in her stomach as they embraced. She hadn’t realised just how much she’d missed him...When he pulled back and his expression began to fall, however, Izumi was quickly reminded of how worried he could get over the smallest things.
She winced at the brush of his thumb on a bruise, trying to smile it off. Her smile quickly turned to a pout, and she pushed her broken spectacles up her long nose, brow drawing low. 
“You really don’t have to threaten to call Bumi, dad.” She huffed. “It’s a long story. I can tell you it over tea, unless you’re busy with work right now.” Izumi eyed the generals who had stopped when their Fire Lord had stopped. Suddenly she felt self conscious.
Her expression fell into its royal mask. How quickly homecoming had become...The princess bit back a sigh.
“Bumi fought a giant badger-mole,” she slipped in, almost as a bribe, looking sidelong at her father. Grey had come to his temples in the months that she’d been away. Not much of it, but it was noticeable.
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aprettyweirgirl · 3 years
Bumi: what’s up with Lin? she've been laying on the floor for like… an hour now?
Kya: she's just a little overwhelmed
Bumi: why?
Kya: Izumi smiled at her
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unreliablefucker · 3 years
Kyazumi Hcs (no nsfw)
Kya’s childhood crush was Izumi. While she didn’t remember her actions as a child, Katara and Zuko remember clear as day. Remembering the Five-year-old Kya handing Izumi flowers and sweets every time they visited, Izumi once kissed Kya on the cheek for the flowers, which caused the girl to run to her mom in joy.
Kya and Izumi have been close since the beginning, when they reached their teens out of pure rebellion, Kya began fake dating Izumi to simply piss off her parents. This didn’t work for two reasons, one her parents were supportive of the relationship, and two Izumi started to regret doing it, due to the fact she was gaining feelings for her best friend. Izumi broke it off abruptly with no explanation. Leaving Kya confused as to why she was feeling heartbroken if this was all fake. Because of this, they both grew distant over a year before they started to mend things between them( neither telling each other that they had feelings for each other)
Kya and Izumi began their relationship, years after Izumi had her second child. Kya confessed the day before she had to leave for her travels, she expected to get rejected, but Izumi confessed back with a kiss.
While Izumi offered Kya to be the Fire Lady of her nation. To tell the Fire Nation that they were together. But the Waterbender declined, she didn’t want more attention than she had simply being Aang’s daughter. Izumi wasn’t put down by her response, instead, she crafted an engagement necklace(with the help of Sokka) and proposed to Kya in the South Pole, explaining that if she would prefer of having a small wedding in secret, Kya finally said yes.
Kya had a habit of not opening up to Izumi, being neglected as a child. Not believing her problems were even worth the trouble and often doubted if they were even problems, to begin with. This sparked many arguments in their relationship. Mostly of Izumi begging Kya to tell her what was the problem, and Kya telling her it was nothing. It got to the point where Izumi was close to calling the relationship off. Kya opened up slowly after a heated argument. Only doing it at night, when she wasn’t facing Izumi.
Kya had to use her bending of Izumi more than time times to heal wounds, and that was only because she was there when her partner was injured. Izumi being a nonbender (headcanon dw) meant she was more vulnerable even if she was trained by her Mother and Aunts. Being Royalty to a Nation that was still was being accustomed to change, meant she had faced more threats than she’d like to admit, more than half actually acted on them. She doesn’t voice this knowledge to Kya. Which comes to bite her in the ass decades later.
Could you tell this Ship has the most Angst? :)
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chaoticnerdsstuff · 3 years
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