#kinda obsessed with her ngl
venompinks · 2 years
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Yes, I am CHAEYOUNG ✾ photobook scan pt9
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freaky-flawless · 2 years
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It's black history month and I wanted to draw some black monsters, particularly ones that don't get enough love!
ID in alt!
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inkwingsinc · 5 months
Darkfluff Outtake #2: bit my gun with my black-gold gums
[ this is a drabble outtake from my ongoing darkfic, still might sneak it into the story somewhere ]
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Darkfluff Outtake #1 Link Here
Fandom: Dune
Character Focus: Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen x Female OC (established relationship) x Female OC (handmaiden to other female OC)
Parent Fic Rating: Explicit (written by an adult, for adults)
Drabble tags: domestic "fluff", inappropriate family dynamics, "my wife and her girlfriend" kinda vibes, unedited
Word Count: 504
To combat writer's block and darkfic fatigue I write little "fluffy" scenes using the same characters to freshen things up a bit. This is an unedited barebones sample, just for funsies.
Full Story w/ Context:
Scene: Feyd-Rautha doesn't have qualms exposing himself to his (or his lady's) handmaidens
Laera was sprawled on the low lounge chair in the Na-Baron’s antechamber when he sauntered in from the bathroom, fresh from the tub and still dripping. Raya had laid her head in Laera’s lap and was enjoying Laera’s soft, idle strokes against the smooth skin of her skull; it was comforting to both women to be physically close, and with Laera’s attention still fixed on the open book propped on the chair’s arm, Raya was free to gaze up at her Mistress in lazy adoration. Her black dress spilled like silky oil around her legs, the hem hiked indecorously to her thighs and fluttering sideways to the stone floor. The fireplace behind them was unlit, and the glowglobe had been called to aid in Laera’s reading.
The cut of light made Feyd-Rautha look obscene, shadows casting in the furrows beneath carved muscle and highlighting his warrior’s body. His wet, naked warrior’s body.
Laera looked up and said with a gasp, “Absolutely not! Put something on, please,” she cried, slapping down one quick hand over Raya’s pretty black eyes. “There’s no need to offend my handmaiden.”
Raya, cheekily enjoying the claim of her Mistress’s touch, smiled a wide, black smile and wriggled happily.
Feyd-Rautha rolled to a stop before the lounge and dripped absently all over the floor. “You’d tell me how to conduct myself when in my private apartments?” he asked. His expression was hard, but the amusement in his rumbling voice gave him away. He clicked his tongue. “Rude. Little Raya would be so lucky to see my cock. Wouldn’t you, sweetling?”
“That is your niece you’re speaking too, for Great Mother’s sake,” Laera bit out. She batted away Raya’s small hand when it raised to her face, presumably to push away Laera’s hiding hand. Naughty little thing, Laera thought fondly.
Feyd-Rautha cocked his head. “Your pet bastard girl is no niece of mine. I assume your prudishness is leftover sensibilities from Caladan. They do things different there, don’t they? I bet your nighttime kisses to your brother were so boringly chaste, Lady Druegelle.”
The thought of kissing Walden with anything other than simple familial affection made Laera blanche. “Whatever Geidi Prime has done to you is poison, Feyd-Rautha. Come on—you’re a fighter, not a lover. Go put on some pants and find a blade to hold.”
His laughter was sudden and chest-deep, and Laera found herself smiling at the sound despite herself. “You’re a delight,” he purred. He moved to step closer, but Laera pointed back to the bathroom with a cocked brow.
“Have some decorum in front of Raya, seriously. She’s only a girl.”
“That is a grown woman you’re cradling in your lap, Laera.”
Laera rolled her eyes. “She’s a baby. She’s, what, a decade younger than me? Come on.”
Feyd-Rautha gave a long-suffering sigh, the sound a performative, mocking gesture. “If I put away my cock will you let me trade places with your little pet? I’ll send her to go soak and you can stroke me instead.”
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recitedemise · 7 months
𝗚𝗮𝗹𝗲, 𝗶𝗻 𝗮𝗻 𝘂𝗻𝗱𝗲𝗻𝗶𝗮𝗯𝗹𝘆 𝗶𝗺𝗽𝗿𝗲𝘀𝘀𝗶𝘃𝗲 𝗽𝗮𝗰𝗲, 𝗯𝗲𝗴𝗶𝗻𝘀 𝘁𝗼 𝗲𝘅𝗽𝗿𝗲𝘀𝘀 𝗮 𝗺𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿𝘆 𝗶𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗪𝗲𝗮𝘃𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗱𝗲𝗳𝗶𝗲𝘀 𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗮𝗴𝗲. After ridding himself of the orb at last, in fact, the wizard becomes a force that's once more unstoppable. He can cast spells without a word, capable of summoning infernos with a wave, and the ease in which he harnesses storms is frightening, but only as frightening as it is an art. Of course, Gale, however, had proved long ago his more prodigious talent. Still, to see him in action beats just listening to this talk. Gale is powerful, relearning all that he'd lost with alarming speed, and that's all a testament to his blinding brilliance--and, of course, his ingrained ambition. With the orb, the wizard had to limit all manner of casting. He had to sate his hunger, was forced to draw back as to not tempt fate, and with the orb in place snuffing his most powerful spells, was something of a tempest in a thick glass cage. However, with the orb finally gone, those limits have at last been lifted. He had became a level 12 wizard with a hell of a handicap, and with that handicap absent beyond its lingering scar, it's like all his previous mastery finally returned--and with force, mind you, like a strike of lightning. In a way, one could compare him to a runner stripped of their weights. He'd learned unparalleled control with an arcane bomb strapped, but now no longer fearing his imminent explosion, is free, as goes the metaphor, to cast a god damned marathon. And Gale is learned. Rather, he's disgustingly learned. He knows all schools of magic, is qualified to teach every field in Blackstaff, and he doesn't serve his city or own his own floating realm, but he'll once again become archwizard in those ways that matter--in his ability to cast and his hellish ferocity. Maybe he won't become as great as he had been with Mystra, but as a former chosen, it's a helluvan accomplishment. In time, Gale Dekarios becomes Gale, professor at Blackstaff, but as a testament to his ability, the city again warms to the idea of Gale of Waterdeep--because she's really only one Gale one could possibly need.
Of course, he doesn't advocate for the title... But it still delights him.
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derelictdumbass · 2 months
Okay Deadpool and Wolverine is officially my fave Deadpool film I am losing my entire mind I need to watch it again right now I need it on replay for infinity I am CRYING
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Solti ola i
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Amaliche cantia masa
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larrythefloridaman · 7 months
Hmm. Peppermint for bingo
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the thing with peppermint is there are kind of two peppermints to me?
pre-nccts peppermint as-voiced-by-katie is a being so fascinatingly, hilariously, suffocatingly rancid that i felt the need to take a breather at one point when the streams originally aired and still wince going back to her scenes, an erratic obsessive creep armchair psychologist writer and masochist on a constant dizzying sugar high who happily rejects all adherence to social contract in devotion to an evil god she's actively stalking who wants nothing to do with her in pursuit of an escapist fantasy she's projected onto him. (red candy)
nccts peppermint as-written-by-ryan is a particularly unstable cringe sad wet newly crowned old god in a box all alone with abrasive and obsessive tendencies over shipping, fandom drama and her own opinions about character writing to the detriment of her ability to engage positively with the 'real world' (Relatively Speaking) outside of those lenses, her derealization and her tendency to treat other people as fictional objects to project her desires onto in violation of their boundaries only being worsened by Prism's enabling of that mindset and her possessive and obsessive desire for a tooth-rotting archie-andrews ass romantic fantasy with Crimson, but she's observant and sharp and self-assured enough to stand her ground when she realizes she's being manipulated with the promise of companionship and to not waver in her conviction that Prism is wrong. (green candy)
these arent at all incompatible, in fact they read to me as two parts, almost two perspectives, of one greater whole, but they are pretty noticeably distinct in their focus execution and tone, i think?
she's still a creep, but ryan doesn't always sell it as hard or as strongly as katie did, often leaning on common (and thus usually less shocking and by extension less effective due to not hitting as hard) 'unpredictable viscerally lonely yandere' trope stuff. Or maybe the written medium just dampens its effect- hard to explain what specifically makes katie's pep character voice so Offputting, i cant imagine it's easy trying to translate it into text without losing some of its offensive punch when you lose the element of vocal delivery, im not sure how id do it. Havent gotten to the most potent ncct pep stuff in the reread we've been doing yet, my opinions' subject to change, maybe shes worse than i remember, lol
if peppermint's character premise is summarized and boiled down to the absolute basics as 'creepy and obsessive parasocial fan of the sport' then katie put the emphasis on 'creepy' and 'obsessive' and ryan put the emphasis on 'parasocial fan of the sport' to better use her as a character that reflects the concept of fandom and position her as being on the side of characterization over strict narrative structures and expectations for the nccts' metanarrative thematic purposes, you get what i mean?
marking 'couldve been a great character if handled differently' is admittedly kind of misleading when what i really mean is 'i hope these takes on her character maybe get synthesized a little more going forward now that prism's arc villain era in the nccts is effectively over and the narrative actively problematizes her violative and antisocial behavior more again because shes less interesting to me when its treated as inconsequential in the grand scheme of things as it kind of mostly is after ncct2, and that her loneliness and the roots of how she is and why are explored more.' alas the bingo board is written in past tense. None of this is a criticism really just kinda observations of the disconnect that sometimes comes into play when a character is really Made by their voice actor in a way thats sorta lost in translation to another medium and to the hands of another writer with different goals.
All this being said, i like her! In a show about identity and connection and our responsibilities to ourselves and eachother when living in community with others, a character defined by loneliness, disconnecting from other people and their own reality and sinking deeply enough into themself and their eccentricities and what little they DO find connection through to the point of lacking consideration for others' existence as full, real people, reducing them to picking them apart as though theyre storytelling tools, trying and struggling by navigating the world around her as though its the fiction she loves with no REAL consequences, until she upset someone badly enough to be forced to consider them as a real person with feelings (relative to her as. Also A Fictional Character,) is a really interesting character concept for a metanarrative arc of the show, and her being manipulated by the godly 'author' into being her lackey through a sense of companionship and enabling that perspective on the world by letting her in on the in-universe Cosmic Secret that their world IS a fiction to someone, us, the audience... its pretty fascinating, especially because she only falls for the lie in it for so long. It does matter. It may not be real, but it does matter. And she took us believing in her so close to heart...
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petrovna-zamo · 2 years
Katya reporting live!
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gu6chan · 1 month
the brief mention that 1.3 leonard could still be feeling some deep lingering grief over his brothers' deaths still never fails to fascinate me tbh like, does he think of the standards he must have lost since their passing and feel guilt? or does he see them in every child he abuses??? does he keep his grief to himself or does he find it a useful anecdote to what must be a countless number of families dealing with loss??? does the green dragon know? does he confide in it????? since leonard seems to be aware of what arioch lost to the union, just how aware is/was she in what HE lost???????? did they have a role in each other's loss? is THAT where their beef came from??????? im going to merge into a wall
#gu6chan's musings#drakengard#drag on dragoon#leonard drakengard#drag on dragoon 1.3#drakengard 1.3#on the other hand; i've been obsessed over the idea of doing the 'nothing in life matters 😔' (DOD1) 'nothing in life matters 😎' (DOD1.3)#meme with them because of this#still... why would they give us the base concepts for the 1.3 cast but literally none of the depth for 98% of them (angelus is excused lmao#like you're going to make them edgier okay BUT THESE ARE STILL THE SAME PEOPLE???? WHAT PUSHED THEM TO THAT BC IT CAN'T JUST BE A 'DIFFEREN#TIMELINE DIFFERENT PERSONALITY' THING OTHERWISE YOU LOSE ANY SENSE OF “self” THEY HAD IN THEIR CHOICES IN THE DOD1 TIMELINE ENTIRELY#there HAS to be SOMETHING that made them like this... well caim we pretty much see it#BUT LEONARD AND FURIAE?????? i still stand by it; they fucking took the dragon-blood pill too i just KNOW they did#but that still doesnt answer what the fuck went on with him and arioch#the boring but most STRAIGHTFORWARD answer would probably be something among the lines of#'Oh well she came to the village and he had to drive her out after realising she was literally insane and she's been waiting to get back in#ever since. leonard just kinda knew about the dead relatives bc thats everyone'#but i dont like that explanation as much as the idea that they KNEW because they had some INVOLVEMENT when it happened#(likely unintentional.... maybe? 👀)#also why the fuck does the prologue just casually mention leonard was part of the union but literally never brings up why he's midgard's#most wanted by the time the truly diseased takes place and what led him to (presumably) abandoning it to begin with#....WAS IT SOMETHING TO DO WITH THE DEATH OF ARIOCH'S FAMILY???? HUH??????#ngl im entering conspiracy mode with this but being honest#it almost seems in character and MAKES SENSE that him having something to do with the death of/possible killing of arioch's family would#drive him to where he is by the time TTD takes place#think about it!!! leonard joins the union; ends up driving a woman to literal insanity after involving himself with the death of her family#the guilt causes him to leave the union and seek a life of atonement helping OTHER families whose lives were torn apart by the war/union;#his brothers are possibly killed during his defection??? maybe??? something something#arioch seeks his ass out and spends her time waiting to feed on the village/semi-subconsciously maybe waiting to ruin everything he's worke#for....
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snowshinobi · 10 months
so the thing about Kuki is she's always the right hand, never the showrunner. and that's by design:
in lore: she's a jack of all trades. she's been a caterer, a tailor, a law student, and now the deputy of the Arataki gang. she strategizes how to position the gang in relation to the law, to the townspeople, to the forces they negotiate with above and below the table. Itto is the face of the whole operation and Kuki is the rest of the head: running the whole operation from the shadows.
aesthetically: she wears an oni mask that only shows her face from the eyes-up. the anonymity allows her to shed her ex-shrine maiden past. she can morph into whatever shape she needs/wants to be.
mechanically: she's the hyperbloom trigger who spends .2 seconds onfield every rotation. she heals and applies electro and carries the highest EM on the team, a portion of which boosts her healing. every part of her kit loops back into itself. clean, quick, and efficient.
In short: it's never been about Kuki. that's how you know it always has been.
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killjoy-prince · 3 months
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So I reached the hacked chat era of the route
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placeinthisworld · 3 months
my lenticular found a new home 🤧❤️
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ghostbeam · 1 year
Hey can I get that satoroz essay? I’m in dire need of your beautifully crafted self ship narratives right now
Hiiiii sera sorry for being insane but i kind of went crazy abt him and honestly could maybe say more but i literally needed to shut up ajsjsjsksjsk
Oh satoroz……he is my best friend in the whole wide world and I mean that and I friendzone him for YEARS because of it like I literally just don’t believe him when he like tries to flirt or like ask me on a date I’m like hahaha yeah let’s go on a “date” like I’m treating it as a game I’m like yeah let’s dress up and shit
And it KILLS him but honestly he will wait and it’s not like he has time to even deal with our feelings on top of like. Everything else in his life so❤️ it’s fine he will just keep randomly flirting while I keep not taking him seriously and we are like grossly affectionate and don’t think anything of it and also when he is running low on his dior lipgloss and I’m still shiny we kiss to share the shine but anyways
I’m kind of like. So so soooo scared to fall in love with him and that’s part of the reason that I invest so much in the friendship and constantly brush off his advanced because I don’t think he’s serious and I am scared that if I read into it he’ll be like oh….i don’t want u like that
But also we are the worst duo to ever live and whenever everyone’s hanging out everybody is always like FUCK they’re gonna be there????? Like we are truly insufferable like gojo brings out the annoying in me nanami is like u are so fun to hang out when he’s not here and I’m like yeah I know but consider that I have more fun when he’s here and gojo overhears this and is like oh my heart literally belongs to her!!! cool!!!!!
Ummmmm I think it finally hits me that I am In Love with him For Real and I’m still like oh he thinks this is a joke he thinks it’s funny to say he’s gonna marry me (he’s dead serious and he’s not laughing) and I’m insane so I’m like hey can u stop doing that pls and he’s like oh u hate me and u want me to die and that causes like a little rift between us until hes like banging at my door like wtf wait no????? I’m in love with u and I’ve been trying to tell u the whole time Ive know u….and I’m like wtf I thought u were joking…..and he’s like WHY and I’m like bc u just say shit!!!!!
And anyways we’re like grossly in love and probably have nasty marathon sex (yes with lots of biting!!!!) and then we become even MORE codependent than before which is saying a lot cause wow were we codependent but now it’s like disgusting everyone hates us so bad and this time gojo keeps trying to propose and I’m like hahaha how funny and he’s like😐😐😐😐
There’s also like conflict because once we’re together gojo is like let me take care of u pls depend on me and I’m like no I’m independent I’m my own person separate from u and he’s like nooooooo🥺🥺🥺🥺we belong to each other🥺🥺🥺and I secretly really love that he keeps trying to take care of me but it does go against my entire being but he will break me down bc he’s good at that<3333
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cosmiccstuff · 7 months
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I think she deserves to be both buff and fancy idk
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#i genuinely do think he's naturally one of the cutest dudes on earth he just has a face like that yk#was very funny watching kinpika and seeing him play this serious character and He Did An EPIC Job Dont Get It Twisted but still...#what are you doing here... you should be off somewhere being silly...
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I've redacted things so as to not spoil ENTIRELY just in case but. Literally Arakawa Nurse AU TO ME I'm SORRY it's how you start off thinking he's just gonna be this cute silly old man but As It Turns Out he's kind of a sicko [affectionate] with an incredibly strong morals... not TOO much of a sicko just enough to be chilling... and no one gets what the fuck he's trying to do up until he explains it and then it's like Oh Okay You're Insane... But It Worked Out So I Guess It's All Good... And also tell me this is not an Arakawa And Ichiban Type Interaction...
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Perfect role for Nakai I sweaaar 'cause he gets to be cute And serious And a weirdo And--
Also just fun because I've mentioned how Tsutsumi would want to be a lumberjack if he could switch jobs on a whim like in Y:LAD, but Nakai said he'd want to be a doctor so he could help people more tangibly than he can as an actor... it's like that bit in The Deer King when Van chops wood yk it just makes me smile...
So anyway... first show I'll be subbing myself since I'm very much hooked and the only option right now is to machine-translate subs to English...
ALL OF THAT ASIIIIIDE very very very excited for the Ikumi fic :]]]]]] WHICHEVER COMES FIRST, THAT OR MY NEXT ASK... SEE YOU THEN...
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ABSOLUTELY EXCITED to see this if you share the subs..... im making grabby hands........
#snap chats#THE TIMING OF /THIS/ ASK IS SO FUNNY TO ME TOO THO BECAUSE THIS MORNING#I WAS LITERALLLLY THINKING OF ARAKAWA TAKIN CARE OF A SICK JO....#not the EXACT same tune here today but we are in the same ballpark..... lmao.. lol even..#my god i was also gon make a post about arakawa and him being silly hold on. nakai being too silly in these roles <- this is a perfect thin#ALSO TRUUEE arakawa would have to help ichi get used to bowing to people 😭😭 punkass kid 😭😭#Doctor With Morals had me thinking of ttm's role in Lone Scalpel but then Added Evil.. woAgh.. i wanna see... 👁️👁️#he's SOOOOOOOO cute tho... i love him... why is he so cute it just aint fair !!#'because nurses have strong feminity'my god yore right hes SO girl#mr nakai thinks hed help people more as a doc and MAYBE TRUE however his roles give me reasons to not jump off a bridge#so ME THINKS he helps weirdos like me at least.... thats something... kinda#giggling and kicking my feet i cant even watch this show but one day ....#and like Fair Nuff queen shit its just funny... lol..#i love how every doctor in japanese media is obsessed with nightingale like deadass this the third time i heard someone ref her#OH BUT SPEAKING OF FICS I SHOULD GO FINISH THAT LMAO im just brushing it up and making 90 amendments as per usu#ngl im not too big of a fan of it.. i mean some bits i like but it overall just feels very corny..#OH WELL. it'd work better as a comic as i keep rereading it but OUGH thatd be a long comic#anyway.. bye LMAO
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echthr0s · 2 years
oh right, I can make this post now
Ayn Rand would have solved the Hellraiser puzzle box
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