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An excerpt from my upcoming young adult novel KEEPER OF THE WATCH, released on February 1st, 2018.
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Good morning, and Happy first day of October! The crisp, cool air that comes with daybreak is a reminder that fall is definitely here. Though I will miss the long days and heat of summer, fall brings a season that appeals to all five senses. Remember to take a moment to stop and truly SEE, FEEL, HEAR, TASTE, and SMELL this wonderful time of year. 
Today marks the 4-month mark for the release of my first novel! On February 1st, 2018, my young adult novel KEEPER OF THE WATCH will be released to the public for the first time. It’s been a long road to get here, but I am over-the-moon excited about my book finally getting published! It just goes to show that perseverance pays off in the end. If I can do it, you can too! Never give up! 
So, here’s to celebrating my 4-Month-A-Versary! I’ll be posting excerpts from the book...stay tuned!
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My young adult sci-fi novel KEEPER OF THE WATCH will release on 2/1/18, but the jump is today! 
If your birthday falls on 1/1, 2/2, 3/3, 4/4, 5/5, 6/6, 7/7, 8/8, 9/9, 10/10, 11/11, or 12/12, it could be YOU! 
Prepare to JUMP!
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Dreaming of sunny days and beach reading...
The great thing about a book is that you can read it inside OR outside! Books are not 'weather permitting'!
Pick up a copy of KEEPER OF THE WATCH for your summer vacation, or sit inside on a gloomy day to find out what happens when Chase finds his uncle's watch locked away in a safe.
And why does THIS happen when he touches it?
"Chase reached a hand toward the old timepiece and a sudden electrical charge filled the air. The entire room seemed to sizzle and shake as if an earthquake had struck, and he grabbed onto his uncle’s desk chair as the air around him hummed with an unknown power. When his fingers made contact with the watch, a jolt traveled from his fingertips to his toes, making the hair on his arms and legs stand on end. His blood came alive inside his body; pulsing, writhing, wanting ... and he felt a powerful magnetic pull toward the watch." --Excerpt from Chapter 1, KEEPER OF THE WATCH
Pick up your copy at the following links:
Black Rose Writing https://t.co/ydAU7ZnjYC
Amazon https://www.amazon.com/dp/B078Y7RJ6M
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Feel like helping a new author? 
Head over to AMAZON and leave a short, one-line review. If you reach 50 reviews, Amazon will help promote your book. I need 38 more to hit that goal!
Amaaon Link: 
Thanks so much for your support!
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Happy Spring!
Chase Walker, the main character in KEEPER OF THE WATCH, is strongly drawn to the sea. Do you have a place where you connect with nature?
Here in Pennsylvania, it sure doesn’t feel like spring ... we’re expecting snow today! If you’re in a warm place, sit down under a tree to read a book!
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Want to Play?
Created especially for my teen friends (but adults can play, too!) You'll find the characters, places, and weapons from the book right here in this word search! Why is the puzzle shaped like a star? Did you know that many of the names in the book come from star and planet names? See if you can figure out which ones as you search!
Contact me to let me know if you find all the words, or with any questions about KEEPER OF THE WATCH. I'm always happy to hear from readers, and I'd love to talk to you! I'll send you a bookmark and a KOTW bracelet if you complete the puzzle, so don't forget to contact me when you finish! ([email protected]; Facebook: Kristen Jackson Author Twitter: @KLJacksonAuthor)
Ready, set, go!
Keep on reading!
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Today is RELEASE DAY for KEEPER OF THE WATCH! If you like YA sci-fi, go check it out on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B078Y7RJ6M
Here’s the cover blurb:
Chase Walker is beginning to doubt his own sanity. From the moment he turned eighteen, a strange paranoia has taken over his mind. It all started the moment he discovered his uncle’s old watch...  
The watch calls to him. Though it beckons, he resists. His body strains toward it, blood pulsing, heart pounding in a mysterious and primitive need to connect with his uncle’s old beat up watch.  
When sexy and mysterious Alyx saves his life, she promises answers. She talks of dimension travel, and wears a magical watch of her own…
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Today is jump day! Keepers, are you ready?
Pre-orders of Keeper of the Watch are available now! http://www.blackrosewriting.com/childrens-booksya/keeperofthewatch
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KEEPER OF THE WATCH will be released on February 1st, 2018! 
Are YOU a KEEPER OF THE WATCH? You COULD be, but only if you were born on one of the dates above ^ 
My birthday is May 4th, so I missed it by one day! 
Comment if your birthday matches one of the chosen dates! 
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#keeperofthewatch #comingfebruary2018 #youngadult #sciencefiction #novel #blackrosewriting #authorkristenljackson
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#keeperofthewatch #youngadult #sciencfiction #novel #comingfebruary2018 #chasewalker #alyxeris #kristenjacksonauthor #blackrosewriting
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#keeperofthewatch #youngadult #sciencefiction #comingfebruary2018 #blackrosewriting #chasewalker
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Merry Christmas!
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