#kat: i'm off to go do a cool ritual :D
evilkitten3 · 4 months
Do you have any fave horror and/or rpg games?
i don't have much experience in this department, unfortunately. horror is a genre i love conceptually, but i don't really like jumpscares or excessive amounts of senseless blood and guts, so it's also a genre i haven't had much engagement with.
i absolutely loved project kat/paper lily, and i've been playing ib for the past few hours, which i also quite like! but that's. honestly most of what i know
i tried playing a game called luminous (i think) a bit ago but something about it just didn't vibe with me (read: the monsters were loud and scary and i wasn't good at hitting them until they died)
ib seems to lean much more into the horror aspect than paper lily, which in comparison is more... idk horror-esque? most of the really gruesome stuff (in chapter one, anyway) is pretty easy to avoid. the game is pretty clear on "this is the wrong thing to do and you will die if you do it" most of the time, but the dead ends all further the worldbuilding, which i love. it feels a lot more like dark fantasy than straight-up horror most of the time - there's scary shit going on for sure, but it's not too difficult to handle if you put your mind to it. ib has a much bigger sense of,,,, dread? i guess? going on. you're a little girl alone with two strangers, one of whom is very clearly seeing things that you aren't (who's seeing what's really there? maybe nobody) and the other is,,,,, uh. well not necessarily your friend. you don't know what's going on, you don't know how you got there, the puzzles are challenging, and frequently you're running for your life. in contrast to ib, lacie chose to be where she is, is pretty quick at figuring out where to go next, and typically doesn't really lose her cool until things go from not ideal to threat of imminent death.
so basically the three horror protagonists i've really been viewing the world of horror through are kat (99% doomed sass machine), lacie (shy but more or less level-headed), and ib (lost as shit). it's been a pretty varied experience so far.
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