#kef meister
lexezombie · 11 months
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Scorpion: @ibbywondrous Spot: @spacey-jazz Shocker: @tired-o-fighter Doc Ock: @amevello-blue Lizard: @super-weed-ninja Vulture: @crownedcrowrow Electro: @ninjastar-ace Rhino: @kef-meister
and me, green gob (which was my halloween costume funfact, heres a pic)
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my homie went as spiderpunk but I cut them out the pic cus they aint got tumblr
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kef-meister · 6 months
Assigned Peepaw By Email
First things first! I am:
Kef-Meister. Always have been (though it's fine to call me Kef);
an internet and Tumblr veteran;
on Twitter and Mastodon;
also old. Not old as balls, but "late last century" old (1985).
a lurker; a Discord Mod and a Twitch Mod. [GO FOLLOW AND SUPPORT CLARA DOGFORD, THANK YOU]
Also, I: have a self-proclaimed PhD in Comedy; love the Metroid series way too much; adore me some TMNT; am multilingual enough for it to be impressive enough. :)
I'm too smart to be a himbo, but not buff enough to be a hunk. I'm not fictional enough to be a blorbo, I don't think. Peepaw it is.
Actually, some lovely folks on The Blue Hell Gazette and beyond call me "peepaw", which I'll not try explaining because I'm not sure I understand it myself. I think it's a combination of a FNAF meme and being one of the older members in a slice of TMNT fandom. Shout-out to the TMNT Pit: "Here at The Pit, we give a shit <3". Thanks to The Pit I have a Turtle OC and his ?name? is Peepaw. Find him >here<, drawn by the talented Tired.
In March 2024 I was erroneously added to an email chain started by a bunch of US company retirees who really wanted to gather together for a small reunion and "Wednesday's Lunch…". Because everyone kept hitting "Reply All", it took me the better part of that month to be removed from the email chain. I am assigned peepaw by email. They probably have accepted me as one of their own.
Also, also: My current views are my own, my old posts are made by Kef-from-many-years-ago and are not valid receipts. Do you even remember the stuff you've done many years ago? No. okay maybe you do when you try and get some sleep but that's a skill issue tbfh /lh Okay I love you, bye.
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ninjastar-ace · 2 years
Turtlesona art dump! I've been drawing a lot of Pit family art lately
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The sonas belong to (In order) Orby belongs to @autisticmichelangelos, Argo belongs to @scenitroute.
Crow belongs to @crownedcrowrow, Gio belongs to @hibiscusbiue, Wind belongs to @tired-o-fighter, Human belongs to @thegodovereverything.
Ibeeble belongs to @ibbywondrous, Butterfly belongs to @amevello-blue.
(update) Peepaw belongs to @kef-meister our official Pit Peepaw, who does in fact have a tumblr again.
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hibiscusbiue · 1 year
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21. a number that weirds you out?
question asked by @kef-meister
3702. no particular reason but the 3700s look a little goofy
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notreblogs · 7 years
@kef-meister replied to your post “aighto co-op is as done as I’m willing to make it (bugs like...”
"Sorry about the lack of entertainment, as I am busy coding entertainment." Patrix, dude, chill
yeah but the entertainment i’m doing right now is not the one my audience enjoys the most and I cannot for the life of me stop feeling guilty even if slightly so
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majahawt · 6 years
Rules: We’re snooping on your playlist! Put your entire music library on shuffle and list the first 10 songs. Then tag 10 victims! I was tagged by @amy-alexandra
I share my Spotify account with my bf so it'll basically just be a shuffle of my default playlist.
Pin Your Wings - Copeland
Meant To Live - Switchfoot
Ain't No Sunshine - Eva Cassidy
Cactus - Pixies
Ompa Til Du Dør - Kaizers Orchestra
We Share Our Mother's Health - The Knife
Run - Snow Patrol
I'm Getting Ready - Michael Kiwanuka
Sticks & Stones - Jònsi
Gentleman - PSY
I tag @scrub-souls @bhansith @denkatsu @kexman @callofthedeep @kef-meister and uh idk
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jashasedai · 8 years
Oh, it’s on.
What is green and hops and is dangerous?
A frog with a hand grenade.
@kef-meister @strixus
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vastderp · 9 years
Ahoy! I've been binging Kagerou like a madperson lately - and voicing most parts out loud because that's fun! The way Cho's dialogue written, I've leaned towards giving her a Scottish accent... but it got me wondering: what *is* Cho's actual accent, if any?
originally i wrote it to sound Vaguely Fakey Britishy but the more i think about it the more i wish i’d just decided she sounds Fantasy Scottish. 
maybe i’ll change up how i write it. cho: scottish twitter edition
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notreblogs · 8 years
@kef-meister replied to your post “btw yeah it’s almost definitely gonna be a sad jar thing it grows...”
Heads-up dude: you'll likely want to tweak their appearance as time progresses. THIS IS NORMAL.
unlikely, all appearance tweaks of my characters have been accidental and subconscious because of deep aversion to change
ah scratch that, you’re absolutely right; and I shouldn’t really think about that at this moment but you’re right.
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notreblogs · 8 years
@kef-meister replied to your post “it’s amazing how well has Age Of Empires 2 aged.”
oh noes
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kef-meister · 6 years
What Do I Name My Character!?
I’ve been asked to name things. I’m a reasonably creative person, but I’m often at a loss when put on the spot to name things.
Solo WRPG/JRPG? Either a variation on Kef; Meister or something that sounds suitably weeb-y enough if I don’t like the default name. That, or I shove an already existing name in there (there’s a lot of fancy warrior women called ‘Miorum’ out there because she’s my old WoW character and I love her).
Pokémon? I don’t name them unless a name pops up at me -- this barely happens instantly and usually happens after I’ve spent some time with them in the party.
I have one dirty method I use from time to time and I’m going to share it -- I call it “Use synonyms or something and then fuck up saying it .. and write down how that sounds and we’ll go from there.”
I’m terrible at names.
Let’s say we’re in a Western RPG and you’ve made a Nature Wizard/Druid or whatever tickles your fancy in this hypothetical situation: the main reason you are this is so we can fuck up the name ‘Treebeard’ as an example. Because Treebeard is boring and copyright infringement.
So. Two words, one name: Tree @ Thesaurus.com
Beard @ Thesaurus.com
I’m aware there’s some weird ‘synonyms’ in those lists, but there’s usually a cool word if you scroll down. Quick and dirty, here we go. How ‘bout Shrub and Fuzz?
Shrubfuzz. Right. Now let’s fuck up saying it. Keep the Sh for the first, F for the second part. Why? Because coherency. Shrobfuzz / Shabfezz / Shrubfonz / Shreepfazz / Shubfust? / Shawdfay???
I mean bastardize that last one to Shawty for some street cred. Anyway, my brain eventually settles with “Shebfas” or “Sheb” for short. Let’s bastardize that further.
Shepfas? Shepfad? Shepard? Hey, it that makes you happy!
Shebaz could work, yes? Sheba is a nice name.
Shebfa’az if you’re an elf (depending on how old they are, they have more apostrophes in their name. That..them’s the rule, kid.)
Here we go. Shahfa’az. Perfect Elf Druid.
"But Kef, you took a Tolkien name and made it dumb and way less simple and that’s really besides the point - could’ve called them Shrubfuzz or Timbergoatee.”
Well. Yes. But Timbrgoateh Tumblrgata .. Tom Brody is a sick af name.
This is by no means a foolproof method, because I am a fool and you don’t even need proof. I’m telling you.
I’m sharing a very dirty method I personally use to come up with initial character names/inspiration for names when I’m asked to make one and it’s not supposed to be funny or a meme. (so I make it outlandish and giggle..because his name is a really weird version of Treebeard now and nobody but me knows it, hee hee hee hee)
Apparently this is also what language in the real world does over millennia, so at least I can claim this method isn’t only used by me. Hell yeah, evolution.
Hope this was helpful or at the very least entertaining enough to make you chuckle.
Okay. Bye!
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kef-meister · 8 years
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Pokémon Sun/Moon - Cook (Trainer Class)
also known as “Kef-Meister about to serve up memes” :| The resemblance with myself is rather uncanny; I’d be able to cosplay as this dude by only wearing a cook’s uniform. Which I actually own. Friends and relatives I’ve asked agree there’s definitely a likeness going on.
hbu, fam? If you know me well enough, think there’s a likeness?
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kef-meister · 11 years
Tell 5 random facts about yourself, then forward this to 10 of your favorite followers!
 ヽ(;▽;)ノ I-I’m one of your favourite followers?! Eeeee!
My girlfriend made me have a tumblr. for the sole purpose of me following her. :I Now look at me.
I’m a sucker for chiptunes.
I’m also a sucker for paranormal and extraterrestrial stuff.
For basically any game I’ve played enough (finished), I remember so much detail that I’m basically a walkthrough.
When I was a kid, I once kept myself awake for an entire 24 hours because I was terrified of dying in my sleep.
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kef-meister · 11 years
[Kef-Meister]: I've been had, hornswoggled, fooled, had the wool pulled over my eyes, bedazzled, duped! I'm calling shenanigans!
[C.B.]: ... if it *comes* in packaging, you haven't been swoggled, you've chosen your poison.
[Kef-Meister]: Can I still claim to have been swoggled, though?
[Kef-Meister]: Bonus question: Is the present tense of 'swoggle' actually 'swag'?
[C.B.]: I think that's the past perfect. "Kef, him got swagged righteous nite past."
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kef-meister · 11 years
I am jumping on a bandwagon to poke fun at tumblr's retardedly huge quotes.
- Kef
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kef-meister · 11 years
[Kef-Meister]: Okay so, what else didya do after sleeping?
[Denkatsu]: I woke up
[Kef-Meister]: *long, heavy sigh*
[Denkatsu]: You walked into that one
[Kef-Meister]: I did. :|
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