#karamel kisses
cloakndagger2 · 1 year
This is my Roman Empire
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kent-farm · 1 year
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—Supergirl, “City of Lost Children”
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karamell-sweetz · 1 year
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i am not immune to ruikasa
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mrowmrowmrow9 · 1 year
Stats Tag Game
Got the idea from @the-darkdragonfly, I wasn't tagged but it sounded like fun ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Rules: list your fics with the most hits, most kudos, most comments, most bookmarks, most words, and the least words.
Most Hits: A World Where You Can Be Both with 1560 hits, the first of many series finale fix-its. It's one of my first fics, period, so I'm not too fond of it but it seems like people liked it :) Runner-up is The Darkest Place, a s3 canon divergent fic with 1075 hits.
Most Kudos: A World Where You Can Be Both again, with 72 kudos. Followed by The Darkest Place (again) with 66.
Most Comments: The Darkest Place with 38 comments, followed by Without You with 28, which is not linked because I kind of dislike it for...reasons and would rather you not read it 😅
Most Bookmarks: The Darkest Place again with 14 bookmarks, and the honor of second place belongs to Lost In Time which was my very first fic, with 12 bookmarks. I consider bookmarks, at least for me, to be the best way to tell that someone really liked a fic enough to want to read it over and over, so it makes me really happy that people liked that one considering how insecure I was and still am about it.
Most Words: You'll never guess it...The Darkest Place! With 15821 words. Longer than all of my WIPs, too. It honestly boggles my mind to know that I could once write at a rate faster than one sentence every 50 years 😭 It's fine, we'll get back there someday...
Least Words: If The World Was Ending has that honor, with 280 words. And at least a third of that is song lyrics I put at the end. Yep, no regrets, I still love it 😊 😅
And I like the idea of promoting fics we think could use some more love, so here are some extras:
Least Comments: girl of steel, with a grand total of 3 comment threads. I knew my regular audience probably wouldn't be crazy about it since it's all Danvers Sisters and only background karamel, but I hope some other folks enjoyed it. Anyways, it's s4 canon compliant hurt/comfort, give it a read if you'd like! I'd appreciate it 😊
Least Kudos: someday i'll wish upon a star (and wake up where the clouds are far behind me) with 10 kudos. This one I get, it's still really new and only has two chapters out of hopefully eight with no promise of a quick update. BUT I have lots of plans for this one and I hope you'll like them when the time comes :)
Third-to-last in kudos is don't quit 'till the world is hazy (now kiss me open) with 18 kudos, it's smutty fluff (or perhaps fluffy smut?) with a twist at the end. Said twist is probably why people didn't like it too much, but I personally believe it's worth at least a read 😇
Well, that was a fun walk down memory lane! Wanna play @themoonfortress @facepalming-since-chernobyl @peggystormborn @andromedasmith? No pressure :)
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I loved that 50 years annoying thing you posted for Karamel lol!!
It's my headcanon about Karamel being together for years aka keeping each other on the toes ("I feel I always be a little mad at you"). It just fits them in that sweet way, I think. That neverending teasing lovingly each other ending with laughing together. And maybe kissing. Don't mind, I'm gonna just cry in the corner :')
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(Your drink sounds delicious.)
Frankie wants a taste but he's being coy about it, trying to kiss you and taste it that way.
It's not going well and you're getting annoyed. After his last failed attempt you can't take it anymore.
"wtf are you doing?!"
He sighs and grabs your face and finally kisses you how he wanted to.
"Drink tastes good."
"There are so many other ways to go about that, Frankie, omg."
He gives you his not-quite-a-wink and grins.
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Oh. Oh. Oh. I can always trust you to being me the good stuff 🥹❤️ thank you does not cover it!!!!
(it is a good drink, and it's nothing but Stolichnaya Salt Karamel and Martini Extra Dry)
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alwaysspeakshermind · 7 years
My Top 5 Karamel Kisses
Because I just saw the Supergirl Top 5 Kisses video (and loved it, but kind of disagreed with the rankings), I decided to make my own totally unnecessary ranking of Kara/Mon-El kisses with explanations:
#5: “I’m just happy.”
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This one stands out to me because it’s the calm before the storm. The blowup that has been building for a while and that we all know is coming is nearly here. But for the moment, we’re not watching Kara Zor-El, The Last Daughter of Krypton/The Girl of Steel/The Maid of Might, and Mon-El, Prince of Daxam/Frat Boy of The Universe. It’s just Kara and just Mon-El—who they really are when they’re not being bogged down by all the baggage from their pasts. They’re not focusing on any superficial differences or learned prejudices; they’re just two people who love each other and who get a lot of joy out of being together. And the fact that all that’s about to change is why this last pre-revelation kiss is so special to me.
#4: True Love’s Kiss
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Okay. Let it be known here and now that I am the biggest Romantic Moment party pooper EVER. I rarely get sappy when I’m supposed to. Nicholas Sparks and I have a rocky history that involves me laughing in all the wrong places because I find his stories unintentionally hilarious. I’m banished from the room at Christmastime when my mother starts her annual Hallmark movie marathon because she wants to enjoy herself “without sarcastic commentary.” I’ve been making gagging sounds during the kissing parts in Disney movies since I was little (I’ve gotten better, but it still happens from time to time). So when I like a couple or a romantic moment of epically saccharine proportions, it’s kind of a big deal. And I like this moment. A lot. The question Music Meister asks Mon-El (“How much do you love her?”) is simple, because at its core, love is simple: it’s either there, or it isn’t. At the risk of quoting Tom Branson from Downton Abbey, it comes down to whether or not Kara and Mon-El love each other. The rest is detail. This kiss is kind of the visual representation of that fact, and not only is it meaningful to the story, but it’s also beautifully filmed (which I’m a SUCKER for).
#3: “Nothing stopping us.”
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I may be the only Karamel shipper in existence who doesn’t rank this kiss as Numero Uno, but I am perfectly fine with that, and I stand by my choice. On the Hottness Scale (that’s not a misspelling; “hotness” is totally different than “Hottness”) it’s off the charts. All the sexual tension that’s been building between Kara and Mon-El since Day One finally comes to a head, and finally, finally, they get the chance to act on it without interruption. And BOY, do they. This is an absolute whale of a kiss; it ranks up there with some of the best onscreen kisses I’ve ever seen, and I’ve seen my share of those over the years, thank you. It’s a big deal for Kara and Mon-El, too, because the amount of feelings involved on both sides puts them in new territory: Kara’s been able to distance herself from romantic relationships before because her fear of getting hurt outweighs any feelings she was starting to get while Mon-El has never had any feelings to risk. Now they’re both hopping into uncharted waters together, and despite the Holy-Smokes-ness of this kiss, it’s also really sweet. Every time I see it, I’m not sure whether I should blush and look away respectfully or cheer and fan myself because phew, as Nelly would say, it’s getting hot in herre. Decisions, decisions.
#2: “Absolutely beautiful.”
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This is it. This is the reason I’m here today, the moment that started me down a path that eventually led to me finally joining tumblr and writing my first fanfiction. This kiss is so sweet that when I first saw it, even I couldn’t finish the sarcastic comment I was about to make. I seriously sat there clutching my heart with my mouth hanging open, in shock over how I’d reacted when I’d technically had only one episode to watch these two interact (I’d missed episodes 2x04-2x07 when I watched it the first time, so I’d kind of forgotten that Mon-El existed). I put it at a very close second because it’s an adorable moment that essentially jumpstarts the “Oh crap, I think I might like him,” feelings in Kara, and it reveals a lot about Mon-El’s character…he’s always kidding around, acting like a goober, burying feelings under sarcasm, and it’s kind of beautiful to see how he tries to make Kara feel better about the fact that he’s dying because of something her parents did (and after her planet destroyed his). It’s also huge because they both expect him to die, and while he’s accepted that, Kara really hasn’t. When he goes in for the kiss she doesn’t dodge or try to push him away…she kisses back, and that’s where her trouble starts: she realizes that the reason she doesn’t want him to die might be a little more complicated than just not wanting to lose a friend.
#1. The Forehead Kiss
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Yes. Of all the kisses between Kara and Mon-El, this is my favorite, and it’s not even close. Because to me, it’s not *JUST* about the quality and/or sexiness of the kiss itself.  It’s about the significance of the kiss to the characters and storyline, and this one is huge for Kara and Mon’s relationship. They’ve been through a lot of up-and-down, real-world, adult relationship stuff over the past few weeks, and this is the cherry on top. Kara’s bad at relationships. Mon-El’s worse. But they both care about one another and they want to make it work, so they keep bumbling their way through the process, and it’s sweet to watch. I love this moment because it’s the fittingly emotional conclusion to an episode that lives in interpersonal relationships, and it would’ve been so easy for Mon-El to tell Kara “I told you so.” But Kara’s hurting, and he doesn’t even begin to commence to make that kind of comment. Instead, he just sits down with her and gets the surprise of his life when he finds out that Kara doesn’t need him to run around and do a bunch of stuff to make her feel better…she just wants him to be there with her. And personally, I think that’s more romantic than anything else. In my opinion, real love isn’t about remembering birthdays, or anniversaries, or bringing flowers and chocolate and jewelry to someone to “remind them that they’re special”  or anything like that, because the kind of love that lasts is usually a pretty unglamorous thing that takes a lot of work and inevitably involves a lot of disagreements. I have two sets of grandparents who have been married for over fifty years apiece (one set grew up down the road from each other, and the other got engaged after knowing each other for a week), and they’re proof of that. This is my favorite Karamel kiss because it’s so understated and so meaningful…nobody’s dying, or wanting to do it right there on the couch. There’s just one person who’s been hurt and needs comfort, and one person who desperately wants to help in any way they can. It’s boring, and low-key, and real, which is exactly why I love it.
Honorable mentions:
“I love you.”
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This one just missed the cut because as beautiful and intense and passionate (and epic, and sad, etc.) as this kiss is, it doesn’t make as big an impact on me as the others. Yes, Kara finally said those three little words. Yes, I hate seeing them say goodbye. But you know what? Those three little words are totally superfluous. Sure, it’s sweet to hear them said out loud, but Kara and Mon-El are an action-oriented couple. At this point in the show, anyone with eyes knows that Kara loves Mon-El. I know it, Mon-El knows it, Team Flash knows it, Rhea and Lar Gand knew it before they kicked the bucket...you get the picture. Plus, this is a TV show and I’m a realist. The writers are smart enough to know what they’ve got here, and this just has all the earmarks of the kind of love story that can’t be stopped by all of time and space. I was worried about whether or not I was going to lose one of my favorite characters on Supergirl right up until this moment. Then I saw this scene and went, “Oh, good. Yeah, he’ll be back.”
“I would like to wake up with you.”
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Arguably the cutest kiss of the whole season, but just not quite as earth-shattering story-wise as the others above. Still, though...they’re both stupidly happy and it’s a squeaky little kiss. I think I can be forgiven for how much I love this one.
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agentoutofdiaz · 4 years
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themperor-rome · 3 years
If I had a nickel for every time a blonde told her love interest in one of my favorite ships that he drooled in his sleep, I'd have 2 nickels-
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oetravia · 3 years
You know what, cute as the kiss was...
it would've been even better if Brainy had kissed Nia after 'you saved us', continued that little speech, and they'd had another kiss which ended when Nia realised he was crying.
But I do love the parallel between the kiss we got and their first kiss in 4x15, so I'm not complaining.
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sassy-molassy · 4 years
HD + small screen for the best quality! (lyrics translation is in the description) ► My parts (in order of appearance): Archie + Betty [Riverdale] & Lee + Elle [The Kissing Booth]; Stefan + Elena [The Vampire Diaries] & Adam + Diana [The Secret Circle]; Karma + Amy [Faking It] & Grizz + Sam [The Society]; Ben + Rey [Star Wars] & Bellamy + Clarke [The 100]. ► My sister’s parts: Mon-El + Kara [Supergirl]; Sander + Robbe [Skam Belgium]; Philip + Lukas [Eyewitness]; Mike + Will [Stranger Things]; Wesley + Bianca [The Duff]; Elio + Oliver [Call Me By Your Name]; Teh + Oh-aew [I Told Sunset About You]. ► Song: С кем-то делить тебя by Анна Волошина.
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kent-farm · 1 year
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I’m trying to make you breakfast in bed. I’m going for full romance, here. And you have ruined it.
—Mon-El, Supergirl, “Distant Sun”
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karamell-sweetz · 1 year
im literally quaking rn i've just realised that i've never written a kissing scene in my life wtf
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mrowmrowmrow9 · 2 years
If you're feeling sad today, here is 300 words of karamel making out :)
Full, smutty version coming soon to ao3!
“Okay?” Mon-El asks, resting his forehead on hers. 
He can see a half-smile already forming on Kara’s lips. “Okay,” she whispers back.
Their lips meet again and it’s a little deeper this time, a little more purposeful. There’s this desire that comes from somewhere deep inside, to be as close to her as possible, and their current position awkwardly perched on the edge of the couch isn’t really helping matters. 
So Mon-El moves his hands to Kara’s waist and shifts them both, rocking her back so he can kiss her down into the throw pillows at the end of the couch and oh it is just like the first time but better. Her arms are wrapped around his neck and she has a hand in his hair, fingernails gently scratching at his scalp and it sends shivers down his spine.
Touch, smell, taste. The skin of her waist is warm and soft where his hands rest there, under her shirt. She smells like his soap. The inside of her mouth tastes a little like his French onion soup but mostly just like her, the way it always has.
They part for air and Mon-El directs his attention away from Kara’s lips and kisses a path to his favorite spot, the soft flesh just under her jaw where it meets her neck. She lets out a happy little noise, a quiet mmm as he covers her pulse point with wet kisses, grazing with his teeth gently and then less gently. He gives the mark he’s just made a little kiss and Kara makes another breathless sound, one that’s a bit like his name and Mon-El smiles against her.
It’s been so long that he’s almost forgotten what her pulse feels like beating against his lips, how warm her breath is when she exhales shakily in his ear, how every little thing she does makes his heart race. He hopes he doesn’t ever forget it.
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agathastic · 4 years
karamel couch scenes part 2 plus forehead kisses
#tangledkaramel #karamel #karamelscouch ✨
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liloproductions · 8 years
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Karamel and their True Love’s Kiss  I couldn’t help myself
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