#kes does a happy dance
our-marvel-universe · 7 months
Writers Truth & Dare Ask Game:
🪐 & 🔪
🪐 ⇢ name three good things going on in your life right now
-I'm about to go to Europe for the first time on my first cruise as a grown up!! (The last time I went on a cruise I was 14)
-I made some great contacts networking today!
-I'm making slow but steady progress towards paying off my debt
🔪 ⇢ what's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
Hmmm... Idk think there is anything really weird. I don't do a ton of research when writing... But if I think of something I'll come back and add it
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silverskye13 · 7 months
Hi, I just came from reading the last chapter of RnS, and I am once again shaking by how strong it made me feel, which is also finally giving me the strength to ask this, finally.
How do you write compelling, logical emotions? Like, you are writing as you go, and yet I go back and everything reads with such a sound conclusion, like the characters are feeling what they're meant to be feeling, like their emotions are deeply complex and it's just, how? Are there any tips you can give?
Have you studied any writing theory, or have you got any advice on dissecting pieces of writing for improvement? Because I feel like there's oh so much I can get from "improving from writing more"
Thank you for the kind words. Gosh I'm glad the emotions all make sense. I feel like that's one of the harder things to juggle -- especially when posting chapter by chapter, where sometimes weeks go by between scenes. It gets easy to lose things.
Answers to questions [as best I can] under the cut, because I can see this getting long and rambly.
How do I write compelling, logical emotions?
Uhm! This is a bit hard for me to articulate, because writing emotions is very intuitive to me. I'm a very emotionally aware person -- generally speaking I can recognize how I'm feeling and why very quickly within myself. That, I think, helps being able to write them. But some tips that are hopefully helpful:
Study yourself Emotional intelligence aside, the best way to write feelings is to figure out what they feel like. It doesn't have to be in-depth. You don't have to psychoanalyze yourself. It is enough to be able to go "I'm nervous. My stomach feels tied in knots, my throat is dry." or "I'm happy. I feel like I could dance, there's energy I need to get rid of. I feel full to bursting." Any time you've read something and gone "Oh god, that's exactly what that feels like!" It's because someone sat down and studied it for a few minutes. Sit with the uncomfortable feelings, or bask in the good ones. Root yourself in the moment and really stew. It doesn't have to be for big life events. If a movie makes you feel excited, just take a second to describe how it feels. If a book makes you cry, give a thought to what the tears are like. The next time you sit down to write a feeling, you might not be able to remember exactly what it felt like, but you will probably remember the words you attached to it.
Emotions in real life aren't logical, but stories are If you've ever gotten really angry, or really sad, or just any Big emotion, you know they're often overwhelming and paralyzing in their own special little ways. It is so easy to get swept up in the feeling of a thing that your brain turns off, and your body does crazy irrational things, and then its hours later and you've calmed down and it feels like you'll never get that emotion back again, because it was just so... much. That is allowed to exist in a story, but writing incomprehensible feelings takes your reader out of it after awhile. We need something to stay rooted in, if only so we have a reason the character is feeling as they are. Story emotions have a beginning, middle and end that you can chart. We see what causes them, we feel them, they come down from the high, and then they get a resolution. All of that doesn't have to happen at the same time. The character can feel anger over something and it drives their progression for the rest of the book. But, if at the end of the story, we don't see a resolution, it gets harder to believe -- even if in real life, emotions aren't always nearly so neatly tied. [Depending on the type of story you're writing, sometimes you might choose to intentionally leave emotions unresolved by the end, but generally they're still addressed in a "X was still angry, and would always be, but life moves on" sort of way. As long as it was an intentional choice that thought was put into, and that's evident in the character, people will believe it on a writing/empathy level.]
Emotions keep your character relatable, so keep them reasonable Emotions are how your readers connect with your character. Its the little moments where you get into their head and empathize where your attachments grow. Being able to see not only that a character is feeling something, but also see why they feel that way, does a lot of heavy lifting for making you like a character. Even if their feelings are inherently irrational [ie. thinking your friend hates you because they don't want to hang out one day], if you know why the character would feel that way [main character has social anxiety, which has been a problem through the whole book] you can sympathize with them, and care about their struggles.
Think about body language There is so much more to emotion than just "his stomach tied itself in knots" and "his anger was a lightning strike." Emotions are movements and mannerisms. Even something as simple as pacing can convey a thousand different things: quick steps, talking with your hands, in fast circles, leaning forward, beaming [Excited, sharing ideas]. Slow, ponderous steps back and forth in a line down the hall, hands clasped behind your back, brow drawn, gaze low [Contemplative, troubled, turning an idea over and over]. Stomping, storming, glowering, fists clenched, stopping sometimes in front of the door you're pacing in front of, scowling and turning back to your solitude [angry, bracing yourself for an unpleasant confrontation, could be calming down or could be building yourself up to something]. Body language can sometimes convey more of an emotion to the reader than writing how the feeling feels can, especially in a limited POV where you're only inside one character's head.
Physical pacing to show emotion, through word choice Make. Your readers feel things. With punctuation. This is where reading poetry will really help your writing, tbh. Poetry is where punctuation gets really contemplative, really intentional, and you can use that to your advantage in prose too. My thoughts are running. You can tell they're running because I'm in a rush and the words are longer and this sentence is running just like I am. It's one step over and over and over, and ignoring periods for commas because commas feel a little more like a step and less like a hard rest -- and sometimes you do breaks because it feels like a tumble what does this make you feel? It's breathless your readers are waiting for you to stop so they can stop reading and it feels distressing like maybe it's panic or thinking too quick and -- There's something. Creeping. Up on you. A hesitant feeling, like a predator in the grass. There is something disjointed here. In the sentences. The hard stops make you pause. The longer sentences lull you into something. It feels off-balance. Unsafe. Are you scared? Hesitating? What is it, exactly, creeping? You can also get really crazy with it. A character isn't thinking clearly so y o u s ss t art b r e a k i n g up t he wo r d s. You have to be careful. It has to be legible still. But it can be bold, and it can mean something and it can be eye catching and it can be a thought without acknowledgement. Play in the space! Words are toys.
Emotions are your stakes, just as much as bodily harm is If your readers care about how your characters feel, you have a compelling tool to drive their care for the rest of the plot. It's not just bad enough that they could be physically hurt by a situation, putting them in emotional distress makes your readers distressed. This does, however, need balance. In the same way you wouldn't keep your foot on the gas in a car at all times from point A to point Z, lingering too long on one emotion when your readers are invested emotionally drains your readers. There needs to be periods of rest and happiness, to balance the periods of emotional turmoil, guilt, and apathy. If you've ever read a book and thought "Man this character is a crybaby, they never stop whining" or "this book is making me depressed. Everything keeps going wrong all the time!" the balance is skewed too far towards the sad/depressive emotions, and you are emotionally distancing yourself as a result. Something similar happens the other way, if you ever read something and feel like the characters are never in danger, or the plot isn't taking itself seriously. Everyone's tolerance for this is different, but generally speaking, adding small moments of comedy and levity to temper hardship can go a long way to keeping your characters emotionally relatable -- so many people cope with humor anyway.
Read and analyze what you like in other works For the same reason people trace a drawing when they're trying to figure out how the original artist drew it, for the same reason you first knit a pattern instead of knitting a sweater from scratch, pick up a book you love, that gets you emotionally invested in the characters, and really pick apart why you like it. Write down words or descriptions you thought hammered an idea home. Reread a scene once or twice and feel your heart squirm over it and ask yourself why? Just, sink your teeth in and analyze. It helps a lot.
And on the subject of analysis...
Have I studied any writing theory, or have I got any advice on dissecting pieces of writing for improvement?
Also kind of hard to answer! Specifically because I haven't studied much writing theory, outside of reading comprehension classes in high school that I'm 10 years removed from now. If I had to give advice, I think it would have to be from my experience which is: Read a lot and take notes.
You're correct, "practice writing" can only get you so far, in the sense that anything in a vacuum is hard to learn from. If I've only ever eaten a PB&J, it's gonna be real hard to learn how to make spaghetti. Chances are I don't even know tomatoes exist. So, read a lot, and read critically, and take notes.
When I say read critically: I mean read with your eyes open. Ask yourself "why?" as often as you can. A book makes you cry, why? Is it specific to the character? Is it because you want them to be happy or because they're going through something you've been through? A book makes you frustrated, why? Was an important plot point forgotten? Are the characters hard to understand? If so, why are they hard for you to understand? Does the author not explain their motives correctly, does it feel like you skipped a chapter? Or is it because their motives are understandable but you still think what they're doing is stupid? I recommend going back and reading your favorite book with that lens. "This is the best fight scene I've ever read!" Why? Was it important to the characters and therefore important to you? Did it wrap up a plot point well? Was it just fun watching the bad guy get beat up?
I learned how to do this first with descriptions. A few years ago I was reading Kings of the Wyld, and about halfway through the book I realized I thought Nicholas Eames was the best writer I'd ever read. That's objectively untrue, I'm sure there's some better, but it's how I felt and I wanted to know why. So I read the book again. I figured out it was because his descriptions were great. It wasn't just that I could see what was going on in my head, the descriptions told me things about the world.
"The wheat was as gold as the Summer Lord's beard." It's autumn, the wheat is ready to harvest and they have a god named the Summer Lord who is cloaked in gold. That's a lot of information packed into one sentence.
"He had learned long ago that harboring regrets was akin to stashing embers in your pockets: hopeless and bound to hurt." That says so much about the character. He has regrets, ones he's worried over so much he's learned how futile it is. And the image of someone holding onto embers because maybe they deserve that pain is poignant and relatable. We have all done something we regret.
I started writing down all the descriptions of his that I liked, picking them apart to see how they work. I like descriptors that inform you about the world, that are unique to the character, and that are rooted in the physical. I think that's successful writing, so I emulate it.
If you want to get better at writing, really study the stuff you like and ask yourself why you like it. If you can't do it in your head, if you can't just read a book and figure out what went well, write it down! It doesn't have to be a 10 page paper. Just writing "I loved X character and I think xyz reason is why" is enough to get you started. The more you practice figuring out what you like, the better you'll get at identifying and describing it. The more you know about those things, the better you can transfer it into your own work. Study can be really fun when you really dig your elbows into it.
I also think it's equally useful to do this to media you don't like. Pick a book you hate and do the same thing. Why don't you like it? Is it because you don't like the themes, or because the characters were too frustrating to relate to? Was it because the plot seemed forced? Were there plot points and ideas that seemed awesome that the author just ignored? Figure out what you don't like, what you think doesn't work, so you can figure out how to avoid it.
The thing about studying anything is: everything has rules. Learn the rules. Learn why the work [or why they don't]. That's studying.
Learning when its appropriate to follow or break them, that's writing.
This turned into a very, very long rant! Hopefully it helps :'D if not, my apologies.
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basilbunnii · 3 months
any physical nina and jack hcs? like how they look, disabilities, how strong they are etc?
i am SO glad you asked :D i've got a lot of them so buckle in LOL
(all under the cut this is a biggie)
this goes without saying, but obviously i completely see nina as a scene queen who leans into "trashy y2k" (she's a huge fan of ke$ha and the millionaires)
i feel like shes also totally for getting a lot of piercings because she enjoys feeling bedazzled all throughout the day even if shes sleeping or in pjs/comfy clothes
an absolute glitter FIEND to the point that she's the person putting glitter in her shampoo, glitter in her perfume, glitter accessories, glittery makeup, drink shimmer in everything— literally anything that can be glittery will be glittery
going back to music though, i think her top bands are paramore, the millionaires, and ke$ha— like she's a very healthy mix of scenemo and y2k and it really serves
i also know i draw nina a lot different than other people AND I AM TAKING THE OPPORTUNITY TO EXPLAIN MWAHAHA
so my nina does not have a full body bleach because (if i remember right, great, if i don't this is my canon) she gets the acid/bleach dumped over her which i am of the impression it would only bleach her face
i also think that nina would have a moment of clarity after and thats why she would let her smile cuts heal over and scar
i think the chemicals would also get rid of a LOT of her nerve endings in her face so she would not feel a lot of the previously mentioned piercings
i also think her hair would be crispy crunchy from all the hairspray and hair dye and being lit on fire
i can see her also being a big fan of led lights— like the idea of being able to constantly change the color of things around her to match her vibes or her outfit seem totally fitting
onto disabilities, i think nina definitely has QUITE the handful of mental illnesses, but i also feel like she would have pcos which would lean into her wanting to be more feminine from an infertility standpoint and "wanting to be more of a woman" so to speak
as for the mental illnesses she is 150% someone with bpd in my mind. i also think she suffers with psychosis and ptsd, as well as i think she would be on the spectrum (she's def got a special interest in fashion/design)
i also think a lot of those would pop up in her childhood, namely the bpd and the ptsd, because of the bullies and the outcasting, but i think jeff's influence on her life would lead to more prominent symptoms and reactions alongside psychosis and delusions caused by the psychosis
she's also got a problem with obsession and obsessive tendencies (as i think we all know or acknowledge— i have no clue if that was canon in original but fanon hast declared it)
i do think she's definitely strong so to speak, probably a bit more than the average person, but i think her "strength" would come from agility and flexibility when it came to murders
that being said i think she was definitely in dance and gymnastics when she was a kid which contributes to that
i do also think that she gets hurt pretty often regardless because she gets trigger happy and loses her accuracy (much to jack's dismay)
shes way more spry and quick than most people so while maybe you could out-strengthen her, you couldn't outrun her and she would be able to slip out of difficult positions easily
totally off of vibes but she lived in the midwest before the slendermansion
like as someone in the midwest of america that story REEKS of midwest 👎
so i feel like jack leans more into a simple emo getup— hoodie and jeans, flannel and jeans, not super showy (but nina would definitely dress him up)
its giving very overdressed girlfriend and underdressed boyfriend (at least next to her he is)
jack doesn't necessarily listen to a lot of emo songs though, honestly its a really healthy mix of everything "alt" so to speak
when it comes to disabilities, jack has super noticeable ocd
he's always super clean, always organized, everything has a place and it's in it's place (the complete opposite of nina who is the messiest person on earth)
he's definitely got other things like ptsd, depression, etc etc but i think the ocd definitely plays a HUGE role to the point that it's way more important to get across than anything else is because a lot of the mental illnesses of creepypastas are assumable (in my mind at least but i am super into psychology)
i don't think jack has any super noticeable disabilities and my justification is because he is literally a demon they don't usually have a problem unless they're a sinner in origin and mr man was sacrificed not a sinner
i don't think his vision is perfect for a demon though, i do think that the lack of eyeballs is a bit deterring there
doctor handwriting
very very doctor handwriting
there's a big separation in the way he acts whenever he's level-headed and whenever he's remotely emotional
i do think it's fairly hard to get him over that point of level-headedness though— he's very calm and collected until something is pretty personal or sensitive
i've seen a lot of people on here (one or two LMFAO) call him a feline-type demon which i agree with to a degree, he purrs and he's definitely got almost pressure points that make him purr, but i don't believe in the tail (arrest me i am an early 2010s creepypasta fan it takes me by surprise every time)
i do also indulge in elf ear jack i thoroughly enjoy that
jack definitely has a few piercings, but not nearly as many as nina (because thats a VERY high bar)
in terms of strength— i feel like my headcanons are pretty assumable because jack is a demon
he's already pretty strong as is, like he is nothing to fuck with even when he's calm and collected and unprovoked— but get him riled up and i think its a million times worse
there's less of a barrier whenever he's emotional because it creates this blurry-headedness that obviously does not mix well with being a demon and the emotions make him go from like this normal mode to a much scarier much more intense "final form demon" mode
if you take anything out of the strength portion, take "dont fuck with the demon" out of it 🫶
i mentioned that nina lived in the midwest, jack lived on the east coast (namely new jersey)
if you made it this far have another piece of art i made for my ipad background of the sillies (theyre on nina's couch cuddling i love them)
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if yall want relationship hcs next lmk.... or shoot me an ask if you want other characters bc istg i've been holding onto these since i was 10
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light-end-dragon · 5 months
Rondo in Amber and Lapis-En Lyrics
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✦✦Valkyrie ✦✦Enstars ✦✦
**This is not an official translation. All rights to the lyrics and characters etc. are property of Happy Elements. The only thing that is my own is the translation**
Note: I suggest reading/listening to these lyrics along with Shu's solo, as they have many moments that relate to each other.
~琥珀ト瑠璃ノ輪舞曲 "Rondo in Amber and Lapis"~(1)
煤けた硝子玉  淡い月と碧い夜
The two glass beads are covered in grime / as I lay hidden, unbidden by time 
それだけを映して  時の函に横たわっていた
The pale moonlight reflects onto me / the glint in my eyes answers back ever so feebly 
優しく触れた指 轉々捲かれてく
Those fingers gently turn the gears round / over and over they spin as i am wound  
発条の魔法が 壊れていた魂にかかった
The magic of their clockworks grow / fastening life onto pieces of my shattered soul
Oh, it’s so dark….Oh, how gloomy it all carries on
色を与えてくれた 嗚呼、旋律は
Can your hands paint my world full of color too …. That song that you play….
Oh, can it save me as I’m rotting away? 
踊ろう 唯、その意の侭 人形に意思は要らない
And all I ask is that I can dance as you please  / A doll like me hasn’t a will to appease
黄金の繰糸が 紡いでくお伽話が  一つだけの真実
The only wish that a thing like me needs   / is to come along with the strings that you lead
Oh yes-tell me what you don’t like -let me gather it-and I’ll cast it away 
憧れが染み付いた琥珀も    絶望が染み付いた瑠璃も
Like this broken amber I have caught in a prayer / And this piece of lapis dark with despair 
下限の三日月の   欠けた影の一片を (2)
The moon above me calls my shadow night / One a replica gave here upon the light
繕ってくれたから    人の形を纏えたんだ
The broken strings brings it as I’m sewn /  fragments that give me a body that looks like your own
時計の歯車が    轉々廻り出す
The gears click into place as they spin / round and around they all turn once again
調律師の振るう   指揮棒こそが命の鼓動さ
The rhythm of the tuner’s baton /  is the same beat that calls me to live on and on
Yes, and I know….that the world may crumble away
潰えてしまおうとも   嗚呼、構わない
And if I do too, then let it be so, I am just a doll
No, I don’t feel any pain at all!
 歌おう 唯、欲しいのは  完璧な環を成す輪舞曲 (3)
Oh please I ask, just let me sing to the end / and let my rondo meet at its refrain
黄金の琴糸が    奏でゆく絢なる調べ     たった一つの星
If it lies with the song you once played / then the desolate star in the sky might have stayed 
Yes, that is my soul you see ….And just like the moon, it may disappear soon
溶けてゆく硝子にも映そう   永遠に消えはしない愛を
Know that though my eyes burn out on this final day / endless is their love as they melt away…..
This is not as much a translation note (those are below) as it is me pointing out that I've noticed a lot of the things Mika says in these lyrics are very heavily reminiscent of things Nazuna also says during ExValk days. Mika himself has even admitted that he used his nii-chan as a reference in Acanthe, so I would like to believe this is very intentional.
(1). There are a lot of 'everyone knows this' moments I'm pointing out, but either way, the 'amber' and 'lapis' here are referring to his eyes, same as in the lyrics. I also chose to translate the title as "Rondo in Amber and Lapis' b/c most classical songs are titled "Rondo in X Key" and it just sounds better to me that way.
(2). Another 'probably obvious' moment as I've seen it get pointed out before, but it also took me a little while to realize this entire line is a play on words involving Mika's own name.
三日月 "mi-ka-d(z)u-ki"  
欠けた影の一片を "ka-ke-ta ka-ge no hi-to-hi-ra"
plus, the 'kage' and 'hira' use the same kanji as his name does.
There isn't a really good way for this to translate it into english while keeping the meaning of the lines, but I wanted to really try my best b/c I'm stubborn, which is why the line might sound a bit odd. (I'm hoping not, but...)
However, while english has a lot more syllables and sounds for things than jp does, I did manage to get something to work.
The moon above me calls my shadow night (mi:- kɑ:)
One a replica gave here upon the light (kə: - ɡeɪ: -hɪr: əˈpɑː)
Translated more literally, the original line is something like "a piece of the waning crescent moon's broken shadow" so I was trying to match the phonetics while keeping it in line with the moon and shadow imagery, as well as Mika inferring that this is what made up his body as he was given a human form.
(3). This is another very important not for the whole song, but the line here more literally translated has Mika singing something like "my only wish is to sing/be able to sing / a rondo that forms a perfect loop"
Rondo form in music is typically characterized as a main theme or refrain of sorts (I'm using that term b/c it rhymes, I dunno if its supposed to be called that lol) alternating contrasting episodes. A typical rondo is in ABABA formation or variations of. This is likely what he means in the lyrics; he wishes to be able to sing his song until the end, so it can meet back at the beginning again like a proper rondo.
Another note like in Shu's song, a rondo can also be both a music form and a dance, and looking it up, the closest thing I see it coming out to is a ring or circle dance, which seems pretty similar to square dancing in the US. It refers to a pretty broad genre so its hard to pin down exactly what people might be saying when referring to it, but an interesting note is that a waltz can be considered a round dance, round/circle dancing is more associated with communal and folk dancing than typical waltzes.
This likely has rather little bearing on the song in general, but I didn't spend an inordinate amount of time on Wikipedia and other sites to not put something down.
And the final note that is far more relevant to the composition, is about the end. I have to preface this saying that i am not an expert on musical theory, nor am I wholly confident in saying this, so take it as you will.
That being said, I've been listening to the song and melody left and right, and if you recall what I said before about rondo structure, its typically at its simplest, ABABA? There of course can be many variations, but I don't think Mika's song ever finally loops back.
He very well might be singing an incomplete rondo, which makes his line right before it about asking that he's able to finish his song before he burns away....
I certainly feel an emotion, and it isn't good.
These lyrics are not a word for word translation, and are an adaptation of the original song's message, made to (pretty much) fit in with the original vocals. It's my interpretation, but I wanted to keep the meaning close to what it was in Jp while coming across as what one would write in an En song.
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sugoi-writes · 1 month
♥️♣️♦️♠️♥️ thank you!
113. What was your childhood nickname?
123. Can you keep white shoes clean?
127. What makes you happy?
132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?
133. Favourite lyrics right now?
135. Dumbest lie you ever told?
137. How tall are you?
140. Summer or Winter?
145. Tea or Coffee?
146. Was today a good day?
148. What’s your favourite quote?
149. Do you believe in ghosts?
Awww, Anonie!!! Thank you! 💋 I've got you!
Childhood Nicknames-
Most notably, my mom would always call me 'Sweetpea' (very Southern thing, I know), meanwhile my Step Dad would always call me 'Kiddo' (which rubbed off on me now... FML)
Legitimate nicknames were hard to come by, as it were! My weeb friends would call me 'Keshi', which is a so-so pronunciation. (More accurately, Kei-shi, which my friend @hazelfoureyes pointed out, if I remember correctly)
Other noteworthy things that came from Bastardizing my Maiden Last name (which is Dice... Usually it's via Mispelling--)
-D*ke(A SLUR? IN EARLY 2010s? More likely than you think)
Most people aren't very creative when it came to my name;;; these days, my wives call me Danny-Boy, which fills my heart with joy ❤️
Can I keep white shoes clean?
HARDLY... I can barely keep my multicolored Crocs clean. Feet are gross. I do what I can, but most days I'm too lazy with my shoes. A little dust adds ✨Character✨
What Makes Me Happy?
Oh, a good number of things!
-My legal Wife, Robin, for one... But mostly when she's not making her horrendous Dad-Jokes. 💀 Quality time with her is rare and loved.
-My HDC Coven, featuring Hazel, Minky, Syn, and someone secret (SHE'S MINE, YOU CANT HAVE HER). Quality time with them also brings me joy and peace.
-Stability (weird answer, I know). But being on the ✨Spectrum✨, I resist change heavily. So Stability in all aspects of life brings me the MOST happiness/relief. Especially Financial Stability (that can get dicey)
-Dabbling in my hobbies! Writing, Crochet, Doodling, and as of recently: Fashion/Makeup. I love exploring my gender through those mediums❤️
-Haunted Attractions/Haunt Acting- Being a Haunt Actor for the past 7 or so years gives me the most joy I can get while not being paid for it. I love dressing up, I love teaching people how to scare. And dare I say, I'm pretty good at it 🔥💀 I've been an actor manager at a Volunteer Haunt for 3 years, fun fact! 💀❤️
There's... A LOT of things that can bring me joy. I just have to remind myself sometimes!!!
Who is the last person you've had a deep convo with?
DEFINITELY my HDC Coven. We accidentally stumble into deep, insightful topics... Or, Trauma Stories (which I affectionately call ✨Lore✨). I'm sure you good folks will hear more about my lore one way or another!
Favorite Lyrics rn?
*Looks at Sleep Token's Discography* I-- ...THIS SONG SPECIFICALLY. ALL OF IT. IT DOES THINGS TO ME--
But, here is some of my favorites (it's like half of the song, don't judge. You get my favorite song now, to boot:)
"Won't you come and dance in the dark with me
Show me what you are, I am desperate to know
Nobody better than the perfect enemy
Digital demons make the night feel heavenly
Make it real
'Cause anything's better than the way I feel right now (THIS ONE FR FR)
Dumbest lie I ever told?
I am... WAS NOT... A smart child. I got my first hickey early on in middle school (SCANDALOUS, I KNOW)... And I told everyone a myriad of excuses. Fell and bruised my neck on a door knob, burned myself with a curling iron (I have naturally wavy hair), my sister threw hot food at me and burned me... Just... YEAH. But I hate to say I am a MUCH better liar now! 😂💀
How tall am I?
Begrudgingly, I am a mere 5"3, but in my mind's eye, I'm 6'2. Like my dear sweet wifey. ❤️ (#shortking)
Summer or Winter?
NEITHER, F A L L. But if I had to choose, Summer, because the town is so much more lively/has things to do during that time. ❤️
Tea or Coffee?
If you were to ask me a month ago, I would have said neither. But Coffee has grown a great deal on me... (Iced Coffee or Cold Brew preferred, hehe)
Was today a good day?
Could have been better, could have been worse! I DoorDashed most of my day and made some money! I got to wake up next to my Queen! And, hopefully, I get to talk to my Coven and write a little today. It wasn't perfect, but it was nice ❤️ Thank you for asking!
What's your favorite quote?
HONESTLYYYYY, the one I've been feeling most (as a Enby stuck in Florida with my Transitioning partner), I think of what Gerard Way screamed at a recent concert...
"In the face of extermination, say FUCK YOU!!!" (Or something similar)
I've been trying to live as my authentic self, while my wife gets the help and treatment she needs first. Together, we will be safe and we will love our best lives, unashamed. I also turned this quote into a sticker and sold it at art markets for a while (but sadly, living in Florida, it's hard to push Trans-Positive things...) SIGH...
But otherwise, a good back up is "History is doomed to repeat itself unless we learn from it". (Or something similar).And I Live. By. That.
Do you believe in ghosts?
As funny as this sounds (from a haunt actor), no! Not at all! I believe there's always an explanation or reason for the weird happenings people run into... But not ghosts themselves, no.
I am Superstitious in nature, but not supernaturally inclined... If that makes any sense? ANYWAY--
Hope this isn't too long of a ramble! I will try to post a sneak peak of something I'm working on (and tbh, the feedback is probably needed)
If you made it this far, thanks for reading and learning more about your boy, Sugoi! ✨❤️
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planetswingsandyoga · 7 months
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In the quiet of my mind, a poem blooms,
A testament to the growth that looms.
Life’s challenges, some hard to bear,
Yet acceptance whispers, “I’m here”.
Why does it seem so tough, this dance?
Or do I complicate it with my own stance?
Perhaps there’s no simple decree,
For happiness, they say, is just to be.
In the tapestry of life, we weave and wend,
Seeking truths, wondering where they’ll end.
Acceptance, a key to peace’s gentle art,
A journey inward, a quest of the heart.
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here-be-dragoliches · 4 months
Douluo Continent Ship Dynamics in no particular order because im obsessed and still haven't recovered
Tang San × Xiao Wu - love at first sight and shared braincell couple. they are just very in love and happy and totally get eachother and eachother's sense of humour and just make eachother so happy. they also never really decided to be in a relationship, it just happened literally from day one like they just knew they'd found someone perfect. they are just also both the sunshine one. and they make everyone else around them so happy to.
Xiao Wu × Zhu Zhu Qing - goth gf and sunshine gf, grumpy one and sunshine one. Xiao Wu is literally head over heels in love with her from first sight, shes just so cool and tough and amazing (she tells tang san all about it and he's very supportive). Zhu Zhu Qing develops feelings for her slower, with some reluctance to start with (what are these strange feelings i am having about this small pink rabbit girl) but has that cliche italicised oh moment. height difference!!!! way too much pda probably. just teasing and joking with eachother. Zhu Zhu Qing is very protective of Xiao Wu.
Tang San × Ou Si Ke - idk what dynamic they are BUT the way that Ou Si Ke was just so enamoured by Tang San when they first met is amazing and you can bet that Tang San was then like oh no he's so adorable and has such a nice smile. they probably danced around it for a while until Dai Mu Bai got so sick of living with their obliviousness that he locked them in and forced them to have a conversation about it or something. OHH mutual pining was their dynamic, it didn't last very long but they were both so oblivious. Now they're just so soft, they're not so showy about they're relationship but its lots of little touches, leaning heads on eachothers shoulders probably cuddling up together to sleep, just all the good stuff!!
Ou Si Ke × Dai Mu Bai - Martial brothers to lovers or childhood friends to lovers. They know eachother SO well and teasing/being mean to eachother is their way of flirting. They're probably quite private about their relationship, nobody really noticed but then when they do find out it makes so much sense. they can always rely on eachother no matter what with absolutely no judgement when it comes down to it. Dai Mu Bai doing that laugh and exasperated head shake while trying not to smile like an idiot at Ou Si Ke's antics?? YES
Zhu Zhu Qing × Dai Mu Bai - RIVALS TO LOVERS (need i say more?) but also cat girl x cat boy LMAO and femdom. Zhu Zhu Qing can and does lift him up and Dai Mu Bai literally can't cope. he also finds her so hot all of the time but especially when she's beating up bad guys. Their rivalry and fighting as flirting while training and everything is just god tier. the tension!! then them learning to be a team instead of opponents? SIMPLY AMAZING
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evgenyvyacheslavovich · 7 months
Survival Psychology
Chapter 1: How to Tell When You're on the Edge
Survival is the struggle for the right to exist. Each day becomes harder than the last. Life doesn't get easier, and that doesn't work in our favor. Millions of years ago, humans had to hide from animals and predators. They bought a little time to recover, eating whatever they could find. So, why do people in modern times, with a roof over their heads, food, and like-minded communities, feel so oppressed and small?
The question is rhetorical; we are not free. Often, we have so little energy that we cannot even admit this fact. And first and foremost, this lack of freedom is in our minds. The new world of the 21st century has opened up millions of new opportunities and placed us in a vacuum with its orders and rules. Of course, we can start to rebel against these new rules of social life, but why bother?
I suggest that first and foremost, we admit to ourselves directly and honestly that we are living far below what we deserve. And also acknowledge that most of us are in a crisis. We need to survive, but first, we need to accept our situation; we are in a survival stage.
Chapter 2: The Swamp
Whether we want to believe it or not, we work at a job we don't love of our free will. Just as we live where we live, eat what we eat, and so on. There is no one forcing us to do anything without our consent. At this point, many will probably be happy to think that these thoughts will not change anything. They may think that this whole story is not working and that it is impossible to get out of the swamp just by wanting to. And I completely agree with you. It's not easy. But it's possible.
What I mean is this: if you accept that you caused the swamp. And, crucially, your only task is to escape and survive. Then everything will work out. The main principle that I prefer to use in this unfortunate state of being waist-deep in the mire is the principle of "from the inside out." If you're already stuck and not free, and you don't have enough energy to just call for help. If your ego is exhausted, your ambitions have left you, and friends and acquaintances have turned away. Congratulations, you're starting your path anew. The only thing you can do is shut up, be patient, and move forward as far and as long as possible.
Why "from the inside out"? Let's consider this principle only in terms of survival. It has many possibilities, but not all of them are relevant to this discussion; that's for another time.
Chapter 3: From the Inside Out
As we have already established, we need to: realize, accept, and move.
The key here is, of course, acceptance. As soon as you in any way realize your disastrous situation and can come to terms with it (accept), everything will magically change in your mind. I repeat, we are not free primarily in our minds. Your body and mind will stop dreaming quickly and easily. They will take off the rose-colored glasses and see the world differently—from the inside out. That is, first comes awareness, then you will understand what you can do over time, and later (possibly much later), you will just shut up and start acting.
Let's break it down:
"Why not jump over awareness and go straight to acceptance?" You cannot start fully devoting yourself to something good while continuing to deceive yourself. It will bring pleasure and benefit. The root is always important; if we are in the swamp, then what's the point of our talents for dancing?
"Why is acceptance the key to change?" Simply realizing that you are surviving is not inherent in humans. In us, a sense of danger, anxiety, and incredible discomfort immediately wake up. But if you can endure this anxiety, and not go crazy with fear, then you will understand that it's time to change everything, including yourself. This means accepting your situation and starting to move. Acceptance is the engine of the personality evolution process.
"What does it mean: Everything will magically change in your mind?" One of the key features of the from-the-inside-out principle is the ability to get rid of everything unnecessary for me as a person. To eliminate everything that society and the laws of consumption impose on us. Everything will change. It will move away from luxury, overconsumption, and wastefulness. It will move toward saving and having a comfortable dialogue with oneself.
"What does 'from the inside out' actually mean?" From the inside out means "from the heart" or "sincerely." As soon as we realize and accept our situation, we no longer have the opportunity to drown out the inner voice. We hear it, and it hears us. Now we are together and can overcome everything. We are not alone. No one is alone. Everyone has themselves and time. That's all you need.
Chapter 4: It's Better Where We Aren't
In conclusion, let's consider the main concept that I suggest and present it in reverse.
To survive, you need to shut up, start listening to yourself, and move forward.
To start moving and listening to yourself, you need to accept that you are lost. You are stuck in lies and propaganda. You have stopped seeing and feeling your way.
Acceptance is the most difficult but crucial stage. If you endure and don't return to the past. Forget about disagreements with yourself. Realize that you are ready to change. Take control of yourself and your life. Then, you will change instantly. You will discover the from-the-inside-out principle for yourself. And, you will bring into your life liberation from luxury, overconsumption, and all that hinders clear thinking. It doesn't matter where you are, who you are with, or how you feel. You are capable of surviving and changing. You can also change the life around you; all that's left is to accept yourself as you are.
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mamun258 · 8 months
100 million sold in 4 hours, what’s Dong Yuhui’s next step?
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Since the incident involving Dong Yuhui’s essay was finalized last month, Dong Yuhui has been preparing his own team and studio. On the HE Tuber evening of January 9, he and his team launched the first live broadcast on the new account "Walking with Hui" and launched 7 new anchors; from the data, the 4-hour GMV reached 100 million + yuan, and the number of online viewers peaked About 1.64 million. But what will happen next and whether the effect can be sustained? Now it's time to verify his commercial value and personal ability.
5 hot searches, 1.3 billion likes, 100 million GMV, and 3.3 million followers were all achieved during the first live broadcast of Dong Yuhui’s new account on January 9.
The last time the live broadcasting industry was so lively, perhaps it was the return of Li Jiaqi, the first brother in the field, but this time it was a new account that was only 15 days old that "exploded" the live broadcasting circle.
Almost a month ago, Oriental Screening had the original CEO "step down" and Dong Yuhui "suspended" due to the "little essay" incident. Later, Dong Yuhui started his last live broadcast in Oriental Selection and announced the establishment of his own studio. On the evening of January 9, he and his team launched the first live broadcast on the new account "Walking with Hui" and launched 7 new anchors, showing the momentum of "doing something big".
Judging from the live broadcast that night, Dong Yuhui was in good condition as an anchor and was also ready to transform into a team manager. An example is that he mentioned that he is now anxious about paying wages to his employees. At the same time, he has thanked fans many times in the live broadcast room to operate and maintain the fan group.
Dong Yuhui's influence is still there, but he faces more challenges - recommending books, celebrity interviews, and cultural travel. It is difficult to balance time and energy, and the positioning of the new account is not yet clear. But one thing is very clear. Yu Minhong does not want Oriental Selection to become an MCN company. He is still telling the story of self-operated e-commerce. He hopes that all his capable anchors will open new accounts.
"Whether it is Dong Yuhui or Peer with Hui, the first priority is to stabilize." An industry insider told "Ding Focus" that now is the time to test Dong Yuhui's commercial value. Once the value is not as good as outside expectations, apart from Oriental Selection, the most damaged will be. And Dong Yuhui himself.
1. Dong Yuhui’s new account is so popular that it’s no surprise
Amid the overwhelming comments of "Happy opening", the "Walking with Hui" account had 100,000 people online at the same time just after it was launched on the evening of January 9.
For its first live broadcast, "Walking with Hui" started with seven "new face" anchors. Anchor Panpan and Dong Dong sang a duet of "Do You Want to Dance" by New Pants Band, which heated up the atmosphere in the live broadcast room; then, anchor Chuanxi played guitar and Hansen played piano, showing off their talents; anchor Peng Peng performed a magic trick with two ropes and talked about the universe and life at the same time. Finally, anchors An An and Xiaoxiao warmed up the live broadcast with a Peking Opera performance and an English reading respectively.
During the breaks between the anchors' performances, Dong Yuhui acted as the host and emphasized the benefits of the live broadcast room.
Zhou Ke, the person in charge of an MCN organization, analyzed that the first live broadcast is usually when the popularity is the highest. Dong Yuhui’s intention is very obvious, to “bring people” rather than “bring goods”. But the results of leading people remain to be seen. Fan Xiaobai joked that the way the anchors expressed their "talent + golden words" felt like watching a company's final art performance, like "seven young Dong Yuhui surrounding one Da Dong Yuhui".
In the second half, Yu Minhong appeared on the stage, chatting with Dong Yuhui while carrying goods. During the chat, he "spoiled" the next plan of the "Walking with Hui" account.
It is reported that the "Walking with Hui" team now has more than 70 people, and they are basically employees who were diverted from the "Oriental Selection" team. Before the Spring Festival, the team prepares to live broadcast five days a week, mainly chatting and selling goods. After the Spring Festival, Dong Yuhui will plan to lead the host to broadcast locations and "international tours". By then, there will be insufficient manpower, and recruitment will also begin. "Don't care about sales, care about culture." Yu Minhong set the tone for the "Walking with Hui" account.
Compared with the restraint when he rushed to broadcast after the "Little Composition" incident, and the tragedy when he said "A scholar will die for his confidant", Dong Yuhui regained his "home field feeling" in this live broadcast . Not only did he return to form, but he also became More "mature".
This sense of control, on the one hand, comes from the tacit understanding of the team in front of and behind the scenes. The anchor can naturally and easily exchange ideas with Dong Yuhui. The field control will promptly remind behind the scenes that the link has been filmed and control the rhythm of the live broadcast; on the other hand, it comes from Dong Yuhui. Changes in mentality and role. Yu Minhong mentioned, "In the past, Yu Hui could only listen to arrangements for broadcasting. Now he not only arranges for himself, but also arranges for the team. He has a sense of control than before."
Xiaobai observed that Dong Yuhui was particularly relaxed throughout the live broadcast, his desire for expression became stronger, and his products were sold out as soon as they were launched. She believes that compared with the previous style of selling goods in Oriental Selection, the biggest change of Dong Yuhui and his team is that they began to pay attention to the management of fans. "Fans who are aboveboard, please listen to this advice."
Some "mother-in-laws" (a collective name for Dong Yuhui's fans) said that "So you are here too" and "Walking with Hui" are comments that mothers-in-law often make during Dong Yuhui's live broadcasts. Choosing the first broadcast on January 9th was also a suggestion from fans, because June 9th, 2022 is the beginning of his popularity. Since then, the 9th has also become a festival for fans. At the end of the live broadcast, Dong Yuhui also specifically stated that in response to fans' request, he would no longer directly download the broadcast, but instead played a short video.
There is a short video and a list of staff at the end of the live broadcast
At the same time, during the live broadcast, the team specially played a video to thank the fans, and made the fans' messages in the comment area into a comment wall, which was read by Yu Minhong and Dong Yuhui in the live broadcast room. Chen Ming, a veteran of live streaming e-commerce, said, "Focusing on managing fans shows that Dong Yuhui is moving closer to a professional anchor, and it also means that he has become more mature when he started his own business."
In the end, various data in the live broadcast room also announced Dong Yuhui's return to form.
In the lively atmosphere, the gifts in the live broadcast room of the "Walking with Hui" account have basically never stopped. As of the end of the broadcast, the number of online users of "Walking with Hui" has not been less than 100,000+, and the number of likes has reached nearly 1.3 billion. As of press time, the number of fans of the "Walking with Hui" account has reached 7.42 million, an increase of 3.3 million compared with before the broadcast.
On the night of the premiere of "Walking with Hui", the 4-hour GMV reached 100 million+ yuan, and the peak number of online viewers was about 1.64 million. The Oriental Selection live broadcast room sold about 2.55 million in 16 hours without Dong Yuhui, and the peak number of online viewers was about 1.64 million. 110,000.
The premiere GMV of "Walking with Fai" exceeded 100 million yuan
Picture source/New Dou data
2. Can Walking with Hui replicate Dong Yuhui’s myth?
The team of "Walking with Hui" stands on the shoulders of their predecessors in terms of live broadcast rhythm, delivery skills, and field control ability. It is not surprising that the first game was popular. Zhou Ke said that according to industry rules, this type of new account live broadcast is often a "proofing" of the first data and performance. The anchor team and product selection ability in the later period are the key factors for whether the account can continue to be popular.
From the product selection point of view, "Walking with Hui" is slightly lacking in features.
Except for the self-operated products of Oriental Selection, most of the other products overlap with Oriental Selection, and the prices are slightly advantageous or even the same. For example, a 5kg fragrant rice from October Rice Field is priced at 35.9 yuan in the "Walking with Hui" live broadcast room, and the non-member price of the Oriental Selection APP is 36.9 yuan. Some members posted the previous purchase price of 31.9 yuan; another example is the Huiqi Fresh Fresh Gift Box , "Walking with Hui" and Oriental Selection Live Broadcast are both priced at 269 yuan.
For the same product, the left is the price in the "Walking with Hui" live broadcast room, and the right is the price in the Oriental Selection APP
Such selection is associated with a shorter lead time. "Walking with Hui" only takes 15 days from opening an account to starting a live broadcast. It will be smoother to discuss cooperation with brands that we have cooperated with before. "Dingjiao" found that Honest Yiyi was also one of the domestic pet brands that Oriental Selection had close cooperation with after opening up the pet category. This time, two dog food products were featured in the live broadcast room of "Walking with Hui". One of the products was released soon.
Chen Ming analyzed that there are two core factors that affect users’ orders. The most important thing is Dong Yuhui himself. His endorsement effect is the most important. As long as Dong Yuhui appears in the live broadcast room to bring goods, someone will pay for the goods; the second is the goods themselves. price, quality, brand.
But except for Dong Yuhui, the other seven anchors in the anchor team are all non-popular anchors from the original Dongfang Zhenxuan sub-account. Why did "Walking with Hui" choose these anchors?
In fact, the eight anchors of "Walking with Hui" cover three generations of "old, middle and young", and they have their own characteristics.
Dong Dong, Xiao Xiao and Yu Hui are veteran anchors who have been present at Oriental Selection since its establishment. Among them, Dong Dong worked behind the scenes at the beginning, and his all-around experience helps in the operation of the account. Xiaoxiao tells English stories to her children every night. In the future, she can work on cultural books, cultural travel around the world, and maternal and infant products.
Pengpeng and Panpan are mature anchors who joined Dongfang Selection after it became popular. Panpan is Yuhui's fellow countryman and undergraduate classmate. He is quite familiar with Dong Yuhui and is called his "dirty excavator"; while Pengpeng is regarded by fans as As the people who can best catch Dong Yuhui's stalk, these two people can cooperate with Dong Yuhui. The last three are newcomers who have joined recently. They have both talent and good looks. An An has experience in Peking Opera, Hansen plays piano, and Chuan Xi plays guitar. They have more room to play during outdoor live broadcasts.
Some people believe that the current reputation of the new anchor is not as good as that of anchors such as Yoyo and Dundun in Oriental Screening. However, compared to the big "involution" in Oriental Screening, there are more opportunities in "Walking with Hui". "Objectively speaking, they still need to explore their own characteristics in subsequent live broadcasts, but they have already obtained the 'ticket' in their career." Zhou Kecheng.
At present, the delivery mode and product selection categories of "Walking with Hui" are similar to the main account of Oriental Selection, and it has become one of the matrix accounts of Oriental Selection. The differentiated positioning of accounts is also an issue that requires Dong Yuhui to spend time thinking about.
Currently, the account is still in the cold start stage, and the account's labels and attributes are not yet stable. Chen Ming pointed out that the team may want to use non-popular anchors for testing to see how fans respond to the new account, and at the same time, use new anchors to undertake new categories and new brands, and new anchors should also seize the opportunity to leave an impression on fans.
The head anchor cannot be copied. Just as it is difficult for an American player to create the second Li Jiaqi, it is also difficult for Dong Yuhui’s team to copy the next Dong Yuhui. However, Yu Minhong does not need to copy Dong Yuhui. He once said that after the influence of other anchors under Oriental Selection reaches a certain level, they will also open separate live broadcast rooms for them as appropriate.
"This may be because Yu Minhong wants to express to the outside world that Dongfang Selection still wants to take the road of self-operated e-commerce instead of the road of MCN." Zhou Ke said that the growth space of super IP is already very limited, and it is necessary to stabilize the overall market. enough.
Absolute "bigness" is a kind of ability, and extreme "stability" is an ability.
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simqiy · 8 months
The Alkan tribes
Though most societies have moved onto into becoming kingdoms, the Alkans have remained mostly stagnant in their state, making them the only tribes left across the lands. While the going may be easier in the built-up communities, the Alkans believe they were destined to follow in the footsteps of the spirits and their way of life. However, this does not mean they will turn away anyone who wishes to join, regardless of species. As far as they are concerned, all that matters is that the newcomer is willing to learn and accept their ways.
In the tribe, there are 4 main roles;
- The leader
- The understudy
- The healers
- The hunters
The leaders are very active in the tribe’s life. Each will hunt with and fight for their tribe with just as much vigour as the most ambitious hunters. Though, any down time given will be spent talking with and listening to their people to ensure the tribe is happy under their rule.
The understudys are the next in line to leadership. Once a leader is appointed, it is their duty to choose an understudy to take their place after their death. Understudys will be able to weigh into many more decisions and help organise the tribe, however their main focus is on picking up the good leadership habits of the active leader.
The healers are just that, Alkans who have dedicated their lives to the ways of medicine. Their job is to have medicinal plants handy (which they often store on their horns) in case of any disasters that may befall the tribe.
And finally, the hunters are tasked with bringing back enough food to sustain the tribe, as well as fight for the survival of their people.
In most tribes, their way of life is almost entirely dictated by traditions and beliefs.
Jewellery decorating their horns is one of their main traditions. It is used primarily as markers for each individual’s unique life events. Things such as; showing which elemental spirit they are learning from, the amount of honourable achievements they have completed, and exclusive jewellery depending on what role they’re under, etc.
Once an Alkan has passed away, their horns will be harvested and placed in the ‘forest of lost’. Alkans can visit it as they please, and it is mostly used as a place for reflection and feeling less alone, as there will be plenty of horns to show them they likely aren’t the only one to have faced their situation before.
Names are also a crucial part of earning a place among the tribe. When an Alkan is born, it is not given a name. They are referred to only as ‘Javus’ if they’re training as a hunter, or as ‘kejavus’ if they are pursuing healing.
Once an Alkan has completed their training, a coma will be induced to help them enter the spirit world. If they are unable to enter, or cannot complete their set trial, they will die. However, most will survive and be assigned their true names by the spirits.
Leader specific traditions include giving travellers a temporary luck charm to wish them well on travels, and awarding Alkans jewellery whenever an achievement is made.
Understudy specific traditions include announcing when a (Ke)javu has completed their training, and learning jewellery-crafting.
Healer specific traditions include burial of bodies and preserving the horns in the forest of lost.
Hunter specific traditions include learning traditional song and dance, and knowing what game they can/cannot hunt (Eating deer is seen as cannibalism).
While in the process of becoming full hunters, Javus must complete the following criteria;
- Able to use most weapons effectively
- Has specialised in a weapon
- Can carve specialised weapon from wood
- Is catching/foraging food regularly
- Knows when to stop hunting for the day when the tribe has enough
However, due to the nature of working with medicine, the timing and decision of a Kejavu being ready is much more arbitrary, and often decided by the other healers.
Just as we do, the tribes have justice protocols when certain crimes are committed.
One will be sentence to the equivalent of community service for;
- continued disobedience
- Disturbing the peace
- mistreatment of tribe mate
- Stealing
- Hunting the wrong game
- Questioning the spirits
One will be sentenced to exile for;
- Treason
- Continued mistreatment of tribe mates
- Large-scale manipulation
- Murder
One will be sentenced to death for;
- Serial murder
-Staging an unwarranted coup
Overall, a very lively bunch, with plenty of resolve to keep living the way they do. As always, I’m happy to answer additional questions about them if anyone has any, but for now this is all. Good day/night everybody, and happy writing!
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boysplanetrecaps · 9 months
The Great Produce 48 Rewatch: Ep 3, Love Whisper Challenge
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Welcome back to the Great Produce48 Rewatch Project, the project that asks, “should I do this?” then answers itself “no!” and then does it anyway! When we left off, we had concluded a brief overview of everyone’s prep for the first Group Battle Challenge Mission Thingy. And now it’s time for the actual performances! What heights will the trainees hit in their singing? What lows will the trainees hit in their arguing? No way to know but to watch! Woot! So let’s go! We're starting off with the two performances of Love Whisper, originally by Gfriend.
It’s performance day. Fans are lined up, excited to see their favorites perform. 
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The girls are getting ready…. Ready for some product placement, that is! All I know is that I want those colored contacts lenses and Subway sandwiches that come in those really cute neoprene bags. 
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I did some digging (thank you, auto translation in Google Chrome) and apparently these bags were a pretty big hit when they came out in 2018. I wonder if any of the girls still have theirs? I would treasure mine! As the blogger of that link wrote, "Look at the avocado's solemn face! They're so cute they give me a headache."
Anyway, back to the show.
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Lee Seungki comes out on stage and is greeted by an auditorium of screaming fans. He explains the rules -- each of two teams will perform the same song, and then the audience will vote for the single trainee amongst all the girls who deserves their vote. And then… it’s showtime! … Kinda. 
As you know if you’ve watched these shows before, what is going to happen is that we’re going to call the groups up on stage, and then we’re going to watch an extended flashback package about their experience getting ready for the performance before we finally get to kind of see the performance itself. I say "kind of" since the MNET edit will be almost completely intolerable.
To introduce the first group (though I get the feeling they didn't actually perform first), Seungki says, “Which girl group comes to your mind when I mention innocent looks and powerful dance moves?” And the whole auditorium is like, “yeoja chingu!” (G-friend). So out come the Love Whisper teams.
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The two groups come out and introduce themselves as “Never Give Up” and “Giant Baby”, respectively. Kang Damin from "Giant Baby" -- who you may know as the Kawaii Avengers -- starts in on the smack talk, saying that they’re cuter than the other team. Gravel-voiced Yamada Noe says, in English, “But! My team is powerful!” In the judging room, Dance Bae says that Noe is so funny it makes her happy. Soyou replies, “But her singing skills…”
And we cut back to the flashback (1:38:45 - 1:47:04). 
Just to remind you of who is who in group Never Give Up:
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Left to right:
Son Eunchae, 18, future member of Bugaboo, who moved up from C to B and is ranked 85th. She’s the leader and we'll be seeing a lot of her here.
Wang Ke, 17, a Chinese girl who had the red polka dots in Celeb Five, moved down from B to D and is ranked 33rd. She’s the center and is easy to spot since she's the tallest. She will also get a lot of story focus.
Nagano Serika, 17, who auditioned with Mister by Kara, has lived in F class and is ranked 81st.
Yamada Noe, 18, with her gravelly voice, moved from C down to F and is ranked quite high in 9th place. 
Muto Tomu, 23, the chooser of this group, a D class mainstay and ranked 28th. She actually seems to have a lot of personality but we hardly get to know her.
Ichikawa Manami, 18, with the shorter hair, from What's Your Name?, rose from F to C, currently ranked 83rd. She’s currently the main vocal by default, since no one else wanted to do it.
The story so far: Tomu’s team basically cannot sing. Noe cannot make sounds come out of her mouth, and others aren’t much better. Of the group, it seems that Manami is actually the best singer -- she physically can hit the high notes. We were left wondering: Can they sing this song?
We cut to their vocal lesson. It’s going really, really poorly. Soyou is looking like this…
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.. then asks them to turn off the music. She says she doesn’t know if she can even help them, that it’s even worse than a middle school talent show, which is true, but even so. Hey, Soyou, what the fuck? Teach them to sing. Get Jeremy in here or something, because it’s not helpful to just insult them. They’re bad singers. Noted. Now help them. 
Eunchae feels bad that as leader she hasn’t done a better job of helping her team, but her team is a bunch of girls who cannot sing. I mean, what can anyone do? 
Poor Manami tries again, and a few notes in, she gives up, shaking her head. “Manami-chan,” Soyou says, more gently. “Why are you the main vocalist?” Manami just shakes her head. Poor kid. I think that it’s kind of obvious how Manami ended up the main vocal, Soyou. Be nice. Soyou asks Wang Ke to try, and she does. Wang Ke sounds pretty awful to me too, but Soyou seems to think Ke is better. 
Manami interviews that she is determined to do her best as main vocal, but Eunchae, who is trying to be a good leader, announces in pigeon Kor-pan-glish, that they need to change who the main vocal is. She asks Manami-san if she’s daijobu (ok), but Manami-san is definitely NOT daijobu. She spent a lot of time memorizing her part -- the song is in Korean, which she does not speak -- and she is gutted that all that time was wasted. Not to mention that she’ll have to learn new lyrics. Eunchae feels awful too. And Wang Ke feels awful too, that she’s not good enough to be main vocal. She’s willing to do it, though, if it will help the group. Everyone feels awful. 
Ke does her best, and then ends up crying in a closet. 
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She’s full on sobbing, but the staff just jams a camera in there to investigate, and the poor kid has to summon up enough Korean to explain herself (remember, she’s Chinese, so every part of this has to be 2x as stressful and difficult for her than it would be for anyone else). Everyone’s crying, and Eunchae feels like she let everyone down. The situation is so dire that the other team (the Kawaii Avengers) even comes over to investigate. 
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Poor Eunchae is taking it really hard, like she is at fault, but she's only 18 and it's not cool that there's so much pressure on her. I know that when I was 18 I thought I was an adult, but now that I’m a lot older, I realize that you kind of never really become an adult. You just creeping closer and closer to adulthood, like Zeno’s arrow. And 18 is so, so young. I just want to hug all these girls. They really need mental health experts to be available on these shows.
It’s the next day and they’re at a dance lesson with Psychopath. They start the dance, and the first move is to take each other’s hands. Eunchae can feel everyone’s desperation, and she just starts to cry. 
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She’s trying to smile and dance but she’s crying, and it’s just awful. She’s talking about how this is her last chance (you’re 18, girl!). They try again, and Wang Ke begins to sob too. We never even see Psychopath’s feedback, just them crying and talking about how desperate they are. 
And now… it’s time for the show. 
A beautiful soul on Youtube named PD48 editing has created videos that allow you to just watch the performances without constant interruptions and instant replays. Bless you, PD48 Editing. Blessings on you and your family and your cow. 
Link to the edited version 
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Serika, Eunchae, Motu Tomu, Noe, Manami, Wang Ke
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Serika, Motu Tomu, Manami, Eunchae, Wang Ke, Noe
Tomu - subvocal1  Eunchae - subvocal 2 Serika - subvocal 3 Noe - subvocal 4 Manami - subvocal 5 Wang Ke - main vocal
My thoughts: Vocally, they were much better than I had feared they’d be, to the point that I wonder if something is up, like if they prerecorded some vocals or something. Tomu and Eunchae end up singing a lot, as subvocals 1 and 2, and though Tomu is a bit wobbly, they sound ok. Wang Ke managed to hit the notes, though she sounded pretty shaky and rough. 
Dance-wise, I didn’t notice any mistakes. The choreo to this song is so weird that even when it’s done correctly it looks wrong, so I checked it against the original and it was actually right, though they added in a few cute flourishes. I thought that Manami really stood out in the dance parts.
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Stage presence wise, Noe is super distracting. She is turning the cuteness up to 1000% and honestly, it’s offputting. It comes across as sarcastic.
The rest were all pretty cute, if a bit dead eyed sometimes. Wang Ke does the doe-eyed look straight to camera really well. 
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Oh, god, Eunchae is crying in the ending fairy. 
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Overall, this really wasn’t bad. The song is so not my favorite so I don’t know if I would ever be into a performance of it, but I think they did exceptionally well given their skill level and the time they had to practice. 
The MNET edit: The judges praise their facial expressions and energy, and we see lots of shots of the other girls backstage looking nervous, implying that they’re doing well. After Wang Ke’s high notes, Jeremy and Soyou exchange glances, and Soyou nods, as if to say, “This is good for them.” Soyou says that they practiced a lot and improved a lot. 
Backstage, the girls are saying thank you to Eunchae, and they’re all crying. They did a good job, overall. 
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Left to right:  Nayoung, Damin, Eunbin, Nako, Sae, Misaki
As a reminder, the members are:
Kim Nayoung, 15, future member of Lightsum who auditioned with I Don’t Like Your Girlfriend, went from C to A, and is now in 63rd place. She’s subvocal 2 and leader.
Kang Damin, 14, the cute future member of Queenz Eye, went from B to A, and is ranked 74th. She’s subvocal 5.
Yoon Eunbin,14, one of the CNC girls, stayed in B, and is ranked 68th. She’s subvocal 1. 
Yabuki Nako, 16, who moved up from F to A, is currently ranked 27th. She’s Main vocal.
Kurihara Sae, 21, who had the great bangs in Never Ending Ferris Wheel, who went from D to F and is now ranked 84th. She’s subvocal 4.
Aramaki Misaki, 17, who auditioned with the blighted Never Ending Ferris Wheel group, has been stationed in F class, and is ranked 61st. She’s subvocal 3. 
As you’ll recall, Nako picked this group to be the Kawaii Avengers, they seem poised to take this one.
We find out that Nayoung has been a fun and sweet leader, constantly telling her teammates that she loves them and that they’re doing a good job.
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She helps the Japanese members with their pronunciation and tries to keep all their spirits up. 
In their dance rehearsal with Psychopath, he dings them first for not being ready the second he says standby. Then they have to dance without music and they make a bunch of mistakes. He basically makes them feel like shit, which is his M.O. Honestly, I think this is just because they’re not having any drama at all, so they had to find some stuff for their rehearsal package. The tiny mistakes they’re making are so minimal that it seems stupid to verbally abuse them for them -- not that any amount of mistakes justify verbal abuse.
Fast forward to dress rehearsal and they’re not synchronized enough. So they decide to keep practicing. “Let’s start,” Nayoung says, in Japanese. And they try again. 
Now it's performance time!
PD48’s blessed edit 
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Misaki, Nayoung, Damin, Yunbin, Sae, Nako
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Top row: Nako, Nayoung, Yunbin
Bottom row: Misaki, Damin, Sae 
My thoughts: Overall, really good, to the standard expected of this song.
Vocally, they were definitely superior to the other team. No one here has a voice that I would delight to listen to, like how I love listening to Yuju, but voices like Yuju’s are rare. Nako does hit those notes cleanly, but I find her vocal color a little shrill. It’s not a deal breaker, though. Vocally, I thought Nayoung had the most pleasant voice to listen to. But it was actually hard to tell their voices apart, so that’s a sign that they were doing something right.
Dance wise, I don’t notice any mistakes. Given that the camera man hardly ever shows their footwork, there’s almost no point in them even learning it. Nobody really stood out for good or bad. They seemed energetic and confident. Man, this choreo gets weirder ever time I see it. Sorry if this is your favorite song or something. 
Stage presence wise, Nako obviously knocks everyone else out of the water.
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That's Nako top right, with the braids.
Everyone else was being cute, but Nako just *IS* cute.  I don’t know how anyone can smile that much and still make it look natural. Is there a special smile implant surgery that she underwent? More witchcraft from Nako.
I think Misaki could have brought a little more energy and I think Damin low key gives off “kid in a child beauty pageant” vibes...
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but again, none of that is a deal breaker.
Really, they all did pretty well. Thinking more about it, it becomes even more clear to me how much having Yamada Noe hurt the other team for me. I’m sure a lot of people would disagree, so it’s fine if you are one of them, but Noe’s weird fake cuteness was kind of painful to watch and super distracting. I think Team 2 wins merely by not having that. I think they would have won anyway. 
I know all the girls tried their best, and my heart breaks for Eunchae, Wang Ke, and all the girls who try their hardest and still lose. But I think it would be hard to vote for anyone else but Nako.
MNET edit: There’s this cute part where they show Psychopath mouthing along with the lyrics -- kind of funny. Of course everyone goes batshit when Nako hits the high notes. Other than that, it wasn’t that intrusive of an edit, thank god.
When the Kawaii Avengers are done, both teams come up on stage to make their final appeals.
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Lee Seungki asks Eunchae about how she almost cried at the end, and she says “Each one of us worked so hard, and I know this might be our last stage, so I got emotional.” Poor Wang Ke starts crying again, and Manami almost starts up as well. 
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Backstage, the other teams all tear up as well, and then, and THEN, AND FUCKING THEN, the judges say to each other that they feel bad for the kids. Cheetah says, “They must have been really stressed.” And Soyou is fanning her face to dry her tears.
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Where was all this fucking sympathy and empathy when they were rehearsing? Do you think that maybe part of the reason they were stressed is that you guys were YELLING AT THEM ALL THE DAMN TIME? 
Seungki gives them time to appeal to the audience, but we only get to hear what Noe and Nako say.
Noe yells, in halting Korean that I think she reads off a note written: “HELLO PRODUCERS! I ALWAYS HAVE THIS HUSKY VOICE! I LOOK FORWARD TO YOUR KIND EVALUATION!!!” 
Nako says, in smooth Korean that she must have carefully memorized, “Hello, I’m Yabuki Nako from HKT48. I know I was nervous, but I had a lot of fun, thanks to the National Producers.” 
Imagine standing there, looking at the audience while they vote, or don’t vote, for you? No thanks.
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They go to the Results Zone, which is clearly just a the bathroom area of a women's locker room. The chairs are gym mats placed on top of a bench and there are 197 cameras arranged to catch Nako from 197 angles. 
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The producers reveal the votes slowly, of course, and at first it looks like Eunchae’s team might win. 
Motu Tomu gets 52 votes, more than Eunbin’s 42.  Eunchae gets 88 votes, more than Nayoung’s 32.  Yamada Noe got 106 votes, much more than Sae’s 18. Manami gets 38, more than Damin’s 36. Serika’s 22 loses to Misaki’s 30. But even so, Team 1 is winning.  It’s down to just the main vocals: Wang Ke versus Nako. 
And then they reveal the result. Wang Ke gets 28 votes, and…. Nako got 330 votes. 
Three hundred and thirty. 
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No one even reacts at first because it’s so much more than anyone else, by a lot. And I, an intellectual living in the year 2024, can tell you that this will turn out to be the most votes of the whole night, by a LOT. No one else even breaks 200! 
Nayoung is tearful, and at first I thought it might be because she got only 32 votes. But it turns out that she is both grateful and sorry -- grateful to Nako that she won the night for them, and sorry that the team needed her to do that. 
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She’s crying like a little kid, sniffling and wiping her face, and she just seems exhausted. Jalhaess-eoyo, Nayoung-ah. You kept your team together and helped everyone. You have nothing to be sorry about. I think Nako just really suited this song, and also that her smile has magic powers. 
And I hope that Eunchae was ok when her team lost. She was taking the whole thing so hard and she seems like a really nice girl.
And that's it for this recap! When we pick up in the next one, we'll cross the border between Episode 3 and 4 with coverage of Peekaboo! Thanks as always for reading, and I hope you find a warm cinnamon bun left for you by a kindly elf.
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keepalivebollywood · 1 year
A Symphony of Seasons: Exploring the Best of Nature in Bollywood Music
As th seasons change, so too does the landscape of nature. From the vibrant colors of spring to the chilly embrace of winter, each season brings with it a unique beauty that captivates us all. And what better way to celebrate this symphony of seasons than through music? In Bollywood, nature has long been a muse for musicians and composers alike, inspiring some truly unforgettable melodies that evoke everything from romance to melancholy. Join us as we explore some of the best examples in Bollywood music where nature takes center stage, taking you on a journey through lush forests, rolling hills, and rain-soaked streets – all set to an unforgettable soundtrack that will leave you breathless.
Introduction to Bollywood Music and Nature
In India, the movie industry based in Mumbai is commonly referred to as “Bollywood.” Bollywood films are typically musicals, and often feature lavish song-and-dance production numbers. The music of Bollywood has been influenced by a variety of Indian classical and folk traditions, as well as by popular Western styles. Many Bollywood songs celebrate the natural world, from the beauty of the countryside to the changing seasons. In this article, we’ll explore some of the best examples of Bollywood songs that feature nature themes. We hope you enjoy these selections!
Types of Nature Themed Songs
There are a few different types of songs that Bollywood has to offer when it comes to the nature theme. Some songs are more light-hearted and upbeat, while others are more reflective and somber. Here are a few examples of each:
1. Upbeat and Light-Hearted: These types of songs are typically about the beauty of nature, and how it makes us feel happy and free. They often have an optimistic message, and make us want to get up and dance along. Examples include ‘Aankh Marey’ from the movie Simmba, ‘Saree Ke Fall Sa’ from the movie R… Rajkumar, and ‘Dil Chori’ from the movie Sonu Ke Titu Ki Sweety. 2. Reflective and Sombre: These types of songs tend to be about the fragility of life, and how we must cherish every moment we have. They often have a more mellow sound, and make us reflect on the deeper meaning of life. Examples include ‘Kal Ho Naa Ho’ from the movie Kal Ho Naa Ho, ‘Kya Hua Tera Wada’ from the movie Hum Kisise Kum Nahin, and ‘Agar Tum Saath Ho’ from the movie Tamasha.
Popular Bollywood Songs Featuring Nature
In India, Bollywood films are known for their colorful song and dance sequences. They often feature beautiful landscapes and scenery, which provide the perfect backdrop for the characters to express themselves.Many popular Bollywood songs feature nature prominently, using it as a metaphor for love, loss, or other emotions.
Some of the most popular Bollywood songs featuring nature include ‘Barso Re’ from the movie Guru,’ Socho ke jheelon ka shaher ho from Mission Kashmir, and ‘Yeh Haseen Wadiyan Yeh Khula Aasman’ from Roja. Each of these songs uses nature in a different way to create a unique mood and atmosphere.
‘Barso Re’ – It describes the monsoon season in India, which brings relief from the scorching heat of summer and rejuvenates nature. The lyrics are filled with metaphors and imagery, portraying the raindrops as a lover’s embrace, and the thunder as the sound of the divine. The song also talks about the joy and celebration that comes with the arrival of the monsoon,as people dance and sing in the rain.
‘Socho ke jheelon ka ‘ -The lyrics talk about a city that is surrounded by lakes and gardens, where the air is filled with the fragrance of flowers and the sound of birds singing. The song paints a picture of a serene and peaceful place, where one can lose themselves in the beauty of nature. The melody of the song is soothing, and the lyrics are filled with metaphors that compare the different aspects of nature to things like jewels, pearls, and dream
“Yeh Haseen Wadiyan Yeh Khula Aasman” -The lyrics describe the breathtaking valleys and mountains, the flowing rivers and streams, and the clear blue skies. The melody of the song is soothing, and the instrumentation includes traditional Indian instruments such as the flute and Tabla, which enhance the beauty and tranquility of the Kashmiri landscape.The song has become an anthem of sorts for the natural beauty of Kashmir, and it continues to inspire people to visit this picturesque region of India.
Different Seasons in India and their Representation in Music
India is a vast and varied country, with a rich tapestry of cultures and traditions. This diversity is reflected in the music of the country, which has been influenced by a variety of factors over the centuries. One of the most important elements in Indian music is the concept of seasonality. The changing seasons have always been a source of inspiration for Indian musicians, who have used them as a way to capture the essence of nature in their compositions. The four main seasons in India are summer, monsoon, winter, and spring. Each season has its own distinct characteristics, which are reflected in the music composed for that time of year. Summer is the hottest season in India, and is often associated with feelings of heat and thirst. Monsoon is the rainy season, which brings relief from the heat and helps to cool things down. Winter is the coldest season, when people huddle around fires to keep warm. Spring is the time when new life begins to sprout forth after the dormancy of winter.
Each season has its own unique flavor, which is captured in the music composed for that time of year. Summertime songs often have a playful quality, with lively rhythms that reflect the energy and vitality of this season. Monsoon songs tend to be more reflective and introspective, as people take shelter from the rain and reflect on their lives. Winter songs are often melancholy and contemplative, as people contemplate the long months ahead without sunlight or warmth. Springtime songs are often joyous and celebratory, as people rejoice in the return of warmer weather and longer days.
The changing of the seasons has always been an important part of Indian culture, and this is reflected in its music. By creating beautiful compositions to honor each season, Indian musicians have created a unique musical tradition that captures the essence of each time of year.
The Impact of Nature on Human Emotion as Portrayed in Music
As anyone who’s ever been moved by a beautiful sunset or the sound of waves crashing against the shore can attest, there’s something about nature that has a profound effect on human emotion. And this is something that Bollywood filmmakers have long understood, using the power of nature to heighten the emotional impact of their music.
Whether it’s the breathtaking mountain vistas of Kashmir in ‘”Yeh Haseen Wadiyan Yeh Khula Aasman” ‘ or the idyllic beaches in ‘Blue Hai Pani Pani Sunny Sunny’, Bollywood has always had a way of transporting us to another world through its music. And in recent years, filmmakers have become even more ambitious in their use of nature, with songs set in stunning locations all over India and beyond. From the snow-capped Himalayas of ‘Behti Hawa Sa Tha Woh’ to the sun-drenched streets of Lisbon in ‘Kal Ho Naa Ho’, Bollywood music has taken us on a journey through some of the most beautiful places on earth. And along the way, we’ve experienced all kinds of emotions, from joy and excitement to sadness and longing.
So whether you’re looking for a song to make you feel happy, sad, romantic or anything in between, there’s sure to be a Bollywood tune that will hit the spot. So put on your headphones and take a musical trip around the world with some of our favorite nature-inspired Bollywood songs. The Significance of Natural Beauty in Bollywood Music Bollywood music has long been inspired by the beauty of nature. From the early days of Hindi cinema, songs have celebrated the seasons, the landscapes, and the flora and fauna of India. In recent years, Bollywood films have increasingly been shot in exotic locations around the world, giving audiences a taste of different cultures and natural environments.
The significance of natural beauty in Bollywood music is twofold. First, nature provides a backdrop against which the characters and stories of films are played out. Second, nature is often used as a metaphor for the emotions and experiences of the characters.
In many ways, nature is like another character in Bollywood films. The changing seasons are used to mark the passage of time in a story, or to signify changes in the lives of the characters. The stunning landscapes often provide a contrast to the turmoil or drama taking place within the film. And just as nature can be both calm and serene or wild and chaotic, so too can the lives of those on screen. Many Bollywood songs make use of natural imagery to convey emotions that are difficult to put into words. Love is often described as being like a flower blossoming or a river flowing; heartbreak is likened to withering leaves or stormy weather. The beauty of nature provides an evocative way to connect with audiences on an emotional level. So next time you watch a Bollywood film, take a moment to appreciate the role that nature plays in enhancing the story, and the emotions that come with it.
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From wild, monsoon-inspired soundtracks to crisp winter melodies, Bollywood music has certainly given us a wide variety of amazing compositions that capture the beauty of nature. Whether you’re looking for some soulful tunes to listen to as you take in the sights and sounds of spring or if you need some chill vibes to get through those cold winter nights, there’s something out there for everyone. So don’t wait any longer – go explore the best nature-themed songs from Indian cinema today!
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frunbuns · 2 years
Mothers Without Sons and Sons Without Mothers and Everything in Between
Leia has two sons. One who’s hers and left anyway, and one who’s not hers, but stayed nonetheless.
Read on Ao3
Leia has one son. Her only child. He is tall and strong and she loves him more than anything in the whole galaxy. She loves him more than life itself. More than she thought was even possible. He is named after hope personified, and the Force dances around him like he was made for it, which is partially true. The Force is strong in their family. It is terrifying and exhilarating all at once. He is as much her child as he is a child of the Force.
He could never be just hers, and she knew that all too well.
She sent him off to learn with a heavy heart and a promise that they would see each other often. Hollow promises in the end. She sees him less and less after that, until she never sees him again. It happens so gradually she almost doesn’t notice how much less of him she sees until it’s too late.
Leia’s son - her only child - has turned his back to her and the rest of the galaxy. No amount of love can save him. It takes her a long time to come to terms with it. It is not easy to give up hope. (Part of her never does. She must be a terrible person for thinking that after so much.)
Her family falls apart fairly quickly after that. One by one, until it’s just her left to carry the grief alone. So much hope and happiness gone in the blink of an eye.
He leaves without ever looking back, and if he had, it wouldn’t have mattered. It wouldn’t have changed anything that came to be after.
Leia had always had a complicated family history, but she had hoped it all would be better. She had allowed herself to be happy. It had always been too good to be true. She’d come to realize that fairly quickly.
Maybe if she’d been a better mother…
Leia has one son. She hasn’t seen him since he was a teenager. She had tried to get in contact with him. Any way she knew. Anything. She’d tried everything. All to no avail. It was only until a few years later that she realized how lost of a cause he had become.
Leia has one son, but he isn’t really her son anymore.
Leia has known Poe Dameron his entire life. He was, quite literally, born into the Rebellion. Raised around the alliance’s fiercest and bravest fighters, and on stories of the Empire’s defeat. Born just in time to miss the worst of it, but just in time to grow up in a (fairly) safe galaxy.
In a way he is a child of the Rebellion, but he is also his parents’ child and nothing more at the same time. He never needed to be anything else, but he is anyway.
Poe was not named after hope personified, but he is hope nonetheless. Hope for a free and safe galaxy. Hope for peace and freedom. Hope for the fighting to end. Hope for Shara Bey and Kes Dameron. He is their hope and that’s enough.
Sadly, the galaxy does not stay safe and free for long.
Rebellions are built on hope. That’s what they’ve always said. They’re built on hope, a little bit of wishful thinking, and yearning for a better galaxy. But most importantly, they’re built on good people like Poe Dameron. Poe Dameron who wears his heart on his sleeve and is willing to give it all for the right cause. Poe Dameron who is willing to carry the burden so others don’t. Poe Dameron who won’t let the bad guys win, even if his life depends on it.
Poe is a spectacular pilot, just like his mother. One of the best, she thinks. He is good-hearted and stubborn to a fault. He is kind and selfless and everything his parents were. He’s the best of both of them. He’s the best of all of them. A spitting image of his late mother.
Leia sees so much of his parents in Poe it almost takes her breath away sometimes. Not just their looks, but their strong moral compass, their compassion, their need to do good. No one is surprised when he joins the Resistance. The little boy from Yavin 4 has grown up before her eyes. Headstrong and willing to fight for the cause. She cannot, and will not stop him. She can’t afford to.
He messes up and he makes up for it, over, and over, and over again. He leaves, but he always comes back. He learns (sometimes in ways Leia wishes he didn’t need to) and he grows. And Leia loves him more because of it.
She loves him like a son, even if she shouldn’t. Poe doesn’t need her to. His real mother had loved him enough for a thousand lifetimes before she became one with the Force, but Leia does anyway.
He reminds her of her brother who she didn’t see for years. He is passionate and dedicated to doing the right thing and he’s even more attached to his droid than she ever remembers Luke being. He reminds her of her husband who she scarcely heard from before it was too late. He is an excellent pilot with a confident exterior and a soft heart and sharp wit.
Poe is many people all at once and also just himself.
Leia has never once worried about Poe’s commitment to the Resistance, but rather what his commitment is going to do to him. She sees him give, and give, and give without the expectation of being given anything in return.
If the galaxy had more Poe Damerons laying around there’d be no Empire or First Order, she’s sure of it. Unfortunately there is only one, and Leia is privileged enough to know him.
Poe is a son without a mother, just like she is a mother without a son. He is not hers, but he might as well be at times.
When Poe all but barges into her office she is not surprised. He has a tendency to do that. Coming in without asking, no care for what she might be doing. It has earned him some rather embarrassing encounters and some awkward apologies to both her and whoever she is meeting with throughout his time in the Resistance. Still, she likes to imagine her office is somewhere Poe feels at least somewhat safe.
The First Order takes, and it takes, and it takes. From her, from the Resistance, from Poe. She might as well give something to Poe when the galaxy seems so intent on taking. It’s the least she could do.
She’s lost count of all the reports he’s given, all the hands she’s held, all the hugs she’s given, all the tears shed, all the warm cups of caf drank. Hell, even the hands he’s held and the hugs he’s given in this room. She just knows there’s been many more than she’d have liked it to be.
In an ideal world Leia wouldn’t need to provide that comfort. In an ideal world Leia wouldn’t have to send Poe out on dangerous missions. In an ideal world Poe wouldn’t have to give every piece of himself to the fight just to keep it going.
Leia does not dwell, but sometimes she does.
She never would have sent him to Jakku if she had known what would happen. If she knew what he would do. What he would take from Poe. Still, she knows that’s not true. It’s wishful thinking. She only sent Poe because she had to. He was the best for the job. They all knew that. It wouldn’t have changed anything. They still needed the map and Poe knew that as well as she did.
She has learned a long time ago that certain things just need to get done. Consequences or not.
It had shattered her heart to see him return to broken and defeated. Shipless and droidless. A little less than he had been before. It had destroyed her to hear what her son had done to him. The fact that he was even capable of something like that. The fact that he was willing to do that to Poe. The Poe that he had grown up with, played with, laughed with.
(Deep down she’d known what he was capable of, but it’s different to actually see it for yourself. Makes the deniability harder.)
Sometimes when she looks at Poe she can still imagine him and Ben being small and young again. Tracking mud through the house and playing together for hours on end. She can almost hear their laughter from the other side of the house. All the toys littered about. Model ships and wooden lightsabers.
The house she doesn’t live in anymore. The house she hasn’t lived in in a long time.
This time when Poe comes into her office he’s sporting a wide, toothy grin. He holds his hands behind his back and there’s an almost mischievous glint in his eyes as he comes to stand in front of her. His Force presence is warm and bright and a little bit playful.
“What brings you to my office this time, Dameron?”
He bounces on his feet, childish excitement radiating off him. His droid is nowhere to be seen which is unusual, but not entirely uncommon. She decides to play along with him. Not just because it seems to get farther and farther between each of his smiles the longer this war rages on, but it’s definitely part of it.
“Do I need a reason to spend time with my favorite general?”
Leia rolls her eyes fondly and then gives him a look that tells him to get on with it. Poe walks over to her desk and pulls out his hands from behind his back. In his left hand is a shabby looking bouquet of what appears to be hand picked flowers. She’s seen some of them around base, though they’d looked a bit more lively than these. She supposes it’s the thought that counts.
His right hand holds a small, plain box. It is inconspicuous, but that just makes the contents of the box all the more curious.
“Happy mother’s day, general.”
He places the box on her desk, hands her the flowers. A few leaves fall out of the bouquet as she takes it from his hand, a few of the flowers sag and flop. Leia looks down at the flowers, looks at the little box, at Poe’s beaming face.
Something warm and pleasant and a little bit painful blooms in Leia’s chest. It threatens to bubble over, lodges itself in her throat, stings in her eyes. He must see the look on her face, but he does not mention it, for her sake or not, she doesn’t know. His smile does get gentler though as he sits down in the chair across from her.
He opens the little box, revealing two slices of cake. He presents it like it’s revolutionary, theatrics in full swing. He passes one to Leia. She carefully places the flowers on the desk to take the cake slice. She watches Poe take a large bite out of his slice, cupping his spare hand under to catch any chocolaty crumbs. He struggles to chew with his proud smile plastered on his face.
“Poe,” she says. “Where’d you even get this?”
She knows the Resistance doesn’t have the resources to spare just to make some cake for fun. They know better than to spend their resources on something so frivolous right now. They’re already spread too thin. And Poe wouldn’t ask them to make it just for him, which means he acquired it elsewhere.
He flashes her one of his signature grins that makes her think of Han. “I have my ways,” he tells her. “And I thought maybe you could use some cheering up.”
She takes a bite of her cake slice. It tastes sweet and a little salty and just right. It’s nothing compared to the food she grew up with on Alderaan, but it’s better than a lot of the food she’s had these past few months.
“Cheering up?” she asks, brows raised.
Poe shrugs. “And me, I guess. I figured we could both use some cheering up today.”
Leia thinks of Shara Bey, brave and young, and dead. Leia thinks about a young Poe, eight years old and so, so scared. Leia thinks about a young, eight year old Poe, clinging to her father’s hand. Leia thinks about a young, eight year old, clinging to his father’s hand, Poe who has to learn to live in a galaxy without his mother. She feels a pang of sympathy for him.
Then she thinks of her son, and all the pain and suffering he has caused the galaxy. All the grief he has caused everyone. The guilt, a heavy weight on her shoulders. The thing keeping her in the fight because she feels like she needs to. That she owes at least that.
She supposes he’s right. On mother’s day too. He didn’t come here just for her sake. A mother without a son and a son without a mother. It is almost poetic.
“Maybe you’re right,” she says.
He smiles at her again, earnest and true.
“I used to pick flowers for my mom when I was…” He pauses. “Before she… Yeah.”
She puts her hand on his, squeezes reassuringly. “She would be so proud of you, Poe. The man you’ve become... You truly are your mother’s son, through and through.”
Poe watches her in stunned silence, eyes wide and a little glossy, mouth slightly open in awe. Leia has never seen Poe look so touched before. She hears him swallow, can see his throat working. He smiles.
He keeps looking at her like she’s hung all the stars in the sky, like she is the reason the sun shines every morning. She can’t handle it at the best of times. She doesn’t deserve to have him look at her like that. With so much trust and love as if her son hasn’t caused destruction all over the galaxy. As if her son hadn’t hurt him. As if she deserves to have anyone look at her like that, let alone him. Kind and selfless Poe who risks it all because it’s the right thing to do, who falls down and keeps getting back up every time.
They finish the cake. Poe talks about the Resistance, Black Squadron, his new friends, their adventures, what he and BB-8 have been up to, how his father is. Anything Poe can think of to fill the time. Leia chimes in with stories from her own childhood. Of Alderaan, her parents, her friends. People who no longer exist, a place that ceased to be many years ago. A childhood that feels so, so long ago now.
(“I think he’s full of shit. BB-8 is as good as they come, best droid in the whole galaxy.”)
Leia shares stories about the Rebellion. Stories from before Poe was born. Before he was even a thought anyone had. When there was so much hope, even after so much had been lost. Stories about his mother, brave and bold, just like him. One of the Rebellion’s best pilots. Full of life and so, so much love.
She likes sharing stories with Poe. Stories of people who fought for the greater good, sharing their stories so they’re not forgotten. Never forgotten. Poe listens with such intensity that she’s sure he couldn’t forget even if he tried.
She likes to think she’s passing on Shara’s memory with Poe. Let him get to know his mother, even though she’s gone - and has been for most of his life now. She wants him to know his mother. Wants him to know what an incredible woman she was, a good mother. A good friend. He deserves it.
They must sit there for hours. Cake slices long gone, lukewarm cups of caf forgotten on the desk. They’ll be cold before either of them remembers them.
Poe laughs at something, true and delighted, and Leia feels all warm and fuzzy. It does not heal the Ben-shaped hole in her heart, the deep heartache that’s made its home in her soul, but it does make her feel a little better. She doesn’t think anything will ever be able to take it away, but Poe is damn good at easing the sorrow she carries so heavily.
It’s the best mother’s day she’s had in years.
“You know, you’re a good mom, Leia,” he tells her. “I know you don’t believe it, but you are.”
“Poe…” she starts.
“No, I’m serious,” he says, “Whatever he’s done, it isn’t your fault. He did that all on his own.”
Oh, how Leia wishes she could believe that as easily as Poe does. There is nothing she wants more in the world than to sit down and do exactly this with her own son. She yearns to have him back with her, to hug and to hold him, to be happy again.
She likes to think he would have turned out a lot like Poe if everything hadn’t gone wrong. She imagines him and Poe, still thick as thieves. She imagines him being a good Jedi, like she always thought he would be - like he should have been. She does not let herself dwell on the past a lot, but sometimes she does.
Poe will never replace Ben, he will never fill that gaping hole in her heart. And Leia will never be Shara Bey, she will never be able to take her place. Leia isn’t stupid. She knows that. But it does not change the fact that he is here right now, with her. He does not fill that gaping hole in her heart, but he has found his own spot and set up a home there. He is not leaving. Not ever. Not if he has a say over it.
Poe is not hers, but he might as well be at times.
Leia feels her eyes welling up with emotion, vision blurring with unshed tears. Her heart aches, yet she does not find it unpleasant at all.
Poe gives her a startled kind of look, eyes wide and concerned. She belatedly realizes that he’s probably never seen her cry. “Leia—” He shoots out of his seat and speedily makes his way around her desk. He kneels down on the floor, in front of the chair, takes her hands in his own. Dark, doe eyes look up at her and Leia can’t stop smiling.
“Now you’ve really done it, Dameron.” She lets out a wet chuckle.
He looks at her with a bit of a bemused smile, worry evaporating just like that. “Done what?”
Leia scoffs, rolls her eyes, and pulls him into her arms. Poe does not protest as she tucks his head against her shoulder, nor does he when she buries her fingers in his curls. He just wraps his arms around her middle, buries his nose in the crook of her neck. He fits like he was always meant to be there, tucked under her chin. Like he belongs there, wrapped in her arms.
“You’re insufferable,” she tells him.
Poe chuckles. The tip of his nose is cold against her skin. His hair tickles her cheek.
“I do my best.”
He holds her a little tighter
What would she do without him, she thinks idly. She would have given up a long time ago if it wasn’t for him, continuing to fuel the flame in her that is hope, standing behind her for every move. It really is people like him who give hope to the galaxy, even during the darkest points.
Her favorite flyboy, her right hand, her protege, her idiot boy who drives her insane at times, but sticks around and never even thinks about leaving her. It’s worth it. The fighting, the pain, the struggle. It’s worth every last bit of it. Just for moments like these.
Poe is a son without a mother and Leia is a mother without a son. The puzzle pieces fit together, although a little jagged. They slot together easily and without either of them really noticing.
Leia has two sons. One’s hers and the other is as much hers as he’ll ever be.
Leia has two sons. One left, but the other one stayed.
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Oh and cursed playlist concept. What kind of music does Gabriel put on at the ashram (Pune or Nevada) to decompress from intense group therapy… (from research I’d say overarching - general vibes: happy, maybe danceable; lyrics: English or Hindi probably :P)
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aka the desire to be subtle vs the desire to be funny: FIGHT
A Purely Spiritual Love
A band AU playlist for running away from the world aged nineteen and accidentally falling for your cult leader. Or just for chillin' post dynamic meditation, that's cool too.
Nazia Hassan - Aao Naa
ABBA - Me & I
Asha Bhosle - Dum Maro Dum (pt. 2)
The Buggles - Video Killed the Radio Star
Asha Bhosle - Koi Shahri Babu (pt. 1)
The Monkees - I'm a Believer
Kishore Kumar - Ye Jawani Hai Diwani
Talking Heads - Once in a Lifetime
Lata Mangeshkar & Kishore Kumar - Jai Jai Shiv Shankar
Carly Simon - You're So Vain
Kalyanji-Anandji - Dharmatma Theme (pt. 1 - instrumental)
The Human League - Don't You Want Me
Nazia and Zoheb Hassan - Dosti
Don McLean - American Pie
Lata Mangeshkar - Bangle Ke Peechhe
The Beach Boys - Sloop John B
Kishore Kumar, Mahendra Kapoor & Shailendra Singh - Amar Akbar Anthony
The Beatles - All You Need is Love
Usual deal: explanation below the cut. Album cover featuring Joel Kinnaman's chin.
Caveat and apologies that I don't always have a very detailed explanation for why all the Hindi songs are on here because for some I just couldn't find English lyrics/descriptions of the film they're from, they're just here because they're bops. Caveat and apologies that the English songs are really NOT subtle and I had way too much fun picking them.
Nazia Hassan - Aao Naa Not Hindi, but also no great explanation beyond: what a CRACKING album opener!! Jerott's probably got the cassette and has playlist privileges at Nevada.
ABBA - Me & I Frankly ALL of Super Trouper is on the ashram playlist. The Winner Takes It All? GRM approves! But for supreme trolling-through-playlist purposes, get boogie-ing to this disco track about psychoanalysis: Sometimes I have toyed With ideas that I got from good old Dr. Freud Nothing new of course It may seem to you I try to break through open doors Oh no, oh no I just wanna say a lot of that applies to me 'Cause it's an explanation to my split identity 3) Asha Bhosle - Dum Maro Dum (pt. 2) This was an epic hit, from the film Haré Rama Haré Krishna (1971) which involves, ooh, international bigamy, cults, selling off artifacts to rich Westerners, suicide, hippies beating people up, and all sorts of things that people suspicious of Rajneesh's movement would recognise as threats. I think it would tickle Graham Reid Malett to have people dancing to the big song from a film warning about the dangers of his type. 4) The Buggles - Video Killed the Radio Star Cheesy, a bit sad, a bit sinister even, but everyone can dance along and everyone knows it. 5) Asha Bhosle - Koi Shahri Babu (pt. 1) I'll be honest and say that Bollywood thriller plots are somewhat impenetrable when reduced to short Wikipedia summaries, but this is from Loafer (1973) which seems to be about love across rival gangs and spying on one another. The song is about falling coyly for a guy who gives you a gift. And Asha is the queen, so we put as much Asha on the playlist as we need to. 6) The Monkees - I'm a Believer :))) be happy! Your dynamic meditation has finished and you have taken another step towards enlightenment/entrapment by Graham Reid Malett. 7) Kishore Kumar - Ye Jawani Hai Diwani No explanation, couldn't find the lyrics anywhere BUT what a tune!! Kishore and R.D. Burman, more icons. The film it's from (Jawani Diwani, 1972) has people leaving/becoming estranged from their families for love and intergenerational repeats of that so. A bit of a Jerott vibe. 8) Talking Heads - Once in a Lifetime People from well-to-do background suddenly asking themselves 'how did I get here?' and packing it all in to give their money to the ashram…? 9) Lata Mangeshkar & Kishore Kumar - Jai Jai Shiv Shankar Laughter therapy, praising Shiva (god of meditation, among other things, Rajneesh discoursed on him a lot). And from a film (Aap Ki Kasam, 1974) where paranoia and possessiveness ruins relationships. 10) Carly Simon - You're So Vain Do I think I'm funny? Yes. Yes I do. It's about the death of the ego babe, let go of yourself! But genuinely, you could sway along and dance to this when you were exhausted from meditation! And when Carly Simon finally tells us who (else) it was about you mark my words, Graham Reid Malett will be on the list :P You had me several years ago When I was still quite naive Well, you said that we made such a pretty pair And that you would never leave But you gave away the things you loved And one of them was me 11) Kalyanji-Anandji - Dharmatma Theme (pt. 1 - instrumental) The film (Dharmatma, 1975) is apparently based on the Godfather but set in Afghanistan. So absolutely the kind of thing that would appeal to teenage Jerott, who never knew his grandparents who spent time around the (then) India-Afghanistan border. Plus teenage boys love gangster stories. Plus Jerott doesn't realise the similarities between the ashram set up and that of a mob. 12) The Human League - Don't You Want Me A man who feels entitled to another person because he plucked from obscurity and 'made something of them'? Remind you of anyone? I picked you out, I shook you up and turned you around Turned you into someone new Now five years later on you've got the world at your feet Success has been so easy for you But don't forget, it's me who put you where you are now And I can put you back down too I feel like the background story to this song's release is also relevant: the band hated it and thought it was a filler track and didn't want to release it as a single, the record company forced them to, and it was a huge success. Reminiscent of Francis and GRM's interactions in PiF. 13) Nazia and Zoheb Hassan - Dosti Just another of Jerott's cassettes with good Pakistani disco pop on it! :') 14) Don McLean - American Pie It's just….it's such a GRM/Jerott kind of vibe? The disappointment, grief and sense of loss for something you never quite had, the crushing of hope, the nostalgia for something half-remembered as life-changing, but all sounding so beautiful and dreamy and it kind of cheers everyone up to be able to sing along? The idea of the American Dream as an ideal that can never be lived up to as well, kind of like what Jerott is hoping to find from the ashram vs what he gets. Oh, and there we were, all in one place A generation lost in space With no time left to start again So come on, Jack be nimble, Jack be quick Jack Flash sat on a candlestick 'Cause fire is the devil's only friend Oh, and as I watched him on the stage My hands were clenched in fists of rage No angel born in hell Could break that Satan's spell And as the flames climbed high into the night To light the sacrificial rite I saw Satan laughing with delight The day the music died 15) Lata Mangeshkar - Bangle Ke Peechhe Another I couldn't find the lyrics for, but it's R.D. Burman again and was a massive hit. It's from Samadhi (1972). 16) The Beach Boys - Sloop John B Another one that kind of sounds cheery until you listen to the lyrics when it's actually really miserable! Jerott are you ok? The first mate, he got drunk And broke in the captain's trunk The constable had to come and take him away Sheriff John Stone Why don't you leave me alone? Yeah, yeah Well, I feel so broke up I wanna go home 17) Kishore Jumar, Mahendra Kapoor & Shailendra Singh - Amar Akbar Anthony From a 'masala' film of the same title, about three brothers separated and raised as Hindu/Muslim/Christian, so I figure a good ashram vibe for bringing people together in a synthesis of teachings… Also look out Francis. Look out Jerott. <Two are better than one Three are better than two The bride and the groom are not together There's music but not a wedding procession The bride and the groom are not together There's music but not a wedding procession There's nothing to fear This is a night of union and not of sadness Smile my friends, why do you have such a crying face Smile my friends, why do you have such a crying face When the three of us get together in one place> 18) The Beatles - All You Need is Love Can't have a playlist about a rich white guy exploiting an already exploitative Indian cult to make himself powerful without putting some Beatles on it, right? Sure Graham, 'love'. There's nothing you can do that can't be done Nothing you can sing that can't be sung Nothing you can say, but you can learn how to play the game It's easy Nothing you can make that can't be made No one you can save that can't be saved Nothing you can do, but you can learn how to be you in time It's easy
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kaeyasstarlight · 3 years
TikTok Dances Headcannons(SK8 The Infinity Characters x Gender Neutral!Reader)
Request:"hi i hope you don't mind me requesting again TT i really liked the fic that i requested so i hope you don't mind hehe anyways i am now requesting hc of the sk8 characters where their s/o does a tiktok with them or does a tiktok prank on them thank you for doing my last request and have a nice day/night!!"
A.N: I totally don't mind! :D I was very happy to do your last request and I'm glad you liked it! I'm gonna do that the reader ask them to do a TikTok dance(I'm not an expert with pranks TwT(Not that I'm better at dances, but my sister is always doing TikTok dances, so I know some :)) Anyways I'm gonna stop talking about me and start these headcannons!
Characters: Reki Kyan, Langa Hasegawa, Miya Chinen, Kaoru Sakurayashiki(Cherry Blossom) and Kojiro Nanjo(Joe) :)
Warnings:None :D
Reminder:You’re a couple with the character in this ;)
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Reki Kyan:
When you asked him to do a TikTok dance, he automatically said yes
I think you two could do “Don’t start Now” by Dua Lipa(The rythm of the song gives me Reki vibes)
I think he would already know the dance so you don’t have to show him
You two would have so much fun doing the dance and both of you would smile so much while doing the dance
After the camera stopped filming, he looked at the result with you
He’s the one who asked you if you could post it
“OMG! That was so cool! I hope we could do another one soon!”, he told you, then gave you a kiss on the cheek
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Langa Hasegawa:
So first, I think that it’s either you or Reki that conviced him to put TikTok
When you told him you wanted to do a TikTok dance he didn’t really understand but when you told him some couples did that he wanted to try it with you.
I think you two could do the “My Bestie and Your bestie” dance cause it’s simple(it’s one of the only one I can do TwT) and it’s cute
You teached him the dance and when you were both ready, you started filming
He was trying to concentrate on the moves, but when he say you smilling and having fun, he started smiling too
After filming, you asked him if you could post it and said yes.
“It was fun. I hope we can do it again soon.”,h kissed your cheek amd you cuddled for the rest of the day
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Miya Chinen:
I think it took you a bit of convincing, but not too much
I think you two could do “Tokyo” by Leat’eq (The Nyan! Arigato! thing)
You would teach him the dance and after you would start recording
He had fun doing this with you (not that he will admit it tho)
Seeing you happy is all he could ask for and he’s proud to be your boyfriend
You asked him if you could post it and he said yes
He would finally admit that he had fun while blushing
“Thank you for today. I had fun and loved spending time with you.”, he then kissed your cheek
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Kaoru Sakurayashiki(Cherry Blossom):
So, I think it would take some convicing to get him to dance with you, but he would finally say yes
I think you two could do “Say So” by Doja Cat
It’s kinda simple and Cherry kinda liked the song so it’s ok with him (I hope you think it’s accurate TwT)
You teached him the dance and after you started recording. He had some fun and was happy to spent time with you, but he felt even more happy when he saw your smile after the video is over
You asked him if you could post it and he said yes and that it could help his popularity in his carriere and that he could show you’re his
“Sure. Plus I want those people to see that you belong to me”, he then kissed the top of your head
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Kojiro Nanjo(Joe):
Just like Reki, I think he would be the one to ask you first
I think you two could do “Cannibal” by Ke$ha (The rythm also gives me Joe vibes)
He also would already know the dance and is happy that he will spent this time with you
Seeing you smile when doing the dance made him fall even more in love with you and was happy that you two had fun
You asked him if you could post it
“Sure. I want all your subscribers and the world to know that you’re my perfect s/o”, he kissed you on the lips after that
A.N: I hope these were accurate and I had fun writing them :D I hope you liked these and remember to take care of yourselves and drink water! ;)
See you soon!  <3
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cosmicpadfoot · 3 years
a really self indulgent headcanon list.
james and lily would dance to "candy" and "99 luftballons" on just dance 2014
also they would do all those corny couple songs, james just wouldn't budge and lily would end up enjoying herself anyway
when lily wasn't up to it, he would dance it with sirius
and lemme tell you,,,, they would ROCK "you are the one that i want" on just dance 2016
(they would always alternate on who would be sandy and who would be danny)
sirius and remus tho, it was ANOTHER level.
a big part of gryffindor would think that remus was calm and collected, the quiet marauder™
but boy oh boy were they wrong.
it was his competitive side kicking in.
(so, a bit of backstory, when james and lily got together, sirius and remus were already dating for about two years. sirius and james started a couple competition of I LOVE HIM MORE THAN YOU LOVE HER type beat. sooner than later, lily and remus joined them and the game was ON.)
so just dance nights were almost just sirius, remus, james and lily competing with each other.
so while lily and james would dance to the really couply ones, sirius and remus would do the absolute batshit crazy ones.
they would know all the ke$ha ones with the panda dancer, "limbo" and the alternate version of "what does the fox say".
eventually they would do "me and my broken heart" on just dance 2015 and would be super cute
i think it goes without saying that the marauders would know ALL the one direction songs by heart and they would dance while screaming the lyrics.
and OBVIOUSLY they would do the tetris one on just dance 2015 too.
and then enters peter.
he wouldn't dance that much, really self conscious about his body.
but the marauders would eventually bring him to the dance floor.
peter, remus and frank would be the go to trio.
they would always do "jump on it" on just dance 3 and "don't worry be happy" on just dance 2015.
sirius favorite would be "on the floor" on just dance 4 and "i gotta feeling" on just dance 2019.
remus would know "rasputin" by heart but his favorite was "superstition" on just dance 4.
james ones would be "wild wild west" and "blame" on just dance 2016.
peter would LOVE "livin la vida loca" and "never gonna give you up" on just dance 4 but he never did it alone.
they would always end up forgetting the remotes (because the would OBVIOUSLY play it on wii, the only console james and sirius would learn how to play on) and call everyone to dance to YMCA on just dance 2014 to end the night.
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