#kat speaks into the void
i have no business plotting a summer romance turned oh my god you’re my professor?? fic right now but alas here i am plotting
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gaydryad · 2 years
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more sketches from the character lineup in progress. validated by the fact that this is the first completed sketch I've done of Oscar (left) in literal years and it was surprisingly easy. my boy ily. oh also karyn is here for comparison 
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falklore · 1 year
I miss succession
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itadore-you · 1 year
just for me
pairing: katsuki bakugo x gn!reader w/c: ~ 1k c/w + context: comfort fic. big ass panic attack. if this may trigger you, pls steer clear of this one!
The violet void of the night has claimed you as a victim once again. It has invisible toothpicks for nails that pry open your eyelids for inspection, declaring you blind. 
"Are you scared yet?" It rasps.
You tremble, because you already know what it'll say next.
Nothing. It won't say a word.
Its silence prompts your subconscious to speak for itself, letting the undead scream. Once they're woken, there's no shutting them up. The voices don't come alone. Like a pretty Russian doll, there's always more. Hordes of images; so much that you have seen. They blot across your vision, so viscerally colourful against the dark of night. You're certain that you will die.
All of a sudden, the dark grows hands that hold onto yours - they're smooth, they're warm, and they … aren't to be trusted when you get like this. 
Your first instinct is to slap them away. Nothing is safe in the minefield of your mind.
"It's me," murmurs a low voice from beside you. "I'm right here."
"Kats- Katsuki?" 
You sound broken. It makes him grit his teeth, knowing what's happening to you. It doesn't happen often, but it happens often enough that he knows the signs. He knows how to help, but not how to fix, and it pains him. Quickly he illuminates the room with a light spark from one of his palms, the crackle emphasizing his presence.
"Yes," he continues to slowly reassure you. "Me. Katsuki. I'm right here."
He wishes he could promise it. He wishes that he could fight alongside you. Blow it all up, leaving those nocturnal demons charred and in pieces. He knows, that even by being here right now, it's not going to stop it on its own. He's reached a limit that he can't force himself through. 
He takes in a deep breath as he holds your hands a little tighter, and he continues. 
"Squeeze my hands back."
It takes several moments for you to manage the movement. These "attacks" often leave you fucking paralysed after all. But once you grip Katsuki's hands, you keep squeezing, tighter and tighter. 
He smiles a little at that, knowing that it's somewhat broken the trance. 
"Good. You can keep going." 
He doesn't mind it, no matter how hard it hurts, because he won't let you keep feeling so hurt, all alone. He still remembers seeing your first episode, the uselessness that weighed down his heart as he watched the person he loved whilst he did nothing, he couldn’t do anything. Never again. 
You hold onto him tighter over the next couple of minutes. Slowly he offers his arms, and eventually, you accept his embrace - he knows to not constrict you fully in his arms, but instead help you feel grounded. 
It takes time before the tempo of your breathing matches his, no longer shallow and rapid. Even in the dark, you can now find the fierce red of his eyes meeting yours. He knows to hold your gaze like this, to silently reassure you that you’re going to be OK. 
He whispers a couple of words, asking if you feel like you can stand. He doesn't let go of your hand as he gets you on your feet, motivating you to move with him as he ambles over to the side of your shared bedroom. 
It's nice, not to remain curled up beneath a duvet until you sweat buckets, and you can’t tell the difference between perspiration and tears. 
Katsuki notices the vacant look in your expression as you motionlessly stand next to him. He's got to be careful now, because that break of clarity is not always the ‘calm after the storm’. Sometimes it comes right back, striking fast like a viper. 
The click of your kettle sounds and an impending crescendo ensues as the water boils. The sound is like a pleasant white noise that fills the empty air, static that your brain can't be louder than. You could swear that you kept the kettle in the kitchen, not in here. Katsuki must have brought it, as well as the cup he grabs from seemingly nowhere, and the faint aroma of chamomile starts to arise in the room. 
Another click from the kettle, alerting you both that the water has finished boiling. As Katsuki pours the stream of water into the cup, the smell of chamomile grows stronger. You notice that your lungs seem to expand double the size from before, breathing in the calming scent. 
Bakugo lifts the steaming cup to you, watching as you take deep breaths. He knows you like the smell and taste of the tea. It's something so basic, so seemingly trivial, but it works. 
Out of all your five senses, he's the one that makes the most sense. Bakugo stands before you, untainted and real - more real than what was happening inside of your mind.
He stays with you like that for a while, waiting for the tea to cool down so you can drink it. In the meantime, he talks about a couple of things. He brings up some stupid banter from the conference room yesterday; still finding it stupid, but knowing that you'd find it funny. He mentions, on the side, that he wants to buy some poppy seeds for your garden. It sounds random, but each one of Katsuki's words is chosen with care to distract you from your thoughts.
All the while, he can see a spark start to come back in your eyes. They’re no longer as dull and dead as they were before. 
He's glad.
He’s not going to ask if you feel better.
He already knows.
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redpanther23 · 10 months
Recommended Reading List:
Magick in Theory and in Practice - Aleister Crowley
Principia Discordia - Malaclypse the Younger
Zen Without Zen Masters - Camden Benares
Cosmic Trigger: Final Secrets of the Illuminati - Robert Anton Wilson (fill out the captcha and click "download original pdf" - the other link seems to be fake)
Prometheus Rising - Robert Anton Wilson
Black Elk Speaks
The Mohawk Warrior Society - Louis Karioniaktajeh Hall
The Void Captain's Tale - Norman Spinrad
Tailchaser's Song - Tad Williams
The Magicians - Lev Grossman
Illuminatus - Bob Shea and Robert Anton Wilson
The Man Who Folded Himself - David Gerrold
The Three Imposters - Arthur Machin
Cerebus - Dave Sim
Elfquest - Wendy Pini
Pogo - Walt Kelly
Little Nemo in Slumberland - Winsor McKay
Fritz the Cat - R. Crumb
Krazy Kat - George Herriman
Scott Pilgrim - Bryan Lee O'Malley
Maus - Art Spiegelman
Live Action Movies/shows:
The 5000 Fingers of Dr. T (1953) <- to my knowledge the only feature that Dr. Seuss worked on
Dementia (or Daughter of Horror) (1955) <- experimental horror movie with no dialogue
The Prisoner (1967-68) <- like if you combined James Bond with Alice in Wonderland
Head (1968)
Lucifer Rising (1972) <- watching this movie summons lucifer, so we should all do it lots
Pink Flamingos (1972)
The Wicker Man (1973)
Zardoz (1974)
The Forbidden Zone (1979)
The Great Rock and Roll Swindle (1980)
The Decline of Western Civilization (1981)
Roar (1981)
The Young Ones (1982-84)
Stop Making Sense (1984)
This is Spinal Tap (1984)
Atanarjuat: The Fast Runner
24 Hour Party People (2002)
Electric Apricot: The Quest for Festeroo
Scott Pilgrim vs. The World
Sorry to Bother You
(For animated movies I have a whole separate blog and list here)
Animated Shows/short films:
Fleischer's Superman
Batman the Animated Series
Winsor McKay's "The Pet"
Eek the Cat
The Devil and Daniel Mouse
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mpsansy · 1 year
Continuing with speaking to the void, hello void!! I am here to ramble about Casper again. Simply because it's still buzzing through my head, and I love building concepts and hcs. Only this time, I'll also mention other characters and their relationships with our familiar spectral.
(Note: Felt like I should mention that this is my own spin on the characters. So... yeah. Just needed to mention it cause my last ramble about Casper didn't specify that. Anyway, back to the concepts.)
-Casper doesn't scare because he can't. He most certainly can. And be great at it due to his imaginative mind, but he chooses to be honest and polite upon approach.
- However, let's say that who he's speaking to is outright mean spirited and rotten? Okay. He'll give them a fright and run them out of his home. Though admittedly, since he doesn't scare too often, he exhausts himself and will often lay down for a power nap. Do NOT disturb him.
-He sees Kat as a sister. Primarily an older sister cause he's still in the mindset of a young adolescent as opposed to her. Who works and goes to college as a young adult.
-Casper has made other friends throughout the past. And the best ones he could ever have now are monsters like him! A demon and a witch. The witch in question is named Wendy
-The demon, however, didn't have a name, but together, they came up with a name. Inferno. He seemed to like that name. It's a lot better than HotStuff, yet he uses both titles cause those are the first names he's been addressed as.
-To simplify their relationship with Casper. Wendy is like a good influence, whereas Inferno is the bad. Kind of an angel and demon on your shoulder type deal. It can be a little funny to watch if you're his uncles who want their nephew to do something dastardly and goofy.
-Inferno has a terrible time with holding back his fire abilities. Just with one touch, an object is sent ablaze. Conveniently, the things set on fire are often times undesirable to most. So he accidentally does good without realizing it.
-Opposite of Inferno, Wendy is far more than just advanced in her magic skills. She's been claimed in recent centuries as the greatest witch to live yet. What makes her achievements more sweeter is that she is one of few witches to have interacted and befriended monsters of all shapes and sizes.
-With Wendy and Inferno as his friends, they have taught him one very important lesson for his eternal afterlife. Stand up for yourself when no one will. It's a lesson that seems obvious to do, but the two really try to nail it down as Casper doesn't vocalize his true feelings.
-If a ghost were to find a place or object that seems familiar to them, something in their minds will click and send them back in time. When they were alive, experiencing the moment all over. Sometimes, it's a good feeling. Although it's a mixed bag depending on how a person lived.
-Despite being dead for a long time, Casper does have moments of discomfort. Such as looking at cliffs or frozen lakes. Naturally, he avoids them if at all possible. Something like this could be a link to how he died, but that's something he's not willing to investigate. Not if he has to relive all that.
-Casper won't say it, but he does have a favorite uncle. But to say who is immensely debatable. And something he refuses to bring up at all.
-If you've ever wondered if monsters dream, then good news! They do, in fact, dream. But one thing I'd prefess is that monster dreams are so intertwined that many beasts end up meeting each other before ever meeting in person. It's a trip that very few humans have the pleasure of participating in
-This goes with no context, but this is a list of who would kill for Casper with no arguments:
They'd do happily if something or someone really hurt Casper. To say he'd be thrilled is, uh... well, who knows, really, cause I don't!
-The only time Casper joins in on the spooking is when it involves wannabe ghost and/or monster hunters. Cause most of them do, in fact, suck at their job and are real snobby jerks who disrespect property
-Deep within the manor is a hidden room closed off from all spirits and magic users alike. In this room is a book explaining all things Casper's father had discovered about monster life. As well as things he valued when it came to his own family that were simply irreplaceable. No one in the manor has discovered this room yet.
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Article: "Eddie Redmayne Admits He Lives ‘Like a Monk’ Despite Playing Emcee in “Cabaret”’s ‘Hedonistic’ World". -
By Dave Quinn for People, 26 April, 2024.
The actor is starring in a revival of the Kander & Ebb musical, now open at Broadway's August Wilson Theatre in New York City.
Eddie Redmayne isn't living as risqué of a life as his Cabaret character.
The Oscar and Tony Award-winning actor is currently playing the Emcee in the hit Broadway revival of John Kander and Fred Ebb's classic musical, which is now open at the August Wilson Theatre in New York City. And though the atmosphere at the Kit Kat Club might be unrestrained, the pressure of doing eight shows a week keeps Redmayne on his best behavior offstage.
"You live like a monk," he admitted on an episode of Live with Kelly and Ryan that aired on Thursday, April 25. "It’s sort of this odd thing where you’re inviting audiences to come and have a hedonistic, sort of all-consuming evening and yet, you are only drinking water, not speaking, all that stuff."
Taking on the character of the Emcee has taken a physical toll on his body.
"The role itself is quite a workout, but I have this brilliant man called Greg who is sort of this icon on Broadway in that he is the man who keeps people upright," Redmayne said. "I go and see him, I saw him last night. He’s a masseuse. But as much as I love him, and I have great respect for you Greg, he’s horrendous. It’s absolute agony. It’s that sort of thing where you think the pain, it must be doing something, right?"
"I was telling this to Greg last night, he was like, ‘Eddie, your body, it’s broken.’ And it makes you feel so heroic," The Good Nurse star continued. "‘Yeah, I’m the toughest Emcee in the world!’ "
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Cabaret at the Kit Kat Club follows fictional American writer Clifford Bradshaw as he moves to Berlin amid the rise of the Nazi party. His observations about the eccentric characters that populate the Kit Kat Club, like the mysterious Emcee and the British singer Sally Bowles, provide the groundwork for both the musical and his future novel.
The musical has long been a success both on the stage and screen. Based on John Van Druten’s 1951 play I Am a Camera, which in turn was adapted from the 1939 novel Goodbye to Berlin by Christopher Isherwood, Cabaret first hit Broadway in 1966. It was later turned into the 1972 film of the same name starring Oscar-winner Liza Minnelli as Sally, and revived on Broadway in 1998 and in 2014, both with Alan Cumming as the Emcee.
A score, by Kander & Ebb, is made up of a string of songs that have become musical theatre mainstays, like “Willkommen,” “Don't Tell Mamma,” “Mein Herr,” “Two Ladies,” “Tomorrow Belongs to Me,” “Money,” “Maybe This Time” and, of course, “Cabaret.”
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Redmayne first played the role of the Emcee in the West End, where the production that's now on Broadway originally opened in 2021.
"The reason why so many actors are drawn to [the Emcee] is because it’s almost like an abstract character," Redmayne told Kelly Ripa and Mark Consuelos. "I see him as a bit of a shapeshifter. There’s this one moment where he’s a clown and then he’s almost dressed as a skeleton, so it’s a lot of makeup, a lot of quick changes."
It's also a lot of interactions with the audience.
"He is in a void in some ways, and so often when you're on stage, the other character in a scene with you is the audience. ... So for me, I get to play with beautifully generous American audiences every night," Redmayne said, noting that American audiences are "less reserved" than London audiences.
He explained, "That’s my role; to interact with the audiences and sort of creep in amongst them and play with them and entice and seduce them into the world. [So ]it’s lovely having people who are giving so much. In Britain, the British reserve was slightly more on display."
Cabaret at the Kit Kat Club is directed by Rebecca Frecknall, who also helmed the West End version.
In addition to Redmayne and Gayle Rankin as Sally, the rest of the principle cast is rounded out by Ato Blankson-Wood (Clifford), Steven Skybell (Herr) and Tony winner Bebe Neuwirth (Fräulein), as well as Natascia Diaz (Fraulein Kost and Fritzie) and Henry Gottfried (Ernst Ludwig).
The cast also includes Gabi Campo (Frenchie), Ayla Ciccone-Burton (Helga), Colin Cunliffe (Hans), Loren Lester (Herman/Max), David Merino (Lulu), Julian Ramos (Bobby), MiMi Scardulla (Texas), Paige Smallwood as Rosie, and Marty Lauter (Victor), who is also known as Marcia Marcia Marcia of RuPaul's Drag Race fame.
Live with Kelly and Mark airs weekdays in syndication (check local listings). Tickets for Cabaret at the Kit Kat Club are on sale now.
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skyliv · 9 months
sorta based on something my bestie sent me.., (KAT ILY)
literally all night i was just giggling over this
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Just like any other night, Olivia was working. Leaning into her desk as she typed away at god knows what. And just like any other night, she was tired of it. She'd much rather be back in Hudson Valley, or working on anything else.
Flashes of color bloom in the void-like sky behind her, the loud sounds causing her to flinch ever so often. They make it much harder to focus, but she was used to it, she had to be.
The fireworks light up her desk, but in between the fluttering of lights, a shadow creeps up the window, clinging to the slit where one can be opened. They loom silently for a moment, seemingly trying to figure out a way in.
In a heartbeat, another few fireworks go off, and Olivia notices the shadow behind her. She whips around, her exercise ball rolling behind her as an actuator rockets out to slam the window open. Unfortunately, this just makes the fireworks louder, but it dislodges the figure and allows another claw to snatch their ankle. All four are active, striking like snakes.
It's Sky-Spider. Of course it is. Blue lights behind her illuminate her suit, the feathers whipping in the wind. She lets out a quick yelp when she's yanked into the lab, and before she knows it there's a buzzsaw blade in her face after she's slammed onto the floor.
"Heyy!" The heroine exclaims weakly.
"Lucy? You- What the hell was that for?!" Olivia barks, closing the window as she speaks. Two of the tentacles retract, the one with the saw shuts it down, and the fourth stays gripping Lucy's ankle.
"It's new years! It was a bad idea, but I wanted to see you!"
"Wh- Huh?!"
Sky-Spider tugs off her mask by the wing on its head, revealing herself, disheveled and surprised but with the brightest smile on her face. Even that makes Olivia smile.
More flares light up the sky, casting the two women in every shade under the sun. A moment passes, only with the booming outside.
And then Olivia laughs, she helps the hero stand as she nearly buckles over. "Why?! Just- Really?" She's barely able to talk through her laughter. It must've been a rough night, and seeing this girl probably helped.
Lucy helps Olivia stand, giggling along. She glances over to the computer screen, under the indecipherable code and colorful data she makes out the clock. Just before midnight.
"Don't people usually kiss by now?" Olivia chuckles.
"Usually." Lucy responds heartily, her hands on the doctor's shoulders.
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and then they kiss HAPPY NEW YURI!!
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nvrcmplt · 1 year
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Alien Concept ; A Fragment of a Sentient Meteor species.
Burns constantly due to Earth's Oxygen levels but can also burn in Carbon Dioxide, in Water/Damp and even in the Vacuum of space, so he's always on fire. Non-Aggressive to Humanity, however, can be dangerous when angered. Burns only those unworthy of its attention, calm persona, learning type. Non-invasive.
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Alien Concept ; Otherworld Intelligence, Skeletal Android, AI? / Void Entity
Limbless in terms of arms and legs, seems to move with just its own mass, black clothing however obscure sightings of anything. A multitude of hands float about its person, unsure if telekinetic ties, wires, invisible strings - etc, however, can have up to four or four hundred about its person. Speaks with unmoving mouth - however facial features mimic humans, two eyes, one mouth. No nose but skull rather humanoid with unsymmetrical cracks.
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Bounty Hunter - Supernatural Killer - Hellsing Family
Old Cabin inhabitant that's lived for far to damn long and cares less about his looks when he's being sort for the supernatural fuckers. Kills easy and sleeps easier - just wants to live in damn peace and eat his damn oatmeal and drink whiskey at his open fire. One of the few lasting bloodlines thick with Hellsing lineage, he isn't sure if he's the last yet, doesn't feel like he is, but he's just waiting for his time to rest in peace. Has his grave ready for him already.
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Deep Sea Dragonfolk - Dungeon Group - Sea City
Old as the ocean itself, toned with the shades of koi and gold inheritance of sky bound long. A species known for their allusive lifestyle beneath the depths of the oceans. Violent to outsiders but welcoming to those with trade and trust. One of Nine Princes of the Dragon Throne.
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Kat Folk - Dungeon Group - Demolition Expert
Often called the Cat of Luck, due to the close calls he's gone through. His bombs and chemical explosives often leave battlefields filled in radiation and flaming death. Small cat tribe - orphaned however due to the Demons destroying what he called home. Menace to all vanguards and is best of being stealthy in the chaos of throwing bombs for distractions first.
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randoimago · 2 years
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I posted 1,629 times in 2022
That's 360 more posts than 2021!
1,583 posts created (97%)
46 posts reblogged (3%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,492 of my posts in 2022
Only 8% of my posts had no tags
#mod kat speaks - 548 posts
#randothoughts with randoimago - 143 posts
#critical role x reader - 95 posts
#persona 5 x reader - 73 posts
#danganronpa x reader - 53 posts
#fire emblem x reader - 49 posts
#the-ultimate-puppteer - 47 posts
#anon ask - 47 posts
#fe3h x reader - 46 posts
#jjba x reader - 46 posts
Longest Tag: 126 characters
#hell sorry that these made up names aren't in the dictionary that's full of made up words that someone wanted to make official
My Top Posts in 2022:
Hello! I just found your blog, and I have to say, I love your writing!!!!!! That being said, I would like to make a head cannon request for Hades. So, say that certain people take interest in someone (separately, like they're not all taking interest in the same person). How would they go about wooing/pursuing them? With Chaos, Hypnos, Thanatos, Ares, and Zagreus, please?
How They Would Woo/Pursue Someone They Like
Character(s): Ares, Chaos, Hypnos, Thanatos, Zagreus
Type of Request: Headcanons
Note(s): Aw thank you so much!! I will say these headcanons do get a bit interesting just because Greek Mythology is full of the gods doing very shady (to put it lightly) things while pursuing mortals.
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What, you mean you aren’t wooed by him having your enemies heads on pikes??
Seriously, Ares is a god and the gods have done some shady stuff when it comes to mortals. 
You will probably get some Zeus-level stuff when it comes to Ares pursuing you. So good luck with that.
Honestly, Ares might not even go through the effort. He would tell you straight up that he is interested in you and that you should feel honored. Now choose him or be faced with death for defying a god.
Chaos wooing someone is a very interesting concept. I mean, they're literally just a void that has been given a semi-humanoid form.
Chaos just never really thought of finding anyone appealing in that sense so should it happen, they might just take what's theirs.
If they do like someone then they will pull that person into the void. Just keep the person all to themself.
There is a chance that Chaos would watch at a distance and see what the person does. Might throw some more interesting things that person's way just to see if they live or go mad.
It's so easy to tell when Hypnos is crushing on anyone. The guy can't hold back how he feels.
His voice just goes dreamy or he starts to just stare and smiles like a doofus at whoever has his affections.
I think he'd attempt to make the person laugh. Laughter is the best medicine and an easy way to his heart. So he'll do the same with his usual sarcasm and quick wit to get some smiles.
Might ask Zagreus if he can give the person gifts (that Hypnos picked out). Hypnos would stutter and look like an idiot if he did it himself, so he's asking Zagreus for help.
Honestly completely clueless as to how to woo someone. I mean his whole thing is gathering souls of the dead, how is that supposed to make anyone like him?
Also not the best with his words. He just doesn't really know what to say to someone so he's a bit awkward (which adds to his charm).
If he truly likes someone then he might just find himself in their prescence, not really saying anything. So just enjoying your company and hope that you start a conversation.
Seriously, his attempt at wooing is Zagreus or Meg finding out and the two of them convincing you to date him (Zagreus is a lot more suave about it while Meg is more threatening). Thanatos has to do some damage control because of it but that just makes it more charming.
Zagreus has a collection of illegal Nectar and Ambrosia that he’ll happily give to you. It seems to make everyone happy so he hopes that he makes you happy to. Just know that you never have to give him a gift back!
Seriously, gift giving has to be his love language at this point. So you might get him commissioning the house contractor for more nice things, which he’ll be happy to give you.
Likes to tell you about his journey through the different places in the Underworld, probably only really mentioning the nicer places (Eurydice’s place, for example).
See the full post
804 notes - Posted March 25, 2022
hi kat, happy new year & hope you're well <3 could i pls request todo, yuta, and noritoshi (jujutsu kaisen) when they realize their s/o was trying to hide wounds from them? since the characters are pretty high level sorcerers, they (reader) don't want them (characters) to think they're weak. thanks if you decide to write this & ty even more for sharing your past writing with us!
S/O Hiding Wounds From Characters
FANDOM: Jujutsu Kaisen
Character(s): Noritoshi Kamo, Todo Aoi, Yuta Okkotsu
Type of Request: Headcanons
Note(s): I’m happy to write this! Sorry that this did come out so late >.<
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Noritoshi prides himself on being a leader and ready to protect others. To know that you’re hiding wounds from him causes him to feel like you don’t trust in his abilities to keep you safe.
Hearing that it’s because you don’t want to be a burden causes him to pause and think. Has he ever done anything to make you feel that way? Did he ever say anything to imply that you’d ever be a burden to him? He wouldn’t be dating you if he thought you’d be a burden.
Hiding wounds from your allies is weak, is what he’d say. It’ll just cause everyone to be slowed down should more problems come up. You have to be honest and tell him when you’re hurting. 
His tone is very matter-of-fact as he’s telling you all of this but he truly is worried for you and doesn’t want to lose you. He promised he would protect as many people as he could and knowing that you didn’t tell him that you were harmed feels like a punch to the gut.
Todo just flicks your forehead when he learns that you're hiding wounds so he doesn't worry. He calls you an idiot (affectionate) because of course he'll worry but now he's worrying more.
Also you being a burden on him? He tells you everyday about how he's ready to move the earth and part oceans for you (he's very whipped). He also can’t help but laugh when you mention being weak. He would never fight along someone that he thought was weak.
Yes he's powerful, but he wants to use that power to protect you. He does beat himself up for not noticing your wounds sooner, but he can make up for it by helping you heal faster
So please next time tell him the instant you get hurt. Unless you want him to mother you every second of the day (he won't but he does threaten it constantly).
Yuta finding out that you're wounded has him panicking. Especially because you hid this from him. So what if he's strong? Strength won't cause him to keep you from bleeding out!
You're going to get a hell of a scolding from him as he's wrapping and doing as best as he can to take care of you. He's not a trained professional so you're absolutely going to a hospital (and can't talk your way out of it).
Yuta tells you that no matter the strength, you're both still human. He makes mistakes and you make mistakes.
So please don't feel a burden just because you think he's stronger than you. Do you know how weak and helpless he feels seeing you hurt?
887 notes - Posted January 21, 2022
How about some headcanons of Milo, Piers, and Raihan with s/o who has a Snorlax loves to hug them so much they have to ask the guys to help rescue them?
S/O Needing Saved From Super Cuddly Pokemon
Character(s): Milo, Piers, Raihan
Type of Request: Headcanons
Note(s): This is such a cute ask! Oh how I wish pokemon to be real just to cuddle them (although legends arceus has been making me not so sure about that xD)
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Can’t help but coo at how adorable you look just being cuddled by your Snorlax. Milo loves his wooloo but Snorlax is stealin’ his heart too.
Happily goes to help you, but does tell you that you looked really cute considering the size difference of Snorlax to you.
I can see Milo loving having Wooloo and Snorlax cuddle sessions with you so him saving you from Snorlax has probably happened a few times by now. Probably has saved you from some Wooloo too.
The most Milo does is compliment and call you adorable. He’d tease a bit, but he doesn’t want to hurt your feelings. Just know he’s gonna have that image of you smothered by Snorlax in his mind for a good while.
Piers is so amused when he sees you being smothered by your Snorlax. Sure he’s a tad worried, but it is just really funny seeing how cuddly the big guy is.
Can’t help snickering when you pout and ask him for help. Would tease you a bit and make a couple jokes about you doing it yourself.
Probably has to get his own pokemon to help pull you away from your Snorlax since apparently you don’t have the pokeball on you. 
Depending on the day, he might just go and lay on top of you and the Snorlax for his own nap. Keep complaining, he’s going to sleep.
Nah he’s just going to stand and watch you being smothered by your pokemon for a little bit. Also take some photos. 
I mean you look adorable and you’re being held by a pokemon that loves you that much? He’s gotta post about this.
He will help you after some teasing and once he’s taken some pics. Would make sure you’re alright. He knows Snorlax would never hurt you but its a big pokemon so he wants to double check.
Later he will sit next to you and read almost all the comments left on the photos he posted. Just letting you know how people think you looked adorable too.
939 notes - Posted February 9, 2022
Mayhaps hcs with the host club members with a usually very mature and calm s/o (or even platonic idc) but when they talk about something they find interesting they're like a little kid who is really into dinosaurs that will talk your ear off (if you know the vibe). Just so excited to talk about something they enjoy
Calm, Mature S/O Acting Like a Kid When Talking About an Interest
FANDOM: Ouran Highschool Host Club
Character(s): Haruhi Fujioka, Tamaki Suoh, Kyoya Ootori, Hikaru Hitachiin, Kaoru Hitachiin, Mitsukuni Haninozuka, Takashi Morinozuka
Type of Request: Headcanons
Note(s): Oh trust me, I know quite a few people that if you get them talking about the right thing then they just become super excited and adorable and I love it. I’ll happily write this for you!!
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Haruhi won’t admit it openly, but she finds it to be absolutely adorable when you get really excited and start bouncing around like a little kid. She does the same thing with food so she tries to bring your favorite topic up often just so you can be happy.
Tamaki kind of freezes at first when he watches your whole calm persona drop and then he just squeals because you’re so cute!! Promises you all the things just so you keep acting super cute.
Kyoya is absolutely noting your change in demeanor about the topic. He does find it cute, but he doesn’t say anything. There is an amused look on his face as he just stays quiet and listens to you.
Hikaru has no clue what to do. He is just blushing so badly at how cute you are and he wants to hide because he’s going to implode. Ends up grumbling and making a couple comments about your tangent with the topic. His heart is going to give out with your cuteness.
Kaoru also freezes before some laughter escapes. He’s not laughing at you, the situation is just very cute and so he’s laughing. Will ask you questions along the topic just because he likes how excited you are and wants you to keep talking.
You’re going to get a thousand questions from Honey because now he’s invested in the topic. Yes, he finds you absolutely adorable, and now he wants to know everything about whatever you’re interested in so he can talk about it with you many more times!
Mori just listens to you rant and talk really excitedly. His heart is pounding and he has a blush on his face from your adorableness, but doesn’t say anything because he just wants to listen to you and let you continue to be very cute.
1,550 notes - Posted March 14, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
May I request an sdv headcanon on how the bachelors react to their spouse farmer fainting in the mines? You don't have to so them all, I just love your other writings!
S/O Passing Out in the Mines
FANDOM: Stardew Valley
Character(s): Elliot, Harvey, Alex, Sam, Sebastian, Shane
Type of Request: Headcanons
Note(s): Aw thank you! I can do them all but they'll each have 1 headcanon (I do multiple headcanons if the amount of characters is 5 or less)!
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The Bachelors
Alex is freaking out when he learns that you had passed out in the mine. Literally drops everything to go to the clinic to check up on you. You better be ready for a scolding and how Alex is going to go with you next time to keep you safe.
Elliot is so worried when he heard the news. He is quick to take you back to his house after Harvey lets you go. You are going to be on bedrest as Elliot is feeding you natural foods and making sure that you're alright. Complain all you want, he is taking care of you until he thinks you're fine.
Harvey is the one that found you in the mine. He heard mentions of people not thinking you made it back home so he had to go check. Is in a panic as he quickly gets you to the clinic. Harvey takes a deep breath before calming himself as he gets out medicine and bandages to patch you up. You can expect a bill later and a scolding. Hopefully that convinces you not to stay in the mines too long.
Sam is panicking but doing his best to appeal nonchalant. His best isn’t that great though as he’s just staying by your bedside as you rest up and get better. When you wake up then he’ll ask you if you’re okay and ask that you please not go back into the mines anytime soon because he was really scared.
Sebastian will call you an idiot when you wake up, but he says this because of how terrified he was. He did act nonchalant about it but that ended up going away for him to just be angry/scared instead. Seriously, if he had lost you? Just please be more cautious. Or better yet, don’t stay in the mines so late.
Shane is such a wreck when he hears that you ended up passing out in the mines. He’s probably unable to even go to Harvey’s clinic to see you because he’s too busy trying to calm himself and keep him from having a panic attack at his house. You’re okay, you’re alive. He has to keep reminding himself that. He’s already lost so many people, please don’t go adding yourself to that list.
1,552 notes - Posted February 14, 2022
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hhey. um. I had. the dream again. the one about. eyes
and I freaked out cuz. well ok I'm just gonna tell. u the story because jfc
so. I'm like. fully awake at 11:59 pm. talkin to my friends on discord. and at exactly midnight all the sudden I'm freaking exhausted. like the kind where u can barely type or speak
and then I realize that I can ONLY move my hands (despite my best efforts)
so I panic, call writer, I calm down, and I decide to just give in and go tf to sleep
and pretty much immediately after I put my phone down and close my eyes i get that feeling u get when ur sleeping and u feel like ur falling? yk the one. that but strong enough to feel like my soul is being dragged out of my body
obviously im TERRIFIED as I realize that iits the fucking. It's the dream agin and I'm in the void and I'm kat and I'm trapped. and I'm scared
the rest of the dream played out largely the same as the first one but. it said that ii would see it again. sooner this time. and then it literally threw my up back into reality and I shot up when I woke up
panic called writer again cuz WHAT THE FUCK. I couldnt stop shaking and jesus christ it scared my enough to trigger an adrenaline response what the fuck.
aand I went back to sleep cuz its like past midnight yknow? but I couldnt shakke this cold feelingf. like. ur bones are cold kinda thing. I grabbed 3 extra blankets but it was still. there. still kindof is even now
ngl my hands are literally shaking as I type this bbut. yeah
this isnt a joke, btw. this. actually fucking happened and I'm scared
I went back to sleep like right before you sent this so I'm only seeing it now, but Jesus Fucking Christ
I. honestly am genuinely concerned a little bit? That's some "speak of the devil and he shall appear" kind of shit
I hope you're feeling better now! I can't imagine what going through that is like
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Reading Blue Beetle (2006) again <3
This time my thoughts while reading issues from 7 to 8 !! 🪲
(spoilers under the cut as usual ajsj)
Me when I exist (I love this shit):
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+ Jaime I love you (he's me I'm him) (how old was he during this? We might even be the same age 😌)
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+ Right in the old sibling issues ✋😔😭 HE ALSO CALLED HER MUNCHKIN ON THE NEXT PANEL NOBODY TOUCH ME 😭😭😭 (I promise I'm a serious person and I'll write about their relationship in deep but I'm just a silly guy rn)
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+ Peacemaker is back HE'S BACK??!! Good explanation on who Peacemaker is bug guy 👍
+ Quick kit kat but I love that all of Jaime's family and close friends know about him idk how to express it but seeing a superhero be supported by his loved ones feels so good and refreshing (besides they're all super cool and intelligent and practical)
+ Me when Batsy appears: *starts laughing with no reason*
Also this panels
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Then Jaime's mom going "well if Superman asked you"
+ I love when the panels are like half Jaime half Blue Beetle, so sick man
+ "Blow it up" is a good tip I believe.
But also what? 🧍🏻 Can someone please explain to me what Dinah said about Ollie being upset and the poverty thing, please? :d
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+ "I just want to go home" bro my sweet bug guy, I'm so sorry (JL better hide now, y'all had dared to bring Jaime into all this, now suffer the consequences)
+ NONONONONONONONNONOOOO 😭😭 pleaseplease see him see him please c'mon 😭😭😭
+ "You're heroes! Don't leave me alone!" Nobody fucking noticed? Asshats I'm gonna fucking fistfight everyone
+ STOP THIS SHIT😭😭 My bug guy I love you I'm sorry (Mili thank you I love you too <3)
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Bro I swear parted panels between Jaime and the Blue Beetle fucking rule like I can fucking see him see everything again, I mean his eyes look like they do, see everything happening over and over.
+ "Dessert air" Yeah, me too Paco, me too ✋😔 (that better be a friendly hug, I don't wanna get paranoid with this but PLEASE)
+ ROAD TRIP!!!! HELL YEAAAH!!! Brenda and Jaime bickering 🫶 (Brenda kick his ass <3)
+ Has Peacemaker just called Brenda 'Red' *has Max and Eddie flashbacks* nvm
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+ He's kinda right bug guy... (And lmao not them talking about La Dama being Brenda's aunt literally two steps away from her AVDJWNKDJS)
+ Peacemaker guy is called Dan Garett (someone give context or sum please, where does he come from (comic recs?) I think I'm gonna call him Danny 👍
+ Bro AGDJSHJAJ Cinetico laughing at Paco for failing Spanish is real life footage of me and my best friend (Also Spanglish is what my class speaks on English time basically so)
+ Man my exact thoughts on everything (also Mili is my lil sis Istg she's the same😭)
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+ So Dan is the first Blue Beetle granddaughter or sum like that okay cool(?) (not me fucking thinking it was Peacemaker lmaoo 😭😭😭)
(Brenda I love you but why GAKDBWJS)
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+ Mitchell. Mitchell.
+ I'm going to collect silly Brendas on my journey through Blue Beetle issues (I can't put too much pics in just a post so I'll share her once I got a few <3)
+ Dio live reaction:
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+ "My mother didn't raise me like that. It's wrong." Okay. Okay. I'm more of a Red Hood way of thinking instead of Batsy. But I guess Jaime has his point, I respect that and I kinda love that that's his thing, like, I need to be like him and feel all the rage in a different way, to feel kinder ( love you bug guy <3)
+ Lmaooo at least they take care of the town at he end
+ Bugnuts, she said bugnuts— *wheezes*
+ Yeah, I need to hear Peacemaker's story too 👍
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gaydryad · 2 years
you can tell goncharov has gained site-wide appreciation because goddamn goncharov SMUT is now on my tumblr radar despite me barely interacting with the memes at all
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cosycafune · 4 months
you’re an idiot, but that still doesn’t stop katsuki bakugo from saving an anchor like you. an idiot you are, but even idiots can be saved. synopsis of acts: shouting, slight violence, little angst, hidden depression. 18+, college au.
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It’s obvious that Katsuki would stupidly be boisterous in a moment where you need saving. Usually, you’re coddling him, tolerating his raging personality, even if it was softened a twinge for you, but you’d mask your pain so, so, so, so much.
Around him, you’d be an available anchor — stealing hugs from him whenever he was at his highest. But, with your lowest, you would always shun away a heavily persistent Katsuki. He loved you more than anything, but the thought of revealing him to your layered trauma, aching and longing simply etched at your sanity.
Naturally, you had basked in every emotional crevice of him — especially with the lack of pride he took within his callous, deft palms. For a while, Katsuki would withdraw them. His unwavering eyes were elicited by uncertainty, curiosity and undying shame.
Katsuki had never been able to find comfort within his hands around you, but you encouraged his uncertainty to leave.
So, Katsuki never understood why you would steer him away from your aching. You were his anchor, so why would you never allow him to bury himself within your heart, hooking into it and peeling away at the itching ache of sadness that adorns you?
But, you gave him an opportunity to be your undying anchor. An opportunity in the moment where you snuck out from your dorm in the middle of night, in hopes of discovering the escaped whereabouts of Kai Chisaki. A man who hurt you in inexplicable ways.
Katsuki had never been aware of this aspect of you, but seeing you successfully use your quirk to flee from the UA dorms wounded him. You didn’t bother to leave a letter for him, fleeing in no more than a capsule of hatred, irritating, longing and baggage. A baggage you never allowed him to carry or hold down, enamoured by an undying vengeance.
Even as Katsuki followed you, concealing himself rather well, he watches you blankly stare at him. Stare at his angered eyes with an irreversible void, your limbs shimmering with lavender glitter from your quirk activation. An activation that stems from you getting ready to flee, only to rediscover an ounce of your humanity through your shaky boyfriend.
“You idiot, where are you going?!” Katsuki could only nervously shout, watching you take notice of his dark pyjamas.
“Out, Kats’,” Angrily scrunching your eyebrows with every word, you hide your wavering fists — glancing at him with ache.
“It’s three am, you’re not just going out,” Reading the situation, Katsuki lowers his tone to a rare one — his glassy eyes causing you to stop yourself from reaching for him.
“I have to do this alone, Katsuki!” Smoothing your voice, you speak with desperation. Desperation whilst wisps of air descend upon you, leaving you to shrug him off.
“You never let me do things alone, so let me be your anchor for once,” Katsuki crushes you with his pleas, plastering you with a force that crushes your moral.
“What’s an anchor to you?” Questioning Katsuki, your eyes and lips waver in an irreversible manner.
“Something to hold your stubborn self down,” Relentless, Katsuki mindlessly shouts at you — only for his eyes to widen.
Widen at the preposition of danger that remains in front of you.
A villian, adorned with effortless amount of blades that are seconds away from piercing you.
You, his anchor.
Anchor’s aren’t meant to be scratched, altered, dishevelled or dishonoured.
“Katsuki, ru—”
Shocked, that’s what you were. You were pierced with everything that embodies the unknown, torn and reigned upon by your unclassified emotions. Emotions you foolishly acknowledge the moment you take notice of a sharp blade tinting the side of the man you’ve grown to love.
A man you refused to let be your anchor, even if harshness was to be bestowed upon you. As, an anchor’s supposed to hold down the base, lonesome, and subjected to desolate dimness.
That’s what you’re supposed to be, so why was Katsuki stubborn enough to interfere with your role?
It took you then to realise Katsuki Bakugo was stupid enough to save you. Someone who you foolishly deem as unredeemable.
He’s now a burdened idiot, all because of you. Someone he’s desperately trying to save.
do not copy, translate or alter my works. all works are written by me: cosycafune. 2024.
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dollmother · 4 months
her scent, the ghost living under my bed. i am haunted, hunted everywhere i go no matter how much my mind tries to banish her. free me, free me from this cage i’ve laid in. i no longer wish to feel this way, yet.. at every hint of her presence my body reacts viscerally. i can feel my chest tighten and breath tremble around her. i wonder why this is one of the responses i have no power over. despite my needs and wants, this dear vessel betrays me at every turn. there has not been a single moment of respite where thoughts of her left me alone to be at peace. there has not been one day where i have not held her closely to my heart. my mind, body, heart, soul are my limbs. they all move at their own whims, but do they ever collide? i resent that this is what has become of me, prisoner to the ghost of her. i think it over quite often, if i had the chance to redo the past eight months since we’ve met…
i believe i would have stuck with my initial choice to reject her advances. we would have remained just friends, nothing more—companions at a distances, cities apart. i would have stayed in california, and she in D.C—we would have never met each other face to face. or stared longingly at each other’s beaded gaze against the backdrop of sunlight. i still remember the very first time we met in the backdrop of philadelphian sunlight. i think we were both in shock to some extent, emotions buried but not completely hidden. she was just as tall as i expected, had the same awkward stance and smile i’d always known. she did not shatter my illusion from our time behind the electronic screen. in many ways that comforted me. knowing that she was exactly who she always was, i felt joyed in her company. her voice was the same yet, it felt so much different when you could trace her every word on those lips. i knew there was something about this person that would leave me entrenched in our bond. during this time we were just friends with no romantic inclinations towards one another. or was there? was there a tension that i completely ignored because i was distracted by someone else? did i void i try to fill with kat erase the bond we once shared? maybe in that moment i was blind to it. maybe during that time of our first meeting we had a mutual yet latent yearning for one another. i saw her for the first time and i knew something had changed in me. then now, almost two months later things would devolve and turn into this…
sometimes it is difficult to accept that our situation would resolve like this. we aren’t on speaking terms anymore. now it feels as if we are strangers, barely acquaintances that happen to live in the same house. that is our curse, to share the same home, after things have gone so terribly wrong. i have cut the string that tied us together. there isn’t  a single way (that i could think of) to mend this severed connection. but ultimately, that’s how the story ends and we all have to accept that. i believe she has. to be resolved and accepting of how we end. no reconciliation, just a break. whether or not it is clean is up to me and what i choose to do. it pains me to admit that i still harbor deep feelings for her. no matter how hard i try convincing myself im over it—her scent haunts me. then my chest starts hurting whenever she’s closing by.
if it were up to me, i would not feel this way. i’d rather feel nothing towards her than this. now if given the chance, i could return back to the moment when we first met and block her. i think it was inevitable that we would’ve caught feelings for one another even if we tried being just friends. i think i would’ve had to avoid meeting her in the first place …then
then none of the horrible shit that happened between us would’ve happened…
then again, none of our happiest moments would’ve existed either. i would be okay with that. i’d be okay, really—to not have any memories with her and she of mine.. we would’ve carried on with our lives in ignorance of what could’ve been, and what will come to pass. while i could scroll through our past conversations, our texts, our exchanges over discord, our dms on insta and tiktok…god. just so many moments we shared. is it worth all this pain to live knowing what we had together? or is it better in the bliss that we never locked eyes? i don’t know. my life now would’ve been entirely different had we not. i wonder when i’ll be free. if this feeling will ever pass. it most likely will, there’s no way she can linger over me like that? i’ve gotten over everyone i’ve felt this way about in the past yet…. i don’t know. somehow she feels different. i don’t believe she’s like the others at all. is that a crime to admit? this is a fatal wound. i’m not entirely sure i’ll ever truly recover. 
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velvetnviolentviolets · 10 months
(@godccmplex ) Elijah says 17 pls 👏👏
To say that Katherine was jaded would be an over simplification. The chest hallowing dread that came with the mere thought of any semblance of an attachment wasn’t born from thin air. The sentiment of love died a slow death with every encounter.
Watching the the light of her parents love for each other was a thing of beauty. The love between her parents should have been something that set a beautiful precedent for her. However, watching that fairytale love come undone as her father slipped further and further from her mother, himself and his family broke that particular fantasy. The bottle, infidelity, and dangerous dealings with dangerous peoples turned the once gentle man into something none of them recognized.The result was her mothers own usual bright warmth being swallowed into a cold void that left less and less of what had been such a vibrant and loving woman. Till that very emptiness finally took her from them.
At 16 she learned that Love was a precursor to heart break. A high peak and eventually a devastating fall.
The one time she decided to challenge that early lesson on love and loss was James. At 19 it felt easy to think that their love could be better. That *maybe* shed seen enough go wrong to know how to do it right. She was prepared. His whispered promises felt true enough that maybe she could find a love that lasted.
War,broken bones, and death set her straight.
Or so she thought.
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When the label asked specifically for a love song Kat laughed harder than she had in a long time. There was no way she could construct anything honest so of course that was the final track she’d put off and put off.
It wasn’t long after Elijah moved in that she found herself casually mentioning him more and more to her sister in law. He said this or did that. More and more shed always speak his name with a smile that brought about an old familiar warmth in her chest that only made her ruminate more and more on his little mannerisms. The way he’d tilt his head in consideration as he listened to her speak. The way he’d absentmindedly fuss with his hair when he was thinking. The tenderness with which his fingers would work through her hair before bed.
She wasn’t sure exactly when she’d become so preoccupied with him. It probably happened around the same time she began to find the beginnings of a melody that hummed in background of their quiet moments together. Moments where they’d sat quietly in his room or hers; the both of them busy with a book or scribbling away with their own projects.
As their there conversation became more hushed and brushing touches became more intentional, lingering, and intimate. Her own racing heart became the procession, the way the green in his hazel eyes seemed to glow in even the dark became the became the bridge ; and the flavor of his lips became the hook.
“Fuck. . .”
Kat breathed on a heavy sigh as she finally placed her pencil down in the spine of her notebook. Anxious eyes scanning the uncomfortable honesty that stared back at her. There it was in black and white. A love song. An unexpected and frankly terrifying portrait of her own madness. That’s what it was , wasn’t it? To allow yourself to do the same thing over and over and expect a different outcome? Kat had sat in heavy silence for what felt like hours as she fought a quiet battle with herself. Now that the truth was there. She stood from her desk,note book in hand and retrieved her guitar from its place on the wall before making the short walk to his bedroom.
Her hand hesitated briefly as she raised it to the door. It was done and she wanted to show him, share it with him, show him just what his tenderness had gone and done to her.
Maybe a quick rejection would snap her out of this. . . Or maybe-
She swallowed hard as her knuckles rapped against the solid wood, the sound barely audible to her own ears.
“Elijah?” She asked, her voice soft as she pressed her forehead to the door.
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“Are you busy? . . . Can I show you something?”
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