#kotet ch 14
queen-scribbles · 4 months
For the Swtor OC asks! Best girl Endrali gets 62, 76, & 77! For the amazing Kina...14, 21 & 56! 😁
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(KotET) 62. Was their love interest present? If so, how has their relationship developed?
Yes and no, since she's with Arcann, lol. He's there in ch 1, then gone until ch 6, then present for the rest of it. I could write books on how their relationship has developed (and have written a lot of fic, though p much all of it is post-KotET), but succinctly, they're in the middle of a good old fashioned enemies to lovers arc during KotET. He's been cleansed of his rage and it trying to atone for everything he did, she's hardwired to give people second chances, it's a very interesting dynamic.
76. Romance Questions(snipped to relevant ones): Did they romance Arcann? What made them fall in love with the man who was a former tyrant, now redeemed? When did they realized they cared for him?
She romanced Arcann because she saw how hard he was working to atone for his actions, without seeking recognition or credit or praise for it, fully aware some people would never forgive him and that was their right, just because he recognized and was taking responsibility for everything he did. He was doing it bc it was right, not because it was easy--in fact, despite it NOT being easy. She admires the strength and determination it takes to do something like that.
And then she starts bringing him on mission and aside from the fact they instantly sync up, he is a tenacious defender. It doesn't matter what it takes, what it costs/risks for him, he's going to protect. He's become someone patient, dedicated, considerate, humble, self-sacrificing who's also really hot when he's fighting /cough She's a Jedi, not blind
It's right at the end of my Unbowed fic(the Landing Party uprising, and boy was that fun to cover) that it clicks for her that she's attracted to him. I'd say it's about... a month(?) maybe two post-KotET by that point. /cue mutual pining
77. What are their feelings on losing the entire Eternal Fleet and the Gravestone and the greatly diminished power of the Eternal Alliance?
She's not looking forward to the way that power shift is going to ripple, bc she figures it'll hurt the people who just want to live in peace the worst. But she's honestly just a little bit grateful to have an excuse to not be the galaxy's go-to Most Powerful Solver of Problems(little does she know they will still expect her to solve all their problems. And get mad when she doesn't do it the way they think she should.)
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14. Who is/are their favorite companion(s)?
PH4-LNX, Akaavi, and Bowdaar. She got Fay all the way to 50 and uses her all the dang time unless story constraints pair her with a certain golden retriever Mandalorian /innocent whistling
21. Would they continue their legacy by having children? Adopt? Get an apprentice?
I don't know, honestly. She had a rough childhood that she recognizes is a far cry from a normal one, but she's ambivalent about kids. I think if a) her partner wanted kids, b) a kid wandered up and attached him/herself to Kina, or c) BOTH she'd go along with it, but she's not going to be pushing for any herself.
56. Should Vette get them a giant droid for Life Day?
Absolutely, nothing could possibly go wrong in any way with her doing that.😇😇😇
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What is one of the first things Mandalorian woman asks her husband after a long separation?
“You good to fight?”
“Better than ever.”
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semper-draca · 4 years
🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟Have all the stars.🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
Oh man anon, I am so sorry it took this long to get back to you, it took me a while to assemble a list. Each star is for a behind-the-scenes detail of a fic (in this case, Iustitia) And I count.... eighteen stars!
1. In ch 59, Lorant drunkenly refers to Vitiate as “V-dude”. When I played through kotfe/kotet, amongst my friends I jokingly called Valkorion “V-dude” 2. This one is probably obvious, but many aspects of the Institutes were based on Native America/First Nations residential schools in the USA and in Canada. Including the uh... abundance of Absolutely Awful. 3. Every single character name for my ‘Big Eight’ player characters have their names based in Tolkien conlang. With the notable exception of Oren, my bounty hunter. He’s the special.  4. The ‘Lucian and Ille adopt a wrat’ plotline was 100% inspired by @fluffynexu‘s fantastic wrat worldbuilding posts. 5. Similarly, most of my military worldbuilding (if you can call it that) is based on @inquisitorhotpants‘s angry ranting about how space fantasy militaries should work and how they fuck up promotions. I include two exceptions in my fic to the ‘proper promotions’ rule - Baras, who doesn’t care as long as it serves his needs and is Sith so no one can stop him. And Kilran, who Does What He Wants.  6. Zirin’s blasters - Mischief and Anarchy - are real in-game cartel market weapons.  7. In very early concepts of the fic (before I even wrote the first version, so back in late 2015/early 2016), Celebris was actually white, with a very ‘snow queen’ design. I ended up changing this cause I didn’t like the idea that the only human character out of the ‘Big Eight’ was white, and because I felt as though a ‘snow queen’ design was overdone and often boring.  8. In ch 23, Gimrizh makes a comment about how Vette isn’t allowed to call her ‘whore’. It’s phrased in a wink-wink-nudge-nudge way to imply that it’s a kink of hers. 9. Pierce being aromantic was a deliberate ‘fuck you’ to the game devs, as in-game the SW is allowed to sleep with Pierce, but not romance him. I figured that if they weren’t going to allow SWs more options, I’d get some queer representation out of it. 10. Un-killing Eleena Daru was a relatively last minute decision. As soon as I knew Malgus would be involved in Vette’s resistance, I knew Eleena had to be alive. 11. Much of Gimrizh’s speed-based combat style is inspired by Namikaze Minato from Naruto, and his Flying Thunder God technique.  12. Megablast Death Engine’s name was inspired by Negasonic Teenage Warhead from Marvel.  13. In the old version, I was going to add a plotline where Gimrizh discovers that her parents were alive. I had even already introduced her mother as a character before the rewrite begin. This was one of the many things that got scrapped in the rewrite, as it didn’t really fit in anywhere and was ultimately pointless for both plot and character development.  14. Multiple chess games and chess metaphors take place in the fic. This required a lot of research, as I’m actually a mediocre chess player and rarely play. 15. Quinn’s old speederbike is based on the in-game Aratech Nightsythe mount. The bike he and Gimrizh build later is based on the Command Corsair mount. 16. Gimrizh’s proclivity for lightsaber tech was because originally I had her crafting skill in-game be Artifice. I swapped to Biochem once I started seriously raiding, but it became an integral part of her character beforehand.  17. @inquisitorhotpants was a guest beta for ch 47, as I asked her to look over a few scenes featuring Lorant and Pierce.  18. The ch 53 title, Early Summer Rain, was based on the Naruto OST track of the same name.
*long exhale* I hope all these tidbits were illuminating or interesting to you all, and thanks again anon (and sorry again for the delay)
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reallystellacadente · 8 years
30-day SW Challenge -- Day 29
Day 29: Resources, Contacts & Friends
What resources & contacts does your OC have? Other than the ‘canon companions’, do they have friends(either your own NPCs or others OCs)? Do they have contacts that help them in their daily lives (such as an older Jedi or a criminal contact)? What resources do they have available to them?
Xhareen Nah-garesh
Xhareen is a natural gatherer of contacts, acquaintances and of course, friends. From her time spent among the Hutts, she in theory has people she can call in favors from, or just tap for assistance. 
She amassed a big ol’ pile of credits while still a fighter -- even though she was technically some Hutt’s property, she was able to keep a portion of her winnings (Hutts figured it kept their living weapons from killing them, probably a good call) which she invested wisely. And she didn’t even have to buy out her own contract when she was “retired;” Tremel did that. 
However, being retired means faking your death, so she can’t just reach out to anybody. She did do a big solid for the Hutt family that owned her last, so even though they have to pretend she’s dead, they do come in handy when Xhareen needs to protect her assets from Baras, or Zakuul, or slimeball Imperial ministers who want her to stay dead.
Her closest friends outside her crew are: my Sorcerer Myroli, and Andronikos; my agent Zavaa, Vector and Dr. Lokin (she’s met SCORPIO but isn’t sure she’d consider her an asset, much less a friend, lol); my husband’s Sorcerer and her ex, Releah; several of my other warriors whom she met while training secretly under Tremel prior to Korriban, including Aneesah (who eventually winds up with Pierce), and Adaeria, a Pureblood who’ll come in handy as her contact on Dromund Kaas after KotET Ch. 2. 
She will also befriend and rely heavily upon my JC Dhavana and my JK Gislaran and various members of their crews, too. I’m not sure if/how my main BH or Smuggler will fit in; my f!Trooper has already made a cameo in my KotFE return wishfic. 
NPCs include a bunch she’s just met: Quinn’s older sister, Kayda becomes her medic; his younger sister, Rissa, becomes the glue that holds the family together in times of trouble; his Uncle Drayden, a retired admiral, is pretty much a less skeevy Mycroft Holmes. Lord Rathari and Overseer Tremel return to her sphere of influence after Baras is put down. 
(Previous entries: Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, Day 4, Day 5, Day 6, Day 7 & 8, Day 9, Day 10, Day 11, Day 12, Day 13, Day 14, Day 15, Day 16, Day 17, Day 18, Day 19, Day 20, Day 21, Day 22, Day 23, Day 24, Day 25, Day 26, Day 27, Day 28)
Taken from here.
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