#kecleon. just kecleon. might actually be the real criminal here.
timegears-moved · 2 years
urgggghrghh i am. thinking about very minor pmd oc ideas
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legrandefungus · 5 months
More fungus EoS AU
I'm on a roll here! I underestimated my ability to write EoS in a vaguely chronological order.
The first song is extended in this one, mostly because it's a ~47 second loop.
…I’m exhausted. But I must go on.
There’s always something left to do. And I haven’t even reached the critical spot yet. It seems that my partner scored a good 100 poke while I was working with the Kecleon Brothers a second time. It looks like this is going to be how Chatot makes me take a break. Then…
“I think I overheard Chatot saying something about allowing us use of the outlaw board recently?”
We already had it explained to us a while back by Bidoof.
“That was meant to be a surprise. Thank you for that, Ennil.”
“M-Mr. Chatot!”
“Even if the surprise is ruined... That’s correct! We’ve decided to open the outlaw board to you two. Ennil, this means that you’ll have to go slower or take more breaks. Bringing in criminals is tiring work, and injury is much more likely.”
“I understand.”
I don’t. Is he telling me this expecting hesitation? It’s a job I need to do, nothing more. Sure, they’re fellow pokemon, but there’s an actual reason to apprehend them. Especially Drowzee.
“ENNIL! L-look! Right there!”
An indescribable look flashed across Ennil’s face. What was that?
“Cmon! We have no time to waste!”
If it’s for your own gain, if it only means you profit. I won’t give even an inch. Azurill is real, and so very scared.
“Wow! Your enthusiasm paid off! These mon are easier to fight than I expected!”
“That’s the point, Shal! If we’re strong, we can beat all the bad guys!”
I’m glad you’re getting confidence in yourself. You’ll need it.
“Stop right there!”
“Huh? How’d you find… Wait! I recognize you!”
What? What do you mean by that?
“You’re that klutz that stumbled into me earlier! What, stumble your way into here too?”
“H-hey! Don’t speak to my friend like that! We’re an exploration team, here to take you down!”
“Then you’re the saddest looking team I’ve ever laid eyes on!”
You’re trembling, Shalvy. Here, let me help. I put my paw on his, giving a brief smile.
Right. He has to stay strong for his friend!
“No! We’ll take you down for sure!”
“Alright theaA-”
Quick attack forward, circle around to give Shalvy an opening.
Huh? Oh, right! Cmon! Gotta be brave! He quickly grabbed a rock and threw it at Drowzee, bashing him on the head!
Capitalize, the back is wide open. He looks destabilized. Flamethrower.
Drowzee screamed, the fire tearing across his form. What the hell was with these... Kids.... Damnit.....
He fell over. Is that it?
“E-Ennil? You’ve been staring at Drowzee for a while now. We should go and check on Azurill!”
I’m not in the correct state of mind. Too easy to scare the kid.
“You go ahead, Shalvy. I’ll sit here and make sure the criminal doesn’t get away.”
“Hey, why don’t you want to talk to them? What’s wrong?”
“We have to get Drowzee handed in, don’t we? If it means I can keep everyone safe, I don’t mind waiting!”
I’ll ask them if they can plan a surprise! Ennil’s been working really hard. It’s inspiring!
“Whisper, whisper…”
We handed Drowzee over to the Magnezone, who showed up not long after. It was uneventful, save for Shalvy looking very proud of himself.
And Ennil didn’t complain about the guild rate for outlaws, either. Goodness, if more members were like this, the guild would be much more successful!
Hmm. I don’t think it’d be safe for me to do another run of a dungeon today.
“Now, Ennil, I know you might be still coming off from the high of your first capture but remember what I said.”
“Of course, Chatot! I wasn’t planning on doing another expedition today anyways.”
It’s storming. I quite enjoy the noise.
“Hey, Ennil?”
“What is it?”
“Do you… remember anything from your past yet?”
…Well. Things have already deviated, so if I just loosely follow the guidelines, I could still make it. And, it'd be nice to confide in someone just a bit. Even still...
“A few. But none of them are good.”
“Well, do you wanna talk about it?”
Please, this is just going to hurt even more when I have to do something regrettable.
“I’m not sure that’s a good idea, Shalvy. It’s a dark concept.”
“You helped me find bravery today, I’ll listen to whatever you have to say, it’s the least I could do!”
“…Alright. I remember…”
Sure enough, the kid was terrified of my vague descriptions of the future world.
“But don’t tell anyone.”
“What? Why?”
“I don’t know how I got here, and someone might be trying to get me!”
The first part is true. I might remember a lot of things, but post-game plot I always skipped through a bit. It’ll still pay well to have an idea of what’s going to happen.
“Then I’ll protect you! That’s what friends are for, right?”
“Hey, Ennil. Are you still awake?”
“What you described keeps replaying in my mind. A-and it does scare me, but…”
“I’ll keep going, you don’t have to worry about me.”
“Oh, thanks. Shalvy.”
It was clear by their voice that Ennil wasn’t fully asleep, but not awake either, maybe he could use this opportunity to ask if…
“H-hey, Ennil? It’s a bit embarrassing, but would you mind if we…”
A,, cuddle?? Mmsure, scooch scooch,..,.,,,
They moved over? Great! He meandered over to his exploration partners’ bed and settled in, feeling comfortable.
Yes. Despite being a workaholic, nearly the opposite of Shalvy, they’ve been a really good friend. It’s like having another sibling!
“Goodnight, Ennil.” “Night…”
There it is! A time gear!
Alright, He’s got the escape route planned out, he’s gotten everything needed.
It’s the first of many, and it’ll cause a whole lot of pain to the world right now.
But if it means saving the world from the future to come, he’ll have to keep going.
Alright, now to run!
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