#kou x banba
sasasartblog · 6 years
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okay so I know there is no obivious ship YET but... kisses. 
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firebirdsdaughter · 5 years
Banba and Kou (cause I'm nothing if not predictable)
Favourite thing about themWhere can I even begin? He’s, like, exactly my type. The sexy, the tsundere, the protective big brotherness… DX
Least favourite thing about themIt’s a double edged sword, bc I love the slow development, but I’m also super impatient to see him be getting protective of the whole team. DX
Favourite lineHis ‘Hmph, maybe’ reaction to Touwa saying the five of them worked well together.
BrOTPUh… Kinda everyone? Though I guess in the most in line w/ the usual definition would be him and Cannoli, bc I see most of the others as his baby sibs/kids.(Alternatively, I have an oc XD)
OTPNone. Except maybe Banba x a Nap when the kids are getting rowdy.
NOTPIt’s… Not exactly a ‘NOTP’ per sè, but… I just don’t ship him w/ anyone.Of course, that’s just my perspective, and I can see how others might ship him, but… For me, I like him as a beleaguered single dad. ^^;
Random headcanonI’m still a little nervous about it, but for me I hc him as at least mostly asexual and slightly aromantic, w/ his driving relationships being family ones (adopted or biological). Like… A literal family man? If that makes sense? Banba the Family Man. XD
Unpopular opinionI dunno… Maybe my opinion that neither he nor Touwa has ever killed anyone? Though I know it’s mostly been forgotten, there were a lot of people saying that they had back at the beginning, and I really don’t think that’s the case, esp after his reaction w/ the Cheese Space Sisters. When confronted w/ actually letting someone die to adhere to their duties, he did lash out, but in the end couldn’t follow through and backed down. I feel like the only reason he was so willing to pull a sword on Ui was bc he’d never killed before. Taking a life is heavy, and its effects do not fade quickly, if at all, and the brothers are decent kids. It was either all talk (though he may have genuinely believed he’d do it), or he might have done it and immediately regretted it.DX Sorry. I rambled.
Song I associate with themHeart of Stone from the new musical SIX.In sort of a weird, amorphous way, I see it being directed at the others for some parts, but also at his and Touwa’s missing Master for others?Also a great song, and everyone should listen to it. ^^(By the by, was anyone going to tell me that SIX was about Henry VIII’s wives, or was I supposed to read that on tumblr myself?)Alternatively, Angel with a Shotgun by The Cab, The Reason by Hoobastank, and Halo by Beyoncé. Those three are def to the kids (at some point). XD(Everyone enjoying the extremely nonsensical reach of my taste in music? XD)(Also yes, I think about Banba a lot while listening to music. How could you tell?)
Favourite picture of themALL OF THEM. DX But I’ll pick one for now. XD
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Favourite thing about themBaby. Baby boy whose cheeks I wanna pinch. He’s my precious sunshine son.
Least favourite thing about themUm… Oh gosh, I dunno. I feel like an awful mother, and it’s not his fault, but I wanna see more sad Kou again. Let’s get to break my faves again, please. DX
Favourite lineWell, I adore his ever abounding love for everyone and always trying to be friendly to them, even when they aren’t friendly back.Even though it’s simple, I feel like my fave line of his is still him just going ‘FRIENDS?!?!?’ in the preview for the ep where Banba and Touwa first appeared,a nd then his introduction to them after being destoned.
BrOTPHim and Touwa, and kind of Banba, though he’s more the ‘big brother’ of the equation while Kou and Touwa are the kids. XD
OTPNone. Don’t really ship him w/ anyone, though I can see how people would. Feel like if I were anyone else he’d be pretty shippable. XD
NOTPUh… Him and Touwa? Mainly just bc anything w/ Touwa makes me a little uncomfy bc the actor is just barely seventeen. I guess it’s not a huge age difference, but… It’s kind of a personal thing.
Random headcanonOh gosh… Well, I’m gonna w/ something I came up w/ for one of my writings, which is that once, when he was just starting training, Kou stole Master Red’s RyusoulKen in the middle of the night and tried to sneak out and practice w/ it. Unfortunately, he didn’t yet know how to use the magical toy sword of dino power, and came very close to hurting himself, had Master Red not caught him just in time. He got in a lot of trouble for that one.
Unpopular opinionErm… I dunno. I can’t think of anything right now?
Song I associate with themFight Song by Rachel Platten and Five Forever from Little Women the Musical(Though it would technically be ‘Six’ at this point… XD)
Favourite picture of themSo, so many. How do I choose? Well, this one gave me a giggle. ^^(feat. Sou, Keisuke, and  corners of Gaku and Shieri)
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It looks like Sou is roasting him while Yuito and Katsumi laugh and Tatsuya tries to rescue him.
… Wow. That got long. ^^;
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kabutoraiger · 5 years
Oryx there is a banba x kou tag somehow
real shit? well i guess there’s at least hope for the future then. there’s only like 5 things in the general ryusoul f*jo tag atm and it all looks pretty awful but maybe soon... good content will happen
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mey-rin-is-fabulous · 5 years
Great now I'm shipping Melt x Kou x Towa. Thanks Ryusoulger TYVM. I still love you though. I'm still shipping Ui x Asuna because Asuna don't need no man and that whole thing with Ui in episode 3 but Asuna x Banba/Bamba that's interesting too.
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sasasartblog · 5 years
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❤ 💖 💗
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sasasartblog · 5 years
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come on Towa, they are only talking  😏 😏
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sasasartblog · 5 years
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I have no exuse, I wanted to draw them and I found beautiful reference
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sasasartblog · 5 years
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them. thank you. bye. 
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firebirdsdaughter · 5 years
Random Writing Fragment…
… So, I realised I’d faltered in my Ryusoul writing since Zero-One started, partially bc ‘New Show Syndrome’ and partially bc writing is how I deal w/ stuff I’m not so thrilled about in canon (not gonna go into that, we already know what I disliked).
Anyway, it’s basically been hard to focus on writing for much else--however, I had a few scraps of an idea, and, to keep the Dino Knight spirits alive, I thought I might share a bit.
So this is a fragment from an idea I had back before the Gaisoulg reveal.
While it’s absolutely not gonna happen going by current evidence, I had this theory that Nada¡Gaisoulg wasn’t actually the Gaisoulg we saw at the start, if that makes sense? That, maybe there was someone else who was using the armour who had almost complete control/synchronisation w/ it, but that Nada had just recently started using it for… Reasons. XD (that I go into below)
Anyway, in this, said person who has (sort of) control over Gaisoulg is Master Black--who in this is also Touwa and Banba’s father, bc… I felt like it. So, I also went w/ the impression that Gaisoulg seemed to expect Banba to know something about them (along w/ Banba’s reaction to Touwa telling him about Gaisoulg name-dropping him; I even came up w/ an explanation as to why he might’ve reacted w/ ‘it can’t be’ that didn’t end up coming up here, but might on later edits), by interpreting it as implying Banba knew who had the armour (or who had it last).
So in prologue to this, Banba goes and confronts Master Dad w/ the intention of telling him to stay away from the kids--only to slowly realise that Master Dad doesn’t currently have Gaisoulg. Master Dad reveals that he has manipulated Nada into using the armour, and it is magnifying/feeding off his resentment for not getting to be Red, making him increasingly obsessed and dangerous. Banba realises Nada is w/ the kids, and proceeds to get so pissed off, he manages to force Master Dad to come along w/ him w/ the intention of having him take Gaisoulg back from Nada. Along the way, Master Dad decides to be very obnoxious.
And here we are.
“You weren’t this demanding as a child. Clearly you somehow unlearned your manners after I left.” Master Black’s tone persisted in being overbearingly cheery, a smirk playing across his face, even as his elder son and chosen Squire dragged him along by the elbow. “And really,” He continued, when Banba pointedly ignored him, “You’re getting upset over nothing.” When he still got no response, the older knight frowned, and dug his heels into the ground, forcing them to a stop before jerking out of his son’s grip. “Gaisoulg works fast, even without me. It’s probably already-”
He cut off when Banba whirled around, expression a mask of icy fury, surging forward to grab his father by the collar. “If he’s hurt them…” Each word was pure wrath. “I am holding you responsible.”
His former Master rolled his eyes, waving one of his bound hands dismissively as best he could. “Yes, yes, very frightening.”
But Banba didn’t back down—with a wordless snarl, he dragged his father closer, the rage radiating off him like a dark cloud. “This. Is. Your. Fault.” He hissed. “If he’s hurt them, I hurt you. They bleed, you bleed. Understand?”
His father stared back into his glare for a moment. “… Well, well, well.” He whispered with malicious delight. “Look who grew up while I was away.” Banba made a disgusted sound, shoving Master Black away to turn back toward their path. “Hell of a way to treat family, though.”
Banba froze in his tracks. For moment, he stayed there, still as a statue—then turned back around mechanically, eyes narrowed, teeth gritted. “… Family?” He hissed, hands curling into fists, so tightly his knuckles turned white. Equally as slowly, he stepped back toward his former Master. “Touwa is my family.” Banba’s glare was black fire, and for once it seemed like he was towering above his father. “And not just him anymore; Kou, Melto, Asuna. Even Kanaro and Ui. They are my family.” He was back in Master Black’s face, and his voice dropped to a soft growl. “And you will not take them from me.”
Very short and out of context. Additionally inspired by a different scene from Killjoys--good show from SyFy, just ended, five seasons, go watch if you like.
Anyway. I’ll maybe write more of this later--also got other Ryusoul ideas, and I deeply wanna work on Fair Trade. DX Wanna write me that Ui content. But I’ve had a bit of a stressful start to the week between Toku, Morris tours, head colds, and my sister’s corgi going in the kitchen, then getting into their bathroom, going on the rug, then chewing a damn razor and the soap. (PLEASE NOTE: Dog is FINE. She was taken to the vet and x-rayed soon after I discovered her crime. She didn’t swallow any metal--did swallow some plastic, but according to the vet, it should come out naturally (though they did give her some special food to hurry it along). She is merely in very big trouble, and is continuing to be her absolute gremlin self.)
So I’ll get back to work eventually. When my life isn’t so haphazardly cluttered. DX
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firebirdsdaughter · 5 years
… New Ryusoulger scans are out.
Part that stuck out to me (and I think we can all guess originally why >////////<):
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Okay, first off, please don’t mean a romance plot, please don’t mean a romance plot. DX I’m not a huge fan of ‘one off ep romances’ (though I can enjoy them, and have, on occasion), plus it really wouldn’t feel in character for Banba, at least, not yet. In all likelihood, though, I’m getting anxious about the small, unlikely things again like a doofus. I mean, I can’t read any of this, and the image translator doesn’t do columned text. All it got was that the caption under the lady’s picture is something like ‘who is this woman?’ and something about Banba, and for some reason wording like that always makes me scared it’s a one-off romance ep…
On the other hand, that picture on the right? Anyone else remember the first behind the scenes photos we got of Gold? That’s the same set! I’m pretty sure we also saw untransformed Kou there w/ Kanaro… So either the scene here is from a different point from that one, or Kou just isn’t in frame, both of which are pretty equally possible. Additionally, I can’t tel if they’re fighting, or… Something else? It’s a frozen picture, anything could be happening. Also, the whole thing is unfortunately too blurry to see what’s going on in the upper right images. I can make out Ui and Asuna, and Banba in the second one, but have no idea what they’re looking at or what he’s musing about.
Anyway. For some reason, I felt the need to bring attention to the fact that my attention beelines for Banba whenever possible. ^^;
#Kishiryu Sentai Ryusoulger#Ryusoulger Spoilers#my precious Dino Children#my precious grumpy big brother in shining armour#I dunno why I'm so afraid of one-off romance plots#I mean some of them in the past have been fine#I guess it's bc the effectiveness of Sentai romance is kinda touch and go sometimes#some are great some are not so great#so I'm always apprehensive whenever it seems like they might be trying it#esp when it might involve any of my faves#esp given Banba's character… I dunno it could easily get derailed by something like that…#but I'm probably in a twist for nothing#curious about what the big brothers are fighting over#if they're even fighting#did Cannoli let the kids have too much sugar or something?#seems to be related to what Ui and Asuna are looking at?#unfortunately geography constraints prevent me from seeing it clearly#by which I mean#if I were in Japan I might've  been able to get my hands on the magazine#and some poor person wouldn't have to go through taking pics and posting them so I could see it#(not that they're just doing it for me… my point is it's not their fault they're amazing for doing this at all)#anyway#I continue to hope that they're not gonna wedge Cannoli in the way of the core five's relationships w/ each other…#I like Cannoli but… they can sometimes do that w/ sixths#they've got time though hopefully they remember to keep exploring the relationships between the others#I mean Banba in particular has a long way to go#and I really wanna see more of the Black Red Green dynamic…#aka Banba and his two troublesome bickering brothers#(I really love that they're w/ him in the next ep when Cannoli is throwing a fit or whatever)#(I wanna see more of these three ^^)
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firebirdsdaughter · 5 years
… All I could think of at the end there, when Kou was (I think) declaring that they were friends and Banba shot him down was the ‘you  must reach x relationship level to unlock my tragic backstory’ thing.
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