#kid who didn't know anything about the real world being asked to a dance and not knowing what that meant and being kissed by a boy she
gyorouis · 2 months
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— "when nobody hears you scream, i'll scream with you. you'll be safe here."
genre: heavy angst, fluff in the end (?), strangers (not totally for yj) to potential lovers trope (?),
pairing: coworker/blockmate!yeonjun x afab!reader
warning: mentions of domestic abuse from parents, bullying, self-sabotage, mentions of blood and bruises, mentions of smoking (?), let me know if i forgot anything!
wordcount: 6.4k
now playing: rico blanco — you'll be safe here ୨ৎ
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for the most part of your twenty-two years of existence on this very earth, you have learned to endure the bittersweet taste of your life. that includes the nonstop arguments with your parents that would either leave you crying to sleep or wiping the blood from your lips, blood drawn from the hands of your beloved parents, hands that were supposed to comfort you.
school wasn’t any better. the bullying began early, with taunts and whispers that followed you through the hallways. you remember the time in the third grade when a group of kids cornered you, laughing as they ripped your favorite book apart, the one place you found solace. the teachers did little to help, often turning a blind eye to the cruelty. you learned quickly that showing weakness only made things worse.
by high school, you had built walls so high around your heart that not even the most persistent could scale them. you stopped trying to make friends, opting instead to lose yourself in your studies and books. relationships, you told yourself, were for people who hadn’t seen the dark side of those they were supposed to trust. your classmates went on dates, talked about their crushes, and shared stories of first kisses, but you could never relate. love, you decided, was a fairytale for others.
even the few times someone showed interest in you, you found a way to push them away. there was that boy in sophomore year who left a note in your locker, asking you to the winter dance. you tore it up before even reading the whole thing, terrified of what might happen if you let someone in. the idea of being vulnerable, of giving someone the power to hurt you, was something you couldn’t bear.
college was a chance to escape, or so you hoped. moving to a new city for your studies, you thought distance might dull the pain of your past. yet, the ghosts followed you. you watched as your roommates fell in and out of love, experiencing the highs and lows that came with it. you remained on the sidelines, an observer in a world that felt alien to you.
your internships provided a distraction, the only place where you felt you could control your destiny. it was during one of these internships that you met choi yeonjun. he was a stranger, yet not totally. you worked in the same company, though you were sure you hadn’t seen him before. it was a rainy afternoon, during your lunch break, when you first met him. it was during a time when you were bawling your eyes out after yet another argument with your mom over the phone.
seeking peace, you found yourself on the rooftop. the gray sky hung heavy with clouds, and raindrops drummed a steady rhythm on the rooftop. the air was thick with the scent of wet concrete and the faint aroma of cigarette smoke. yeonjun was there, leaning against the railing, smoking and sipping coffee, not minding your wails. well, not totally. he just acted like he wasn't there because he knew that you didn't know someone was up there when you burst in. besides, this was the only time he had seen you having real human emotion. because he often saw you with a poker face. you would smile at your co-workers, but as he observed you daily, he knew those smiles were fake.
he stayed there for a good couple of minutes, watching you break down. your shoulders shook with sobs, and tears streamed down your face, mingling with the rain. he figured it was better to let you cry instead of ruining your moment.
it couldn’t be because you were scolded by your superiors, because yeonjun knew that you excelled in this internship. you were the top student of your batch, after all. he figured it was something deeper.
yeonjun’s mind drifted back to the first time he saw you during freshman year. it was a hectic morning, and he had been rushing to class when he nearly collided with you in the hallway. you were running, your expression one of focused determination as you clutched your books tightly against your chest. he remembered how you had apologized in a breathless rush before darting away. it was in that fleeting moment that he realized you were from the same class.
since then, he found himself intrigued by you. he started paying more attention during classes, watching you as you sat at your desk, absorbed in your work. he noticed how you were always the first to arrive and the last to leave, and how you would quietly, but confidently, engage with the material.
he sometimes hoped you’d glance his way, but you were always so wrapped up in your own world. even in the cafeteria or during coffee breaks, he found himself seeking you out, hoping for a glimpse of your smile or a chance to strike up a conversation.
thinking about what could be the reason why you are crying, he grabbed his handkerchief from his trouser pocket before tossing his cigarette on the ground and stepping on it. just then, he walked over to you.
you wiped the remaining tears from your eyes with your hands as you exhaled a deep breath. "my mom told me once, it's better to talk to strangers because it's less embarrassing." you jolted when you suddenly heard the voice of a man, probably a foot away from you.
you looked beside you to see who it was. you saw a man with a sharp, angular face, defined cheekbones, and a well-defined jawline. his hair was styled in a medium-length, slightly tousled manner, with dark strands framing his face. his straight eyebrows framed calm, contemplative eyes that held a hint of curiosity. dressed in a white shirt with rolled-up sleeves and a black tie, paired with black pants, he exuded a casual yet polished look. but you noticed one thing: he reeked of cigarette.
"who are you?" you asked, your voice shaky. he scoffed lightly. "at least accept my handkerchief first," he said. your eyes landed on his extended hand holding out a blue handkerchief. you looked at him one last time before taking the handkerchief and started wiping your tears.
"i'm yeonjun, choi yeonjun." that name rang a bell. you often heard that name when your colleagues talked about this hard-headed intern who was always late. though you heard he was skillful and passionate about his work, you always heard bad things about that guy named yeonjun.
"you're the stubborn intern," you said. he chuckled to himself, a soft, warm sound that contrasted with the cold rain. "hey, that's too much.." he said, sipping the last of his coffee before tossing the cup into the nearest trashcan.
"did you hear anything?" you asked. to be honest, you weren't afraid of showing your vulnerable side, it's just that you wanted to keep the problem to yourself. "no, i could only hear your wailing," he said with a straight face.
"have you been scolded?" he asked. "why do you ask?" you answered.
"just because..." he said, his voice trailing off as he gazed out over the city, shrouded in mist and rain.
a moment of silence stretched between you two, filled only by the sound of raindrops hitting the rooftop and the distant hum of the city below. yeonjun leaned against the railing, seemingly lost in thought. you couldn’t help but wonder why he was there, offering comfort to a stranger.
“you know,” he began, breaking the silence, “sometimes it helps to talk about what’s bothering you. even if it’s just to a stubborn intern.”
you let out a small laugh despite yourself. “i don’t know where to start,” you admitted, looking down at the handkerchief clutched in your hand, now damp from both your tears and the rain.
“start anywhere,” he encouraged. “i’ll listen.”
taking a deep breath, you started to speak. the words came haltingly at first, but soon they flowed out in a torrent. you told him about the constant arguments with your parents, the pressure to excel, the bullying you faced in school, and the loneliness that seemed to follow you everywhere. you spoke of your fear of letting people in, of being hurt again, and of the walls you had built around yourself.
as you spoke, yeonjun’s eyes never left your face. his gaze was steady and unwavering, offering a kind of silent support. the rain continued to fall, softening into a gentle drizzle, the droplets creating a soothing backdrop to your words.
when you finished, he didn’t offer empty reassurances or try to minimize your pain. instead, he simply said, “i’m sorry you had to go through all that. no one deserves to feel that way.”
“thank you,” you whispered, feeling a strange sense of relief. it wasn’t that your problems were solved, but sharing them with someone, even a stranger, made them feel a little less heavy.
“you’re stronger than you think,” yeonjun continued. “and it’s okay to let people in. not everyone will hurt you.”
you nodded, though a part of you still doubted his words. but there was something about yeonjun’s calm presence that made you want to believe him, to take a chance, even if it was just a small one.
as the rain began to lighten, yeonjun stood up. “i should get back to work,” he said, offering you a gentle smile. “but if you ever need someone to talk to, you know where to find me.”
“thank you, yeonjun,” you said sincerely, feeling a glimmer of hope. maybe, just maybe, things could be different.
the days that followed your encounter with yeonjun were filled with a strange mix of anticipation and apprehension. you found yourself looking for him during breaks, curious to see if he would approach you again. each time you spotted him in the office, a flicker of hope ignited within you, only to be quickly smothered by doubt.
one afternoon, while you were engrossed in your work, a shadow fell over your desk. you looked up to find yeonjun standing there, a tentative smile on his face. “fancy seeing you here,” he said, his tone light.
“this is my desk,” you replied, unable to suppress a smile of your own.
“right,” he said, chuckling. “i just wanted to see if you were okay.”
“i’m fine,” you said, feeling a warmth spread through you at his concern. “thank you for the other day.”
“anytime,” he said, his eyes twinkling. “how about grabbing a coffee later?”
the idea of spending time with yeonjun outside of work both excited and terrified you. but something in his gaze reassured you, made you want to take a chance. “okay,” you said, your voice barely above a whisper.
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as you and yeonjun sat in a cozy corner of a nearby café, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee enveloped you. the atmosphere was warm and inviting, a stark contrast to the cold, rainy rooftop where you first met. you found yourself relaxing in his presence, the conversation flowing more easily than you had expected.
“so, tell me more about yourself,” yeonjun said, leaning forward with genuine interest. “what do you like to do outside of work?”
“i read a lot,” you admitted, feeling a bit shy. “books have always been my escape.”
“i can understand that,” he said, nodding. “i’m more into music. it’s my way of dealing with things.”
“do you play any instruments?” you asked, intrigued.
“guitar,” he said, a fond smile crossing his face. “it’s like therapy for me.”
as you continued to talk, you realized that yeonjun wasn’t just a stubborn intern. he was someone with depth, with his own struggles and passions. the more you learned about him, the more you felt your walls begin to crumble.
as the evening wore on, you and yeonjun decided to leave the place and take a walk through the nearby neighborhood. the streets were lined with small shops and cafes, their warm lights spilling onto the sidewalk, creating a cozy, inviting atmosphere. the soft glow of the lights, coupled with the gentle hum of conversation and the occasional laughter from patrons inside the cafes, made the whole scene feel almost magical.
“do you have a favorite book?” yeonjun asked, glancing at you as you strolled past a quaint bookstore. his voice was warm, genuinely curious, and it made you feel seen in a way you hadn’t in a long time.
“it’s hard to choose just one,” you said, smiling. this was the first time someone had asked something about you, the first time that someone made you think about what you really liked and what your interests are. “but if i had to pick, it would be ‘the little prince.’ it’s always been special to me.”
“i love that one too,” he replied, his eyes lighting up with recognition and shared appreciation. “it’s such a beautiful story about love and loss.”
you walked in comfortable silence for a while, enjoying the sights and sounds of the evening. the air was cool and refreshing, carrying with it the faint scent of blooming flowers and the distant aroma of coffee. eventually, you found yourselves outside a small ice cream parlor. yeonjun turned to you, his eyes playful and filled with a youthful excitement.
“how about some ice cream?” he suggested. “my treat.”
you laughed, feeling a lightness you hadn’t experienced in a long time. “sure, why not?”
inside the parlor, you both chose your favorite flavors and sat by the window, watching the world go by. the place was charming, with vintage decor and soft jazz playing in the background. yeonjun took a bite of his ice cream and grinned at you, his eyes twinkling with mischief and sincerity.
“so, what’s something you’ve always wanted to do but never had the chance?” he asked, genuinely curious, leaning forward slightly to hear your answer.
you thought for a moment, then replied, “i’ve always wanted to travel. see new places, experience different cultures. but i never really had the opportunity.”
“maybe someday you will,” he said softly, his voice filled with a quiet determination. “and when you do, i hope you’ll have someone to share those experiences with.”
you looked at him, your heart swelling with emotion. the more time you spent with yeonjun, the more you began to believe that maybe, just maybe, happiness was within reach. he had a way of making you feel understood and valued, something you had longed for but never thought you deserved.
as you finished your ice cream and continued talking, you realized that this simple evening was one of the best you’d had in a long time. the conversation flowed effortlessly, touching on dreams, fears, and little moments of joy. yeonjun’s presence was a soothing balm to your weary soul, and for the first time in years, you felt a flicker of hope.
as the night deepened, you walked side by side back towards your apartment. the city had taken on a different feel, its usual hustle and bustle replaced by a serene calm. you felt a connection to yeonjun that was undeniable, a bond that was growing stronger with each passing moment.
“thank you for tonight,” you said softly as you reached your building. “it meant a lot to me.”
“anytime,” he replied, his smile gentle and reassuring. 
with that, you parted ways, but the warmth of his words and the memory of the evening lingered. as you lay in bed that night, you couldn’t help but replay the moments in your mind. 
for the first time, that evening, you drifted off to sleep with a sense of peace you hadn’t felt in years.
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over the next few weeks, your interactions with yeonjun became more frequent. you found yourself looking forward to your lunch breaks and coffee runs, each meeting chipping away at the barriers you had built around your heart. yeonjun had a way of making you feel seen, he made you feel like he could help you mend the damages that your life had put you through.
this was the first time you felt this kind of warmth, something you knew you wouldn't get from your parents. he was like a hot coffee on a cold, rainy night, the umbrella shielding you from the scorching summer sun, and the blooming flower tree offering shade on a humid afternoon.
as the days turned into weeks, you noticed a shift within yourself. the cold, hardened exterior you had carefully constructed began to thaw, bit by bit, under yeonjun’s gentle persistence. he never pushed too hard or demanded too much; he was simply there, a constant presence that brought comfort and solace.
one particularly rainy evening, you found yourself alone in the office, the steady patter of rain against the windows echoing the tumultuous emotions within you. you had stayed late to finish a project, but your mind kept drifting to yeonjun and the way he had slowly become a part of your life. just as you were about to pack up and leave, the elevator doors opened, and yeonjun stepped out, a familiar smile on his face.
“working late again?” he asked, walking over to your desk.
“yeah, just finishing up some things,” you replied, your heart lifting at the sight of him.
“want some company for the walk home?” he offered, holding up an umbrella.
you nodded, grateful for the offer. as you both made your way outside, the rain continued to fall in a soft, steady rhythm. yeonjun held the umbrella over both of you, his shoulder brushing against yours as you walked side by side. the city lights reflected off the wet pavement, casting a shimmering glow that made everything feel almost magical.
“you know,” yeonjun began, his voice cutting through the sound of the rain, “i’ve been thinking about what you said that day on the rooftop. about how you’re scared to let people in.”
you glanced at him, your heart racing. “yeah?”
“i just want you to know that it’s okay to be scared,” he continued, his gaze steady and reassuring. “but you don’t have to go through everything alone. you have people who care about you. i care about you.”
you wanted to say something, you really did, but you felt like it might be too rushed for both of you, especially for yourself. you knew you had a lot to fix within yourself, issues that you were afraid to confront now. so instead, you looked at him, stopping in your tracks. “thank you, yeonjun,” you said, your smile genuine and soft.
his eyes lit up at the sight of your smile. “it suits you,” he said, a warm smile tugging at his lips. “what?” you asked, a little taken aback.
“your smile,” he clarified, “it suits you. you look beautiful when you smile.”
you felt a blush creep up your cheeks at his compliment. the simple words seemed to light up the gray evening even more, making the rain feel less heavy and the world a little brighter.
you stand in front of the apartment complex, the rain now a mere drizzle. “i’m good here. i’ll see you tomorrow,” you say, giving yeonjun a small smile.
before you can enter, yeonjun tugs at your sleeve. “do you mind giving me your number?” he asks, holding out his phone with a hopeful expression.
you chuckle softly and type your number into his phone. “there,” you say, handing it back to him.
he lets go of your hand, a shy smile spreading across his face. “thanks,” he says, his voice warm. “i’ll see you tomorrow.”
you nod and wave him goodbye before turning to enter the building. but just as you’re about to step inside, you’re startled by the presence of a middle-aged woman standing in the dim hallway. her face is almost a mirror image of your own, and her eyebrows are furrowed in a disapproving scowl.
“who’s that?” she demands, her voice sharp and accusing.
you freeze, your heart sinking. it’s your mother, the very person you’ve been avoiding. she must have seen you with yeonjun and decided to confront you.
the atmosphere is thick with tension as you step into your apartment, your mother following close behind. the door clicks shut, sealing you both in the small, dimly lit space.
“why are you here? what do you need?” you ask bluntly, your frustration bubbling to the surface.
your mother’s eyes narrow, her expression hardening. “i came to see how you’re doing,” she says, her voice carrying a tone of anger and disappointment. “and I see you’ve been spending time with someone who doesn’t fit our expectations. who is he?”
you freeze, feeling the sting of her words. “he’s just a friend,” you reply, trying to keep your voice steady. “why does it matter to you?”
“it matters because you don’t need distractions,” she snaps. “you should be focusing on your responsibilities, not on... this.”
the heat of the argument builds, and you can’t help but feel a surge of anger. “i’m managing just fine,” you say, your voice rising. “i’m not a child anymore. i can make my own choices.”
“you think you know everything,” your mother retorts, her voice rising with each word. “you think you’re so mature, but you’re just a spoiled little girl who doesn’t understand anything about life.”
her words cut deep, but before you can respond, she takes a step closer, her face inches from yours. “you think you can just throw away everything we’ve done for you?” she hisses. “you’re ungrateful and selfish. you are just confused, you don’t need love, you don’t deserve it.”
“i’m not ungrateful,” you shoot back, tears of frustration pricking at the corners of your eyes. “i’m just trying to live my own life, make my own decisions. you can’t keep controlling everything!”
your mother’s face flushes with anger. in a sudden, sharp movement, she raises her hand and slaps you across the face. the force of the impact sends a stinging pain through your cheek, and you stagger back, stunned.
“you’re nothing but a disappointment!” she screams, her voice cracking with emotion. “you think you’re so grown up, but you’re still a child who doesn’t know what’s best for her!”
you touch your stinging cheek, your heart pounding. the pain of the slap is nothing compared to the ache of her harsh words. you struggle to hold back the tears, your vision blurring.
“i’m trying to be strong,” you say, your voice trembling as you collapse to your knees on the floor. “but you… you keep tearing me down. i just want to be heard and understood!”
you look up at her, your face wet with tears, raw with emotion. “i’ve endured everything you’ve put me through, and not once did I ask for your help. i just want my own life, i want to breathe in a place where i don’t have to feel anxious. i want to be with someone who gives me warmth, something i never once got from you, from either of my parents. so please,” you beg, your voice breaking, “i’m begging you to my knees, leave me alone. let me live.”
the room falls into a heavy silence, your mother’s anger momentarily frozen. her eyes widen as she takes in your crumpled form, the raw vulnerability laid bare. you clutch the floor, feeling the weight of your words and the burden of your past.
gathering all your courage, you stand up, your legs trembling slightly. you pick up your bag and run out of the apartment, your heart pounding with each step. you don’t know where your feet are taking you, but you need to escape the suffocating confines of that place.
you find yourself at a bus stop, the cold metal of the bench biting through your thin clothing. the city around you seems to blur, your thoughts swirling in a chaotic mess. where will you go now? what will you do next? the questions weigh heavily on your mind.
just as you’re lost in thought, your phone buzzes. you pull it out, squinting at the screen. the notification is from an unknown number.
["hey, i just got home. i hope you’re resting well. btw, this is yeonjun!"] the message reads.
right, you gave him your number. the reminder of his kindness sends a pang of guilt through you. you’re about to call him, to tell him what just happened, but something inside you holds back.
"are you really going to tell him about it?" your mind questions harshly. "that’s such a selfish thing to do. keep your problems to yourself. pathetic."
doubts and fears creep into your thoughts. are you really made for love? for living? will there ever be a time when you could truly be happy? as these questions swirl, the moments you’ve shared with yeonjun flash through your memory.
but do you deserve those memories? do you deserve happiness? do you deserve yeonjun? do you deserve the fleeting moments of joy he has brought into your life?
a sigh escapes your lips as you shut your phone off. the weight of your thoughts feels crushing, and you can’t help but feel that you’re not worthy of the happiness you’ve experienced. tears well up, streaming down your swollen cheeks. you smile through the pain, a sad, wistful expression that speaks of resignation.
"it was nice while it lasted," you whisper to yourself, the words barely audible over the hum of the city around you. the bus stop, the cold, and the distant murmur of passing cars all seem to blend into the background as you sit there, feeling the weight of your choices.
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the morning after, you drag yourself to work, the weight of your heart making each step feel heavier. you have no recollection of how you got home or how you slept; you only woke up to your usual alarm, moving on autopilot. this isn’t something new to you—you’ve gone to school before with bruises on your lips, so this isn’t a big deal.
you enter the elevator, only to have the doors start to close when someone runs to catch it—yeonjun. he flashes you a bright smile, but it fades instantly when he notices your swollen eyes and the dried blood on your lips.
his frown deepens as he steps closer, his concern palpable. “who did this to you?” he asks, his voice gentle but firm. you turn away from his gaze, trying to hide your face. you had slathered on concealer, but it was clear that it wasn't enough to cover the damage.
“i just overslept,” you try to deflect, but his persistence is unwavering. he gently holds your chin, lifting it so he can see you better. “let me see it,” he demands softly, yet with an undeniable authority.
his touch is light, but it sends a shiver through you. his pinky grazes the bruise on your lip, and you flinch. yeonjun’s eyes widen, his face etched with concern. “fuck, i’m sorry. tell me where it hurts...” he asks, his voice dropping to a comforting whisper.
in another world, you might have let yourself crumble into his arms, crying out all your pain and fear, seeking the warmth he offers. but you remember your mother’s harsh words and the belief that love doesn’t suit you. you know better than to let yourself be vulnerable, even with someone who genuinely cares.
“i’m fine, really,” you manage to say, forcing a weak smile. “it’s nothing.”
yeonjun opens his mouth to respond, but before he can get a word out, the elevator reaches your floor. you step out quickly, almost stumbling as you make your way to the office. yeonjun stands there, watching you with a mix of confusion and concern.
as the elevator doors close behind you, you can feel yeonjun’s gaze lingering, his concern following you down the hallway. you walk with your head down, focusing on putting one foot in front of the other, the weight of your emotions almost too much to bear.
you hear the soft ding of the elevator doors opening behind you and glance back to see yeonjun stepping out, his face a mask of determination. he starts to walk toward you, but you quicken your pace, unwilling to face him any longer.
the office’s hum and the clatter of keyboards fade into the background as you try to shut out the thought of yeonjun’s worried expression. you sit at your desk, forcing yourself to focus on your work, but his concern lingers in your mind, a painful reminder of the warmth and understanding you’ve been trying to keep at arm’s length.
you’ve tried your best to avoid yeonjun every chance you get. you’ve mastered the art of slipping away from conversations and making yourself scarce during breaks, all while maintaining a façade of normalcy at work. it’s been two weeks since that day in the elevator, but despite your efforts, yeonjun’s persistence never wavers.
he seems to have an uncanny ability to find you, whether it’s at the coffee machine, in the break room, or even in passing as you hurry to your desk. his eyes always carry that same mix of concern and care, and he never lets an opportunity slip by without trying to reach out.
one afternoon, as you sit in the break room, nursing a cup of coffee, you hear the familiar sound of the door opening. yeonjun walks in, his gaze sweeping over the room until it settles on you. 
“mind if i join you?” he asks, his tone casual but his eyes betraying a deeper worry. 
you look up, trying to maintain your composure. “i’m just taking a quick break,” you say, shifting uncomfortably in your seat.
“that’s exactly what i’m here for,” he replies with a small smile. he takes a seat across from you, his eyes not leaving your face.
“you’ve been avoiding me,” he says, the lightness in his voice replaced by a more serious undertone. “i just want to make sure you’re okay.”
you take a sip of your coffee, searching for the right words. “it’s nothing,” you repeat, but the lie feels even more hollow now.
“please,” yeonjun says, leaning forward slightly, “let me help you. i know something’s wrong. you don’t have to go through this alone.”
his sincerity makes your resolve waver. you want to tell him everything, to collapse into his arms and let him take away your pain. but the walls you’ve built around yourself are so strong, it’s hard to let them crumble.
you sigh, looking down at your cup. “why do you care so much?”
“because,” yeonjun says softly, “i see something in you that’s worth fighting for. you don’t have to carry this burden by yourself.”
the words hang in the air, and for a moment, you’re silent. the warmth of his compassion and the strength of his presence make it harder to keep pushing him away.
“you don’t have to worry about me,” you say, your voice trembling. “i managed to be alone before.”
“but you’re not alone anymore,” yeonjun counters gently, his gaze steady and unwavering. “i’m here now.”
his words crack the armor you’ve carefully built around yourself. tears well up in your eyes, blurring your vision as you try to hold back the wave of emotions threatening to spill.
“i’m just a waste of your time,” you say, your voice breaking. “you won’t get anything from me.”
yeonjun's expression shifts, a mix of frustration and sadness crossing his face.before he could even speak, memories flashes in his mind. he recalls the first time he realized he had feelings for you. it was during the freshman year of college, on a day when the rain fell heavily, drumming against the pavement. he had sought refuge under a waiting shed, watching the raindrops splash on the ground, lost in his thoughts.
suddenly, he heard the rush of someone’s footsteps against the wet ground. looking up, his eyes met yours.
time seemed to slow down for yeonjun. “did i startle you?” you asked, your voice breaking through his reverie. it felt like a dream—your presence, your voice, everything.
he awkwardly shook his head, and as he did, you chuckled. it was a sound he hadn’t heard from you before, and it warmed his heart.
you both ended up sitting on the bench in the waiting shed. yeonjun stole glances at you as you smiled to yourself, wiping raindrops from your uniform. he reached into his pocket and pulled out his blue handkerchief, offering it to you. “here, you can use it,” he said.
you looked at him, and with a genuine smile, you said, “thank you.”
in that moment, yeonjun thought you were beautiful—not just because of your smile, but because you had managed to evoke such an intense feeling within him. it wasn’t long before he found himself drawn to you more than he cared to admit.
sophomore year brought new opportunities for yeonjun to observe you. he remembered a particularly rainy day when you both ended up taking shelter under the same awning, waiting for the rain to let up. you were both drenched, but he noticed how you didn’t seem to mind, your focus entirely on the book you were reading. he wanted to approach you, to strike up a conversation and maybe you would remember him from that one rainy day in freshman year, but he was too shy. instead, he settled for watching you from a distance, marveling at how engrossed you were in your own world, occasionally glancing at the raindrops cascading from the awning.
by junior year, yeonjun’s interest in you had only grown. he remembered the day he saw you in the library, surrounded by stacks of books and papers. you looked so determined, so driven, and he couldn’t help but admire you. he spent more time in the library after that, hoping for a chance encounter, but you were always so focused on your studies that you barely noticed him. he would find a spot where he could see you, pretending to be engrossed in his own work, but always keeping an eye on you.
senior year was a turning point. when yeonjun found out that you would be in the same team for the internship, he was beyond delighted. he saw it as his chance to finally get to know you better. during the internship, he tried everything to get your attention. he made sure to be at every meeting early, hoping to catch a moment with you before anyone else arrived. he even started being late on purpose once he noticed how punctual you always were, knowing it would irritate you just enough to make you notice him. he wanted you to see him, to recognize that he was there.
he remembered the little things he did to get closer to you. offering to help you with your projects, asking for your opinion on tasks, and trying to find common ground. he treasured every small interaction, every fleeting glance, and every shared smile. the more he learned about you, the more he wanted to be a part of your world.
and now, standing before you, he realized how much you had come to mean to him. “i don’t think you’re a waste of time,” he replied firmly. “not after spending the last four years of my life admiring you from afar.”
“i can’t give you what you need,” you whispered, pulling yeonjun back from his reverie.
he looked at you, his expression softening even further. “i don’t need anything from you,” he said gently. “i just want to be here for you. you don’t have to be perfect. you don’t have to have everything figured out.”
you shook your head, tears welling up once more. “but you deserve someone who can be everything you need. i’m not that person.”
yeonjun took a step closer, his hand reaching out to gently cup your cheek. “you don’t have to be everything,” he said, his voice unwavering. “you just need to be yourself. and that’s more than enough for me.”
his words, filled with sincerity, made your heart ache. you felt the walls you’d built around yourself starting to crumble, yet the fear of letting him in remained.
“please,” yeonjun continued, “let me be a part of your life. let me help you carry some of this burden. you don’t have to face everything alone.”
you looked into his eyes, seeing the depth of his feelings and the unwavering support he offered. the battle within you raged on, but his presence was a beacon of hope in the storm of your doubts.
“i don’t know if i can,” you whispered, the vulnerability in your voice clear. “i’m afraid of dragging you into my mess.”
yeonjun’s thumb gently brushed away a tear from your cheek. “i already am, when i decided to offer you my handkerchief” he whispered, recalling how the blue handkerchief that had once been drenched with rain from your uniform during freshman year had become soaked with your tears during senior year.
he took a deep breath, his eyes never leaving yours. “when i first saw you that rainy day, i felt something shift inside me. i knew then that i wanted to be there for you, no matter what. and i still do. so, let me be part of your life. let me help you find some peace in all this chaos.”
the sincerity in his words and the tenderness of his touch made it harder to resist. you took a shaky breath, feeling the walls around your heart beginning to crumble. “i’m scared,” you admitted softly.
“i know,” yeonjun said, his gaze steady and reassuring. “but you don’t have to be alone in that fear. let me stand by you.”
the weight of his promise hung in the air, and you found yourself slowly nodding. yeonjun came closer, his forehead resting gently against yours. “just put your heart in my hands,” he whispered. “i know you have doubts and fears, but you’re safe with me. if the world doesn’t understand you, then i will. let yourself be happy for once.” 
his words were soft and soothing, creeping from your nerves to your heart. his lips found their way to your forehead, placing tender butterfly kisses that spoke of his unwavering support and affection.
maybe you could be happy. maybe yeonjun was the one to help you through your misery. after all, he was the only person who had ever given you warmth. perhaps love wasn’t just a fantasy after all; it required more than just hope—it required sharing your deepest scars with the person you love. and in your case, that person was yeonjun.
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gyo's note: yeonjun have become my unspoken angst muse, i love him sm pls and i hope you will love this too! i was contemplating whether to write this in the first place because of the theme and backstory of reader, but i guess i still did it hehe, i found comfort writing this and i'm hoping you will as well,,, nonetheless, if you made it to this part, thank you so much! you will be loved. xoxo!
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✮ 2024 gyozies, all rights reserved.
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fairdale · 5 months
to william herondale, with love
you have two options when it comes about will.
you can choose to stay in the surface, to think of him as a sassy, sarcastic, superficial and selfish man who doesn't give a shit about anything nor anyone except for jem, who makes insensitive jokes and doesn't care if he hurts people.
or you can choose to know him. the little parts of him that make him wonderful, sweet, delicate and caring. and, oh, how much love will fill your heart when you realise how much he deserves to be loved.
and how much he craves it.
will is sarcastic, yes. he's funny, he pulls off jokes like it's nothing, he makes people laugh, he sings the demon pox song and makes everyone think he's a little crazy.
but he's also the kid who left his family too young because he thought he was cursed and he loved them too much.
he's also the kid who thought no one could ever love him anymore.
he's also the kid who felt terribly lonely after leaving his family.
he's also the kid who wanted jem to be his parabatai so badly he didn't care he was sick and that he would leave him too soon.
he's also the kid who didn't want people too close to him because he loved them and didn't want anything bad to happen to them. jem was different. it wasn't just because he was sick, it's because he was jem. because jem saw who he truly was when no one else did. his heart beat because jem's did as well.
he's also the man who loved to read. the man whose name will still be dancing in the walls of the library centuries later. the man who found a safe place between books.
he's also the man who was so in love with tessa he tried to break the curse after years of living like that, because his love was so pure, so deep, so real, he had to do something.
he's also the man who put his hands into the fire to save jem's yin fen, because he couldn't imagine a life without him. because he didn't want a life without him.
he's also the man who was desperately in love with tessa, but made himself scarce because he couldn't put his own happiness over tessa and jem's. because he saw how good they were to each other.
he's also the man who held jessamine in his arms when she died too young.
he's also the man who let jem go when he told him he didn't want to live like that anymore even though it would forever break him and he would take a part of his soul with him.
he's also the man who went to save tessa even when he felt his heart getting carved out of his chest when jem died.
he's also the man who learned how to have his sister next to him again, the man who went back to his parents even if he were terrified.
he's also the man who made sure tessa never doubted for a second that he was devoted to her.
he's also the man who travelled the world with her and wrote her letters to show his love.
he's also the man who made sure to love his children loudly, to tell them he was proud of them and that they weren't monsters.
he's also the man who fought against injustices in the clave.
he was also the man who died surrounded by his loved ones (because he was, in fact, so loved).
he was also the man watching jem and tessa's wedding dream since the other side of the river, being happy for them.
will was the man with a heart so big he didn't know what to do with all the love he held in it.
when someone asks me, but why do you love him so much? well, how can you not? how, when he tried to love so quietly but he was screaming, when he was trying not to care but he cared more than anyone.
will herondale was, is and forever will be the character i hold closest to my heart, the character who made me laugh, cry and love the most.
"he lies consistently. he always invents the story that will make him look the worst."
"but it was there, in the touch of his hand on her cheek, in the softness of his voice, in his eyes when he looked at her. it was the way she had always dreamed a boy would look at her. but she never dreamed up someone as beautiful as will, not in all her imaginings."
"all my life, since i came to the institute, you were the mirror of my soul. i saw the good in me in you. in your eyes alone i found grace. when you are gone from me, who will see me like that?"
"against his own will, almost, will felt himself understanding; he would have done anything, he thought, told any lie, taken any risk, to make tessa love him. he would have done— almost anything. he would not betray jem for it. that was the one thing he would not do."
"don’t you see, will? you’re a person like me. you are like me. you say the things i think but never say out loud. you read the books i read. you love the poetry i love. you make me laugh with your ridiculous songs and the way you see the truth of everything. "
"when she tilted her head up and brushed his lips with hers, he cupped her face in his hands. so many years, he thought, and each kiss was new as the break of day."
"wo men shi sheng si ji jiao," said will, and he saw jem’s eyes widen, fractionally, and the spark of amusement inside them. "go in peace, james carstairs."
"and in the shadows they’d whispered, reminding each other of the stories only they knew. of the girl who had hit over the head with a water jug the boy who had come to rescue her, and how he had fallen in love with her in that instant."
"she remembered when will had died, her agony, the long nights alone, reaching across the bed every morning when she woke up, for years expecting to find him there, and only slowly growing accustomed to the fact that side of the bed would always be empty."
"i don’t know how to live in the world as a shadowhunter without will. i don’t think I even want to. i am still a parabatai, but my other half is gone. if I were to go to some Institute and ask them to take me in, i would never forget that. i would never feel whole."
"i miss you. we miss you. someday, we'll all be together. not too soon, my angel tessa. i can wait."
"my name is herondale," the boy said cheerfully. "william herondale, but everyone calls me will."
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karlach gushing about wyll to fytz always makes me all mushy inside. like. wyll has probably had his praises sung by a million bards, most of whom don't even know what he looks like, much less his name. but he hasn't felt like he's enough a day in his life since he became the blade of frontiers. if anything, that persona only made him see wyll ravengard as lesser and lesser
karlach, in contrast, doesn't give a fuck about the blade of frontiers. she's not exalting his battle prowess with edited and sometimes made up notions of what a hero is like. she's not talking of a legend. she's talking about her boyfriend wyll, isn't he handsome, and you should see how well he dances, i swear the man knows every style this side of the sword coast. he's travelled everywhere, im telling you, and none of that fancy shmancy touristy bullshit either, he knows all the locals and really learned everything about their culture and i learned so much about it from him. i was raised in baldur's gate my whole life and then i was out of the loop for a godsdamned decade and it's like every time we talk he takes me across the whole world, everywhere I've never met. it's crazy. and everyone loves him too. we get a discount everywhere we go, i swear, he once got 40 camp supplies for free in the shadow cursed lands! the poor fuckers in there couldn't even grow grass, everyone was eating stale bread and spoiled tarts and he just scored a full meal scot free out of some lady he had just met! didn't even say anything, just asked and she was like "yeah sure, here's a camp supplies pack for free". what's even the point of buying anything after that! it's not even magic because he refuses to use charm people on civilians, he's such a gentleman, he's just that charming. and the kids! he always stops to teach them and after a while even the kids from elturel didn't care about me anymore, it was all wyll this, wyll that, "yes karlach we've heard about how you defeated a cambion but it's cooler when uncle wyll tells it". ha! little turds. and the grandmas, man, i swear some of them straight up try to steal him from me-
it literally just keeps going and wyll can feel the heat spreading on his face but he's so pleased. he never knew being praised could feel this good, be coated in lightness instead of expectations, make him feel seen instead of heard of, make him feel whole and enough instead of constantly chasing a shadow of himself. and the love is so real and palpable because it's all stuff he does like it's breathing; it's part of who he is, it's wyll down to the bone and that's what she loves. and he's not sure he's ever been loved like this before, has ever enjoyed a compliment not because it felt some approval void he had in his chest but because it made him feel whole and enough. aooougggghjhhhhhhh
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malfiora · 2 months
Good Enough
Bruce probably wasn't meant to hear it, but his heart squeezes all the same. His fingers clutch at his chest and his throat works around the lump suddenly lodged in it.
"I'll have to ask my dad," Dick had said. The words belong to another child, one Bruce has never met. But that voice – its tone, its warmth, its certainty – is Dick. Undeniably, unmistakably Dick. He's talking to one of his teachers (Mr. Mather, he recalls only because he had to deal with Dick's insistence that his biology teacher be called Ms. Sciencer for weeks) and he grins when he spots Bruce stalled by the door. "Oh, speak of the devil."
Bruce stumbles his way through a conversation about Dick's exceptional grades and aptitude for abstract concepts and how he has real potential as a mathlete, but his brain is humming with wordless excitement at the word "dad" and eager to hear it tickle the air again. He floats on that feeling all the way home, even elongating their return to tell Alfred to pull over at that fast food joint Dick likes, the one with the milkshakes.
And then he crashes. Dick disappears into his room to allegedly do homework (Bruce is eighty-five percent sure he's actually hopping onto his computer to IM Barbara Gordon), and with him vanishes the warmth of being considered a father. Left in its wake is a coldness injecting nausea into his gut.
He can't be a – he doesn't know how to – when did Dick even – and why him? The past three years flash by in reverse: Dick dancing through a spray of bullets, tears streaming from Dick's mask as he watched Batman fall from a snapped line just like they did, Dick standing proudly before a mirror in his brand new costume, a gleam of murderous intent staring up at him, a broken boy swallowed up in an EMT's blanket while his world lay shattered at his feet. What has he done? How could he think that drawing this bright kid into his dark roost was a good idea? And now Dick thinks of him as a father figure – it's too late to go back, isn't it?
He isn't John Grayson, will never be, doesn't want to try. He hears the whispers among polite society speculating why he won't adopt Dick, but none of them come close to the truth. It's rooted in fear (inaction always is). Fear that he'll be seen as the fraud he is, and then Dick will leave and regret ever calling him "dad."
He's not even Thomas Wayne, not for lack of trying. His memories of the man are faded around the edges but he knows he devoted himself completely to any and all that he loved: his career, his wife, his son. Thomas Wayne didn't do anything by halves. But Bruce Wayne is constantly torn – one foot planted in civilian domesticity fumbling his way through raising a child, the other firm in Gotham's underbelly hellbent on redeeming the damned while keeping his kid partner safe from the danger that he throws him into in the first place.
"Sir," Alfred calls, his voice soft. "If you're done drilling a hole through the carpet with your eyes, I've put tea on."
Bruce blinks and looks up at Alfred. "Tea sounds great, Alfred."
He plods after Alfred and into the tearoom. Alfred deftly sets out cups, saucers, and bowls of cream and sugar before pouring the fresh brew. Bruce murmurs a "thanks" before sipping his. Alfred lowers himself into the seat opposite his at the small table.
"Master Dick seems to be doing well at the Academy," Alfred says. "I can't imagine that that caused your dour mood."
Those who call Batman the world's greatest detective just haven't met Alfred. "Dick called me 'dad' today," he explains calmly. "Not to my face. I overheard him say it to his teacher."
Alfred hums. "Could mean nothing."
That's...true. Dick may have used the term as shorthand. "Dad" is easier to say than "legal guardian" and more specific and personal than "Bruce." It could have been a Freudian slip, Dick's mind supplying him with a cognitive shortcut subconsciously. Bruce sets his tea down and stares into the liquid.
"Or," Alfred presses on (Bruce hates the way his heart lifts a little), "he is starting to see you – us – as his family." Alfred sips and watches him.
"That's what I'm afraid of," he admits after a while. "Alfred, I'm not – Dick deserves so much better than –"
When it's clear that Bruce won't finish the sentence, Alfred clears his throat gently. "If I may, I'd like to share a secret with you." Bruce nods. "There was a time that I considered leaving you."
Bruce's eyes widen. "What?"
Alfred nods. "I thought that after your parents, I was the last person who should raise a child, especially one who needed his world put back together. Surely the Kanes would have made better surrogates. Perhaps a foster if a suitable one could be found." He smirked. "I almost considered the Queens before that awful accident."
The blood is rushing in Bruce's ears. Alfred, his most loyal and longest friend, had wanted to leave him? "What changed?"
Alfred takes another sip, contemplates. "I don't think anything has. Everyday I wonder if I made the right choice. If I am being selfish staying in your life simply because I love you too much to let you go."
Again, Bruce's chest squeezes. Alfred, his Alfred, has the exact same fear. That somehow he'll fail his charge, will lose him. And all this time, Bruce has never considered going anywhere, can't imagine his life without Alfred in it. Maybe – is that how Dick feels? That Bruce is his? God, if that's true then...then Bruce as he is just has to be good enough. Because he's not going to let Dick go.
"My son," he says, testing the word. It tastes sweeter than the tea on his tongue.
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mcflymemes · 1 year
i just wanted to take another look at you.
next time, you can clean up your own mess.
come on, let's go dance.
i will make you so sorry for what you've done to my family.
it might be done now, but it was beautiful, and it was real.
you felt it. i felt it. don't lie.
maybe we're both gross inside.
it's the same story told over and over, forever.
everyone in this bar is talented at one thing or another.
that's just the truth.
are you fucking kidding?
i felt like we had a secret, just the two of us.
i hate the fact that you wore a football jersey to dinner.
you're afraid to be alive. you're afraid to live.
i do this! time after time after time! i do all this shit for other people, and then i wake up and i'm empty! i have nothing!
just look at me while you do it.
we took down some very big guys.
i would never say anything bad about your father in front of you, but your father is a sick son-of-a-bitch.
thank you, by the way.
i saw the way you were looking at me.
this place never felt like home before.
you can fuck me if you turn the lights off, okay?
i was trying to be romantic.
the art of survival is a story that never ends.
you're a conformist.
you know what? forget i offered to help you.
can we stop at the library?
i have a ring on my finger. we have a child together.
don't repeat that... but yes.
don't you understand what i'm trying to tell you?
i'm not supposed to be talking like this.
i'm gonna stay here a few days.
i'm sorry that i ever met you.
keep your voice down.
the car's a little dinged up.
you got any other questions?
i opened up to you, and you judged me.
you forgot where you were going in the first place.
could i ask you a personal question?
we have a very unconventional chemistry.
why did you order tea?
did you ever have to find a way to survive and you knew your choices were bad, but you had to survive?
you have poor social skills. you have a problem.
i don't sing my own songs.
i get anxiety when i have to meet people.
do you feel that? that's emotion.
we're not exactly friends here.
have some respect for what i do.
what you have right now goes way beyond just this.
i just don't feel comfortable.
i could get used to this shit.
you don't have to show it to me. i've been looking at it all night.
you're full of shit.
i'm telling you the truth.
if i really wanted to fucking bother you, this is what i would do.
you might not have experienced the shit that i did, but you loved hearing about it, didn't you?
you wanna go back to baltimore?
humanity is just nasty and there's no silver lining.
what's wrong with my hair?
who's that? who are you with?
it's really amazing what you're doing.
let me just touch it for a second.
don't make such a big deal.
you're a hypocrite.
can i tell you a secret?
i can't begin to explain that.
i love you. i knew it the minute i met you.
i think you might be a songwriter.
just get the hell out of here.
it's not bullshit! i read it in an article.
maybe that could work.
you say more inappropriate things than appropriate things.
nobody ever asks about you, huh.
did you just write that now?
there will always be a part of me that is sloppy and dirty, but i like that, just like all the other parts of myself.
maybe its time to let the old ways die.
you didn't do anything. it's not your fault.
if i don't say this then i'll never forgive myself.
all you got to do is trust me.
how am i being rude?
i haven't dated since before my marriage so i don't really remember how this works.
you want to get a drink sometime?
i'm not flirting with you.
you gotta pay attention this time.
you had nothing to fucking say.
why don't you have another drink?
let me walk you down to your car.
you're just fucking ugly.
i won't do this again. i won't come and find you.
you know, what i'd like is for my boyfriend to love me.
we have to change the color of your hair.
have a good one.
i think it's pretty fucking good.
the world will break your heart ten ways to sunday.
what do you want me to play?
you gotta be careful.
what are you trying to say?
can you forgive? are you capable of that?
i thought you were doing it.
i used to think that you were the best thing that ever happened to me, but now i think that you're the worst thing.
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A Letter For You
SUMMARY: Azul writes a letter to you. WORD COUNT: 500+
WARNINGS: Book 3 spoilers (just adding this in case), Azul hating his old self/being fatphobic, Azul overthinking, basically if you know Azul's backstory it talks about that A/N: Okay so I wrote this in three different languages, I did this one last, and since it's translated from the original (which I wrote in Japanese, the language I'm struggling in most with writing (somehow even though it's my mother language wtf)) it looks so formal and blocky and Idk- I'm proud of myself for writing it in three languages but when I say I hate translating- (My summaries gradually starting to suck more and more-) Also yes of course I wrote about Azul he's my favorite <3 English (this one!) - Japanese - Spanish
© kazumiwrites - All rights reserved; please do not steal, edit, copy, repost (etc) my work without my express permission.
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Dear kantokusei-san,
I always had a lot of struggles.
Every day, voices in my head would tell me that I was ugly. That I was just a dumb, hideous octopus.
I can't do anything.
"I want to smile always." "I want to live happily with Floyd and Jade."
But voices are always running around in my head, making me overthink.
Are you really my friend?
Even if you saw me as a kid, would you still be able to say that I'm different from him?
You wouldn't be able to, would you.
Because no matter how you look at it, I'm just a stupid mer that wants to be human.
I'm a horrible person who can't even accept himself.
"I can't be a human."
This is the truth. No one can change it.
I thought that I had accepted these words, and yet… I couldn't.
"I don't want to be a mer again."
"I want to stay as a human forever."
"I don't want to return to being that fat, ugly octopus that I was before."
And I also wanted legs. Human legs - /real/ human legs. Legs that I could have without drinking a potion or creating a contract. Legs that I could walk, run, play and dance with. Legs that I could do anything with.
Why? Why was I born as a mer, and an octopus mer at that?
I had been living like that my whole life.
Until you arrived, that is. That was when everything changed.
The first time I met you, I wasn't sure what to make of you.
"A different world? That can't possibly be true. Are you joking around?"
That was what I thought, and I was wary of you.
However… Even after the Overblot incident, you were nice to me for a reason I couldn't explain.
How could you be so nice to a person like me? I almost killed you, didn't I? Are you insane?
I told you this thousands of times. yet you still spent time with me.
Floyd and Jade teased me a lot for it, but you always defended me against them. Do you remember doing that?
That honestly made me really happy.
"You aren't such a bad person."
And before I knew it… I was in love with you.
I was surprised at first, you know? That I could feel this way.
What made me even more surprised was the time when you told me that you felt the same way.
If you say things like that, it'll only make me fall for you more, since I'm not used to words like that.
You are such an important person to me. I wouldn't want to live in a world that you're not in.
So… Would you like to stay in this world, with me?
I know that you most likely have ambitions, a family, a good life in your previous world. But if you could leave all of that behind to stay with me… I would be overjoyed.
I'll understand if you don't want to stay here; it's not your world, after all. However, I still wanted to ask this of you. Maybe I'm too greedy, asking you for this.
Either choice you make, I'll love you, forever and always.
With love, Azul Ashengrotto
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As always, reblogs and comments are always appreciated! ♡ Send your thoughts grr
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nichoskittycorner · 1 year
Demon Song (Yuma Smut)
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>>"Don't whistle at night" 
 You've been hearing that ever since you were a child and yet somehow never listened. Sometimes you think you should listen more when after whistling a certain tune, you summon a demon in your very bedroom - Yuma 
>> pet play (well he acts like you're a pet to him), fingering, penetrative sex, gen!reader, drugging, kidnapping, overstimulation, demon!Yuma, a bit of yandere traits from him-
Word count:
A/N: My first Yuma smut yay  :D
   Whistling was something you would consider a hidden talent. Ever since you were young, the ability to sing tunes and make music with just your lips came naturally to you. 
  It fascinated some, annoyed others, and if anything- worried your mother. She always warned you about whistling in the wrong place at the wrong time. Specifically, at night. 
  "You won't understand now, but don't whistle at night." Your mother spoke sternly but with a sweet edge to her voice. Tucking you in for bed as she always did. You were very young, about six when she gave you this warning. 
  She smoothed out the blanket that covered your little body as you squeezed the stuffed animal in your arms, your favorite one, for comfort. "Why not mommy? It's just music?" 
  You could see from her expression that she didn't want to answer, instead dodging the question and kissing your forehead goodnight before leaving. 
  Every night you started to ask her why, well ask her and your father. But neither would answer. They thought you would just get tired and stop but your little heart was determined to know. 
  As far as you knew, not whistling at night was just a stupid adult rule that they made to kill fun. You had to know! Why couldn't you? 
  Finally, your mother relented. Although she sanitized the truth so your little kid brain could process it, you got the long-awaited answer. "Demons sweetheart. Devils, monsters- they'll take you if you sing their song at night, which is whistling." 
  As a little kid, that response terrified you. You cried and begged your mom not to leave your side that night. Sure it was a bit of an overreaction but everyone knew the words kids and monsters meant someone would be crying in no time flat. 
  You held onto her warning tightly for years. Never whistling at night just in case you summon a demon or something.  Sometimes you go to the lengths of biting your tongue until you fall asleep to resist the urge. 
  But as you got older, late teens, you remembered the story and laughed. How silly! And to think you cried and actually created a strange habit to protect your child self. It made sense as a child, but now, it was a funny memory. 
  Demons weren't real. At least not to you. They could bother whoever they wanted for whatever reason they picked. They weren't your problem anymore. You no longer were that little kid who feared them. 
  So once you moved out of your parent's home, the first thing you did the night you moved in was dance around, play music, and whistle- no one to stop you or establish silly rules to not do so. 
  And just as you predicted, nothing happened. Not that night, not the night afterward- heck years went by of this routine and Nothing. Ever. Happened. 
  You almost wanted to brag to your parents that you were fine but you loved them too much to antagonize them as such. 
  What you didn't know was that something was happening- you just couldn't see it until it was too late. 
  Every night when you would whistle your tune, you were beckoning a demon ever closer to your presence. The only reason it took so long was because you were whistling his summoning song, not chanting it. 
  Of course, it was just your luck that your favorite song was linked to a demonic being. Over the years, the demon would start to get curious every time he would hear his calling. 
  Started to look in on you and chip away at the seal between worlds the closer he got. He honestly found you adorable and intriguing. 
  A clueless human who was building an unbreakable link without realizing it. Not only that, you reminded him of a little kitten. 
  Sure he thought the comparison was odd at first but after asking around, he wanted to keep you. Not like a slave, but as a pet. 
  You were just too precious! And if you were linked to him forever already, well why not keep you close, pampered, and protected? 
    Even if you resisted or didn't like it at first, you would come to love and appreciate your Master in no time. 
  After returning home from work, you stretched before flopping onto the couch. A minute to stretch and relax before getting your night routine started. 
  Heating up some leftovers, taking a shower, eating dinner, and whistling a little tune before tucking into bed. Your body was warm and cozy as you sank deep into the sheets. 
  The work day could be forgotten for now, a worry for later. Your room melting away into a sweet dream or a wild adventure. But they did neither of those. 
  As your mind drifted off, you felt like a weight was dropped on you, making your stomach fall faster than a stone in the ocean. Your head spun and you felt sick but couldn't open your eyes.
   There was no way you were still dreaming. Your body was both light and heavy, hot and cold- whatever was happening, you wanted it to end. A feeble whimper escaped your lips, a cry into the darkness for help. 
  Luckily your prayer was answered with a swiftness. A warm hand caressed your cheek- instantly making all your ailments fade. Your guardian angel! Or a better dream-
  Your eyes peeled open to see- no one? Confused, you sat up and whipped your head around but had to lay back down and clutch your head. 
  "Hey woah, relax kitten, you're safe!" A voice spoke from the other side of you. Dark wavy hair, a pair of pointy horns, and an (honestly) sweet cat-like face. A warm smile on his face with a little tooth poking out of his lips. 
  His hand rested on your shoulder and massaged it, comforting you. And despite being a stranger, it was working. You looked him up and down a few more times over- taking into account his folded wings and swaying forked tail. 
  His eyes sparkled, full of adoration as you seemed to ground yourself. "Who… who are you?" 
  "Ah, I'm Yuma! Your master-!"
  "MASTER?!" You shot up, pushing yourself out of bed to get as far away from this guy as possible. As cute as he was, cute didn't save you from crazy. 
  "Um, no! I'm a human with no master, stop talking crazy!" This Yuma, was clearly off his rocker as he began to laugh. 
  "Come back kitten, you need your rest." He opened his arms to you as if he were a loving boyfriend inviting you back to bed. But you couldn't go back! Even when a part of your brain was demanding to leap back into his arms. 
  "N-no. Stay away from me!" You took a step back, bumping your back into the wall. He looked so friendly but something was off about him- probably because his obvious inhuman status or the fact that you were no longer in your room started to sink in. 
  His eyes flashed before you felt a painful tug in your chest. As much as it burned, your body was still upright and moving- moving right back into bed and into his arms.
  Shock was the only thing you could feel. How? Why? Clearly, he had some power over you and you hated that instantly. But as he held you, rubbing circles into your back, you couldn't stay mad. 
 "Don't worry. You're safe now my pet. My sweet kitten, you're all mine." 
  "W-wait what!? I'm no pet!" You pushed back on him and shuffled to the other side of the bed, hopefully, this was close enough that he didn't try that weird pulling thing again. 
  Yuma only giggled. Your feeble attempts to push him away amused him. "Well technically, you're my slave. But you're too precious to be a servant." 
  Your brow furrowed as he pulled you back into his arms, wrapping his dark wings around you to stop you from escaping again. " Do you know what you've created kitten? The bond that you built between us, tying us to each other for eternity." 
   He nuzzled his face into your hair, breathing deeply and sighing in satisfaction. "You smell better than I could ever imagine." 
  Oh, he was just freaking you out more and more. The least you could do was try to get answers. "So what are you first of all? And what bond- I didn't sell my soul to anyone?" 
  Yuma proceeded to explain your very stupid mistake. A mistake you had been warned about ages ago but refused to listen to. By your weird nightly ritual of lighting candles, whistling, and dancing around to destress, you accidentally tethered your souls together and now he practically owns you. 
  "You should be grateful my sweet pet. Most demons aren’t as nice as me and would’ve put you to work or use your body as a vessel. But not me! I'll just give you anything and everything you want. Pampering you, feeding you, oh you'll just be so cute and happy in my care-" 
  He continued to ramble but your brain turned to static. You didn't want this. This was a mistake and you had to get free.  
 "Wait this is a misunderstanding! I didn't mean to summon you or bind us or anything! There has to be a way to undo this!" 
  Yuma blinked for a moment. "Even if there was, I wouldn't want to know." 
 "But I do!" You thrashed in his arms, trying to break free. "I don't want to stay here! I want to go home!" 
  The harder you struggled, the tighter Yuma held on. Soon you couldn't breathe in his grasp, your eyes dotted up and your head spun. You stopped struggling and only then did he release you. 
  Air burned your lungs as you tried to stabilize your breathing. A part of you wanted to cuss the demon out but when you saw that smile on his face, it sent a cold shock through your whole body. 
   Yuma was smiling so sweetly at you, as if he didn't just try to choke you out. "I'll go get you something to eat kitten, you're probably just hungry." Unwrapping you from his wings, he got up. Patting your hair and tucking you into your blanket. 
  "I've got some nice things for you too kitten. We'll look at them in the morning." He kissed your cheek and left the room. Leaving you scared, shocked, and most notably, cold… 
  The next morning, Yuma let you sleep in. Granted that didn't mean you were alone. He just sat next to you silently and watched you sleep. Giving you another scare to see him so soon. 
  As soon as you were awake, he ushered you into the bathroom, gave you a bath (against your will), dressed you up in some comfy pajamas, and served breakfast. This was too weird. 
  A part of you didn't want to eat. But your stomach growled to the point that it hurt, making you take spoonfuls of the dish reluctantly. It tasted good but still, you'd rather not be here. Especially with Yuma watching your every move so closely. 
  After breakfast, it was time for the 'gifts' he mentioned before. Sitting you down on your bed, he presented you with many cute outfits and accessories. Toys, books, makeup, consoles- just anything he thought you would want or need. 
  "Do you like your gifts kitten? I hope I got at least one thing that you like. Something to keep you occupied when I can't play with you." 
  You didn't want to say yes, because dangit he was through. But you had to give him his credit and nodded. He beamed another smile, that adorable little tooth sticking out again. 
  " That's wonderful! And if there's anything else you want or need, don't be afraid to ask." He pinched your cheek and finished tying a ribbon into your hair. 
  "Oh and one more thing!" Digging into his pocket, he pulled out a collar. Clearly custom-made and bedazzled to have your name in it. Without even asking, he fastened it around your neck- the material sealing itself so you couldn't remove it. 
  "There, now I'll always know where you are kitten." He kissed your cheek- much to your dismay. If he always knew where you were, there was no escape. 
  Your heart sank and you could've sworn breakfast wanted to come back up. Hell if it did, might as well throw up on your captor so he knows how you really feel about him. 
  Your change in demeanor didn't go unnoticed, Yuma sulked slightly seeing your shoulders sink. Wrapping a wing around you as well as his arm to hold you close to him. "What's wrong kitten?" 
  You were hot inside. You wanted to scream and yell and bite him. Make him angry and hate you so he would just send you back. But it was futile, if anything you were scared to make him mad again. 
  Instead just pulling away slightly and facing the wall. "I want to be alone." You knew he was clingy so it surprised you when it worked. 
  "I see. I'll give you some time kitten while I go check on some things. You're free to explore the house." Once again patting your head and kissing your cheek before leaving. 
  Once alone, you couldn't help but burst into tears. Holding yourself tightly as your nails dug into your skin. You really were trapped. You never got to say goodbye or tell your family and friends you loved them or that you were fine. 
  They would be left to wonder what happened to you, and you would wonder about them. Tears of grief and frustration poured down endlessly. Even exhaustion didn't stop them, even when you threw things and screamed and punched at the wall- your tears never stopped. 
  This couldn't be your life now, it just couldn't! You didn't care that he was spoiling you, what you wanted was to be free and back home! 
  Your body couldn't handle much more of this abuse- even so, you continued to shriek and cry out your frustrations. 
  However long you had been at this, Yuma had heard you and returned. Shocked and upset by your tantrum. Without hesitation, he took you into his arms to stop your path of destruction. Arms and wings encasing your squirming and combative form firmly. 
  You swung, kicked, even bit him. And yet he just held you. You cursed his name countless times over and he still kissed your tears away. He was crazy. He had to be. But that could be pondered later. 
   Clearly, your rage and despair had you overestimating your body's limits and you fell limp in his lap. Only whimpers of defeat fell from your lips as the tears ran dry. Leaving you feeling empty. 
  Once you were still, Yuma carried you to the bed, settling in with you. Stroking your hair to comfort you. And it must've been that stupid connection because it was working. 
  "My poor kitten. I'm sorry for leaving you alone so long, I didn't know it would distress you like so." 
  You nearly blew up all over again. How did he misunderstand that?! You weren't upset because he left- but because he's keeping you here! And yet, you melted into his embrace. He dried your tears, calmed your sobs, and made you feel… at ease? 
  This disgusted you. 
  How was your body submitting so easily to him?! You wanted to fight back but felt sluggish and exhausted. And worst of all, you wanted to stay in his embrace. 
   You were fighting yourself internally more than you ever had before. One part wanted to stay, the other wanted to peel yourself away and give yourself a bleach bath to forget his touch. 
  He was so warm… so, so warm. You snuggled into him as your eyes finally closed. Maybe just this once, you could stay here. Stay with Yuma. 
   Time melted away. Eventually, you stopped crying. You stopped pitying your situation and morphed into a shell of your former self. 
  Even when you tried to occupy yourself when he was gone, you enjoyed nothing. Yuma tried his best to keep you happy. 
  Getting you the most high-quality foods, new toys, and gifts, keeping you as close to him as possible during his non demoning hours- but nothing worked. 
  You had given up fighting him but you also weren't accepting his affections either. Sure your body would lean into his touch, but your mind was always so far away. 
  Yuma was getting worried. He hated seeing his precious kitten so sad. From everything he researched about humans, one of these should've done the trick. 
  As you slept one night, he was downstairs airing his grievances out to a friend and fellow demon. 
  Pulling at his hair and horns to try to make sense of the situation. His friend, K, a high-ranking demon in the 'physical pleasures' department had laughed. Lounging back and kicking his feet up onto the coffee table. 
  "Oh Yuma, Yuma- you silly nut. You haven't tried the most obvious thing!" The older demon chastised him playfully. Yuma tilted his head, clearly confused. 
  "I don't get it. Humans like food, gifts, and attention?" K nodded slowly, gesturing for him to continue. 
  "Yes and what do I specialize in?" 
  It was like a lightbulb went off in his mind. "Sex?! Do you really think they'll like that?" 
  K scoffed and ruffled the younger's hair. "Of course they will. Humans go crazy for it. A good fucking will change their whole world." 
  Yuma pondered this for a moment. If it would help his precious kitten feel good and brighten up again he could definitely try it! "Okay, I'll try it!" 
  "Good, let me know how it works… you do still know how to have sex right?" K laughed as Yuma grabbed him by the horns and shook him. 
  " Hey! Don't mess with me!" 
 K only laughed as Yuma tried to shake him up, only amusing the older demon with his feeble efforts. 
    Dinner was still hard to get through. Not only because you knew the depression was still crushing you but because of Yuma. He wouldn't stop staring at you- asking if you liked the food considering it was 'your favorite'. It was fine, tasted a bit funny at some point but maybe he just sucked at cooking. 
  You pushed the thought away and excused yourself. Leaving your cleaned plate at the table and heading off to bed. 
  These days, you've taken up trying to journal to keep sane. Writing little notes about what happened that day, dreams and even counting the days. 
  Today's entry was just as uneventful as every other. At least that's what you thought by the time you put the notebook away. Not even a minute later, you started to feel hot. 
  At first, it was just a little warm, but soon you were burning up. Tossing the sheets aside in an effort to cool down. It was futile as you only seemed to heat up more. The heat soon turned to a pain in your lower body. 
  It started to become too much and you hadn't even meant to but you called out for Yuma. Even if you still weren't happy with him, he's the only one who could help you. 
  Yuma burst into the room not even a second later. He was instantly by your side, cradling you in his arms. " Kitten, what's wrong?" 
  His voice was so sweet, calling to you to sink more into him but you resisted. "It hurts- I don't know what's wrong." 
  Yuma nodded and leaned over, smiling to himself to see your legs twitching and a large wet stain beneath you. Looks like it was working as intended. 
  Turning back to you, he put on an expert pout and kissed your forehead. "Don't worry kitten, I know how to fix this." Relief washed over you until you felt his hand lay on your stomach and slip into your underwear. 
   His touch both lit you up more and cooled the burning sensation. His fingers moved slowly but once they reached your dripping hole, you nearly exploded. 
  Both from embarrassment- how did you NOT notice that?! - And because you only pushed your hips closer to his digits against your will. 
  "Ah, I see." Yuma adjusted your position, now your back was to his chest, legs spread with his hands buried deep in your underwear and teasing your hole. 
  "H-hey! Get your hand out of there, I don't need your help anymore-" 
  "Shh, no worries, I've got you." His lips attached to your neck, kissing softly before adding more pressure and sucking on the delicate skin. All while his fingers circled your hole, collecting your arousal on them and teasing you.
  Gently pushing a finger in before pulling it back out and repeating the process. By now your body was betraying you, you squirmed in his grasp but he only held you tightly. Using his tail to hold your legs open.
  Finally, he plunged a digit in fully, making you gasp and arch your back. You hated how good it felt. You hated that a moan slipped from your lips the deeper he went and that you wanted his finger to keep moving inside of you. 
   His finger continued to pick up speed as a hand crawled up your pajama shirt- finding your nipple and playing with it. Squeezing and pinching the little nub, driving you crazy. 
  He added another finger to your hole, thrusting them to a medium-paced rhythm as you continued to fight both yourself, and him. You didn't want to enjoy this, but you were melting into his touch, only wanting more as he relieved the pain and brought pleasure to you. 
  But it was still him so fighting back was always the plan. Eventually, his fingers found your little spot and you gasped, digging your fingers into whatever part you could reach of him. Your mouth wanted to curse him but as his fingers curled and constantly teased it, your hips jerked so he couldn't pull away. 
  You couldn't deny how he was making you feel as your orgasm threatened to wash over you. But you could still try. Letting out various 'Yuma no-' or 'Yuma stop!', all of which were practically drowned out by moans following them. 
  Soon you began to twitch and shake as you came, crying out as you made an even bigger mess on his hand. Tears pricked at your eyes but you felt so good. So damn good. 
  "How was that kitten? Feel good yet?" Yuma bit down with a little more pressure on your neck, leaving an impression on your skin with his teeth. 
  "Leave…me…alone…" Your eyes shut as you tried to steady your mind. How dare he make you feel this good!? You wanted to push him away and tell him that you were fine. 
  He pouted and let you go, removing his fingers from your hole. It irked you that you felt cold and wanted him back. 
  But he wasn't done with you, not at all. He pushes your legs open and positions himself in between them. Tossing your legs over his shoulders and tearing away your bottom and underwear. Leaving you exposed to him. 
  His eyes flashed and you felt that tug in your chest that you felt before and he smiled at you. Leaning over and pressing your chest to his, his hands undoing his own pants.
  "Don't worry kitten, I said I'll take care of you, and I mean it." Smashing your lips together in what he probably assumed was a sweet kiss. It had to be against your will that your eyes fluttered close throughout the kiss. 
  His fingers dipped back inside of your weeping hole and stroked slowly. Whimpers fell into his mouth as you urged him for more. What in the world was happening to you?! 
   And he was happy to oblige. Removing his fingers and stroking his hardened dick, coating his length in your slick. A low groan rumbled through his chest before he stopped, lining himself up with your entrance. 
  "Are you ready kitten?" 
  "Y-yes!" NO?! 
   With that, he pushed his hips forward. Easily sliding into your hole and making you gasp in pleasure. Damnit why did he feel so good?! 
  His cock stretched you out so sweetly. Hips moved in slow strokes as he pushed in deeper until he bottomed out. Sighing in relief that he never expected to feel. 
  He never expected his kitten to be so tight and warm around him. Clenching down and threatening to never let go of him. But he started to move, thrusting his hips quickly into you. 
  As much as you wanted to complain and push him off, you were losing that fight. Relaxing and moaning as he fucked you. Holding onto his shoulders to ground yourself. 
  Already so sensitive and dripping around his length. You wanted to strangle yourself as you cried out for more. Begged for him to go deeper, to fuck you harder. Your ears filled with the sound of slapping skin and your wetness together. 
  Sheets beneath you soaking as he managed to pull an orgasm out of you. One after another- your mind falling to pieces slowly and yet so quickly. 
  All you wanted was Yuma. Wanted him to stay inside of you and flood you with his seed. Keep you warm and light you up with his touch. That voice in your mind that was angry before has long since been silenced. 
   You didn't know what you were thinking anymore. Just Yuma and his touch. His lips attached to yours, his hands roaming your body, your puffy hole, and his cock- made for one another. 
   Like a broken record you just called out for him, and he would respond. Going a little deeper, kissing you where you wanted, holding your hand, or filling you up with his cum again. Why were you ever opposed to him touching you in the first place? 
   "Yuma… Yuma…" You were a drooling, glaze-eyed mess by now. He chuckled and slowed down his hips. 
  "What is it kitten? What do you need?" You just pouted until he caught your point and moved your legs, wrapping them around his waist and he picked up the pace. 
  Fucking you dumb and somehow still reaching new parts of your swollen and puffy hole. You were a mess of cum and arousal, shaking at every little touch. Your head spun, essentially you were drunk on Yuma. 
   His touch was rough and yet gentle, his kisses and bites were sweet and his strokes intoxicating. You didn't know how you did it, but you could feel another orgasm building. Never had you lasted this long before but you could think about it later. 
  Noticing you tensing up beneath him, Yuma leaned into your ear, nibbling on it as he added more strength behind it. Thrusting at an inhuman level as he tenderly spoke to you. 
  "What's this? Are you gonna cum again kitten? Hm, wanna make a mess on your Master?" Eager whimpers and grinding hips were all he got in response. 
   He kissed you deeply and buried his cock in as far as he could go. "Go on, cum kitten." 
  Your body shook and quaked as you came. Tears of pleasure streamed down your face as he continued to thrust inside of you. Clenching around him tightly and squeezing his orgasm out of him. Flooding your hole with more cum as some spilled out. 
  You were exhausted and finally relieved. Yuma hugged you close but didn't pull out, peppering you with kisses and stroking your hair as you calmed down. 
  "That's my good kitten. Don't you feel good now?" You nodded as he wrapped his arms around you. Cuddling up to you and stroking your cheek. 
  Even when he pulled out, cleaned you up, and got you back to bed- you couldn't resent him. It's like that part of you that was upset with him was long since fucked out of you. 
  He held you close and whispered sweet words to you. Playing with your hair as you felt your eyes get heavy. Today was so strange- but questions could wait. You snuggled into his chest and relaxed. 
  Drifting off the sleep in Yuma's arms, a familiar tune being hummed. Unknowingly drawing you closer to him as you fell asleep. 
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povofjustme · 2 years
A New Start - Obie Bergman imagine {OC} GGReboot
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Title: A new start
Pairing: Obie Bergman x Black Reader
Author's Note: I don’t know where this is going but hope you like. I didn’t read this through because I wanted to post it
Full Name: Charlotte Jean
Nickname: CJ, Char, Jeans, Lotts
Birthday: August 23, 2005 - 17
Born: New York
Occupation(s): Student, Dancer, Model, Actor
Residence: Upper East Side
Instagram: @CharlotteJeans (300k follower)
Family: Nicolas Jean (father) Jasmine Jean (mother) Frances Jean (Twin Brother)
Romance: Obie Bergman (boyfriend)
Friends: Max Wolfe (best friend) Audrey Hope, Aki Menzie, Luna La, Zoya Lott
Enemies: Julien Calloway (frenemy)
——————————————————————————————This story is about Charlotte
- Charlotte grow up as a dancer
- Her mom and dad wanted there kids to grow up being big
- So when they kids both could walk and talk they got them right in
- Char learned a lot to the point where her name was big in the dancing world. To ballroom, ballet, contemporary, hip hop, tap to jazz and ice skating when she had time
- And there for her twin brother, music and sports
- When she was ten years old, her family had moved to france
- 7 years later, they moved back to NY, but there family had a big name to live up too
- But at the same time, she kept herself to who she truly was. She was a loving person who will buy anyone before her own.
- Since then, she loves to give back to people and animals. Will go out to the protest and talk to the people
- Moving back to new york after the summer of her sophomore year. She met up with her old time best friend ‘Max Wolfes’
- The Wolves and The Jeans were very close friends
- Godien Wolfes is the twins' godfather, so Max and The Twin grow up together. The trio
- So when the twin came back to the upper east side, they knew who to go to.
- The first day there, all eyes on them, but CJ went straight to the table up first to call out Max’s name.
- He saw he and gave her a big hug
“Hey I want you to meet my beautiful things here Charlotte, Charlotte Jeans and Frances Jeans”
“It CJ, call me CJ”
Introducing them to the group, and one person couldn't keep - their eyes off of her.
“And this is Obie”
- Then the bell was ringing and max took you in his hands to take
- Later on, the group knew a lot about CJ, but it was more of Fracces things
- They were all on the stares when Monet asked her
“Hey CJ, when going out tonight for a little get together, we knew Frances in. How about you?”
“Sorry guys, but am volunteering and the NYC animal shelter tonight-”
“Wait tonight at 8” Obie asked
“Yes, actionaly” CJ said laughing it off
“Am was actually looking at that the other night, maybe we could go together?”
“Sure why not”
- That night, they got to know each other very well, Yes Obie that she was just like any other new york girl but he was liking her for then he thought
- After that night of feeding food to the animals and cleaning them and more, they became closer
- Obie would do anything to hang out with her
- They sometimes walked to school together and have study “Date”
- At school they would eat together and just become friends
- He would even show up at Max house when he knew she was going to be over there
- Frances help him out as will
- After a long study “date”, Obie asked her on a real date
- They would go out to more events which catch the media's attentions in a good way and bad
- CJ posted pictures of them and events (with obie permission) her fans thought it was cute but Julies and GG fans didn't like it so much
- They were cute couple
- Obie met CJ parents and loved him
- CJ met Obie mom, She said she loves her already
- They would go to big events together
- Obie would take her to different places in NY
- CJ would give him dance lesson and when it came to any of her dance competitions, he would be there sitting next her family with a handful of flowers
- Sometimes they would have study dates at each others house but Obie likes it better over her because it feels more like home
- They did everything together, and it made them seem like they were in love
- Since she was around Obie more, she was around Aki and Audrey and Max more. Frances would be around alot, made the self a little group
- Around new york, Obie invited you and your brother to the Quaint weekend house
- The whole weekend, Obie and CJ shared the same room
- When the twins walked in, everyone was just getting there
- It was a fun and relaxing
- Everyone got along and had fun, Frances was flirting with Luna and Obie had you mostly to himself
- Julien felt some way but wanted him to be happy. But not with you
- CJ helped around the house, had the grow make cookies and spend time together, Obie was falling more and more in love
- And on new year, they were each other new year kiss
- After that, everyone loved them. Obie was happy
- GG would post things on IG
*It pictures of CJ and Obie*
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Well Well Well, It looks like there's a new couple in town. @Charlotte Jeans and @Obie Bregaens have been hitting off pretty well. Them out on the town helping others and dogs. Let's see where this goes. Charlotte or should I say CJ is the new girl and all around famous dancers with big money to her money. Lets see if Obie will love Julien or CJ? Tell me who you're rooting for?
#Team Julien s or #Team CJ
- CJ didn't really care but it seem to get to Julies head
- Julien was upset that Obie was getting over her and with CJ now
- So she did what she did best, try to break you down
- Julien, Monet ended up finding something and sent it to GG to hurt CJ
- Found out the CJ and Frances are adopted twins
- When GG posted it, It really didn't hurt the twins. Just hated it now that people knew their business more then the should
- Julien didn't like how CJ reacted so she wanted to hurt her more
- But what the found out was not about CJ, but about her twin
- Frances was a Drug addict
- Once GG posted it, know saw the twins for over 3 to 4 weeks
- CJ and Frances were close, not like Grace closes but they were best friends
- Once France was ready to come back to school, So was CJ.
- And CJ had a bad feeling about the group, had a feeling that someone was out for her
“On look who made it back” Monets
“What is that supposed to mean” CJ questioned
“CJ, it meant nothing, after all we just wanted to-” Julien couldn't even finish it all when they all got a ding on there phone
- It was post from GG about all the people who sent thing to GG
- The first things CJ saw was a sent in dm from Julien and Monet about CJ and Her twin
“You sent this about my brother?”
“I- I-”
“What the fuck is wrong with you!” At this point everyone was looking at everyone in the group.
- Know one CJ this mad before. She was always the loving and smiling person
“You sent that in for what? First the adopted and then my brother's addictions. You have to be out of your fucking mind. You have no respect for know but yourself, and it shows”
- Julien couldn't say anything
“This is about Obie” Max spock up
“About a fucking boy, Really!” Getting in Julien face
“ You are a disgusting fucking person”
- CJ walked away pushing the crowd away, Frances, Max, Aki, Audrey and Obie right behind her
Part 2?
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phantoms-lair · 2 years
A Wolf Among Thieves part 2
Okay, Vajlean wasn't going to be useful here, so the only ones he'd have left to ask was the kids. Something he had expressly NOT wanted to do.
He'd said more than once they were naïve. He'd come to realize it wasn't that they were ignorant of how the world worked, they knew better than most. It was that they refused to accept it so long as they were alive to change it. But in the end they were still kids and they could be naïve enough to not question certain things. Like what being a Persona User could mean.
Zenkichi vividly remembered the first half of his trip into the Kyoto Jail. It was terrifying, ducking around pillars and knowing being seen would mean death. And how he moved just like in the real world. Then when Valjean awakened it changed, he was jumping onto roofs and practically teleporting behind cover like it was second nature. None of the kids had taught him how to do that, just like swinging that giant sword it came naturally.
He had been changed, remade to adapt to the Metaverse. And he had been carefully not thinking about if that followed in the real world. That more than his outlook had changed, that he was now something not quite human. Something other. And the last thing he'd wanted was this hanging over the kids. But he had to know...
Kurusu picked up immediately. "Everything okay, Wolf?" His voice in full Joker mode.
"I was just wondering something. After you awoke to Arsène did anything...weird happen to you."
The other side of the line was quiet for a moment. "I started traveling into the depth of Tokyo's collective subconscious so I could chide some peoples repressed feelings and combat other ones using my rebellious spirit as a mystical weapon. I also went directly in the minds of some of the most evil people I've ever met in order to steal a part of their soul that was making them into twisted bastards in the first place, then selling it for cash at a pawn shop so we could further fund supplies for our exploits. I escaped jail by pulling a trick with reality so the assassin posing as my teammate shot the memory of me being in my cell instead of my actual self. I have killed at least three gods, the first one by taking the offered power of everyone I'd helped and turning it into a fallen angel with a gun. The personification of Hope lives in my room and for reasons unbeknownst to me or him is trapped in the form of a cat. He can also turn into a bus. My friends and I were brought into the Metaverse for a Dance Off that Lavenza thinks I don't remember, but I totally do."
"Okay, okay. Point taken. I should have specified. I didn't mean weird events. I meant like, weird with your body."
"Is this a puberty talk? Because I can assure you I know about the birds and the bees-"
"Not that!" Thank GOD Akane wasn't home. "Look, I got into a bar fight tonight. The fight itself wasn't important, but while I was fighting I started healing, like I do in the Metaverse when I'm not in a Fury. And it's not just the injuries I got during the fight. All the little everyday cuts and bruises are gone and I am doing my best not to freak out, but I am very much freaking out." He could hear Morgana's voice in his head telling him to get it together, just like his first foray into the Metaverse. It didn't help then and it wasn't helping now.
"I haven't noticed anything like that, but none of the rest of us have regenerative abilities like yours." Kuruso said gently and despite himself Zenkichi felt himself calming down ever so slightly. "I know some people who might be able to give us answers. Igor would definitely know, but he's more of a 'you don't call him, he calls you' guy, so he might take a while to find. Lavenza I can get to, she may not know all the answers, but she should know something. We'll find you answers."
"Thank you. And sorry, for falling apart on the phone." Zenkichi said sheepishly.
"It's not a problem, you're one of us now, and we look after our own." Because no one else would was unsaid.
Zenkichi was having dinner with Akane when his phone buzzed. He felt a bit guilty for the quick glance he took at it, but he did work a job where people's lives could depend on his response time.
Have some answers. Den tonight.
"Work?" Akane asked with a bit of disdain. "Just an informant updating me on his progress." He assured her. "Nothing worth interrupting dinner for." Not to mention said informant and his crew would rake him over the coals if he didn't spend enough time with his daughter. Those kids...
Still the Den though. Zenkichi had mixed feelings on the place. It was perfect for their purposes. He just hated how much the location shouldn't exist.
It had apparently manifested during the Yaldaboath incident. A small corner of the metaverse that had attuned to the Phantom Thieves, almost like a one room palace (even if it was a very big room). It had vanished with the rest of the metaverse after that incident had ended, but Sophie had gotten the idea if her 'sister' Emma had managed to have so much control of the metaverse, she could manage one location.
Because it worked like a Jail, all they had to do was enter the passcode and they'd be taken there, regardless from where in Japan they were, and be returned to the same spot. It helped with him in Kyoto, most of the kids in Tokyo, and Sophie who knew where. Incredible convenient, but it gave him the heebie jeebies.
Once Akane was asleep he took out his phone. "For one so desperate for answers, you certainly fear them." His golden eyed reflection said mockingly.
Zenkichi certainly regretted his desperate attempt to talk to his persona. Not only had it not gotten him anything, but Valjean seemingly took it as an invitation to chat with him whenever he saw his reflection which was...annoying (Even if his commentary during boring meetings was hilarious). Still, Zenkichi ignored him and pulled up the custom EMMA-like interface. "Name: Thieves' Den Passcode: I am Thou."
His house dissolved around him and he found himself in the bright red room. But at the same time his heart sank. He'd expected to find Kurusu. And the leader of the Phantom Thieves was there - along with every other member.
So much for not worrying them.
"Hey Gramps," Sakamoto gave him a tiny salute. He was in his Phantom Thief attire with him mask up around his forehead. Most of them were, save Takamaki who was wearing a school uniform.
It seemed strange to him how she didn't actually like her outfit. She'd grown used to it, but didn't think it was cool, the way the others Including him felt about their attire. Had she just gotten so used to being seen as a sex object between her modeling work and Kamoshida's advances that that's how she saw herself even if she hated it.
He'd suggest therapy, but apparently the last time one of these kids tried therapy the therapist had turned himself into a god and tried to rewrite reality into his own Utopia, so that was probably out.
What even was his life?
"So answers?"
"Well, Igor continues his streak of not being there when I need him." There was no mistaking the frustration in his tone. "But Lavenza told me what she could, and we've been running some experiments."
"I could not participate in the experiments as I have no body outside the metaverse, so I helped compile the data." Sophie said brightly.
The kids had been experimenting on themselves?
"So according to Lavenza, awakening to a Persona sort of grants you a dual citizenship in the Metaverse. That's why it's easier for us to navigate after an awakening. We count as a local for all intents and purposes. Also our Personas being a part of us mean we're intrinsically connected."
"It's harder to tell for the mot part with we who have only one persona," Niijima stated. "But Akira's wildcard ability showed that what we do and how we train our bodies does effect our Personas, so it made sense for the reverse to be true."
"We also learned that being a Persona user doesn't automatically make you heal faster, though wounds healed in the metaverse would stay healed in our reality." Sakura continued. "So in an emergency we could use magic in the metaverse to heal a serious injury without the need for a hospital."
"Passive healing isn't common, but I do have some Persona's with a Regenerate ability. When I equipped them, I noticed the fast healing you mentioned did seem to effect me. So it's likely that you do have a variant for ValJean's ability and can heal yourself through fighting. You also probably have the reverse, but I'd prefer you didn't use it as we don't have access to healing magics outside the cognitive world."
"Don't worry, I have no plans to test out if I can tear myself apart in the real world." Because at this point he was honestly just going to assume he could and avoid it.
"Other than emotionally" He reflection snarked back.
You know what? "Also do you guys know how to keep you persona from snarking at you? ValJean's gotten kind of mouthy."
He got several blank looks in return.
"ValJean talks to you? Regularly?" Okumura ventured.
"Is that...? I'm guessing from your looks that's not normal?"
"My Persona only spoke to me when it first awakened." Takamaki looked around, as if confirming this with everyone else.
"The same with mine." Kitagawa nodded.
"Johana was a bit..." Niijima winced . "'I see you've found you're justice, pray do not loose sight of it again.'" She quoted. "I felt like I'd disappointed my mom. I have a hard time imagining just being able to chat with her."
"For real?" Sakamoto looked surprised. "Cap was cool. Told be since my name was already mud, I might as well let loose and wreck havoc. I'd love to have the chance to actually talk with him."
"Zenkichi, under what circumstance did ValJean start talking to you?" Morgana inquired thoughtfully.
"I wanted to ask him about the healing thing. But since it turns out Personas only know what the human they come from knows, he had zilch. And then he never shut up." Zenkichi rolled his eyes.
"Really?" Kurusu of all people looked surprised. "I always got the impression Arséne knew a lot he wasn't telling me. Maybe it's another wildcard thing?"
Sakamoto snorted. "Dude I think it's a you thing. When you're on you give this aura like you have all the answers and hold all the cards. And Arséne's a part of you so...yeah. I think you just played yourself, man."
While the rest of the Phantom Thieves laughed at the bewildered look on their leader, Morgana looked thoughtful. "It makes a certain amount of sense." Morgana allowed, tail twitching. "Personas are part of one's cognition and as such can be shaped by our perceptions. None of us had a persona talk to us outside an awakening, so we assumed just talking to a persona wasn't a thing that could happen. After all, we had accepted that part of us into ourselves. Zenkichi, you to at least some degree saw ValJean as a separate entity, at least enough to assume he'd know something you didn't. You expected him to be able to respond and because of that he was."
"Of course once he did respond that was it. Talking to him became part of your cognition of him. No putting that genie back in the bottle."
"Great." Zenkichi glared at his golden eyes reflection.
"It is not my fault you are ever the agent of your own undoing." ValJean grinned back.
"Having to listen to you forever is a hell of a price tag for admission into the Phantom Thieves." Zenkichi groused.
"Don't be silly, Valjean's not why you got in." Sakura snorted.
"He isn't?" Zenkichi was at least slightly satisfied to see his persona just as poleaxed. "I asked if it was that simple and you said yes."
"Oh, is that what you meant? Then the answer is no, becoming a Phantom thief is NOT as simple as awakening a Persona." Takamaki clarified.
"Yeah Gramps, thought you knew. You were a Phantom Thief before you entered that dungeon." Sakamoto laughed.
"I was?" If anything Zenkichi was even more confused.
"Get out of there. Run." Kurusu said the words calmly, unlike how he had yelled them the night Akane had been taken. "Those words. That moment."
"Please understand, we wanted to trust you before then." Niijima apologized. "But you're not the first member of 'law enforcement' to demand a deal. And they've never intended to keep their end not even....not even Sis." She clenched her fists, remember a Christmas morning she'd thought be filled with hope instead be replaced with anger and betrayal. "The intention was always for us to end up caged, dead or both."
"So by the time you showed up to blackmail us, we knew anyone working with the authorities was absolutely not to be trusted." Okumura further explained, which really made her 'We hate cops' attitude all the more understandable.
"But that moment was a line in the sand. You could sacrifice us for your career, All you had to do was nothing and you'd be set for life. A false hero for the country to praise." Kurusu continued to explain. "But instead you sacrificed your career for us. You gave warning, ruining your career and taking our place in interrogation." He locked eyes with Zenkichi who was suddenly and forcefully reminded that Joker knew what being on the wrong side of that table was like. Knew more than the others exactly the treatment Zenkichi would expect. "In that moment you had to choose if you were with us or them. And that is when you became a Phantom Thief."
Zenkichi felt a lump in his throat. "I just did was right."
"Exactly." said Sakura. "Exactly."
ValJean laughed. "Did the children not just tell you they have little to no experience with adults doing 'what was right' by them. You have their trust and you have earned it fairly."
He'd earned it. And to be honest that felt a little better than getting his place on the team because he had a Persona.
"So you've been keeping u with your cooking, right? What did you make for Akane for dinner tonight." Okumura's words were friendly, but her eyes were sharp with challenge. Kurursu had also sat up straighter, waiting for his response.
Those damn kids. His damn kids.
Okay, he could deal with this revelation later. Right now he had to defend himself in the court of cooking
Honestly the original idea for this fic came from the P5 manga where the theives are playing cards and Joker keeps winning until one of the team accuses him of having a high-luck Persona equipped.
And if that carried over, why not other things? Like Zenkichi healing while he's fighting as long as he isn't using Fury
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delayed-affection · 1 year
Chapter four
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So there's a moment in every kids life when you feel like anything's possible. When you feel like you've got the total mojo. You could, I don't know, free climb El Captain, land on Mars, or, uh... get elected president.
The whole world's there for the taking if you've got the sack to go for it. And then, when you least expect it, some Kook shows up and tells you there's no eternal mystery.
And then all that talk about free climbing and Mars and the president... bullshit. Magic gets cancer and dies.
John b sighs, "It's not there. Look, just- just pull the drone up."
Thunder claps in the distance.
"Look, we can do another pass." Pope assures, "Recharge the battery. We can- we can go back down."
Y/n agrees, "Yeah, we can give it another go."
"We've been through it three times." JJ shouts, "There's nothing there."
"Shut up!" Kie yells at him
"What? It's true!" He argues
"The gold could be buried. We don't know." She theorizes
"If it was there, it would've been found on the metal detector, okay?" John b exclaims, "Somebody beat us to it."
"Or it was never there." JJ grumbles
With their hopes and dreams being washed away they head back.
John b walks into the chateau and is greeted with an woman's voice, "Hey, buddy."
He stops in his tracks and finds a social worker sitting on his couch, "You know, Cheryl, it's kind of a bad time for a check in."
She watches him drop his stuff, "Not a check in. We're here to take you."
He folds his arms, "Today? Really?"
"It's just for a few weeks until your hearing." She informs
He rubs his forehead, "No, no, no. Cheryl, look, I'm not going into foster care, okay? I'm not gonna be a part of your little system."
A radio beeps behind him.
"John B, this is Deputy Thomas." She tells him, "He works with juveniles for the sheriff's department."
John b moves away from the officer.
"Look, I know Uncle T is down in Mississippi working at a casino." She confesses, "He hasn't been here in months."
John b scoffs, "What?"
He tries to make a run for it but Thomas scares him.
John b points at him, "No, see, that's my nightmare right there. Look, I- I- I want emancipation."
"Emancipation from who?" She asks, "There's nobody here but you."
"Uh... asylum, then." He corrects
"On what grounds?" She questions
"On- on solid grounds. On holy grounds." He replies, "Look, I feel real- real prosecuted right now by you and... especially Mr. Big Head over here."
He looks over at the officer, "What are you lookin' at, bro? What're you gonna do? You gonna tase me?"
John b decides to try his luck again, rushing towards the table. It's him and officer Thomas at either side.
"John!" Cheryl exclaims
Thomas chuckles, "oh, yeah, you wanna dance, huh?"
John b tries to juke him out but he pushes the table out of the way and grabs him.
"I didn't do anything!" John cries trying to shake free, "Cheryl, get your dog off!"
"That's enough!" She yells
John b sits on the floor with Thomas still holding him, "Okay, okay, okay, okay."
Cheryl looks down at him, "Relax, John."
"I give up." He mumbles
Thomas let's go of him and stands up.
John B gets up and starts throwing things into a bag, grabbing a picture of his dad he walks of to Cheryl.
He holds the picture up to her, "You see this, Cheryl? Do you know who this is? Yeah, it's my dad. And do you know what he wanted? He wanted me to stay here, at home, and now you're taking me away from home. Do you understand that?"
She shows zero empathy, "It's the law, John b."
He picks up his bag and scoffs, "The law."
Before he knows it he's sitting in the back of a sheriff's van waiting to get shipped off to the mainland.
He looks at the picture of his dad and an idea arises. He lets the picture slip from hands and out the window.
He pretends to panic, "No, no, stop, stop, stop. Please stop! My picture! It's the last picture of my dad. Please."
"Not gonna happen, kid." Thomas replies
"Come on, Cheryl. Just stop the car." He pleads, "Please. That's all I have left."
"Pull over." She instructs
Thomas looks at her, "You want me to pull over?"
"Just pull over." She says clearly fed up with everything.
"Thank you." John b voices
Thomas gets out the car to go find the missing picture.
John watches him walk away, "Cheryl, can I help him look? Please?"
"He's got it." She assures
Thomas looks over at the van and shrugs.
"Look at this idiot." He complains, "He's not even looking in the right place. It's gonna get trashed. Cheryl, please. It's my final keepsake of my dad. Are you really gonna let that happen? Please. I'm begging you."
She shakes her head but unlocks the doors, "Make it quick."
"Yes ma'am." He says taking off his seatbelt, "Thanks, Cheryl."
He grabs his bag and opens the door, "Later, Thomas."
He laughs as he makes a run for it.
Cheryl gets out of the car, "Thomas!"
John b dashes across the street causing on coming cars to honk at him. He hops a gate, getting quite the head start on this chase.
He stops when he sees someone he knows, "Hey, what's up, Jorge?"
"What's up, bro?" He replies
John b points off into the distance, "Hey, look, there's a snow leopard."
When he looks away John snatches his bike, "Sorry, bro."
"Yo, man! What the hell?" He yells
John hops on, "I'll give it back. I promise."
He tries to catch up, "You better!"
"I swear. I'll leave it at the park."
He watches as he rides off on his bike, "Come on, dude."
John b cuts corners and finds a ramp, "Look out, you guys! Comin' in hot!"
The two kids move out his way.
So there's an old saying about hitting a big jump. When hucking, it's safer when you commit. Which, like in a lot of commonly accepted wisdom...
He lands the jump and yells, "Stay in school, kids!"
When he looks back at he almost hits someone.
"Hey!" They exclaim
...is bullshit.
He has no where to go and is met with chained off path way. The bike slams into the chain sending him flying off.
Sarah witnesses it and comes running over, "Dude!"
"Who put the chain there?" He groans
"Did you just yeet over that chain?" She asks, "Oh, my god. Holy shit, your shit."
She kneels down next to him and pulls up his shirt.
She gasps seeing a cut, "Okay. That's not good at all."
He sits up, "Yeah, that's not ideal. He could you take me to the hospital?"
"Right now?" She questions
He looks over into the distance, "Yeah, right now. That'd be fantastic."
She lends him her hand, "Okay, well, you have to get up."
They safely make it to her car and John b immediately lays the chair back.
"Hey, do you- do you see a car?" He asks, "Like a- like a cop suv? Blue and white, maybe?"
She looks out her window just as it drives by, "Yes, there is a blue and white cop suv."
"Shit." He whispers, "Do you see a guy with no neck?"
She watches as two people leave the vehicle, "There is a guy. He, in fact, does not have a neck. There's a woman with him."
"What are- what are they doing?" He asks
"They're... um..." she trails backing out, "just..."
"Can you- can you just go, please?" He begs
"That's- that's what I'm doing." She tells him, "They're stopped at the dead bike."
She drives off, "Why are the cops after you? What, did you do rob a bank?"
He looks out the back window, "You know, it's probably better if you didn't know."
She shoots him a look, "What are you, like, a fugitive, John b?"
He tries to steady his breathing, "I don't know, more like a refugee or something. Hey, you know what? Don't take me to the hospital. Just take a left, please. I gotta do something."
She takes the left and John b gets out of the car. In the road lies the picture that started all of this. He quickly picks it up and gets back in the car.
"Hit it, Sancho." He tells her, "Come on, come on, come on."
"Boat like this don't just sink, Dr. Thornton." A man informs as Toppers boat is lifted out of the water.
"How much is this gonna cost me?" She asks
"Ah, submerged 24 hours, you're lookin' at 25, 30k." He answers
"And insures won't cover it?" She queries
He chuckles, "No. Not for operational error. Plug wasn't in there."
Topper can feel the deathly glare from his mother, "Well, why- why you lookin' at me?"
"Why do you think?" She asks
"I did not forget to put the plug in, Mom. It's been sitting in the water a week."
"I thought that when you turned 16, you'd take a little more responsibility for you actions." She growls
"Mom, I did not do this! Are you kidding me?" You think I'm that stupid? Why is this my fault?" He questions
"Because it usually is." She claims
She sighs and walks away.
Topper does pulls up while complaining to Rafe and Kelce about his problems, "My mom thinks I did it... even though there's no way I could've. I mean how?"
He gets off the bar, "It's always my fault, no matter what. She just- she just wants me to be this little robot that- that just checks her boxes. You know what I mean? SAT prep? Oh, check. Serving food at the shelter? Check."
He continues to complain, "I mean, I do/ I literally do everything she wants, and I'm sick of it."
Rafe stops his deadlifts, "Well, we know who did it, right?"
Kelce drops his dumbbells, "It was that little geek Pope."
"Pope, yeah." Topper replies, "Rafe, if you wouldn't have jumped him on the golf course, I'd still have a boat, right?"
"Sorry if I, uh... had your back after some Pogue put a- put a gun to your head." He states, "Listen, man, I am not the enemy here. Am I the enemy here? I'm not the enemy."
"No." Kelce quickly answers
Rafe grabs Topper, "I didn't sink the boat. Pope did. And you need to force him to take some personal responsibility, bro."
"Bro, he sank the boat, all right?" Kelce chimes, "That shit can't stand."
"So what are you gonna do about it?" Rafe asks
He shrugs, "What are you gonna do about Y/n?"
"Yeah, because from what you told me, she dropped you." Kelce comments
Rafe glares at him making him back track.
"I mean she caught you offer guard." He says, "So what are you gonna do?"
Rafe strokes his chin, "I'll just have to remind her of where she belongs."
Sarah drives up to her house, "We've gotta clean that wound."
"No. Nope." John b replies, "Sarah, I- I cannot be here."
"Okay, well, you have to trust me." She states
"Yeah, I did that one time already." He argues
"Okay, we've already been through this." She says unbuckling her seatbelt, "I didn't rat you out, okay? So suck it up, buttercup."
John b follows her up to the house, "Hey. Hey, I don't think your old man would be happy if an ex employee was bleeding all over his house."
She shushes him, "So don't bleed."
As soon a she opens the door Wards voice can be heard. She pushes him into one of the connecting rooms.
Ward comes down the stairs and sees Sarah standing in the doorway.
"Hi!" She greets
"What are you doing?" He asks pulling his phone away from his ear.
"Well, what do you mean?"
He points to the door, "Shut the door. Come on, sweetie."
He walks out the door, closing it behind him.
Sarah grabs John and they book it up stairs.
"Go in here. Sit down. I'll be right back." She commands shutting the door to the study room.
"Whoa." John b says looking around.
Sarah quickly comes back with the supplies, "Okay. Lift up your shirt."
He sits down on the couch and groans lifting up the side of his shirt.
She sits down next to him opening the first aid, "That's going to be disinfected."
He looks at the bottle next to her, "Wait, is that rubbing alcohol?"
She nods, "Yes. It's the only way to be safe. Okay, close your eyes."
She douses a cotton ball with the alcohol, "On the count of three."
He sits back trying to prepare himself.
She holds it over the cut, "Ready? One, two..."
She doesn't say three and just the cotton ball down on his cut.
He screams in reaction from the burning.
She covers his mouth with her hand, "Shh! Are you kidding me? My god."
He quietly apologizes when she pulls away her hand.
"Never heard anyone whine like that before." She quips rubbing down his cut.
He smacks her hand, "Stop."
"Excuse you." She scolds
"Sorry. Sorry." He whispers tensing up, "Who, uh... who's the dude on the wall?"
She glances over at the painting, "Oh, it's Denmark Tanny, founder of Tannyhill."
He lets go of the breath his been holding, "Founder?"
"Mm-hm." She hums
"So, how did a slave found a cotton plantation?" He questions
"He was a free man." She answers dressing his wound, "He's kind of a mystery. He showed up out of no where and paid for all of the land around here in gold."
This peaks his interest, "In gold?"
He gets up and walks over to the painting.
"Hey, wh- I'm not finished, Sancho." She chides
He pulls the map out from his bag, "Denmark Tanny. I- I recognize that name. He- he was on the Royal merchant. But there were no survivors."
He turns around to come face to face with Sarah, "Hey, what else do you know about this guy?"
"Uh, when we first moved in, we found a diary, an almanac, a bunch of paper." She answers finish her work on him, "Ward donated all of it to the state archives at Chapel Hill."
"Can I go see that?" He asks
"See what?" She questions
"The- the archives." He replies, "I need- I need to see them."
She packs everything back into the kit, "I mean, I can get you in if you want. He's got a trustee pass."
He points at her, "Yeah, yeah. I need that."
She looks up at him, "To Chapel Hill?"
He nods, "Yes. Right now."
She stands up straight, "Why now?"
"I... I can't tell you that." He states
"More fugitive stuff?" She questions
"Uh... fugitive adjacent, sort of. It's, um... it's a matter of national security." He claims
She leans over the table separating them, "I've just waited my entire life for someone to say that to me."
He runs his hand through his hair, "Look- god. I know this sounds crazy, but I really need to borrow that pass. The less you know, the better. Okay? You just- you gotta trust me."
She shakes her head, "No. I don't trust anyone. Especially not with a trustee pass."
"I need to go now." He tells her
She shrugs, "Okay, then I'm coming with you."
"No." He says
"Yes." She declares walking up to him, "One last mission, and then I'm out of this dirty, dirty game."
She slaps his wound making him groan.
"Come on. Let's go." She tells him.
Pope looks over his shoulder to spot Topper watching him from his car. Topper and Rafe carry looks that could kill.
Pope quickly makes his way back into his dads shop, scared and worried about what they might do.
JJ takes shots at a teddy bear, wanting to get his practice in with the gun.
Pope power walks over to them, "JJ!"
JJ continues to be off in his own little world, "What was that? That's what I thought, man."
"JJ!" He yells
He takes off his headphones, "What?"
"They know." Pope voices
JJ walks over to Pope, "All right, chill, bro. All right? They don't know shit."
"Topper know I sunk his boat." He says
"How do you know they know?" JJ asks
Pope starts to pace, "Because Rafe and Topper posted outside of Hayward's and mad dogged me."
"Will you calm down and get a grip, man? They don't know shit." JJ assures
Pope feels like pulling out his hair, "They have cameras. They could've seen me."
"There was no power." JJ reminds, "How could they have seen you?"
"It's Figure Eight. They got generators." He barks, "They don't give scholarships to kids who vengefully sink boats. It's not a good look on my transcript."
"Enough with the regret, bro!" JJ shouts, "They caved your face in. They hit us, we hit them. It's the law of the jungle. Now, if any Kooks come up to you and ask if you had anything to do with it, you walks up to 'em, look 'em right in the eye, and..."
Pope finishes his sentence, "Deny the living shit out it."
"That's right. Deny, deny, deny." He says, "But just for safety, we don't go anywhere without protection."
JJ points over to the gun, "Right?"
Officer Shoupe walks into Peterkins office, "I got a few things to show you. I should close the door."
He shuts it, "I've been doing a little investigative work. A little recon on my own time."
"It that so?" She asks
"Uh-huh." He answers setting a file down on her desk, "I found this in Scooter Grubbs' motel room."
She pulls out a picture.
"That is the Royal Merchant." He informs, "At least, it looks like it. Now, I didn't know what to make of it, then, those two mainlanders turned up in the gill net."
He tosses some more papers on her desk, "That was in their truck beneath the seat."
She picks up a layout of the boat, "Three people lookin' for the Merchant drowned. Okay. One was a drunk fool, the others were from off. Didn't know the currents."
He takes back the papers, "Yeah, that's what I thought. Until this washed up. Murder was the case that they gave me."
She looks down at yet another file.
"Coroner's report." He states, "When was the last time you had a homicide?"
"A long time." She replies
He looks down at the photos of the men, "I mean, who in God's name could do that to a person."
She looks at a mugshot, "This is the guy that chased John b through town."
"Cheryl said he bolted when she went to pick him up for DCS. Jumped out of a squad car. Maybe the kid's stepped up to the big leagues." He tells her
She closes the file, "Okay. Good job."
John b and Sarah rush over to the leaving boat, "Hey, excuse me, sir? Wait, wait. Are you sold out?"
"You aren't the only ones trying to get off the island." He says walking away.
John b slams his hands on the booth, "God damn it. Oh, shit."
He looks around and then grabs Sarah's arm, "Hey, follow me. Hey, so, have you ever been on a tugboat?"
"A what?" She asks, "You're not serious."
"Look, we just gotta talk our way onto this barge." He says, "I got this. These are my people. Just wait."
He clears his throat walking over to a man leaving Sarah behind, "Hey, Cap! So, question for you... Um... look, me and my sister really need to get on this boat, man. Can we hop on?"
The man shakes his head, "No."
"Just- just help a brother out." He pleads
"Can’t do it." He says
John b walks away, "Thanks for nothing."
Sarah smile, "So..."
He tugs on the straps of his backpack, "Um... So... they're booked."
She puts her hands on her hips, "Who? Your, uh... your- your people?"
He rolls his eyes, "What, you got a better idea?"
She bumps his shoulder walking past him, she grabs a yellow jacket and then pulls him towards another.
"Okay now grab a tank." She says
They swiftly make it onto the boat and try to not to be seen heading further down the boat.
A man can be heard close by, "Gotta go down to the engine room."
John b pulls her into a room and the man can be heard walking by. The boat jerks making them grab each other to keep them steady.
"We're moving." She says giving him a high five.
JJ, Pope, Kie, and y/n try to find a place to sit at the park.
"I'm so glad that they're still doing this." Kie comments, "Keep calm. Carry on. Back to OBX life."
"How it should be." Y/n chimes
"Exactly." She replies, "Aren't you guys glad I made you come?"
"Ecstatic." Pope says clearly not happy.
JJ fixes his hat, "My couch was pretty comfy, I'll be honest."
"We're out of the green zone, man." Pope whispers to JJ.
"Dude, tranquilo, okay?" He mumbles
"We're in the middle of Kooklandia. This is the last place I wanted to be." He argues
"Shut up, pope." He says through teeth.
"You didn't have to come, you know?" Y/n reminds, thinking they're just in a bad mood.
"It would have been suspicious if I didn't come." He claims
"Why would that be suspicious?" She wonders
He remembers that she doesn't know, "Nevermind, I'm being stupid."
Kie walks up to the concession stand, "Hey, uh... can I get two Pepsis, please?"
"Hey, Kie." Rafe calls out walking over, "Hey, what's up? How are you?"
She looks at him taking notice of a cut by his eye, "I'm fine."
"Good, good." He nods, "Um... Tell your boy we know what he did."
"Sorry, what boy are you talking about?" She asks
"Uh, he'll know." He assures
She gives him a dirty look and grabs her drinks.
"And tell y/n I'll see her soon." He adds
She walks away not caring as to what he has say, "Douche."
She makes it back to the group, "Just saw Rafe, and he said, and I quote, 'Tell your boy that we know what he did.' What is that?"
Pope gives JJ a worried look.
She sits down, "Also, y/n, don't tell me you fucking him."
Her face fills with disgust, "Ew, no, what the fuck? Why?"
"He said that he would see you soon, so..."
"Where is he?" JJ asks
She turns, "Right there."
They all turn around to see Rafe, Topper, and Kelce standing a couple yards away.
"Great the whole death squad." Pope panics
JJ grabs Popes head making him turn back, "Stop staring. Just warning you, bro. If the corner me, I'm coming out swinging. Slice and dicin'. I'm on the edge right now. If that doesn't work, I got this right here."
"Yeah, yeah." Pope says, "So, we just gotta stay in a group. They can't come get us in the group."
"Like a school of fish." JJ chimes
"Stay in the school." Pope stresses, "Can't leave the school."
"I'm sorry, JJ... please tell me that you did not bring a gun here. JJ, there are kids." She scolds
He shakes his head, "No! Kie, I didn't bring the gun. Everything's fine, okay?"
"Oh, wow, thank you. That's really convincing. I love that, JJ." She quips
She nudges y/n's arm, "Are you hearing this?"
Y/n gives her a defeat look, "There's not much we can do about now."
"Founding principle, you guys. No secrets amongst Pogues. What is Rafe talking about?" She pushes
"Kie, it might go down tonight." Pope informs
"What does that mean? 'Might go down tonight.' What did y'all do?" She asks
"Deny, deny, deny." JJ says under his breath
Y/n might as-well share one secret to keep whatever the boy are hiding in the dark.
"I punched Rafe in the face." Y/n shares
All over their heads turn her way, "You did what?"
She tries to be vague not knowing if Kie knows about pope being jumped, "He was being shit head so I confronted him and then you know, one thing led to another."
"Are you being serious?" Kie asks
She nods, "Yeah."
They all looked at her in shock.
"Im pretty sure my ring cut his face." She adds, "Asshole had it comin’."
"Do you have a death wish?" Pope worries
"I wish daddy’s money would do something." She replies
JJ daps her up, "Kook on Kook crime, I like it."
"Call me a Kook again and I’ll cut you off my phone plan, blondie."
John b takes off his shirt, the heat below deck getting to him.
"Oh, my god." Sarah sighs, "What is the hottest you've ever been?"
"Right now." He answers
She nods, "Same. Do you... I don't know, do you wanna play a game?"
"No, I don't." He says
She fans herself with her hands, "Cool. So, there's this game my sister and I play. It's called truth or dare, except there's no dare."
"So, it's just truth, Sarah. That's truth." He corrects
"Yeah. Do you wanna play truth?" She asks
He shrugs, "Sure."
"You get the first question." She informs
He puts on a Russian accent, "Why did you kill Dimitri?"
She plays along with the accent, "Oh, that is too easy. Dimitri, he- he knew too much. He was compromised."
"Yes, you know, we all know too much, eventually." He chuckles
She speaks in her normal voice, "My turn. What did you see in the painting?"
He sighs, "Look, I can't tell you. Okay?"
"Why?" She questions
"Because it's for your own safety." He tells her
"Okay, but something made you want to go to the archives, obviously." She argues
"Look, somebody who was supposed to be dead wasn't, all right." He replies
"Like your dad?" She wonders
He looks away from her, "Yeah, okay, you know what?"
"I'm sorry." She says
"No, it's fine." He assures
She rubs her face, "No, it's not. I am such an idiot. That was a really lame thing to say. I can't imagine losing my dad."
She sighs, "My entire family would fall apart without him. Everybody thinks he's this really rich guy, but he's from the cut, like you, and he's busted his ass for everything that we have."
"You appreciate him." He comments
She agrees, "Yeah. I do."
"That's how I feel about my dad." He voices
"Is that what this is about?" She asks
He takes a second to think, "Okay, so, you know how whales make those deep noises? It's like a..."
He tries his best to mimic a whales sound.
She holds in a laugh, "Yeah."
"That's how... other whales hear each other across the ocean, and I know this sounds really weird, but, uh..." he pauses, "I can hear him calling to me... like he needs my help."
He shakes his head and he brings back the accent, "But, uh, I- I cannot let feelings interfere with the mission."
"No. No, comrade." She says in the accent, "Definitely not."
"Look, I hear hooves, I usually think horses, not zebras." The body examiner says
"Two tourist fall off their boat in the high seas, drown, and the sharks took 'em." Peterkin tells him
He pulls back the sheets, "Yeah, yeah. I get it. But... this is kinda weird. First, there's too much water in the lungs, and that tells me that they were dead before they hit the water, not after."
He points to cut, "Then, there's this. Same type of wounds on both corpses. Now, at first, I thought it was a bite, but it's not. There's a round curve on the inside. I think it's defensive wounds from a gaff hook."
"Gaff hook?" She asks
"Yeah. That thing you spear a fish with-"
She cuts him off, "Charlie, I know what a gaff hook is."
"All right. All right. My take is that whoever did this was trying to destroy evidence." He tells her, "They gaffed 'em, they rolled 'em overboard and let the sharks do the rest."
John b and Sarah rush off of the boat with a man chasing after them. They run down the dock, weaving through people.
Sarah looks down at her clothes, "Oh, my god. We're disgusting. We will not get into the archives looking like this."
"Why not?" He asks
She scratches her head, "I promise you, they will not let us in looking like we crawled out of a swamp."
The ditch the bright yellow jackets and walk up to a store.
"What about this store? Let's go shopping here." Sarah says
He looks at the window display, "Absolutely not."
He goes to walk away but she calls him back, "Whoa, Sancho. I think we've arrived."
He follows her in, "Look, Sarah, I don't think you understand. This is like an organ with the wrong blood type. It doesn't work."
"You are the single most dramatic person I've ever met." She replies
"No, I'm not." He whispers
She looks at a shirt, "What about cashmere?"
He looks at it closely, "Oh, my god. Have you seen this shirt? It's $190."
She taps his shoulder, "Yeah, don't worry. I'll sugar mama you."
"Sugar mama?" He mumbles
"What about some glasses?" She asks putting them on his face, "Little Clark Kent action."
"Sarah, I don't think you understand. I don't want anything from here." He tells her
A clerk walks up to them, "Can I help you?"
"Yes. Yes, you may, Mr..." she trails
He shakes her hand, "Mr. Ike."
"Ike? Sarah." She greets, "Jonathan."
"John." He corrects
"My friend Jonathan here needs all the help he can get." She says
He looks him up and down, "I can see that."
He gives John b an assortment of clothes for him to try on. He puts on every single outfit until him and Sarah are able to come to an agreement.
He looks at himself in the mirror "If someone saw me in this-"
She cuts him off, "They would roast the shit out of you but it's a good thing we're on a secret mission, so we have to assume another identity. In fact we probably shouldn't even be using our real names."
He nods, "So we need aliases. What are you thinking?"
She taps her chin, "Mmm... Vlad... from... Vienna. What's mine?"
"Okay. Uh, Valerie from Quebec." He suggests
She hums, "Mm! Valerie du Québec?”
"Parlez-vous français?" He asks
"Oui, oui, monsieur. Et toi?" She replies
He shakes his head, "No. No, that's it. So, since you got to dress me, I'm feeling all spiffy. I get to dress you."
"Bring it." She says
With the tables turned, Sarah has to try on outfits for him. It's more for laughs for him and a struggle for her.
She comes out in a striped dress and does a little spin for him.
"Wow. You look..." he's at a loss for words, "Cl- I mean, you- you clean up nice, Val."
"You have a way with words, Vlad." She clears her throat, "So, do we have a winner?"
He puts on his jacket, "I think we have a winner. I think so, yeah.”
She chuckles and fixes his collar.
"Can I ask you something? Why did you come?" He asks
"To finish the mission." She whispers
"No, for real." He replies
She fixes her hair, "Because... I am 16, and I already know what the rest of my life is gonna look like. It's gonna be... stupid yacht clubs filled with hollow people making useless small talk, and I feel like if I don't get out of the Bubble Wrap now, I never will."
She continues, "And then, by the time I'm 30, I'm going to be an alcoholic, and I won't even notice it."
"Well, I'd kind of like some of that Bubble Wrap." He confesses
"Be careful what you wish for." She says
They leave the store with Sarah leading the way.
"Okay, the library's not open all night, so we need to hurry." She informs
"JJ." Pope whispers
"What?" He asks
"Gotta take a piss." He says
"Hold it." He tells him not wanting to leave the crowd.
"I can't hold it. I drank too much soda." He informs
"It's too exposed. They'll totally see us."
"I gotta go." He says
They look back to see the three boys watching the movie paying no attention to them.
"They're blocking the bathrooms." Pope points out
JJ looks around, "Come here. I know where.”
They both get up to scurry off.
"Hey, where y'all going?" Y/n asks
"We gotta ring it out." JJ replies
"You gonna hold it for each other?" Kie jokes
The boys don't respond and try to make it out of the crowd without being seen.
They make it behind the big screen and go pee.
Pope sighs in relief, "This feels better than a blowjob."
"Like you know how that feels." JJ quips
"This feels better than what I imagine a blowjob would feel like."
JJ finishes and turns to watch his back.
"You bring the peacemaker?" Pope asks
"Oh, shit, I forgot it."
Popes panic state comes back, "You forgot it?"
"Hurry up! Hurry up!" He rushes
"Dude, you had one job." He scolds, "That's all I asked you to do, man."
JJ starts to back, "I know. Let's go back."
Rafe walks up to them, "What's up, Pogues?"
They both step back, "What's up, Rafe?”
"How you guys doin' tonight?" He asks backing them into the dark.
"Isn't it past your bedtime?" JJ chides
"I just wanna talk." He says
Pope turns and runs but comes face to face with Topper and Kelce, "Just chill out, Topper."
"Yeah, that was some nice work you did on my boat." He tells them
"I don't know what you're talking about." He claims
"Sure, you don't." He says
Rafe stands in front of JJ, "Not so burly without a gun now, are you?"
"Take one more step, I'll rip that prepubescent face off." He threatens
"Do you feel good about yourself, stealing shit?" Topper asks getting closer to Pope, "Is your mom proud of you? Is your dad?"
Pope headbutts him when he gets too close, sending him back a few feet.
"Attaboy!" JJ cheers, "With your fist, like this, okay?"
Kelce goes for JJ, "Come on, Pogue."
JJ knees him in the stomach pushing him back and then throws two solid punches to his face.
Pope rides on this new high and socks Topper in the face.
Rafe drags JJ off of Kelce, making him fight for dominance. He shoves him back to Kelce to tries to hold him back.
Rafe delivers a blow straight to his gut.
Topper swings and misses Pope, Pope tries to take him down but Topper elbows him in the back.
Rafe throws dirty punches at the held back JJ.
Kie makes her way into the fight fest.
Kie swings at Topper with JJs backpack, "Let go of him, Topper! Fascist asshole!"
Topper rips it away from her and throws elsewhere. Kie hops onto his back to stop him, hitting him wherever she can.
Pope takes his new leverage and socks him in the jaw.
Y/n joins the party to see Rafe pick up Kie, "Put her down, asshole!"
Y/n shoves Rafe making him drop Kie.
"Stay out of this, Y/n!" He shouts
She wastes no time punching him in the face, "No!”
Rafe tries to wrestle her to the ground as she throws punches at his abdomen.
Topper puts Pope in a headlock, "Admit you did it, bitch!"
Kie crawls over to the discard bag looking for something that would help them.
Topper continues to strangle Pope as he struggles to breath, "You don't mess with me, Pogue! You hear me?"
Kie pulls out the gun contemplating if she should use it. She looks at her friends fighting and opts out, grabbing a lighter.
She moves over to the screen and lights it on fire. The flames scares the movie watchers and the fighters.
They all let go of each other not wanting to be linked to anything.
Rafe leads the Kooks away, "Holy shit, you almost killed him, man!"
Kie helps up Pope, "Hey, you good?"
He puts his hat back on, "You're a freakin' idiot."
She puts her arm around him, "I saved your ass. Come on."
"So, the library's on the other side of the student center." Sarah tells John, "Have you ever been here before?"
"I've never been to a college, no." He answers
"That's a gap in your training." She jokes, "How do you like it?"
He tugs on the straps of his backpack, "So far, so good."
"So, my dad went here." She says trying to keep the conversation alive, "And then his dad went here, and then his dad's dad went here."
"That's pretty rough." He replies
"Yeah, I know. He would have an absolute aneurysm if I didn't go here. Which is kind of annoying but what can you do?" She shrugs, "What about you?"
He looks up at the building, "Uh... college has never really been in my radar, so..."
Sarah's phone rings, pulling it out she looks at the caller, "Uh-oh. It's my handler. I told him I was spending the night at Scarlet's."
He oohs at her, "And what would he think if he knew you were here with me?"
She walks backwards her back to the building, "I'd be hanged for treason."
He dramatically gasps, "As a Pogue sympathizer? Oh, my goodness."
He makes a phone with his hand, "You've gotta be careful fraternizing with the enemy, Valerie. Wait a minute. Did he kidnap you? Or drug you?"
She does the same with her hand, "No, I came of my own recognizance, following a lead."
"Ohh. Do we know this enemy?" He asks
"You do." She states, "He used to work for you."
He shakes his head, "No, no, no. It's not the scuba thief, is it?"
"He is not what you think." She says
He scratches his head, "Goodness gracious, he's working some good patios on you, Val. He's a smooth operator."
She laughs, "No, he's not."
He acts offended and hangs up his imaginary phone.
She continues to laugh at him, "He's really clumsy. He does finger guns way too often. And he has absolutely no idea when to make a move."
She watches as a small smile creeps onto his face, "But I think I might be able to turn this one, sir."
She begins to walk over to entrance of the building.
He quickly follows, "You better be careful, Valerie. Once a Pogue, always a Pogue."
In the building they make their way up a flight of stairs.
"All right, Vlad, it's time to play the truth game." She claims
"Again?" He asks
She dismisses his unwillingness to play and asks her question, "Why the hell are be here?"
"Look, Sarah, I already told you. I can't tell you." He reminds
"Okay, well, intel on the mission is the price of the ticket, and I'm the only way you're getting in." She argues, "It's your choice. I have to know."
He stops in his tracks, "Okay. On pain of death?"
She stops and spins around to face him, "Mmhm."
He quickly scans the area to make sure no one can listen in, "I'm on a treasure hunt."
She starts to laugh and echos around open room, "What?"
When he doesn't respond she stops laughing, "Oh, shit, you're serious."
He keeps his voice low, "Look, I have reason to believe that Denmark Tanny was the sole survivor of the Royal Merchant wreck. Look, I- I know this sounds crazy, okay, but I'm pretty sure he got away with 400 million in gold, which is how he would've been able to buy Tannyhill."
He continues to explain, "And I think the location of that treasure is in his papers. That's why we're here."
"You said 400 million?" She asks
"That's a lot of bubble wrap." He surmises
"I'll talk to the librarian." She replies walking away.
The librarian takes them into large office space, "I can't tell you how grateful we are to receive the Tanny materials from your father. It's right up there."
John B shuts the door behind him and follows Sarah up a short flight of stairs.
They sit down at a desk with two small boxes in front of them.
He sighs, "Doen the rabbit hole."
They take off the lids and put on gloves to start going through what's inside.
Sarah reads off an old sheet of newspaper, "It says that Denmark used the money he made from Tannyhill to buy slaves and give them their freedom. It says that he was accused of inciting revolt."
"This was before the Civil War." She informs
"That's why they hanged him." He replies
He pulls out a bible from the box in front of her, opening it, "Check this out."
She points to a page, "These are the birthdays."
"Yeah, Denmark Tanny." He says
She reads off the names, "Cecilia, Robert, Lewis, and Abraham. His three sons."
He closes the book, "What a minute."
He picks a piece of paper.
Sarah looks over, "Is that a picture of-"
He cuts her off, "Gold. This is how he bought the land. It's- it's British gold. This is what was on the Merchant."
"Bingo." She chimes pulling out a stack of papers, "This is what we first moved in."
He points to one that she set down, "What's that?"
She picks it up, "This is the last correspondence."
"Wait, that's- that's in Gullah, the lost Creole language." He says
"Can you read it?" She asks
He shakes his head, "No. mm-mm. I wish, but no. So, Denmark finds out that the posse's coming for him. Wait, what's the date on the letter?"
"It is... May 3rd, 1844." She reads, "Wait, that's- "
He finishes her thought, "That's the day he died."
She reaches back into the box, "And this is addressed to Robert."
"So the day he dies, he writes a letter to his son?" He questions
"In a language only they can understand." She thinks out loud
"Wait a minute." He tells her pulling out his phone.
He takes a picture of it to save it for later.
Deputy Shoupe sits down with Topper and his mom, "We got lucky. There's a camera on a solar panel. We can't make out a face, but we were able to ID the other boat."
Topper scoffs at the sight.
His mom looks down at the screen, "Whose boat is it?”
"Registered to Heyward." He informs, "We think this is his kid."
Topper sits down in front of them, "All right, so she thought that I did this, Deputy, right? I told you, Mom, not everything's my fault."
"Can we talk about this privately, please?" She scolds and then turns back to Shoupe, "So, what happens now?"
"Well, if you press charges, it'll be up to juvenile court. Now, Pope is 16. Could be tried as an adult." He explains, "He'd do time."
"Press charges." She states
Shoupe tries to make her tread lightly, "You know, Heyward, uh..."
She stops him from talking, "Deputy, I said press charges."
He nods, "Yeah, all right. We're on it."
"My dad is going to kill me for being out all night." Sarah voices, "But at least we completed the mission."
"Yeah. Yeah." John replies, "You know, speaking of the mission, you're not as bad as I thought you'd be."
She chuckles, "Well, what'd you expect?"
"Do you want me to answer that?" He quips
"I have an idea." She starts to list off a couple things, "Maybe a kook Princess? Bubble wrap queen?"
"Somethin' like that." He answers, "Rude to waiters at a minimum type of thing."
She takes offense, "Ow! That hurts. Yikes."
"Just sayin'."
She looks away from the water and over to him, "You know you're not what I expected either. Much weirder. For starters, you are totally ADD."
He tries to deny it, "Uh... ooh..." but agrees, "yeah."
"And I thought you were this really laid back, surfer, dude bro." She confesses, "And it turns out you are on a paternal jihad."
"Yeah, I'm just trying to get this letter translated."
She shrugs, "Hey..." picking up her cup, "To breaking expectations."
"So..." He trails, "what's it's gonna be like when we get back?"
She furrows her brows, "With what?"
He struggles to find the right words, "With... you know, like, um..."
She motions between them, "This?"
He nods, "Yeah."
"Nothing changes, I guess? Right?" She wonders, "I'll go back to the bubble."
"Like Topper? Back to the bubble?" He queries
She looks out to the water,  "Yeah. And, um... I guess you'll go back to being a... a fugitive."
He takes a sip of his drink, "Yeah."
"Had a really great day, though." She tells him
"Me too." He says
"Don't let it get in your head. Three of them and two of us." JJ nags, "That's some typical Kook shit right there."
"Hell, yeah." Kie agrees
"What was your thought process, using your head?" He asks
"I don't know, man." Pope answers, "I just kind of acted off instinct. I was a cornered animal."
Y/n pats his shoulder, "And you fought like hell."
Mr. Heyward walks over, "Hey, Pope, someone here to see you."
In walks deputy Shoupe.
Popes face drops, "Evening officer."
He makes his way over to him, "I have an arrest warrant for felony destruction of property. Keep your hands on the counter where I can see 'em."
Pope gives a distressed look to JJ.
Mr. Heyward tries to stop him, "Whoa. Shoupe, what'd he do?"
"Take a look at the warrant." He tells him
They all begin to panic, “You're arresting him?"
"Shoupe, are you listening?" Heyward asks
Shoupe blocks out everyone around, cuffing Pope and reading him his rights.
Pope can't hear a thing, his focused in on the thoughts running wild through his head.
His friends and father trying to get some answers from the deputy.
JJ makes a spilt second decision, "It wasn't him! It was me! He tried to talk me out of it. But I was mad because he'd just been beaten up. I was so sick of those assholes from Figure Eight that I lost my shit."
He stops in front of Pope, "I can't let you take the blame for something I did. You've got too much to lose."
"JJ, what are you doing? He scolds
"I'm tellin' the truth." He replies, "For once in my goddamn life, I'm gonna tell the truth. I took his old man's boat, too."
"JJ, come on." Pope pleads
"Just shut up, Pope!" He yells, "Just shut up. He's a good kid. You know where I'm from."
Shoupe nods, "Yeah."
"It was all me." JJ states
Shoupe turns to Pope, "That's the whole truth?"
"Whole truth, swear to god." JJ chimes
"I know what you think, damn it." He barks, "I'm asking Pope."
Pope locks eyes with JJ, looking for any sign of a go head.
Pope finally nods, "Yeah, that about covers it."
JJ switches places with Pope and is loaded into the back of the car.
They all watch as they drive off.
Pope throws his cap onto the ground, "Shit!"
JJ sits in a holding cell, thinking about what he's done. But he smiles, knowing that he has saved the reputation and future for his friend.
"Now that we have returned to the motherland..." Sarah says as the walk the dock, "...we must revert to our real identities, so if you see me on the street-"
John b interrupts her, "Yes, of course, I am a true, uh, professional."
She stops walking, "It's been a pleasure working with you, comrade."
She sticks out her and he shakes it.
"Pleasures mine." He assures
She starts her walk back to her house.
"Wait, wait, wait!" He calls out, "Uh... uh- really? That's it? You're just gonna walk away like this never happened?"
She turns around, "Well, that's what professionals do, right?"
"Sarah, I just had the best day of my life!" He shouts
She smiles, "John B, you're gonna blow our cover."
"Look, I don't care about my cover, Sarah." He rebukes, "I don't care about my friends finding out or your boyfriend with frosted tips."
"Look, yesterday, I- I didn't even know who you were. And today, I'm, like..." he points at her, "Sarah Cameron. And honestly, in my limited experience, that's rare. That's like, like... eclipse rare."
He pushes back his hair, "Like a blind person seeing color for the first time rare or, like, Bigfoot evidence or the Northern Lights. Look, I can't pretend like this isn't real, like this didn't happen."
Sarah walks back over to him, "Shut up."
She puts her arms around his neck pulls him into kiss.
She pulls away, " I can't pretend either."
"It's a small island." She tells him, "We should be careful."
With a short kiss goodbye they go their separate ways.
A man breathes heavily as he wraps up John Bs compass in a rag, placing it into a secure box.
Grabbing a large hook off the table and setting it to the side.
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lab-trash · 4 months
hi!! aplogies if this is pushing but i really really really love your michie fic titled “H̶e̶r̶” and i was wondering if you’re planning on updating it at some point?? no pressure i just love the premise a lot and i am HOOKED
[also i really hope i have the right blog lol]
Okay, so first off. Right blog? Yes and no? I am the person who wrote Her, but this is more of my... sci-fi, supernatural blog? Which I suppose NPMD could key into, but it's much more sitcoms and movies. (Also just my personal rants, vents and other bullshit)
That being said, I've gotten a confused person looking for my musical theatre blog enough times that I definitely should create a pinned post including my other blogs.
My musical theatre blog, for future reference, is @im-not-a-l0ser . Very fitting if you ask me ^-^
Anyway! About your question! I do plan on updating it at some point, I just don't know when that point will be. Something that keeps me on top of my stories is writing chapters in advance so I don't get burnout. Example, I'm writing Beanies right now and there are nine chapters posted. Chapter 10 is complete, but I haven't yet finished chapter 11, so I'm not posting Chapter 10, and Chapter 11 won't be out until Chapter 12 is complete. (This also allows me to double-post chapters when I'm finishing a book, although this has not actually happened yet.)
I did not start doing this until after starting Her. I'm stuck with Her, because I don't know what direction I'm going into, and I don't know where to start. Also doesn't help that my parents were never formally divorced (they have 6 kids and had been married for over 20 years by the time they separated; can't blame them) so I really don't know anything about the process. I know it's long and gruelling and stuff, but I don't know how quickly I'd be able to just gloss over it. But I suppose maybe Gary Goldstein (Attorney At Law) is a good enough lawyer to get it wrapped up real quick lol.
I understand that Her is more of an angst and trans-comfort gold mine, but feel free to take a peak into my other books, which are updated slightly more frequently, such as Beanies or Zeek: The Fighting Nighthawk. Beanies is more building friendship secretly between them, while Zeek: The Fighting Nighthawk has them becoming friends with one under false identity (obviously, that's Zeek.) Beanies does also include the same character being trans, but it's not a major plot/talking point (yet). I really appreciate the support, I'm just going to be very busy between planning for pride and writing for Beanies (I have a trio of chapters coming out that I want to get out of the way before I pick up something else; I don't want burnt out on this before I even finish the pride event stories.)
If you want something of mine that's complete, I have a handful of one-shots, such as Dance with Death (spoilers for Workin' Boys and Abstinence Camp), Max Jagerman's Socks, r/TrueOffMyChest (you can actually find some backstory for that on my blog under an ask @/24-guy sent in), and Max Jagerman's Private Story.
I also have an ongoing porn saga but we're not gonna talk about that right now
Hi! If you follow me for LREF, Stranger Things, It, etc. and you for some reason read this whole thing. You should totally go watch the Hatchetfield musicals! If you like musicals (some people don't lmao)
If you're interested, they have a rich lore, many meta-jokes, and a currently active fandom which you might enjoy (looking at you LREF fandom. That is to say, like six people.)
If you are interested, it's The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals, Black Friday, and Nerdy Prudes Must Die. They're all free on YouTube, recorded by the creators and they're all absolutely fantastic IMO. Watch them in that order though! If you don't, you'll be really confused! This is a trilogy (kinda), the world is the same (kinda), the previous shows give context for world building and jokes.
If you do watch them, please please come talk to me about it over on @im-not-a-l0ser . I do highly recommend blocking the tags though before you've finished them. Spoilers can happen really easily, and when it comes to Hatchetfield, something that might seem small or insignificant (or maybe just extremely confusing) probably means something pretty big overall.
(Ps, there's also a 'mini series' called Nightmare Time. It definitely gives some context and it expands upon Hatchetfield as a whole, but it's not technically necessary to watch. I'm not gonna force anyone to watch it, just because there's so goddamn much of it.)
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ladyviserra · 2 years
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I posted 76 times in 2022
That's 53 more posts than 2021!
42 posts created (55%)
34 posts reblogged (45%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 44 of my posts in 2022
Only 42% of my posts had no tags
#asoiaf fic - 25 posts
#asoiaf - 24 posts
#a song of ice and fire - 24 posts
#game of thrones - 23 posts
#asoiaf imagine - 22 posts
#got imagine - 7 posts
#asoaif - 7 posts
#aemond targaryen - 7 posts
#robb stark - 6 posts
#sansa stark - 6 posts
Longest Tag: 26 characters
#visenya targaryen x reader
My Top Posts in 2022:
telling robb stark you are pregnant
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A/n: Let's leave the war alone for a bit, ok...
Before either of you knew of the joy you were to have, Greywind did
That direwolf would stand in front of you, not letting Robb to touch you, leaving you both confused
Then you figure out you haven't bleed in a while and the thought popped in your mind
Everything your mother told you about being pregnant was slowly becoming real
You saw how your stomach grew
When you told him, he was so happy
His face would light up and a smile played on his face
" You are? " " Oh my, Y/n we will be parents. "
He would tell his family about it, getting congrats and excited cheers
Theon would be a big tease about it, asking you some uncomfortable questions which you got used to from before so it didn't affect you
Robb was more protective over you, telling his best friend to stop it and how it's no place for him to know those things
" I will find that out from you or kid. " If he couldn't tease you, Robb was his victim.
He didn't mind it, the joy of knowing he will be a father were too big for him to even care what Theon was saying.
526 notes - Posted August 12, 2022
Imagine Daemon naming your child after you...
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It has been torturing you. The birth of your first child. Sure you are very happy because of it, however, the pain is still there. The sweat and blood made you dizzy. And it exhausted you much.
Your dear husband made it a lot better when he busted through the door, disturbing your ladies who were ushring him out with no success. " Let the man be eith his wife. " He said to them before finally taking your hand in his.
And soon it was over, a little girl was born. " Look at this Princess, Love. " Daemon lifted your daughter to his chest with a genuine smile.
" We shall give her a good name. " He took one look at you and decided. " Perhaps she should share her name with her mother. " You were tired like never before, but not even that could stop uour heart from blossoming. " I would love that. "
567 notes - Posted September 27, 2022
Imagine Prince Daemon asking you for a dance...
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You couldn’t help but smile at your reflection, the dress fitted you nicely, it almost seemed too perfect for this occasion.
The dance was about to start and you had the attention of many people, but only one man mattered to you, the man who stood above all. You might have felt his eyes lingering on you while you were passing through the crowd, the purple dots of his eyes laying on you. In no time he was close to you, sneaking so you wouldn’t be prepared when he put his hands on your shoulders.
By the light breeze his skin left on yours you knew it was him. You slowly turned around so he could see you, making sure he was starving at your movement, wishing you would make it easier for him to control his urge to not drag you away from the rest of the people. 
“ My prince. “ Your voice sang, bowing before him, seeing how much it made his nerves work and then raising in front of him till your faces were almost too close.
“ M’Lady. “ He kissed your right hand, making sure to brush his thumb of it, not dropping the eye contact for anything in the world. “ Would you allow me to see how long can you dance for your prince? “ Daemon whispered in to your ear, leaving his hot breath on your neck before waiting for your answer.
The tension was undeniable and your couldn’t help but to smile saying: “ It would be my biggest pleasure to please you, Daemon. “
1,046 notes - Posted August 25, 2022
The Sweetest Betrayal | Aemond Targaryen
Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x Female!Targaryen!Reader
Summary: The meeting at the Red Keep regarding the Blacks
Warnings: incest, curse words, arguments
A/n: There is going to be one more part to this, so I hope you enjoyed in this. Also I feel like I went a little bit too much off on one part, you will see which one, but nevertheless I hope you like it.
Part 1
His arrival to King's Landing caused no new suspicions. As much as Aegon II could be paranoid, he never would have thought of his little brother's betrayal to be possible. Vhagar flew into the crowd of other dragons, leaning just to give a perfect spot for Aemond to jump off her.
" Well morning, Brother! " The King greeted Aemond loudly.
" Good day, Brother! What brings you here? " The prince patted Vhagar before she flew back up in the sky, Sunfyre following after her.
" I have waited for you to return, we need to discuss our next attack. "
" Or defence, you never know if they are planning to attack us first. "
" Well, that is why we need to think of something quickly. “ The two brothers head to the castle, they grew up in. They received greetings on every step they took, men bowing next to them one after the other. A smile poked at Aegon’s lips, proudly walking around his castle. The praise he was given just for his pure existence was tempting, that much Aemond knew. His brother was always encouraged by their mother to be the best since he was going to be a King. And never did Aegon refuse to be great, because he knew what he wanted and his hunger for it grew with him. 
The castle they now lived in was not the same as the one when their father was alive. The sun was much brighter and better singing around them. It was as if Gods turned their backs on Targaryens for their greed and wish for more power. While they were together they cared about the family. However, now that is split, it’s going to stay in such a broken state until it’s destroyed.
By the way Aemond’s home looked, dark and dull, he already felt like the Greens lost the war.
As the brothers entered the room where everyone waited, they were met with more bows and with the look of their sweet mother. “ Now that, our King is here we may start. “ The dowager queen announced, with men sitting and quieting down. Aemond received a little glance of his mother’s look before the meeting started.
It was a challenge for him to bear it. In the meeting, Aegon talked about his plan and how they will wait for Rhaenyra and the rest of the Blacks to attack King’s Landing, giving the Greens a shield if they needed it. He talked of what he will do to Rhaenyra, Daemon and their dragons when he catches them. Aemond was through the whole meeting squizzing his hand and biting his tongue, hoping for no mention of Y/n to take place. 
And when her name was finally spoken, Aegon only replied “ Well, for her... We have plenty of time to think what we will do with her. “ Somehow he kept his mouth shut, but his eye shot fire bolts at his King. He sat through the whole meeting and even when other men were leaving the room, he didn’t move from his spot a single bit.
A hand fell on his shoulder, making him look up and see his mother. “ Go with me. “ Soon he found himself in his mother’s chambers as she saw him walk to the window and stare at the windy weather. 
“ Are you not feeling well? You haven’t said a single word the entire day. And I noticed you were shaking at some point, did you catch a cold? “ He only shook his head. Alicent hurriedly walked over to him, laying a hand on his forehead. “ You do feel warm, are you sure- “ 
“ I said I was good! “ He raised his voice, calming when noticing he did so. “ Thank you, mother. “ Stunned Alicent watched him in disbelief, she knew he had a temper, but never used it on her. 
“ What is bothering you? “ She asked in a strong tone. “ Can you not look your own mother in the eyes when she speaks to you? “ Aemond turned from her. “ No. “
“ What do you mean ‘ no ‘ Aemond?” 
“ I meant, I can’t look at you. “ His tone didn’t raise at all, he stayed calm and quiet. “ Where is that coming from? Are you being jealous of Aegon, because he is King, what is his right? “ 
“ I said no. “ 
“ Then what is it? You were quiet when he talked about Rhaenyra and Daemon. “ When mentioning them, she go quiet for a moment, thinking to herself it couldn’t be possible. 
“ Don’t tell me, that’s where you have been... “ 
“ Mother, I told you no. “ 
“ Then what else could it be? You don’t like your nephews. For Lord’s sake, you almost killed one at the Storm’s End. What could you be hiding-
“ It isn’t possible you are with Daemon's daughter. “ Alicent covered her mouth with her hand. A sob escaped from the depth of her soul. She knew it was true what she meant when Aemond took a first look at her. 
“ Is it Y/n? “ Her eyes watered at the honest look Aemond showed. “ Did you found her, somewhere? Are you hiding her? You have to tell Aegon. “ She quickly gasped, expresing great shock on her face. “ Did she secude you? She is just like her mother- “ 
See the full post
1,450 notes - Posted September 18, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
hiii! could u perhaps do an imagine about aemond one eyed x daemon’s daughter and being w her will test his loyalties to his brother and his cause? like he will def be torn between loyalty to his brother aegon and his love for y/n
The Sweetest Betrayal | Aemond Targaryen
Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x Female!Targaryen!Reader
Summary: Aemond got too involved with Y/n, she was just an innocent flirt. Now things were diffrent, she was his enemy but they are already too in love to stop themselves from seeing each other, even if it was behind their families’ backs.
Warnings: fluff, meantions of war, incest (cousins), kissing...
A/n: I hope the person who requested this doesn’t mind me making this into a series, so I will have more part and more people involved (Aegon II, Alicent, Daemon, Daeron, possibly Rhaenyra and others), and make this longer.
Part 2
With his one good eye, he looked at the person he feared he loved the most. She was still asleep. " Gods. " He thought. " Such an angel should not be involved with me or this war. " The cold weather hit his muscles which were out in the open since the last night.
He made sure to wrap her in the fur, hoping her mind was clear of bad thoughts that haunted him. At least she looked peaceful, away from the chaos which was rising up.
Aemond groaned, knowing he got too involved with her, if it was only him loving her, the prince would be long gone, suffering in his loss at King's Landing and not watching his cousin sleep. At that the cousin he was supposed to see as an enemy, not kissing her tenderly and caressing her soft skin.
He wasn't the only one in love, she was too. And because he knew she loved and cared for him, no matter how cruel he could be, there was no strength in him to leave her. What were they before the war? A pair of kids that were messing around. He was often getting glares at his uncle Daemon anytime they were too close to each other.
Until they were able to sneak away and share their first kiss. The love started there and maybe they didn't know it then but it would be just a kiss that would be repeated again and again... Then the war happened and now neither of them is safe.
His uncle is not far away from his daughter's room, as much as he knows the man could be waiting at her doors, seconds away from opening it and witnessing this scene.
They are enemies and he would probably be killed in no time. If his brother found out about Aemond even seeing the " enemy " the lightest punishment he would receive would be being locked up in a cell, stripped of his title and forgotten left to rot until he dies from starvation or dehydration.
His mother wouldn’t be pleased either, she would be disappointed in his decisions and he would be the enemy of his brothers, sister, mother, grandfather, nephews, niece and to all that support his brother’s claim.
The sun is almost going to rise and he will have to leave Y/n before her family wakes up. Well his too, but the war tore them apart. The prince walks to the chair which was holding his shirt, preparing to leave. However, he didn’t want to leave without her knowing. Aemond left the shirt in its place, laying his arms on the bed, crawling slowly to her spot, being very careful to not make too much noise.
“ Y/n. “ He called her name, seeing no reaction. “ Y/n. “ He shook her lightly, not wanting to scare her. Her purple eyes shinned when she was able to see his face.
“ Morning, Love. “ He smiled at her, lowering himself until he meet her lips. “ Morning. “ She was smiling too until she realised the sun was soon going to be up in the sky. “ You have to go? “ Y/n sadly whispered, hugging the fur which she was surrounded by even tighter.
“ I know, love. I have to, before... “
“ I hate this Aemond. I hate this war, hate that our family is split in two, I hate how we will never be able to live in peace, I just want... “ Her eyes couldn’t hold in the tears anymore, she broke down and Aemond quickly started showing her his support, holding her with his arms as if he was scared to let her go.
“ I just... want us...all of us to be...to be happy. “ She was able to finish her sentence and saw how one of her tears trailed down his chest. “ I wish that too, so very much. “ Seeing how sad their situation made her, Aemond’s heart was breaking, especially when he knew he couldn’t do much.
He wanted to do nothing more than tell her they can fix it, that their family won’t fight, that there would be no war and she should be sad. But he knew, he couldn’t lie to her even if he wanted.
Aemond wished he could come to her father, ask for her hand and get permission from him and he could finally marry his lovely Y/n, and take her somewhere they can be in peace. “ Love, you know I hate nothing more but having to leave you, but I must before we are seen together. “
“ I know you must. “ She let go of him, trying to stop her tears knowing they would make him stay longer which she would be delighted by, however it was risky to have him be here for too long.
Aemond dressed up, and walked to her window, pulling at the rope to see if it was stable. He let go of the rope, stepping in front of Y/n’s teary face, and kissing her cheek softly. “ I will see you soon again. “
As she saw him approach Vhagar, she took her napkin, tapping on her wet face. She weaved to him, barely smiling from the pain she felt. Aemond felt the same pain stabbing him in the chest as he was leaving, he flew away and she returned to bed, not knowing what to do with herself, just wishing for him to come back to her and never leave again.
1,500 notes - Posted August 31, 2022
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mari-lair · 2 years
I think it's obligatory at this point of asking for a fusion dance(..?) for your supernatural akane fic in hogwarts if it's alright
(Ask game: Here)
This is a fun one! I had to tweak the rules since everyone sees ghosts in Hogwarts (so this is truly a fusion of worlds, not a full hp au) to even attempt to translate a scene from "your clock is ticking" to this setting.
A familiar ghost with a bloody head popped from the walls, his hair a dark red curtain of half dried blood and sticky strands. It was a gory sight, truly disgusting, but what always caught Teru's attention was how colorful he looked, his translucid form standing out against the sea of blue-tinted ghosts in the castle.
It took one of the longest arguments he has ever had the displeasure of engaging to realize this nuisance wasn't a sentient magic project aimed to scare off the first years, like Headless Nick, it was the real ghost of an old student. A wizard that fucked up so badly while alive, it turned into this shadow of a being, more of a living curse than a dead human.
Only masters and prodigies were able to see Aka, and yet, for some reason, the teacher insisted Aka protects the school, and Teru should just ignore him, as everyone does.
He would love to ignore him. He really would.
But the pest didn't leave him alone.
"Hey kid, did you know there is a forbidden forest here?" Who doesn't? "I see it all the time from the windows but I never went there." You can't go there, curses can't leave the castle, stop pretending you're still a human with places to explore "And apparently in the summer it grows berries that glow in the dark! I have a few notes on it. Rumors have it if someone -"
"I am trying to make a potion here," Teru said quietly, aware of how much he could ramble to himself if Teru ignored him "Don't you dare make me mix up my instructions with your stupid stick notes, the color pens don’t make your annotations any less useless "
"You think they are stupid?" He snorted, but his eyes flashed with real anger "Careful Teru-chan, your bigotry is showing. As a fellow snake I can guarantee you won't be as beloved if they knew how-"
"You don't have a tie," or a memory "what makes you think you're in Slytherin?" Teru cut him off, refusing to believe the ghost used to be from his house. He doesn't care if he used to be a half-blood, a pureblood, or a war hero, Slytherin stopped caring about that ages ago, but he would rather die than have anything in common with this pest.
Aka was probably a Gryffindor, the worse kind too: No sense of justice, just arrogance, stupidity, and the lack of hability to shut up.
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I posted 417 times in 2022
That's 354 more posts than 2021!
177 posts created (42%)
240 posts reblogged (58%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 226 of my posts in 2022
Only 46% of my posts had no tags
#jess mariano - 103 posts
#gilmore girls - 96 posts
#milo ventimiglia - 68 posts
#rory gilmore - 34 posts
#literati - 34 posts
#jack pearson - 27 posts
#this is us - 27 posts
#jess x rory - 24 posts
#bobby dalbec - 17 posts
#luke danes - 13 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#my dad just said that bobby isnt the kind of guy you want to start fights with because hes big enough and strong enough to clear a bar room
My Top Posts in 2022:
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this is my sad little dumbass who really fucking needs a hug and no one is allowed to say mean things about him in my comment section
117 notes - Posted September 28, 2022
where were you when the queen died? I was reading the leviathan for a class
118 notes - Posted September 8, 2022
I want to bite him
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in a loving, soft way
238 notes - Posted June 10, 2022
okay but jess was honestly the most realistic and normal teenage relationship rory had. dean was bordering on abusive and their relationship was too serious for their age. logan's entire existence is just unrealistic if we're being real (and this is coming from a lower middle class kid going to a rich people college). jess had major issues (adhd, avpd, and ptsd are just some of the possibilities) but when he was actually with rory he was just your average kinda nerdy 17 year old with a crush and to expect "reliability" from him is insane. I think my generation has been jaded to a point of no return because the idea that jess is anything but a kid who needs help is insane. he is not an adult who's supposed to make it on his own in the world. he's school should have supported him more and they should have called luke the second he got to 10 absences.
I also hear a lot of people call dean clingy and needy so I need to clarify that dean is neither of those things, he is obsessive. they way jess becomes attached to and partially dependent on rory might be clingy and needy but dean is NOT. he is far worse.
also can we talk about how sad it is that rory was probably the first person to make jess feel safe enough to just be a kid and not an adult
back to my point about school I saw someone say he would have been better off at a school like Chilton and honestly yeah. the work load would have kept him more engaged and private schools are notorious for actually caring about their students which you see clearly with Chilton. they would have called Luke after the first unexcused absence.
also he's issues don't excuse what happened at the party. obviously he had no intention on SAing her that's clear from how slow he is to approach kissing her so she has time so say no because his verbal communication sucks so much just asking makes him anxious. and on top of that he said she did nothing wrong and went after her to apologize once it clicked what was probably going through her head. but with that said he was a little pushing about it when she pushed him away but even he said he didn't even know what to think anymore (about anything going on with himself really). he raised his voice and snapped at her because he was frustrated with himself and that fact that she was pushing him to talk about what was going on when he didn't want to. does this give him the right to raise his voice at her? absolutely not but he was going to apologize so I assume he knew what he did wrong
anyway that scene is not as bad as it's made out to be and honestly it's one of those scenes that you need to look at with a early 2000s lense because it would have probably been interpreted completely different back then
also why didn't she want to bring him to her prom? like she brought dean to a dance a her school why not jess? he was less whiny about wearing a suit too so I can see him having more fun than dean and not getting in a fight with one of her classmates. also what tf was that "because I'll kill you" bs with Tristan like babe your 16 calm down cool it with the fake tough guy shit
628 notes - Posted March 29, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I just watched the video the try guys released about ned and while Zachs very outward sadness and Keith's clear disappointment hurts, Eugene's sadness that he is masking as anger kills me. he may look absolutely furious but you can hear in his voice, especially towards the end, just how upset he is.
4,093 notes - Posted October 4, 2022
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crackspinewornpages · 8 months
War and Peace 80/198 -Leo Tolstoy
Following Andrei’s example, Boris danced with Natasha and others joined, Natasha didn’t notice anything else at the ball, when the Sovereign spoke to a French ambassador and left the ball became livelier. Before supper, Andrei reminded Natasha of their first meeting in Otradnoye and how he couldn't sleep that night overhearing her, embarrassed she tried to excuse herself. Andrei, like most men in high society, liked to meet anyone without the imprint of high life and that was Natasha, Andrei watches her and thinks within a month she’ll be engaged or married. Her father asked and she said it was the loveliest time of her life. Pierre realized he was in a humiliating position because of his wife and Natasha was struck by his unhappy face and wanted to help him. “In Natasha’s eyes, all who were at the ball were alike good, sweet, lovely men, full of affection toward one another; hatred was out of the question, and therefore all ought to be happy.”p.265 (oh my sweet summer child) 
Over several days Andrei called several houses required by politeness but he also went to the Rostof’s to see Natasha, the Rstof’s received him as a friend and the family he criticized. No one seemed charming, he entered this strange world of theirs awaiting new delights. After dinner Natasha sang bringing him to tears, he felt happy and sad but why, mostly for the infinite inside him and the limited world they belonged, she asked how he liked her voice, he liked it like everything else about her. Again, that night he couldn’t sleep full of joy, it didn't occur to him he was in love with her he, didn't think of her just imagined her. Now he made cheerful plans for the future take over the education of his son travel abroad. “Let the dead bury their dead; but, while we are alive, let us live.”p.267 (do you know how to live Andrei you and Pierre are like the poster boys for high society depression) 
One morning Colonel Adolph Berg came to see Pierre since his wife couldn't grant his request after he was settled, he wants to have a reception of their friends. Helene considered Berg and his society beneath her but Pierre couldn't think of refusing and actually arrived unusually early. Berg was explaining to Vera why it’s important to have friends of high society, “saying to himself that his wife, lovely as she was, was nevertheless a feeble woman, unable to appreciate the full significance of the dignity of being a man. Vera at the same time smiled with a similar consciousness of her superiority over her good, worthy spouse, who nevertheless, like the rest of his sex, was quite mistaken,”p.268 Vera judged all men by her husband’s example considering no one but themselves wise, with no real understanding and were haughty and egotistical. (they are both awful and deserve each other good that both agreed to wait to have kids) They entertained their guests by conversations, with Berg changing Vera’s subject of the French embassy to the War of Austria. More people arrived and broke into groups exactly the same as all other receptions. 
Pierre noticed Natasha looked different than at the ball more resigned and wondered what was wrong until Andrei came into the room and started talking to her. Pierre also noticed Andrei looked more youthful and he kept watching them. Something serious was between them and feeling joy and sadness forgot his own grief. After the card game Pierre joins them and Vera asked Andrei what he thinks of Natasha, would she love a man and be faithful, he doesn't know her well enough, but he’s noticed the less attractive the more content the woman is. (you wanna explain that and choose your words carefully) Vera agrees their days like they are, the only ones to appreciate their time and human nature changes with years, that young girls are wooed so often and so much freedom it siffles their feelings and Natasha is susceptible. (even the sister that doesn’t like her is even hey Natasha is young and fickle) 
Andrei scowled and was about to leave when Vera says she’s been courted but not until recently has anyone pleased her, not even Boris. Sometimes intimacy between cousins leads to love, (or the Hapsburgs) but it is risky, Andrei agrees. Now excited, Andrei warned Pierre to be on guard with his intimacy with his fifty-year-old cousins. He then takes Pierre privately, he needs the gloves of the Masonic order to give to the lady of his love. He wanted to sit by Natasha and Pierre saw her blush before Berg had him come discuss politics. Berg never stopped smiling, the reception was a success like the others, what was lacking was a loud conversation among the men about something monumentous, now the general had started one. 
Andrei spent the whole next evening at the Rostof’s and they had an inkling why, since he tried to always be in Natasha’s company. When he left the Countess went to Natasha but she didn't know yet but later that night told her mother everything they talked about but she’s afraid of him, what does it mean, is she in love. (if you’re afraid just being near a guy don’t marry him) She was terrified at the unexpected happiness she felt and persuaded herself he was her future husband and thought he felt the same to her. It was fate to move here to Petersburg and meet at the ball, there shouldn't be any shame since he’s a widower. 
At the same time Andrei was telling Pierre of his love for Natasha at Helene’s reception, a French ambassador, a frequent visitor to Helene was there. Since the ambassador was Helene’s admirer Pierre was appointed one of the Alexander’s chamberlains and so he felt burdened and loathed society. “and his former gloomy, pessimistic thoughts, about the falsity of all things human, began to come back to him more and more frequently.”p.274 Now accented by the feelings between Andrei and Natasha and the contrast of his friend's position and he questioned to what end they were. He dove into Masonic labors to banish his thoughts when Andrei visited him to tell him he’s in love he can't live without her, but can she love him. (forgetting all the rest you two barely know each other) Pierre tells him to marry her and be happy he knows she loves him, to Pierre his friend’s fate seemed brighter in contrast to his gloomy one. 
Andrei went to his father for sanction for marriage, Count Bolkonsky being so old couldn't understand how he could make such a drastic change to their life,can'tt they wait until he’s dead to live their own lives. (foreshadowing) The bride’s side wasn't good match (remember this) and she is very young compared to Andrei and he’s in poor health and it would be a shame to make one that young a stepmother. (Andrei is like pushing thirty Natasha is sixteen) He wants Andrei to wait a year, go abroad, find a German tutor for little Nikolai, then if he feels the same marry her. Andrei knows his sentiments or the Rostof’s wouldn't wait a year or since he’s so old he might die in the meantime, (you’re like thirty) but obeyed his father's wishes and after three weeks returned to Petersburg. 
The day after he talked to her mother Natasha waited for Andrei but he didn't come, or the days after that and she didn't know why. After three weeks she was depressed and felt everyone was laughing at and pitying her. She cried and when her mother tried to comfort her she cried, (girl) she doesn't understand why he stopped coming, she has no desire to be married, she's afraid of him but she's content now. (girl) The next day she went on in her life before the ball, she’s a girl she needs no one. (you’re not strong you’re not independent and you’re not a woman yet girl stop being dramatic) But even left in peace she wasn't calm and when she heard Andrei’s voice ran to her mother asking what to do. 
Andrei kissed her hand and explained he visited his father for something important and now would like to talk to the Countess. Her mother sends her out of the room and Andrei proposes a marriage offer, the Countess says it is pleasing to them they accept, but its up to Natasha, she gives permission to ask. He says his father already consented but the wedding will have to wait a year, she warns Natasha is young and a year is long, but she’ll send in Natasha. She hesitates at the drawing room, if he is all hers, he’s dearer to her than the world. When he asks, she asks why when he already knows, she loves him and kisses him. Then Andrei’s heart changes and he feels none of the former love for her but pity. “The present feelings, though it was not so bright and poetical as the former, was more deep and powerful.”p.279 (dude what was it just the ideal you were in love with not the person) 
He asks if she knows they have to wait a year and Natasha wonders if this is the little child of a girl they say of her and from now on she’ll be a wife, that’s she’s now grown up responsible for everything, missing what he asked her she says no. He says she is too young and he’s experianced life, she doesn't know herself, Natasha didn't understand his meaning. He says it will be a hard year for him, but she should make sure of her own heart, after a year he’ll ask her again, their betrothal will be a secret and she’ll be free if she doesn't love him. (remember this) She says she’s loved him since they met in Otradnoye, (you didn’t even know him) in a year she’ll learn, now it dawned on her it’s terrible, she’ll die if she waits a year, but she’ll wait. (Natasha you are the definition of young dumb and in love) Andrei then visited the Rostof’s as Natasha’s accepted husband. 
There was no formal betrothal and it wasn't made public, Andrei was insistent since he was the cause of the postponement he should bare the burden. He was bound but Natasha had freedom and the right to break the engagement (remember this) and when visiting addressed Natasha only formally. After that day their relationship was simpler and the family felt awkward to Andrei but Natasha assured them Andrei was only indifferent in appearance, (you sure) he’s just like them, they don’t need to be afraid of him. (girl) Rarely they spoke of the future, Natasha read him and felt his dread. When asked of his son Andrei said he won't live with them, (you’re almost as bad as Rochester) but she could love him, but she understands wanting to avoid misunderstandings between them. When they spoke Natasha would listen to him with pride but noticed when he listened to her with tension and wondered what he’s looking for in her and if he didn't find it. (this relationship ain’t off to a great start) 
Whenever he laughed she felt she felt he grew nearer to him, she would be happy if the thought of his parting did not fill her with alarm. The night before he left he brought Pierre to the Rostof’s. Andrei told him of their engagement, he’s going away, God knows what will happen and stops himself from saying he’ll cease to love her. But he warns that if there’s any misfortunes for Sonya to go to Pierre, (the most level headed and responsible in this book for sure) he’s absurd but his heart is gold. No one could forsee Andrei’s departure from Natasha would have an affect, (really the girl is already obsessed about him) she wouldn't cry but stayed in her room for days, but after two weeks snapped out of it. 
In the middle of summer Maria got a letter from Andrei from Switzerland, he confided to her his engagement to Natasha, only how did he feel love and understand the meaning of life. But their father is making him wait a year, it’s already been six months and he's determined and the doctors are detaining him three more. He doesn't need anything from their father, he's independent but he won't incur his anger when he has so little time with them but give him this letter and see if he’ll shorten the time by three months. The old Count’s response is to wait until he’s dead to be free, (foreshadowing) he yells for him to marry and live by himself if she can join him and he’ll marry Mlle. Bourinne then Andri will have a stepmother too. Maria noticed her father tried to be around Mlle. Bourinne as much as possible, she wrote to Andrei how their father received it but their may be hope. (you sure about that) 
1810-1811, Napoleon is at the height of his power he married Marie Louise of Austria and allied himself to the Hapsburgs (they didn’t inbreed themselves to extinction yet) got many brothers and brothers in law on thrones but peace isn't complete as Britain rules the seas preventing trade in Europe. 1811, Russia is at peace with France, but is at war with Turkey to expand the empire but compared to Napoleons wars it is a little one and has little effect on the lives of Russian nobles. 
Rostof continued to serve in the Pavlograd regiment, now commander of a squadron Denisof was deprived of. (he’s alive) Rostof grew into a rough kind fellow who was loved and respected to his comrades and superiors and was satisfied. Letters from home, his mother complained their affairs were getting worse, he should come home. He felt sooner or later he’ll be dragged into a life of wasteful expenditure and rearrangement of affairs with quarrels, intrigues and obligations of society and an explanation to Sonya, he replied to his letters without setting a time to come home. 1810, they informed him of Natasha’s and Andrei’s engagement, paining and disgusting Rostof, he would hate to lose Natasha and how he wasn't there to explain to Andrei that the alliance wasn't a great honor, he should have married her against Count Bolkonsky’s wishes. He thought of going to see Natasha but then remembered his predicament with Sonya and postponed it. (dude you can’t avoid this forever just rip the band aide off and get it over with) 
In the spring his mother wrote to him and it prompted hm to go, if he didn't assume management of their affairs everything would be sold at auction. He’d either have to take leave or retire but he obtained a leave of absence and was going home, he told his comrades. It was hard for him to leave army life, the only thing that interested him without knowing if he earned the Order of St George. He sold three horses for two thousand rubles miss the ball the hussars were giving to Pani Pscazdecska to pique the Uhlans who gave a ball to Pani Borzjozowska. He would have to go from his pleasant existence to all this trouble. 
Before he left, they threw him a farewell dinner, fifteen rubles a head and a band and escorted him to the first station. Halfway he forgot about his military regrets, anxious at what he would find at Otradnoye. After they greeted him, he thought everything was fine, but he noticed his parents were older and there was a restless coldness between them he attributed to the condition of their affairs. 
Sonya was now twenty and her faithful love for him had an effect and Natasha showed him a letter from Andrei, he’s glad for her is she in love with him. It isn't the same as all her other crushes there's no better man, Rostof says he's unhappy with the postponement, but Natasha says she wouldn't force herself in the family. Rostof saw she didn't act like a girl separated from her love, he was unsure of the engagement but he hadn't seen Andrei with her but something wasn't as it should be. (she’s a fickle teenage girl engaged to a thirty year old) Talking to his mother she also didn't feel any confident in it, she showed him no letter where he can't return until December, don’t tell Natasha his health is delicate. (foreshadowing) Let her be happy in her last days of girl hood, it’s in God’s hands, Andrei is a splendid man. 
Days after Rostof returned he was depressed, having to investigate the household economy and demanded accounts of everything, but threw out the manager of the estate, Mitenka, who hid in the shrubbery. The Countess heard of this and was glad for the direction their affairs would take but disquieted how her son handled it. His father spoke to him the next day and Rostof calls Mitenka a scoundrel and a thief, his father knew it was really his fault but didn't know how to set things right. Rostof was trying to make sense of the accounts when his mother asked what to do with the two thousand rubles Anna Mikhailovna sent him. He doesn't like Anna Mikhailovna or Boris but they are poor and their friends, he ripped the check and his mother sobbed in delight. After that Rostof foreswore interfering in business matters and occupied himself by hunting with the hounds. (even Rostof grew tired of trying to sort out his spendthrift family's finances and went fuck it all) 
Count Rostof resigned his position of marshal of district nobility because it was too expensive but their finances didn't improve. The parents spoke in private and rumors of selling off the ancestral estate and the one near Moscow. Now relieved of office he didn't have to entertain and life at Otradnoye was quiet, but the mansion was still full with twenty at the dinner table of those considered family and lived at the Count’s expense. (well there’s your problem stop housing all these freeloading parasites) The scale of living was the same as they couldn't adapt to any other way of life (well if you’re penniless you won’t have a choice) and Rostof increased the hunting establishment. The Countess was conscious they were going into ruin but she couldn't blame her husband, the only way to save them was for their son to marry a rich woman, if he didn't there would be no hope. (so this is the opposite of Mrs. Bennet’s problem all her daughter’s will be taken care of it’s her son that need a rich spouse) 
The Countess wrote to Madame Karagina proposing marriage of her daughter Julie who just inherited a fortune, (a single woman in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a husband) Madame Karagina wrote it depended on Julie. (I’m surprised how progressive this book is) The Countess cried that since her daughters were secured, she wanted to see him married and she happened to know a girl and advised Rostof to go to Moscow, he knew what she was scheming and got her to reveal her plan. What if he loved a poor girl, she just wanted his happiness the Countess lied and cried. Rostof broke and said he’ll sacrifice everything to make her happy but what if he loves a penniless girl, is there any reason he shouldn't return Sonya’s love, (you’re cousins) he’ll sacrifice his love for his parents but not his feelings.  
Rostof didn't go to Moscow and his mother didn't bring it up again and saw the growing intimacy between her son and Sonya. She couldn't help but find faults in her and became more formal with her, what annoyed her most was that it was impossible to really blame her for anything. A letter from Andrei in Rome. he would return but the warm climate caused a wound to reopen, (what is wrong with him I’m serious old scar tissue just doesn’t reopen because of warmer weather) he’ll return next year. After four months Natasha suffered melancholy, she was sick of herself, grieved of time slipping away. While she was ready for love and to be loved, life at the Rostof’s was far from cheerful.  
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tiggeybadger · 2 years
I Met a Guy - It went wrong and I need advice...
It's gone so wrong and while I believe his behaviour has been beyond anything anyone would put up with, sometimes I don't know whether I'm wrong or right. So I figured, why not just ask? Get a collective opinion and see whether I'm being rational or I've turned into a total nut. Perhaps I can also get some healthy perspective and see what is really real because right now I'm not strong enough to leave. 
So... I met a guy in June 2018, a 41 year old man with a 4 year old daughter. I was 36 at the time. We fell in love, quickly and passionately. We had met each other a few times before and flirted but the timing hadn't been right. I'd been single for 5 years after a bad relationship, moved abroad to get some space and just didn't want anyone. I didn't mind being single and wasn't playing the field. I was just happy being me without anyone dictating what I did or where I went. It was liberating. I got two dogs and loved my work. Then, at a friend's wedding, I'd had too much to drink. A friend of mine had just had a heart transplant, another had a brain tumour so I hadn't been in the mood to celebrate. A friend had come over and insisted I went to the wedding. She helped me get ready and forced me out the door. 
The wedding was nice, I got cornered by a woman far drunker than me for an age and, several times, I wondered what I was doing there. Finding the dance floor, I had at least 10 left feet and eventually wondered off to get a taxi, probably tripping over my own shoes most of the way. I sat at the entrance waiting for a car to turn up. Sat on a low curb at the beautiful but isolated venue, drunk in an expensive dress, and went to lean back on the wall behind me. Only there wasn't one. With no elegance at all, I admit that I fell into the bush behind me, but a hand reached out and helped me up. He then escorted me to his taxi, offered to take me to my door, waited until I was safely inside with the door closed and went home. The next day I had a message asking if I was okay and if I really did want to see him again... but that it was fine if I hadn't meant it and he'd just be pleased to hear I was okay. 
I messaged and said I was fine and thanked him for ensuring I got home okay. We chatted for a few weeks over messenger, but i was really a bit too embarrassed to meet him again. The it was the football, I was with friends and he offered to come and meet us. I figured I was with a group and it would be okay - it was more than okay. Everyone else left but we stayed. 
He messaged me beautiful messages for the next month, while I responded occasionally, while thinking if I really wanted to trust someone again. I'd gone to London for a week for my Mum's 70th and family friends had encouraged me to take a chance on someone since it had been a long time. I got back, I did and things moved fast. On our third official date, I told him that I wanted kids and, if he didn't want more, there was no point in us seeing each other anymore. He didn't really respond. The next day I regretting being so up front, but I had friends of my age that had fallen in love, only to find the new love of their life didn't share their vision. My next date with, let's call him Harry, he said "I've been thinking about what you said, let's do it". I freaked out! I hadn't meant now, I'd meant there had to be the possibility, since he already had a child. He saw I was running in my mind and laughted and asked "why not? Give me a reason?". The truth was, I couldn't. We were so right together. He didn't want his daughter to be too much older than her potential siblings and I wanted kids. We did the same job, understood the same world and wanted the same things. 
We dined out, stayed in, hugged, kissed (a lot), we made a sofa den so we could lie together and still face the TV. We messaged each other constantly from work and glowed with the possibilities and support we found in each other. We had mutual friends who had nothing but positive things to say about us and it felt like we were on top of the world. 
We also made a baby pretty quickly. 3.5 months after we met, I was pregnant. We weren't living together yet and my friend was visiting when I did the test. I called him and he was there in minutes, making love to me my sofa while my friend made herself scarce in the bedroom. 
We were glowing, then I briefly thought I'd lost the baby but even then he was there every step of the way, coming with me to the appointment and holding my hand the whole time. A week later, the doctor told us it hadn't been the miscarriage we'd assumed and we were overwhelmed by the rollercoaster but incredibly happy. We started to plan for a family, the first for me and a new start for him. We told his daughter, who had been demanding a sibling and, while she was a bit confused, all was well and exciting. 
There's nothing attractive about pregnancy, literally nothing at all. I'll happily concede that, and give credit to any man who makes his partner feel beautiful during and shortly after this period. I was a size 8 when we met, probably a 10 when I got pregnant (we'd eaten in and out a lot) then I had a massive belly, couldn't bend down to tie my own shoes and farted a lot. Maybe, then, with good reason, "Harry" started reading when he went to bed rather than talking or making love to me. I assumed it was the pregnancy and hoped things would improve once the baby came. He'd also lost his well-paid job so, I kitted the house out on my savings and salary and didn't think too much of it, assuming everything would be back to normal soon enough. On our first anniversary, he took me to a nice restaurant but when the taxi pulled up outside our house he said he was going for a drink with a friend, as it was his friend's stag do. I was due in the hospital 2 days later. He came back at 7am, showered and lay prostrate on the sofa the next day. I packed my hospital bag without help and was pretty pissed off. I went in the next day and in the morning, Junior 1 was born. Harry was proud for sure. However, Junior 1 wasn't an easy baby, he had colic and would be up until 6am screaming the whole time and it lasted for months. Harry didn't help much and I was surprised and hurt. There was a night I had a UTI but managed to fall asleep and he was so cross about being left to look after the baby, he kicked the back of the sofa and walked away with me to look after him again. When I asked for sleep, he would agree but be "busy". On the rare occasions he did let me sleep (3 or 4 times in 8 months), tell me he'd given Junior a bottle only for everything to be exactly where I'd left it. From this point on, I believe he has only intermittently engaged again.
Junior 1 was difficult but we had agreed to a second baby. We weren't having sex and he'd lost his job a second time after only 4 months, not because he wasn't good but because he was expensive and the company wanted to save money. I was back at work and my just above average salary just about covered our combined bills. I transferred money to him to live on so he didn't have to ask when I could. But my salary at that time should have been enough to save on and see me through an extended maternity leave the second time round. His comment on finding out about the second baby was far from the reaction to the first when he was by my side and excited from another house and in minutes. Instead, it was "well that was what you wanted" without getting up from the sofa. He'd agreed with the timing, he was party to the act, albeit without the passion of the first pregnancy. We hadn't had sex for months, junior 2 was a lucky second go strike. With the world pandemic, he didn't work for another 14 months and became more and more distant. He was playing video games 16 hours a day while I worked, paid the bills and the nanny, finished at 6pm or paid her to stay later if I had to work late, bathed Junior 1 and put him to bed, cooked and often washed up. I was then asked at 10:30pm to put headphones in if I wanted to watch TV as he wanted to stream. 
When Junior 2 arrived he it was during covid. He was his old self again, taking me to the hospital early in the morning (3am), organising the nanny to come and being great with the kids while I was in hospital. We took on a bigger house on my salary a month or so later as the perfect home came up and we assumed he would get a job soon. He'd not picked up the grocery bills again, including food for his daughter, since May 2019 so we were now running a split total which was increasing massively as he didn't appreciate how much it was costing. But at this point, it had been 18 months with me being increasingly disillusioned and alone in parenting. I would put dinner on, do junior 1's bath, come back to serve dinner and sometimes wash up as well, while we were living on my maternity income in a house we couldn't afford. I'd planned to I would have been able to take extended maternity leave but the money was all gone. 
Three months after Junior 2 was born, just before we moved to the new house, he got another job and a very good one. It was 50% more than his previous salary with a boss he liked and a company he believed in. We were thrilled, he had a new energy and confidence.  
Within three months he was away as much as he was home. Being "professional social" he called it. We work in the same industry and it's a work hard, play hard one. His reputation was as a solid (maybe boring) but experienced senior person. He had never been part of the play hard crowd, or rather he had, but he was the grounding force and rock amongst wayward colleagues and friends. Exactly what I'd fallen in love with. 
That's the background. 
Then as of June 2021, covid started to lift and he had this new job. He met influential people that elevated his status in the relatively small community we live in. He started circulating with people that have a lot of money and at the age of 44, I suspected he was less the rock and more part of the problem. Gradually, at first, but increasingly he was swept up like a cigarette paper in a hurricane. I blamed the people around him but was wisely told that people make their own decisions. It's true that speaking to the people I had blamed, some I knew, some i didn't, only proved that the only person responsible for Harry's actions was him. Late 2021, his daughter's would be step-father died tragically, her mother understandably needed time but he didn't cancel his trip and was out with investors, leaving me with Junior 0 alone for 10 days, grieving and wanting her parents rather than me. For the record, Junior 0 is an amazing kid that I adore and her mother someone I get on exceptionally well with.
We wanted our son and his daughter in a particular school. He told me not to apply and that he had contacts, I chased from Nov 2021 until late Sept 2022 only to get told each time I was a “nag”. Our son was registered with the local comp the working day before school started, meaning as a new parent I missed all the introductions.
Multiple conferences have followed where he didn't call, lied about going in the first place or when he was coming home, hasn’t called the kids, hasn’t turned up or said he was on his way home and didn't show. He's missed appointments for his kids, isn't and doesn't organise anything when they need something and the landlord turned up on our door saying we were 8 months behind on the rent (second time he's lied about paying and hasn't). That's embarrassing for me, as I've never missed a payment in my life. I paid for the sundries, he paid for the rent and it balanced out about the same. Only he didn't pay it. 
His father died in May 2022 and he was suddenly a dedicated family man again - with the kids, not with me. 3 months later he went out, came back at 7am with crap all over his knees, hid his trousers under the bed and lied repeatedly about what had happened. We live in a dry place, he said it was water on the road when it hadn't rained for 2 months. 
Probably not in order but things got worse with more non-payment for things and lying about it, not turning up for appointments for all his kids, finding drugs in the house, he bought condoms that clearly weren't for us, he went to every conference for extended periods and has been going out at home until 7am. I'm generally being left alone for the most part with our 2 kids and regularly his daughter as well.
I think anyone would say that the relationship is over, and probably was a long time ago. I think I know that but because of the kids i haven't left. So the confessions of love between being out I want to believe  but I know I can't really. So has anyone been in this situation that can help?
What do I do please?
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