#kite anon
🍁 anon, I liked your defense of Jock!! I don't ship them, but I appreciate your analysis.
HOWEVER!! I'd like to challenge you on one of your points. "No one ships things because they're healthy, they ship them because they're interesting." I would have to disagree!!
If we look at ships like Lyler (Lindsay and Tyler), we can see that there ARE ships that can be shipped simply because they're cute AND interesting. Lyler is one of the most healthy ships in the show and it is so cute. Despite Lindsay forgetting who specifically Tyler is (which is where I think it because very interesting) she never forgets what he means to her. She knows who he is in the sense that she knows he's her boyfriend, she just can't identify him by his face. And Tyler never ever strays from her once. Not even when she doesn't remember what he looks like and Courtney starts trying to flirt with him to make Duncan jealous.
And another, just to prove that this isn't just an "I ship Lyler and here's why" rant, Crimsennui (Crimson and Ennui) are THE healthiest couple on the show. They are so cute together because they just understand each other. Even when they think they might break up because they get un-gothed in Finland, they both eventually decide that, even if they aren't goth, they love each other for what's on the inside. If that isn't the healthiest thing ever and doesn't make you want to love a good healthy ship I don't know what will.
Okay that's it. This is all in good natured fun, Im not trying to fight, I promise. I still really like your analysis of Jock!!
I'm new here so if it's alright, I'll be 🪁 anon!!!
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h-harleybaby · 1 year
I really like South Park fractured but whole, so maybe you could do Team Stan + Butters reacting to their s/o wanting to be their hero sidekick?
Ughhhhh that’s such a good request. I was like, about to say that my requests are closed but lately I’ve been in a funk and really obsessed with tfbw so NVM I’M WRITING THIS! It might get me out of that funk I was talking about, I need to write anyways. Btw this is all like, aged up to highschool at the very least. You can't tell me they wouldn't still roleplay during highschool because I know damn well they would
You can kinda tell which ones I didn't put too much effort in sorryyyy I just didn't know what to write also also also ignore any mistakes
Cartman, The Raccoon
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• Cartman literally gets so excited it's funny, but if you say anything about him being excited he flips you off and tells you that you can't be his sidekick (he's lying)
• He kinda thinks of everyone on the team as his sidekicks but you're like, his special sidekick and he'll never admit it
• He loves having you as his sidekick, NOW IT'S LIKE ALL OF YOUR MISSIONS ARE DATES!
• Cartman literally throws a fit anytime he has a mission you can't go on, he wants you there SO FUCKING BAD but he'll never tell you that
• He's weirdly protective of you but it's really nice (this totally isn't based off me talking to the Cartman character ai)
• You definitely bring snacks for you guys during patrol and I swear to god his pupils are hearts I'm not even kidding
• In my opinion, patrols and stakeouts with Cartman would be the best
• Out of all of them, he's the one you do the most with. Every other night there's some sort of crazy bullshit y'all deal with
• Most of the crazy bullshit being because Cartman caused it but shhhhh we don't talk about it
• Being his sidekick is a soild 7/10, he can get a lil selfish but he's really fun
Kyle, Human Kite
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• Kyle's excited but more nervous than anything, he doesn't have anything to worry about tho!
• Y'all are a pretty good duo, even though you don't normally go on missions where y'all have to fight
• You guys work more with damage control, I mean kites are pretty fragile and mans is a human kite alien so like
• Not to say he's weak, he's far from it actually! He just has pretty low health and stuff ya know?
• HOWEVER! You're a pretty good healer so it just makes sense that y'all are always near each other on the battlefield, plus sidekick so yeah
• Not only do y'all usually do damage control but also a pretty good amount of recon
• Half of the time you guys end up getting caught and have to run away so you get to be on Kyle's back as y'all are gliding the hell out of there
• Its like, surprisingly fun to be gliding. The wind in your hair and the excitement is the best
• Anyways, because y'all don't see combat too often the patrols are really calm. Sometimes even a little boring but you don't mind, neither of you are getting hurt and that's all that matters
• 9/10, it's kinda boring sometimes but it's pretty nice to be with your bf. At least y'all don't get hurt and can goof off during patrol
Stan, Toolshed
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• Stan's kinda indifferent about it, he's like "cool you're joining me... why?"
• Don't get me wrong, he thinks it's cool you wanna join him! He just doesn't get it too much, isn't it gonna be boring for you?
• Well, ya know what? Now he has someone to spend sleepless nights with when he's on patrol!
• Ngl he underestimated how much he would enjoy having you by his side, he's not lonely anymore AND SOMEHOW HE DIDN'T NOTICE HOW LONELY HE WAS TILL YOU JOINED HIM
• Ahhh, imagine if you had tool themed super powers too?? Y'all share some of his dads power tools and have to awkwardly try fixing them when they somehow break during battle
• You can't tell me Stan hasn't broken them before! He literally throws screwdrivers at people and shoves power tools into the ground, they have to break at some point
• Good thing you guys somewhat know how to fix things, y'all both probably would've been dead multiple times if you didn't know how to repair the shit y'all break
• Y'all have definitely had to clean blood off the tools at the end of patrols/nights. Literally almost every time, he really has to stop throwing screwdrivers at people
• Anyways, Stan thinks you're the best sidekick ever and he loves having you around. Having you as his sidekick is really fun overall, he wouldn't trade you for literally any other
• Being his sidekick is a good 8/10, it's not the best thing to clean blood off tools at 2 am but you don't mind too much
Kenny, Mysterion
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• Part of Kenny is over the moon! The other part, not so much
• He doesn't want you to get hurt while you're his sidekick so he's probably a lot more careful on his missions than he usually is
• There's definitely a lot of flirting between y'all tho, he gets SO cocky when he's Mysterion. Its one of his favorite things to get you flustered and flirt with you like, mid battle
• He doesn't die as much as he used to now that you're there so that's nice! He can't bare having you see him die tbh
• Y'all often patrol more dangerous parts of town so you guys see combat REALLY often
• I mean it's not Kenny's fault that homeless methheads and rednecks keep trying to kill you guys. It's whatever, he's good at fighting and so are you!
• You are by no means delicate, no matter how much he tries to protect you from all the battle you still end up seeing it anyways
• He kinda thinks it's hot that you're so good at fighting, he's literally like "damn bbg, you can beat my ass any day"
• Kenny never gets used to you flirting back with him, he practically short circuits. You think it's cute how he can flirt so easily but get so flustered when it's reciprocated
• In my opinion, being his sidekick is 8.5/10 because of all the fighting and flirting
Butters, Professor Chaos
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• Omg Butters is ecstatic! He didn't know how you knew he was Professor Chaos but he doesn't dwell on it too much
• Now you guys can bring all the chaos your little heart desires to South Park and he's so happy about it
• First South Park, then WORLD DOMINATION!
• You're not exactly one of his henchmen and he doesn't have the heart to call you his sidekick, you're something higher than henchman?
• Does it really matter? He's gonna bring chaos to the world with you by his side and that's all that really matters in his opinion
• Every time Cartman and his hero team beat him up after foiling his plans you always end up having to patch him up which is kinda annoying but it's fun to scheme with Butters during that time
• You definitely end up being the one who reminds him of his common sense, you're kinda like his rock in a way?
• He's so glad to have you by his side, plus now that you're here his plans actually succeed sometimes!
• The younger henchman all ship you guys considering most of them don't know y'all are actually dating, it's pretty endearing
• Solid 8/10, you rarely get hurt and it's kinda painful to see Butters hurt but y'all have a good time in general
No hear me out, like I wanna pick them all up and hug them like teddy bears. They're all so cute as kids even tho Cartman would probably and most likely has committed war crimes they're my lil cutie patooties. They're literally all really close to my height but I don't care I wanna hug them like teddy bears
If anyone has any recs for places to buy like, nice plushies of them I would appreciate it <3333
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zamadness · 2 months
Gen Z!Reader: I'm blowing all my money on weed, but at least I'm not blowing other people. The only person who can benefit from my decisions is me
YES!!! So true!
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plastic-not-elastic · 5 months
Hey plas, did you know some of your fans have a little crush on you?
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kimbap-r0ll · 1 year
hello! Not sure if this has been done but what do u think are the traits (physical and personality) would kurapika, chrollo and kite like in a person. Thanks!
Hi, thank you for the ask! Not sure if I’ve done this before (I write a lot and tend to forget 😅) These are a bit short but I feel like most of them aren't too picky for s/os haha
What do Kurapika, Chrollo, Kite look for in their s/o?
To start off, Kurapika wants someone who can be independent. He’s not always going to be available for his s/o, and he wants them to understand that. If you happen to be really clingy, he may get more stressed and upset
However, he also wants someone who can support his fragile state. He wants someone who can listen to him. He already feels like he’s alone in this world because of the death of his clan and his own instincts of pushing people away. If you manage to break through his trust issues, it will mean a lot to him. You will become his safe haven, someone he can confide in when he feels like the world around him is caving in. If you brighten him up, he’ll love it too
For physical appearances, I feel like he wouldn’t care as long as they are taking care of themselves (once again connecting to the idea of being independent). He would love to have someone with long hair just to braid it (he probably braided his friends’ hairs back in his childhood and wants to relive that), but short hair or no hair at all also suits him. It really comes down to what you want to do
He wants someone who won’t take him out a lot. He’s already a target of multiple people, let alone a Kurta. He wants intimate dates more than casual ones. Expect lots of time spent at home dates or in other more private quarters
Overall, if you are independent, caring, and understanding he will be head-over-heels for you. Though it may take a while to accept that for himself
He’s similar to Kurapika. He can’t always be there for you so he’ll want someone who is independent and able to take care of themselves. It also helps him if you are able to stand by your beliefs and aren't easily persuaded by people
He would like someone interested in the arts. His dream is to have things like library dates, museum dates, watching obscure movies together, etc. He's an artsy guy, so he would look for someone who also enjoys things like that.
Similar to Kurapika, I feel like he won't have anything particular to look for in his s/o in terms of physical appearance. He would like for them to be active and able to move around a lot in a case where his s/o wants to join the troupe or at least travel with them. However, because he grew up in the diverse Meteor City, he will love his s/o no matter what they look like.
People in Meteor City stick by each others' sides like brothers and sisters. He will want an s/o that he can trust and someone who will be by his side as he will be to them. He may be worried about your trustworthiness in the beginning if you are not a Meteorite (Meteor City citizen in my words) but if you prove that you are willing to listen to him, view his point of view, and keep secrets he will do the same. Anything you tell him is safe with him forever, and he'll never do anything to betray you even if it means he must sacrifice himself
If you understand Meteor City, the troupe, and ultimately Chrollo he will love you, He wants his s/o to be open-minded and independent, but physical appearance is of little concern (it's what is in your heart and mind that matters to him)
Because of his love for animals and nature, he would want an s/o that can also appreciate these things. If you are a hunter who also wants to help animals and the world around you, expect him have a crush on you pretty quickly (he'll try his best to not show it haha)
He wants his s/o to be independent or at least able to navigate themselves around the world. He's a hunter after all, and a very skilled one at that. If you want to travel with him he would want them to at least know things like the basics of nen and survival skills. If you two don't match in this, he would at least want you to take care of yourself while he's away.
Be comfortable around him! He's stoic and can come off as cold, but he wants an s/o that can help him relax. He'll be more casual with you as time goes by, and having an s/o that does the same for him helps with his already busy life. He also likes having nature dates and going to more quiet, intimate places. I can imagine the two of you going to a secret part of a forest to just chill for example
In terms of physical appearance, once again he doesn't mind. You might want to be able to move long distances in case he wants to take you around the world with him low-key on foot though haha. But he really doesn't mind what hairstyle or clothing style you like.
Will be super caring, and will want you to return that affection. If you share his philosophy of protecting life even those that are not human you two will get along really well.
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tonberry-yoda · 2 years
Hi! Can I request a Kite x reader please?☺️ Probs something abt the reader being Ging's lil sister! And the rest is up to you:) Thanks!
OMG THANK YOU FOR REQUESTING A KITE WRITING 😭😭😭😭 I havent wrote for him in so long and OMG this is my first time writing for Hunter x Hunter on here! Thank you so much anon, you made me hit milestones today. Thank you for the request and I hope you enjoy!
GIngs Little Sister - Kite x reader
Pairing - Kite x reader
Warnings - ging none!
Word Count - 787
Notes - thank you again I am so happy you requested for kite and i honestly had so much fun writing this!!! i literally cannot express how thankful i am that you wrote this lmaoooo. thank you again and seriously, have an amazing day anon!!!
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You and Kite were complete opposites. Opposites, but madly in love with each other. He loved being outdoors and camping for days on end and you loved your suburban home right outside the city. He enjoyed listening to the quiet of nature while he had a picnic while you enjoyed the sound of the bustling city while you ate out. He adored Ging… and you hated him.
Your stupid older brother, Ging Freecss.
In some way, you have to thank the stupid hardheaded dumbass for introducing you to Kite, but god, you hated him nonetheless.
Kite thought it was awesome that the two of you were related, especially when he met you.
When you first met Kite, Ging was staying at your place before he had to head out. Ging decided to bring Kite over for some dinner and both were introduced to you rambling about how Ging was an adult man baby as you cleaned up a mess he made in the living room.
You looked up and saw the most beautiful man in the world. You two locked eyes, his long white hair still swaying behind him as he stopped walking. You fell in love immediately.
But Ging’s ugly ass had to get right in front of him, ruining your moment. “Hey sis! Mind if I invite a friend to stay over?” The moment you heard that he and Ging were friends, you kind of repelled. Any friend of Ging’s was never a friend of yours. That was kind of an unspoken rule between the two of you. And vice versa.
You walked up to Ging and the mystery man, tilting your head, thinking.
“Come on sis, please!”
You shot Ging a dirty look and turned back to Kite. You knew you were blushing, but you really didn't care. “Fine. He can stay,” you shoved Ging’s dirty laundry into his arms. “But make one mess and I'm kicking both of you out.”
Ging thanked you and ran to the guest room where he was staying. Kite, on the other hand, followed you to the kitchen, looking around the house.
“You have a lovely home.” You weren't expecting his voice to be so deep.
You giggled and rubbed the back of your neck. “Oh, thanks! It's nothing really. I mean, it's pretty small, but I do love it. It's home.”
“Must be cool to have a pro hunter like Ging as an older brother.”
You laughed out loud, pouring yourself and Kite a glass of water. “That boorish asshole doesn't care about anyone but himself. He even ditched his own kid and won't even let me meet him. So, cool? No. Not one bit.”
Kite just laughed and thanked you for the water, looking out of your kitchen window at the view of the city, the mountains peeking out in the background. “I'm Kite, by the way.” His eyes were still glued to the view, his cup pressed to his chin.
“y/n.” You couldn't help that you had such a beautiful man over at your house.
You worked at the Hunter’s Association, so you never focused too much on relationships, only work. But now that this man was in your house, it made you want to fall in love. It made you want to stare at clouds all day and go on a cheesy picnic.
But relationships weren't for you anyway, at least that was what you thought.
But sweet Jesus. When he kissed you after a week of staying over at your place, you couldn't help but feel that way. His lips were so soft and his touch gentle. Ging’s stupid friend was making you fall in love.
And it didn't help that Ging just burst in the room too, asking if you had a charger for his phone. He didn't even do a double take, he just crawled over the two of you, who were only inches away from kissing again, to grab a charger, and left.
You two turned to each other and burst out laughing, falling into each other’s arms.
You don't even remember how it happened.
You remember that Kite was in your room asking you about your job and telling you about his and then the rest is just a blur.
All you remember was the way his hand felt as he tucked your hair behind your ear. The way that his cold breath smelled like mint. The way his hand glided over your waist before asking, “can I kiss you?”
How the hell could you deny that?
And now you were here, in Kite’s arms watching some cheesy movie. He began snoring softly as he fell asleep and honestly, you were a little thankful for your dumb brother.
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kenanonsthoughts · 1 year
it may be your birthday kyle, but im never gonna stop slandering you bby💚💚
-Ken Anon
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Babey Vic!
:D !
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pokeharvest · 28 days
idk who the characters are in your header but the bouncy animation is so cute!
HEHEHE THANK YOUUUU it's gale baldur's gate 3 and my oc from the game, splarnya <3 they are in love and so cutes
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caralara · 2 years
Why is everyone talking about “not set up”?
Here, darling, have a two minute treat of Charlie and Louis digging their own (bbg) graves lol
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ruthlesslistener · 1 year
Pale King with goat eyes is not a mental image I needed at 2am on a Saturday night lol
But consider this: the possibilities for weirdly judgemental staring is endless
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benetnvsch · 6 months
You are so right about that Chuuaku opinion. I've literally seen people call it podophilic (despite having the same age difference as sskk) and incestuous (Chuuya called Akutagawa "My boy". This apparently makes their relationship familial. This same standard is not applied to Higugin, when Higuchi literally asked Gin to refer to her as a sister).
YEAH no it is ,,, wild,, like,, aaa-
im all for ppl just Not Liking ships but no need to lie or misinterpret things to justify it- esp when they let things go when its their favorite ships who do it
[like,, uhh how knk / dz must be abusive bc knkd yells and hits dz but somehow sokokv isn't even though chya and dz do the exact same thing to each other but arguably worse-]
just say u don't like something bc u ship X instead or even better just,,, keep it to urself and just ignore stuff u don't like :'')
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hello dear! hope you’re well. for the prompts! ❛ you’re my family too. ❜ with kite tenjo if possible?
this one was fun lmao, I hope you like it!!
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Hart’s hand was tiny in yours. The other small hand was around an ice cream cone— his eyes were focused on the towering swirl of vanilla, and he kept nervously twisting the cone to make sure none of his precious treat had begun to melt away.
“You’re gonna trip if you don’t watch out,” Kite’s voice came from somewhere behind you; it served its purpose, though, as the only thing that could ever snap his brother from a daze. Hart blinked and glanced up at his older brother as Kite finally caught up with you both.
Today had been the first warm day all month; tutoring be damned, you were going to take the growing boy outside to play for awhile. He’d chosen the park that could be seen from his bedroom, the one with bridges that crossed the river like veins. It had taken a bit of time for the older Tenjo to break away from his own work, but you’d known he would never miss a chance to make his little brother smile— to let him finally have some semblance of a normal childhood. 
“But I don’t want it to melt before I get to eat it!” Hart glanced from his brother towards the horizon. Although the sun had begun to dip out of sight, it still warmed the breeze that came racing over the water, enough to threaten any ice cream cones that were left unattended.
You gently squeezed Hart’s hand as you smiled down at him. “Your brother’s right. Let’s at least sit down somewhere so you don’t trip while you walk.”
The three of you find a bench further down the path. You helped Hart lift himself up until he was sitting between you, and he wasted no time in finally devouring the ice cream he’d been waiting for— only to stop mid-bite, wincing as one of his hands shot to his forehead. “Ouch—” he whined softly.
“And that’s brain freeze,” Kite laughed a bit as his own much larger hand came to rest in Hart’s hair. “You need to slow down in general, Hart.”
You dug through your pockets until you found a handkerchief. “C’mon, Kite, let the kid live a little! Hey, turn this way, Hart.” When he looked away from his ice cream, you took Hart’s face in your hands and began to wipe smears of vanilla off his cheeks. He squirmed.
“I could say the same to you,” Kite hummed, “with the way you baby him.”
“The way I baby him? Have you looked in a mirror lately?”
“Listen, at least I’m related to him, you’re just his favorite employee—”
“At least I let him out of the house sometimes—”
Hart snickered, interrupting your banter. Taking a bite out of his waffle cone, he slid off the bench and grinned up at you, the kind of smile that warned you he had something absurd to say. “This feels more like having parents than hanging out with my brother and his friend.”
Something in your chest fluttered. Kite inhaled sharply. “Hart! You can’t just say things like that—” Although he was usually good at keeping his cool, even Kite Tenjo couldn’t stop his face from turning red. He glanced sideways at you as he stood. “—sorry, he’s still just a kid,” 
“It’s fine,” you said, grinning up at Kite. “You guys are my family too.”
“So you’ve been encouraging him.”
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kylermalloy · 1 year
Al returns to flesh. He gets a cat. Gets catnip. Next thing he knows, he's on the floor looking up at Ed, happy and woozy. Covered in catnip.
Somehow Al became affected by catnip despite being human
Well Ed definitely won’t get more catnip to have a repeat of this occurrence, absolutely not, no way
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bastardbvby · 2 years
managed to shed the traffic at the tidal basin by going early saturday morning but it was SO hard getting anywhere yesterday omg. tourist season in the district again!!
oh my god please youre brave i think ive only gone down to the monuments to see the cherry blossoms like twice because its just so god damn crowded,, but yeah tourist season is in full swing like i was walking with my roommate past the white house last thursday and the amount of groups we ran into i was like please end this
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Watch alert 🚨weewoo weewoo🚨 watch spotted in your Vic piece
Marking the third watch we've seen with him! I wonder how many he has in total. And if there's any sentimental reasons behind his snobbery over them.
-⌚anon (ps the art looks awesome as ways, and your riot kings redraw really shows how much you've developed!! idk any better way to describe it than the characters interact with each other in a more natural way? Regardless, what a way to celebrate three years! Congrats again!)
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Yeah! :D
he probably has about half a dozen? It's not a huge collection, but he likes a good watch, especially in older styles. There's some sentimentality to the watches, but it's mostly just because it's something nice and shiny he allows himself to collect. Even with the huge compound he could store things at, Vic is kind of a minimalist. Still, he likes to dress nice when he's not in the field
And thank you!! :D it's super fun to do redraws and compare them with old art 🥰🥰
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