#kitsune kisses
tddoodles · 10 months
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A few more sketches
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kiwinatorwaffles · 1 year
the thing i really love about the general mcyt fandom is just how awesome and creative everyone’s designs are. you could have a completely different headcanon from someone and still highly enjoy another artist’s interpretations. every time i see a really cool design i go wow! i wish i did that! and sometimes i’ll take inspiration and it just goes on and on yknow? i just really love it here man
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linkdiangelo247 · 3 months
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part 9 of the kitsune au: OLD MAN YAOIIII
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sintoj · 1 year
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Moody Werewolf Wednesday art for @JZBelexez on twitter. Its’s a scene from his Werewolf's Humanity series! Click below for the relevant excerpts and check out his twitter profile for the links for the whole story
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dread-red-queen · 27 days
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🚫 Do Not Re-Upload/Edit My Shots/Art Without My Permission🚫
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bearyyayay · 2 months
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Got bored so here
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head in hands i only have six hours until the deadline for my summer course analysis thingie …. i wanna write my silly little gojo fic :(((((
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aishiteru-kenshin · 2 years
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Kami-sama Hajimemashita | 神様はじめました | Tomoe, Mizuki & Shinjirou Kurama
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bericas · 2 years
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our coming of age has come and gone... but i'm a fire and i'll keep your brittle heart warm.
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petitelepus · 1 year
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Summary: You, Kyojuro, and Senjuro go out to a Zoo and you meet a grumpy Lizardman. Things happen.
Warnings: Kissing
A/N: Female Reader, Kitsune Kyojuro, Kitsune Senjuro, Kitsune Rengoku, Lizardman Iguro, Monster Musume!AU
The next day came so slowly, it felt like you were waiting for your date with Kyojuro forever. You could barely sleep that night because you were busy thinking about all the different places you could go during your date.
As you woke up, you felt tired because of lack of proper sleep, but you were also giddy because of the idea of going out with your fiance.
Kyojuro had given you free hands so it was up to you what the two of you would be doing and what time. You wondered if you should get something to eat, but you were a little worried about your fiance's habit of shouting TASTY after each bite of food he took.
Not that you minded, you had grown used to this habit of his, but you were pretty sure that what the other people would think about it. You usually didn't care that much about some random strangers' opinions on things, and you were pretty sure that Kyojuro himself didn't care either, but you wanted this to be a fun experience for him.
Movies? What there was even coming… Maybe some action movie? You hummed thoughtfully as you picked up your phone from the bedside table and used it to check upcoming movies.
…Nothing that looked interesting. You frowned, how could there be nothing interesting in cinemas? Plan B, move along and try to come up with an idea for the date.
Dinner by candlelight? No, he would no doubt shout and you two would get kicked out of the restaurant and you didn't want that to happen. Also, wouldn't it be a little too intimate for your first date?
A zoo? Ooh, wait, you could totally go to the zoo!
…But the more you thought about it, you thought that Senjuro would probably also enjoy visiting a zoo and seeing all kinds of different animals. You wanted to include Senjuro, you really did, but shouldn't your first date with Kyojuro be with just the two of you?
You stared at your phone as you thought about what you should do until you snapped, grabbed a pillow, and screamed against it. Fuck it, you liked Senjuro so he could come also! You just had to ask!
With that in your mind, you got up and put on some slacks and a shirt and made your way downstairs to get the breakfast started… But as you walked the stairs down, you could smell food being cooked. You were confused and made your way to the kitchen where you saw the younger Kitsune cooking breakfast.
The young boy flinched and turned to look at you, but seeing that it was just you he relaxed and smiled, "Oh, big sis! You nearly gave me a fright."
"I'm sorry," You nodded and then looked at the table that was already filled with different breakfast dishes. You blinked before looking at the young fox, "Did you make all this?"
"Yes, I hope you don't mind. I woke up and wanted to be useful somehow," He nodded as he moved the skillet in his hands and cut equal parts of scrambled eggs on three plates.
"I don't mind, but you are a young man, you shouldn't worry about housekeeping as I should." You replied and Senjuro looked at you, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you…"
"N- no, nothing like that!" You quickly shook your head, "I was just worried!"
"Oh, you could never offend me! I enjoy being helpful." He smiled and you had to control your instincts that were telling you to call him cute and hug him.
"You are too pure for this world Senjuro." You said instead and the young boy smiled happily at your sweet words. Suddenly you heard steps coming from behind you and you turned around just in time to see Kyojuro step into the kitchen.
"Good morning!" Your fiance greeted you and his brother happily before looking at the table filled with food. "Did my loving bride do all this?"
"No, but your loving little brother did." You said and Kyojuro smiled brightly as he walked to his younger brother and petted his head, minding his fox ears. "Wonderful Senjuro! You are better at cooking than me!"
"Or me." You added with a small smile and the young fox blushed, "T- thank you, but I'm not that good yet!"
"We will be the judges of that." You said and all three of you took seats and started to enjoy the breakfast that Senjuro made. You could feel your eyes widen, the scrambled eggs were so fluffy and well-seasoned, they were just perfect.
"TASTY!" Kyojuro shouted and you nodded alongside him, "This is really good Senjuro! Way better than the eggs I make!"
"I will happily eat my brother's or my bride's food!" Your fiance shouted.
"T- thank you, I looked up some recipes from the internet with my computer." The young fox said as he blushed a little. You swallowed the mouthful you had and smiled at him, "I'm happy you are using your computer also. You learned really quickly how to use the electronics."
You could feel someone looking at you and you turned to see Kyojuro staring at you. You grinned, "You too Kyojuro. I'm proud of how quickly the two of you learned!"
"Thank you!" Both brothers thanked you and you smiled. That is when you remembered that you had a plan for your date.
"Kyojuro?" You asked and the older fox turned to look at you, "Yes, my Hime?"
"It's about our date today…" You started, "I was wondering if you would like to visit the city's zoo?"
"Zoo?" The foxes glanced at each other and you smiled, "It's a place where you can admire different wild animals around the world."
"That sounds like fun!" Kyojuro nodded and you smiled, "That's the thing. I wanted to ask if it's okay for your brother if you come with us?"
"Me?" Senjuro blinked in shock, "You want to take me on your date?"
"Only if you want to come and it's alright with your brother?" You asked as you glanced at your fiance.
"Hm!" Kyojuro nodded with a wide smile, "I like that idea!"
"It does sound like fun! But…" Senjuro looked down sadly and you frowned in worry, "But?"
"I… I don't want to intrude on your two's special time with each other." He finally said, "The two of you should spend time alone without me being a third wheel."
"You aren't a third wheel! You are my dear little brother!" Kyojuro suddenly shouted and you nodded alongside him, "If I didn't want you to come I wouldn't have asked you to. You can come or stay, but it's your decision."
Senjuro thoughtfully looked down at his plate of eggs and after waiting for half a minute, he glanced at you shyly, "Then… Can I come with you?"
You and Kyojuro smiled happily, "Of course!"
The three of you finished your breakfast and went to dress up for your trip to the zoo. Since it was going to be pretty hot, you all dressed lightly.
You chose to wear this beautiful long red floral dress with yellow flowers on it. You had found that beauty in a second-hand store, but you knew that wouldn't matter because it was a pretty dress, no matter where it came from.
Kyojuro and Senjuro both put on capri pants and T-shirts, the older fox having something written in Kanji on his shirt and the younger one having a cute little cartoon chibi flame on his. Since it was promised to be sunny, you made sure to take something cold to drink, such as a bottle of water and one bottle of Cola. After that, you were ready.
The trip to the zoo wasn't that awful, but you could tell that people were looking at you and the brothers. Probably because of their good looks… And fox's ears and multiple tails, but they seemed completely ignorant to the looks you were getting so you chose to ignore the looks also.
Since you were there early in the morning, the lines to the zoo weren't that awful. You used the debit card Mister Smith had given to you to pay for the three of your tickets inside.
The brothers were in complete awe when they looked around the place, big cats being the first thing the visitors saw when they entered the zoo. The three of you went to look at the lions and tigers they had behind huge glass walls and bars. Senjuro was in awe when he saw the huge cats and you were also impressed by them.
That was when you couldn't help but notice that the workers around the zoo all appeared to be some sort of demihumans or such.
"Kyojuro, can you wait here a second? I'll go and ask something from that mouse person there?" You asked and the man nodded, "Go ahead, we will wait for you here!"
"Thank you!" You smiled and quickly caught up with this small woman with mouse ears and a tail.
"Excuse me?" You asked and the woman turned to look at you, "Yes?"
"I couldn't help but notice that there are many demihumans working here?"
"Oh, yes, you see, the zoo itself is pretty new and the owner is a demihuman themself and wanted to employ people like them in here." The mouse woman told you and you nodded, "I see! Thank you so much for the info!"
"Thank you for asking, we are here to guide you, visitors." She smiled back at you and you returned back to the fox brothers who looked at you.
"You're back!" Kyojuro smiled, "You weren't gone for long!"
"What did you talk about?" Senjuro asked and you smiled as you explained to them how the zoo employed demihumans. The two of them were in awe, "That is great!"
"Yes! I'm excited to see both animals and different demihumans!" Now you were really excited. The animals were nice, sure, but the demihumans were also fascinating because Kyojuro and Senjuro were the ones also. If you got to know more demihumans, would you learn more about the fox brothers?
You and the brothers kept exploring the zoo and animals and as you did, slowly, but surely, the zoo was getting more and more visitors and you noticed that your fiance and his brother were also getting more and more attention.
"Ugh, honestly…" You groaned as you wiped your forehead with the back of your hand, "I feel like such a bag of potatoes when I'm standing next to you guys."
"What do you mean, my bride?" Kyojuro asked and you glanced at him, but he genuinely didn't know what you meant by saying that. You smiled, he was just too kind and pure, just like his little brother was.
"Nothing, sorry." You smiled and the brothers were confused, but they didn't pry any further. As you explored, you saw different kinds of demihumans such as minotaurs, couple centaurs, catgirls, and many more.
You and the brothers were so engaged with the animals and demihumans that you all lost track of time. You felt so bad, you had missed lunch and the clock was getting closer to 3pm. You were hungry, yes, but you couldn't even begin to wonder how hungry the Kitsunes were.
That's when the Gods blessed you three as you made it to the food court. There were different kinds of foods, anything for anyone really. You glanced at the brothers and you could almost see drool leaking from their mouths and you were reminded of the first time you three ate burgers the day you met.
"Would you like to eat?" You asked, even if you already knew the answer. The brothers nodded eagerly and the three of you gathered almost everything on your plates. While you enjoyed a pulled pork hamburger with fries, Senjuro was enjoying the same as you were except he chose pulled chicken and Kyojuro? He was having the whole menu.
You were thankful that you had taken Senjuro with you because he was able to cast the silent spell so only you and he could hear his older brother shouting TASTY with each bite he took.
Finally, after eating for an hour, the three of you were on went to check the other attractions that the zoo had. That's when you noticed something that made you really excited.
"Ooh, there is a reptile house!" You awed as you pointed forward at the building with a glass ceiling, "Can we go there next?"
"Of course!" Both Kyojuro and Senjuro said and you cheered quietly, excited to see some reptiles like snakes and froggies and such. The three of you entered the house and you were immediately hit by this hot humid air, that was perfect for reptiles.
You watched in awe how these bright little frogs inhabited a terrarium, long and beautiful pythons enjoyed the warm light, turtles rested in the water and so many other reptiles that lived in the humid building.
"Snakes are just so cute…!" You whispered excitedly as you watched a bright green python yawn.
"You talking by yourself…? Talk about creepy…"
You yelped, jumping a little in fright before turning to look at who had spoken to you. You blinked, as your brains registered this young man standing there before you, with a white face mask over his lower face.
You were almost mesmerized by his heterochromatic split eyes, the left one being turquoise and the right one being yellow, but his skin was so pale, save for the dark hair, scaly hands, and scales that covered the sides of his face and long lizard's tail.
Ooh, he was a Lizardman! You smiled at him, but you didn't get to say anything before he squinted his eyes at you, "It's rude to stare."
"Ah, I'm sorry-!" You were saying when you noticed a beautiful albino snake wrapped around the man's neck. "Oh, you have a very beautiful snake!"
"His name is Kaburamaru and he isn't just some snake." The man said and the snake flicked its tongue at the air between you two.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be rude-!"
"My bride, are you here?" You heard Kyojuro calling you and you turned to look and sure enough, his head peeked from behind a snakes' terrarium. You waved at him and the Lizardman squinted his eyes at the two of you.
"You…" He mumbled quietly and as Kyojuro joined you, you turned to look at him and smiled, not quite hearing what he said. "I'm sorry, did you say something? I didn't hear?"
"A Kitsune engaged to a common human…?" The Lizardman glared at you, "What a waste…"
You flinched, hearing him say that, your worst fear. You felt insulted and yet, like he was onto something. You forced a smile on your face, trying to ignore the feelings that his words brought up, but it was too late, Kyojuro had noticed the change in your mood.
Your fiance wrapped his arm around your shoulders and pulled you against his side. You blinked in shock and looked at him, but just as you turned, you felt something soft touch your forehead and saw Kyojuro's face before yours.
He just kissed your forehead.
You were so shocked you couldn't even blush once your brains registered what happened, it was too late. Kyojuro smiled at the Lizardman, "I don't think it's a waste if I love her. I think it's a blessing. You know it when it happens when you meet your other half or destined partner."
He looked at you and you were stunned by the look in his eyes. Genuine love. "They are your best friend, your biggest supporter, and accept you as you are. They are someone that makes you happy to wake up each morning, knowing they are there for you no matter what."
You were stunned by the Kitsune's words. Did he really feel that deeply for you? As you stared at Kyojuro in wonder, the Lizardman scoffed.
"Don't get me wrong…" He grumbled quietly, "I'm in no way the same as you two…"
"You don't need to be." Kyojuro smiled, "You just need to be happy!"
That seemed to be enough for the demihuman because he turned and left you two be. As soon as he was gone, Senjuro appeared from behind from one of the terrariums and smiled at you two, "I saw a blue frog there!"
Ah, he had missed the whole conversation. Maybe that was for the best since that Lizardman wasn't the nicest person to talk to. You smiled as you looked at the younger fox, "Really?"
"Yes! According to the information, it's one of the most poisonous frogs there is in the world!" He said excitedly and you awed, "Wow, I like frogs, but not that much!"
"Would you like to see it?" He asked and you smiled, "Lead the way!"
The three of you explored the reptile house in peace and you didn't see the Lizardman anymore, which to you was a small blessing. Once you left the house you noticed that it was already half past 5pm, but you had managed to explore the whole zoo in one day. It was an achievement on its own already!
You guys stopped at the gift shop before leaving, buying you and the brothers identical, and not to mention super cute fox keychains for your keys.
The trip home was lively as you talked about all the animals you had seen and by the time you were home, you were all a little hungry, but not enough to make a proper dinner so you all ate sandwiches.
The rest of the day went relaxing and taking a long bath, both you and brother taking one separately of course. Before you knew it, it was time for all three of you to go to sleep. After the day you guys had, you were pretty sure that you were going to fall asleep the moment your head touched the pillow.
You sighed as you were done brushing your teeth and stepped out of the bathroom, just in time to see the brothers wish each other good night before Senjuro went to his room, and Kyojuro was about to go to his but then he noticed you from the corner of his eye and stopped to smile at you.
"My bride, how are you feeling?" He asked and you smiled as you stifled a yawn and walked to him. "I'm feeling good, thank you for asking. Tired, but good."
"I'm happy to hear that!" He nodded happily and you smiled a little, but something had been bothering you ever since you guys left the reptile house.
"Kyojuro…?" You started carefully and he nodded, "Yes?"
"You… Earlier, you kissed me… On forehead…" You murmured quietly, feeling yourself getting embarrassed over nothing serious.
"Did I?" He blinked as he smiled, and you rolled your eyes, knowing that he was just teasing you now.
"Did you kiss me because you wanted to protect me from what that Lizardman said?" You asked and he grew quiet. You swallowed nervously as you waited for him to reply and finally, he did.
"That, and I really had wanted to do that for the longest time." He admitted and you smiled, "Good."
"Wh-?" He was about to ask when you gently placed your hands on his cheeks and leaned forwards to kiss him. Kyojuro's eyes widened as he felt your lips press against his, but slowly, he closed his eyes and leaned forward to kiss you back, his hand going to press against your upper back and the other holding you by the back of your neck.
Slowly, the two of you pulled apart, and as you opened your eyes, you both could see the feelings you held for each other in your eyes.
"Thank you." You whispered as you quickly pecked his lips one more time before pulling apart and running into your room. Kyojuro stared after you and smiled as went to his room, but little did either of you know, you were both thinking of each other when you made yourself comfortable on your beds, excited for the upcoming day.
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kitsunespawz · 2 years
Alright fine I caved I cannot hide my xBralis brainrot any longer (especially with the fanfic I'm about to put on ao3)
And I am proud of this. So have the bois kissing
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A more nsfw version of this kiss exists too and if you give me a good enough reason I'll post it too. Do your worst.
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amenouzumeshi · 9 months
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EiMiko - Ahoguru
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linkdiangelo247 · 3 months
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part 6 of the kitsune au, may i offer some old man yaoi?
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shu-kun · 3 months
Tomoe - Kamisama hajimemashita
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bloody-bee-tea · 10 months
24 Days of Satosugu 2023 Day 14 - Poison
Suguru knows it’s Satoru, the moment he steps into the clearing. He doesn’t look the same, of course; mostly because he seems to be about ten, but also because it’s been several centuries at this point, but Suguru would know his soul anywhere.
That’s definitely Satoru.
Satoru freezes when he spots him, though, and Suguru knows just as instantly that Satoru doesn't remember him.
“Hello,” Satoru cautiously says, keeping himself well out of Suguru's reach, as if he'd ever have anything to fear from him. 
“Hello,” Suguru politely gives back, careful to appear unassuming so he doesn't send Satoru running immediately.
“Who are you?” Satoru wants to know next, even though a small frown accompanies his question.
“My name is Suguru.” Suguru doesn't offer a last name and he doesn't ask for Satoru’s name, which doesn't go unnoticed.
“Do you know me?” he asks, even more cautious than before and Suguru briefly falters.
He doesn't know the right answer to that, doesn't know what he needs to say to not send Satoru running, but in the end it seems his silence spoke for him.
“Do I know you?”
“Not anymore, it seems,” Suguru says with a sad smile and wonders just how many centuries have passed.
It's hard to tell the time, locked in a clearing as he is. Even the seasons merge together over time.
“It feels as if I do,” Satoru mutters and that's more than Suguru could have hoped for. “What are you doing here?” Satoru then calls out and Suguru raises an eyebrow at him.
“You're smart, aren't you?” It shouldn't be hard for him to figure out just what Suguru is doing in this clearing, shackled as he is, bound by magic to this place, but it seems he said something wrong because Satoru curls into himself, his face closed off.
“You'd think so, wouldn't you,” he bitterly mutters and Suguru painfully remembers that he can't be older than ten currently.
And given how the Gojo Clan worked—and likely still does—that's a bad age to be, especially when Satoru inherited both techniques, like he seems to have done.
“I'm sorry,” Suguru says and waves him closer. “I'm being held captive here.”
“Why? By who?”
Again, this should be an obvious answer but Satoru is no longer turning away from Suguru, so of course he answers him.
“This land still belongs to the Gojo Clan, yes?”
Satoru's eyes go big and Suguru marvels at how blue they are.
“We're keeping you trapped here? Why?” 
At that Suguru sighs. If he shows his true form to Satoru, there's a chance he'll run. If he doesn't, he can't answer that question.
Both choices don't seem ideal but Suguru knows what he has to do when Satoru steps closer.
“You have inherited the Six Eyes, yes?” He waits for Satoru's confirming nod. “Then use them to see. Do you know how?”
Suguru can read the answer out of the tense lines of Satoru's body and he sighs.
“Honestly, what are the Elders teaching these days,” he mutters under his breath and waves Satoru forward again. “Do you want to learn?” he asks once Satoru is barely two steps away and the excited gleam in his eyes is answer enough. 
Satoru is a quick study. It's clearly not his fault that he barely has control over his techniques because by the time Suguru explained something to him, Satoru already mastered it.
He's hungry for knowledge, that much is clear and not for the first time Suguru wishes he could burn the entire Gojo Clan and all their Elders down.
None of them deserve to be around Satoru, not if they keep him stifled and small like this.
“Okay, with this you should be able to see my true form. Do you think you can apply everything at once?”
Satoru doesn't answer him, too concentrated on doing what Suguru asked of him and Suguru knows he succeeded when he lets out a small gasp.
“You're a kitsune!”
There's no fear in Satoru’s face, even though he must be able to see Suguru's eight tails and for a brief moment Suguru wonders if the Elders also failed him in these teachings.
But then Satoru reaches out, carding his fingers through Suguru's fur like he has any right to do so and Suguru's heart sings.
Some part of Satoru remembers.
“And you're so beautiful,” he whispers, a delighted smile on his face when he looks back up at Suguru, who smiles at him.
“Thank you. But it's time for you to return now, Satoru, you shouldn't be caught here.”
Satoru stills, but doesn't actually take his hand away.
“You mean with you.”
“I'm imprisoned here. I doubt the Elders would like seeing you talk to me.”
“Why are you trapped here?” Satoru wants to know and when he looks up at Suguru his gaze seems too old, filled with too many horrible scenarios.
Satoru might be young still but he clearly knows of the horror of the world and the ones curses can inflict.
“I came too close to one of your predecessors,” Suguru sadly tells him, still able to remember how warm and soft Satoru—his Satoru—had been in his arms.
“You killed them?”
Satoru seems distressed by that idea and Suguru crouches down.
“They did die, but not by my hand,” he honestly tells him.
He doesn't mention that he would have razed the world down if it would have saved him.
This Satoru doesn't need to know that. Yet.
“I see,” Satoru mutters and already his words hold more weight, now that he has a basic understanding of his technique. “I won't tell them I've seen you,” he then decides and Suguru smiles at him.
“That might be for the best.” For Satoru and for Suguru himself.
He's not keen on having the Elders visit him any time soon. He doubts they have lost any of their cruelty and with him bound and powerless like this—no, it's better if they continue to forget his existence.
“I'll be back though,” Satoru promises him, an excited smile on his face and Suguru smiles at him in turn.
“I'll look forward to it.”
He watches Satoru leave and can't help but to wonder if he'll keep his word or if this will be the last he ever sees of him.
As long as Satoru can be happy, Suguru would be fine with either.
“Suguru!” Satoru calls out, spilling into the clearing in all his gangly glory and Suguru smiles fondly at him.
Satoru is seventeen now, and he never once stopped coming by, never showed any signs of being afraid of Suguru and Suguru is fond of him in a way that’s hard to take.
But then again, this is still his Satoru so it really shouldn’t be all that surprising that the feeling in Suguru’s chest is the same as it has always been.
“Satoru,” Suguru greets him and allows Satoru to bury himself in his tails.
It seems to be a favourite place of Satoru’s, and really, who is Suguru to deny him this.
“How are you doing? How’s your training?” Suguru asks though he knows he has his answer when Satoru’s face falls.
So the Elders are still trying to keep him on a short leash, despite the fact that Satoru confronted them about that yesterday.
“I’m on house arrest,” Satoru tells him, and buries his face in one of Suguru’s tails, making a shiver run down his back.
“Why are you here then?” Suguru mildly asks with a raised eyebrow and Satoru peeks up at him.
“Because they can’t really keep me inside and I’d rather die than not see you?” he gives back and Suguru huffs out a laugh.
“Going a day, or even longer, without seeing me won’t kill you,” he chides him, because if it hadn’t killed Suguru to not see him for centuries, then certainly Satoru can withstand it for a few days.
“I’m not going to put that to the test, so you better shut up. I can keep up Infinity indefinitely now,” he then says, as if that isn’t something ground-breaking and Suguru beams at him.
“Well done!” he praises him, because it’s certainly praiseworthy and Suguru doesn’t miss the way Satoru’s face goes red.
It’s been happening a lot lately, and Suguru knows it’s only a matter of time before Satoru says something or even tries something. Suguru is honestly waiting for it, but it has to be Satoru’s decision. 
Suguru’s heart is set on him already and he’s going to wait for him for however long it takes. 
“Why do the Elders not teach me shit?” Satoru asks, staring up at the sky and Suguru marvels at how similar Satoru’s eyes and the sky are.
“They are scared of what you can do, should you unleash your full potential. They want to shape you to their image, to keep you in control.”
“Are you afraid of me? Of what I could do?” Satoru asks and Suguru laughs.
“Satoru, please. Who has been teaching you all this time?”
“What if I decide to use my powers to destroy the world?” 
“Then I’d still be by your side,” Suguru easily says and pats Satoru’s head. “It might be nice of you to forget, but I am still a kitsune. Some people would call me inherently evil, so of course I wouldn’t care.”
“You’re not evil, though,” Satoru says and blinks up at him, unending trust in his eyes. 
If only it was enough.
“Aren’t I?” Suguru replies, because Satoru hardly knows anything about it. 
Suguru hasn’t tried to keep anything a secret but Satoru has shown no interest in knowing these things. He went above and beyond to get to know Suguru personally, his likes and dislikes, but he never asked about his past, never wanted to know why he is imprisoned there.
Suguru thinks it’s just as well, because he wouldn’t even know how to explain it anyway.
Doesn’t know how to explain that he nearly razed the Gojo Clan to the ground only to protect the one he loves and make Satoru understand that it is him, was him all along.
“How do I get you out of here?” Satoru suddenly wants to know and it catches Suguru off guard. 
It’s the first time Satoru has asked that, but when he sits up, a serious look on his face Suguru suddenly understands. He had been wondering why Satoru had never tried, had never even asked about that, but he was waiting for the day where he’s confident enough in his own abilities to go through with it.
“Satoru,” Suguru sighs out, even though every cell of his being screams at him.
It’s been so long since he’s been free, he’s not sure he even remembers.
“Just tell me. What do I have to do?” 
“It’s not that easy,” Suguru tells him, because even now he can feel the magic strangling him.
He’s not allowed to talk about this and the spell sure as hell doesn’t let him forget it.
“Fine,” Satoru says, clearly picking up on something. “How many conditions are there?”
“Two,” Suguru gives back, because that at least he can say. “Something I’m missing and something that must be done by who frees me.”
His voice goes thin at the end, the magic cutting off his airflow and it takes him a minute to go back to normal.
Satoru stays quiet during that time.
“You’re missing a tail,” he eventually says and Suguru flinches.
Trust Satoru to notice that.
“I know because it should be here,” he points to the space under his knees, where no tail is currently propping them up and for a fleeting moment Suguru feels like crying.
His Satoru loved to lay in his tails as well and for this Satoru to feel the same–
“You know me, don’t you?” Satoru whispers out. “From before?”
He seems pained by the question as if Suguru’s answer could break him and Suguru sits down next to him. 
“It’s not that easy,” Suguru tries to explain. “You’re different; everything about you. The Satoru I knew was a nobody; he was of the same bloodline as you but he was nothing like you. He didn’t inherit the techniques, wasn’t even particularly gifted as a sorcerer.”
“But you loved him,” Satoru quietly says and Suguru sighs.
“I did.”
“And I’m him.”
“You’re nothing like him, Satoru, pay attention, will you. It’s just–your essence is the same; the colour of your soul matches, that’s all.”
“But I remember things about you.”
“And isn’t that a curious thing?” Suguru asks. 
“What happened to your Satoru?” 
“Nothing,” Suguru says and smiles when Satoru’s head finally flies up, his eyes meeting Suguru’s. “He’s sitting right here.”
There it is again, that beautiful blush.
“No, I mean–that other Satoru.”
“He died.”
“It’s not that simple though, is it?”
“When has anything with your Clan ever been this simple?” Suguru wants to know and he knows that Satoru is not simply going to let it go this time. This time, he’ll have to explain. “They found out, that he got the favour of a kitsune. They used him to get to me and then killed him when it became clear that I’d rather tear down the Clan than to allow them to keep him.”
“That seems–disturbingly plausible,” Satoru mutters out and Suguru is surprised to find a new resolve in him. “And it’s nothing like what the Elders told me.”
“You asked about me,” Suguru sighs out because of course he did.
It is honestly a surprise that Satoru waited for so long.
“I did. They said you attacked because you wanted to steal away the one person who inherited both techniques before.”
“Right,” Suguru snorts out. “I was imprisoned here long before your predecessor was born. And the Satoru I knew then—like I said; he had no techniques to speak of.”
Satoru falls silent at that, resting his head on his knees, looking up at Suguru, his eyes steady and all-seeing.
“You said I’m yours,” he eventually says, “that I’m your Satoru.”
It’s not a question but it’s clear that he’s waiting for a reply anyway.
“You are.”
“But are you mine, Suguru? Are you mine in return?” he then asks and Suguru feels himself soften.
“You stupid boy,” he whispers out and leans down, pressing a lingering kiss to Satoru’s forehead. “Of course I’m yours.”
When Suguru pulls away, there’s a hard resolve on Satoru’s face.
“I’m going to get you out of here,” he says and then backtracks quickly. “Not to say that your answer made a difference, I would have regardless, but—just—” He takes a deep breath. “I’m going to set you free.”
“Satoru, if you do that, I will raze this place to the ground,” Suguru warns him.
The people who imprisoned him first, who killed the one he loved are long gone but that doesn’t change anything. Not for Suguru.
“Fine by me,” Satoru says with a shrug and gets up. “With the way the Elders are looking at me, I’d welcome it. Did you know there are several bounties placed on my head?” Satoru asks and Suguru shakes his head.
He doesn’t know much from what goes on beyond this clearing except for what Satoru tells him and he has never mentioned this before.
“At least two of them are from my own Clan,” Satoru goes on as if it means nothing, but Suguru boils with anger.
They would do it again. If given the chance, they would take Satoru from him again and Suguru is not going to let that happen.
“I’m going to kill them all,” Suguru seethes, turning burning eyes in the direction of the main house, but he startles when Satoru drapes himself over Suguru’s side.
“Let me free you first,” he whispers, a promise in his voice and Suguru shudders.
Satoru hasn’t been quite so free with his touches before and the warmth seeps into Suguru like a promise.
“Alright,” he agrees, even though he knows it’s not that easy.
The part Satoru will have to fulfil might prove difficult still, no matter what he thinks now, and Suguru is not going to get his hopes up for now.
But it is hard, with Satoru beaming at him like he is.
Maybe Satoru will surprise him, after all.
“Suguru!” Satoru calls out, long before he comes into view and there’s an urgency in his voice that Suguru hasn’t heart before.
He’s instantly alert.
“Suguru, what do I have to do?” Satoru yells, running into the clearing at full speed, Suguru’s missing tail clutched to his chest. “Tell me, what is it I have to do?”
“Satoru, I can’t,” Suguru gives back, meeting him halfway and he instantly knows why Satoru is in such a rush.
His Clan Elders are right behind him.
“Foolish boy,” one of them seethes, raising his hand as if he’s going to hurl an attack directly at Satoru and Suguru is quick to pull Satoru behind him.
“Just tell me what I have to do,” Satoru whispers again, eyes fixed on the threat in front of them and Suguru feels a thread of despair when more and more people spill into the clearing.
Satoru is not strong enough to fight all of them—not yet, anyway—and Suguru will barely be a match for them shackled and powerless like he is.
“I can’t, Satoru, I can’t. You have to figure it out by yourself.”
“Get back here boy,” a woman from the left calls out. “Don’t you know what he is? His words are poison. No matter what he promised you, he won’t keep to it.”
“If you do not get back here, we’ll kill you, too,” another man chimes in, and Suguru grows cold with fury when he sees people nodding.
“Yeah, right, you’ve been wanting to do that since I was born anyway, if only you weren’t so scared to lose both techniques again,” Satoru calls back, nothing but disdain in his voice and Suguru snarls at their opponents.
He will not allow them to kill Satoru, not a second time.
“If you give that tail back to him, he will kill you first,” the woman tries again and Suguru scoffs because he has never heard something so ridiculous. “He’ll kill you just like he killed your predecessor.”
“Suguru, what do I do?” Satoru asks, the tail still clutched to his chest.
“If you believe them, you go back to them,” Suguru says, not taking his eyes off their opponents. “And if you don’t, then you give me back my tail.”
Suguru hasn’t even finished speaking when he feels his tail merging back with him; he closes his eyes in bliss, feels the power run through him like it always should have.
“And now you say it,” Suguru whispers out, displaying his tails and brushing them against Satoru. “Now you say whose side you are on.”
“I trust you. I’m with you,” Satoru instantly says and it rings true, because the magical shackles around Suguru break.
He lets out a deep, satisfied breath; only implicit trust in the face of opponents more powerful is able to break the magic binding Suguru here and it’s a wonderful feeling to know that Satoru does.
That he trusts him above his Clan.
“It could have been that easy?” Satoru whispers furiously under his breath, his voice almost drowned out by the yelling of the Clan Elders around them, but for now Suguru doesn’t pay them any attention.
For now, he turns to Satoru.
“You are mine,” he fiercely says and Satoru’s eyes blaze in response. “And I am yours,” Suguru promises before Satoru can even ask it, not surprised in the least when Satoru steps forward at hearing it, reaching up and pulling Suguru into a kiss.
“Together,” he whispers and almost lazily deflects an attack aimed straight for Suguru’s head.
“You do remember what I said I’d do to all of them, right?” Suguru asks again, because he needs to be sure, he needs to know that no matter what he does in the next ten minutes, Satoru will be by his side.
“I do. And I’ll help,” Satoru promises and it’s enough for Suguru to finally step away from him and does what he has longed to do for several centuries now.
He kills everyone in the clearing in minutes, and soon enough only he and Satoru are left.
“If I had known they were this weak, I would have tried this sooner,” Satoru sighs out, surveying the carnage around them, and Suguru can’t help himself, he simply has to go over to steal another kiss for himself.
“You need to trust more in your strength,” Suguru chides him, followed by another quick kiss. “Now, are you going to show me the world, Satoru?”
“It would be my pleasure,” Satoru replies with a big smile and when Suguru finally steps outside of the clearing it’s with Satoru’s hand safely in his.
He can’t wait to rediscover the world with his love right there by his side.
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kakusu-shipping · 1 year
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Tanuki/Kitsune ships my dearly beloved
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